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NADIGEST  February 2019, Week 3

NADIGEST February 2019, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 19, # 7


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 17 Feb 2019 19:41:46 -0500





text/plain (356 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 19, # 7

NA Digest  Sunday, February 17, 2019  Volume 19 : Issue 7

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems, China, Apr 2019
	IMA Cryptography and Coding, UK, Dec 2019
	Projection Algorithms, Poland, Aug-Sep 2020
	Professorship Position, Geometric analysis/Differential Geometry, Germany
	Junior-Professorship Position, Machine Learning, Heidelberg Univ
	Visiting Assistant Professor Positions, Wake Forest Univ
	Postdoc Position, Dynamic Control, DyCon Project, DeustoTech
	Postdoc Position, Dynamic Control, DyCon Project, UAM
	PhD Positions, European network POEMA
	PhD Positions, Gothenburg, Sweden
	MSc Program, Financial and Comp Mathematics, Univ College Cork, Ireland

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Martin Stynes [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2019
Subject: Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems, China, Apr 2019

The 3rd Workshop on "Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative
Problems" will be held at Beijing Computational Science Research
Center on 26 & 27 April 2019. The previous two workshops on this
topic, held at Beijing CSRC in 2017 and 2018, each attracted more than
100 participants. This year's workshop, in addition to focusing on
fractional derivative problems, will include a few talks on the
closely-related area of inverse problems.

The main speakers are Buyang Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic), William
McLean (University of New South Wales), Chuanju Xu (Xiamen) and
Masahiro Yamamoto (Tokyo).  Other invited speakers, and full details
regarding the workshop, are listed on the workshop website

A few slots are still open for contributed talks; if you wish to
submit a talk, then please email [log in to unmask] your title
and abstract (between a half-page and one page) as soon as possible.

Registration at the workshop website is now open.


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2019
Subject: IMA Cryptography and Coding, UK, Dec 2019

16 - 18 December 2019, St Anne's College, University of Oxford

The mathematical theory and practice of both cryptography and coding
underpins the provision of effective security and reliability for data
communication, processing and storage. This seventeenth International
Conference in an established and successful IMA series on the theme of
"Cryptography and Coding" solicits original research papers on all
technical aspects of cryptography and coding are solicited for
submission.  Submissions are welcome on any cryptographic or
coding-theoretic topic including, but not limited to: Foundational
theory and mathematics; The design, proposal, and analysis of
cryptographic or coding primitives and protocols; - Secure
implementation and optimisation in hardware or software; and - Applied
aspects of cryptography and coding.

Submission Deadline: 14 July 2019

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the
authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to a
journal or any other conference or workshop with proceedings.
Accepted submissions may not appear in any other conference or
workshop that has proceedings. Authors of accepted papers must
guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference and
must make a full version of their paper available online.  All
submissions will be blind-reviewed. Papers must be anonymous, with no
author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious
references. Submissions should begin with a cover page containing
title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. The body of the paper
should be at most 14 pages, excluding the title page with abstract,
the bibliography, and clearly marked appendices. Committee members are
not required to review appendices, so the paper should be intelligible
and self-contained within this length. The submission must be in
Springer's LNCS format. Submissions not meeting these guidelines
risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Submissions should be submitted via EasyChair:

Website Link:


From: Andrzej Cegielski [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2019
Subject: Projection Algorithms, Poland, Aug-Sep 2020

I would like to announce the conference "Projection Algorithms:	Stefan
Kaczmarz 125th birthday anniversary", Bedlewo, Poland, August 31st -
September 5th, 2020


From: Carolin Gietz [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2019
Subject: Professorship Position, Geometric analysis/Differential Geometry, Germany

The Mathematical Institute of the University of Munster, Germany, is
seeking applicants for a Professorship of Theoretical Mathematics in
geometric analysis/differential geometry, W2 level.

The position will start as soon as possible.

The professorship should strengthen and complement one or more of the
existing research areas in the Mathematical Institute. It should also
contribute to existing and future third-party funded projects and
research networks, in particular the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics
Munster. Prerequisites for appointment include a doctoral degree in
mathematics or an adjoining area, as well as a strong research profile
and relevant teaching experience.  Other prerequisites for applying
are academic achievements made as a Juniorprofessor (assistant
professor), in a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification), as a
member of the academic staff of a university or non-university
research institute, or in a research position in business, industry,
administration or other relevant fields in Germany or abroad.

The University of Munster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities. We also welcome applications from candidates with
severe disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent
qualifications will be preferentially considered.  Please send your
application by 30 March 2019 as a single PDF file to
[log in to unmask]  For further information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth ([log in to unmask]).


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2019
Subject: Junior-Professorship Position, Machine Learning, Heidelberg Univ

The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at
Heidelberg University invites applications for a

Junior-Professorship in *Machine Learning in Scientific Computing*
(W1, fixed term for 6 years)

This Junior-Professorship is part of the funding programme Artificial
Intelligence Baden-Wurttemberg (KI-BW) and comes with excellent
financial resources. The main research focus of the successful
applicant should be in the development of methodologies in machine
learning that address in particular problems, where the sparsity or
uncertainty of data requires an integration of machine learning
algorithms with established physical or other parametric models.

Heidelberg University seeks to achieve a higher proportion of women in
areas where they have not been adequately represented so far. Women
with the requisite qualifications are expressly encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline: 01/04/2019

More details about the position and the application process can be
found at


From: Jennifer Erway [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2019
Subject: Visiting Assistant Professor Positions, Wake Forest Univ

Wake Forest University's Department of Mathematics and Statistics is
seeking applications for several Visiting Assistant Professor
positions in Mathematics or Statistics beginning July 2019. We have
both one- and two-year positions available. We seek highly qualified
candidates who have a commitment to excellence in teaching. A Ph.D. in
Mathematics, Statistics or a related area is preferred, but
exceptional candidates with a Master's degree in Mathematics,
Statistics or a related area will also be considered. The university
has faculty in numerical optimization and numerical linear algebra.
The department has eighteen tenure-track faculty, three teaching
professionals and four teacher-scholar postdocs.  The department
offers both a B.A. and a B.S. in Mathematics, a B.A. and a B.S. in
Mathematical Statistics, a B.S. in Applied Mathematics, and a B.S.  in
each of Mathematical Business and Mathematical Economics. The
department also has a graduate program offering an M.A. with a track
in each of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. The teaching load
for this position is three courses per semester.

More information and to apply, click here:

Wake Forest University is a private, coeducational institution
dedicated to academic excellence in liberal arts, graduate and
professional education.  Founded in 1834, the University is ranked
among the top 30 national universities, and ranked 11th in teaching
among national universities. With 5,000 undergraduates and 3,000
graduate and professional students, the student-faculty ratio is
11:1. Wake Forest is a collegiate university offering a vibrant
intellectual community with a rich cultural life, an impressive array
of facilities and an active athletics community. The University has a
deep institutional commitment to public service and engagement with
the world, as indicated by the motto "pro humanitate." For quick facts
about the University, go to .


From: Chair of Computational Mathematics [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dynamic Control, DyCon Project, DeustoTech

The Chair of Computational Mathematics led by Enrique Zuazua of
DeustoTech Research Center (Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain) offers a
postdoctoral position to carry out mathematical and computational
research, with excellent facilities within a world-wide academic and
industrial-technological network. The duration of the contract is of
12 months, with a possible extension to one more year.

Link to the offer and further information:


From: Chair of Computational Mathematics [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dynamic Control, DyCon Project, UAM

The Chair of Computational Mathematics led by Enrique Zuazua
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain - DeustoTech Research Center,
Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain) offers a postdoctoral position to carry
out mathematical and computational research, with excellent facilities
within a world-wide academic and industrial-technological network. The
duration of the contract is of 12 months, with a possible extension to
one more year.

Link to the offer and further information:


From: Evelyne Hubert [log in to unmask]
Date: February 16, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, European network POEMA

Call for applications to 15 open PhD positions in the EU Marie Curie
Innovative Training Network POEMA: Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency
through Moments and Algebra. The deadline for applications is March
15, 2019, and the positions are expected to start from
September-October 2019, the required Master can be obtained after the
deadline. The POEMA (Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through
Moments and Algebra) consortium is seeking highly motivated and
qualified Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) for 15 open PhD positions.

The goal of the POEMA consortium is to train scientists at the
interplay of algebra, geometry and computer science for polynomial
optimization problems. The proposed PhD projects are investigating the
development of new algebraic and geometric methods combined with
computer algebra techniques for global non-linear optimization
problems and their applications.

The network partners are Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France, (Bernard
Mourrain, Evelyne Hubert); CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse France (Didier
Henrion); Sorbonne Universite, Paris, France (Mohab Safey el Din);
NWO-I/CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Monique Laurent);
Univ. Tilburg, the Netherlands (Etienne de Klerk); Univ. Konstanz,
Germany (Markus Schweighofer); Univ. degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
(Giorgio Ottaviani); Univ. of Birmingham, UK (Mikal Kocvara);
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen, Germany (Michael Stingl);
Univ. of Tromsoe, Norway (Cordian Riener); Artelys SA, Paris, France
(Arnaud Renaud)

The associate partners are IBM Research, Ireland (Martin Mevissen);
NAG, UK (Mike Dewar); RTE, France (Jean Maeght)

Details about the POEMA consortium, about the available PhD positions
and how to apply can be found at the following links:


From: Stig Larsson [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers University of
Technology and University of Gothenburg advertises 8 PhD student
positions in pure and applied mathematics and mathematical statistics,
some of them in collaboration with the Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre.

Application deadline: March 17, 2019.

For more information, see


From: Conall Kelly [log in to unmask]
Date: February 14, 2019
Subject: MSc Program, Financial and Comp Mathematics, Univ College Cork, Ireland

University College Cork, Ireland, is accepting applications for a new
taught Masters programme, to start in September 2019:

MSc Financial and Computational Mathematics

Modern finance is increasingly reliant upon advanced mathematical and
computational techniques for the modelling of asset and financial
market movements, the design and valuation of financial derivatives,
and portfolio management. The rapid increase in available computing
speeds over the past fifteen years has led to the widespread adoption
of sophisticated computational methods for financial modelling and the
development of algorithmic approaches to market trading.

This programme provides an appropriately rigorous treatment of
branches of mathematics applicable to financial modelling, including
measure- theoretic probability, stochastic processes in discrete and
continuous time, and partial differential equations. Computational
methods are a core part of the programme; we provide exposure to
relevant software including Python, R and C#, and the option to study
machine learning, which is emerging as an essential and rapidly
developing tool in industry.

The programme is targeted at students pursuing degrees in the
mathematical sciences who wish to enhance their employment options by
studying advanced mathematics with a financial focus. Cork is located
in the southwest of Ireland and enjoys proximity to financial sector
employers in Ireland (for the example in the IFSC in Dublin) and in
other European financial centres.

For further information, including details of how to apply, see

End of Digest

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