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NADIGEST  February 2016, Week 3

NADIGEST February 2016, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 16, # 7


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 15 Feb 2016 21:23:58 -0500





text/plain (674 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 7

NA Digest  Monday, February 15, 2016  Volume 16 : Issue 7

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	TOMS back issues available
	MAGMA 2.0 Released
	New Book, AIMD Dynamics and Distributed Resource Allocation
	DG methods and FEM software, UK, Jun 2016
	Advances in Continuous Optimization, Poland, Jul 2016
	Distance Geometry, USA, Jul 2016
	Complex Problems over HPC Architectures, France, Aug 2016
	Summer School in Computational Physiology, USA, Aug 2016
	Auto-Tuning for Multicore and GPU, France, Sep 2016
	Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, Poland, Sep 2016
	Postdoc Position, Mathematics, North Carolina State Univ
	Postdoc Position, Scalable Solvers for Adaptive CFD, Monash Univ
	Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Waterloo
	Postdoc Positions, Alexander Grothendieck Institute, Montpellier
	Graduate Assistantship Positions,  Univ of Colorado Denver
	PhD Position, Univ of Waterloo
	PhD Positions, Mathematical Sciences, Univ of Texas at Dallas
	PhD Positions, Univ of Oslo
	Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (1)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Fred Fritsch [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2016
Subject: TOMS back issues available

I have a (probably) complete set of issues of ACM TOMS (Transactions
on Mathematical Software), starting with vol. 1, no. 1 (1975), to
vol. 40, no. 1 (2014).  These are just collecting dust in my closet.
I am willing to donate them to the first responder who agrees to pay
shipping costs.


From: Mark Gates [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2016
Subject: MAGMA 2.0 Released

MAGMA is on open-source library for dense and sparse linear algebra on
heterogeneous CPU + GPU systems. It includes functionality similar to
LAPACK, as well as iterative Sparse matrix solvers and preconditioners
on the GPU. It is supported on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. This latest
2.0 release adds queues to the MAGMA BLAS functions for better thread
support, and adds several new Sparse matrix solvers.

It is available under a modified BSD license from


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2016
Subject: New Book, AIMD Dynamics and Distributed Resource Allocation

Announcing the February 9, 2016, publication by SIAM of:
AIMD Dynamics and Distributed Resource Allocation by M. Corless, C.
King, R. Shorten, and F. Wirth

xiv + 235 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611974-21-8  / List Price $84.00 /
SIAM Member Price $58.80 / DC29

This is the first comprehensive book on the AIMD algorithm, the most
widely used method for allocating a limited resource among competing
agents without centralized control. The authors offer a new approach
that is based on positive switched linear systems. It is used to
develop most of the main results found in the book, and fundamental
results on stochastic switched nonnegative and consensus systems are
derived to obtain these results.

The original and best known application of the algorithm is in the
context of congestion control and resource allocation on the Internet,
and readers will find details of several variants of the algorithm in
order of increasing complexity, including deterministic, random,
linear, and nonlinear versions. In each case, stability and
convergence results are derived based on unifying principles. Basic
and fundamental properties of the algorithm are described, examples
are used to illustrate the richness of the resulting dynamical
systems, and applications are provided to show how the algorithm can
be used in the context of smart cities, intelligent transportation
systems, and the smart grid.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit


From: Eike Mueller [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2016
Subject: DG methods and FEM software, UK, Jun 2016

We are organising a 3-day workshop on higher order DG methods, finite
element software on modern architectures and applications in Bath (UK)
from 31 May - 2 Jun this summer, see for details.

Confirmed plenary speakers are: Markus Geveler (Dortmund), Frank
Giraldo (Monterey), David Ham (Imperial), Rob Kirby (Baylor), Martin
Kronbichler (TUM), Tom Melvin (Met Office), Steffen Müthing
(Heidelberg), Marie Rognes (Simula). In addition there will be
representatives from major chip manufacturers and HPC vendors.

Although participation is by invitation-only, we are offering a small
number of grants for students to attend the meeting. The exact amount
available depends on the number of successful applications, but is
likely in the range of £100-£200 per person.

To apply, please send us a brief statement (not more than 2 pages)
with the following information by 29th Feb 2016:
(1) Description of your research interests
(2) Motivation for attending the workshop
(3) List of publications
(4) Short supporting statement from your supervisor

In addition, please state whether you are interested in giving a
presentation at the workshop. Successful applicants will be notified
at the beginning of March.


From: Oliver Stein [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2016
Subject: Advances in Continuous Optimization, Poland, Jul 2016

We are pleased to announce the 14th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in
Continuous Optimization organized by Institute of Control and
Computation Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland,
July 1-2, 2016 Warsaw.

EUROPT2016 is the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization
working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational
Research Societies). This is the 14th such workshop and is held in
collaboration with the 28th annual EURO conference to be held in
Pozna? on July 3-6, 2016.

Talks should be related to continuous optimization theory, algorithms,
software or applications.

Plenary speakers confirmed:
Andreas Griewank, Jiri Outrata,	Anatoly Zhigljavsky,

Abstracts submission is opened since February 1, 2016. Please sign up
at to create your EURO
account and submit your abstract.  All accepted abstracts will be
included in the Book of Abstracts. Please be reminded that the
deadline for Abstracts Submission is March 15, 2016.


From: Leo Liberti [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2016
Subject: Distance Geometry, USA, Jul 2016

DIMACS Workshop on Distance Geometry: Theory and Applications
26-29 July 2016 at DIMACS, Rutgers University, NJ, USA

Distance Geometry (DG) is a field of geometry which focuses on
defining and working with geometrical objects using distances between
points rather than the points themselves. From classical results such
as Heron's theorem, Euler's conjecture on the rigidity of polyhedra,
Maxwell's forces diagrams, and the link to positive semidefinite
matrices, DG has seen a veritable "engineering renaissance" in the XX
century. DG is used in architecture (rigidity of structures), spatial
conformation of molecules from inter-atomic distances, localization of
mobile sensors in communication networks, control of unmanned
underwater vehicles, control of robotic arms, solution of problems in
spatial logic, and more. One of the foremost problems in DG is that of
completing a partially specified matrix so that it is a Euclidean
distance matrix, either in a given dimension, or in any (unspecified)
dimension. Schoenberg's link means that DG is tightly linked to
Semidefinite Programming (SDP), which is one of the most popular tools
to solve DG problems, especially in the field of sensor networks.
Because so many diverse application fields appeal to DG, its
development has been somewhat fragmented, with very similar concepts
being introduced within separate communities with different names. The
aims of this conference are: (i) to attempt to reconcile some of this
fragmentation by inviting researchers from many different disciplines
to take part; (ii) to facilitate communications of technical knowledge
between the different application field communities working on DG;
(iii) to provide incentives for unifying the field of DG.


From: Pedro Valero-Lara [log in to unmask]
Date: February 13, 2016
Subject: Complex Problems over HPC Architectures, France, Aug 2016

2nd Workshop on Complex Problems over High Performance Computing
Architectures (CPHPCA'16)
Paris, France, August 24th-26th, 2016

The main proposal of CPHPCA is to provide a scenario to discuss how
those problems compromising important challenges and high
computational requirements can be mapped over current and upcoming
high performance architectures. The goal of this workshop is to bridge
the gap between the theory of complex problems (computational fluid
dynamics, bio-informatics, linear algebra, big data computing,
deep-learning, data mining, ...) and high performance computing
platforms by proposing new trends/directions in programming.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- New strategies to improve performance
- Code adapting to take advantages of lastest features
- Numerical modeling for complex problems
- Communication, synchronization, load balancing
- Benchmarking, performance and numerical accuracy analysis
- Scalability of algorithms and data structures
- New programming models
- Auto-Tunning Computing Systems
- High level abstraction tools

Submission: May 13, 2016
Notification: June 24, 2016


From: Andy Edwards [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2016
Subject: Summer School in Computational Physiology, USA, Aug 2016

2016 UCSD-UiO-Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology of
Excitable Tissues
Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, June 13-24
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 4-12

Travel grants are available through Simula.

In conjunction with the University of California San Diego, Simula
Research Laboratory is pleased to announce the 3rd edition of our
annual Summer School in Computational Physiology. This year's school
will focus on modelling the physiology of excitable tissues and take
in fundamental topics in electrophysiology and mechanics of the heart,
as well as related material in computational neurophysiology and

We are currently seeking master's and early doctoral students to
participate, and will accept applications until March 1st 2015. The
initial series of lectures will be hosted by Simula Research
Laboratory in Oslo, Norway (June 13th-24th), followed by project work,
a workshop in scientific presentation skills, and final student
presentations hosted by the University of California San Diego from
August 4th-12th. The travel and accommodation expenses for successful
applicants will be covered by Simula. Details regarding scheduling,
logistics, core scientific material, and the application process can
be found through our online call for participation.

Please contact Dr. Andy Edwards if you have any questions
concerning the scientific content: [log in to unmask]

For logistical questions, general inquiries, or to submit an
application please contact Elin Backe Christopherson, [log in to unmask]


From: Satoshi OHSHIMA [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2016
Subject: Auto-Tuning for Multicore and GPU, France, Sep 2016

5th Auto-Tuning for Multicore and GPU (ATMG 2016)

Special session in the IEEE MCSoC-16, September 21-23, 2016 at Lyon
Congress Center, Lyon, France.

Papers are solicited in following areas of auto-tuning technologies
for multicore and GPU/MIC computing, but not limited to:
- Optimized Algorithms for Numerical Libraries
- Automatic Code Generation and Empirical Compilation Hybrid
- Programming for Threads and Processes
- Communication Optimization
- Mixed Precision and Accuracy Assurance for Numerical Computing
- Power Consumption Optimization
- Fault Tolerance

Paper submission due    : March 25, 2016
Author notification     : June 24, 2016
Camera ready manuscript : July 15, 2016
MCSoC-16 Date           : September 21-23, 2016
Session Date            : TBD


From: FedCSIS Secretariat [log in to unmask]
Date: February 13, 2016
Subject: Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, Poland, Sep 2016

Gdansk, Poland, 11 - 14 September, 2016

We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to CANA 2016 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer
Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2016).  FedCSIS a yearly
international multi-conference organized by the Polish Information
Processing Society (PTI) in technical cooperation with the IEEE Region
8, IEEE Poland Section, IEEE Poland (Gdansk) Section Computer Society
Chapter, Poland Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter,
ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, Lodz ACM Chapter,
European Alliance for Innovation, Polish Operational and Systems
Research Society - POSRS, Eastern Cluster ICT Poland, Mazovia Cluster
ICT.  The CANA workshop is devoted to numerical algorithms with the
particular attention to the latest scientific trends in this area and
to problems related to implementation of libraries of efficient
numerical algorithms.

Topics include:
- Parallel numerical algorithms
- Novel data formats for dense and sparse matrices
- Libraries for numerical computations
- Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking
- Analysis of rounding errors of numerical algorithms
- Languages, tools and environments for programming numerical
- Numerical algorithms on coprocesors (GPU, Intel Xeon Phi, etc.)
- Paradigms of programming numerical algorithms
- Contemporary computer architectures
- Heterogeneous numerical algorithms
- Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology


From: Hien Tran [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, North Carolina State Univ

The Mathematics Department at North Carolina State University invites
applications for one two-year postdoctoral position beginning Fall
2016.  The position is renewable for a third year, conditional on
satisfactory progress and availability of funding. We are seeking
exceptionally well- qualified individuals with research interests
compatible with those in the department. Candidates must have obtained
a Ph.D. in mathematics or a closely related field prior to the start
date, and must demonstrate research excellence, strong oral and
written communication skills, and a commitment to effective
teaching. In addition to research, the postdoctoral researcher will
teach two courses per academic year. The Department of Mathematics has
strong research programs in both pure and applied mathematics. Many
members of the department participate in interdisciplinary programs
and research groups on campus and in the broader Research Triangle
community. More information about the department can be found at

To submit your application materials, go to Include a vita, at least three
letters of recommendation, and a description of current and planned
research. Write to [log in to unmask] for questions concerning
this position.

North Carolina State University is an Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action Employer, and welcomes all persons without regard
to sexual orientation.

Applications received by March 31, 2016 will be given
priority. However, we will begin considering applications immediately
and will continue to review applications until the position is filled.


From: Hans De Sterck [log in to unmask]
Date: February 14, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scalable Solvers for Adaptive CFD, Monash Univ

Candidates are sought for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position at
the School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne,

The position focuses on developing novel numerical methods and
software for parallel simulation of compressible fluids on adaptive
grids. Specific research topics of interest include parallel linear
and nonlinear solvers for high-order accurate implicit time
integration, and parallel adaptive grid refinement with error
estimation. The fellow will be supervised by Professor Hans De Sterck,
in a project that involves collaboration with Professor Clinton Groth
from the University of Toronto.

We are looking for accomplished candidates with a PhD in
applied/computational mathematics, mechanical/aerospace engineering,
or computational science, and with specialization in one or more of
numerical methods for PDEs (hyperbolic conservation laws), scalable
solvers, or computational fluid dynamics.  Experience with parallel
programming in C++ is desirable. This is one of two postdoctoral
positions in an interdisciplinary project on "Advanced Simulation
Methods for the Coupled Solar Interior and Atmosphere". The second
postdoctoral fellow will use the advanced simulation techniques
developed in the project to address challenging questions in the area
of wave propagation in the solar interior and atmosphere.

Monash University is a leading Australian research university that
ranks in the top-100 globally. Monash University is located in
Melbourne, which is a major cosmopolitan centre and has been named the
world's most liveable city for five years in a row. This postdoctoral
position is for two years, with an intended start date between June
and September 2016 (negotiable). The annual salary is approximately

For more information and to apply online, please visit
The closing date for applications is 31 March 2016.


From: Sander Rhebergen [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Waterloo

Applications are invited for a one-year post-doctoral research
position with the possibility of renewal for another year in the
Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo,
Canada. You must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics, Scientific
Computing, or similar. Demonstrated background and expertise is
required in discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods. The goal in
this project is study space-time Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin
(HDG) finite element methods for incompressible flows on deforming

Candidates should submit a cover letter and CV to
[log in to unmask] Applicants should also arrange for two letters
of recommendation to be submitted directly to
[log in to unmask] The application deadline is April 1, 2016. The
preferred start date is September 1, 2016.


From: Daniele Di Pietro [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Alexander Grothendieck Institute, Montpellier

The Alexander Grothendieck Institute in Montpellier seeks outstanding
applicants for post-doctoral positions in the field of Numerical
Analysis and Scientific Computing within the ANR project HHOMM
[1]. The post- doctoral appointee will be required to work on
fundamental aspects and applications of the recently introduced Hybrid
High-Order methods [2,3].

The successful candidate should have a PhD in Numerical Analysis or
related disciplines, and should be familiar with the standard analysis
techniques for Finite Element methods. Operational knowledge of one
(or more) programming language(s) is desirable (C++ preferred).

The starting date is flexible starting from 1st May 2016.

Applications should be submitted to D. A. Di Pietro (daniele.di-
[log in to unmask])


[2] D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern, and S. Lemaire. An arbitrary-order and
compact- stencil discretization of diffusion on general meshes based
on local reconstruction operators. Comput. Meth. Appl. Math., 2014,
14(4):461-472. DOI: 10.1515/cmam-2014-0018

[3] D. A. Di Pietro and A. Ern. A hybrid high-order locking-free
method for linear elasticity on general meshes.
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 2015, 283:1-21. DOI:


From: Jan Mandel [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2016
Subject: Graduate Assistantship Positions,  Univ of Colorado Denver

The Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics, Department of
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver,
is still accepting applications from strong students.  This posting
particularly targets students interested in Computational
Mathematics. Faculty interests and funded projects in this area
include High Performance Computing, Uncertainty Quantification,
Numerical Linear Algebra, and Data Assimilation, with applications in
modeling of wildfires, subsurface contaminant transport, storm surge,
and combustion models. Teaching and research assistantships are
available, and students are encouraged to apply for both.

Please see for further
information. Applications should be submitted as soon as possible for
full consideration.


From: Sander Rhebergen [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Waterloo

A PhD position is available in the Scientific Computing group,
Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. The
PhD project will focus on developing preconditioning techniques for
higher-order accurate hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin finite
element methods for incompressible flows. Requirements: a masters
degree in Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Computer Science
or similar. Preferred requirements: some knowledge of finite element
methods, preconditioners, iterative methods. The start date is
September, 2016.

Contact me at [log in to unmask] for more information and to send
your CV and statement of interests. Please also have two letters of
recommendation sent directly to me.


From: Sue Minkoff [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematical Sciences, Univ of Texas at Dallas

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Texas at
Dallas is soliciting applications for our PhD programs from
well-qualified U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents
interested in participating in our NSF-Supported Enriched Doctoral
Training (EDT) program: "Team Training Mathematical Scientists Through
Industrial Collaborations."

The EDT project at UT Dallas supplements students' PhD training in
Mathematics or Statistics with a one-year interdisciplinary research
project posed by one of our external partners in business, industry
and government. EDT student trainees collaborate with a team of
students, mathematics and statistics faculty, and an external partner
on an industrial research problem. They develop the knowledge and
communication skills required to tackle applied research, obtain
summer internships, and gain experience which could lead to future

For more information please contact Dr. Sue Minkoff
([log in to unmask]). Information about the graduate program in
Mathematical Sciences can be found at:  For further information on
UTD's EDT program including sample projects and our external partner
organizations, please go to: Applications
should be submitted as soon as possible for consideration in academic
year 2016-2017.

Dr. Sue Minkoff,


From: Nils Henrik Risebro [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Oslo

1-2 positions as PhD Research Fellow is available at the Department of
Mathematics of the University of Oslo. The fellowship will be for a
period of 3 years, with no compulsory work. Starting date no later
than 01.08.2016.

The positions are funded through the EU Marie-Sklodowska-Curie
Innovative Training Network (ITN) ModCompShock (Modelling and
Computation of Shocks and Interfaces). ModCompShock provides an
international and highly visible framework covering a wide range of
conceptual expertise. It focuses on the development of innovative
mathematical methods and computational techniques in the general area
of nonlinear hyperbolic and convection dominated partial differential
equations; see here for more information.

The position(s) will be attached to the Section for partial
differential equations at the Deparment of Mathematics, with the
possiblitiy of collaboration with the Department of Mathematical
Sciences, NTNU. The position(s) will be for three years, at least
three months of which are to be spent abroad at one of the partner
universities or industry partners in the ITN.

More information:,


From: Suzanne Eves [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2016
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (1)

Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36(1)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Kolmogorov widths under holomorphic mappings, Albert Cohen and Ronald

The computation of averages from equilibrium and nonequilibrium
Langevin molecular dynamics, Benedict Leimkuhler, Charles Matthews,
and Gabriel Stoltz

Variational and linearly implicit integrators, with applications,
Molei Tao and Houman Owhadi

Rectangular spectral collocation, Tobin A. Driscoll and Nicholas Hale

Backward stability of polynomial root-finding using Fiedler companion
matrices, Fernando de Terán, Froilán M. Dopico, and Javier Pérez

A Riemann-Hilbert approach to Jacobi operators and Gaussian
quadrature, Thomas Trogdon and Sheehan Olver

An analysis of the L1 scheme for the subdiffusion equation with
nonsmooth data, Bangti Jin, Raytcho Lazarov, and Zhi Zhou

Approximation of elliptic equations with BMO coefficients, Harbir
Antil and Abner J. Salgado

Geodesic finite elements of higher order, Oliver Sander

A low-order local projection method for the incompressible Navier-
Stokes equations in two- and three-dimensions, Rodolfo Araya, Abner
H. Poza, and Frédéric Valentin

Efficient iterative algorithms for linear stability analysis of
incompressible flows, Howard C. Elman and Minghao W. Rostami

Linearly implicit schemes for multi-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky
type equations arising in falling film flows, Georgios Akrivis, Anna
Kalogirou, Demetrios T. Papageorgiou, and Yiorgos-Sokratis Smyrlis

Fast computation of Gauss quadrature nodes and weights on the whole
real line, Alex Townsend, Thomas Trogdon, and Sheehan Olver

On the approximation order of triangular Shepard interpolation,
Francesco Dell'Accio, Filomena Di Tommaso, and Kai Hormann

Exact evaluation of a class of nonstationary approximating subdivision
algorithms and related applications, Lucia Romani, Victoria Hernández
Mederos, and Jorge Estrada Sarlabous

A fully discrete approximation of the one-dimensional stochastic wave
equation, David Cohen and Lluís Quer-Sardanyons

Accuracy and stability of inversion of power series, Raymundo
Navarrete and Divakar Viswanath

Robust a posteriori error estimates for HDG method for convection-
diffusion equations, Huangxin Chen, Jingzhi Li, and Weifeng Qiu

High-order Nyström discretizations for the solution of integral
equation formulations of two-dimensional Helmholtz transmission
problems, Yassine Boubendir, Catalin Turc, and Víctor Domínguez

End of Digest

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