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NADIGEST  April 2016, Week 2

NADIGEST April 2016, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 16, # 15


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 10 Apr 2016 23:04:21 -0400





text/plain (644 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 15

NA Digest  Sunday, April 10, 2016  Volume 16 : Issue 15

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Inverse Problems, USA, Apr 2016
	Computational Discovery, Canada, May 2016
	FSI Workshop, Singapore, May 2016 
	Complex Networks, Italy, Jun 2016
	HPC for Water Related Hazards, Germany, Jun 2016
	Recent Advances in DG Methods, UK, Jun 2016
	Milestones in Computer Algebra, Can,  Jul 2016
	Uncertainty Quantification for Applied Problems, Spain, Jul 2016
	Deadline extension, IMACS Congress, China, Dec 2016
	Software Engineer Position, Walt Disney Animation Studios
	Research Scientist, Optimization, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
	Lectureship Position, Applied Mathematics, Cardiff Univ, UK
	Postdoc Position, NA and Scientific Computing, SISSA, Italy
	Postdoc Position, Optimization, National Univ of Singapore
	PhD Position, Computational Electromagnetics, ETH Zurich
	PhD Position, Parallel Algorithms/TCS, KIT
	PhD Positions (6), UCoCoS Project
	Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 16 (2)

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From: Jie Shen [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2016
Subject: Inverse Problems, USA, Apr 2016

The Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM) is pleased
to announce the Workshop on Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging
at Department of Mathematics, Purdue University on April 23, 2016.

This workshop seeks to bring together researchers in various fields
that involve inverse problems in scattering and imaging. It aims to
offer a comfortable and spirited gathering at a small scale to promote
exchange of ideas between colleagues in modeling, analysis, and
computation of inverse problems along with applications, and to
explore future research directions.

Invited Speakers: Gang Bao, School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang
University Liliana Borcea, Department of Mathematics, University of
Michigan Jianliang Qian, Department of Mathematics, Department of
Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Michigan State
University John Schotland, Department of Mathematics, University of
Michigan Gunther Uhlmann, Department of Mathematics, University of
Washington Haomin Zhou, School of Mathematical Sciences, Georgia
Institute of Technology

For more information and registration, please visit:


From: David Jeffrey [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2016
Subject: Computational Discovery, Canada, May 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS ** Extended Deadline

Computationally Assisted Mathematical Discovery
and Experimental Mathematics
12-15 May 2016
Western University, London, Canada

Themes of the conference:
- Experimental Mathematics; Visualization;
- Mathematical Explorations; Reliable Knowledge of Science &
  Mathematics through computation

Invited Speakers: David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, James
R. Brown, Ernest Davis, Patrick Fowler, Ann Johnson, Lila Kari, Neil
J.A. Sloane, David R. Stoutemyer

Key Participant: Yuri V. Matiyasevich

Please register for the conference and submit contributions through
the conference website Both published and unpublished
contributions are welcome.  Any published proceedings will be through
a separate call for papers.

Conference fee: $100 CAD (Faculty); $50 (Student, Post-doc, Emeritus)

Abstract submission: April 15, 2016
Notification: April 22, 2016


From: Sheng Xu [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2016
Subject: FSI Workshop, Singapore, May 2016 

Pending NSF funding, financial support of travel is provided for
selected graduate students, post-docs and junior faculty who will
present at the International Workshop on Fluid-Solid Interaction
(, to be held
30 May - 3 June 2016 in National University of Singapore.

To apply, please email Sheng Xu ([log in to unmask]) with your CV and the
title and abstract of your talk ASAP before April 22, 2016.


From: Caterina Fenu [log in to unmask]
Date: April 07, 2016
Subject: Complex Networks, Italy, Jun 2016

Mathematical Models and Computational Methods for Complex Networks
June 6-7, 2016
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa
Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, Pisa

The workshop is part of the interdisciplinary research project by the
same name between the departments of computer science and mathematics.
The University of Pisa funded the project to foster stricter
collaboration between experts in Numerical Analysis, Optimization and
Operations Research for the solution of complex numerical problems
arising from today's networks (ITC and telecommunication,
transportation, energy, economic, social). Mathematical models with
network structure can be analyzed both through graph and matrix theory
yielding connections between numerical linear algebra, combinatorial
optimization, nonlinear optimization and Markov chains. The meaningful
overlapping between these fields makes it possible to look at the same
problem from different points of view obtaining better results by
exploiting different kinds of techniques jointly.  The workshop brings
together experts in complex networks both from the modelling and
computational perspective to provide a nice overview of the state of
the art in both these research directions. The workshop will take
place on monday afternoon and tuesday morning.

Attendance to the workshop is welcome and free of charge. Anyhow, you
are required to register by sending an e-mail to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] providing your
name, affiliation and day/days of attendance. The deadline for the
registration is May 15.

More detailed information at


From: Michael Bader [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2016
Subject: HPC for Water Related Hazards, Germany, Jun 2016

High Performance Computing for Water Related Hazards
June 29 - July 1, 2016,
at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Munich, Germany)

The Czech-Bavarian Competence Team for Supercomputing Applications
invites all interested researchers to a workshop on large-scale
simulation of water-related hazard scenarios. Contributed
presentations are welcome (for Jun 30) on all related topics, such as
simulation of rain-induced floods, storm surges, tsunamis, and similar
events.  Of special interest to our workshop will be presentations
addressing demands and desired features of (future) simulation
software, parallelisation for current and novel HPC platforms, as well
as establishing scalable simulation workflows on supercomputing

To register for participation in the workshop, please refer to -
there is no registration fee for participation.  If you wish to give a
presentation, please submit a title and short abstract (10-20 lines)
via email to Michael Bader .

The workshop is collocated with the PRACE PATC Course (Jun 27-29,
separate registration necessary) on Intel MIC Programming and will
involve a special session on "Floods in Bavaria" - see the preliminary
programme on


From: Andrea Moiola and Tristan Pryer [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2016
Subject: Recent Advances in DG Methods, UK, Jun 2016

The workshop "Recent advances in discontinuous Galerkin methods" will
take place on Monday 13 June 2016 at the University of Reading, UK.
The workshop is supported by the London Mathematical Society.

Invited speakers:
- Paola Antonietti, Milano
- Erik Burman, London
- Alexandre Ern, Paris
- Manolis Georgoulis, Leicester
- Charalambos Makridakis, Sussex
- Sandra May, Zurich
- Frederick Qiu, Hong Kong
- Jennifer Ryan, East Anglia
- Claire Scheid, Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Thomas Wihler, Bern

For details and registration please see the homepage:
or contact us at [log in to unmask]


From: Wen-shin Lee [log in to unmask]
Date: April 07, 2016
Subject: Milestones in Computer Algebra, Can,  Jul 2016

Milestones in Computer Algebra (MICA 2016)
Celebrating the research of Erich Kaltofen
July 16-18, 2016, University of Waterloo, Canada

Celebrating the research of Erich Kaltofen, the Milestones of Computer
Algebra (MICA 2016) surveys some major achievements of computer
algebra and its connections to related scientific areas.

We invite submissions of abstracts for contributed talks and posters
for MICA 2016. We solicit talks on recent research or surveys of the
historical development of sub-areas, with a preference to topics
connected to Erich Kaltofen's life-long research interests. We also
encourage submissions from all areas of computer algebra and related
scientific fields. Contributed talks are scheduled for 25 minute
timeslots: 20 minutes are for each talk plus 5 minutes for
questions. Abstracts shall be submitted via EasyChair at the following

Early submissions are strongly encouraged. We will try make acceptance
decisions within 2 weeks of each submission. Submissions by June 15,
if accepted, will be listed in the printed program. The accepted talk
and poster abstracts will be distributed at the conference as well as
published in an upcoming issue of the ACM SIGSAM Communications in
Computer Algebra. A special issue of the Journal of Symbolic
Computation is planned to follow the conference.


From: Luca Gerardo-Giorda [log in to unmask]
Date: April 06, 2016
Subject: Uncertainty Quantification for Applied Problems, Spain, Jul 2016

BCAM-IMUVA Summer School on Uncertainty Quantification for Applied
July 4-7, 2016, Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain)

The school aims at providing a survey of UQ and data assimilation
techniques for some practical problems. It will be structured around
four courses delivered by leading researchers in the
field. Additionally, some participants will be given the opportunity
of presenting their own results. The school is addressed to
mathematicians, statisticians, and scientists interested in UQ. PhD
students and postdoctoral researchers attending the school may be
financially supported by the organization.

- Scalable Bayesian Inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Stan,
  by Dr. Michael Betancourt, University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
- Algorithms for UQ for differential equations, by Prof. Max
  Gunzburger, Florida State University (USA)
- Variational Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification, by Prof.
  Olivier Talagrand, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, École
  Normale Supérieure (France) and Mohamed Jardak, Meteorological
  Office (United Kingdom)
- Probabilistic and ensemble approaches to Data Assimilation, by
  Prof. Peter Jan van Leeuwen, University of Reading (United Kingdom)


From: Jie Shen [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2016
Subject: Deadline extension, IMACS Congress, China, Dec 2016

Call for Mini-symposia proposals at 20th IMACS World Congress, 
December 10-14, 2016, Xiamen, China,
deadline extended to May 15, 2016.

The main role of IMACS is to promote the research fields involved in
advanced simulations, where mathematics and new generation computers
are powerfully combined, in particular in recognizing new emerging

Plenary Speakers:
Andrea Bertozzi, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Franco Brezzi, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, Italy
Arieh Iserles, University of Cambridge, UK
Peter Monk, University of Delaware, USA
Zongben Xu, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Ya-Xiang Yuan, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

A mini-symposium proposal should consist of
1. a short (max half-page) proposal description,
2. list of the participants, their full affiliations along with e-mail
and be sent to Professor Chuanju Xu at [log in to unmask]

For more information, please visit:


From: Gisela Prunes [log in to unmask]
Date: April 07, 2016
Subject: Software Engineer Position, Walt Disney Animation Studios

Software Engineer: Performance and distributed computing- Burbank

Software Engineers develop software tools and enhancements motivated
by the needs of animation production. In this specific role, you will
work with artists, production leadership, technical directors, and
other software engineers to define and implement the next generation
of rendering pipeline tools to be used in films at Walt Disney
Animation Studios. This technology compiles the vast amount of data
defining a movie into a form suitable for rendering. Challenges
include high performance parallel computation, highly efficient data
parsing and storage, and an in-depth understanding of the requirements
and relationships for data authored by many disparate production

- Experience developing high performance software.
- At least three years of development experience using C++; C++11
  experience desired.
- Experience with development of high-performance code using SIMD and
  multithreading strongly desired.
- Exemplary communication and team working skills.
- Game development or other real-time rendering experience an
- BS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
  or other related field; MS/PhD preferred

Walt Disney Animation Studios is an Equal Opportunity Employer

To view the full job description and to apply please click here:


From: Stefano DiCairano [log in to unmask]
Date: April 06, 2016
Subject: Research Scientist, Optimization, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
USA, invites qualified candidates to apply for the position of
Research Scientist (full time, fully funded) and to join its
Mechatronics Group. The candidate is expected to perform research in
the area of optimization algorithms, especially for real-time
control. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in the
development and analysis of optimization algorithms, working knowledge
of numerical linear algebra, basic knowledge of control theory, and
demonstrated capability of implementing the algorithms in Matlab and
C/C++.  Candidates at all levels of experience will be considered.

- Conducting innovative and relevant research in optimization
- Applying the research results to company-relevant R&D projects,
- Publishing in leading journals, conferences and patent applications,
- Transferring results to Mitsubishi Electric corporate research
- Collaborating with research staff, academic partners, mentoring

- A Ph.D. from an internationally-recognized institution in
  optimization, systems and control or a related discipline,
- A strong publication record consistent with experience,
- A record of independently proposing and executing research projects
- Extensive knowledge of optimization, control, algorithm design and
- Experience and interest in implementing optimization in software,
- Strong teamwork, communication, listening and teaching skills.

Interested parties can find position details and application at


From: Tim Phillips [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2016
Subject: Lectureship Position, Applied Mathematics, Cardiff Univ, UK

The School of Mathematics wishes to appoint a full-time, open-ended
Lecturer in Applied Mathematics. The appointment is expected to be in
continuum mechanics or in a cognate area complementing current
research interests of the Applied and Computational Mathematics
Group. The successful candidate will be expected to establish further
collaboration with the School of Engineering and University Research
Institutes (such as Energy and Systems Immunity). Areas of interest
include fluid mechanics, solid and structural mechanics, numerical
analysis and scientific computing, mathematical modelling and applied
analysis. Applicants for the post should have a record of or potential
to produce research that reaches the highest standards of excellence
in terms of originality, significance and rigour in any field of
Applied Mathematics.  S/he should have the ability to deliver
high-quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. S/he
will also be expected to take a full part in the life of the School,
including administrative duties.  This position is a full time
position, 35 hours per week and is open ended.  Salary: £31,656 -
£37,768 per annum (Grade 6) or £40,082 - £46,414 per annum (Grade 7)

Pathway: Teaching & Research

The post is available from 1st August 2016 or a mutually agreed date
thereafter.  We strongly welcome female applicants and those from an
ethnic minority group, as they are under-represented in our
School. The School of Mathematics has an Athena SWAN Bronze Award that
recognises good employment practice and a commitment to develop the
careers of women working in science.  The University is committed to
ensuring that we sustain a positive working environment for all staff
to flourish and achieve. As part of this commitment, the University
has developed a flexible and responsive framework of procedures to
support staff in managing their work and personal commitments wherever
possible. Applications are welcome from individuals who wish to work
part-time or full time.

Closing date: 22 April 2016

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Tim Phillips
([log in to unmask] ) or Professor Marco Marletta
([log in to unmask]).


From: Gianluigi Rozza [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA and Scientific Computing, SISSA, Italy

A postdoctoral research position in Numerical Analysis and Scientific
Computing (with applications) is open at SISSA, International School
for Advanced Studies, Mathematics Area, mathLab division, Trieste,

The position is in the framework of the ERC (European Research
Council) Consolidator Grant AROMA-CFD, Advanced Reduced Order Methods
with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2016-2021, PI Prof.
Gianluigi Rozza (Project 681447).

Applications info and requirements are available at the link: The
announcement is in Italian and in English. In the general description
of the call please have a look at Annex 1, position 2 for details.

Application deadline is May 6, 2016 at 1pm (CET).

For more info and details you can contact [log in to unmask]
with a message with subject "ERC AROMA-CFD".


From: Christine Shoemaker [log in to unmask]
Date: April 10, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization, National Univ of Singapore

Seeking 2 or 3 postdocs to help in developing efficient (serial,
synchronous and asynchronous parallel) algorithms that can be used for
the important goal of optimizing objective functions that are computer
codes, including multi-modal simulation models and applying the
algorithms to real world, computationally expensive,
environmental/energy problems. The postdoc candidate should have a)
completed all the work and exams for a PhD with skills in
computational science and engineering, b) have some background in
optimization, c) be able to speak and write technical English well,
and d) have excellent computing skills and experience in python or
C++.  Experience in any one of the following is a benefit but it is
not essential for all positions: advanced numerical analysis,
nonlinear optimization, surrogates (meta-models, response surfaces),
sensors, water or air quality modeling, or software engineering.
Candidates may want to look at our current open source code pySOT as
well at publications by Prof. Shoemaker and co-workers.

Two or three postdoc positions are available. Positions would be one
year appointments including health insurance that are potentially
renewable for a number of years. Positions could start as soon as visa
is processed (which takes months), but it is also possible to start
considerably later is for at least one of the positions.

If interested, please send email with a Curriculum Vitae (CV) to
Christine A. Shoemaker, Distinguished Professor, Industrial and
Systems Engineering, National University of Singapore at
[log in to unmask] with the word POSTDOC in the subject line.  Applying
soon will insure that there is still an open position; however, we
will continue to consider applications any time as long as one of the
positions is open.


From: Ralf Hiptmair [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Electromagnetics, ETH Zurich

The Seminar for Applied Mathematics of ETH Zuerich
( offers a PhD position in the framework
of an interdisciplinary project on "Enhanced Multiple Multipoles
Method for Computational Electromagnetism" under the supervision of
Prof. Ralf Hiptmair. The project is to develop algorithms for the
coupling of finite element methods and least squares Trefftz methods
in time and frequency domain. Large scale implementation of a
simulation code in C++ and its application to scattering problems from
nano-optics are envisaged.

The position is temporary and limited to 3-4 years after a three month
period of probation. The holder will be fully employed as ETH research

For required skills and details of the application procedure see

Deadline June 1, 2016 (position may be filled on a first come first
served basis)


From: Henning Meyerhenke [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel Algorithms/TCS, KIT

The group Theoretical Computer Science / Parallel Computing at the
Department of Informatics of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(Germany) is inviting applications for the position of a

PhD Student / Research Assistant (m/f) (pay grade 13 TV-L)

starting on July 1st, 2016 or later (fixed-term contract).

In the focus of this position are research topics on parallel graph
algorithms that work well both in theory and in practice

Before applying to [log in to unmask] by May 12, please be sure to
read the detailed announcement at


From: Wim Michiels [log in to unmask]
Date: April 07, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions (6), UCoCoS Project

Major challenges in science, society and industry are induced by the
complexity of our hyper-connected world. Examples are the climate
change, artificial interconnected systems whose dynamics are beyond
our understanding such as the internet, the global banking system and
the power grid. A demand of performance emerges at an unprecedented
scale: collaborative sensors and robots to ensure competitiveness of
the production industry, better management of traffic flows, designing
(de)synchronization mechanisms applicable in neuroscience illustrate
the necessity to understand and control the dynamics of complex

The objectives of the UCoCoS project are to create a control-oriented
framework for complex systems, and to define a common language, common
methods and software.  UCoCoS aims at creating a closely connected new
generation of scientists, capable of designing network structures and
policies to affect the networks, and initiating long-term partnerships
leading to sustainable doctoral training.  The UCoCoS approach builds
on recent developments in three domains: computer science, control,
and mechanical engineering.

In the framwork of UCoCoS there are six open PhD positions. Every PhD
researcher performs a cutting-edge project, relying on the
complementary expertise of three acadmic partners (KU Leuven, Ecole
Centrale de Lille, Eindhoven University of Technology) and benefiting
from training by non-academic partners from three different sectors.

The UCoCoS project and training network is funded by the H2020 program
of the Europen Commission as an Innovative Training Network - European
Joint Doctorates. More information on the project, and application
instructions can be found at


From: Piotr Matus [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2016
Subject: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 16 (2)

Computational methods in applied mathematics, Vol. 16 (2016), No.2

Vertex-Based Compatible Discrete Operator Schemes on Polyhedral Meshes
for Advection-Diffusion Equations (free access), Cantin, Pierre / Ern,

Reliable Averaging for the Primal Variable in the Courant FEM and
Hierarchical Error Estimators on Red-Refined Meshes (free access),
Carstensen, Carsten / Eigel, Martin

Monotone Finite Difference Schemes for Quasilinear Parabolic Problems
with Mixed Boundary Conditions, Gaspar, Francisco José / Lisbona,
Francisco Javier / Matus, Piotr P. / Tuyen, Vo Thi Kim

The Laguerre Collocation Method for Third Kind Integral Equations on
Unbounded Domains, Ghoreishi, Farideh / Farahbakhsh-Tooli, Elena

Projection Methods for Ill-Posed Problems Revisited, Kindermann,

Explicit Constants in Poincaré-Type Inequalities for Simplicial
Domains and Application to A Posteriori Estimates, Matculevich,
Svetlana / Repin, Sergey

Regularization by Aggregation of Global and Local Data on the Sphere,
Tkachenko, Pavlo

A Note on Lower Bounds of Eigenvalues of Fourth Order Elliptic
Operators on Local Quasi-Uniform Grids, Li, Youai

Numerical Analysis and Computation of a Type of IMEX Method for the
Time-Dependent Natural Convection Problem, Yang, Yun-Bo / Jiang,

The Valuation of Carbon Bonds Linked with Carbon Price,	Zhang, Shuhua
/ Yang, Zhuo

All CMAM ahead of print papers can be viewed at

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