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NADIGEST  January 2019, Week 2

NADIGEST January 2019, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 19, # 2


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 13 Jan 2019 22:02:46 -0500





text/plain (534 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 19, # 2

NA Digest  Sunday, January 13, 2019  Volume 19 : Issue 2

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Machine Learning for Computational Fluid & Solid Dynamics, USA, Feb 2019
	IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Spring Conference, UK, Mar 2019
	New England Numerical Analysis Day, USA, Apr 2019
	PDEs on the Sphere, Canada, Apr-May 2019
	Approximation Theory, USA, May 2019
	Computational Physiology Summer School, Norway, Jun 2019
	Low-Rank Models and Applications, Belgium, Sep 2019
	Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Nazarbayev Univ
	Postdoc Position, Iterative Methods, Cerfacs, France
	PhD Position, TU Kaiserslautern
	PhD Positions, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
	Call for Papers, SNAS Collection on ROM and Adaptivity in Engineering
	New Journal, Foundations of Data Science
	Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), 48

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From: Pablo Seleson [log in to unmask]
Date: January 12, 2019
Subject: Machine Learning for Computational Fluid & Solid Dynamics, USA, Feb 2019

FEBRUARY 19-21, 2019

- Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2019
- Hotel Deadline: January 28, 2019

Recent breakthroughs in machine learning (ML), including the stunning
successes of AlphaZero and AlphaGo, have demonstrated tremendous
potential for transforming scientific computing.  The application of
these exciting advances in algorithms and computer architectures to
the computational modeling and simulation community introduces several
additional requirements and challenges beyond traditional applications
such as data analytics and computer vision. These include physical
constraints (the subject of CNLS Physics-Informed Machine Learning
workshops in 2016 and 2018), the need for uncertainty quantification
(UQ), and computational requirements for embedded ML models, e.g. for
parameter tuning, sub-scale physics models, optimization, UQ, or data
assimilation. This workshop will bring together international leaders
in the development and application of ML methods for fluid and solid

Applications include: ML-based interatomic potentials for molecular
dynamics simulation; Scale-bridging via ML-based closure relations /
constitutive relationships; Flow through nanoporous media; Inertial
confinement fusion; Fluid turbulence.

Note: There will be some funds available to cover registration for
students and postdocs, on a first come, first serve basis.  Please
contact the organizers.

Organizers: Tim Germann (LANL), Arvind Mohan (LANL), Gowri Srinivasan


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: January 09, 2019
Subject: IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Spring Conference, UK, Mar 2019

IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Spring Conference 2019
Saturday 2 March 2019, Lancaster University

Do you want to get more involved with the IMA? Are you keen to rub
shoulders with your mathematical peers? Then come along to the Early
Career Mathematicians' Spring conference on Saturday 2 March 2019 at
Lancaster University. The conference will interest mathematicians
early in their career, be it in academia or industry, as well as
students of mathematics, and those with an interest in the
subject. There will be plenty of time to network; allowing you the
opportunity to meet people with similar interests and find out more
about the wide range of careers that are available.

Invited Speakers:
Dr Rafal Wojakowski - University of Surrey
Dr Sylvy Anscombe -University of Central Lancashire
Dr Jennifer Wadsworth - University of Lancaster

Registration is open via:
Conference Webpage:

As you will note, fees are reduced for IMA members and IMA students,
not only for this conference, but for all IMA conferences. For further
information on joining the IMA, including "IMA Student" grade, please

For further information to students, including the "IMA eStudent" grade:

The Early Career Mathematicians' (ECM) Branch is designed for those
with a maths degree who are within the first 15 years of graduating,
or, those without a degree who are within the first 15 years of
membership.  The ECM group has been set up to engage and empower ECM,
and students of mathematics at university, to provide them with
support and an opportunity to network.


From: Zhongqiang Zhang [log in to unmask]
Date: January 11, 2019
Subject: New England Numerical Analysis Day, USA, Apr 2019

New England Numerical Analysis Day 2019 will be held on Saturday,
April 13, at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. New
England Numerical Analysis Day is a series of annual, informal meeting
held in New England and focusing on numerical analysis and related

We ask prospective participants to register to help us in our
planning. (There is no registration fee.)  Please see for registration information
and directions to Worcester.  If one is interested in giving an oral
presentation or has any questions, please contact Zhongqiang Zhang
([log in to unmask]).

Please pass this information along to interested colleagues and


From: Peter Hjort Lauritzen [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2019
Subject: PDEs on the Sphere, Canada, Apr-May 2019

The PDEs on the sphere workshop is about numerical solution techniques
on modern and emerging computer architectures of the partial
differential equations that govern weather, climate and ocean
circulation. Particular topics of interest include:

- All aspects of dynamical core formulation
- Coupling between equations and with sub-grid scale parametrisations
- Parallel scaling
- Test cases
- Equation sets

Workshop location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
When: April 29 - May 3, 2019
Deadline for abstracts: January 11, 2019
More information:


From: Greg Fasshauer [log in to unmask]
Date: January 10, 2019
Subject: Approximation Theory, USA, May 2019

International Conference in APPROXIMATION THEORY
Nashville, Tennessee, May 19 -- 22, 2019
[log in to unmask]

This conference is a continuation of the earlier conferences on
approximation theory held every 3 years since 1973 in Austin,
College Station, Nashville, St. Louis, Gatlinburg, and San Antonio.

Costanza Conti, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, ITALY
John A. Evans, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Frances Kuo, University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Doug Hardin, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
Deanna Needell, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Rodrigo B. Platte, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Gerlind Plonka-Hoch, University of Gottingen, GERMANY
Michael Unser,  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, SWITZERLAND

Minisymposium Proposals: April 1, 2019
Abstract Submission: May 1, 2019
Online Registration: May 17, 2019

For details on the accommodations, conference proceedings, contributed
lectures, travel support, and other information about the conference,
please visit the conference website listed above.


From: Elisabeth Andersen [log in to unmask]
Date: January 08, 2019
Subject: Computational Physiology Summer School, Norway, Jun 2019

Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, June 17-28
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 5-13

Travel grants are available through Simula.

In conjunction with the University of California San Diego, Simula
Research Laboratory is pleased to announce the 6th edition of our
annual Summer School in Computational Physiology. This school focuses
on multiscale modelling of electrophysiology and mechanics of the
heart, and related material in computational neurophysiology and

We are currently seeking master's and early doctoral students to
participate, and will accept applications until February 15th
2019. The initial series of lectures will be hosted by Simula Research
Laboratory in Oslo, Norway (June 17th-28th), followed by project work,
a workshop in scientific presentation skills, and final student
presentations hosted by the University of California San Diego from
August 5th-13th. The travel and accommodation expenses for successful
applicants will be supported by grants from Simula designed to cover
these costs. Details regarding scheduling, logistics, core scientific
material, and the application process can be found through our online
call for participation:

- Scientific content: Dr. Andy Edwards ([log in to unmask]), Kimberly
  McCabe ([log in to unmask])
- General inquiries: Dr. Rachel Thomas  ([log in to unmask])


From: Nicolas Gillis [log in to unmask]
Date: January 09, 2019
Subject: Low-Rank Models and Applications, Belgium, Sep 2019

The 2019 Workshop on Low-Rank Models and Applications (LRMA) will take
place from 12-13 September 2019 at the Faculty of Engineering,
University of Mons, Belgium. The LRMA workshop is sponsored by the
European Research Council (ERC) under the COLORAMAP project, and
offers a vibrant and intimate venue for interaction between
researchers from fields such as computer science, information theory,
mathematics and signal processing.

The scientific program of the LRMA workshop will include invited
plenary lectures, as well as regular contributed talks and
posters. The plenary speakers are: Jose M. Bioucas Dias (Universidade
de Lisboa), Cedric Fevotte (CNRS, Institut de Recherche en
Informatique de Toulouse), Christian Grussler (Cambridge University),
Nicola Guglielmi (University of L'Aquila), Valeria Simoncini
(Universita di Bologna), Vincent Tan (National University of
Singapore), Andre Uschmajew (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in
the Sciences, Leipzig), Stephen Vavasis (University of Waterloo) and
Zhihui Zhu (Johns Hopkins University).

The deadline for submitting abstract is the 12th of April 2019.

All the information can be found on the following website:


From: Francesco Sica [log in to unmask]
Date: January 10, 2019
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Nazarbayev Univ

Nazarbayev University is seeking highly-qualified faculty at all ranks
to join its rapidly growing Mathematics Department in the School of
Science and Technology (SST). Candidates from all areas of mathematics
will be considered but preference will be given to those working in
the following research areas: Applied Mathematics (mathematical
biology, actuarial mathematics, mathematical finance, optimization).

Successful candidates should hold a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in
applied mathematics, computational mathematics, mathematics,
statistics or in a related field and have excellent English-language
communication skills, demonstrated potentials to establish
interdisciplinary research, and experience with and exposure to
Western higher education. Applicants for associate and full professor
positions should have considerable experience in supervising students
at the graduate level, grant writing, possess strong teaching skills
and experience, and a demonstrated rank-appropriate research
accomplishment and service. Applicants for assistant professor level
should demonstrate a potential for excellence in teaching, research,
and service. Position responsibilities include: teaching undergraduate
and graduate level of courses (2-2 teaching load), supervision of
graduate students, curricular and program development, ongoing
engagement in professional and research activities, general program
guidance and leadership, and other activities related to the
intellectual and cultural environment of the university.

Nazarbayev University offers an attractive benefits package,
including: competitive compensation; free housing based on family size
and rank; relocation allowance; no-cost medical insurance, with global
coverage; educational allowance for children; air tickets to home
country, twice per year.

Applicants should send a detailed CV, teaching and research
statements, and list of publications to [log in to unmask] Review of
applications will begin immediately but full consideration will be
given to applications submitted no later than February 28th,
2019. Successful appointments are expected to begin on August 1st,
2019. For more information please visit


From: Carola Kruse [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Iterative Methods, Cerfacs, France

A 12-months postdoc position is immediately available at Cerfacs
(Toulouse, France) within the Parallel Algorithm team led by Prof
Ulrich Rude. The research will focus on iterative solution techniques
for systems arising in the modelling of structural components on
different scales. The work will be done in an industrial partnership
with EDF R&D, the research devision of the French electric utility
company EDF.

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in the fields of
computational mechanics or applied mathematics and who should have
solid knowledge in numerical algorithms and iterative
solvers. Although not mandatory, experience in HPC, parallel numerical
algorithms and multigrid methods will be appreciated.

The complete announcement of the position and further information can
be found under


From: Gabriele Steidl [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, TU Kaiserslautern

PhD Position - 0.75 working time - salary grade E13 - within the
DFG-ANR research project "Superresolution of multiscale images from
materials sciences using geometrical features (SUPREMATIM)" in the
Working Group "Mathematical Image and Data Processing" Dept. Math., TU
Kaiserslautern.  This is a joint project with the University of

Start: September 2019 (latest)
Duration: 3 years

Requirement: successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom
or equivalent) in Mathematics or related fields, very good programming

Please send your application by e-mail to [log in to unmask]


From: Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp [log in to unmask]
Date: January 10, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Three 4-year PhD positions are available at TU Eindhoven, in
collaboration with industry. These positions are part of the project
`Free-form scattering optics: Novel controlled illumination'. For more
information, see


From: Matteo Giacomini [log in to unmask]
Date: January 13, 2019
Subject: Call for Papers, SNAS Collection on ROM and Adaptivity in Engineering

Springer Nature Applied Sciences is a multi-disciplinary,
peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality research articles.

SN Applied Sciences is currently accepting submissions to the Topical
Collection "Adaptive Model, Mesh and Resolution Techniques for
Computationally-demanding Problems in Simulation-based Engineering".

Submissions are encouraged in all aspects of modern numerical methods
for computationally-demanding engineering problems, including the
following areas: reduced order models, error estimation, adaptive
methods, data-driven models, uncertainty quantification, high
performance computing and applications to real-time decision making,
design, control, optimization and inverse analysis in complex
industrial multiphysics problems.

Papers can be submitted through the Editorial Manager system and will
be subject to a peer-review process by a guest Editorial Board.

For additional information see

Matteo Giacomini, Enrique Nadal
Guest Editors - Topical Collection on Adaptive Model, Mesh and
Resolution Techniques in Engineering


From: Kody Law [log in to unmask]
Date: January 13, 2019
Subject: New Journal, Foundations of Data Science

We have just launched a new journal on data science, and are now
inviting submissions.

The scope of the journal is listed below. Work involving the
application of Numerical Analysis to data science problems, for
example in the context of Data Assimilation, Machine Learning, or HPC,
is in scope. Please consider sending us your work in this area!

Foundations of Data Science invites submissions focusing on advances
in mathematical, statistical, and computational methods for data
science.  Results should significantly advance current understanding
of data science, by algorithm development, analysis, and/or
computational implementation which demonstrates behavior and
applicability of the algorithm. Fields covered by the journal include,
but are not limited to Bayesian Statistics, High Performance
Computing, Inverse Problems, Data Assimilation, Machine Learning,
Optimization, Topological Data Analysis, Spatial Statistics,
Nonparametric Statistics, Uncertainty Quantification, and Data Centric
Engineering. Expository and review articles are welcome.  Papers which
focus on applications in science and engineering are also encouraged,
however the method(s) used should be applicable outside of one
specific application domain.


From: Lothar Reichel [log in to unmask]
Date: January 10, 2019
Subject: Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), 48

ETNA is available at and at several mirror
sites. ETNA is in the extended Science Citation Index and the
CompuMath Citation Index

X. Wang, C. Navasca, and S. Kindermann, On accelerating the
regularized alternating least-squares algorithm for tensors

D. Cerna and V. Finek, Quadratic spline wavelets with short support
satisfying homogeneous boundary conditions

C. Echeverria, J. Liesen, D. B. Szyld, and P. Tichy, Convergence of
the multiplicative Schwarz method for singularly perturbed
convection-diffusion problems discretized on a Shishkin mesh

S. Baumstark, G. Kokkala, and K. Schratz, Asymptotic consistent
exponential-type integrators for Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger systems from
relativistic to non- relativistic regimes

A. Mahmoud, B. Yu, and X. Zhang, Eigenfunction expansion method for
multiple solutions of fourth-order ordinary differential equations
with cubic polynomial nonlinearity

P. Domschke, A. Dua, J. J. Stolwijk, J. Lang, and V. Mehrmann,
Adaptive refinement strategies for the simulation of gas flow in
networks using a model hierarchy

J. Camano, C. Munoz, and R. Oyarzua, Numerical analysis of a
dual-mixed problem in non-standard Banach spaces

V. H. Linh and N. D. Truong, Runge-Kutta methods revisited for a class
of structured strangeness-free differential-algebraic equations

A. Heinlein, A. Klawonn, J. Knepper, and O. Rheinbach, Multiscale
coarse spaces for overlapping Schwarz methods based on the ACMS space
in 2D

L. Kramer and B. Lang, Convergence of integration-based methods for
the solution of standard and generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problems

Q. Hong and J. Kraus, Parameter-robust stability of classical
three-field formulation of Biot's consolidation model

N. Bebiano, S. Furtado, J. da Providencia, W.-R. Xu, and J. P. da
Providencia, Approximations for von Neumann and Renyi entropies of
graphs using the Euler-Maclaurin formula

G. Jansing and A. Schadle, Convergence analysis of an explicit
splitting method for laser plasma nteraction simulations

R. Tezaur and P. Vanek, Improved convergence bounds for two-level
methods with an aggressive coarsening and massive polynomial smoothing

G. Auzinger, Model reduction in atmospheric tomography by optimal
grouping of turbulent layers

A. H. Bentbib, A. Bouhamidi, and K. Kreit, A conditional gradient
method for primal-dual total variation-based image denoising

M. Marusic, High-order exponentially fitted difference schemes for

M. Bolten, K. Kahl, D. Kressner, F. Macedo, and S. Sokolovic,
Multigrid methods combined with low-rank approximation for
tensor-structured Markov chains

A. Frommer, C. Schimmel, and M. Schweitzer, Non-Toeplitz decay bounds
for inverses of Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrices

R. M. Asharabi and M. M. Tharwat, The use of the generalized
sinc-Gaussian sampling for numerically computing eigenvalues of
periodic Dirac system

F. Ghanbari, K. Ghanbari, and P. Mokhtary, High-order Legendre
collocation method for fractional-order linear semi-explicit
differential algebraic equations

H. Yucel, M. Stoll, and P. Benner, Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin
approximation of optimal control problems governed by transient
convection-diffusion equations

J. Niebsch and R. Ramlau, Frequency-dependent reconstruction of

C. Ferreira, J. L. Lopez, and E. Perez Sinusia, Uniform
representations of the incomplete beta function in terms of elementary

H. Hakula, A. Rasila, and M. Vuorinen, Conformal modulus and planar
domains with strong singularities and cusps

End of Digest

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