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NADIGEST  October 2017, Week 3

NADIGEST October 2017, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 17, # 28


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 17 Oct 2017 10:15:16 -0400





text/plain (1077 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 17, # 28

NA Digest Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 28

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

A New MOOC on Sparse Representations
New Book, First-Order Methods in Optimization
New Book, Vector Extrapolation Methods with Applications
BSC/UPC HPC Hackathon, Spain, Nov 2017
Graduate School on Evolution Equations, Edinburgh, UK, Nov 2017
Numerical Methods for Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation, Germany, Jan 2018
UQ Workshop, UK, Jan 2018
GAMM Annual Meeting/Section ANLA, Germany, Mar 2018
SIAM Combinatorial Scientific Computing, Norway, Jun 2018
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Belarus, Jul 2018
Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of New Mexico
Multiple Faculty Positions, Computer Science, Clemson Univ
Tenure Track Position, Computational Optimization, Univ of Waterloo
Tenure-track Positions, Computer Science, Courant Institute, NYU
W3-Professorship Position, HPC, Helmut Schmidt Univ, Germany
Assistant Professor Position, Wichita State Univ
Postdoc Position(s),Fluid-structure Interaction, UNC-Chapel Hill
Postdoc Position, Computational Geometry
Postdoc Position, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA
Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Ohio State Univ
Postdoc Positions, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
Research Associate Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Houston
PDRA & PhD Positions, Scientific Computing & Inverse Problems
PhD / Postdoc / Lecturer Position,TU Dortmund
Doctoral Positions, Mathematical Optimization, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Stockholm
PhD Positions, Computational Science, TU Wien, Austria
PhD Positions, Statistical Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath, UK
MSc/PhD Position, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, McMaster
Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2017 (4)
Contents, Optimization and Engineering, 18 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Michael Elad [log in to unmask]
Date: October 03, 2017
Subject: A New MOOC on Sparse Representations

I would like to bring to your attention a new Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC) that we have constructed on Sparse Representations,
which will open formally on October 25th this year. Here is the link
under the edX webpage:

This course is built of two 5 weeks parts, the first presents the
basic theoretical ideas of sparse representations (from uniqueness of
sparse solutions of linear systems all the way to the RIP and beyond),
and the other connects this model to applications in image processing
(covering topics such as dictionary learning, estimation under the
sparse model, image denoising, deblurring, separation,
super-resolution, and more).

We will be delighted to see you and/or your students join our
course. Feel free to forward this email to people who might be


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: New Book, First-Order Methods in Optimization

First-Order Methods in Optimization , Amir Beck
x + 484 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-98-0 / List Price $97.00
/ SIAM Member Price $67.90 / Order Code MO25

The primary goal of this book is to provide a self-contained,
comprehensive study of the main first-order methods that are
frequently used in solving large-scale problems. First-order methods
exploit information on values and gradients/subgradients (but not
Hessians) of the functions composing the model under
consideration. With the increase in the number of applications that
can be modeled as large or even huge- scale optimization problems,
there has been a revived interest in using simple methods that require
low iteration cost as well as low memory storage.

First-Order Methods in Optimization offers comprehensive study of
first- order methods with the theoretical foundations; provides
plentiful examples and illustrations; emphasizes rates of convergence
and complexity analysis of the main first-order methods used to solve
large-scale problems; and covers both variables and functional
decomposition methods.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit .


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: New Book, Vector Extrapolation Methods with Applications

Vector Extrapolation Methods with Applications, Avram Sidi
xiv + 433 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-95-9 / List Price
$104.00 / SIAM Member Price $72.80 / Order Code CS17

Vector Extrapolation Methods with Applications is the first book fully
dedicated to its title subject. It is a self-contained, up-to-date,
and state-of- the-art reference on the theory and practice of the most
useful methods. It covers all aspects of the subject, including
development of the methods, their convergence study, numerically
stable algorithms for their implementation, and their various
applications. It also provides complete proofs in most places. As an
interesting application, the author shows how these methods give rise
to rational approximation procedures for vector- valued functions in
the complex plane, a subject of importance in model reduction problems
among others.

This book is intended for numerical analysts, applied mathematicians,
and computational scientists and engineers in fields such as
computational fluid dynamics, structures, and mechanical and
electrical engineering, to name a few. Since it provides complete
proofs in most places, it can also serve as a textbook in courses on
acceleration of convergence of iterative vector processes, for

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit .


From: Antonio J. Peña [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2017
Subject: BSC/UPC HPC Hackathon, Spain, Nov 2017

Are you addicted to coding and solving complex problems? Come to the
2nd Annual BSC/UPC HPC Hackathon and test your problem solving
skills. In this competition you will be asked to think elegant and
efficient solutions for challenging problems. Time will be your most
important enemy, as you struggle to solve as many problems as possible
in a limited time. To participate, you will need good coding skills,
primarily in C and shell, but knowledge in other programming languages
such as C++ and python is recommended. You should also be familiar
with version control systems, such as git and mercurial, and have a
good knowledge on Unix systems. You will be asked to solve problems in
three different topics: GPU Computing, Parallel Programming and
Software Security. You will be given access to high-end machines with
last generation technology and high speed network. We will also
provide you with food and beverages so that you can focus on coding.

The hackathon will take place on Friday November 3rd to Saturday
November 4th, at the UPC Campus Nord - Agora Room, from 18h to 12h (18
hours). A jury will evaluate the participants and the winners will
take home nice prizes. Among the prizes, there is a last generation
high-end gaming GPU offered by nVidia and a laptop donated by Intel!

The top participant of the Hackathon will get:
6-months part-time contract to work at BSC (optional).
GPU Branch: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 GPU (sponsored by NVIDIA).
PU Branches: Laptop (sponsored by Intel).

For more information please visit :


From: Heiko Gimperlein [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2017
Subject: Graduate School on Evolution Equations, Edinburgh, UK, Nov 2017

The 3rd Maxwell Institute Graduate School on Evolution Equations
between numerical analysis and mathematical biology takes place at the
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, from
November 15 to 17, 2017.

It consists of two short courses:

- Jean-Frederic Gerbeau (Inria / Paris), Fluid-structure interaction
in the cardiovascular system. Forward and inverse problems,

- Hans Othmer (Minnesota), From crawlers to swimmers - mathematical
and computational problems in cell motility,

which are complemented by talks given by Helen Byrne (Oxford), Mark
Chaplain (St Andrews) and Peter Stewart (Glasgow). We also expect to
have an afternoon of student talks.

Further information may be found on the conference web page .


From: Alice Gabriel [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2017
Subject: Numerical Methods for Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation, Germany, Jan 2018

2nd ASCETE Workshop ( on advanced numerical methods for
earthquake and tsunami simulation
January, 30th - February 2nd, 2018
Berghotel Sudelfeld, Bayrischzell, Germany

This workshop focuses on the numerical simulation of earthquakes and
tsunamis on large-scale HPC infrastructure. Keynote lectures will
cover seismic cycle modelling, earthquake physics, tsunami propagation
and efficient implementations on modern HPC architectures. Workshop
participants are invited for short oral presentations and evening
poster sessions. The workshop is dedicated to researchers at all
levels, in particular to th interested in the combined simulation of
earthquakes and tsunamis. We will present the methods developed in
the scope of the ASCETE project to all interested participants.
Participation is limited due to the venue: the country-style hotel is
located directly at Bavaria's largest skiing area Sudelfeld.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Sylvain Barbot, Earth Observatory of
Singapore, Singapore; Omar Ghattas, University of Texas, Austin, USA;
Takane Hori, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology,
Kanagawa, Japan; Gabriel Lotto, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, USA; Shuo Ma, San Diego State University, San Diego,
California, USA; Mario Ricchiuto, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France

Please submit an abstract (max. 200 words) before Friday, October 27,
2017 and indicate whether you would prefer an oral or a poster
presentation. There is a limited amount of places for the workshop, so
submitting an abstract does not necessarily secure a spot for the
workshop. You will be notified on whether or not you have been granted
a place by Friday, November 10, 2017.

Further information and abstract submission details can be found at:


From: Rob Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 11, 2017
Subject: UQ Workshop, UK, Jan 2018

Key Uncertainty Quantification methodologies & motivating applications
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 8 - 12 January 2018

Registration for this workshop is open through to 29 October 2017.

Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) concerns the assessment of
uncertainties and errors in complex mathematical models. Sources of
uncertainty and error include uncertain model inputs, noisy data,
incomplete knowledge of the model, and errors in numerical
approximations. A variety of UQ methodologies have been developed by
the Statistics and Applied Mathematics communities, often addressing
similar problems from different perspectives, or using similar
techniques but with different emphasis and nomenclature. This workshop
will bring together leading researchers from both Statistics and
Applied Mathematics for a series of introductory and tutorial
presentations. The aim is to improve the understanding within each
community of the others' research methods, and to identify common key
challenges. The third community invested in UQ problems are the domain
area experts and practitioners. The workshop will also include
presentations from speakers from a variety of important application
areas. The aim is to identify key applied, generic, problems for which
UQ solutions are required.

Please see the workshop webpage for a list of speakers and tentative
titles, and for registration details.

This workshop is the first event in a six-month programme on
Uncertainty Quantification at the Isaac Newton Institute, see


From: Robert Luce [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: GAMM Annual Meeting/Section ANLA, Germany, Mar 2018

The 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) will take place from the 19th to the
23th of March 2018 in Munich, Germany. On behalf of the organizing
committee we would like to invite you, your colleagues, postdocs, PhD
and master students to take an active part in Section S17 "Applied and
Numerical Linear Algebra".

We are happy to announce that there will be two special topical
lectures, each 40 minutes long. We are greatly honored that the
following distinguished speakers have agreed to present their work
within Section S17:
- Peter Butkovic (University of Birmingham)
- Bart Vandereycken (University of Geneva)

Contributed talks will have a length of 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for
discussion. Once the abstracts have been received, depending on the
number of submissions and allowed time slots, we may have to select an
appropriate number of abstracts for presentations.

Important dates:
- Deadline for abstract submission: December 4, 2017.
- Deadline for early bird registration: December 18, 2017.
- Online registration will close on February 5, 2018.

Please visit the conference website for detailed information:

For further questions on S17 please contact the section organizers
Iveta Hnetynkova ([log in to unmask]) and
Robert Luce ([log in to unmask]).


From: Sivan Toledo [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: SIAM Combinatorial Scientific Computing, Norway, Jun 2018

The 8th SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC18)
will be held in the University of Bergen, Norway, on June 6-8, 2018.
Submission deadline is December 1st, 2017.

The full call for papers is available at:

Authors are invited to submit both extended abstracts/full papers, to
be included in the proceedings published by SIAM (the same publishing
platform is used by SODA, ALENEX, ANALCO, etc.), and short abstracts
for oral presentation only. All submissions must present original
unpublished research; full papers may be up to 10 pages in
length. Short abstracts could be up to 2 pages in length and should
describe preliminary results for presentation as talks at the
workshop, but these will not be included in the proceedings.

The workshop will provide a top-tier forum for presenting original
research on the design, implementation, application, and evaluation of
combinatorial algorithms and data structures that are applicable to
problems in computational science and engineering.

Typical submissions will describe a combinatorial or graph problem
arising in a relevant application area, an algorithmic approach to its
solution, and a theoretical and/or experimental analysis of the
approach. The full list of workshop topics is available in the call
for papers.


From: Piotr Matus [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2017
Subject: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Belarus, Jul 2018

MATHEMATICS", July 2-6, 2018, Minsk, Belarus

It is the 8th conference under the aegis of the journal "Computational
Methods in Applied Mathematics" (CMAM), IF 1.097, and focus on various
aspects of mathematical modeling and numerical analysis.

Detailed information can be found at the conference websites
5-days visa-free travel via the checkpoint "Minsk National Airport".

Main topics
- Contemporary discretization of differential and integral equations.
- Numerical analysis of inverse and ill-posed problems.
- Numerical fractional calculus and its applications.
- Fast and robust solvers

Scientific program includes invited plenary talks and contributed
talks. Minisymposia are proposed.

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: May 1, 2018

Contact address: [log in to unmask]


From: Jehanzeb H. Chaudhry [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2017
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico invites applications for an Assistant
Professor with the hire to be effective fall 2018. Applicants working
in any area of Applied Mathematics are welcome to apply. Minimum
qualifications include a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, mathematics,
statistics, or a related area by the start date of appointment.

The department seeks candidates carrying out cutting-edge research in
applied mathematics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited
to, dynamical systems, continuum mechanics, nonlinear waves, numerical
analysis, numerical optimization, scientific computing and stochastic
processes. Preference will be given to a candidate whose work has
significant applications to problems in the physical, biological,
engineering sciences, or uncertainty quantification. We expect the
person hired to contribute to our educational offerings in applied
mathematics and possibly to develop new ties with other units on

For best consideration, completed applications should be received by
November 15, 2017. Further information about the position and
application process may be reviewed at the link below:
Please reference Requisition Number 2082.


From: Ilya Safro [log in to unmask]
Date: October 15, 2017
Subject: Multiple Faculty Positions, Computer Science, Clemson Univ

The School of Computing at Clemson University has multiple open
positions. Positions in Divisions of Computer Science and Visual
Computing are highly relevant to this list. The research areas are
broadly interpreted. Application review will begin November 15, 2017,
and continue until the position is filled. Please see full
announcement at


From: Yuying Li [log in to unmask]
Date: October 11, 2017
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Computational Optimization, Univ of Waterloo

The Cheriton School of Computer Science at University of Waterloo is
advertising a tenure track position in Computational Optimization for
data science and finance.

The details of the job ads can be found at


From: Michael Overton [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2017
Subject: Tenure-track Positions, Computer Science, Courant Institute, NYU

New York University/Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Tenure Track Faculty Positions

The department expects to have several regular faculty positions and
invites candidates at all levels to apply. We will consider
outstanding candidates in any area of computer science, in particular
in scientific computing, verification, programming languages, machine
learning and data science.

Faculty members are expected to be outstanding scholars and to
participate in teaching at all levels from undergraduate to
doctoral. New appointees will be offered competitive salaries and
startup packages. In addition, we fully expect to secure affordable
housing for the appointees within a short walking distance of the
department. New York University is located in Greenwich Village, one
of the most attractive residential areas of Manhattan.

Collaborative research with industry is facilitated by geographic
proximity to computer science activities at AT&T, Facebook, Google,
IBM, Bell Labs, NEC, and Siemens.

Please apply at

To guarantee full consideration, applications should be submitted no
later than December 1, 2017; however, this is not a hard deadline, as
all candidates will be considered to the full extent feasible, until
all positions are filled. Visiting positions may also be available.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender


From: Markus Bause [log in to unmask]
Date: October 03, 2017
Subject: W3-Professorship Position, HPC, Helmut Schmidt Univ, Germany

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Helmut Schmidt University
Hamburg, Germany invites applications to a W3-Professorship in High
Performance Computing.

Full details can be found at:

The application deadline is November 10th, 2017.


From: Tom DeLillo [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2017
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Wichita State Univ

Applications are invited for a tenure-eligible Assistant Professor in
Mathematics for August, 2018. A Ph.D. in Mathematics or equivalent;
active in research with strong research potential; ability to
participate in/contribute to doctoral program; strong commitment to
excellence in teaching; excellent communication skills; successful
experience with diverse populations; willingness to accommodate a
variety of learning styles and strategies in instructional delivery
and learning activities, including online and blended learning,
flexible teaching methods, and applied learning approaches are
required. Deadline: 10/30/17, then monthly.

Preference given to research area in Applied Math/Numerical Analysis
or Geometry; research area compatible with faculty research interests;
successful classroom teaching experience; progress toward establishing
a strong research record; and expectation of developing externally
funded research grants.

Applicants must send a letter of application, curriculum vita,
descriptions of research interest and teaching philosophy to, and arrange to have three letters of
reference sent to: Stephen W. Brady, Search Committee Chair,
Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics, Wichita State
University, Wichita, KS 67260-0033, USA or emailed to
[log in to unmask], FAX: 316-978-3748.

Offers of employment are contingent upon completion of a satisfactory
criminal background check as required by Board of Regents
Policy. Wichita State University does not discriminate in its
employment practices, educational programs or activities on the basis
of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender
identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin,
political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, or status as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual
filing or cooperating in a complaint process is also
prohibited. Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking are
forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX of the
Education Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to
alleged discrimination may be directed to the Director of Equal
Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, Wichita State University,
1845 Fairmount, Wichita KS 67260-0138; telephone (316) 978-3187.


From: Boyce Griffith [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position(s),Fluid-structure Interaction, UNC-Chapel Hill

Applications are invited for one or more postdoctoral associates
within the Carolina Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Potential projects
include: aortic mechanics, including the mechanics of aortic aneurysm
and dissection; cardiac electro-mechanical coupling; cardiovascular
fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction, especially the fluid
dynamics of medical devices such as prosthetic heart valves; numerical
methods and computational infrastructure for fluid-structure
interaction; and numerical methods and computational infrastructure
for complex (polymeric) fluids.

One position could be funded through an NSF Software Infrastructure
for Sustained Innovation (SI2) award that supports the development of
related computational software ( Another
position could be funded in part through an NSF Focused Research Group
(FRG) award that supports research on computational methods for
complex fluids.

Please provide via (1) a
vita; (2) a brief statement of research interests; and (3) three
letters of reference. Applicants must also apply online at to be considered for this
position. A PhD in mathematics, computer science, bioengineering, or a
related field is required. Ideally, applicants will also have
substantial experience with scientific computing using compiled
software languages (C, C++, Fortran).

For further information, please contact:
Boyce Griffith, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Adjunct Associate Professor of Applied Physical Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
email: [log in to unmask]


From: Prof. Antônio Castelo Filho [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Geometry

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to
Industry(CEPID-CeMEAI) at University of Sao Paulo opens a post-
doctoral research position in Computational Geometry. The selected
candidate will work at Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
of University of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil. Sao Paulo
Research Foundation provides the financial support with a monthly
salary of R$ 7.174,80. Financial support can also be provided to cover
transportation expenses as to the move to Sao Carlos - Brazil. An
extra grant is also provided to cover participation in highly relevant
conferences and workshops, as well as research trips (limited to 15%
of the annual amount of the fellowship). The position is initially for
10 months, renewable for an year depending on the candidate
performance.The start date is negotiable, but December 2017 is

Project: Efficient data structure for triangulations
Supervisor: Antonio Castelo
Job Description: Triangulations are broadly used in many areas of
mathematics and computer science, such as topology, computational
geometry and computer graphics.

This work aims to study and improve the topologial representation of
triangulations by efficient data structures. In particular, we are
interested on a data structure that is both simple and generalizable
to multiple dimensions. The GEM (Graph-Encoded-Manifod) data structure
is an example that meets this criteria. However, a triangulation
represented by GEM must obey certain graph-coloration properties. The
selected candidate will work with professor Antonio Castelo to work
around the constraints of the GEM data structure. Requirements:
Applicants should have PhD in applied mathematics, computer science,
or related fields, with strong theoretical background. Experience in
graph theory, computational geometry and topology is desirable.
Candidates must have got their PhD in the last 5 years. Application:
Please send your application before November 10, 2017 to:
[log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] Please indicate "post-
doctoral application" in the subject line. Applications should include
curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and two contact
information for recommendation letters(only PDF files).


From: Lars Ruthotto [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA

Emory University seeks to fill multiple postdoctoral positions in
Computer Science, Scientific Computing, and Data Science. We seek
junior researchers and scholars to join vibrant research groups of
faculty and students conducting pioneering scholarship in various
areas. Applications for Postdoctoral Research positions are invited
from candidates with outstanding research records (or promise) in
appropriate fields. Applicants should have (or soon receive) a PhD in
Computer Science, Mathematics, Applied Math, Statistics, or a related
discipline relevant to projects or areas listed below. Opportunities
for teaching may be available, but these are primarily research
positions. Specific priority areas for current searches are:
Scientific Computing Data Security and Privacy, Natural Language
Processing and Intelligent Information Access, Data Analytics,
Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Storage and Caching
Systems, Distributed Systems.

Applications specifying one or more of the above areas and comprising
a CV and research statement should be sent via email to
[log in to unmask] Informal inquiries are also invited by
email. Screening starts immediately and will continue until positions
are filled. Faculty, research groups, and ongoing projects are at

Emory University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
and welcomes applications from women and members of minority groups.


From: Yulong Xing [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Ohio State Univ

The Department of Mathematics at The Ohio State University is
accepting applications for one Visiting Assistant Professorship in
Scientific Computation. This position would be available effective
Autumn Semester 2018, and is renewable annually for up to a total of
three years. The teaching load is 2-1 (two courses in the autumn and
one in the spring semester).

All candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in mathematics and to
present evidence of excellence in teaching and research. Further
information on the department can be found at http://www.math.ohio- Appointment is contingent on the university's verification
of credentials and other information required by law and/or university
policies, including but not limited to a criminal background check.

For more information about the position and for details on applying,
please visit Applications
received prior to October 16, 2017 will receive priority
consideration, and applications will be considered on a continuing


From: Sherry Li [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Lawrence Berkeley Lab

Performance and Algorithms Research Group of the Computational
Research Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has
immediate openings for multiple postdoctoral fellow positions. We are
looking for candidates with expertise and interest in parallel
algorithm development, performance optimization, or (ideally)
both. The problem areas are broad and include (but not limited to)
Fusion Energy, Catalysis, Genomics, Graph Analytics, and Sparse

Applications are accepted until the position is filled. More details
and instructions to apply can be found here:


From: Andreas Mang [log in to unmask]
Date: October 12, 2017
Subject: Research Associate Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Houston

The Mathematics Department in the College of Natural Sciences and
Mathematics at the University of Houston invites applications for a
Research Associate to conduct research in an area compatible with the
current research interests of the Mathematics Department. The position
will be for two years, with the possibility of a one year renewal.

For this position, we are especially interested in a candidate that
has a strong track record in one or more of the following areas of
research: Variational problems, particularly, 3D shape optimization
or diffeomorphic image registration; non-linear control of shape
deformations. PDE- constrained optimization and optimal control,
particularly, fitting complex dynamic models to bio-medical image
sequences. Computational inverse problems for bio-medical
applications, particularly, Bayesian inversion and uncertainty
quantification. Large-scale data analytics based on machine
learning techniques. As indicated above, the planned area of
application includes (but is not limited to) computational medicine,
in particular the analysis of sequences of 3D biomedical images.

The ideal candidate will have a strong research track record in one or
more of the areas mentioned above. Having a strong background in
(parallel) scientific computing, high-performance computing, and C/C++
programming is a plus. Job requirements include a Ph.D. degree in
Applied Mathematics with strong computational skills, and 2 years of
experience. The position may involve teaching up to one course per
semester. Applicants should provide (i) a resume including a recent
list of publications and ideally a verifiable list of programming
skills (e.g., GitHub repositories), (ii) a cover letter/letter of
application, (iii) a brief statement of research (detailing the
significance of current research activities as well as the technical
background that fits the advertised position), (iv) at least two
letters of recommendation, and (v) unofficial transcripts. In order to
ensure full consideration, candidates should apply at MathJobs
(, as well as using our
internal system

Review of applications will begin soon and will continue until the
position is filled. Inquires about the application may be directed to
[log in to unmask]


From: Paul Ledger [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: PDRA & PhD Positions, Scientific Computing & Inverse Problems

We currently have openings for a postdoctoral researcher (PDRA) and a
UK/EU PhD studentship in the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational
Engineering (ZCCE), College of Engineering, Swansea University.
Swansea University is a UK top 30 institution for research excellence
(Research Excellence Framework 2014), and has been named as Welsh
University of the Year 2017 by The Times and Sunday Times Good
University Guide.

A new 3-year EPSRC funded project on improving metal detection for the
identification of security threats will begin shortly and these
appointments will form part of a team that will also include other
postdoctoral researchers and collaborators in the Department of
Mathematics, University College London (UCL) and the Schools of
Mathematics and Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University
of Manchester (UoM). The activities in Swansea University are being
led by Dr Paul D. Ledger in ZCCE who is also the principal
investigator of the project.

The project will involve the improved characterisation and location of
hidden conducting security threats using scientific computing
algorithms. This is a challenging interdisciplinary project and the
successful candidates should have an applied mathematics/computational
engineering or physics background and bring expertise in numerical
algorithms for the solution of partial differential equations
(e.g. Finite elements, boundary elements) and be proficient in
programming in one or more of the following MATLAB, Python, Fortran,
C/C++. Knowledge and experience of (computational) electromagnetics is
also desirable. The ideal candidates should also be effective team
workers and enthusiastic about working closely with end users and

For further details about the PDRA position please see

For further details about the PhD studentship please see

For informal enquires please contact Dr Paul D. Ledger by email
[log in to unmask] or by telephone on +44 (0) 1792 602554.


From: Dmitri Kuzmin [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2017
Subject: PhD / Postdoc / Lecturer Position,TU Dortmund

The Department of Mathematics at TU Dortmund (Germany) has an open
TV-L 13 position in Computational Fluid Dynamics which can be filled
with a Ph.D. student or a postdoc. Outstanding candidates may be
considered for an A13 faculty position (lecturer, "akademischer Rat
auf Zeit").

Regardless of the level at which this position is filled, the initial
duration of the contract will be 3 years. Due to the teaching load of
5 hours per week, fluency in German is REQUIRED.

The successful candidate should hold at least a M.Sc. degree in
Applied Mathematics or a related field. Further prerequisites are good
knowledge of numerical methods for partial differential equations and
ability to program in C++ or Fortran. Experience with finite element
schemes for conservation laws and/or multiphase flow problems would be
an asset.

If you feel qualified and would like to apply for this position,
please send your CV to Prof. Dmitri Kuzmin
([log in to unmask]).


From: Martin Schmidt [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2017
Subject: Doctoral Positions, Mathematical Optimization, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Several doctoral positions available in mathematical optimization at
the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), Erlangen,
Germany. The optimization group at FAU has more than fifteen years of
experience in modeling and solving complex and very large-scale
planning and decision problems from logistics, energy, production,
engineering, and the natural sciences, see Their key expertise is in
developing and applying models and algorithms, which yield proven
optimal solutions to optimization problems. This involves techniques
like linear, nonlinear, and integer programming, robust optimization,
graph algorithms, polyhedral combinatorics, and the like. Furthermore,
design of efficient heuristics and exact algorithms together with
effective implementations is key expertise. The chair EDOM -
Economics, Discrete Optimization, Mathematics (Chair
Wirtschaftsmathematik) consists of 20+ PhD students and Postdocs, and
is headed by Frauke Liers, Alexander Martin, Lars Schewe, and Martin
Schmidt. The group participates in many projects funded by the German
Science Foundation (DFG), the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
(BMWi), as well as by the industry. The positions are for a period of
at least three years and may start as soon as January 2018.

It is expected that during their studies, candidates have gained
expertise in one or more of the following areas:
- mixed-integer linear and nonlinear optimization
- optimization under uncertainty, especially robust optimization
- discrete mathematics

You should be interested in developing and implementing optimization
algorithms. You should also like to validate them in real-world
applications. The positions are available within research projects in
different fields of application, such as energy, logistics, and
analytics. Informal inquiries and applications (including cover
letter, CV, certificates, Transcript of Records) can be sent to
[log in to unmask]


From: Anna-Karin Tornberg [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Stockholm

The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) announces a PhD student
position in Applied and Computational Mathematics with specialization
in Numerical Analysis.

For more information and links to the ads in both Swedish and English,

Deadline of application: October 18, 2017.


From: Josef Weinbub [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Science, TU Wien, Austria

Two PhD positions (3 years, 40 hours/week) at the Institute for
Microelectronics, TU Wien are available. The area of research is high
performance numerical methods and software approaches for accelerating
three-dimensional simulations in the area of micro- and

Candidates should have a strong background in developing parallel C++
code (e.g. OpenMP, vectorization, parallel data structures). Previous
experience with or background in micro- and nanoelectronics is not

Starting Date: January 2018

More information:


From: Melina Freitag [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Statistical Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath, UK

We are seeking 10 or more exceptionally qualified students for
fully-funded PhDs working at the interface between applied
mathematics, stochastic modelling, statistics, and computation in the
Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath,
starting from September 2018.

Information on how to apply is available here

Further information is available on our website
( and on YouTube


From: Bartosz Protas [log in to unmask]
Date: October 12, 2017
Subject: MSc/PhD Position, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, McMaster

An opening for a graduate student (Master's or Ph.D.) is anticipated
in Dr. Protas' research group at McMaster University with a start date
of January 1, 2018 (preferred), or May 1, 2018. The focus of the
position will be research on mathematical and computational modeling
of nonequilibrium electrochemical and thermodynamic processes
occurring in Li-ion batteries. This position is intended for a student
with mathematics background interested in exploring a rapidly
developing application area, or for a mathematically-minded chemist or
chemical engineer with a solid background in theoretical and
computational chemistry. The student will be enrolled in the
interdisciplinary School of Computational Science and Engineering.
Details concerning application procedures are available at the web

Interested candidates may also contact

  Dr. Bartosz Protas
  Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8S 4K1
  Email: [log in to unmask]

for additional information.


From: Piotr Matus [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2017
Subject: Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2017 (4)

Contains the First Part of the Special CMAM Issue on Numerical
Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations,
Guest Editors: Raytcho Lazarov, Petr Vabishchevich, and Bangti Jin

1. Altmann, Robert. Convergence of the Rothe Method Applied to
Operator DAEs Arising in Elastodynamics, pp 533-554

2. Brenner, Susanne C. / Guan, Qingguang / Sung, Li-Yeng Some
Estimates for Virtual Element Methods, pp 554-574. Free access

3. Endtmayer, Bernhard / Wick, Thomas. A Partition-of-Unity
Dual-Weighted Residual Approach for Multi-Objective Goal Functional
Error Estimation Applied to Elliptic Problems, pp 575-600

4. Li, Zheng / Zhang, Shuo. A Stable Mixed Element Method for the
Biharmonic Equation with First-Order Function Spaces, pp 601-616

5. Mohanty, Ranjan Kumar / Kaur, Deepti. High Accuracy Compact
Operator Methods for Two-Dimensional Fourth Order Nonlinear Parabolic
Partial Differential Equations, pp. 617-642

6. Jin, Bangti / Lazarov, Raytcho / Vabishchevich, Petr. Preface:
Numerical Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations, pp
643-646. Free access

7. Alikhanov, Anatoly A. A Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation with
Generalized Memory Kernel in Differential and Difference Settings with
Smooth Solutions, pp 647-660

8. Antil, Harbir / Bartels, Soren. Spectral Approximation of
Fractional PDEs in Image Processing and Phase Field Modeling, pp

9. Bonito, Andrea / Lei, Wenyu / Pasciak, Joseph E. Numerical
Approximation of Space-Time Fractional Parabolic Equations, pp. 679-

10. D'Elia, Marta / Du, Qiang / Gunzburger, Max / Lehoucq, Richard
Nonlocal Convection-Diffusion Problems on Bounded Domains and
Finite-Range Jump Processes, pp 707-722


From: Miguel Anjos [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2017
Subject: Contents, Optimization and Engineering, 18 (3)

Optimization and Engineering, Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2017


Announcement: Howard Rosenbrock Prize 2016, Miguel F. Anjos

Controlling first four moments for robust optimization, Bijan

Active network management for electrical distribution systems: problem
formulation, benchmark, and approximate solution, Quentin Gemine,
Damien Ernst & Bertrand Cornelusse

Solving discretely constrained mixed complementarity problems using a
median function, Steven A. Gabriel

A generic framework for handling constraints with agent-based
optimization algorithms and application to aerodynamic design, Daniel
J. Poole, Christian B. Allen & Thomas C. S. Rendall

An adaptive penalty scheme to solve constrained structural
optimization problems by a Craziness based Particle Swarm
Optimization, Erica C. R. Carvalho, Heder S. Bernardino, Patricia
H. Hallak & Afonso C. C. Lemonge

Expected improvement based infill sampling for global robust
optimization of constrained problems, Samee ur Rehman & Matthijs

Optimal design and dispatch of a system of diesel generators,
photovoltaics and batteries for remote locations, Michael
S. Scioletti, Alexandra M. Newman, Johanna K. Goodman, Alexander
J. Zolan & Sven Leyffer

A stochastic optimization formulation for the transition from open pit
to underground mining, James A. L. MacNeil & Roussos
G. Dimitrakopoulos

End of Digest

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