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NADIGEST  May 2018, Week 2

NADIGEST May 2018, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 18, # 19


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 13 May 2018 22:09:07 -0400





text/plain (339 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 18, # 19

NA Digest  Sunday, May 13, 2018  Volume 18 : Issue 19

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Jun 2018
	Summer School, Tensor-Based Signal Processing, Belgium, Aug 2018
	Summer School, UQ, USA, Aug 2018
	Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications, Austria, Nov 2018
	Visiting Professor Position, Scientific Computing, Brazil
	Postdoc and Research Scientist Positions, KAUST
	Postdoc Position, Cosserat catheter Model with Implicit Colliding Surfaces
	Postdoc Position, UQ
	PhD Positions, Strathclyde
	Call for Papers, MCA Special Issue on Numerical Methods

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From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2018
Subject: IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Jun 2018

6th IMA Conference on
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
University of Birmingham, UK
27 - 29 June 2018

The IMA and the University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the
Sixth IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization.
The meeting is organised in cooperation with SIAM, whose members will
receive the IMA members' registration rate.

Conference topics include any subject that could be of interest to
both communities, such as: Direct and iterative methods for large
sparse linear systems; Eigenvalue computation and optimization;
Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming; Effect of
round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative procedures;
Optimization issues for matrix polynomials; Fast matrix computations;
Compressed/sparse sensing; PDE-constrained optimization; Distributed
computing and optimization; Applications and real time optimization.

Invited speakers: Amir Beck (Tel Aviv University); Julian Hall
(University of Edinburgh); Misha Kilmer (Tufts University); Dominique
Orban (Polytechnique Montreal); Alison Ramage (University of
Strathclyde); Francoise Tisseur (University of Manchester); Luis Nunes
Vicente (University of Coimbra); Steve Wright (University of

Registration is open via
Conference webpage:


From: Lieven De Lathauwer [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2018
Subject: Summer School, Tensor-Based Signal Processing, Belgium, Aug 2018

Higher-order tensor methods are intensively studied in many
disciplines nowadays. The developments gradually allow us to move from
classical vector and matrix based methods in applied mathematics and
mathematical engineering to methods that involve tensors of arbitrary
order. This transition is pivotal for signal processing, data analysis
and many related fields. An important trend is the joint analysis of
multiple data sets by coupled decompositions of several matrices
and/or tensors.

The first two days of this summer school will provide a basic yet
solid introduction to tensor decompositions and applications in signal
processing, through lectures and computer exercises. After this
general introduction, the next three days will feature invited
lectures by experts. The second part also includes an end-of-project
knowledge transfer from ERC Biotensors under the form of lectures and
demos. Participants will be given the opportunity to present their own
work in a poster and obtain feed-back from the course tutors.

The summer school is supported by the European Association for Signal
Processing (EURASIP), the KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School for
Science, Engineering & Technology and the IEEE-EMBS Benelux chapter.

The summer school will take place from August 27-31, 2018, Leuven,
Belgium. For more information, please visit:


From: Roger Ghanem [log in to unmask]
Date: May 08, 2018
Subject: Summer School, UQ, USA, Aug 2018

We are happy to announce the 6th USC Summer School on Uncertainty
Quantification to take place on the campus of the University of
Southern California on August 8-10 2018.  The Summer school is
co-organized by USC, the SciDAC FastMath Institute, and Sandia
National Laboratories.

This year's focus will be on 1) Machine Learning, 2) Multifidelity
models, 3) Perron-Frobenius operators, and 4) Polynomial chaos
methodologies with lectures given by Mike Eldred, Roger Ghanem, Igor
Mezic, Christian Soize, and Andrew Stuart.

A website with additional information and registration instructions
has been established at :


From: Michele Ruggeri [log in to unmask]
Date: May 09, 2018
Subject: Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications, Austria, Nov 2018

"Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications (MANA 2018)" will be
held on November 8-9, 2018 at TU Wien (Vienna, Austria). The aim of
the workshop is to bring together some of the leading researchers
working in micromagnetics to give an overview of the active research
interests in the field, encourage intensive idea exchanges, and
possibly initiate new collaborations. The workshop consists of 9
invited talks and a poster presentation.

Confirmed speakers:
- Francois Alouges (Ecole Polytechnique)
- Sergio Conti (University of Bonn)
- Massimiliano D'Aquino (Parthenope University of Naples)
- Riccardo Hertel (University of Strasbourg)
- Stavros Komineas (University of Crete)
- Felix Otto (MPI-MIS Leipzig)
- Andreas Prohl (University of Tuebingen)
- Valeriy V. Slastikov (University of Bristol)
- Dieter Suess (University of Vienna)

Abstract submission deadline for contributed posters: September 14, 2018
General registration deadline: September 30, 2018

More information can be found on the workshop webpage:


From: Jairo Rocha de Faria [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2018
Subject: Visiting Professor Position, Scientific Computing, Brazil


The Federal University of Paraiba - UFPB, Brazil, will publish this
call to invite interested parties to apply for a selection of national
and international visiting professors to lecture, research and other
activities of academic-scientific nature at the UFPB Graduate Programs
(Master and PhD level). For more information visit:
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

We offer 01 position for Professors with PhD and at least 2 (two)
years of proven academic experience, for the following Graduate
Program of Mathematic and Computational Modelling (PPGMMC).
Candidates are expected to lecture; conduct, develop and apply
scientific research; publish scientific papers; organize academic
activities, such as seminars, conferences and others; intermediate the
signing of agreements of academic, technical and scientific
cooperation with universities of his/her country; as well as to comply
with the activities according to the law or the contract for his/her
position, in his/her field of work. We are looking for candidates with
a Ph.D. who can provide proof of, at least, 2 (two) years of academic
experience, with a distinctive record of international research and
relevant publications in international scientific journals, who can
conduct research in group and can intermediate the signing of
cooperation agreements with universities and higher education
institutions in his/her country or other institutions which he/she
works with.

Application: [log in to unmask], 11 - 21 May 2018
CV Evaluation: 05 - 08 June 2018
Preliminary Results: 25 June 2018
Final Results: 30 July de 2018

Full details available at


From: Peter Richtarik [log in to unmask]
Date: May 07, 2018
Subject: Postdoc and Research Scientist Positions, KAUST

Several postdoc and research scientist positions are available in my
group at KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology),
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.

Suitable backgrounds: machine learning, optimization, high performance
computing, deep learning, computer vision, applied mathematics,
randomized algorithms, randomized numerical linear algebra.

Starting date: Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 (exact starting date is flexible)

Duration: 1-3 years

If interested, send your cv to me by email.


From: Pierre-Frederic Villard [log in to unmask]
Date: May 08, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Cosserat catheter Model with Implicit Colliding Surfaces

Inria Nancy Grand Est ( invites
qualified applicants to submit their CVs for a Postdoc position in
Nancy (16 months, starting Nov. 1, 2018).  For more information and to
apply to the position, please visit

The recruited person will pursue research activities on computer
models of 1D mechanical structures in a medical context (catheters
navigating a patient's vasculature). A particular focus will be put on
contact management: exact force computation and application, response
(e.g.  deformation) of contact surface, self-contact. The proposed
solutions will rely on the basis of Solid Mechanics but will harvest
the field of Computer Graphics to efficiently leverage implicit
surfaces. A second focus will be placed on validation, and the
evaluation of the physical accuracy of the proposed simulation
framework. In that context, we've been collaborating for many years
with physicians at the local University Hospital.

Technical skills and level required: PhD in computer science or
applied mathematics; solid knowledge in computer graphics; good to
excellent level in C++ programming; knowledge in solid mechanics as
well as skills in computer vision and experience in designing and
carrying out experimentations will be appreciated.  Languages: French
or English.  Relational skills: readiness to work in a team, in a
multicultural environment; ease in communicating research work;
eagerness to convey new research ideas.

Contacts: Erwan Kerrien ([log in to unmask]) and Pierre-Frederic
Villard ([log in to unmask])


From: Dongbin Xiu [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, UQ

One post-doc researcher with strong background in scientific computing
and numerical simulation is needed. Interested candidate please
contact Prof Dongbin Xiu at [log in to unmask]


From: Gabriel R. Barrenechea [log in to unmask]
Date: May 08, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Strathclyde

The department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Strathclyde (
is currently advertising two fully funded, four year PhD scholarships
in all areas of the mathematical sciences (including statistics).
These scholarships are in the EPSRC framework for 'National
Productivity Investment Fund 2018 training grant', and thus,
candidates must be a UK citizen, or a EU citizen fulfilling the EPSRC

The starting date of the scholarships is the 1st of October, 2018.

The selection process will be as follows:

1. Please, send a cover letter (including research interests), a
   detailed CV (including transcripts), and two reference letters, by
   email, to Dr. Gabriel Barrenechea ([log in to unmask]).
2. After a ranking process (and possible interviews), two candidates
   will be chosen.
3. These candidates will be given a number of projects to choose from,
   ranging over all the areas of applied mathematical sciences.

The deadline for applications is the 15th of June, 2018, and the
results are expected to be communicated on the 15th of July.

For any inquires, please contact Dr. Gabriel Barrenechea, or Dr.
Michael Grinfeld ([log in to unmask]).


From: Nicholas Fantuzzi [log in to unmask]
Date: May 07, 2018
Subject: Call for Papers, MCA Special Issue on Numerical Methods

A special issue of Mathematical and Computational Applications (MCA)
entitled "Mesh-Free and Finite Element-Based Methods for Structural
Mechanics Applications".

Special Issue Information: The problem of solving complex engineering
problems has been always a major topic in all industrial fields, such
as aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering. The use of numerical
methods increased exponentially in the last few years due to modern
computers in the field of structural mechanics.

Moreover, a wide-range of numerical methods has been presented in the
literature for solving such problems. Structural mechanics problems
are dealt with using partial differential systems of equations that
might be solved by following the two main classes of methods: Domain-
decomposition methods or the so-called finite element methods and
mesh- free methods where no decomposition is carried out. Both
methodologies discretize a partial differential system into a set of
algebraic equations that can be easily solved by computer
implementation. The aim of the present Special Issue is to present a
collection of recent works on these themes and a comparison of the
novel advancements of both worlds in structural mechanics

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2018

More details can be found here

End of Digest

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