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NADIGEST  June 2016, Week 4

NADIGEST June 2016, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 16, # 25


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 27 Jun 2016 13:34:48 -0400





text/plain (827 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 25

NA Digest  Monday, June 27, 2016  Volume 16 : Issue 25

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Benyu Guo
	MOOC on linear algebra (LAFF) offered again
	LAPACK 3.6.1 release
	29th Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Germany, Sep 2016
	Algorithmic Differentiation, UK, Sep 2016
	Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2016
	Combinatorial Optimisation, UK, Sep 2016
	Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Bulgaria, Sep 2016
	Mathematics of Gas Transport, Germany, Oct 2016
	Scientific Computing, Sweden, Oct 2016
	Sparse Grids and Applications, USA, Oct 2016
	Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2016
	Nonlinear PDEs and Gradient Flows, Vienna, Nov 2016
	Theoretical and Computational PDEs, India, Dec 2016
	INFORMS Computing Society, USA, Jan 2017
	Professorship Position, Mathematics of Data Assimilation
	Professorship Position, Numerical PDEs, Tech Univ Berlin
	Manager & Professor of Practice Position, Lehigh Univ
	R&D Position, Karlsruhe Inst of Technology (KIT)
	Postdoc/PhD Positions, Application of Big Data to Materials, Moscow
	PhD position: Scientific Computing in Machine Learning, Uppsala Univ
	Special issue of EJAM, PDEs for Data Modelling and Analysis
	Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (2)
	Contents, Information and Inference, 05 (2)
	Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 72 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Jie Shen [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: Benyu Guo

Benyu Guo, Professor of Mathematics at Shanghai Normal University,
passed away on May 5, 2016 after a long battle with pancreatic
cancer. He was 74 years ago.

Benyu received his B.S degree from Shanghai University of Science and
Technology in 1965 and self-studied numerical analysis during the
period of cultural revolution.  During 1979 to 1981, he was a visiting
scholar at INRIA in France under the guidance of late Professor
J.L. Lions.  He served as President of Shanghai University of Science
and Technology, and executive vice- president of Shanghai
University. Since 2001, he had been a Chair Professor at Shanghai
Normal University.

Benyu was a prolific researcher with nearly 300 peer reviewed
publications. He made important contributions in many areas, including
finite-difference methods for weather prediction and solitary waves,
stability theory for nonlinear approximations and numerical analysis
of spectral methods for PDEs. He has trained over 30 Ph.D students,
many of them are active researchers in various academic institutions.
He received numerous prestigious awards, including a honorary doctoral
degree from Sanford University in England.

A memorial service for Benyu was held on May 11 and was attended by
over 300 of his colleagues, friends and students.


From: Robert van de Geijn [log in to unmask]
Date: June 25, 2016
Subject: MOOC on linear algebra (LAFF) offered again

In Spring 2014, we first offered "Linear Algebra: Foundations to
Frontiers" (LAFF) on the edX platform (  LAFF is an
introductory course on linear algebra that links abstractions in
mathematics to abstractions in code.  The course targets many
audiences, ranging from novices to those wanting a refresher.

This fall, LAFF is offered as a semester-long course starting August 24.
The materials will be pre-released starqting August 3 for those who want to
prepare before the Fall semester starts for courses on applied and/or
numerical linear algebra.

For links, details, reviews, notes, videos, and activities, visit  There you will also find my "Notes on Numerical
Linear Algebra".


From: Jack Dongarra [log in to unmask]
Date: June 21, 2016
Subject: LAPACK 3.6.1 release

LAPACK 3.6.1 was released on June 18, 2016.

The LAPACK team would like to thank all the users who contributed to
this release.  (And bigger thank to those who not only provided bug
report but also bug patches!)

For details, please see
To download LAPACK 3.6.1: lapack-3.6.1.tgz

For support, you can use either the LAPACK/SCALAPACK forum at or the LAPACK mailing list
[log in to unmask]

Note: LAPACK 3.6.1 prebuilt libraries for Windows will be soon


From: Bjoern Sprungk [log in to unmask]
Date: June 26, 2016
Subject: 29th Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Germany, Sep 2016

29th Chemnitz FEM Symposium
September 26 - 28, 2016, TU Chemnitz, Germany

The scientific topics of the FEM symposium are all aspects of finite
elements. This year special emphasis is placed on
- Optimal Control and Finite Elements
- Discontinuous Galerkin and Space-Time Methods
- Maxwell's Equations and Piezoelectric Problems

Invited Speakers are
- Eduardo Casas (University of Cantabria)
- Herbert Egger (TU Darmstadt)
- Manfred Kaltenbacher (Vienna University of Technology)
- Thomas Wihler (University of Bern)

Deadlines, Registration and further Information:

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Shaun Forth [log in to unmask]
Date: June 17, 2016
Subject: Algorithmic Differentiation, UK, Sep 2016

Third Announcement and Call for Posters
AD2016 - 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Differentiation
Monday 12th - Thursday 15th September 2016
Christ Church, Oxford, UK 

This 4-yearly conference is unique in being targeted at: users of 
algorithmic differentiation (AD) from all application areas (eg, 
optimization, inverse problems, uncertainty quantification); AD 
algorithm researchers; AD tool developers. 

The conference is now open for poster submissions - for details see

Registration is open and accommodation is available in Christ Church.

As well as our 6 confirmed invited speakers: 
- Paul Barton (MIT, USA)
- Jacques Du Toit (NAG, UK)
- Patrick Farrell (University of Oxford, UK) 
- Daniel Goldberg (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Siegfried M. Rump (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
 - Andrea Walther (Paderborn University, Germany)
we are pleased to announce that 48 authors have been accepted to 
give oral presentations. 
We thank SIAM and SIAM-UKIE for financial support.


From: Jens-Peter Zemke [log in to unmask]
Date: June 27, 2016
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2016

16th GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra with special
emphasis on Linear Algebra Challenges in Machine Learning

Talks related to all areas of applied and numerical linear algebra are

Hamburg University of Technology, September 15-16, 2016, Hamburg.

Plenary speakers:
- Bart De Moor, KU Leuven, Belgium;
- Efstratios Gallopoulos, University of Patras, Greece;
- Philipp Hennig, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,
  Tübingen, Germany.

Deadline for abstract submission: July 17, 2016.


From: Adam Letchford [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2016
Subject: Combinatorial Optimisation, UK, Sep 2016

2016 Combinatorial Optimisation Symposium (CO2016)
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
1st-3rd September 2016

Plenary speakers:
Panos Pardalos, Adam Letchford, Martin Skutella.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30th June 2016.


From: Ivan G. Ivanov [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Bulgaria, Sep 2016

An international Workshop "Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computing (MMSC 2016)" will take place in Dobrich, Bulgaria,
September  18-24, 2016

The goal of MMSC 2016 is to bring together scientists from diverse
areas of mathematics and computer science, as well as their
application in biology, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, physics,
chemistry, engineering, social sciences, etc. Among the goals of the
workshop is the stimulation of new research cooperations which would
lead to novel results.

The workshop is focused on modern aspects of mathematical modelling
and scientific computing that involve deep interplay between
computational problems and pure mathematical modeling questions. We
especially encourage participation of students and early career


From: Jeroen Stolwijk [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2016
Subject: Mathematics of Gas Transport, Germany, Oct 2016

The aim of the conference "Mathematics of Gas Transport" is to bring
leading experts of different fields together who are interested in
today's challenges in gas transport. These include but are not limited
to computer scientists, engineers, industrial people and last but not
least mathematicians. Indeed, the focus is to offer a platform for
discussions between the various disciplines. One day, the industrial
day, will address practical issues of daily gas transport. The second,
scientific oriented, will point to research challenges, in particular
related to mathematical issues. Please visit our web page to register.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin.


From: Lina von Sydow [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2016
Subject: Scientific Computing, Sweden, Oct 2016

On 19-20 October 2016 the workshop "Scientific Computing in Sweden
2016" will be hosted by the Division of Scientific Computing at
Uppsala University. The aim of the workshop is to bring together
researchers and teachers in Scientific Computing in Sweden to share
news and ideas.

The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is August
29.  Everyone that submits an abstract will be accepted for
presentation, the organizing committee will decide whether it is going
to be an oral presentation or a poster. This is in order to ensure a
good balance between presentations.

Both abstracts related to research and teaching/development of courses
in Scientific Computing are most welcome. Here Scientific Computing is
interpreted in a broad sense, including mathematical modeling,
algorithms, analysis, software development and high-performance
computing for many different application areas.

There is no registration fee for the workshop, it is kindly supported
by eSSENCE ( and the Section for
Mathematics and Information Technology at Uppsala University. Coffees
and lunches October 19-20 are included as well as refreshments with a
poster session and a workshop dinner, both on October 19.

For more information, see


From: Clayton Webster [log in to unmask]
Date: June 24, 2016
Subject: Sparse Grids and Applications, USA, Oct 2016

Call for submission: The 4th Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications
Miami, Florida, October 4-7, 2016.

Following the highly successful workshops on Sparse Grids and
Applications: SGA 2011 in Bonn, Germany, SGA 2012 in Munich, Germany,
and SGA2014 in Stuttgart, Germany, the 4th workshop on Sparse Grid and
Applications will take place October 4-7, 2016 in Miami, Florida,
USA. The workshop is co-sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
and the Office of Science, Advanced Simulation Research Computing
(ASCR), at the Department of Energy.

The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners using
sparse grids and their variants, and both theoretical and practical
talks are highly welcome. Possible topics related to sparse grids and
their applications include: spatially/dimensionally adaptive
refinement; complexities and error bounds; wavelets; high-order
methods; data mining (classification, regression, clustering, etc.);
(stochastic) partial differential equations; interpolation and
quadrature; parameter identification; integral equations;
dimensionality reduction; efficient/parallel data structures; sparse
grid software; applications using sparse grids; uncertainty

A detailed description of the workshop can be found at:

- Abstract submission: July 15, 2016
- Registration (speakers and participants): Aug. 19, 2016
- Hotel reservation: September 2, 2016


From: Jianlin Xia [log in to unmask]
Date: June 25, 2016
Subject: Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2016

Purdue CCAM (Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics) will be
hosting a Workshop on Fast Direct Solvers on Saturday and Sunday, Nov
12-13, 2016. The organizers are Jie Shen and Jianlin Xia.

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss topics related to fast
direct solvers, structured matrices, sparsity and data sparsity, fast
PDE and IE solutions, high order discretizations, structured
preconditioning, related applications, and other relevant subjects.

Contributed talks are welcome. Please see the following link for more


From: Michele Ruggeri [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: Nonlinear PDEs and Gradient Flows, Vienna, Nov 2016

Nonlinear PDEs and Gradient Flows: Analytical and Numerical Aspects
November 21, 2016 - TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on 
nonlinear PDEs, gradient flows and related problems, either from a 
modeling, analytical or numerical point of view.

Confirmed speakers:
- Nadia Ansini (Sapienza University of Rome)
- John W. Barrett (Imperial College London)
- Soeren Bartels (University of Freiburg)
- Bertram Duering (University of Sussex)
- Jan Maas (IST Austria)
- Riccarda Rossi (University of Brescia)
- Martin Rumpf (University of Bonn)

- Annalisa Iuorio (TU Wien) 
- Michele Ruggeri (TU Wien) 
- Karolina Weber (TU Wien)

Registration deadline: October 31, 2016
More information available at the workshop webpage:


From: Kapil Kumar Sharma [log in to unmask]
Date: June 17, 2016
Subject: Theoretical and Computational PDEs, India, Dec 2016

An International Congress on Recent Advances on Theoretical and
Computational Partial Differential Equations will be held in
Chandigarh, India during 05-09 December 2016. The objective of the
conference is to bring together active researchers and experts from
various disciplines; numerical, applied and computational analysis of
partial differential equations (PDE), to showcase their
state-of-the-art research results and to forge new cross-disciplinary
connections among the participants and existing national and
international nodes. The thrust area includes, but is not limited to

Analysis of PDE: conservation laws, nonlinear and inverse problems,
control theory & optimization; Adaptive algorithms; feedback and a
posteriori error control; Hierarchical modeling; multi-scale
mathematical models with theory and algorithms; Recent advances in
finite element, finite difference, and finite volume methods;
Computational fluid dynamics; multi-grid methods, domain decomposition
methods; Novel application areas in finance, material science,
deformation of bodies, fluid flow, and electromagnetic phenomena, oil
reservoir studies, image and signal processing and other allied
branches of engineering and natural sciences.

The "Regular Registration" for the said conference is now open till
September 30, 2016. However, there is a possibility of "Late
Registration" thereafter up to November 15, 2016.

The conference proceeding is likely to be published in a leading
journal following a due review process. Prospective participants can
submit their papers and mini-symposium proposals through the
conference website.  The detailed instructions for the same can be had

Additional information can be found at the conference website:


From: Matthew Saltzman [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: INFORMS Computing Society, USA, Jan 2017

Just a reminder that the full manuscript deadline for the INFORMS
Computing Society (ICS) conference volume is July 1, 2016.  Find out
more on submitting an original research manuscript to the conference
volume at the conference website:

You may also submit a regular INFORMS style abstracts and
presentations. The presentation submission deadline is August 1, 2016.

The conference itself will take place in Austin, Texas, from January
15 to 17th, 2017. We especially encourage submissions targeting this
years conference theme: Computing for Healthcare Analytics.


From: Sebastian Reich [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: Professorship Position, Mathematics of Data Assimilation

The University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science, Institute of
Mathematics, invites applications for a W1 Junior Professorship
Mathematics of Data Assimilation. The successful candidate is expected
to develop a research program in the field of Data Assimilation and to
actively contribute to the proposed Collaborative Research Centre
(SFB) 1294 Data Assimilation - The seamless integration of data and
models. Possible research foci include parameter and state estimation
for evolution equations, Bayesian model evaluation and comparison,
sequential and high-dimensional learning, as well as semi- and
nonparametric inference for stochastic processes. Candidates are
expected to have a strong research profile in the area of data
assimilation or related areas of statistics, applied mathematics, or
machine learning. Successful candidates will have demonstrated the
ability to combine theoretical and algorithmic advances with
applications to problems of practical relevance. The hiring pro cess
is subject to the requirements set forth in section 45 of the
Brandenburg Higher Education Act. Applications (with a presentation of
your research interests, curriculum vitae, copies of academic
certificates and documents, a list of publications, a list of
conducted courses, a list of externally funded projects) should be
sent to the University of Potsdam [log in to unmask]
before July 28th, 2016. Inquiries can be directed to Professor
Sebastian Reich, Institute of Mathematics, University of Potsdam.


From: Etienne Emmrich [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2016
Subject: Professorship Position, Numerical PDEs, Tech Univ Berlin

Deadline extended until July 22

Technische Universitat Berlin calls for applications for a
professorship (tenured, salary grade W3) in Mathematics,
specialization in numerical methods for partial differential

The position requires research and teaching in the area of numerical
methods for partial differential equations. Areas of research
expertise of applicants should include but are not limited to:

- Mathematical analysis of modern methods for the numerical
  approximation of complex problems in PDEs;
- Developing efficient and robust methods for solving PDEs;
- Applications of PDEs in the natural and engineering sciences.

Teaching will be required in all mathematical degree programs
(including undergraduate) and in the service teaching of mathematics
for other programs. Teaching requirements must be met in German and
English. Candidates are expected to supervise students theses on
Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as to participate in the
academic administration of the university.

More information can be found here:


From: Luis F. Zuluaga [log in to unmask]
Date: June 19, 2016
Subject: Manager & Professor of Practice Position, Lehigh Univ

MSAF Program Manager and Professor of Practice in Finance

Position and duties: The Perella Department of Finance at Lehigh
University in conjunction with the Masters of Science in Analytical
Finance (MSAF) Program, which is a joint initiative involving the
Perella Department of Finance, the Department of Mathematics, and the
Department of Industrial Engineering, is seeking to recruit an
individual to fulfill a dual role - as a Professor of Practice in
Finance, as well as MSAF Program Manager. The position is anticipated
to begin on August 1st 2016, and is a renewable, one-year fixed-term,
non-tenure track, full-time position with reporting responsibility to
the chair of the finance department.

More information is posted at:


From: Olaf Schneider [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: R&D Position, Karlsruhe Inst of Technology (KIT)

The Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) at KIT is looking to recruit
a researcher in the field of scientific computing. The position in the
department Scientific Computing and Simulation is related to the
Helmholtz research program "Supercomputing and Big Data".

In close cooperation with domain scientists you will analyse and
improve the performance, efficiency and scalability of HPC simulation
codes. You are expected to publish your results in scientific journals
and conferences. With your tool expertise in performance engineering
you will support the users and administrators of our HPC systems.

We are looking for candidates holding a university degree (master) in
the field of scientific computing, mathematics, computer science,
engineering or science. Profound knowledge of Linux as well as
experiences in using parallel and distributed computing systems are

The contract is limited to 3 years. Remuneration shall be based on the
Collective Agreement for the Public Service Sector. Further
information (in German) are available at:
Please apply online or send your application referring to the
identification number 264/2016 to Mrs. Meinel, Personalservice,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,
Germany. Application deadline is Jul 22th, 2016.

KIT prefers to balance the number of female and male employees. We
therefore kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.


From: Alexander Shapeev [log in to unmask]
Date: June 22, 2016
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, Application of Big Data to Materials, Moscow

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology invites applications for
one postdoc and one PhD position in the research group of
Professor Alexander Shapeev at the Center for Computational and Data-
Intensive Science and Engineering. Successful candidates will work as
a part of a multidisciplinary team on a project on application of
machine learning approaches to representation, exploration and
optimization of materials properties (such as electronic band
structure or mechanical stability as a function of strain or chemical
composition). The work will be in close collaboration with Ju Li's
research group at MIT. Qualification requirements are: (1) a degree in
applied mathematics, mechanics, physics or computer science; (2)
strong background in computational methods or machine learning, (3)
experience with programming. Refer to
for more details.


From: Stefan Engblom [log in to unmask]
Date: June 26, 2016
Subject: PhD position: Scientific Computing in Machine Learning, Uppsala Univ

The overall target of the project is to devise, develop, and study
machine learning algorithms and implementations. The emphasis for the
project is on the scientific computing viewpoint of machine learning
algorithms and methods; specifically set-ups of compute-intense
character requiring advanced tools from high-performance
computing. Concretely we aim to solve problems in one or several of
the suggested research/application areas described in the full project
description: .

We offer an interdisciplinary project which to a high degree can be
formed by the selected candidate. Suitable targets of research within
the project include high performance algorithms on multi- and manycore
computers, but also design and theoretical studies of algorithms for
compute intensive machine learning or data assimilation applications.

Apply via the online application system at

The deadline for applications is 31st of August 2016.


From: Yves van Gennip [log in to unmask]
Date: June 20, 2016
Subject: Special issue of EJAM, PDEs for Data Modelling and Analysis

We are excited to announce that a forthcoming special issue of the
European Journal of Applied Mathematics (EJAM) will feature research
articles that involve partial differential equations (PDE) used in
data science. PDE models have found their way into the data sciences,
in a variety of ways. They are used directly, for example for data
assimilation, image processing, image analysis, shape analysis,
inverse problems, computer vision, and modelling complex phenomena
such as crowd motion, opinion formation, and option pricing. PDE ideas
also serve as an inspiration to formulate and solve data problems on
graphs and networks, such as in the use of graph-discretised PDE for
various classification and community detection problems, and in the
application of Gamma-convergence to link graph and continuum
variational classification models, which is crucial for analysing
these models and for understanding their scalability. Submissions on
these and related topics are invited for this special issue.

The peer review of submissions for this special issue will be in
accordance with EJAM's mission to focus on mathematical models
inspired by real-world applications, while at the same time fostering
the development of theoretical methods with a broad range of
applicability. Further details on EJAM's mandate can be obtained from
their website:

Papers are due no later than 19 October 2016. Authors should lodge
submissions online via the EJAM website, noting in a covering letter
that their paper is for consideration for this special
issue. Publication of the special issue is expected to be in autumn
2017. Enquiries can be directed to Yves van Gennip
([log in to unmask]) (special issue), Carola-Bibiane
Schönlieb ([log in to unmask]) (special issue), or John King
([log in to unmask]) (general enquiries).


From: Kathryn Roberts [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (2)

Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36(2)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Broken Sobolev space iteration for total variation regularized
minimization problems, Sören Bartels

Numerical meshes ensuring uniform observability of one-dimensional
waves: construction and analysis, Sylvain Ervedoza, Aurora Marica, and
Enrique Zuazua

Error estimates for a numerical approximation to the compressible
barotropic Navier-Stokes equations, Thierry Gallouët and Raphaèle
Herbin, David Maltese and Antonin Novotny

Instance optimal Crouzeix-Raviart adaptive finite element methods for
the Poisson and Stokes problems, Christian Kreuzer and Mira

Explicit construction of rectangular differentiation matrices, Kuan Xu
and Nicholas Hale

High-order accurate, fully discrete entropy stable schemes for scalar
conservation laws, Hamed Zakerzadeh and Ulrik S. Fjordholm

An implicitly restarted rational Krylov strategy for Lyapunov inverse
iteration, Karl Meerbergen

Fast closest logarithm algorithm in the special orthogonal group,
Adrien Escande

A high-order time-parallel scheme for solving wave propagation
problems via the direct construction of an approximate time-evolution
operator, T. S. Haut, T. Babb, P. G. Martinsson, and B. A. Wingate

Handling nonpositive curvature in a limited memory steepest descent
method, Frank E. Curtis and Wei Guo

Hybrid basis scheme for computing electrostatic fields exterior to
close- to-touching discs, D. G. Crowdy, S. Tanveer, and T. Delillo

A penalty-free Nitsche method for the weak imposition of boundary
conditions in compressible and incompressible elasticity, Thomas
Boiveau and Erik Burman

Local projection stabilization for the Oseen problem, Helene Dallmann,
Daniel Arndt and Gert Lube

The FFTRR-based fast decomposition methods for solving complex
biharmonic problems and incompressible flows, Aditi Ghosh and Prabir

On two-dimensional classical and Hermite sampling, R. M. Asharabi and
J. Prestin

Unified analysis of higher-order finite volume methods for parabolic
problems on quadrilateral meshes, Min Yang, Jiangguo Liu, and Qingsong

Weak Galerkin method for the coupled Darcy-Stokes flow, Wenbin Chen,
Fang Wang, and Yanqiu Wang

An alternating positive-semidefinite splitting preconditioner for
saddle point problems from time-harmonic eddy current models, Zhi-Ru
Ren and Yang Cao

A priori and a posteriori error analysis of a pseudostress-based mixed
formulation of the Stokes problem with varying density, Sergio Caucao,
David Mora and Ricardo Oyarzúa

Erratum to "Robust stabilized Stokes approximation methods for highly
stretched grids", Qifeng Liao and David Silvester


From: Kathryn Roberts [log in to unmask]
Date: June 23, 2016
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 05 (2)

Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 05(2)

Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
All Content Free in 2016

For articles in this issue and in our archive:

Introduction Special issue: Deep learning, Francis Bach and Tomaso

Deep Haar scattering networks, Xiuyuan Cheng, Xu Chen, and Stéphane

On invariance and selectivity in representation learning, Fabio
Anselmi, Lorenzo Rosasco, and Tomaso Poggio

A theoretical framework for deep transfer learning, Tomer Galanti,
Lior Wolf, and Tamir Hazan

GSNs: generative stochastic networks, Guillaume Alain, Yoshua Bengio,
Li Yao, Jason Yosinski, Éric Thibodeau-Laufer, Saizheng Zhang, and
Pascal Vincent


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: June 27, 2016
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 72 (3)

Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 72, Issue 3.
Table of contents

A fast and efficient two-grid method for solving d-dimensional poisson
equations, Hamid Moghaderi, Mehdi Dehghan, Masoud Hajarian

Barzilai and Borwein's method for multiobjective optimization
problems, Vahid Morovati, Latif Pourkarimi, Hadi Basirzadeh

Novel polynomial Bernstein bases and Bézier curves based on a general
notion of polynomial blossoming, Ron Goldman, Plamen Simeonov

A new approach to improve ill-conditioned parabolic optimal control
problem via time domain decomposition, Mohamed Kamel Riahi

Semilocal convergence analysis for the modified Newton-HSS method
under the Hoelder condition, Minhong Chen, Qingbiao Wu, Rongfei Lin

Numerical method with high order accuracy for solving a anomalous
subdiffusion equation, Y. Chen, Chang-Ming Chen

A smooth fictitious domain/multiresolution method for elliptic
equations on general domains, Ping Yin, Jacques Liandrat

On the numerical solution of the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity
problem, Alfredo N. Iusem, Joaquim J. Judice, Valentina Sessa, Hanif
D. Sherali

Finite element method for space-time fractional diffusion equation,
L. B. Feng, P. Zhuang, F. Liu, I. Turner, Y. T. Gu

A new convergence theorem of a projection algorithm with variable
steps for variational inequalities, Peiyuan Wang, Haiyun Zhou, Jianjun

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Automatic Differentiation, Philipp
H. W. Hoffmann

A relaxed positive semi-definite and skew-Hermitian splitting
preconditioner for non-Hermitian generalized saddle point problems,
Hong-tao Fan, Bing Zheng, Xin-yun Zhu

End of Digest

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January 2014, Week 1
December 2013, Week 3
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