Subject: NA Digest, V. 19, # 4
NA Digest Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 4
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]
Today's Topics:
British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Apr 2019
Data Science and Machine Learning, UK, Apr 2019
ExaHyPE Workshop, UK, Apr 2019
Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra, UK, May 2019
High Performance Data Analytics, France, Jun 2019
Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Germany, Aug 2019
Porous Media, Brazil, Aug 2019
Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2019
ENUMATH2019, The Netherlands, Sep 2019
Faculty Positions, Mathematics, TU Eindhoven
Professorship Position, Analysis, Theory of Partial Differential Equations
MATHRIX Assistant Professorship Position, Mathematics
Senior Lecturer Position, Umea Univ, Sweden
Postdoc Positions, Image/Video Processing/Analysis, ML, Shenzhen Univ
Postdoc Positions, Mathematics, Univ Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Postdoc and PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, RWTH Aachen
Postdoc and Summer Student Positions, Quantum Computing, Argonne
Doctorate Research Position, Faculty of Mathematics, Univ of Vienna
Givens Associate Positions (PhD Students), Argonne
PhD Position, Mechanics of Mechanical Metamaterials, Czech Technical Univ
PhD Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra and HPC, Charles Univ
PhD Positions, Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra
Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), 50
Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 37 (1)
Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 80 (1)
Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 7 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Alexander Brune [log in to unmask]
Date: January 23, 2019
Subject: British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Apr 2019
The registration for the British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium
(BYMC) 2019 is now open and we are accepting abstracts. We encourage
young researchers from all fields of mathematics to submit an abstract
for a short talk.
This year, we have made a particular effort to make the conference as
accessible as possible to people with disabilities.
For all details on registration, abstract submission, and accessi-
bility information, please visit http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/BYMC/.
- Deadlines -
15th March: Abstract submission
29th March: Registration
From: Christopher Overton [log in to unmask]
Date: January 28, 2019
Subject: Data Science and Machine Learning, UK, Apr 2019
The University of Liverpool SIAM-IMA Student Chapter would like to
invite you all to the "Liverpool Early Career Researcher Conference
2019: Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence,"
held on the 3rd - 5th April 2019. The aim of this conference is to
bring together a community of people interested in data science,
machine learning and artificial intelligence and their applications to
statistics, health and life sciences.
Invited Speakers:
- Nick Higham (Applied Mathematics, University of Manchester)
- Tony Hey (Chief Data Scientist, STFC)
- Richard Pinch (Former Head of Profession for Mathematics, GCHQ)
- Danielle Belgrave (Machine Learning Researcher, Microsoft
- Xiaowei Huang (Computer Science, University of Liverpool)
- Edward Pyzer-Knapp (Machine Learning and AI, IBM)
- Simon Maskell (Autonomous Systems, University of Liverpool)
- Maria Angela Ferrario (Digital Technology and Environmental
Change, University of Lancaster)
- David Hughes (Biostatistics, University of Liverpool)
The deadline for talk/poster submission is 28th February 2019, and the
deadline for registration is 20th March. For more information and to
register, please visit the conference website
From: Anne Reinarz [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2019
Subject: ExaHyPE Workshop, UK, Apr 2019
ExaHyPE (exahype.eu) is an open source simulation engine to solve
systems of hyperbolic equation systems. For this workshop, we invite
existing users and interested potential users alike to join us for
four days. Users can try out the engine while some developers are
around, i.e. they start the week with a problem given as PDE in mind
and go home with a working first prototype built on top of ExaHyPE.
The workshop takes place at Grey College at Durham University. We
start with a reception in the evening of Monday, 22 April 2019 and
wrap up the workshop in the morning of Friday, 26 April 2019.
Registration at:
We can provide a limited number of travel grants to European partners.
From: Nick Higham [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2019
Subject: Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra, UK, May 2019
Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra: Celebrating the Centenary of the
Birth of James H. Wilkinson, May 29-30, 2019
This international workshop focuses on numerical linear algebra (NLA)
and will bring together researchers working in NLA to discuss current
developments, challenges in the light of evolving computer hardware,
and the changing needs of applications.
September 27, 2019 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of James
Hardy Wilkinson, who died in 1986. Wilkinson's legacy endures and one
of the aims of the workshop is to take stock of what has changed in
error analysis since Wilkinson's era and to discuss current challenges
and ways to approach them.
For details of the conference, for which contributed talks and posters
are invited, see
From: Laura Grigori [log in to unmask]
Date: January 23, 2019
Subject: High Performance Data Analytics, France, Jun 2019
The 10th Gene Golub SIAM Summer School will take place in France, at a
conference center in Aussois, in the French Alps from June, 17 to
June, 28, 2019 and will be held in conjunction with the SIAM Activity
Group on Supercomputing. The intended audience is intermediate
graduate students (students with a Master's degree, Ph.D. students, or
equivalent). The focus of the school will be on large-scale data
analytics, which lies at the intersection of data analytics algorithms
and high performance computing. Students will be introduced to
problems in data analytics arising from both the machine learning and
the scientific computing communities. The school will include
perspectives from industry, such as Hodge Star Scientific Computing,
IBM, and NVIDIA, as well as from academic instructors, including
- Animashree Anandkumar (Caltech and Nvidia)
- Haesun Park (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Tammy Kolda (Sandia National Laboratories)
- Jack Poulson (Hodge Star Scientific Computing)
- Costas Bekas (IBM)
All courses will have a strong computing component. The school will be
held in the spirit of Gene Golub, with lots of interactions between
the lecturers and the participants. A poster blitz and a poster
session will be organized for students who wish to present their own
work. The lectures will have associated labs that will allow the
students to get hands-on experience and have a closer interaction with
the lecturers. The school is being organized by Laura Grigori (Inria
and Sorbonne University), Matthew Knepley (University at Buffalo),
Olaf Schenk (Universita della Svizzera italiana), and Rich Vuduc
(Georgia Institute of Technology).
We invite graduate students from disciplines related to the topic of
the school (mathematical sciences, computing sciences, or a domain
science with a computational science and engineering focus), to
apply. Our mission is to increase diversity and we encourage students
from under-represented groups to apply. Attendance will be restricted
to about 40 well-qualified participants, who will be selected based on
the submitted application documents.
Applications are being accepted now through February 8, 2019. More
information is available on the G2S3 2019 website
From: Cecilia Bonetti [log in to unmask]
Date: January 25, 2019
Subject: Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Germany, Aug 2019
We cordially invite you to contribute to the Sixth International
Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) in Berlin, Aug 3-8,
2019. The scientific program of the ICCOPT 2019 contains organized
sessions and talks, which are assigned to one of thematic clusters
listed below. You can also present a scientific poster. Please submit
your organized session by Feb 22, and your talk by Mar 22. More
details can be found on the webpage: https://iccopt2019.berlin.
6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization
Amir Beck, Tamara G. Kolda, Uday V. Shanbhag, Michael Ulbrich
Heinz Bauschke, Frank E. Curtis, Radu I. Bot, Darinka Dentcheva,
Amr S. El-Bakry, Frauke Liers, Lieven Vandenberghe
CLUSTERS OF THE CONFERENCE: Applications in Energy, Science and
Engineering; Applications in Finance and Economics; Big Data and
Machine Learning; Complementarity and Variational Inequalities; Conic,
Copositive, and Polynomial Optimization; Convex and Nonsmooth
Optimization; Derivative-free and Simulation-based Optimization;
Global Optimization; Multi-Objective and Vector Optimization;
Nonlinear Optimization; Optimization Implementations and Software;
Optimization Applications in Mathematics of Planet Earth;
PDE-constrained Optimization and Optimal Control; Robust Optimization;
Sparse Optimization and Information Processing; Stochastic
From: Sandra Malta [log in to unmask]
Date: January 27, 2019
Subject: Porous Media, Brazil, Aug 2019
The venue will be in Petropolis, LNCC August 5 - August 9, 2019, see
The online submission of abstracts for Semi-plenaries and Contributed
talks is open and ends at March 31, 2019. Acceptance of your
submissions will be sent by April 26, 2019. You are cordially invited
to submit your abstract of either a Semi-plenary or a Contributed
talks. A single abstract is required which will be evaluated by the
Scientific Committee.
The scientific program will focus on advances in the research,
methods, and theory of (but not limited to): Digital Imaging (micro-CT
images, Pore-scale imaging & modeling, upscaling of pore-scale
forces); Nanomateriais (Theory, Applications, Lattice Boltzmann, DNS,
Pore-Scale, Discrete Network); Numerical Simulation HPC; Uncertainty
Quantification and Geostatistical Models; Applications in Biological
systems, Biotechnology and Medicine; Fundamental mathematics of porous
media flows (Theory, Computations and applications); Petroleum science
and technology (Theory, Computations and applications); Water
Resources (Theory, Computations and applications); Seismic and Inverse
problems; Applications in renewable energy; Geo, rock and soil mechanics
See Interpore Newsletter for the link to the meeting
From: Martin Stoll [log in to unmask]
Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2019
The annual GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will
be held in Chemnitz, Germany, September 26-27 2019.
The special emphasis of the workshop is on the application of
numerical linear algebra in the sciences. But all other aspects of
applied and numerical linear algebra are most welcome.
Invited speakers (confirmed):
Alison Ramage (University of Strathclyde, Scotland),
Andreas Frommer (Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Germany),
Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin, Germany).
The workshop will consist of three invited talks and contributed talks
of 25 minutes.
More information on deadlines and registration can be found on the
webpage: www.chemnitz-am.de/anla2019
From: Kees Vuik [log in to unmask]
Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: ENUMATH2019, The Netherlands, Sep 2019
European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Conference
2019, September 30 - October 4, 2019
Egmond aan Zee
The Netherlands
Taking into account requests from prospective participants at
ENUMATH2019, it has been decided to extend the deadline for submission
of mini-symposia proposals to February 14, 2019.
Organizers of mini-symposia are encouraged to submit a 1-page abstract
The title of the mini-symposium;
The scientific contents of the mini-symposium;
A list of speakers, please, provide 4, 8 or 12 speakers
For any further questions please contact the conference secretariat at
[log in to unmask]
From: Michiel Hochstenbach [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2019
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematics, TU Eindhoven
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at TU Eindhoven is
looking for new faculty members to expand its academic staff. We
welcome applications in all areas of mathematics and at all levels,
ranging from (tenure-track) assistant professor to full professor.
More details are available at
From: Carolin Gietz [log in to unmask]
Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: Professorship Position, Analysis, Theory of Partial Differential Equations
The newly established Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster:
Dynamics - Geometry - Structure at the University of Munster, Germany,
invites applications for a Full Professorship in Analysis - Theory of
Partial Differential Equations Bridging the Gaps Professorship, W3
level at the Mathematical Institute as soon as possible.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of
Munster is looking for a dynamic and committed personality with an
outstanding research profile in the field of analysis and theory of
partial differential equations, whose research establishes links
between applied and theoretical mathematics. A visible role in intra-
and interdisciplinary cooperations and collaborations with existing
and planned third-party funded projects and research centres is
expected, as well as participation in our teaching
programme. Prerequisites for the application are a doctoral degree in
mathematics or a connected field, an outstanding international
research profile, and corresponding teaching experience. Prerequisite
for the application are also academic achievements made as a
Juniorprofessor (assistant professor), in a Habilitation (postdoctoral
qualification), as a member of the academic staff of a university or
non-university research institute, or in a research position in
business, administration or other relevant fields in Germany or abroad.
The University of Munster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities. We also welcome applications from candidates with
severe disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent
qualifications will be preferentially considered. Applications,
including a CV, list of publications, research plan, and teaching
portfolio, should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file by
30 March 2019 to [log in to unmask]
From: Carolin Gietz [log in to unmask]
Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: MATHRIX Assistant Professorship Position, Mathematics
The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster:
Dynamics-Geometry-Structure at the University of Munster, Germany,
invites applications for two MATHRIX Assistant Professorships in
Mathematics (salary level W1)
One of the positions will be filled in an area of theoretical
mathematics, and the other in an area of applied mathematics. The
professorships are for three years with the possibility of an
extension for another three years upon positive evaluation. In
exceptional cases, a position may be tenured. Applications are
particularly welcome if they strengthen, complement and/or connect
existing research areas of the cluster. Successful candidates should
contribute to existing and/or future third-party funded grants. The
professorships should contribute to gender equality within the
mathematical sciences, which might, for example, be documented by an
appropriate gender equality concept. Applicants must hold a doctoral
degree in mathematics or a related discipline. They should demonstrate
a strong research record and appropriate teaching experience.
Applications should contain a cover letter, a CV, a publication list,
a research plan relating to the research of Mathematics Munster and a
teaching portfolio.
Please apply using our online application form at:
The University of Munster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities. We also welcome applications from candidates with
severe disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent
qualifications will be preferentially considered.
If you have any questions please contact:
[log in to unmask]
The evaluation for the current application round will start on March,
15th, 2019. Later applications may also be considered.
From: Åke Brännström [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2019
Subject: Senior Lecturer Position, Umea Univ, Sweden
The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umea
University, Sweden invites applications for a position as Senior
Lecturer in Mathematics, with particular emphasis on computational
mathematics. Last application date is 2019/02/27.
The applicant is expected to carry out research in Mathematics that
connect to the department's research activities in Computational
Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics or Mathematical Modelling and
Analysis. The applicant is also expected to participate in our
educational activities in the area, which includes teaching and
pedagogical development work at both undergraduate and graduate level,
as well as supervision and examination of student theses. Supervision
of PhD students and postdocs may also be part of the employment. The
applicant is expected to participate in departmental activities in a
broad sense.
For the first three years, the employment comes with research time
corresponding to 50 % of full time. After these three years, there is
the possibility to apply in competition for up to 75 % research time
from the faculty. At the department, there is also the possibility to
apply for co- funding of PhD-student positions.
The salary for a senior lecturer is typically 547200-636000 SEK per
year. The position comes with retirement benefits. In addition, Sweden
has an excellent welfare system that includes generous paid parental
leave (480 days / child), steeply subsidized day care, steeply
subsidized health care, etc.
The position is full time from autumn 2019 or upon to agreement.
See https://umu.mynetworkglobal.com/en/what:job/jobID:247263/ for
more details and instructions on how to apply. Welcome with your
From: J. Lu [log in to unmask]
Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Image/Video Processing/Analysis, ML, Shenzhen Univ
Postdoc Positions in Shenzhen University, China
Location: Shenzhen, China
Job Type: Full-Time
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 Positions
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
Description: We are looking for Postdoctoral Researchers in
Image/Video Processing/Analysis, Machine Learning (Deep Learning),
Mathematical Imaging and Optimization, etc.
We have no teaching tasks and check in / check out policy for
Postdoctoral Researchers.
- Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine Learning
and Applications)
- Prof. Lixin Shen (Syracuse University, USA)
The salary is about 30,000 RMB (44,000 US dollars) per year, of which
120,000 RMB per year comes from a local government source as a
tax-free postdoc subsidy. Those who are interested please send their
C.V. to Prof. Dr. Jian Lu, e-mail: [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]
From: Antonio Malheiro [log in to unmask]
Date: January 23, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Mathematics, Univ Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Two postdoctoral positions in Mathematics are opened at Centre of
Mathematics and Applications (CMA) in the framework of the project
Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes/NOVA.ID.FCT - Associacao para a
Investigacao e Desenvolvimento da FCT (Mathematics/UI297), which is
financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/MAT/00297/2019) at the
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Number of grants: 2
Location: Department of Mathematics of the Universidade NOVA de
Lisboa, Portugal.
Duration: Initially 9 months, with possible extension.
Starting date: expected to start in 01 st April 2019, depending on
bureaucratic details.
Applications: expected to open 7th February 2019.
If you wish to receive an email with the official announcement and
with further details and information on how to apply, please send an
email to [log in to unmask] .
From: Benjamin Stamm [log in to unmask]
Date: January 28, 2019
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, RWTH Aachen
The group of Computational Mathematics [1] at the Center for
Computational Engineering Science at RWTH Aachen University invites
applicants for a Postdoc or PhD position in the area of scientific
computing and/or numerical analysis in computational chemistry, in
particular with focus on eigenvalue problems.
The group develops new methods for problems arising in theoretical
chemistry, physics and material science with focus on a solid
mathematical framework, but many projects of the group are
For all positions, excellent knowledge about numerical analysis and
scientific computing, with preference with expertise in the
discretisation of partial differential equations or eigenvalue
problems, as well as good programming skills are expected. Please
send the application including the CV and a statement of motivation to
Prof. B. Stamm ([log in to unmask]). Applications sent
before February 15 will be given preference.
[1]: http://www.mathcces.rwth-aachen.de/5people/stamm/start
From: Martin Suchara [log in to unmask]
Date: January 23, 2019
Subject: Postdoc and Summer Student Positions, Quantum Computing, Argonne
The quantum computing group at Argonne National Laboratory is looking
for postdoctoral scholars and summer students to perform research in
quantum computing. Research topics of interest include quantum
networking, quantum algorithms, quantum distributed systems, quantum
error correction, and simulations of quantum networks.
Interested candidates should send their CV to the project lead Martin
Suchara at [log in to unmask] Candidates for postdoctoral positions can
also apply directly at https://www.anl.gov/hr/postdoctoral-applicants
for a position with requisition number 405345. The full advertisement
can be downloaded at
The quantum computing group at Argonne National Laboratory is part of
the Chicago Quantum Exchange, a research hub that is building a
30-mile quantum teleportation network. Our group members have the
opportunity to collaborate with leading experts across the laboratory
divisions and at partner institutions. We offer a competitive
compensation and benefits package, relocation, and assistance with
visa processing for international candidates.
From: Min Hadler [log in to unmask]
Date: January 25, 2019
Subject: Doctorate Research Position, Faculty of Mathematics, Univ of Vienna
We are offering a Doctorate Research Position within the FWF-funded
International Project Novel Error Measure and Source Conditions of
Regularization Methods.
Detailed description:
From: Stefan Wild [log in to unmask]
Date: January 23, 2019
Subject: Givens Associate Positions (PhD Students), Argonne
The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne
National Laboratory is developing innovative techniques in numerical
computing and computational mathematics in its Laboratory for Applied
Math, Numerical Software, and Statistics (LANS). The Givens Associate
program is intended to encourage graduate students who are beginning
careers in numerical analysis or computational mathematics.
Givens Associates will work actively with MCS scientists designing,
analyzing, and implementing numerical, statistical, and learning
algorithms. For further information about applied mathematics,
numerical software, and statistics research related areas in MCS, see
The deadline for all application materials is March 1, 2019 but
applications will be processed starting February 1. Please see
complete details at https://www.anl.gov/mcs/givens-associates .
Candidates must be in a Ph.D. program in applied mathematics, computer
science, computational science, statistics, or a related field at a
U.S. university (U.S. citizenship is not required).
From: Jan Zeman [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Mechanics of Mechanical Metamaterials, Czech Technical Univ
Professor Milan Jirasek at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech
Technical University in Prague, is searching for a motivated
Ph.D. student, who will work on our new ambitious project on
non-periodic mechanical metamaterials. Candidates should be interested
in and have some previous experience with mathematical modeling and
numerical simulation of the mechanical response of materials and
Interested candidates are invited to proceed to
https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/370091 for additional details on
the opening.
From: Erin Carson [log in to unmask]
Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra and HPC, Charles Univ
Funded PhD positions are available at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics at Charles University in Prague within the framework of the
Primus Research Program "Scalable and Accurate Numerical Linear
Algebra for Next-Generation Hardware", led by Erin Carson.
Applications are invited from candidates who have strong background in
numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis, parallel computing, or
computational and data science application areas. The start date is
Fall 2019, by which time the applicants must hold a Master's degree.
Successful candidates must formally enroll in the PhD program at
Charles University.
Further details about the positions and potential PhD projects can be
found here: www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~carson/primusjobs.html
To apply, candidates should submit the following documents to
[log in to unmask] by March 22, 2019:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Cover Letter explaining motivation and interest
- Brief summary of Master's thesis (including pdf file of Master's
thesis if available)
In addition, the candidate should arrange for two letters of
recommendation to be sent directly to the same e-mail address before
March 22, 2019.
Contact: Erin C. Carson,
Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics & Physics,
Charles University, Sokolovska 83, 18675 Prague
Email: [log in to unmask]
Homepage: www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~carson
From: Michal Kocvara [log in to unmask]
Date: January 27, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra
POEMA - 15 Doctoral Student Positions Available on the subject of
Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra at
eleven European Research Institutes and Universitites. The Innovative
Training Network POEMA is hiring 15 Doctoral Students starting from
September 2019. The proposed projects will be investigating the
development of new algebraic and geometric methods combined with
computer algebra techniques for global non-linear optimization
problems. Applications will focus on smarter cities challenges, urban
traffic management, water network management, energy flow control, or
environmental monitoring.
Available positions
- Algebraic tools for exact SDP and its variants - Advisor: M. Safey
el Din (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
- Exact algorithms for structured polynomial optimisation - Advisor:
M. Safey el Din (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
- Polynomial optimization problems with symmetry - Advisor: C.
Scheiderer (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany)
- Hyperbolic polynomials and the Generalized Lax Conjecture - Advisor:
M. Schweighofer (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany)
- Tensor Decomposition by Vector Bundles tools - Advisor: G. Ottaviani
(Firenze, Italy)
- Approximation hierarchies for (non-)commutative polynomial
optimisation - Advisor: M. Laurent (CWI, Amsterdam, the Nerthelands)
- Approximation hierarchies for graph parameters - Advisor: M. Laurent
(CWI, Amsterdam, the Nerthelands)
- Polynomial Optimization Problems in Operations Research and Finance
- Advisor: E. de Klerk (Univ. of Tilburg, the Netherlands)
- Structure of moment problems and applications to polynomial
optimisation - Advisor: B. Mourrain (Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France)
- Alternative polynomial bases for global optimization - Advisor:
E. Hubert (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France)
- Numerical cubature with symmetry and applications to polynomial
optimisation - Advisor: C. Riener (Univ. of Tromsoe, Norway)
- Algorithms and software for nonlinear convex conic optimisation -
Advisor: M. Stingl (Friedrich Alexander Univ. Erlangen, Germany)
- Algorithms and software for structured SDP - Advisor: M. Kocvara
(Univ. of Birmingham, UK)
- Polynomial Optimization: Some challenges from applications - Advisor:
M. Korda (CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse, France)
- Polynomial Optimization Techniques for Energy Network Operation and
Design - Advisors: J.-H. Hours, M. Gabay (ARTELYS, Paris, France)
The positions have usually a duration of three years. Applicants must
have a Master's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or
Engineering (or any equivalent diploma) at the date of recruitment.
More information and application submission:
From: Lothar Reichel [log in to unmask]
Date: January 25, 2019
Subject: Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), 50
Special volume dedicated to Walter Gautschi on the occasion of his
90th birthday. Edited by G. V. Milovanovic and L. Reichel.
S. Pozza, M. S. Pranic, and Z. Strakos, The Lanczos algorithm and
complex Gauss quadrature
R. M. Mutavdzic, A. V. Pejcev, and M. M. Spalevic, Error bounds for
Kronrod extension of generalizations of Micchelli-Rivlin quadrature
formula for analytic functions
G. Mastroianni, G. V. Milovanovic, and I. Notarangelo, Polynomial
approximation with Pollaczeck-Laguerre weights on the real semiaxis. A
W. Gautschi and G. V. Milovanovic, Binet-type polynomials and their
A. Narayan, Computation of induced orthogonal polynomial distributions
I. Kucukoglu and Y. Simsek, Numerical evaluation of special power
series including the numbers of Lyndon words: an approach to
interpolation functions for Apostol-type numbers and polynomials
D. Benko, D. Coroian, P. Dragnev, and R. Orive, Probability, minimax
approximation, and Nash-equilibrium. Estimating the parameter of a
biased coin
M. C. De Bonis and D. Occorsio, A product integration rule for
hypersingular integrals on (0,infinity)
A. H. Bentbib, M. El Ghomari, C. Jagels, K. Jbilou, and L. Reichel,
The extended global Lanczos method for matrix function approximation
A. N. Jovanovic, M. P. Stanic, and T. V. Tomovic, Construction of the
optimal set of quadrature rules in the sense of Borges
W. Van Assche and A. Vuerinckx, Multiple Hermite polynomials and
simultaneous Gaussian quadrature
From: Yonghui Yu [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2019
Subject: Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 37 (1)
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 37 (2019), Issue 1
Unconditionally Superclose Analysis of a New Mixed Finite Element
Method for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations, Dongyang Shi, Fengna Yan and
Junjun Wang
On the Generalized Deteriorated Positive Semi-definite and
Skew-Hermitian Splitting Preconditioner, Davod Hezari, Vahid
Edalatpour, Hadi Feyzollahzadeh and Davod Khojasteh Salkuyeh
A Positive and Monotone Numerical Scheme for Volterra-renewal
Equations with Space Fluxes, Mario Annunziato and Eleonora Messina
Parareal Algorithms Applied to Stochastic Differential Equations with
Conserved Quantities, Liying Zhang, Weien Zhou and Lihai Ji
The High Order Block Rip Condition for Signal Recovery, Yaling Li and
Wengu Chen
Descent Direction Stochastic Approximation Algorithm with Adaptive
Step Sizes, Zorana Luzanin, Irena Stojkovska and Milena Kresoja
Improved Relaxed Positive-definite and Skew-Hermitian Splitting
Preconditioners for Saddle Point Problems, Yang Cao, Zhiru Ren and
Linquan Yao
A Cascadic Multigrid Method for Semilinear Elliptic Equations, Fei Xu
and Fusheng Luo
Uniformly Convergent Nonconforming Tetrahedral Element for Darcy-
Stokes Problem, Lina Dong and Shaochun Chen
From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2019
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 80 (1)
Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 80, No. 1
Special issue:
Extrapolation and Fixed Points in Memoriam, Peter Wynn (1931--2017)
Guest Editor: Gerard Meurant
Gerard Meurant, Preface
Claude Brezinski, Reminiscences of Peter Wynn
Claude Brezinski, Michela Redivo--Zaglia, The genesis and early
developments of Aitken's process, Shanks' transformation, the
epsilon-algorithm, and related fixed point methods
Donald G.M. Anderson, Comments on ``Anderson acceleration, mixing and
Herve Le Ferrand, The rational iteration method by Georges Lemaitre
Abderrahim Messaoudi, Mohammed Errachid, Khalide Jbilou and Hassane
Sadok, GRPIA: a new algorithm for computing the interpolation
Walter Gander, Qiquan Shi, Matrix completion with epsilon-algorithm
Gerard Meurant, Postface
From: Prof. David G. Yu [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2019
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 7 (1)
Table of Contents-Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing
(SOIC), Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
This issue is available at http://www.iapress.org/index.php/soic
User Environment Detection with Acoustic Sensors Embedded on Mobile
Devices for the Recognition of Activities of Daily Living, Ivan Miguel
Pires, Nuno M Garcia, Nuno Pombo, Francisco Florez- Revuelta, Susanna
Spinsante, Maria Canavarro Teixeira, Eftim Zdravevski
A Method for Automatic Medical Diagnosis, Igor Grabec,Eva Svegl,Mihael
An Optimization Approach towards Air Traffic Forecasting: A Case Study
of Air Traffic in Changi Airport, Tolebi Sailauov,Z.W. Zhong
Modelling the Impact of Migration on HIV Persistency in Ghana,
Ofosuhene Okofrobour Apenteng,Noor Azina Ismail
Predicting Home Value in California, United States via Machine
Learning Modeling, Yitong Huang
Probability Modeling of Monthly Maximum Sustained Wind Speed in
Bangladesh, Md. Moyazzem Hossain
Exploratory Factor Analysis for Software Development Projects in
Mexico, Sergio Alcaraz-Corona,Jose Luis Cantu-Mata,Fernando
Extrapolation Problem for Multidimensional Stationary Sequences with
Missing Observations, Mikhail Moklyachuk,Oleksandr Masyutka,Maria
Interpolation Problem for Multidimensional Stationary Processes with
Missing Observations, Mikhail Moklyachuk,Oleksandr Masyutka,Maria
Non-Autonomous Random Oscillating Systems of Fourth Order under Small
Periodical External Perturbations with Jumps, Olga Borysenko,Oleksandr
Results on Relative Mean Residual Life and Relative Cumulative
Residual Entropy, Vali Zardasht
Relations for Single and Product Moments of Odds Generalized
Exponential-Pareto Distribution Based on Generalized Order Statistics
and its Characterization, Neetu Gupta, Zaki Anwar
Mid-Truncated Burr XII Distribution and Its Applications in Order
Statistics, Jagdish Saran, Narinder Pushkarna,Shikha Sehgal
ABC_{4} and GA_{5} Indices of Para-Line Graph of Some Convex Polytope,
Zeinab Foruzanfar,Fatima Asif,Zohaib Zahid,Sohail Zafar,Mohammad Reza
Estimates for Distributions of Holder Semi-Norms of Random Processes
from F\Psi(\Omega) Spaces, Defined on the Interval [0,\infty), Yurii
Vasylovych Kozachenko,Dmytro Vasylovych Zatula
The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd Log-Logistic Generalized Half-Normal
Distribution with Mathematical Properties and Simulations, Mahdieh
Mozafari, Mahmoud Afshari, Morad Alizadeh, Hamid Karamikabir
Legendre Wavelets with Scaling in Time-delay Systems, Iman Malmir
A Poximal-Projection Bundle Method for Convex Nonsmooth Optimization
with On-Demand Accuracy Oracles, Xiaoxia Dong,Chunming Tang,Haiyan
End of Digest
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