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NADIGEST  February 2016, Week 5

NADIGEST February 2016, Week 5


NA Digest, V. 16, # 9


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 29 Feb 2016 21:24:04 -0500





text/plain (1275 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 9

NA Digest  Monday, February 29, 2016  Volume 16 : Issue 9

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Lev A. Krukier, 1951 - 2016
	IDEAS Project xSDK Documents Open for Comment
	Call for Nominations, SC'16 Test of Time Award
	MFEM version 3.1
	Release of H2tools, a new tool to work with H2matrices
	New Book, Lectures on BSDEs, Stochastic Control, ...
	Courses for PhD Students and Postdocs
	Modeling Day on OPEN DATA, Germany, Apr 2016
	NUMTA2016, Abstract deadline extended, Italy, Jun 2016
	EURO 2016, Poland, Jul 2016
	Honoring Paul Van Dooren, Belgium, Jul 2016
	BAIL 2016, China, Aug 2016
	Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2016
	Constructive Approximation and Applications, Italy, Sep 2016
	SIAM Central States Section Annual Meeting, USA, Sep 2016
	Faculty Positions, Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
	Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematical Modeling
	Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
	Postdoc Position, Data Science/High Dimensional Learning
	Postdoc Position, Dynamism-aware HPC, NTNU
	Postdoc Position, Melbourne, Australia
	Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Oxford
	Postdoc Position, Statistical Modeling and Optimization, UNESP
	Postdoc Positions, Uncertainty Quantification, ICES, UT-Austin
	Postdoc/PhD positions, Parallel Computing for Extreme Scale Systems
	Postdoc/PhD Positions, HPC, NTNU-Trondheim, Norway
	Doctorate Research Position, Mathematics, Univ of Vienna
	PhD Position, Data Science, Simula Reserch Lab, Oslo
	PhD Position, Univ Jaume I (UJI), Castellon, Spain
	PhD Positions, Department of Informatics, Univ of Bergen
	PhD Positions, Math Modelling and Numerical Simulation, Bergen
	PhD Positions, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
	PhD positions, Computational Math, Bergen
	Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 71 (3)
	Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 19 (1)
	Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing (SOIC), 4 (1), 2016

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Mike Botchev [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: Lev A. Krukier, 1951 - 2016

Lev Abramovich Krukier passed away on February 19, 2016 after a long
illness. Lev Krukier is known for his work on preconditioned iterative
methods for solving linear systems with strongly nonsymmetric
matrices. He was a dedicated scientist, a great teacher and a gifted
leader. For many years he was a head of the Computer Center of the
Russian State University (now the Southern Federal University), and
the center flourished under his guidance.  Together with Igor
Nicolayev, he managed to get a modern parallel supercomputer to Rostov
in the 90s. Later he led development of RUNNet (Russian UNiversity
Network) in Southern Russia. For many years he and his team organized
national and international Numerical Analysis schools for young
scientists with renowned instructors from all over the world (among
them Gene Golub in 2002, obtaining his Rostov State Honor
Professorship). He was very active in establishing and leading
Chinese-Russian collaboration on Numerical Algebra and, especially, he
was one of the initiators of the series "China-Russia Conference on
Numerical Algebra with Applications". Lev will be missed by many his
colleagues and former students. He is survived by his wife Irina, two
sons and four grandchildren.

Galina Muratova (Southern Federal University, Russia)
Zhong-Zhi Bai (Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences)
Mike Botchev (University of Twente, the Netherlands)


From: Lois Curfman McInnes [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2016
Subject: IDEAS Project xSDK Documents Open for Comment

The DOE-funded IDEAS Scientific Software Developer Productivity
project focuses on specific activities intended to enhance developer
productivity.  One major deliverable for the project is an
Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit (xSDK), which is a
collection of policies, tools, and interoperability layers on top of
widely used libraries.  In early 2016, the IDEAS project will release
the first version of the xSDK, which will encompass the hypre, PETSc,
SuperLU, and Trilinos libraries.

Although each of these libraries will continue with their own
independent development and distribution efforts, the IDEAS xSDK will
provide common configure and build capabilities, the first phase of
increased interoperability among the libraries, and explicit policies
for expected practices across all libraries.  These enhancements
should help users work more easily with all of these libraries in

In preparation for the first xSDK release, two draft documents
(package compliance standards and standard configure/CMake options)
are open for community comment.  These documents are available from

Project website:

We welcome comments from the community on these documents, and would
especially appreciate input within the next few weeks.

For general information about the IDEAS Project, please visit the main


From: Michael Heroux [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: Call for Nominations, SC'16 Test of Time Award

The SC'16 Test of Time Award (ToTA) recognizes an SC conference paper
from 2006 or earlier for its influence on the supercomputing field.
Because of its emphasis on sustained impact, ToTA is one of the most
meaningful recognitions a paper can receive. Nominations are open now
through April 1st, so please participate in this year's selection
process by nominating a paper that you think deserves this

More info:
Web Submissions:
Email Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Tzanio Kolev [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: MFEM version 3.1

Version 3.1 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for
finite element methods, is now available at

The goal of MFEM is to enable research and development of scalable
finite element discretization and solver algorithms through general
finite element abstractions, accurate and flexible visualization, and
tight integration with the hypre linear solvers library. It has many
features, including:
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary high-order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2 and NURBS
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming or nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR),
  including anisotropic refinement.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, DG and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral
  elements with curved boundaries.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with GLVis,
Some of the new additions in version 3.1 are:
- Substantially improved non-conforming adaptive mesh refinement,
  which now works also in parallel.
- General finite element spaces and solvers on surfaces and mesh
- Support for hybridization and static condensation, with a new
  FEM  linear system interface.
- New eigensolvers and improved linear solvers and preconditioners.
- Visualization of non-conforming meshes and grid functions, and
  vector fields on surface meshes.
- Six new examples codes for parallel AMR, eigenvalue problems and
  DG diffusion.
- Five new electromagnetic and meshing miniapps.

MFEM is freely available under LGPL 2.1.

For more details, see the interactive documentation at and the full description at


From: Alexander Mikhalev [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Release of H2tools, a new tool to work with H2matrices

H2tools is an open-source software for H2-matrices. Its main feature
is an algebraic method of constructing H2-approximation using only
matrix entries. This method does not require preliminary approximation
by H- matrix, is linear in means of problem size and has lower
complexity in terms of memory and operations, than any method of
H-approximation. It also uses less matrix entries, than any
H-approximation method.

H2tools is distributed as Python package and available at with examples, installation guide
and link to documentation.


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2016
Subject: New Book, Lectures on BSDEs, Stochastic Control, ...

Lectures on BSDEs, Stochastic Control, and Stochastic Differential
Games with Financial Applications by René Carmona

x + 265 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611974-23-2 / List Price $84.00 /
SIAM Member Price $58.80 / FM01

The goal of this textbook is to introduce students to the stochastic
analysis tools that play an increasing role in the probabilistic
approach to optimization problems, including stochastic control and
stochastic differential games. While optimal control is taught in many
graduate programs in applied mathematics and operations research, the
author was intrigued by the lack of coverage of the theory of
stochastic differential games.

This is the first title in SIAM's Financial Mathematics book series
and is based on the author's lecture notes. It will be helpful to
students who are interested in stochastic differential equations
(forward, backward, forward-backward); the probabilistic approach to
stochastic control (dynamic programming and the stochastic maximum
principle); and mean field games and control of McKean-Vlasov

To order or for more about this book, including links to its Table of
Contents, Preface and Index, please visit


From: Adam N. Letchford [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Courses for PhD Students and Postdocs

In 2016, NATCOR will be running courses on Heuristics, Systems
Dynamics, Convex Optimisation and Predictive Analytics. The courses
are open to PhD students and post-docs from any country working in a
relevant area, such as Operational Research, Statistics, Engineering,
Computer Science or Finance. For details, see the following web page:

Our courses are approved by the UK Research Councils and also by EURO
(the European Association of Operational Research Societies).


From: Anja Milde [log in to unmask]
Date: February 29, 2016
Subject: Modeling Day on OPEN DATA, Germany, Apr 2016

The HGS MathComp's Follow-Up Modeling Day on "Open Data" takes place
on April 15, 2016 at the Mathematikon in Heidelberg, Germany.

The whole-day event starts at 9PM and offers a platform for both
practitioners and scientists to discuss innovations, determine
similarities and differences of applied modeling approaches, as well
as maintain mutual exchange of experiences.

This workshop aims at contributing to communication between industry
and university within the complex issue "Open Data" while at the same
time considering ethical and legal aspects of open data.

The event will solely be held in German.

The event is open to the public, with advance registration
requested. Participation is free of charge.

For further information, please visit the event's website:


From: Dmitri Kvasov [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: NUMTA2016, Abstract deadline extended, Italy, Jun 2016

Call for papers "Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms" The
2nd International Conference and Summer School NUMTA2016 in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM), USA.  19 - 25 June 2016, Club Med Resort "Napitia", Pizzo
Calabro, Italy

OPENING KEYNOTE LECTURE will be delivered by Professor Robert
J. Aumann, 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (Israel).

YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD (500 Euro and the Award certificate) for the
best presentation made by a young scientist will be awarded during the

PROCEEDINGS will be published as a special volume of the
world-renowned The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference
Proceedings that are currently indexed in such leading databases as
Web of Science, Scopus, and Inspec.

LOCATION of NUMTA2016 is the Premium All Inclusive Club Med Resort
"Napitia" (Pizzo Calabro, Tyrrhenian coast, Italy).  The resort is
very close to the International Lamezia Terme Airport.

Submission of one page abstracts: March 1, 2016 (extended deadline)
Submission of papers for proceedings: May 10, 2016
Payment of the regular registration fee: March 10, 2016
Hotel reservation with special prices: March 10, 2016


From: Hans Mittelmann [log in to unmask]
Date: February 22, 2016
Subject: EURO 2016, Poland, Jul 2016

EURO 2016
28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVIII),
Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland, July 3-6, 2016,

Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in any
branch of Operational Research, mathematical modelling or economic
analysis are invited to submit abstracts or to organize sessions.

Invited and contributed papers will be organized in parallel sessions.
In general, sessions will be a part of the Conference streams, and
streams are grouped in 25 Main Areas. The list of main areas and
streams can be followed at and

No participant can present more than one paper at the Conference.

Abstract submission system is available online, via the Conference web
page ( or

Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; submission deadline is March 1, 2016.


From: Pierre-Antoine Absil [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: Honoring Paul Van Dooren, Belgium, Jul 2016

On Friday 8th July 2016 (just before the 20th Conference of the
International Linear Algebra Society organized in Leuven), a
colloquium on Matrix Computations will be held in Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium, in honor of Paul Van Dooren on becoming Emeritus professor.

Confirmed invited speakers:
Patrick Dewilde (TU Munich)
Joos Vandewalle (KU Leuven)
Froilan Dopico (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Steve Mackey (Western Michigan University)
Kyle Gallivan (Florida State University)

For up-to-date information please visit  Registration is free but
mandatory through the registration form available from the colloquium
web site.

Best regards from the organizing committee: Pierre-Antoine Absil,
Julien Hendrickx, Karl Meerbergen, Marc Van Barel, Raf Vandebril


From: Martin Stynes [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: BAIL 2016, China, Aug 2016

The BAIL 2016 conference will be held from 15 to 19 August 2016 in
Beijing, China, at Beijing Computational Science Research Center and
Tsinghua University. The conference website is
and registration is now open.

Note that those participants who register and pay their conference fee
by 15 May 2016 will receive substantial financial support towards
their accommodation in Beijing.

BAIL = Boundary And Interior Layers. The conference should be of
interest to researchers working in numerical analysis, asymptotics,
applied mathematics or engineering who deal with problems exhibiting
layer phenomena. We continue the BAIL tradition of biennial
conferences; most recently, BAIL 2014 was held in Prague,Czech

The Proceedings of BAIL 2016 will appear in the Springer series
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering.


From: Jens-Peter M. Zemke [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2016

16th GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra with special
emphasis on Linear Algebra Challenges in Machine Learning

Hamburg University of Technology
September 15-16, 2016, Hamburg.

Talks related to regularization of ill-posed problems and all other
areas of applied and numerical linear algebra are welcome.

The plenary speakers are Bart De Moor, KU Leuven, Belgium; Efstratios
Gallopoulos, University of Patras, Greece; Philipp Hennig, Max Planck
Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany.

Talks related to Linear Algebra Challenges in Machine Learning and all
other areas of applied and numerical linear algebra are welcome.

Details of the workshop including on-line registration can be found at .

As there is only a limited amount of rooms in the hotels nearby, we
kindly request that those who plan to visit our workshop make
reservations asap.

Abstract submission: July 17, 2016
Notification of acceptance: July 24, 2016


From: Stefano De Marchi [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2016
Subject: Constructive Approximation and Applications, Italy, Sep 2016

4th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Application

Where: Alba di Canazei (Tn) - ITALY
Dates:  8 - 13 September 2016.

The workshop is dedicated to Annie Cuyt on the occasion of her 60th

Registration is now open.

For any information see the web page


From: Xiaoming He [log in to unmask]
Date: February 25, 2016
Subject: SIAM Central States Section Annual Meeting, USA, Sep 2016

We are pleased to announce the call for presentations for the 2nd
Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, which will be hosted at
the University of Arkansas-Little Rock, September 30-October 2,
2016. Please see the following conference website for more details:

If you are interested in organizing a mini-symposium, we appreciate it
if you can email the organizing committee chair, Xiaoming He, at
[log in to unmask], to let us know about your plan. This will help us with
the conference organization and estimation for budget.

If you are interested in giving a mini-symposium talk but not
organizing a mini-symposium, please feel free to email the organizing
committee chair, Xiaoming He, at [log in to unmask] We will try our best to
find you a suitable mini-symposium, which is organized by other
colleagues, for your talk.

We also have contributed presentations in both lecture and poster
formats for all participants. We are also planning on a special issue
of the second annual meeting on a decent journal.

If you want to know more information about the SIAM Central States
Section and the first annual meeting, please visit the following


From: Phaneendra Yalavarthy [log in to unmask]
Date: February 25, 2016
Subject: Faculty Positions, Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

The Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS), Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India is inviting applications for
full-time tenure track faculty positions at all levels (Assistant
Professor, Associate Professor and Professor).  The Department of
Computational and Data Sciences (CDS) is an interdisciplinary
engineering department spanning the research areas of Computational
Science and Engineering, and Data Sciences.  Computational science
deals with computational methods, related mathematics and algorithms,
and the design of high performance and scalable systems to support
scientific and engineering applications.  Data Science explores
models, algorithms and scalable systems to extract knowledge and
insight from both structured and unstructured data of various
scales. CDS invites applications in all areas of computational and
data sciences that lie at the intersection of methods, systems and
applications, specifically in the following topics.

- Computational Mathematics and its Application to Science and
  Engineering - All areas, especially in emerging areas and in areas
  that complement the specialization of the current faculty
- Data science and its Applications - All areas including analytics,
  assimilation, visualization, knowledge extraction and
  representation, statistics at scale, programming models and
- Scalable Systems for Computation and Data Sciences - emerging
  hardware architectures and software systems

CDS welcomes rolling applications, round-the-year, from
Indian nationals who are exceptionally motivated, with an established
record of independent, high quality research, and a commitment to
teaching.  The department expects the candidates to have published in
top-ranking fora in their areas of expertise. Prospective faculty
candidates are invited to email their application packets consisting
of their CV, a list of three or more referees, a research statement
with prior contributions and future plans, a teaching statement, and
three select publications to .

Additional information:
Department web page:
Institute web page:


From: Anders Logg [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematical Modeling

The Department of Mathematical Sciences has an opening for a postdoc

The project is joint with Chalmers Area Advance the Built Environment
and will focus on mathematical modeling, simulation and development
digital tools for a range of applications relating to the built

We are looking for candidates with good knowledge of analysis,
implementation and application of finite element methods, programming
in C++ and/or Python, and high-performance computing. Experience of
FEniCS programming is also a big plus.

For details, see


From: Thanh Tran [log in to unmask]
Date: February 29, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, UNSW Sydney

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on an ARC
Discovery Project awarded to Chief Investigators Assoc. Prof.  Thanh
Tran (UNSW Australia) and Prof. Beniamin Goldys (University of
Sydney). The project is entitled "Novel approaches for problems with

Applicants should have a PhD degree or be very close to completing
one. Although an experience in the following areas of mathematics is
preferred, candidates with strong qualifications in a relevant field
of mathematics are encouraged to apply and will be carefully
considered: 1) Numerical partial differential equations 2) Stochastic
partial differential equations.

The successful applicant will play a leading role within a
collaborative research team and, in collaboration with other team
members, is expected to publish in leading international journals.

The position will be at UNSW, initially for a fixed-term of 1 year,
but will likely be extended for a further period subject to
availability of funding. The position is available for an immediate

Additional information and application details can be found at


From: Valeriya Naumova [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data Science/High Dimensional Learning

We are advertising 1 Postdoctoral position for a term of up to three
years (2+1) in the Biomedical Computing Department at Simula Research
Laboratory, Norway. The position is available within the project
'Function-driven Data Learning in High Dimension' (FunDaHD).

Responsibilities: We are seeking a two-year full time postdoctoral
fellow at Simula Research Laboratory to work on tractable and robust
automatic learning of functions and data structures in high dimensions
from the minimal amount of observed information. The successful
candidate will perform rigorous theoretical analysis and develop
numerical methods for manifold approximation using tools from
regularization theory, sparse approximation, and machine
learning. These techniques will then be applied to address real-life
problems in cardiac modeling. Following a positive evaluation the
position can be extended up to three years in total.

Your Profile: We consider interested candidates who have concluded
their PhD in mathematics or a related discipline (computer science,
statistics, signal processing) and a strong background in one or more
of the following fields: Sparse recovery methods, functional analysis,
approximation theory, probability theory, regularization theory, and
familiarity with programming in Matlab, Mathematica or Python.

Application Requirements: Candidates are invited to apply, by
electronically submitting a motivation letter, curriculum vitae et
studiorum, including list of publications, and up to 3 letters of
recommendation (one from the PhD supervisor). Note that all
attachments MUST be submitted in PDF format.

The starting date is at the earliest convenience (negotiable), but
indicatively not later than May 1, 2016. Application deadline: April
15, 2016, or until filled.

Enquiries regarding the position and the applications should be
directed to Dr. Valeriya Naumova ([log in to unmask])


From: Magnus Jahre [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dynamism-aware HPC, NTNU

We are currently seeking a post doctoral researcher for the "Run-time
Exploitation of Application Dynamism for Energy-efficient Exascale
Computing (READEX)" EU-project. The objective of the READEX project is
to develop a design methodology and tool-suite that enables exploiting
dynamic application behaviour in High Performance Computing (HPC)
systems for improved energy efficiency. The project will combine
current results of system scenario based design from the embedded
domain with HPC auto-tuning and platform expertise.

The full announcement text is available here:

The application deadline is currently March 3, but it may be possible
to negotiate an extension.


From: Andriy Olenko [log in to unmask]
Date: February 22, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Melbourne, Australia

There is a fully funded postdoctoral position in
statistics/stochastics/applied mathematics at La Trobe University
(Melbourne, Australia).

A person with a strong statistical/mathematical background, and
research experience in advanced data analysis or
mathematical/numerical modelling is required to work on the discovery
project, 'New Methods in Theory and Cosmic Applications of Spherical
Random Fields' funded by the Australian Research Council for the
period 2016-2018 (PROJECT ID: DP160101366).

Here is a link to complete information:

- Pursue innovative research at a high international level
- Full-time fixed term contract until 31 December 2018, Bundoora
  Location (Melbourne)
- $59,585 - $80,864 + up to 17% superannuation

Closing date: Sunday, 13 March 2016 by 11.00pm AEST.

Position Enquiries: Dr Andriy Olenko, [log in to unmask]


From: Patrick Farrell [log in to unmask]
Date: February 29, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Oxford

We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to work
with Dr Patrick Farrell at the Mathematical Institute, University of
Oxford. This is a 12 month fixed term position and is available from
1st May 2016 (or as soon as possible thereafter).

The aim of the project is to develop mesh-independent optimisation
techniques for PDE-constrained optimisation problems with inequality
constraints. The algorithms developed will be released as open-source
software and will be applied to industrial optimisation problems
arising in the design of tidal turbine arrays for marine renewable
energy.  The research will involve adjoints, finite element
discretisations, automated code generation and high-performance
scientific computing.

Applicants should have a PhD awarded, or a Masters degree and PhD
submitted (at the time of taking up the position) in mathematics or a
related discipline, with research interests in numerical analysis,
scientific computing and optimisation. The candidate should be able to
demonstrate programming experience (especially in C, C++ or Python)
pertaining to the numerical solution of partial differential
equations. Experience with finite element methods and high-performance
computing is desirable. 

Please direct informal enquiries to Patrick Farrell
([log in to unmask]).


From: Geraldo Nunes Silva [log in to unmask]
Date: February 25, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Statistical Modeling and Optimization, UNESP

The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Mathematical
Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), hosted by the University of São
Paulo, Brazil, and funded by FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation,
Brazil), is offering a 2 years Postdoctoral fellowship for candidates
with outstanding research potential.  The candidate will work at
IBILCE/UNESP, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP - Brazil. This position is
focused on the development of statistical models and statistical tests
to combine, evaluate and optimize a diversity of strategies based on
signs of different studies and methodology derived from technical
analysis. Then a thorough risk analysis and risk management for the
resulting new strategies will be addressed and the strategies
implemented and tested for automatic trading of investments.
Applicants must have received, or expect to complete, a PhD degree
within the last 5 years. Selection criteria will include demonstrated
research ability in applied mathematics, Statistics, Optimization or
related area, strong background in computation, commitment to
collaborative research, and excellent verbal and written communication
skills.  It is also desirable that the candidate has previous
experience working in multidisciplinary research group, and has
collaborated on research projects with companies or government
institutions.  The selected candidate will receive FAPESP
Post-Doctoral fellowship worth R$ 6143.40 monthly, after tax. To apply
please E-mail with message subject: "CEPID Postdoc", up to March 28th,
2016, the following items to Professor Geraldo Silva
([log in to unmask]): 1. A letter of interest, containing
full contact information, year graduated and citizenship/immigration
status, concisely responding to the research emphases and criteria
above; 2. A CV listing educational background, research experience and
publications; 3. A cover letter including names and contact
information of two professionals who can recommend the candidate (no
letters please).


From: Omar Ghattas [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Uncertainty Quantification, ICES, UT-Austin

The Center for Computational Geosciences at the Institute for
Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES,,
University of Texas at Austin has several openings for postdoctoral
fellows to conduct research in the general area of uncertainty
quantification for large-scale PDE-based models. Specific areas
include Bayesian inverse problems, optimal experimental design,
optimization under uncertainty, and parallel algorithms and high
performance computing implementations for all of the
above. Application areas include polar ice sheet flow and impact on
sea level rise, seismology, mantle convection, subsurface flows, and
cardiac biomechanics.

These positions provide an opportunity to address problems of
significant societal and scientific importance in collaboration with
multidisciplinary teams of researchers from ICES, the Jackson School
of Geosciences, and other universities and national labs. Candidates
should have a strong background in scientific computing, numerical
analysis, and continuum mechanics. Background in uncertainty
quantification, finite elements, inverse problems, scalable solvers,
optimization methods, and geophysics is desirable. Experience in
large-scale code development in C/C++ is necessary. To apply, please
send your CV (listing courses taken and at least three references) to
me at [log in to unmask], with cc to Sue Rodriguez at
[log in to unmask] The possibility of appointment at a research
scientist level is also possible, depending on experience and

Omar Ghattas,


From: Bo Kågström [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Postdoc/PhD positions, Parallel Computing for Extreme Scale Systems

Postdoc&PhD positions in Parallel Computing for Extreme-Scale Systems
Department of Computing Science at Umea University, Sweden invites
excellent candidates to apply for postdoctoral and PhD positions.  The
successful candidate(s) will join NLAFET, which is one of the
high-profile extreme-scale computing projects funded by the European
Commission within the recent FET-HPC call under Horizon 2020. NLAFET
is coordinated by Umea University with international partners from
INRIA (France), University of Manchester and STFC-RAL (UK).

Future extreme-scale supercomputers will be heterogeneous and lead to
new and challenging demands for efficient numerical algorithms and
parallel software libraries. The aim of NLAFET is to tackle these
challenges and ultimately deliver new scalable numerical libraries for
fundamental problems in numerical linear algebra, including the
solution of dense and sparse systems of equations and eigenvalue
problems. Achieving this requires a co-design effort including
developing novel algorithms, exploration of advanced scheduling
strategies and runtime systems, offline and online autotuning, as well
as avoiding communication and synchronization bottlenecks.

The positions will focus on design, implementation, and evaluation of
parallel algorithms for matrix kernels and eigenvalue problems with
regards to the extreme-scale challenges. The research will be done in
close collaboration with recognized researchers and PhD students in
the research group as well as with other partners in NLAFET.

For complete information of the positions see (dead-line for
applications is April 4, 2016):


From: Anne C. Elster [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2016
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, HPC, NTNU-Trondheim, Norway

The application deadline is March 6.

Access to high-end High Performance Computing resources are now
necessary for a range of applications. However, as these resources
become more complex to manage and maintain, HPC as a cloud service
becomes more attractive. Current cloud infrastructures are mostly
homogenous. The Department (IDI) is part of the EU H2020
CloudLightning project which will investigate how to self-organize and
self-manage heterogeneous clouds that may consist of GPUs and MICs
accelerators as well as DFEs (Data flow engines).

The Post Doc's responsibility will include the following tasks related
to the EU project CloudLightning: Help develop self-organized
self-managed plugins based on the characteristic of each heterogeneous
resource type (GPUs, MICs, DFEs).  Provide infrastructure support for
the above resource types. This task may include developing libraries
for a range of different GPUs and other accelerators for the service
implementations to link against.  Develop stand-alone open source
software implementations of use cases from oil & gas, ray tracing,
genomics and matrix computations that can be used by the project.
Integrate the above use cases with service descriptions developed in
collaborations with our partners.  Configure and refine several test
beds including GPUs and other accelerators for the project.  The
candidate will also work on research challenges related to the above
topics. For further details, see the following links. Only
applications submitted via will be reviewed.

Post Doc Position:

Ph.D. Position:


From: Min Hadler [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Doctorate Research Position, Mathematics, Univ of Vienna

The Research Group on Applied Mathematics and Optimization at the
Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna, headed by Radu
Ioan Boț, has its core research areas in Nonsmooth and Convex
Optimization. Currently it offers 1 Doctorate Research Position (3
years) at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna within the
FWF-funded research project Employing Recent Outcomes in Proximal
Theory Outside the Comfort Zone.

The main scientific target of the project is to employ recent advances
concerning some classical techniques used so far mainly for
iteratively minimizing convex functions in Hilbert spaces to research
fields lying outside their comfort zone. These methods evolve around
the notion of proximality, which relies on evaluating a certain
regularization of the addressed mathematical object. Due to its
reliability, simplicity and accuracy, the proximal theory was
successfully employed for solving nondifferentiable convex
optimization problems and monotone inclusions with complex structures
as well, proving a strong positive impact on the treatment of
real-life applications with high-dimensional data.  The research
themes to be addressed in this project range from the employment of
the paradigm of proximality in broader frameworks like considering
generalized distances, working in more general underlying spaces and
addressing the direct solving of multiobjective optimization problems
to the approach of monotone inclusions problems via first- and
second-order dynamical systems.  The expected results should have
impact beyond the corresponding research areas both in mathematical
fields like ordinary differential equations, partial differential
equations, optimal control, functional analysis, game theory,
equilibrium problems and optimal transport theory, and in the solving
of real-life problems arising in optimal location selection, image
processing, machine learning, quantification of risk, network
communication and video processing.

The position is available from September 1st, 2016. The salary is as
suggested by the FWF according to a doctorate position. The working
load for the project is 30 hours per week. The deadline for
application is June 30th, 2016.

Required Qualifications: The candidates should have a master degree
(or equivalent) in Mathematics, a solid theoretical background and
strong computer skills. Fluency in the English language has to be
proven.  Applications (including a letter of motivation, curriculum
vitae, the master thesis, peer reviewed research publications, copies
of academic certificates and a letter of recommendation) should be
sent to: [log in to unmask] More information can be found on


From: Valeriya Naumova [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Data Science, Simula Reserch Lab, Oslo

We are advertising 1 Doctoral position for a term of up to 3 years in
the Biomedical Computing Department at Simula Research Laboratory,
Norway. The position is available within the project 'Function-driven
Data Learning in High Dimension' (FunDaHD) under the supervision of
Dr. Valeriya Naumova, Simula, and Prof. Dr. Are Magnus Bruaset,
Simula, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway.

Responsibilities: We are seeking a 3-year full time PhD student at
Simula Research Laboratory to work on tractable and robust automatic
learning of data structures in high dimensions from the minimal amount
of observed information. The successful candidate will perform
rigorous theoretical analysis and develop numerical methods for
learning complex manifolds. These techniques will then be applied to
address real-life problems in cardiac modeling.

Application Requirements: Candidates are invited to apply, by
electronically submitting a motivation letter, CV, including a copy of
the Master thesis and 2 letters of recommendation (one from the Master
thesis supervisor). Note that all attachments MUST be submitted in PDF

The starting date is at the earliest convenience (negotiable), but
indicatively not later than May 1, 2016. Application deadline: April
15, 2016, or until filled. This advertisement will remain online until
the position is filled.

Enquiries regarding the position and the applications should be
directed to Dr. Valeriya Naumova ([log in to unmask])


From: Enrique S. Quintana-Orti [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Univ Jaume I (UJI), Castellon, Spain

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to carry out research
on fault tolerance and energy efficiency for numerical algorithms
within the group of High Performance Computing & Architectures at UJI

We can offer a 3-year position with a level of funding that matches
the cost of living in Castellon-Spain plus additional budget for

URGENT: This position has to be covered by mid of April, 2016.

Candidate need to have:

- A master's degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Mathematics or
  Engineering from a NON-SPANISH institution. The degree must have
  been completed after January 1st, 2013.
- Experience in parallel programming and/or scientific computing.
- Solid academic record and excellent oral and written communication
  skills in English.

Interested candidates should get in contact with
Enrique S. Quintana-Orti, [log in to unmask]


From: Trond Steihaug [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Department of Informatics, Univ of Bergen

At the University of Bergen (Norway), Department of Informatics two
4-year-position as

Research fellow (PhD candidate) in Informatics/Computer Science

are available. You must have qualifications to complete a PhD
programme within a field of research that is compatible with one of
the six research groups of the department. These are: Algorithms,
Bioinformatics, Optimization, Programming theory, Computer Security
and Visualization. See the Department web page
for further details.

Candidates in their final semester are invited to apply if they plan
to complete their final master's exam by 1 August 2016.

The successful candidate in Optimization will be expected to cooperate
in an interdisciplinary setting and to work in different research
areas of mathematical optimization. Applicants should have strong
competence in the theoretical background and numerical application of
mathematical optimization and should be able to work independently
with good collaborative skills. An adequate command of English is

Closing date for applications: 1 April 2016
Further information/Apply here:


From: Talal Rahman [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Math Modelling and Numerical Simulation, Bergen

Applications are invited for PhD research fellowship positions in
mathematical modelling and numerical simulation, at the Faculty of
Engineering and Business Administration, Bergen University College
(HiB), Bergen, Norway.

The PhD degrees will be awarded by the University of Bergen.

The research position is part of a cross-disciplinary and
collaborative research initiative between the department of Computing,
Mathematics and Physics (HiB) and the Institute of Marine Research
(IMR), Bergen, focusing on mathematical modelling and development of
numerical algorithms for simulation in the marine science.

The applicants should have strong background in any field of
computational and applied mathematics, hold Master degrees in relevant
fields with excellent grades, be highly motivated, and have good
analytical and communication skills.

For information about the positions, and online application, please

Application deadline is 20. march 2016.

For more information contact: Talal Rahman ([log in to unmask]), or
Sam Subbey ([log in to unmask])


From: Patrick Henning [log in to unmask]
Date: February 22, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

The Division of Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, announces four PhD positions in
numerical analysis. The positions are related to four research
projects on "Numerical methods for nonlinear Schrödinger equations",
"Multiscale numerical methods", "Numerical linear algebra for
nonlinear eigenvalue problems" and "Numerical methods for boundary
integral problems". The application deadline is April 1th 2016.

For additional information on required qualifications and on how and
where to apply we refer to the following link

For further questions concerning the application or the corresponding
projects, please contact Patrick Henning ([log in to unmask]), Olof Runborg
([log in to unmask]), Elias Jarlebring ([log in to unmask]) or Richard Tsai
([log in to unmask]) respectively.


From: Talal Rahman [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2016
Subject: PhD positions, Computational Math, Bergen

Applications are invited for PhD research fellowship positions in
computational mathematics, at the Faculty of Engineering and Business
Administration, Bergen University College (HiB), Bergen, Norway.

The PhD degrees will be awarded by the University of Bergen.

The primary focus of the research will be the development of advanced
techniques for the numerical solution of partial differential
equations with applications to problems in engineering. Other closely
related topics can also be considered.

The applicants should have strong background in any field of
computational and applied mathematics, hold Master degrees in relevant
fields with excellent grades, be highly motivated, and have good
analytical and communication skills.

For information about the positions in the computational mathematics
project, please visit:

Application deadline is 30. march 2016.

For more information contact: Jon Eivind Vatne
([log in to unmask]), or Talal Rahman ([log in to unmask])


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: February 29, 2016
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 71 (3)

Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 71, Issue 3.

An improved full-Newton step O(n) infeasible interior-point method for
horizontal linear complementarity problem, Behrouz Kheirfam

On the optimal robust solution of IVPs with noisy information,
Boleslaw Kacewicz, Pawel Przybylowicz

An inertial forward-backward-forward primal-dual splitting algorithm
for solving monotone inclusion problems, Radu Ioan Boţ, Erno Robert

A modified large-scale structure-preserving doubling algorithm for a
large-scale Riccati equation from transport theory, Pei-Chang Guo

Asymptotic behaviour of Jain operators, Ulrich Abel, Octavian Agratini

Semilocal convergence of multi-point improved super-Halley-type
methods without the second derivative under generalized weak
condition, Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou

Highly effective stable evaluation of bandlimited functions on the
sphere, Kamen G. Ivanov, Pencho P. Petrushev

Improvements on the infinity norm bound for the inverse of Nekrasov
matrices, Chaoqian Li, Hui Pei, Aning Gao, Yaotang Li

A parameterized multi-step Newton method for solving systems of
nonlinear equations, Fayyaz Ahmad, Emran Tohidi, Juan A. Carrasco

On SSOR iteration method for a class of block two-by-two linear
systems, Zhao-Zheng Liang, Guo-Feng Zhang

Easy implementation of advanced tomography algorithms using the ASTRA
toolbox with Spot operators, Folkert Bleichrodt, Tristan van Leeuwen,
Willem Jan Palenstijn, Wim van Aarle, Jan Sijbers, K. Joost Batenburg

Zeros of para-orthogonal polynomials and linear spectral
transformations on the unit circle, K. Castillo, F. Marcellan,
M. N. Rebocho


From: SibJNM [log in to unmask]
Date: February 29, 2016
Subject: Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 19 (1)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 19, No. 1, 2016

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

On the anniversary of Anatoly Konovalov

On the 90th anniversary of Gury Marchuk

Aleksandrov V.M., A singular solution to the problem of minimizing
resource consumption

Ambos A.Yu., Numerical models of mosaic homogeneous isotropic random
fields and problems of radiative transfer

Artemiev S.S., Yakunin M.A., Analysis of the accuracy of estimates of
the first moments of solving SDE with Wiener and Poisson components by
Monte Carlo method

Blatov I.A., Kitaeva E.V., Convergence of the adapting grid method of
Bakhvalov's type for singularly perturbed boundary value problems

Vabishchevich P.N., Grigoriev A.V., Numerical modeling of a fluid flow
in anisotropic fractured porous media

Novikov I.S., Krukier L.A., Krukier B.L., Huang Yu-Mei.  The
skew-symmetric iterative method for solving the convection--
diffusion--reaction equation with the alternating-sign reaction

Singh P., Kadalbajoo M.K., Sharma K., Probability density function of
leaky integrate-and-fire model with L\'{e}vy noise and its numerical

Tanana V.P., Vishnyakov E.Y., Sidikova A.I., About an approximate
solution to the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind by the
residual method

Shreifel I.S., Eliseev I.N., Theoretical basis of the iterative
process of the joint assessment of difficulties in tasks and levels of
training students


From: David G. Yu [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2016
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing (SOIC), 4 (1), 2016

Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing
Vol 4, No 1 (2016)

Table of Contents

Vartan Ohanes Choulakian, Matrix Factorizations based on induced

Ram Verma, G. Zalmai, Generalized Second-Order Parametric Optimality
Conditions in Semiinfinite Discrete Minmax Fractional Programming and
Second-Order Univexity.

S.Battal Gazi Karakoç, Halil Zeybek, A cubic B-spline Galerkin
approach for the numerical simulation of the GEW equation.

Wassim Al-Khawand, Seifedine Kadry, Riccardo Bozzo, Khaled Smaili,
Accurate, Fast and Noiseless Image Binarization.

Liquan Kang, Ying Chen, Zefeng Yu, Heng Wu, Zijun Zheng, Shanzhou Niu,
A Splitting-based Iterative Method for Sparse Reconstruction.

Mikhail Moklyachuk, Maksym Luz, Filtering Problem for Functionals of
Stationary Sequences.

Chunming Tang, Huangyue Chen, Jinbao Jian, An improved partial bundle
method for linearly constrained minimax problems.

End of Digest

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