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NADIGEST  July 2018, Week 5

NADIGEST July 2018, Week 5


NA Digest, V. 18, # 30


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 29 Jul 2018 13:54:50 -0400





text/plain (633 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 18, # 30

NA Digest Sunday, July 29, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 30

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

Freely available software for the solution of linear algebra problems
New Book, Applied Linear Algebra, Second Edition
Machine Learning and Computational Methods for Geoscience, USA, Oct 2018
Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models, Australia, Feb 2019
Data Science Research Technician, Knowledge Transfer Unit, BCAM
Deadline extended, Program Manager Position, Applied Math Program, DOE
Software Developer Position, Ansys Inc
Chair/Reader Position, Mathematical Optimization, Birmingham, UK
Associate Professorship (or Professorship) Position, Numerical Analysis, Oxford
Assistant and Associate Professor Positions, Nottingham
Postdoc Position, CFD Modelling and Simulation, BCAM
Postdoc Position, Tomography Algorithms, Univ of Manchester, UK
Postdoc Positions, la Caixa Junior Leader, BCAM
PhD Position, Applied Geometry/Numerics, JKU Linz, Austria
PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Special Issue Call, Optimization and Engineering (OPTE)
Contents, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 36 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Jack Dongarra [log in to unmask]
Date: July 27, 2018
Subject: Freely available software for the solution of linear algebra problems

We are planning to update the survey of freely available software for
the solution of linear algebra problems. The current version of the
survey can be found at:

The aim is to put in "one place" the source code that is freely
available for solving problems in numerical linear algebra,
specifically dense, sparse direct and iterative systems and sparse
iterative eigenvalue problems. Please send Ali Charara [log in to unmask]
updates and corrections. We will post a note on the na-digest when the
new list is available.

Jack Dongarra and Ali Charara


From: Peter Olver [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: New Book, Applied Linear Algebra, Second Edition

Applied Linear Algebra, second edition
by Peter J. Olver and Chehrzad Shakiban
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, New York, 2018

The second edition of our undergraduate text is now in print, both e-
book and hardcover (and much more affordable). Ordering information
can be found at You
can check if you already have electronic access through your
Institution here:

In addition to revising and reordering existing material - that
includes basic numerical linear algebra: solution of equations; inner
products, norms, and Gram-Schmidt; least squares, interpolation, and
approximation; iterative methods; numerical computation of eigenvalues
and singular values; and much more - new material has been added:
Krylov subspace methods, including Conjugate Gradients, FOM, and
GMRES; Principal Component Analysis and its relation to SVD; and
wavelets, which supplements the existing introduction to the DFT/FFT.

This textbook develops the essential tools of linear algebra, with the
goal of imparting technique alongside contextual understanding.
Applications go hand-in-hand with theory, each reinforcing and
explaining the other. Providing an extensive treatment of essential
topics such as Gaussian elimination, inner products and norms, and
eigenvalues and singular values, this text can be used for an in-depth
first course, or an application-driven second course in linear
algebra. In this second edition, applications have been updated and
expanded to include numerical methods, dynamical systems, data
analysis, and signal processing, while the pedagogical flow of the
core material has been improved. The first author's undergraduate
text, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, , is an ideal
companion volume, and a natural extension of the linear mathematical
and numerical methods developed here.


From: Rebecca Malkovich [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Machine Learning and Computational Methods for Geoscience, USA, Oct 2018

Novel computational and machine learning techniques are emerging as
important research topics in many geoscience domains. In this
workshop, we bring together researchers from geosciences and
computational science to discuss recent advances and challenges
arising from the design and application of computational
techniques. Different geoscience applications often share similar
computational techniques. However, there are not many opportunities
for researchers from different domains to share their experiences in
designing and using computational tools and methods. Through this
workshop, we intend not only to investigate those common computational
methods in depth, but also to promote potential future
applications. The purpose of our workshop is to (1) demonstrate the
importance of computational methods in understanding and analyzing the
real problems arising in a broad array of geosciences applications,
such as seismology, topography, hydrology, and remote sensing; (2)
foster communication and interaction between geoscience researchers
and computational scientists; and (3) identify critical research
topics and potential solutions. The main research topics of our
workshop will include but not be limited to statistical and machine
learning techniques, inverse problems, and optimization. This workshop
will also include an evening poster session. More information and
online application available at


From: Federico Poloni [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models, Australia, Feb 2019

The Tenth International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in
Stochastic Models (MAM10) will be held in Hobart, Australia, on
February 13-15, 2019.

MAM10 aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical,
algorithmic and methodological aspects of matrix-analytic methods and
the applications of such methods across a broad spectrum of research

MAM10 provides an international forum for:
- Presenting recent results on theory, algorithms and applications of
  matrix-analytic methods;
- Discussing methodologies and the related algorithmic analysis;
- Improving collaborations among researchers in applied probability,
  engineering and numerical analysis;
- Tracing the current state of the art and the lines of the future
  research, pointing out the main topics of interest.

Invited speakers: Soren Asmussen, Jevgenijs Ivanovs, Zbigniew
Palmowski, Phil Pollett.

Important dates:
* September 15, 2018: submission of first (short) abstract
* November 15, 2018: submission of extended abstract
* February 13-15, 2019: conference

Website and further information:
(still to be updated with further details.)


From: BCAM [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Data Science Research Technician, Knowledge Transfer Unit, BCAM

We are looking for a Data Science Research Technician to work atthe
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics' Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU).

The aim of this platform is to develop mathematical solutions for
scientific challenges based on real-life applications.

The candidate will collaborate in knowledge transfer projects with
industry and research entities, and will participate in research
projects related with Statistical and Machine Learning data analysis.

Deadline: August 31st, 2019

More info and requirements:

Application form:


From: Steven Lee [log in to unmask]
Date: July 28, 2018
Subject: Deadline extended, Program Manager Position, Applied Math Program, DOE

A position is still posted for DOE Applied Mathematics Program
Manager. The deadline has been extended to August 1, 2018.

Open & closing dates: 7/19/2018 to 8/1/2018

For full details, see:


From: yong cheng Liu [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Software Developer Position, Ansys Inc

Requisition ID: 6810 Software Developer II - Mechanical

The Software Development Engineer involves developing, implementing,
and maintaining functionality related to the ANSYS MAPDL application
and Mechanical product line. The immediate work will be to advance
Ansys/Mechanical high-performance computing and equation solvers with
state of the art technology. Other areas of work for this position may
include: modularizing MAPDL code to solve large equation systems
arising mechanical application; developing and enhancing MAPDL global
procedure such as nonlinear Newton- Raphson process, finite element
data objects and data structure algorithms. Experience in computational
science and linear algebra or computational mechanics with strong
scientific programming and numerical analysis background is required.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Extend the existing sparse direct equation solvers
and finite element assembly code to satisfy the new design
requirements. Enhance existing finite element stiffness generation
code to speedup computational time effectively. Enhance the existing
distributed or shared memory parallel procedure to make it more
scalable in higher CPU cores. Develop better data structure for the
MAPDL result file to aid faster post-processing Revise the existing
MAPDL preconditioned iterative equation solvers to overcome
convergence difficulty. Design and implement large finite element
data objects for ease of access and update dynamically.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: M.S. degree in computational mathematics
specialized in linear algebra, graph theory and linear equation
solution Or B.S. degree in similar disciplines with 5+ years. Strong
scientific programming background in development & application of
Finite Element system solution techniques is required. Proficiency in
FORTRAN, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Studio environment, Highly motivated
with a strong work ethic. This position requires the ability to work
in a geographically distributed development environment and requires
excellent communication skills. Experience with distributed parallel
processing and/or similar methodologies. Ability to digest and utilize
existing code to implement new data structure and the related algorithms.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Linux experience is desirable. Candidates
with experience in development commercial numerical analysis software
are a plus. Candidates with a PhD degree in computational mathematics
specialized in linear algebra, graph theory and linear equation
solution are a plus. Highly motivated with a strong work ethic.
Project planning, management & leadership skill is a plus. Ability to
collaborate well with other team members and management.

Please apply for it from the Ansys website:


From: Michal Kocvara [log in to unmask]
Date: July 29, 2018
Subject: Chair/Reader Position, Mathematical Optimization, Birmingham, UK

School of Mathematics, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
University of Birmingham, UK

Applications are invited for a Chair/Reader post in Mathematical
Optimization. The School is seeking to appoint an active and committed
researcher in one of the emerging areas of modern Mathematical
Optimization, such as Stochastic Optimization, Distributed
Optimization, Optimization for Data Analytics.

The successful candidates will have a PhD (or equivalent) in
Mathematics or Computer Science, a first-class research record in
Mathematics, and a commitment to teaching, along with excellent
communication skills. Candidates will demonstrate experience in
attracting external funding.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Michal Kocvara, tel:
+44 (0) 121 414 6598, email: [log in to unmask]

Salary: Competitive package for outstanding candidate

Closing date: 22 August 2018

To download the details and submit an electronic application online visit:
-> Current vacancies online -> post number 1406

See also


From: Endre Suli [log in to unmask]
Date: July 27, 2018
Subject: Associate Professorship (or Professorship) Position, Numerical Analysis, Oxford

The Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford

proposes to appoint an Associate Professor (or Professor) of Numerical
Analysis from 1 January 2019, or as soon as possible thereafter. The
successful candidate will be appointed to an Official Studentship
(Tutorial Fellowship) at Christ Church College

under arrangements described in the job description available from

The successful candidate will have a PhD in mathematics or closely
related subject and will demonstrate the ability to carry out research at a
high international level in Numerical Analysis, along with the ability to
teach effectively across a range of topics in mathematics.

Oxford’s Numerical Analysis Group has been a leader in UK and
international numerical analysis and scientific computing since the
1960s. Research in the group spans the range from theory to
applications and there are major activities in partial differential
equations, numerical linear algebra, optimisation, compressed sensing,
applied approximation theory, and applications in fluid and solid

Only applications received before 12.00 noon on Friday 31 August 2018
can be considered.


From: Paul Houston [log in to unmask]
Date: July 26, 2018
Subject: Assistant and Associate Professor Positions, Nottingham

We are looking to appoint two permanent positions - Assistant
Professor and Associate Professor - in Applied Mathematics to deliver
high quality teaching and undertake original research of international
excellence in a branch of Applied Mathematics complementing existing
activity within the School. Particular areas of interest include, but
are not limited to, Scientific Computation, Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, and Uncertainty Quantification.

We are looking for a proactive, organised researcher who can evidence:
- A PhD, or equivalent in applied mathematics or a relevant branch of
- Excellent communication and organisational skills.
- The ability to work independently and as part of a multidisciplinary
  and multicultural team.
- Networking, actively engaging with and valuing other areas and
  diverse groups.

These are both permanent posts which are due to start on 1 January
2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. For further details and online
application, see:

Assistant Professor:

Associate Professor:


From: BCAM [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, CFD Modelling and Simulation, BCAM

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in mesoscopic
modelling of complex particulate systems at the CFD group at the
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. The focus of the project will
be on accurate modelling and simulation of the dynamics and mechanical
properties of micro/nano-particles interacting with complex liquids
and under complex microflow conditions.

In the area of material design, complex particulate systems represent
one of the main building-blocks for smart composites. In particular,
an emerging technology based on so-called "shear thickening fluids"
(STFs) - a concentrated suspension of nanoparticles which adopts a
solid-like state upon application of high stresses - is receiving
increasing attention and has opened up a series of applications as
selective dampers, such as a shock absorbers in the aerospace and
textile industry.

The postdoctoral candidate will work under the supervision of
Prof. Marco Ellero (CFD group, BCAM) on the developments and use of
mesoscopic particle- simulation methods to better understand the
dynamics and rheology of complex suspensions. This task will be
performed in collaboration with experimental rheologists.

Deadline: August 31, 2018

More info and requirements:

Application form:


From: Jakob Jorgensen [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Tomography Algorithms, Univ of Manchester, UK

Research Associate: A Reconstruction Toolkit for Multichannel CT

The goal of this EPSRC funded research project is to develop a new
Reconstruction Toolkit for Multi-channel Computer Tomography (RT-MCT).
The purpose is to provide novel functionality for reconstructing
multi-spectral tomographic datasets. A key goal of this programme will
be to find iterative solutions and optimisation strategies to improve
robustness of multi-spectral image reconstruction towards low dose
imaging, under-sampled projections and various artefacts.

You will be expected to develop mathematical models of data generation
in X-ray CT then use these to devise algorithms to recover images in
the most efficient and reliable way. You would be expected to
implement this and adapt it to the specific computing architectures
available. You will also deploy RT-MCT into operation at our
collaborating facilities, which will involve adapting it to the
individual data requirements and educating facility and staff and
users. Also you will assist with the supervision of research students,
produce reports and presentations for project meetings, as well as
writing manuscripts for publication.

Further information can be found at:

Informal enquires can be made to:
Dr Martin Turner, [log in to unmask]

Closing date:
21 August 2018


From: BCAM [log in to unmask]
Date: July 24, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, la Caixa Junior Leader, BCAM

BCAM is an elegible host institution for the Postdoctoral fellowships
programme "la Caixa" Junior Leader that includes 22 postdoctoral
fellowships for researchers of all nationalities to conduct a research
project at accredited centres with the Severo Ochoa or Maria de Maetzu
distinction of excellence, the Carlos III Health Research Institute in
Spain and units rated as excellent and exceptional by Portugal's
Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia and 11 postdoctoral fellowships
for researchers of all nationalities to carry out research at any
university or research centre in Spain or Portugal.

Deadline: September 26, 2018.

The application for this programme must be done through la Caixa. More
information about the requirements and the application form can be
found at:


From: Thomas Takacs [log in to unmask]
Date: July 26, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Geometry/Numerics, JKU Linz, Austria

The Institute of Applied Geometry ( at Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Austria, announces the opening of a PhD position
(fixed-term contract with a duration of 3 years) within the research
project P 30926 by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, entitled "Weak and
approximate C1-smoothness in isogeometric analysis". We encourage
candidates with a background in computational or applied mathematics
to apply. Expertise on numerical analysis and/or geometric modeling as
well as programming experience are required. The tasks include
performing creative research, both independently and within a group,
development and implementation of methods, as well as following the
PhD curriculum at JKU. Our working language is English.

A master's degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a closely related
field is required. The degree has to be obtained before the start of
the contract (scheduled to be in Fall/Winter of 2018/19). We offer a
yearly gross salary of Euro 29,573.60 (working time 30 hours/week),
conforming with the standard rates of the FWF for doctoral
candidates. See for more details.

Please apply in English and include: Motivation letter; CV; Contact
details of two to three references; Electronic version of master's
thesis (if possible) - or - title, abstract and summary of thesis.

Compile your application in a single PDF file and send it to the
project leader Dr. Thomas Takacs, using the E-mail address:
[log in to unmask]

The deadline for application is August 31st 2018.

Johannes Kepler University ( offers an excellent research
and study environment. It is one of the leading institutions in the
field of isogeometric analysis and hosts several related FWF and EU

The Johannes Kepler University wishes to increase the proportion of
academic female faculty and, for this reason, especially welcomes
applications by qualified women. If applicants are equally qualified,
a woman will be given preference for this position. The university
welcomes applications from qualified applicants who have physical
disabilities. These applications will be given special consideration.


From: Victorita Dolean [log in to unmask]
Date: July 25, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

A fully funded, four year PhD scholarship is currently available at
the department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of
Strathclyde (
This project seeks to design, analyse, and implement fast,
highly-parallel preconditioners for problems involving electromagnetic
waves. The PhD researcher will have a substantial interaction with the
postdoctoral researchers and scientists working in a recently awarded
EPSRC grant between the Universities of Bath and Strathclyde, as well
as with the industrial and academic international experts who are
collaborating in this project.

Prerequisites: a UK Honours Degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics,
Mathematics and Physics, or a closely related discipline with a high
mathematical content. Knowledge of numerical methods for the solution
of partial differential equations and programming in usual scientific
programming languages is desirable.

The candidates must be a UK citizen, or a EU citizen fulfilling the
EPSRC requirements. The starting date of the position should be on
the 1st of October, 2018 or very soon after. Informal inquiries can
be made to: V. Dolean ([log in to unmask])


From: Luis F. Zuluaga [log in to unmask]
Date: July 27, 2018
Subject: Special Issue Call, Optimization and Engineering (OPTE)

OPTE Special Issue: TriPod-MOPTA 2018 on Energy and Optimization
Submission Due Date: October 30, 2018

This call aims at publishing research work that showcases the
interactions between Optimization and Engineering to address important
problems arising in the Energy sector. The call encourages submissions
from speakers at the upcoming TriPod-MOPTA 2018, but is open to
submissions from any interested authors. The call is open to all types
of papers, including theoretical, applied, and algorithmic articles,
as well as articles that combine these features.

The rapid and imperative changes in the Energy sector have created a
wide range of challenges that are being addressed by a combination of
Engineering and Optimization techniques. For example, consider the use
of convex relaxations to obtain near-optimal alternating current
optimal power flow (ACOPF) solutions, or for gas distribution network
problems; the use of multi-level optimization to address commodity
pricing problems, integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into
electricity markets, or to immunize a commodity network against
potential attacks; the use of uncertainty optimization techniques to
address challenges related to the use of RES, immunize commodity
networks against catastrophic events, and obtain robust equilibrium
commodity prices that take into account uncertainty in commodity
production or demand; the development of improved mathematical
formulations and optimization solution methods, to address large-scale
Energy related problems; among many other interesting research
directions that are being explored towards the goal of designing
commodity networks that are 'smart', interconnected, efficient,
reliable, resilient, and environmentally responsible. Beyond the
study of individual commodity networks, nowadays, very interesting
research addresses the challenging problem of studying the interaction
between different commodity networks such as electricity, gas, and
water networks, as well as the interaction of these networks with
communication and transportation networks.

Please submit to the Optimization and Engineering (OPTE) journal at and select special
issue 'SI: TriPod-MOPTA 2018'. All sub- missions must be original and
may not be under review by another publication. Interested authors
should consult the journal's "Instructions for Authors", at mathematics/journal/11081. All submitted
papers will be reviewed on a peer review basis.


From: [log in to unmask] [log in to unmask]
Date: July 29, 2018
Subject: Contents, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 36 (3)

Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 36 (2018), Issue 3

Preface, Xiaojun Chen, Yuhong Dai, Peter Richtarik and Yinyu Ye

An Augmented Lagrangian Trust Region Method with a Bi-object Strategy,
Caixia Kou, Zhongwen Chen, Yuhong Dai and Haifei Han

A Trust-region-based Alternating Least-squares Algorithm for Tensor
Decompositions, Fan Jiang, Deren Han and Xiaofei Zhang

SNIG Property of Matrix Low-rank Factorization Model, Hong Wang, Xin
Liu, Xiaojun Chen and Yaxiang Yuan

On Doubly Positive Semidefinite Programming Relaxations, Taoran Fu,
Dongdong Ge and Yinyu Ye

Parallel Stochastic Newton Method, Mojmr Mutny and Peter Richtarik

Reduced-rank Modeling For High-dimensional Model-based Clustering,
Lei Yang, Junhui Wang and Shiqian Ma

A Complete Characterization of the Robust Isolated Calmness of Nuclear
Norm Regularized Convex Optimization Problems, Ying Cui and Defeng Sun

Transformations for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and the
Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem to SAP, Daniel Rehfeldt and
Thorsten Koch

End of Digest

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