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NADIGEST  April 2019, Week 3

NADIGEST April 2019, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 19, # 16


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 21 Apr 2019 09:49:49 -0400





text/plain (336 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 19, # 16

NA Digest  Sunday, April 21, 2019  Volume 19 : Issue 16

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Misprint in article on quaternion multiplication
	New Book, Numerical Analysis: Theory and Experiments
	Modelling the Cardiac Function - iHEART, Italy, Jul 2019
	MACMAS 2019, Spain, Sep 2019
	SIAM Combinatorial Scientific Computing, USA, Feb 2020
	Faculty Positions, Applied Math & Computer Sci, U Rosario, Col
	Postdoc Position, Nonlinear Waves and Ocean Modelling, UCL
	Postdoc Position, Univ of Cambridge
	Doctoral Position, Optimisation, Marie-Curie ITN MINOA

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Dirk Laurie [log in to unmask]
Date: April 18, 2019
Subject: Misprint in article on quaternion multiplication

The English translation, in U.S.S.R. Comput. MathsMath. Phys. Vol.
17, pp. 221-222, of the paper "AN ALGORITHM FOR THE MULTIPLICATION OF
TWO QUATERNIONS" by O.M. Makarov, contains a misprint in the main
formula (3), although the derivation is correct. The last two elements
should be swapped, so that the vector reads $[a_0b_0 a_3b_2 a_1b_3
a_2b_1]$, as can easily be checked by performing the multiplicaton
$[a_0 a_1 a_2 a_3] L_2$. The error already occurs in the Russian
original cited in the translation as Zh. vjkhisl. Mat.  mat. Fiz.,
17,6, 1574-1575,1977.


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: April 19, 2019
Subject: New Book, Numerical Analysis: Theory and Experiments

Numerical Analysis:Theory and Experiments
by Brian Sutton

This textbook develops the fundamental skills of numerical analysis:
designing numerical methods, implementing them in computer code, and
analyzing their accuracy and efficiency. A number of mathematical
problems---interpolation, integration, linear systems, zero finding,
and differential equations---are considered, and some of the most
important methods for their solution are demonstrated and
analyzed. Notable features include the development of Chebyshev
methods alongside more classical ones, a dual emphasis on theory and
experimentation, the use of linear algebra to solve problems from
analysis, and many examples and exercises.  exercises.

2019 / xvi + 431 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-69-7 / List $94.00 /	
SIAM Member $65.80 / OT161

See more details here:


From: Luca Paglieri [log in to unmask]
Date: April 18, 2019
Subject: Modelling the Cardiac Function - iHEART, Italy, Jul 2019

Please note the deadline for abstract submission: April 30, 2019

2019 RISM Congress
iHEART - Modelling the Cardiac Function
22-24 July 2019 - Varese (Italy)

This congress, organised in the context of the prestigious Riemann
International School of Mathematics, aims at focusing on the state of
the art in the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the
cardiac function and its clinical applications.  This event will host
plenary lectures from distinguished scientists as well as contributed
talks, some presented by PhD students and some by senior researchers,
and a poster session. PhD students selected for contributed
presentation will be offered free accommodation.

Deadline for abstract submission 30/04/2019

Plenary speakers: Dominique Chapelle (INRIA, FR), Antonio F. Corno
(U. Leicester, UK), Miguel Fernandez (INRIA, FR), Antonio Frontera
(H. San Raffaele Milano, IT), Rolf Krause (USI, CH), Gernot Plank
(U. Graz, AT), Nicholas Smith (U. Auckland, NZ), Natalia Trayanova
(Johns Hopkins U., USA)

For more information and registration form:


From: Paola Lamberti [log in to unmask]
Date: April 17, 2019
Subject: MACMAS 2019, Spain, Sep 2019

It is our pleasure to announce the International Conference on
Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Approximation and Simulation
(MACMAS 2019), New trends, recent developments and applications in
environment and natural resources, to be held in Granada, Spain,
during September 9-11, 2019.

MACMAS is intended to take place every two years as a new stage of the
previous MAMERN series of international conferences from 2005 to 2017,
now organized by the University Mohammed I, the University of Granada
and the University of Turin.

The scope of the Conference includes, but it is not limited to
Approximation and modeling applied to environment sciences and natural
resources; New applications and developments in approximation methods;
Numerical methods for partial differential equations; Numerical
methods for nonlinear problems; Mathematical methods in image
processing; Optimization methods and applications to natural
phenomena; Computational statistics and applications; Mathematics and
computation in geosciences; Mathematical analysis of models in porous
media; Stochastic partial differential equations

MACMAS invites to present unpublished research advances in the form of
oral or poster communications. After pre-registration (now open),
manuscripts must be written in LaTeX format by using the provided
LaTeX template, without limitation of the number of pages. All
accepted papers will be published as a special publication with an
ISBN number (electronic edition).  Selected papers will be considered
for publication in a special issue of Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation (Elsevier).

For further information about the conference, please visit the
following website addresse:


From: Sherry Li [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2019
Subject: SIAM Combinatorial Scientific Computing, USA, Feb 2020

SIAM CSC20 provides a top-tier forum for presenting original research
on the design, implementation, application, and evaluation of
combinatorial algorithms and data structures that arise from problems
in computational science, computational engineering, and data science.
The conference will be held February 11-13, 2020, Seattle, Washington,
U.S. It will be co-located with SIAM PP20 conference, February 12-15,
2020. Research in CSC involves identifying a scientific computing
problem arising in a relevant application area, representing this
problem using a combinatorial or graph model, describing the
corresponding graph problem, finding an algorithmic approach to its
solution, and carrying out a theoretical and/or experimental analysis
of the approach.  Contributions involving any aspect of this workflow
are welcome. Authors are invited to submit both full papers and
extended abstracts.  All submissions must present original unpublished
research. Full papers may be up to 10 pages in length. The accepted
full papers will be included in the proceedings published by SIAM (the
same publishing platform is used by SODA, ALENEX, ANALCO, etc.). The
proceedings of the previous workshop, CSC18, are at  Short
abstracts could be up to 2 pages in length and should describe
preliminary results for presentation as talks at the workshop, but
these abstracts will not be included in the proceedings. Submissions
should use the LaTeX macros at (authors using other
software should adhere to the same double- column 11pt format).

The record of the earlier CSC Workshops is available at

Submission will be handled through EasyChair.  Submission link:

First submission deadline: August 1, 2019
Notification of Early Decision: October 1, 2019
Second submission deadline: November 15, 2019  (both new and
revised manuscript)
Notification of Final Decision: November 30, 2019
Applications to submit posters: February 10, 2020


From: MACC UR [log in to unmask]
Date: April 18, 2019
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Math & Computer Sci, U Rosario, Col

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at
Universidad del Rosario in Bogota - Colombia - is opening several
Assistant Professor positions.

Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering or related fields, have
teaching experience, and conduct research in one or more of the
following fields or related areas:

Information Security
Cyber Security
Computational Geometry
Computer Graphics
Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Actuarial Sciences

Further information can be found at:

Questions and documents can be sent to [log in to unmask]

Applications are due by May 10, 2019. The call will remain open until
the positions are filled.


From: Professor Ted Johnson [log in to unmask]
Date: April 16, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Nonlinear Waves and Ocean Modelling, UCL

Applications are invited for a full-time Research Fellow position to
work on the project "Stirring at the Walls - A dynamical boundary
model for the ocean". This work forms part of a joint NERC-NSF funded
project between Professor Ted Johnson at University College London and
Professor William Dewar of Florida State University on boundary models
for the ocean. The project will investigate the hypothesis that there
is a gap between the very high spatial and temporal resolution
required in global ocean models to accurately resolve the flow near
ocean boundaries and the lower resolution in both space and time
required to resolve the motion of the ocean interior. The aim is to
produce a dynamical boundary model that can exploit this gap to allow
more accurate simulations at lower computational cost while
simultaneously increasing our knowledge of boundary mixing processes.
Resposibilities: Carrying out vigorous, high-level research into
coupling nonlinear wave models for ocean boundary dynamics to global
circulation models. This should include investigating the extension of
the theory in the paper "A coupled model of interior balanced and
boundary flow" by Deremble, Dewar and Johnson [Ocean Modelling, vol
119, pp 1-12 (2017)] into more general scenarios.  Desirable: Interest
and research experience in at least some of the following areas: the
theory of nonlinear wave dynamics, the numerical treatment of
hyperbolic equations, asymptotic analysis of geophysical equations,
global ocean circulation models. This post is based at UCL and
available from 1 July 2019. Salary will be UCL Grade 7, point 29-32,
which is 35,328 - 38,303 per annum inclusive of London Allowance. This
post is funded for 3 years in the first instance.

Further information at


From: Garth N. Wells [log in to unmask]
Date: April 17, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of Cambridge

Applications are invited for two post-doctoral research associate
positions at University of Cambridge as part of the ASiMoV
Project. ASiMoV is a 5 year research collaboration between the the
universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford and Warwick, and
Rolls-Royce plc.

The posts will research robust and scalable solvers applied to complex
engineering systems. The scope of problems includes solids, fluids and
electromagnetics. Opportunities exist to spend research periods at
partner institutes.

Further information and instructions on how to apply can be found at


From: Sebastian Tschuppik [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2019
Subject: Doctoral Position, Optimisation, Marie-Curie ITN MINOA

The Friedrich-Alexander University invites applications for a doctoral
position within the ITN MINOA ("Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimisation
Applications"). A position as a doctoral researcher is available at
the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Germany,
chair "Wirtschaftsmathematik", within the Marie Curie ITN MINOA.  You
will be supervised by Frauke Liers (FAU) and by Martin Schmidt (Trier
University). We are seeking highly motivated and qualified early-stage
researchers (ESRs) that are looking for obtaining a doctoral degree in
mathematics. You will be trained through an innovative training
program based on your individual research project in exact
optimisation approaches for energy market design. The hosting group:
The optimisation group at FAU has key expertise in modeling and
solving complex and very large-scale planning and optimisation
problems from logistics, energy, production, engineering, and the
natural sciences. The chair "Wirtschaftsmathematik" currently consists
of two professors, 6 postdocs and about 15 PhD students. Each year
about three PhD students finish their thesis. The group participates
in many projects funded by the DFG, the BMBF, or the BMWi, e.g., with
the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and German Railways. In particular,
the group collaborates in the Collaborative Research Center TRR 154
"Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example
of Gas Networks". You will be part of the MINOA network.  The latter
consists of eleven academic partners institutions and six industrial
partners from six different countries in Europe.

You are eligible to apply for a position within the MINOA network, if
- you hold a M.Sc. degree by the starting date of the fellowship, in
  one of the following areas: Mathematics, Computer Science, or in a
  closely related field;
- you have not resided or carried out your main activity (work,
  studies, etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3 years
  immediately prior to your recruitment;
- at the time of recruitment, you are in the first four years
  (full-time equivalent research experience) of your research career
  (after having obtained your M.Sc. degree) and have not been awarded
  a doctoral degree;
- you are proficient in the English language.

You will need to provide us with the following documents:
a) Letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
b) Copies of degree and academic transcripts (with grades and rankings)
c) Brief summary of Master's thesis (max. 1 page)
d) Short CV including a publication list (if any)

All the above-mentioned documents should be sent to [log in to unmask]

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