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NADIGEST  May 2018, Week 4

NADIGEST May 2018, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 18, # 21


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 27 May 2018 23:29:02 -0400





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Subject: NA Digest, V. 18, # 21

NA Digest Sunday, May 27, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 21

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

Software Release: ROSTAPACK: RObust STAbility PACKage 1.0
Inter-Facial Dynamics and FSI Problems, China, Jun 2018
Microlocal Analysis Meets Data Science, UK, Jun 2018
PUMPS+AI Summer School, Spain, Jul 2018
Isogeometric Analysis and Mesh Generation, China, Aug 2018
Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences, UK, Sep 2018
LeGO Global Optimization, The Netherlands, Sep 2018
Current Trends in Solid Mechanics, Germany, Oct 2018
Faculty Positions, Computational Science and Applied Mathematics, Yonsei Univ
Assistant Professor Position, Computational Mathematics, Linkoping Univ
Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Nottingham
Postdoc Positions, KIT, Germany
PhD Position, Univ of Reading, UK
PhD Position, Virtual Additive Manufacturing, Univ of Leicester, UK
PhD Positions, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
Deadline Extension, SISC Copper Mountain Special Issue
Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58 (2)
Contents, Numer. Algorithms, 78 (2)
Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (2)

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From: Tim Mitchell [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2018
Subject: Software Release: ROSTAPACK: RObust STAbility PACKage 1.0

I am pleased to announce the 1.0 release of ROSTAPACK: RObust
STAbility PACKage. ROSTAPACK is a new AGPL-licensed library for
computation and fast approximation of robust stability measures for
linear dynamical systems. This initial 1.0 release contains scalable
methods intended for large-scale problems for approximating the
complex or real stability radius, the H-infinity norm, and the
spectral value set abscissa or radius (including the pseudospectral
abscissa and radius). A future update will add state-of-the-art exact
methods, intended for smaller-scale problems, for computing (not
approximating) these measures.

More information about ROSTAPACK can be found at:


From: Chensong Zhang [log in to unmask]
Date: May 22, 2018
Subject: Inter-Facial Dynamics and FSI Problems, China, Jun 2018

We are organizing a workshop on inter-facial dynamics and
fluid-structure interaction problems. The focus will be on different
aspects of interface problems, free boundary and moving interface
problems, and fluid- structure interactions including modeling and
analysis, the related theory and analysis of partial differential
equations (PDEs), various numerical methods, and applications. The
interactions include fluid and fluid, fluid and solid, fluid and
elasticity materials interactions. An important goal of this workshop
is to foster collaboration between computational mathematicians and

Invited Speakers: Francois Bouchon (Universite Clermont Auvergne,
France); Thierry Coupez (CEMEF - MINES ParisTech, France); Philippe
Devloo (University of Campinas, Brazil); Robert Dillon (Washington
State Univ, USA); Kazufumi Ito (NC State, USA); Boo Cheong Khoo (NUS,
Singapore); Zhilin Li (NC State, USA); John Lowengrub (UC Irvine,
USA); Peter Minev (Univ of Alberta, Canada); Thomas Richter
(University of Magdeburg, Germany); Lisl Weynans (University of
Bordeaux, France); Jinchao Xu (Penn State Univ, USA).

For more details, see


From: Marta Betcke [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2018
Subject: Microlocal Analysis Meets Data Science, UK, Jun 2018

We would like to bring to your attention the following workshop

"Microlocal analysis meets data science to solve large scale real life
inverse problems", 18-20 June 2018, Alan Turing Institute, London

A key consideration in inverse problems in imaging is whether sharp
edges and other features of the image are faithfully recovered in the
reconstruction process. To analyse this we must understand how such
features appear in the data. Microlocal analysis provides a
theoretical framework for studying this propagation of sharp, or high
frequency, features in the image to the corresponding features in the
data, and then the inversion of this process which occurs in the
reconstruction. In particular, microlocal analysis can tell us in many
cases what features of an object to be imaged are "visible" from a
given data set, and whether more data will be required for faithful

For more information and to register (free) please visit the
workshop's website


From: Antonio J. Peña [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2018
Subject: PUMPS+AI Summer School, Spain, Jul 2018

On its ninth edition, the Programming and tUning Massively Parallel
Systems summer school (PUMPS) premiers a brand-new "+AI" design,
offering researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to
improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on
experience in developing and tuning applications for many-core
processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU
accelerators, with more content devoted to artificial intelligence.

The summer school is oriented towards advanced programming and
optimizations, and thus previous experience in basic GPU programming
will be considered in the selection process. We will also consider the
current parallel applications, numerical methods, and AI techniques
you are familiar with, and the specific optimizations you would like
to discuss. Some of the topics that will be covered during the course
are: AI / DEEP Learning; High-level programming models on GPUs: OmpSs,
OpenACC; CUDA Algorithmic Optimization Strategies; Dealing with Sparse
and Dynamic data; Efficiency in Large Data Traversal; Reducing Output
Interference; Controlling Load Imbalance and Divergence; Acceleration
of Collective Operations; Dynamic Parallelism and HyperQ; Debugging
and Profiling CUDA Code; Multi-GPU and multi-node Execution;
Architecture Trends and Implications.

Participants will have access to a multi-node cluster of GPUs, and
will learn to program and optimize applications in languages such as
CUDA and OmpSs. Teaching Assistants will be available to help with
your hands-on lab assignments. At poster and code clinic sessions you
may show your current work and applications you are optimizing. NVIDIA
will award the best poster presentation and course achievements.

Applications due: May 31, 2018
Summer school: July 16-20, 2018

Location: Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Computer Architecture
Dept. at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Complete information, program and registration:


From: Hang Si [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2018
Subject: Isogeometric Analysis and Mesh Generation, China, Aug 2018

The International Symposium on Isogeometric Analysis and Mesh
Generation will take place in Dalian, China, August 3-5, 2018. The
symposium will offer a valuable opportunity for researchers to present
their latest research findings, ideas, developments and applications
in isogeometric analysis and mesh generation. It consists of invited
and contributed presentations dealing with all aspects of IGA and
Meshing. For more information, please visit

Extended Abstracts should be submitted electronically through the
EasyChair system. Both original research papers and excellent works
published in top journals are welcomed. For each accepted extended
abstract, at least one author is required to register and attend the
symposium. Among all the papers presented in the symposium, some will
be selected and invited for submission to special issues of the
journal Graphical Models. These papers must contain novel results that
have been neither reported before nor concurrently submitted to other
journal or conference with proceedings.

Extended Abstract Submission: June 10, 2018
Notification: July 1, 2018
Conference: August 3-5, 2018
Selected Full Paper Submission: August 21, 2018


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2018
Subject: Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences, UK, Sep 2018

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge
10 - 11 September 2018

Through a community initiative supported by the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, the Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences and the Heads of Departments of Mathematical
Sciences (HoDoMS) and endorsed by the Royal Statistical Society and
the London Mathematical Society, we are delighted to announce that in
September 2018 the two-day Induction Course for lecturers new to
teaching mathematics and statistics within Higher Education will again
take place.

The Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences
has been designed by the mathematics community so that it is ideally
suited for anyone who is new to teaching mathematics or statistics
within UK higher education. It is be delivered by individuals with
significant experience of teaching mathematics and will focus upon the
specific details and issues that arise in mathematics teaching and
learning within higher education including topics such as: Lecturing;
Supporting student learning; Making teaching interactive; Assessment,
examinations and feedback; Linking teaching & research; Using
technology to enhance teaching and learning; Using examples and
mathematical problem solving.

Registration is open via

If you are an IMA Member or you have previously registered for an IMA
conference, then you are already on our database. Please "request a
new password" using the email address previously used, to log in.

For questions or queries about the academic content or structure of
the Induction Course, please contact Michael Grove: [log in to unmask]

For questions or queries about the organisation/administration of the
Induction Course, please contact Lizzi Lake: [log in to unmask]

To book your place online, or for further information as it becomes
available, please visit:


From: Dmitri Kvasov [log in to unmask]
Date: May 22, 2018
Subject: LeGO Global Optimization, The Netherlands, Sep 2018

The LeGO 2018 - the 14th International Workshop on Global Optimization
will be held in Leiden, The Netherlands 18th-21st September 2018. It
will be co-organized by the International Society of Global
Optimization (iSoGO) and University of Leiden. We would like to
announce that it is still possible to submit papers to LeGO 2018 - the
14th International Workshop on Global Optimization until June 1st,
2018. Please find CFP and event details on:


From: Thomas Wick [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2018
Subject: Current Trends in Solid Mechanics, Germany, Oct 2018

We are pleased to announce a workshop on

`Current trends and open problems in computational solid mechanics'

taking place at the Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany, during the
period October 8-9, 2018.

The scope of this workshop is to provide a forum for the discussion of
recent results in the simulation of solids. Of particular interest are
problems related to phase-field models for damage and fracture,
virtual element methods, extended finite elements as well as modeling
and simulation of incompressible (solid) materials. Presentations
addressing open problems in modeling as well as numerical treatment
are particularly encouraged.

Plenary talks will be given by internationally recognized scientists
Gregoire Allaire, Roberto Alessi and Anna Pandolfi.

The deadlines for registration and paper submission are Juli 31th.
The conference fee is 50 EUR.

All details are available on the workshop website


From: Eun-Jae Park [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2018
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computational Science and Applied Mathematics, Yonsei Univ

Applications are invited for a tenure or tenure track position in all
areas of Computational Science and Applied Mathematics including Data
Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and High Performance Computing
to b to begin in March 1, 2019. Rank and salary depend on
qualifications. Teac Teaching duties are two courses per
semester. Applicants should have at l at least one year of research
experience after Ph.D.

Applications should be submitted between May 14 and July 6, 2018. The
application form and other information are available at (English) (Korean).

More information on the Department of Computational Science &
Engineering can be found at

All applications must be submitted directly to the following address:

Dept. of Computational Science & Engineering at Graduate School
Room 609, Building 117,
Yonsei University,
50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu,
Seoul 03722, Korea

Deadline for Applications: July 6, 2018


From: Jan Nordström [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2018
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Computational Mathematics, Linkoping Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Linkoping University invites
applications for an Assistant Professor position in computational

Scientific skills in computational mathematics with a focus on the
numerical solution of deterministic and/or stochastic partial
differential equations will be primarily considered.

The purpose of this employment is that the employee should develop the
scientific and pedagogical skills required for a promotion to
Associate Professor.

It is a four year position and research time up to 50% is a possibility.

Application deadline is 31 May 2018.

Apply at


From: Paul Houston [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Nottingham

We are looking for a Research Assistant/Fellow, whose expertise lies
in computational partial differential equations, to work with
Professor Paul Houston and Dr Matthew Hubbard on an EPSRC-funded
project entitled "Clinical Adaptive Radiation Transport Algorithms".
The central aim of the project is to develop efficient discontinuous
Galerkin finite element methods for the numerical approximation of the
radiation transport equation, for application in treatment planning in
clinical radiotherapy.

We are looking for a confident, organised researcher who can evidence:
- A PhD, or equivalent in mathematics or a relevant branch of
- Expert knowledge of finite element methods, including discontinuous
  Galerkin schemes, as well as a strong background in programming.
- Background knowledge in more than one of the following areas: a
  posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement; numerical
  methods for hyperbolic PDEs; multilevel solvers; polytopic meshing;
  parallel computing

This full-time position is available from 1 October 2018 or as soon as
possible thereafter and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a
period of 36 months. For further details and online application, see:


From: Tanja Hagedorn [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, KIT, Germany

The CRC 1173 "Wave phenomena - analysis and numerics" is inviting
applications, as soon as possible, for Postdoctoral Researchers in the
Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1173 "Wave phenomena - analysis
and numerics". The full description can be found under the following


From: Mike Baines [log in to unmask]
Date: May 27, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Reading, UK

An Industrial CASE PhD studentship (with the UK Met Office) in Land
Surface Mathematical Modelling is available at the University of
Reading, UK, with funding for UK Students and EU Students from the UK
NERC, on novel physical and numerical methods for simulating water and
heat transfer in land surface models. This project concerns the
implementation and testing of two velocity-based unsaturated zone flow
solution methods and the feasibility of their incorporation into the
Met Office code JULES.

Supervisors: Professor Anne Verhoef, Professor Mike Baines, Dr Martin
Best (UK Met Office), Professor Fred Ogden (UCAR, USA).

Starts 1 October 2018, Application deadline 30th June.

Further Enquiries: Professor Anne Verhoef ([log in to unmask]) or
Professor Mike Baines ([log in to unmask])

To apply for this studentship please submit an application for a PhD
in Environmental Science at

quoting the reference 'GS18-29' in the 'Scholarships applied for' box
which appears within the Funding Section of your on-line application.


From: Andrea Cangiani [log in to unmask]
Date: May 27, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Virtual Additive Manufacturing, Univ of Leicester, UK

PhD Studentship: Virtual Additive Manufacturing

A fully-funded 4 year-PhD studentship starting in September/October
2018 is available in the Doctoral training centre for Innovative Metal
Processing (IMPaCT) at the University of Leicester.

We are looking for well-motivated candidates with a strong numerical
analysis background to engage with an ongoing research project on
numerical simulation of additive manufacturing (AM) processes (3D
printing) based on electron or laser beam melting of metals. The
successful candidate will contribute to the develop and analysis of a
novel multi-scale AM simulation platform based on the Virtual Element
Method. Joint project within the Numerical Analysis Group (Dept. of
Mathematics) and the Mechanics of Materials Group (Dept. Of

For full details, follow the link:

Applications are open until 22nd June 2018. For informal enquiries,
please contact Dr A. Cangiani by email at [log in to unmask]


From: Nicola Guglielmi [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy

We are pleased to announce that the GSSI - Gran Sasso Science
Institute, School of Advanced Studies - advertises:

8 PhD fellowships at the GSSI: in "Mathematics in Natural, Social and
Life Sciences" with particular interest in numerical analysis and
applied mathematics

4 years - 16.159,91 Euro gross yearly - free accommodation - free
luncheon vouchers

Deadline: June 20 2018, 6 pm (CEST)

Online Application:

For more information, please consult or write an
email to [log in to unmask]


From: Irad Yavneh [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2018
Subject: Deadline Extension, SISC Copper Mountain Special Issue

The Fifteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods was held
in March 25-31, 2018. The meeting attracted over 200 participants from
around the world, and there were more than 170 talks covering a broad
spectrum of topics related to iterative solvers .

The SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) is dedicating a
Special Section to recent progress in iterative methods. Submissions
are encouraged in all aspects of iterative methods including the
following areas: stochastic PDEs and uncertainty quantification,
iterative linear algebraic techniques for data mining, optimization,
inverse problems, large-scale eigenvalue and singular value
computations, iterative methods in imaging, Krylov accelerators,
preconditioning, iterative solvers on high concurrency node
architectures, multigrid, domain decomposition, nonlinear solution
methods, surrogate methods/model order reduction, low-rank
approximations, nonlinear least squares, solvers for indefinite
systems, hybrid direct/iterative solvers, robust and scalable solvers
for coupled multi-physics problems (electromagnetics, fluids,
neutronics), iterative metho methods for energy applications and
climate modeling, solvers for quant quantum chemistry/physics

Submissions are now accepted until June 15, 2018. Attendees and
participants of the conference as well as the general community are
invited to submit papers. For submission instructions and additional
information see and

Questions? Please contact Irad Yavneh [log in to unmask]


From: Lars Elden [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2018
Subject: Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58 (2)

BIT Numerical mathematics vol 58 issue 2 June 2018

General order conditions for stochastic partitioned Runge-Kutta
methods, Sverre Anmarkrud, Kristian Debrabant and Anne Kvaerno

A Gauss-Newton iteration for Total Least Squares problems, Dario
Fasino and Antonio Fazzi

Time filters increase accuracy of the fully implicit method, Ahmet
Guzel and William Layton

Evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials by a three-term recurrence in
floating-point arithmetic, Tomasz Hrycak and Sebastian Schmutzhard

Optimally zero stable explicit peer methods with variable nodes,
Marcel Klinge, Rudiger Weiner and Helmut Podhaisky

Robust three-field finite element methods for Biot's consolidation
model in poroelasticity, Jeonghun J. Lee

Computing scattering resonances using perfectly matched layers with
frequency dependent scaling functions, Lothar Nannen and Markus Wess

Composite symmetric general linear methods (COSY-GLMs) for the
long-time integration of reversible Hamiltonian systems, Terence
J. T. Norton

Ubiquitous evaluation of layer potentials using Quadrature by
Kernel-Independent Expansion, Abtin Rahimian, Alex Barnett and Denis

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Taylor variational integrators, Jeremy
Schmitt, Tatiana Shingel and Melvin Leok

Error estimate of the finite volume scheme for the Allen-Cahn
equation, Pavel Strachota and Michal Benes

The effect of uncertain geometries on advection-diffusion of scalar
quantities, Markus Wahlsten and Jan Nordstrom

Erratum to: Quasi-interpolation based on the ZP-element for the
numerical solution of integral equations on surfaces in R^3, Catterina
Dagnino and Sara Remogna


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2018
Subject: Contents, Numer. Algorithms, 78 (2)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 78, No. 2

A new approach for computing consistent initial values and Taylor
coefficients for DAEs using projector-based constrained optimization,
Diana Estevez Schwarz, Rene Lamour

Semi-convergence analysis of preconditioned deteriorated PSS iteration
method for singular saddle point problems, Zhao-Zheng Liang, Guo-Feng

Solving the Dym initial value problem in reproducing kernel space,
P. Bakhtiari, S. Abbasbandy, R.A. Van Gorder

Enclosing the solution set of parametric interval matrix equation
A(p)X = B(p), Evgenija D. Popova

L1 spline fits via sliding window process: continuous and discrete
cases, Laurent Gajny, Olivier Gibaru, Eric Nyiri

Pointwise estimates of SDFEM on Shishkin triangular meshes for
problems with characteristic layers, Xiaowei Liu, Jin Zhang

A linearized second-order scheme for nonlinear time fractional
Klein-Gordon type equations, Pin Lyu, Seakweng Vong

Speckle noise removal in ultrasound images by first- and second-order
total variation, Si Wang, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Jin-Jin Mei, Jie

A wide neighborhood primal-dual predictor-corrector interior-point
method for symmetric cone optimization, M. Sayadi Shahraki,
H. Mansouri, M. Zangiabadi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri

C 0IPG adaptive algorithms for the biharmonic eigenvalue problem, Hao
Li, Yidu Yang

An explicitly uncoupled VMS stabilization finite element method for
the time-dependent Darcy-Brinkman equations in double-diffusive
convection, Yun-Bo Yang, Yao-Lin Jiang

The truncated Euler-Maruyama method for stochastic differential delay
equations, Qian Guo, Xuerong Mao, Rongxian Yue

Always convergent methods for nonlinear equations of several
variables, A. Galantai

A new single-step iteration method for solving complex symmetric
linear systems, X. Y. Xiao, X. Wang

Remarkable Haar spaces of multivariate piecewise polynomials,
Giampietro Allasia


From: Irena Lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: May 20, 2018
Subject: Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (2)

Please find the link to the EECT vol 7. nr 2 -published June 2018.


Dalila Azzam-Laouir and Fatiha Selamnia, On state-dependent sweeping
process in Banach spaces

Amin Boumenir, Vu Kim Tuan and Nguyen Hoang, The recovery of a
parabolic equation from measurements at a single point

Michele Colturato, Well-posedness and longtime behavior for a singular
phase field system with perturbed phase dynamics

Victor Hernandez-Santamaria and Luz de Teresa, Robust Stackelberg
controllability for linear and semilinear heat equations

Kazumasa Fujiwara and Tohru Ozawa, On the lifespan of strong solutions
to the periodic derivative nonlinear Schodinger equation

Tae Gab Ha, On the viscoelastic equation with Balakrishnan-Taylor
damping and acoustic boundary conditions

Dongxue Yan and Xianlong Fu, Asymptotic behavior of a hierarchical
size-structured population model

Kai Wang, Dun Zhao and Binhua Feng, Optimal nonlinearity control of
Schodinger equation

End of Digest

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