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NADIGEST  January 2016, Week 2

NADIGEST January 2016, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 16, # 2


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 10 Jan 2016 22:49:44 -0500





text/plain (850 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 2

NA Digest  Sunday, January 10, 2016  Volume 16 : Issue 2

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Sca/LAPACK, PLASMA, & MAGMA Software Survey
	FlexiBLAS Version 1.3.0 Release
	Numerical Schemes for Surface PDEs, Germany, Feb 2016
	Finite Element Rodeo, USA, Mar 2016
	Workshop on OpenCL, Austria, Apr 2016
	MBI Summer Research Program, USA, Jun-Aug 2016
	PASC 2016, Switzerland, Jun 2016
	PDESoft, UK, Jul 2016
	PMAA'16, France, Jul 2016
	Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Germany, Sep 2016
	IMACS World Congress, China, Dec 2016
	Faculty Position, Thermal-Fluid Sciences
	Assistant Professor Position, NA, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
	Postdoc Position, Big Data Optimization, Univ of Edinburgh
	Postdoc Position, High-Perf Scientific Computing, Univ of Liège
	Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Leeds, UK
	Postdoc Positions, Xiamen Univ
	Postdoc/RA Position, Computational Mathematics, SUSTC
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Low-Rank Approximations, Univ of Mons
	PhD Position, Big Data Optimization, Univ of Edinburgh
	PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ Osnabrueck
	PhD Positions, Univ of Vienna
	MS/PhD Position, Bioinformatics and CompBio, Univ of Memphis
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 66 (1)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Jack Dongarra [log in to unmask]
Date: January 10, 2016
Subject: Sca/LAPACK, PLASMA, & MAGMA Software Survey

We would like you opinion and provide input on dense linear algebra
software packages that you use, in particular our libraries LAPACK,
ScaLAPACK, PLASMA and MAGMA. The purpose of this survey is to improve
these libraries to benefit you, the users. There are many possible
improvements that could be made, and this survey will help us
prioritize them.

The survey has six parts and it's easy to skip a part if it's not
1. A general section about your applications and their needs.
2. Specific questions about your LAPACK uses, if any.
3. Specific questions about your ScaLAPACK uses, if any.
4. Specific questions about your PLASMA uses, if any.
5. Specific questions about your MAGMA uses, if any.
6. An open section for any additional comment

We estimate that it should take 10 minutes to fill out the survey.
You will find the survey here:

Thank you very much.


From: Martin Koehler [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: FlexiBLAS Version 1.3.0 Release

It is our pleasure to announce the new release of FlexiBLAS. We do not
provide yet another BLAS implementation in itself, but rather present
an easy to use method for switching between different BLAS
implementations while debugging or benchmarking other codes.

Highlights since the release of the initial version (v1.0.0) are:
- support for BLAS-like extensions known from OpenBLAS and Intel MKL,
- switch the BLAS backend at program runtime,
- integration in GNU Octave,
- and a redesigned command line tool to manage the configuration.

Feel free to check the current version at
and drop us a line if you have any comments or requests about it.

Further information on the realization can be found in LAWN 284
or updated version of the Manuscript (coming soon) available from the
project web page.

The library is available under GPLv3. We have tested it in production
environments on several platforms and hope you will find it useful for
your research, as well.

Martin Köhler and Jens Saak


From: Christian Engwer [log in to unmask]
Date: January 06, 2016
Subject: Numerical Schemes for Surface PDEs, Germany, Feb 2016

We extended the registration deadline for the workshop on

"Numerical Schemes for Surface Partial Differential Equations",
February 22-24, 2016, University of Münster, Germany Website:

People interested in attending the workshop should register until
January 22 and complete their registration by paying the participation
fee not later than January 29.

The goal of this workshop is to foster intensive exchange of recent
results and ideas by bringing together experts on surface PDEs and
associated numerical schemes. Particularly challenging topics include
complex-shaped surfaces, surfaces which evolve in time, incorporation
of mass conservation into the schemes and coupling to bulk processes.

Invited Speakers are
- Charles M. Elliott (University of Warwick)
- Mats G. Larson (Umea University)
- Andreas Rätz (TU Dortmund)
- Arnold Reusken (RWTH Aachen)
- Axel Voigt (TU Dresden)

For further information and registration, please visit the website
given above.


From: Alan Demlow [log in to unmask]
Date: January 08, 2016
Subject: Finite Element Rodeo, USA, Mar 2016

The 2016 Finite Element Rodeo will be held at Texas A&M University
March 4-5.  The Rodeo is an annual informal conference on finite
element methods that rotates between several universities in Texas and
Louisiana.  Further information and registration details can be found


From: Karl Rupp [log in to unmask]
Date: January 04, 2016
Subject: Workshop on OpenCL, Austria, Apr 2016

Now in its fourth year, the International Workshop on OpenCL will be
held in Vienna, Austria, on April 19-21, 2016. We are inviting
high-quality OpenCL and OpenCL-related submissions in four categories:
1. Full Academic Papers. These will undergo peer review, with accepted
   papers being published in the ACM international conference
   proceedings series after the conference.
2. Technical Presentations. These are an opportunity to talk about
   work in progress or more industrial work. Submission only requires
   an abstract, with slide sets being made available online via the
   conference website after the workshop.
3. Tutorials. We are inviting proposals for half day or full day
   tutorials on OpenCL-related topics.
4. Posters. These will be on show during the whole workshop.
   Submission is via an abstract and we will exhibit as many of
   high-quality posters as we can.

IWOCL will publish formal proceedings of the accepted submissions in
The ACM International Conference Series (ACM ICPS).

Closing Date for Submissions: Friday 29th January, 2016 (23:59 AOE)
Further details:


From: Tony Nance [log in to unmask]
Date: January 08, 2016
Subject: MBI Summer Research Program, USA, Jun-Aug 2016

2016 MBI Undergraduate Summer Research Program
June 6 - August 12, 2016

The goal of this MBI NSF-funded program is to introduce students to
exciting new areas of mathematical biology, and to involve them in
collaborative research with their peers and faculty mentors. The
program consists of three parts - each including a mix of educational
and social experiences:
- One-week Introduction at MBI (June 6-10, 2016): A one-week
  introduction to the summer research experience with tutorials, lab
  tours, and computer labs on mathematical biosciences topics.
- REU Program (June 13 - August 5, 2016): An 8 week individualized
  research experience as part of a research team at one of the
  participating host institutions.
- Capstone Conference at MBI (August 8-12, 2016): A student centered
  conference featuring talks and posters by students doing research in
  mathematical biology, keynotes by prominent mathematical biologists,
  a graduate studies recruitment fair, and other special features
  including a conference dinner and social event.

Apply for the REU program at: https://visitor.mbi.ohio- A complete application will require:
- Two letters of reference
- A statement indicating your reasons for wanting to participate in
  this program
- A list of all relevant coursework (including courses in Mathematics,
  Statistics, Computer Science, and the Biological Sciences) and the
  grades you received in these courses
- A ranked list of three projects that you want to participate in

For full consideration, completed applications must be received by
Sunday January 31, 2016. Applications for the CAPSTONE CONFERENCE ONLY
will be due in June.


From: Costas Bekas [log in to unmask]
Date: January 10, 2016
Subject: PASC 2016, Switzerland, Jun 2016

This year we are organising PASC 2016 at the sprawling EPFL campus.

We encourage submissions on the Emerging Domains track with an
emphasis on HPV and Big data (Minisymposiums, contributed talks and
posters). Please consult .

Emerging Domains (Special Topic: HPC & Big Data)
Chair: Costas Bekas (IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland)
Christoph Koch (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
Sepp Hochreiter (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Wolfgang E. Nagel (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)


From: Timo Heister [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: PDESoft, UK, Jul 2016

PDESoft 2016, July 4-8: Second Announcement and Call for Abstracts

PDESoft provides a forum for the developers and users of open source
tools solving the diverse stages of the numerical PDE process to
exchange the latest developments and discuss future ideas.

PDESoft 2016 will be held at the University of Warwick, UK. The main
conference will run from July 4 to 6, while July 7 and 8 are dedicated
as coding days, where developers can work on joint projects.  We are
happy to have Chris Cantwell, Stéphanie Chaillat-Loseille, Katy Huff,
and Andreas Klöckner agree to give Keynote talks.

The call for abstracts is now open:

Note that you need an easychair account. Please upload a pdf using the
template provided on the conference web page

Deadline for abstract submission is 15 March 2016.


From: Giraud [log in to unmask]
Date: January 04, 2016
Subject: PMAA'16, France, Jul 2016

Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'16)
July 6-8, 2014, Bordeaux, France

This international workshop aims to be a forum for exchanging ideas,
insights and experiences in different areas of parallel computing in
which matrix algorithms play a key role. The Workshop will bring
together experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines with a
common interest in matrix computation. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to, the following:

- Parallel methods for solving large sparse or dense linear
  systems of equations.
- Parallel eigenvalue and singular value computations.
- Automatic tuning and performance modeling.
- Novel architectural paradigms (e.g. GPU and multicore) and
  their use in matrix computations and applications.
- Large scale scientific applications from diverse fields which
  have an emphasis on parallel matrix computation.

Invited speakers: Cleeve Ashcraft (LSTC, Livermore), Costas Bekas
(IBM, Switzerland), Thierry Deutsch (CEA, France), Jack Dongarra (ICL,

Important dates
- March 18, 2016: Submission of Mini-Symposium proposals and
  contributed talks by  e-mail to [log in to unmask]
- March 30, 2016: Submission of abstracts for Mini-Symposium
  talks and contributed talks
- April 15, 2016: Acceptance notification
- May 13, 2016: End of early registration
- June 17, 2016: Online registration closing

For further information contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Björn Sprungk [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Germany, Sep 2016

29th Chemnitz FEM Symposium, September 26 - 28, 2016

Scientific Topics: Finite Elements, including (but not limited
to) adaptive methods, parallel implementations, high order methods.

This year special emphasis is placed on:
- Optimal Control and Finite Elements
- Discontinuous Galerkin and Space-Time Methods
- Maxwell's Equations and Piezoelectric Problems

Invited Speakers:
- Eduardo Casas (University of Cantabria)
- Herbert Egger (TU Darmstadt)
- Manfred Kaltenbacher (Vienna University of Technology)
- Thomas Wihler (University of Bern)

Deadlines, Registration and further Information:

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Jie Shen [log in to unmask]
Date: January 06, 2016
Subject: IMACS World Congress, China, Dec 2016

The 20th IMACS World Congress
December 10-14, 2016 in Xiamen, China

Call for Papers, Sessions and Minisymposia

The main role of IMACS is to promote the research fields involved in
advanced simulations, where mathematics and new generation computers
are powerfully combined, in particular in recognizing new emerging

The topics of the IMACS World Congresses cover all those of interest
for this purpose, such as: Numerical Mathematics; Computational Fluid
Dynamics; Computational Linear Algebra and Iterative Methods; Monte
Carlo Methods; Numerical Grid Generation; Modelling and Simulation;
Applications in Engineering, Control, Systems, Robotics; Applications
in Biology, Medicine,Economics, Ecology, Environment; Generic Methods
for Modelling and Simulation; Participatory Modelling; Interface of
Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations;
Scientific Computing; Parallel and Supercomputing; Sensitivity and
Uncertainty Analysis; Information and Decision Support Systems; System
Modelling and Identification; as well as any other application
relevant to Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.

Abstracts by April 30, 2016 or Sessions and Minisymposia proposals by
March 31, 2016 can be submitted online at the website


From: Shannon [log in to unmask]
Date: January 06, 2016
Subject: Faculty Position, Thermal-Fluid Sciences

The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (MEMS)
at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) invites applications for two
positions in the Thermal-Fluid Sciences at the tenure-track or
tenured level. Successful applicants should have the ability to build
an externally funded research program as well as contribute to the
teaching mission of the Mechanical Engineering programs. Applicants
should have a PhD or ScD in mechanical engineering or a related
field. Applicants with outstanding track records at the associate
professor level are also encouraged to apply.  We are seeking
applicants who have strong interdisciplinary interests and can
collaborate across engineering disciplines. We are particularly
interested in candidates with expertise in one or more of the
following areas: transport phenomena, thermal-hydraulics,
multi-physics modeling, sustainability, and high performance
computing. It is anticipated that one position will be aligned with
the Department's Stephen R. Tritch Program in Nuclear Engineering,
while another will be linked to sustainable engineering.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science has 28
tenured or tenure-track faculty members who generate over $6 million
in annual research expenditures.  The National Research Council (NRC)
has recently placed Mechanical Engineering at Pitt as top 20 among
public universities.  The Department maintains cutting edge
experimental and computational facilities in various areas including
energy, micro/bio fluidics, biomechanics, computational mechanics and
fluid dynamics, smart structures, system dynamics and controls, and
materials science and engineering.

Qualified applicants should submit their applications electronically
to [log in to unmask]  The application should include the
following material in pdf format: a curriculum vitae, a statement of
research interests and teaching philosophy, and a list of at least
three references. Review of applications will begin on January 15,
2016, and continue until the positions are filled. The successful
applicant will be expected to contribute to diversity and must be
committed to high quality teaching for a diverse student body.
Candidates from groups traditionally underrepresented in engineering
are strongly encouraged to apply.  The University of Pittsburgh is an
equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


From: Mike Peardon [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, NA, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin is seeking
applications for the following position:

Ussher Assistant Professor in Numerical Analysis
5 year contract with a view to permanency
Closing Date: 12 noon GMT on Monday 18th January 2016


From: Peter Richtarik [log in to unmask]
Date: January 09, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Big Data Optimization, Univ of Edinburgh

A postdoctoral position in big data optimization is available at the
School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, under the supervision
of Dr Peter Richtarik. The post is funded through the EPSRC Fellowship
"Randomized Algorithms for Extreme Convex Optimization".

PhD in optimization, computer science, applied mathematics,
engineering, operations research, machine learning or a related
discipline is required. Strong research track record is essential.

Duration: 3 years
Starting date: August or September 2016
Research travel budget
Application closing date: January 29, 2016

More information and online application form:

The University of Edinburgh is a founding partner of the Alan Turing
Institute -- the national data science institute. Edinburgh is the
home of Archer, the national supercomputing facility.

For informal inquiries, contact Dr Richtarik
([log in to unmask]).


From: Christophe Geuzaine [log in to unmask]
Date: January 06, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, High-Perf Scientific Computing, Univ of Liège

The University of Liège has an open post-doctoral position in the
field of high-performance scientific computing, targeting large scale,
frequency- domain wave simulations (acoustic, electromagnetic and
elastic) using finite element methods coupled to novel domain
decomposition schemes.  The post-doctoral project will be focused on
the design of efficient preconditionners for both non-overlapping and
overlapping domain decomposition schemes.

The candidate must hold a PhD in applied mathematics or scientific
computing (or equivalent). Flexible starting date (spring 2016).

Contact: Prof. Christophe Geuzaine ([log in to unmask])


From: Peter Jimack [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Leeds, UK

The School of Computing at the University of Leeds invites
applications for a post-doctoral researcher to work on a 36 months
project on the development of open source software for the efficient
and scalable parallel solution of systems of nonlinear partial
differential equations using adaptive and multilevel
techniques. Initially, this will build upon existing research within
the Scientific Computing Group but there is also significant scope for
the successful applicant to provide their own input into the
development, and analysis, of new techniques and algorithms.

The closing date for applications is February 1st 2016, with a
starting date as soon as agreeable. Further details, including the
on-line application procedure, may be obtained at:

For informal inquiries please contact Professor Peter Jimack
([log in to unmask]) directly.


From: Jie Shen [log in to unmask]
Date: January 06, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Xiamen Univ

Fujian Key Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling and High-Performance
Computing at Xiamen University invites applications for three or more
postdoc positions. The positions are for two years (can be renewed for
an additional year) with a minimum of total compensation package of
160K RMB (including all insurances paid on your behalf by the
University). In addition, Xiamen University will provide heavily
subsidized on-campus housing. The positions are with no teaching
duties, but additional compensation may be available for some limited

Qualification includes a recent Ph.D in Computational Mathematics or
related subjects with research interests in numerical analysis and
scientific computing, computational fluid dynamics and materials

The expected starting date is between July 1-Aug 30, 2016.

To apply, please send  your CV and arrange for two letters of
recommendation to
Ms. Shumin Guo at [log in to unmask]

Jie Shen ([log in to unmask])
Jianxian Qiu ([log in to unmask])
Chuanju Xu ([log in to unmask])


From: ZHANG Zhen [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: Postdoc/RA Position, Computational Mathematics, SUSTC

South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC) seeks a
postdoc and a research assistant in multiscale modeling and simulation
of complex multiphase flow and its applications in micro- and
nano-fluidic, blood flow, and etc. Successful candidates shall have a
PhD degree in Computational Mathematics (for Postdoc) or a master
degree in Computational Mathematics or related fields (for
RA). Experience of analysis and programming in C/Fortran/Matlab/Python
of numerical partial differential equations is necessary. In addition,
experience of finite element programming is better. Knowledge of
parallel computing or stochastic modeling and simulation is a plus.

SUSTC is a very young university in Shenzhen, China. It aims to be a
worldwide leading academic center in scientific research.

Interested people may browse

for more information on research interests and send CV to
[log in to unmask] for application. Interested students in pursing
PhD degree in this project are also welcome.


From: Nicolas Gillis [log in to unmask]
Date: January 06, 2016
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Low-Rank Approximations, Univ of Mons

The research group of Nicolas Gillis at the University of Mons
(Belgium) is seeking highly qualified candidates for one doctoral and
one postdoctoral position funded by the ERC (European Research
Council), and one doctoral and one postdoctoral position funded by the
FNRS (funds for scientific research in Belgium).

This project, entitled Constrained Low-Rank Matrix Approximations -
Theoretical and Algorithmic Developments for Practitioners, focuses on
the theory, algorithms and applications of low-dimensional
representations of high-dimensional data based on low-rank matrix
approximations; see for a
description of the project and the objectives. The successful
candidate will have the flexibility to choose a topic within the range
of this project.

Your profile is a MSc/PhD in applied mathematics, mathematics,
computer science, or a related discipline. You must have an expertise
in at least one of these fields: optimization, computational
complexity, numerical linear algebra, data mining and machine
learning, hyperspectral imaging. You should have excellent programming
skills in a numerical language (such as Matlab), and good
communications skills, both written and oral, in English.

Applications are collected until April 1st 2016, last limit to have
full consideration. The positions remain open until they are filled.

Please see
for more details.


From: Peter Richtarik [log in to unmask]
Date: January 09, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Big Data Optimization, Univ of Edinburgh

A fully-funded position in big data optimization and machine learning
is available at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh,
under the supervision of Dr Peter Richtarik. This post is funded
jointly by the University of Edinburgh (Big Data Optimization Group)
and Amazon Berlin (Scalable Machine Learning Group), and offers an
extraordinarily attractive package. The post is associated with the
EPSRC Fellowship: "Randomized Algorithms for Extreme Convex
Optimization", with Amazon, Baidu and Google as industrial partners.

A strong background in both mathematics and computer science is

Duration: 3.5 years
Starting date: August or September 2016
Annual stipend: 18,000 GBP (highly above standard)
Generous research travel budget (highly above standard)
Application closing date: January 31, 2016

Apply here:
(choose "OR and Optimization")

The University of Edinburgh is a founding partner of the Alan Turing
Institute -- the national data science institute. Edinburgh is the
home of Archer, the national supercomputing facility.

For informal inquiries, contact Dr Richtarik
([log in to unmask]).


From: Stefan Kunis [log in to unmask]
Date: January 04, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ Osnabrueck

The Applied Analysis Group, Institute of Mathematics, University
Osnabrueck, Germany, invites applications for one

PhD Position (3 years, starting date 01.04.2016)

in applied harmonic analysis, fast algorithms or its applications in
image- and signal processing. Candidates are expected to have a master
in mathematics or a closely related field with a strong background in
analysis and numerics.

Further information can be found at

Applications in a single pdf-document including all relevant
documents should be sent to Prof. Dr. Stefan Kunis,
[log in to unmask], by 31st January 2016.


From: Min Hadler [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Vienna

The Computational Science Center is a research platform at the
University of Vienna, headed by Otmar Scherzer, belonging to the
faculties of Mathematics and Computer Science. The core research
topics of the CSC are on Inverse Problems and Image Analysis.
Currently we offer 2 Doctorate Research Positions (3 years) at the
Computational Science Center, University of Vienna.

1. Within the FWF-funded national research network project Geometry
and Simulation-Variational Mathods for Imaging on Manifolds
( The position is available from March 1st,
2016. The duties concern research in shape registration,
regularization, numerical simulations and geometric modeling, in
particular of Bingham fluids. Publishing in high quality journals and
collaborating with partners in the network is mandatory. The salary is
as suggested by the FWF according to a doctorate position. The working
load for the project is 30 hours per week.

2. Within the DFG-funded project Time-Space Multiscale Separation of
Ocean Tide Generated Magnetic Signals, the position is available from
February 1st, 2016. The duties concern research in geophysical
modeling, constructive approximation, and partial differential
equations, as well as numerical realization and application of the
developed algorithms to magnetic satellite data. Publishing in high
quality journals and networking with partners in the research priority
program DynamicEarth
( is
mandatory. The salary is as suggested by the DFG and the University of
Vienna according to a doctorate position. The working load for the
project is 30 hours per week.

Candidates have a MSc degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics or a
closely related field and have an interest in interdisciplinary
mathematics. For the second position, also candidates with a MSc
degree (or equivalent) in Physics/Geosciences with an adequate
mathematical background will be considered. The candidates are open
minded, active, and have a good command of the English and/or German
language. Applications (including letter of motivation, curriculum
vitae, copies of academic certificates, and a letter of
recommendation) and inquiries on the position should be send to:
[log in to unmask] More information can be found on


From: Bernie J. Daigle, Jr. [log in to unmask]
Date: January 07, 2016
Subject: MS/PhD Position, Bioinformatics and CompBio, Univ of Memphis

Supervisor: Dr. Bernie Daigle, Jr., Assistant Professor, Departments
of Biological Sciences and Computer Science

Assistantships are available for students interested in pursuing a
Master's or Ph.D. in bioinformatics and/or computational biology. In
the first area, active research projects in my lab involve mining
publicly available biological datasets to facilitate the
characterization and classification of human disease. Specifically, we
are interested in developing more effective supervised and
unsupervised machine learning approaches for high-throughput data,
using models such as Bayesian networks and artificial neural
networks. In the second area, our research involves developing
computational methods for inferring the underlying structure and
behavior of biological systems. Recent work by our lab in this area
includes combining stochastic simulation and optimization techniques
to characterize promoter architecture from single-cell gene expression
data.  More information can be found at

The successful candidate should be highly motivated and have some
computer programming experience (R, MATLAB, Perl, Python, C, or C++).
Prior research experience in bioinformatics and/or computational
biology is desirable. Details about admission and degree requirements
can be found at
(MS, Bioinformatics) and
(MS/PhD, Biological Sciences). Applicants must apply to both The
University of Memphis Graduate School and the corresponding graduate
program. To ensure full consideration, applications should be
completed by February 1.

If interested, please contact Dr. Daigle ([log in to unmask]) for
further information.


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: January 09, 2016
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 66 (1)

Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 66, Number 1, January 2016

The Highest Superconvergence of the Tri-linear Element for Schrodinger
Operator with Singularity, Wenming He, Zhimin Zhang and Ren Zhao,

Ljusternik-Schnirelman Minimax Algorithms and an Application for
Finding Multiple Negative Energy Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic
Dirichlet Problem Involving Concave and Convex Nonlinearities: Part
I. Algorithms and Convergence, Xudong Yao, pp.19-40.

Fast Numerical Contour Integral Method for Fractional Diffusion
Equations, Hong-Kui Pang and Hai-Wei Sun, pp.41-66.

A Reduced Radial Basis Function Method for Partial Differential
Equations on Irregular Domains, Yanlai Chen, Sigal Gottlieb, Alfa
Heryudono and Akil Narayan, pp.67-90.

High Order Semi-Lagrangian Methods for the Incompressible
Navier-Stokes Equations, Elena Celledoni, Bawfeh Kingsley Kometa and
Olivier Verdier, pp.91-115.

Adaptive Gradient-Augmented Level Set Method with Multiresolution
Error Estimation, Dmitry Kolomenskiy, Jean-Christophe Nave and Kai
Schneider, pp.116-140.

Numerical Analysis of AVF Methods for Three-Dimensional Time-Domain
Maxwell's Equations, Jiaxiang Cai, Yushun Wang and Yuezheng Gong,

A Linearly Fourth Order Multirate Runge-Kutta Method with Error
Control, Pak-Wing Fok, pp.177-195.

Wavelet Frame Based Image Restoration via Combined Sparsity and
Nonlocal Prior of Coefficients, Dai-Qiang Chen and Yan Zhou,

On Application of the Weak Galerkin Finite Element Method to a
Two-Phase Model for Subsurface Flow, Victor Ginting, Guang Lin and
Jiangguo Liu, pp.225-239.

An Efficient Quadrature-Free Formulation for High Order
Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian ADER-WENO Finite Volume Schemes on
Unstructured Meshes, W. Boscheri and M. Dumbser, pp.240-274.

Towards Optimized Schwarz Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations,
Eric Blayo, David Cherel and Antoine Rousseau, pp.275-295.

Petviashvilli's Method for the Dirichlet Problem, D. Olson, S. Shukla,
G. Simpson and D. Spirn, pp.296-320.

A New Multiscale Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the One-Dimensional
Stationary Schrodinger Equation, Bo Dong, Chi-Wang Shu and Wei Wang,

An HDG Method for Convection Diffusion Equation, Weifeng Qiu and Ke
Shi, pp.346-357.

A Novel Weakly-Intrusive Non-linear Multiresolution Framework for
Uncertainty Quantification in Hyperbolic Partial Differential
Equations, Gianluca Geraci, Pietro Marco Congedo, Remi Abgrall and
Gianluca Iaccarino, pp.358-405.

A Comparison of Artificial Viscosity, Limiters, and Filters, for High
Order Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions in Nonlinear Settings,
C. Michoski, C. Dawson, E.J. Kubatko, D. Wirasaet, S. Brus and ,
J.J. Westerink, pp.406-434.

A Spectral Analysis of Subspace Enhanced Preconditioners, Tao Zhao,

End of Digest

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