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NADIGEST  December 2018, Week 2

NADIGEST December 2018, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 18, # 49


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 10 Dec 2018 11:34:44 -0500





text/plain (804 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 18, # 49

NA Digest Monday, December 10, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 49

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

LMTR Suite for Unconstrained Optimization
Software Release, MORLAB 4.0
New Book, Convection-Diffusion Problems
Bath/RAL Numerical Analysis Day, UK, Jan 2019
Paid NSF-Funded Training in Data Science, USA, Jan-May 2019
Young Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Apr 2019
AMiTaNS'19, Bulgaria, Jun 2019
Applied Machine Learning Summer School, USA, Jun-Aug 2019
Numerical Analysis Biennial, Scotland, Jun 2019
ENUMATH 2019, The Netherlands, Sep 2019
Tenure Track Position, Numerical Analysis, TU Delft
Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics, Catholic Univ of Chile
Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Courant Institute, NYU
Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Karlsruhe Inst of Technology
Postdoc Position, Courant Institute, NYU
Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ College London
Postdoc Position, Stellarator Optimization, Cornell Univ
Postdoc Positions, Model and Dimension Reduction, ICERM
Postdoc Positions, NIST
Predoc Position, Numerical Methods, TU-Vienna, Austria
PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Clausthal Univ of Technology
PhD Positions, ABC-EU-XVA
Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (4)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Oleg Burdakov [log in to unmask]
Date: December 03, 2018
Subject: LMTR Suite for Unconstrained Optimization

We are happy to announce the first release of the LMTR suite for
unconstrained optimization. This package contains limited memory
trust- region and line-search algorithms implemented in MATLAB. The
algorithms are described in "On Efficiently Combining Limited Memory
and Trust-Region Techniques", Mathematical Programming Computation
(2017) Vol. 9, no 1, pp. 101-134 7.

To download the package, you may want to follow the link

The package contains the following algorithms:
- LBFGS_TR.m. Limited memory line-search algorithm L-BFGS that takes a
  trial step along the quasi-Newton direction inside the trust region;
- LBFGS_MTBT.m. Limited memory line-search algorithm L-BFGS based on
  the More-Thuente line search and the initial step is obtained using
- LBFGS_MT.m. Limited memory line-search algorithm L-BFGS based on the
  More-Thuente line search;
- LMTR_BWX_MS.m. Limited memory trust-region algorithm BWX-MS. It
  applies the More-Sorensen approach for solving the TR subproblem
  defined in the Euclidean norm. It is a modified version of the
  algorithm by Burke et al.;
- LMTR_EIG_MS_2_2.m. Limited memory trust-region algorithm EIG-
  MS(2,2) using the eigenvalue-based norm, with the More-Sorensen
  approach for solving a low-dimensional TR subproblem;
- LMTR_EIG_inf_2.m. Limited memory trust-region algorithm
  EIG(infinity, 2) using the eigenvalue-based norm, with the exact
  solution to the TR subproblem in closed form.


From: Steffen W. R. Werner [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2018
Subject: Software Release, MORLAB 4.0

Version 4.0 of the MORLAB, Model Order Reduction LABoratory, toolbox
has been released. The toolbox is a collection of MATLAB and Octave
routines for model order reduction of linear dynamical systems based
on the solution of matrix equations. The implementation is based on
spectral projection methods, e.g., methods based on the matrix sign
function and the matrix disk function.

The toolbox contains implementations for standard, descriptor and
second-order systems:
- Modal truncation (MT)
- Balancing related methods (BT, BST, FLBT, LQGBT, PRBT, BRBT, HINFBT,
- Hankel-norm approximation (HNA)
Also, matrix equation solvers based on the matrix sign function as
well as further subroutines for the analysis of linear dynamical
systems are provided in the MORLAB toolbox.

For more details on this software, see:


From: Martin Stynes [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2018
Subject: New Book, Convection-Diffusion Problems

Convection-Diffusion Problems: An Introduction to Their Analysis and
Numerical Solution
by Martin Stynes & David Stynes
AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics Vol. 196

Many physical problems involve diffusive and convective (transport)
processes. When diffusion dominates convection, standard numerical
methods work satisfactorily. But when convection dominates diffusion,
the standard methods become unstable, and special techniques are
needed to compute accurate numerical approximations of the unknown
solution. This convection-dominated regime is the focus of the
book. After discussing at length the nature of solutions to
convection-dominated convection-diffusion problems, the authors
motivate and design numerical methods that are particularly suited to
this class of problems.

At first they examine finite-difference methods for two-point boundary
value problems, as their analysis requires little theoretical
background. Upwinding, artificial diffusion, uniformly convergent
methods, and Shishkin meshes are some of the topics
presented. Throughout, the authors are concerned with the accuracy of
solutions when the diffusion coefficient is close to zero. Later in
the book they concentrate on finite element methods for problems posed
in one and two dimensions.

This lucid yet thorough account of convection-dominated convection-
diffusion problems and how to solve them numerically is meant for
beginning graduate students, and it includes a large number of
exercises. An up-to-date bibliography provides the reader with
further reading.

For full information, see


From: Melina Freitag [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2018
Subject: Bath/RAL Numerical Analysis Day, UK, Jan 2019

The 17th annual Bath-RAL NA Day will be held on Thursday 10th January
at the University of Bath. The speakers are:

Jennifer Scott (RAL/Reading)
Matthias Ehrhardt (Bath)
Valeria Simoncini (Bologna)
Catherine Powell (Manchester)
Sebastien Cayrols (RAL)
Eike Mueller (Bath)

Coffee will be available from 10.15am and the talks start at 10.50am;
the full programme is available at

All are welcome, and there is no registration fee for the day. If you
would like to attend this event, please e-mail Melina Freitag
([log in to unmask]). Note that this meeting takes place a day
before the SIAM UKIE meeting in Oxford, should you want to combine
both events.


From: Matthias Gobbert [log in to unmask]
Date: December 05, 2018
Subject: Paid NSF-Funded Training in Data Science, USA, Jan-May 2019

CyberTraining at UMBC is an NSF-funded training program in data
science using tools from High-Performance Computing (HPC) with
application examples from atmospheric science. The training consists
of instruction in all three areas of "Big Data + HPC + Atmospheric
Sciences", followed by a faculty-guided research project. All work is
conducted in multidisciplinary teams with one participant from each of
the three disciplines. The next training is in Spring 2019
(01/28/19-05/17/19) and will be conducted ONLINE WITH PARTICIPANTS

Participants can be graduate students, post-docs, and early-career
faculty/researchers from US institutions who want to gain demonstrated
experience in multidisciplinary research and have the opportunity for
significant career impact. Both instruction and research are mentored
by faculty and supported by teaching assistants from each discipline.
Each participant will be paid a $1,500 stipend.

We would appreciate help in identifying suitable candidates, ideally
with skills in one of the areas of the training. Please forward this
information to anyone. For inquiries, e-mail [log in to unmask]
or contact Matthias Gobbert, co-PI for HPC, at [log in to unmask]

For all information and to apply by 01/01/19, please visit

This training is funded by the NSF under OAC-1730250 "CyberTraining:
DSE: Cross-Training of Researchers in Computing, Applied Mathematics
and Atmospheric Sciences using Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Resources"
(PI Jianwu Wang) under the solicitation Training-based Workforce
Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (CyberTraining).


From: Alexander Brune [log in to unmask]
Date: December 10, 2018
Subject: Young Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Apr 2019

The British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium (BYMC) will be hosted for
the 4th time at the University of Birmingham. It will be a one-day
event taking place on the 17th of April.

The conference is aimed at mathematicians from all areas at early
stages in their careers (postgraduate students, postdocs, etc.). There
will be 6 invited speakers but the majority of the conference will be
made up of talks contributed by participants. It is a great
opportunity for young researchers to give talks and meet peers.

For more information, please visit or will be available from 10.15am and the talks
start at 10.50am; the full programme is available at

All are welcome, and there is no registration fee for the day. If you
would like to attend this event, please e-mail Melina Freitag
([log in to unmask]). Note that this meeting takes place a day
before the SIAM UKIE meeting in Oxford, should you want to combine
both events.


From: Michail Todorov [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2018
Subject: AMiTaNS'19, Bulgaria, Jun 2019

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Eleventh Conference AMiTaNS'19. Th conference is organized in
cooperation with Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the
conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special

Conference URL:

Coordinator and general chair of the conference: Michail Todorov,
emails: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]


From: Youzuo Lin [log in to unmask]
Date: December 10, 2018
Subject: Applied Machine Learning Summer School, USA, Jun-Aug 2019

We are excited to announce the 2019 Los Alamos National Laboratory
Applied Machine Learning Summer School. The theme topics for this year

- Scientific Machine Learning for Geoscience Applications;
- Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Machine Learning;
- Machine Learning for Analyzing Scientific Images;
- Active Learning Applied to Fluid Flow in Nanoscale Porous Media.

We are currently accepting applications. Successful applicants will
receive a prestigious research fellowship, hands-on technical training
experiences and professional development from internationally
reputable geophysics, space, and computational scientists.

For more information about our summer school, project, and mentor
information, please visit our summer school website at Applications must be submitted by January 3,
2019, for the first round of consideration. Late applications may also
be considered.


From: Philip Knight [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2018
Subject: Numerical Analysis Biennial, Scotland, Jun 2019

As announced in NA Digest vol 18 #40, the University of Strathclyde
will once again be holding the long established Numerical Analysis
Biennial meeting.

We would like to inform potential delegates that we are now open for
registration and submission of abstracts/mini-symposia.

Further information may be found at


From: Kees Vuik [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2018
Subject: ENUMATH 2019, The Netherlands, Sep 2019

ENUMATH 2019 is approaching! The venue will be in The Netherlands,
September 30 - October 4, 2019, see

The online submission of abstracts for minisymposia is open and ends
at February 1, 2019. Acceptance of your minisymposium will be made
known by March 15, 2019.

Abstracts to talks, for minisymposia and in the contributed sessions,
can be submitted between March 15, 2019 and April 26, 2019.

You are cordially invited to submit your abstract of either a
minisymposium or for your talk.


From: Kees Vuik [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2018
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Numerical Analysis, TU Delft

The Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics is offering a tenure-track
position at the level of Assistant Professor. The Assistant Professor
will do research in the area of Numerical Analysis. Within the chair
of Numerical Analysis the following research topics are important:
discretisation methods for partial differential equations, fast and
robust solvers for large (non)linear systems and implementation of
these methods on High Performance Computers (multi node CPU, GPU,
FPGA, etc.). At this moment we like to strengthen our expertise in
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The candidate will also be
responsible for teaching and supervising students and interns at
various levels (Bachelor, Master, and PhD). The Assistant Professor
will make direct links between research and education and will also be
responsible for management tasks, acquisition of research projects,
and contact with industries.

For more information, see


From: Norbert Heuer [log in to unmask]
Date: December 04, 2018
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics, Catholic Univ of Chile

The Department of Mathematics of the Catholic University of Chile has
an opening for a tenure track position at the assistant professor
level, beginning in 2019. All areas of mathematics will be
considered. The review process will start on January 15, 2019.

Applications are received through, job number 13174.

Departmental website:


From: Mike O'Neil [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Courant Institute, NYU

The Courant Institute at NYU invites applications for one
post-doctoral scholar position to work with Leslie Greengard and Mike
O'Neil on developing computational algorithms for solving
electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation problems. Candidates
will likely have a PhD degree in applied and/or computational
mathematics with a strong background in at least one of the following
areas: randomized linear algebra, fast algorithms (e.g. fast multipole
methods, direct solvers, butterfly algorithms, etc.), computational
electromagnetics, numerical methods for integral equations. The
12-month salary and benefits package are competitive, and the position
will be available starting June 1, 2019 (with some flexibility). An
initial appointment for two years is likely, with the possibility of a
one-year extension.

Please contact [log in to unmask] for more details. Official
applications should be submitted via Interfolio at:

Applications submitted before December 15, 2018 will receive full
consideration but the search will remain open until the position has
been filled.

The Courant Institute is a center of advanced training and research in
the mathematical sciences, located in the heart of New York City. This
post- doctoral position will be funded in part by awards from the
Office of Naval Research, and does not carry any teaching load
(although the opportunity to teach is always available).

NYU is an equal opportunity employer.


From: Ivan Kondov [log in to unmask]
Date: December 10, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Karlsruhe Inst of Technology

The newly founded graduate school "Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches
to Computational Nanoscience" (, starting
on 1 April 2019, addresses the development and application of
multiscale approaches to the scientific challenges of friction,
materials aging, material design and biological function. The specific
projects will focus on modelling friction between inorganic and
biological materials, reactions on semiconductor surfaces, electron
and exciton migration in organic electronics, and biochemical
reactions in proteins undergoing large structural changes. The models
involve many different length- and timescales, therefore, methods of
ab initio quantum chemistry, force-field and coarse-grained approaches
up to phenomenological approaches will be combined. To enable such
complex and computationally demanding simulations all projects will
employ workflow technologies combined with high performance computing

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher in computational science for
the following tasks:
- Developing new, and extend and adapt existing scientific workflow
  methods to enable domain-specific solutions in computational
  nanoscience, in particular to improve usability and scalability of
  scientific workflow applications on HPC systems
- Disseminating knowledge about workflow methods to application
  scientists in form of tutorials and in several collaborative
  projects within the graduate school
- Deploying middleware (such as UNICORE, FireWorks, MongoDB)

The successful candidate should have a doctoral degree in computer
science or computational science and experience with workflow systems,
workflow languages and/or high performance computing.

We offer a unique interdisciplinary working environment to provide IT
services and perform research under one roof and the opportunity for a
career step in computational science with focus on scientific workflow

Applications and inquiries should be sent via email to Dr. Ivan Kondov
([log in to unmask]).


From: Georg Stadler [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Courant Institute, NYU

New York University's Courant Institute is seeking a postdoctoral
researcher to work within a new multi-institution initiative on
``Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy'' funded by the Simons
Foundation ( The position is
in the group of Georg Stadler but will involve collaboration with
others at the Institute and at Cornell, Princeton, Maryland and UT
Austin. The role of the postdoc is to study fundamental mathematical
aspects of optimization problems related to magnetic confinement. The
candidate should have a background in computational and applied
mathematics, optimization and PDEs. While the focus will be on applied
mathematics, the candidate should be interested to learn relevant
physics aspects and to work in an interdisciplinary team.

The postdoc position comes with no teaching requirement and is
available with a flexible start date. The initial appointment will be
for two years, with the possibility of an extension depending on
performance and funding. Applications submitted before Dec 31, 2018
will receive full consideration, but the search will remain open until
the position is filled. Please contact [log in to unmask] for more
details. Apply via Interfolio at and
send an email to [log in to unmask] that you have applied.

Additionally, the Courant Institute is seeking applications for
Courant Instructors, which are highly competitive independent postdoc
positions that have a teaching requirement. Courant Instructors are
selected by a hiring committee, the appointments last up to three
years and carry a teaching load of one course per
semester. Applications for Courant Instructorships are due Dec 15,
2018. Apply via and email
[log in to unmask] if you are interested in working with him as a
Courant Instructor.


From: David Hewett [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ College London

Applications are invited for a full-time Research Fellow in the
Department of Mathematics at University College London to work with Dr
David Hewett on the EPSRC-funded project "Integral equations on
fractal domains: analysis and computation" (EP/S01375X/1). The project
focuses on the numerical analysis of integral equation methods for the
solution of PDEs in domains with fractal boundaries, particularly
those arising in acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation. The
post is funded for 2 years in the first instance, and is available
from 1 August 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The successful candidate is expected to have a proven track record in
research and publishing, and a strong desire to work collaboratively
in a research group. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills,
both written and oral, are required. Ideally the candidate would have
expertise and research experience in at least one of the following
areas: the analysis or numerical analysis of PDEs and/or integral
equations, functional analysis, scientific computing, wave

The application deadline is 2359 GMT on 6th January 2019.

For further details and to apply, please visit:

Informal enquries about the post may be directed to [log in to unmask]


From: David Bindel [log in to unmask]
Date: December 05, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Stellarator Optimization, Cornell Univ

Cornell University seeks a postdoctoral researcher starting in Fall
2019 to work as part of a new multi-institution initiative on "Hidden
Symmetries and Fusion Energy" funded by the Simons Foundation. The
position is for a 1 year appointment that can be extended for up to 3

The goal of the initiative is to build a mathematical and
computational foundation for the design of stellarator for magnetic
plasma confinement. The role of the Cornell postdoc, who will work
primarily with David Bindel at Cornell but also with Georg Stadler at
NYU, will be to develop robust, multi-objective PDE-constrained
optimization methods for optimizing magnetic fields and coil shapes to
achieve a variety of physics and engineering goals.

Applicants for the Cornell position should have a PhD in applied
mathematics, physics, computer science, or related areas. Previous
experience with stellarators specifically and plasma physics generally
is not required, but candidates should be proficient with the design
and analysis of numerical methods in Fortran and/or C/C++, and will
ideally have prior experience with computational physics.

Applicants should submit a cover letter describing research goals,
career plans, and interest in the project; relevant experience in
scientific computing and physical experience; two letters of
recommendation; and a complete CV through AJO at: Applications submitted
before December 31 will receive full consideration, but the search
will remain open until the position has been filled.

Inquiries about the position or application may be directed to David
Bindel at [log in to unmask]

Diversity and inclusion are a part of Cornell University's
heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO,
Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.


From: Akil Narayan [log in to unmask]
Date: December 05, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Model and Dimension Reduction, ICERM

Applications are open for semester-long and academic year postdoctoral
fellowships at the Institute for Computational and Experimental
Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Brown University as part of the
Spring 2020 program "Model and Dimension Reduction in Uncertain and
Dynamic Systems".

Semester Postdoctoral Fellows are appointments for the Spring 2020
semester, and Institute Postdoctoral Fellows have appointments for the
2019-2020 9-month academic year. All postdocs are expected to
participate in the semester-long program during the Spring 2020
semester. More information about the program can be found at

These postdoc positions are intended for mathematical scientists at an
early stage of their career (those who have completed their
Ph.D. within three years of the start of the appointment.) Postdocs at
ICERM receive competitive salary and benefits compensation and a
travel allowance. Interested candidates should submit applications
through mathjobs:

Priority will be given to applications received before January 4, 2019.


From: Tim Burns [log in to unmask]
Date: December 04, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, NIST

The Applied and Computational Mathematics Division (ACMD) of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites
applications for two-year NRC postdoctoral research positions at NIST
Laboratories in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Boulder, Colorado. NIST is
a Federal government research laboratory specializing in measurement
science. ACMD consists of some 46 full-time professional staff, along
with part-time faculty appointees and guest researchers. Staff members
engage in collaborative research with scientists throughout NIST,
providing expertise in applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, and
computational science and engineering.

Research areas of interest include complex systems and networks,
computational materials science, computational fluid dynamics,
computational electromagnetics, computational biology, orthogonal
polynomials and special functions, applied optimization and
simulation, combinatorial software testing, data mining and
visualization, parallel and distributed algorithms, quantum
information science, and uncertainty quantification in scientific

Candidates and their research proposals are evaluated in a competitive
process managed by the National Research Council (NRC) Associateship
Programs. The current stipend is $71,128 per year; there is also a
$5500 travel and equipment allowance. For further details, see Application
deadlines are February 1 and August 1. Appointments commence within
one year of selection. For questions, contact Tim Burns,
[log in to unmask]

NIST is an equal opportunity employer. The NRC Associateship Program
at NIST is restricted to US citizens.


From: Anton Arnold [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2018
Subject: Predoc Position, Numerical Methods, TU-Vienna, Austria

- job vacancy in the research group of Anton Arnold, at TU Vienna
- 30 hours/week
- start 2.1.2019, 4 years
- annual gross salary: 29.340 EUR

Scientific topic: The development of efficient numerical methods for
highly oscillatory differential equations (e.g. Schroedinger equation
in the classical limit) should be continued. On top of the employment
at TU Vienna, an association with the ongoing doctoral school
"Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential
equations" is offered, for details see:

completed master or diploma studies in mathematics. solid knowledge
of (partial) differential equations and numerical analysis;
programming experience

Since this position involves (moderate) teaching duties, knowledge of
GERMAN is required.

Application for position # 354.2.4: via e-mail to
[log in to unmask] ; deadline 27.12.2018

For further scientific information contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Olaf Ippisch [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Clausthal Univ of Technology

The "Scientific Computing" group at the institute of mathematics (IfM)
is inviting applications for a position as Doctoral or Post-doctoral
Researcher (m/f) TV-L E13 (100%) for a duration of three years,
starting as soon as possible.

The position is part of the research group "Catalytic and microbial
methanation as basis for sustainable energy storage". Central aim of
the sub project "Multi scale simulation of microbial methanation in
porous media" is the development of a hierarchy of models, which allow
a high-resolution simulation of microbial methanation at the pore
scale (microbial conversion and growth) and at the sample scale
(transport of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and products) building on
existing codes. The models will be applied to measurement data of our
partners at the institute for petroleum engineering as well as the
institute for chemical and electrochemical process engineering.

We offer a fascinating challenge in a dynamic, internationally
oriented research field with a high degree of individual
responsibility. Flexible work conditions and attractive qualification
opportunities await you. The possibility to obtain a PhD is given, but
we will also accept applications from persons already holding a PhD

We expect strong interest in high performance computing and the
modelling and numerical simulation of processes in porous media.
Applicants should hold a master degree in mathematics, natural
sciences or engineering related to modelling and simulation. A solid
experience in scientific programming with C++ and a good basic
knowledge of the numerical solution of partial differential equations
is required. We expect the ability to work in an interdisciplinary
team and the readiness to contribute to teaching. As an equal
opportunity employer, Clausthal University of technology actively
encourages applications from women. We welcome applications from
qualified candidates of all nationalities. Preference will be given
to disabled applicants with equal qualifications.

For questions regarding the research project please contact the head
of the scientific computing group Prof. Dr. Olaf Ippisch
([log in to unmask]). Interested candidates should send
their certificates, their CV describing background, training and
research interests and a statement regarding their previous experience
with modelling and simulation and their programming skills in C++ as a
single PDF (max. 10MB) to [log in to unmask] until December
26, 2018. Application costs are non-refundable.

Please note our information on data protection in the application
process at


From: Kees Oosterlee [log in to unmask]
Date: December 04, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, ABC-EU-XVA

The ABC-EU-XVA project is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID),
funded within the Horizon 2020 framework. The project aims to address
significant challenges arising from the mathematical modelling of
valuation adjustments (XVA), within quantitative risk management.
The ABC-EU-XVA project is a Marie-Curie initiative in which six Early
Stage Researchers (ESRs, i.e. PhDs) will work closely with industrial
partners on a PhD thesis about the mathematics of XVA. The
universities involved are: Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Universita degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO), Universidade da Coruna
(UDC), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and the Dutch
National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
(CWI). The industrial partners include international players like
Belfius Bank (BE), Unipol Gruppo Spa (IT), Abanca Corporacion Bancaria
(ES), Banco Santander (ES), EY (NL) and Rabobank (NL).

ESR 1 (TU Delft - CWI - ABANCA): Detailed modelling of WWR in CVA
ESR 2 (CWI - TU Delft - Belfius Bank): Managing portfolio XVA: MVA
     Sensitivities, KVA under Q and P
ESR 3 (UDC - EY): XVA in the context of PDE and hybrid modelling
ESR 4 (UDC - Unipol Gruppo Spa): XVA in a multi-currency setting
ESR 5 (ULB - Rabobank): Incremental CVA and Collateralised VA (CollVA)
ESR 6 (UNIBO - Santander): Unified model for XVA, including WWR,
     FTD and Rating

Potential candidates have a master degree in applied mathematics,
statistics, quantitative finance, econometrics, physics or
computational sciences (with specialisation in computational
finance). They have a strong interest in financial mathematics and are
willing to further increase their knowledge of finance, stochastics
and numerical methods. Preferred qualifications for candidates
include excellent grades, research talent (as proven by the master
thesis), affinity with the financial world and personal ambition.
Candidates are expected to have and prove an excellent command of
English, together with good academic writing and presentation skills.
Curiosity and flexibility to travel (and live) in different countries
are important aspects for the current PhD positions.

For more details and to apply, the interested candidates may visit the
project website: Deadline: January 15, 2019.


From: Irena Lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: December 03, 2018
Subject: Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (4)

EECT- December 2018, Volume 7, Issue 4

Exact rate of decay for solutions to damped second order ODE's with a
degenerate potential, Tomas Barta

Observability of wave equation with Ventcel dynamic condition, Imen
Benabbas and Djamel Eddine Teniou

Optimal control for the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo model with recovery
variable, Francesco Cordoni and Luca Di Persio

Some partially observed multi-agent linear exponential quadratic
stochastic differential games, Tyrone E. Duncan

Existence and stabilization of a Kirchhoff moving string with a delay
in the boundary or in the internal feedback, Abdelkarim Kelleche and
Nasser-Eddine Tatar

Backward controllability of pullback trajectory attractors with
applications to multi-valued Jeffreys-Oldroyd equations, Yangrong Li,
Renhai Wang and Lianbing She

Dynamic and electrostatic modeling for a piezoelectric smart composite
and related stabilization results, Ahmet Ozkan Ozer

Solving an inverse source problem for a time fractional diffusion
equation by a modified quasi-boundary value method, Zhousheng Ruan,
Sen Zhang and Sican Xiong

Copyright 2018 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences

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