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NADIGEST  June 2018, Week 4

NADIGEST June 2018, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 18, # 25


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 24 Jun 2018 22:17:19 -0400





text/plain (759 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 18, # 25

NA Digest  Sunday, June 24, 2018  Volume 18 : Issue 25

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Summer School, Hierarchical Energy Based Modeling, Germany, Aug 2018
	Computational Science at Scale, Germany, Sep 2018
	Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Romania, Sep 2018
	Signal Processing & Condition Monitoring, Cuba, Nov 2018
	Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing, Moscow, Dec 2018
	Mathematics of Operational Research, UK, Apr 2019
	Faculty Positions, Computational Science and Applied Mathematics, Yonsei Univ
	Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Polytechnique Montreal
	Junior Professor Position, Mathematics of UQ, RWTH Aachen
	Research Assistant & Postdoc Positions, Inst of Applied Mathematics
	Postdoc Position, Modeling of Dusty Plasmas
	PhD Position, Australian National Univ
	PhD Position, Computational Methods in Medical X-ray Imaging, Durham Univ
	PhD Position, Mathematics for Engineering, Univ of Manchester
	PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Zurich
	PhD Position, UQ and Data Assimilation for Multiphase Flow, CWI
	PhD Positions, Research Training Group, TU Berlin & Freie Univ Berlin
	PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy
	Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 44 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Lena Scholz [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2018
Subject: Summer School, Hierarchical Energy Based Modeling, Germany, Aug 2018

The "Summer School on Hierarchical Energy Based Modeling", taking
place on August 27-31, 2018 at the Technische Universitat Berlin,
provides an introduction to energy based modeling with particular
emphasis on port-Hamiltonian systems.  The approach allows to deal
with coupled systems from different physical domains that act on
widely different scales. Each physical system is modeled via a model
hierarchy of port-Hamiltonian systems. The systems are coupled via a
network of uni-physics nodes coupled via power conserving
interconnections so that the full system stays port-Hamiltonian. Using
this very flexible approach, it is possible to control the accuracy of
each component separately and to the need of the application. As real
world test cases models from gas transport optimization, power grid
modeling, or acoustic field simulation will be discussed.

The lectures will be given by Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin).

The Summer School is part of the training activities in the Innovative
Training Network ROMSOC ("Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and
Optimization of coupled System") funded by the European Union's
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The registration for the Summer School is free and the school is open
for all interested PhD and Master students.

Complete information and registration can be found under:

Registration Deadline: July 15, 2018
Dates of Summer School: August 27-31, 2018


From: Dominik Bartuschat [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2018
Subject: Computational Science at Scale, Germany, Sep 2018

The HPC symposium "Computational Science at Scale" CoSaS 2018 will
take place in Erlangen, Germany from Wednesday, September 5 until
Friday, September 7, 2018.  This symposium is organized within the
scope of the DFG priority programme "Software for ExaScale Computing"
(SPPEXA) that addresses fundamental research on the various aspects of
HPC software.  The main objectives of the symposium are to review the
state of art in large-scale numerical simulation with applications in
science and engineering and to be a forum for the exchange of results
and ideas in HPC.

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Large-scale parallel applications; Scalable parallel algorithms;
Parallel computer architectures; Performance analysis, tuning, and
debugging; Fault tolerance.

The program will consist of high-level invited talks, a public evening
lecture, and a poster session. This session will include a Poster
Blitz (i.e. a brief presentation to promote your poster) and a best
poster award.  Abstracts (of up to 150 words) for the posters from the
HPC community are welcome and should be submitted before Friday, July
6, 2018 via .

Important dates:
  July    6, 2018  poster abstract submission
  July   23, 2018  acceptance notification
  August  6, 2018  registration deadline

Invited speakers (preliminary):
- Horst Simon - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
- Martin Berzins - University of Utah, USA
- Edmond Chow - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
- Thierry Poinsot, CERFACS, Toulouse, France

For further information, registration, and poster submission,
please see our symposium website

In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to email us at
[log in to unmask]


From: Teodora Catinas [log in to unmask]
Date: June 20, 2018
Subject: Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Romania, Sep 2018

On behalf of the Department of Mathematics from Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science, Babes - Bolyai University, we are pleased to
invite you to attend the International Conference on Numerical
Analysis and Approximation Theory (NAAT 2018) that will take place in
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 6th - 9th, 2018.


From: Fidel Hernandez [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2018
Subject: Signal Processing & Condition Monitoring, Cuba, Nov 2018

Newer and sophisticated Signal Processing (SP) techniques are
continuously applied on different fields of science and technology.
Condition Monitoring (CM) is an area that receives significant
benefits from the development of Signal Processing techniques. In
order to expose some of the more relevant findings involved on the
application of SP techniques on CM, the First International Symposium
on Signal Processing & Condition Monitoring (ISSPCM), this time as
Special Session at the International Conference on Technologies
Applied to Intelligent Electrical Networks, CITREI 2018, is organized.

Research works on the development or improvement of signal processing
techniques for condition monitoring applications are exposed at
scientific events that cover a significant number of topics about
prognostics and health management, non-destructive testing, etc., and
this event intends to gather researchers involved in a more specific
research field. The First ISSPCM will be held in Havana, Cuba, from
November 26th to November 30th, 2018, and it should provide a meeting
place for the researchers and industry specialists could exchange
knowledge and experiences.

"Advanced Machine Condition monitoring using vibration signals"
(Compressive sampling, Deep Neural Network, Feature Selection, etc.)
by Dr. Asoke Nandi, Brunel University London, UK

- Paper Submission Deadline (EXTENDED): June 29th, 2018.
- Notification of Acceptance: August 20th, 2018
- Camera-Ready Papers: September 30th, 2018

Paper submission can be done directly to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] using
the template you will find at,


From: Lennard Kamenski [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2018
Subject: Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing, Moscow, Dec 2018

The 9th International Conference on Numerical Geometry, Grid
Generation and Scientific Computing (NUMGRID) celebrating the 150th
anniversary of G. F. Voronoi will be held December 3-5, 2018 at the
Dorodnicyn Computing Center in Moscow, Russia.

We invite technical papers presenting results particularly in the area
of in numerical geometry, grid generation, and their theoretical
foundations; a detailed description of the suggested topics can be
found at

Full papers presented by participants will be published in the
reviewed conference proceedings.

Important dates:
End of June: abstract submission opens
Sep 01: paper submission deadline
Oct 01: initial paper acceptance notification
Oct 15: revision submission deadline
Oct 18: final paper acceptance notification
Nov 23: final paper submission
Dec 1-2: winter school
Dec 3-5: conference

If you are planing to participate, we cordially ask you to submit an
abstract as soon as possible to allow us for better planing; the full
paper can be submitted later within the paper submission deadline.

Suggested topics:
Conference website:


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: June 20, 2018
Subject: Mathematics of Operational Research, UK, Apr 2019

Innovating Mathematics for New Industrial Challenges
25 - 26 April 2019, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

The conference will aim to draw together the considerable community of
researchers and practitioners who develop new mathematics of relevance
to and which underpin applications in Operational Research (OR).  It
will take a comprehensive view, will showcase activity from across OR,
and will welcome both contributions which have a clear application
focus as well as those which are theoretically driven.

Contributions will be expected to showcase both significant new
mathematics and OR relevance.  The conference will host plenaries from
leading international experts.

Invited Speakers: Jeremy Bradley (Royal Mail); Shane Henderson
(Cornell University); Rob Solley (Dstl); Sven Leyffer (Argonne
National Laboratory, Chicago); Milan Vojnovic (LSE)

Papers will be considered for the conference based on a 300 word
abstract for oral presentation. Abstracts should be submitted by
Monday 31 December 2018 via If you are an IMA
Member or you have previously registered for an IMA conference, then
you are already on our database. Please "request a new password" using
the email address previously used, to log in.

Papers will be considered for the conference based on a 300 word
abstract for poster presentation. Posters are encouraged particularly
from PhD students, and a prize for the best poster presentation will
be awarded. Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 22 February 2019
via If you are an IMA Member or you have
previously registered for an IMA conference, then you are already on
our database. Please "request a new password" using the email address
previously used, to log in.

Further information:


From: Eun-Jae Park [log in to unmask]
Date: June 18, 2018
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computational Science and Applied Mathematics, Yonsei Univ

Applications are invited for a tenure or tenure track position in all
areas of Computational Science and Applied Mathematics including Data
Science, Artificial Intelligence, and High Performance Computing to
begin in March 1, 2019. Rank and salary depend on qualifications.
Teaching duties are two courses per semester.  Applicants should have
at least one year of research experience after Ph.D.

Applications should be submitted between May 14 and July 6, 2018.
The  application form and other information are available at (English) (Korean).

Information on the Department of Computational Science &
Engineering can be found at

All applications must be submitted directly to the following address:

 Dept. of Computational Science & Engineering
 Room 609, Building 117,
 Yonsei University,
 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu,
 Seoul 03722, Korea

Deadline for Applications: July 6, 2018


From: Sébastien Le Digabel [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2018
Subject: Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Polytechnique Montreal

Polytechnique Montreal is one of Canada's leading engineering teaching
and research institutions, with over 7,500 students and over 1,000
employees. Its Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering is
seeking candidates to fill two positions, one as professor of applied
mathematics and the other as professor of industrial engineering.

With 46 professors and 9 teachers, the Department of Mathematics and
Industrial Engineering dispenses all of the school's service courses
in mathematics and complementary studies, an undergraduate program,
professional master's course and specialized graduate programs in
industrial engineering, and master's research and doctoral programs in
industrial engineering and applied mathematics.

Area of expertise: Operational research and data science.

See the details at:

Application deadline is August 11, 2018.


From: Benjamin Stamm [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2018
Subject: Junior Professor Position, Mathematics of UQ, RWTH Aachen

We are seeking qualified applicants for teaching and research in the
area of Mathematics related to Uncertainty Quantification. The
starting date is as soon as possible. Candidates are expected to have
a visible research agenda and distinguished expertise in Uncertainty
Quantification with strong competency in at least one of the following
areas: mathematical and numerical analysis of stochastic problems,
applied probability theory or statistics. Particular expertise on i)
multilevel and multi-index hierarchical approximation/sampling, ii)
stochastic particle systems, iii) optimal experimental design or iv)
high performance computing will be specially valued. This position is
affiliated with the Chair for Mathematics of Uncertainty
Quantification and the Department of Mathematics. The successful
candidate should on the one hand initiate and develop
interdisciplinary collaborations with other research groups at RWTH,
in particular, engineering and natural sciences. On the other hand,
he/she is expected to further develop the methodological activities
within the Chair for Mathematics of Uncertainty Quantification. The
duration of the junior professorship is limited to 3 years and can be
extended for additional 3 years after a positive interim evaluation.

A complete description and how to apply is available here:

Deadline: July 5, 2018.


From: Prof. Dr. Sven Beuchler [log in to unmask]
Date: June 21, 2018
Subject: Research Assistant & Postdoc Positions, Inst of Applied Mathematics

The Institute of Applied Mathematics invites applications for two
positions as a Research Assistant (Post-doc Position, f/m) in
Mathematics (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 100 %) to be appointed the latest
on October 15th, 2018.  The positions are initially limited to two years.

Responsibilities and duties include research in the field of Applied
Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics or Optimization and a teaching load
of four hours a week.  The applicants are also expected to teach
service courses (teacher training / engineering education.

To qualify for the positions, applicants must hold a PhD in
Mathematics and should have expertise in Applied Mathematics,
Numerical Mathematics or Optimization. The ability to communicate on
scientific topics in English is essential.

As an equal opportunities employer, the Leibniz Universitat Hannover
intends to promote women and men in the context of statutory
requirements. For this reason suitably qualified women are
specifically invited to apply. Equally qualified applicants with
disabilities will be given preferential treatment.

For further information, please contact Prof. Sven Beuchler
Tel: +49 511 76219973, [log in to unmask]
who will be pleased to assist.

Please send your application with curriculum vitae, a description of
your research interests and a list of your publications by e-Mail
(compiled in one single pdf document) by July 15th, 2018 to Email:
[log in to unmask]

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitat Hannover
Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover


From: Swaminathan Prasanna [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Modeling of Dusty Plasmas

This proposal concerns numerical studies on high quality
nanodiamonds formation in miwrowave assisted plasma. the proposed
work consist of understanding the mechanisms that governs
nanoparticles (NPs) formation and growth to improve the process
using numerical simulations.

The post-doc will mainly focus on understanding the different
phenomena that govern the nanoparticle formation and plasma evolution
through modelling and comparison with experiments. The objective of
the modelling work is to accompany the experimental team to optimize
the process of NPs fabrication and control. The candidate will be
involved in the development of the chemistry scheme resulting in the
NP nucleation and particle growth. For this odel that follow particle
transport and growth will be used to predict the formation of carbon
NPs in the plasma. Extensive studies will be performed to understand
the phenomena that govern the NPs formation and size and quality which
are poorly understood and is critical in the development of several
carbonated NPs processes and is expected to produce publications
interesting for large audience.

Although the candidate will be working with the modelling group,
he/she will carry out extensive interaction with the experimental
group that produces (nano)diamond in MW plasmas.  The results of this
study will also be used to describe a reduced scheme for particle
nucleation and growth that could be implemented by the group in the
in-house 2 dimensional self-consistent model constructed for MW
assisted plasmas for H2-meth[2, 3] The candidate will also have the
opportunity to interact with the molecular dynamics team of the lab
who are involved in calculating collision cross-sections.

1) The candidate should have a background in fluid dynamics / heat
   transfer and chemistry. Knowledge of aerosol dynamics is a plus.
2) The candidate is expected to have fair programming skills,
   preferably Fortran.
3) The candidate should be capable of carrying out research
   independently and be able to regularly present his/her results to
   other collaborating groups.

Duration of postdoc
The duration of postdoc is for a period of 1 year with a Gross
salary of around 2600 Euro (2100 Euro net) based on the experience.

LSPM UPR3407 Villetaneuse
Medelling Group : K. Hassouni, S. Prasanna and A. Michau

Point of contact
Interested candidates can send their Cvs to -
Swaminathan Prasanna
[log in to unmask]


From: Andrew Valentine [log in to unmask]
Date: June 20, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Australian National Univ

Fully-funded PhD scholarships are available for excellent candidates
to work with Prof. Malcolm Sambridge and Dr Andrew Valentine within
the world-leading Seismology & Mathematical Geophysics group at the
Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University.

We are keen to receive applications from individuals with a strong
academic background in mathematics, statistics, physics or related
topics. We do not necessarily expect prior experience in
geophysics. Topics of current interest include:
- Geophysical inverse theory;
- Applications of machine learning and data science within geophysics;
- Bayesian inference, especially in high-dimensional or highly
   non-linear settings.

In particular, thanks to generous support from the Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, we have two
opportunities for candidates who wish to develop novel inference and
imaging techniques for addressing geophysical questions. You will
adapt cutting-edge ideas from machine learning and statistics, and
help us understand how they can be used to discover and manage Earth

These scholarships include an enhanced stipend of AU $30k/yr, and
funding for travel and professional development.

For full details, please see

Informal inquiries from potential applicants are welcome: please email
[log in to unmask]


From: Tobias Weinzierl [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Methods in Medical X-ray Imaging, Durham Univ

The Department of Computer Science at Durham University is pleased to
offer a PhD studentship for a collaborative project with industry,
part-funded by European Regional Development Funding, Durham
University and IBEX Innovations Ltd.

The successful candidate will work at the interface of data structure
design, performance engineering and medical imaging (most likely with
a machine learning flavour). For a full description, see


From: Andrey Jivkov [log in to unmask]
Date: June 24, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics for Engineering, Univ of Manchester

The Mechanics and Physics of Solids Research Group, School of
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester
( is looking for a PhD student with
background in Applied Mathematics or closely related discipline. The
research will be focused on development of geometric mechanics of
solids, involving discrete exterior calculus and/or finite element
exterior calculus.

For more information, please refer to

noting that the position maybe converted to non-UK/EU applicants
should the best candidate is in this category.

- You obtained a MSc in mathematics, computational engineering or
  computational physics with very strong mathematical background;
- You have preferably experience in software development of
  computational methods in mechanics or physics;
- You are interested in doing research in applied mathematics with
  direct application to industrial problems.
- You are able to work independently and as part of an
  interdisciplinary team.
- You poses excellent oral and written communication skills in


From: Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauter [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Zurich

The Computational Mathematics Group at the University of Zurich has an
opening for a PhD position for 3+1 years.

Topic: Development of an efficient numerical method to solve wave
equations in unbounded domains by space-time integral equation

Prerequisites: Master/diploma in Mathematics, very good knowledge in
numerical analysis and good knowledge in programming.

Application: In environmental physics there are applications where it
is essential to obtain information on material properties inside
(large) solid objects. For this purpose, typically, a wave is sent
into the solid and the scattered wave is recorded and used to solve
the relevant mathematical equations for the quantity of interest.

Cooperations: The proposal for this project has a concrete
application: to determine the ice volume of glaciers in Switzerland
(within a cooperation with the "Exploration and Environmental
Geophysics" group at ETHZ).

The software development will be a close cooperation with the
"Scientific Computing Group" at the University of Kiel.

Starting salary: CHF 58'800.

Conditions/Applications: The I-Math at the University of Zurich
provides an excellent environment and infrastructure for their PhD
students. PhD students are members of the Zurich Graduate School in
Mathematics (ZGSM) which is jointly run with the D-Math at the ETH
Zurich. The new PhD students will be integrated in the Numerical
Analysis/Computational Mathematics research group of Professor Stefan

Applications should include electronic versions of your transcripts
and, if available, a certificate of the master degree. In addition 3
letters of recommendation are requested.  The application should be
send to the head of the Numerical Analysis Group, Professor Stefan
Sauter (eMail: [log in to unmask]).  The application deadline is
September 30, 2018.


From: Benjamin Sanderse [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, UQ and Data Assimilation for Multiphase Flow, CWI

A PhD position is available in the Scientific Computing group at CWI,
the Dutch institute for mathematics and computer science. The
background of the project lies in developing new mathematical
techniques to combine the physical laws that govern fluid flows with
methods that can assimilate data into model predictions. The specific
goal is to arrive at real-time prediction of multiphase flow systems
such as slug flow in pipelines. This requires the use of reduced order
models that feature several uncertain (unclosed) terms. In this
project this closure problem is tackled through the real-time
incorporation of data. This data is available from high-fidelity
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations or from experiments.

We seek a talented and enthusiastic candidate with a Master's degree
in Applied Mathematics, Physics, Aerospace Engineering or a related
discipline, and a specialization in Numerical Analysis or a related
field such as Computational Fluid Dynamics. You will be working
closely together with experts from both CWI (dr. Sanderse,
dr. Dubinkina and prof.  Oosterlee) and Shell Technology Centre
Amsterdam (prof. Henkes). You will be enrolled in the Graduate School
of Delft University of Technology from which you will later receive
the PhD degree.

For more information on qualifications, terms and conditions, please visit
assimilation. For questions, please contact Benjamin Sanderse
([log in to unmask]), or Svetlana Dubinkina, ([log in to unmask]).


From: Volker Mehrmann [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Research Training Group, TU Berlin & Freie Univ Berlin

The newly established, interdisciplinary Research Training Group on
"Differential Equation- and Data driven Models in Life Sciences and
Fluid Dynamic" (DAEDALUS) is a collaborative venture of the Technische
Universitat Berlin jointly with Freie Universitat Berlin and
Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg.

The main goal of DAEDALUS is the analysis of the interplay between
incorporation of data and differential equation-based modelling, which
is one of the key problems in model-based research of the 21st
century.  DAEDALUS focuses both on theoretical insights and on
applications in life sciences (brain-computer interfaces and
biochemistry) as well as in fluid dynamics. The projects cover a
scientific range from machine learning, mathematical theory of model
reduction and uncertainty quantification to respective applications in
turbulence theory, simulation of complex nonlinear flows as well as of
molecular dynamics in chemical and biological systems. Detailed
project descriptions can be found under .

DAEDALUS also offers collaborative supervision from leading
international scientists, embedded in one of the most dense and
innovative academic regions in Europe.

Requirements: Successfully completed university degree (Master,
Diploma or equivalent) in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics,
Physics or other related disciplines; an excellent command of English,
together with good academic writing and presentation skills.

We are looking for highly motivated, inquisitive, enthusiastic, and
result-driven PhD candidates with an excellent academic record and
strong interest in interdisciplinary scientific work.

Deatils of the application process can be found under


From: Marco Donatelli [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy

Outstanding students are sought for 7 Ph.D. fellowships in "Computer
Science and Computational Mathematics" at the Department of Science
and high Technology, University of INSUBRIA Varese-Como, Italy,

The call for the application is available at the website

The application deadline is 31st July 2018.

The applicants will be interviewed 3-4 September 2018.

The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary
environment, developing skills in Computer Science and Scientific
Computing. During the 3 years of the Ph.D. program, the students will
attend 4 courses with final exam, and summer schools. Short visits
abroad will be also possible during the first two years. The students
will carry out original research in Computational Mathematics and the
results of their work will be reported in their Phd thesis.

For further information the applicants may contact the coordinator
Prof. Marco Donatelli ([log in to unmask])


From: Danielle Walker [log in to unmask]
Date: June 21, 2018
Subject: Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 44 (3)

NO. 3, 2018


Two scale Hardy space infinite elements for scalar waveguide problems,
Martin Halla & Lothar Nannen

Fractional-step \theta-method for solving singularly perturbed problem
in ecology, Woinshet D. Mergia & Kailash C. Patidar

Scattered data fitting of Hermite type by a weighted meshless method,
M. Esmaeilbeigi, O. Chatrabgoun & M. Shafa

On numerical density approximations of solutions of SDEs with
unbounded coefficients,	Linghua Chen, Espen Robstad Jakobsen & Arvid

Alternating direction method of multipliers with difference of convex
functions, Tao Sun, Penghang Yin, Lizhi Cheng & Hao Jiang

Spectral element method with geometric mesh for two-sided fractional
differential equations, Zhiping Mao & Jie Shen

Convergence analysis of the direct extension of ADMM for
multiple-block separable convex minimization, Min Tao & Xiaoming Yuan

Adaptive energy preserving methods for partial differential equations,
Solve Eidnes, Brynjulf Owren & Torbjorn Ringholm

High-precision computation of the confluent hypergeometric functions
via Franklin-Friedman expansion, Guillermo Navas-Palencia

The spectral collocation method for efficiently solving PDEs with
fractional Laplacian, Hong Lu, Peter W. Bates, Wenping Chen & Mingji

Real phase retrieval from unordered partial frame coefficients,
Fusheng Lv & Wenchang Sun

Coercivity results of a modified Q 1-finite volume element scheme for
anisotropic diffusion problems, Qi Hong & Jiming Wu

Analysis of linearized Galerkin-mixed FEMs for the time-dependent
Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity,	Huadong Gao & Weiwei

Accurate calculation of spherical and vector spherical harmonic
expansions via spectral element grids, Bo Wang, Li-Lian Wang & Ziqing

End of Digest

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