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NADIGEST  December 2015, Week 2

NADIGEST December 2015, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 15, # 44


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:44:25 -0500





text/plain (436 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 44

NA Digest  Monday, December 14, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 44

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	COMSOL Multiphysics Release
	H2Lib 2.0 Released
	New Book, Linear Algebra
	Bath/RAL Numerical Analysis Day, UK, Jan 2016
	Advanced Techniques for Scientific Programming, Italy, Mar 2016
	Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, USA, Mar 2016
	Winter School on Hierarchical Matrices, Germany, Mar 2016
	Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Positions, Optimization, KAUST
	Professor Position, Algorithmic Data Analysis, Univ of Cologne
	Professor Position, Distributed Computing, Univ of Cologne
	Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Memorial Univ
	PhD Position, HPC/Ocean simulations, Exeter Univ, UK

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From: Natalia Switala [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2015
Subject: COMSOL Multiphysics Release

COMSOL, Inc. the leading provider of multiphysics modeling, simulation, 
and application design software, announced the latest version release of 
COMSOL Multiphysics, providing the simulation community the only fully 
integrated environment for creating simulation apps. With the Application 
Builder simulation specialists can build and share simulation apps within 
organizations, from design and development to production and testing. 
See what's new in simulation technology:


From: Steffen Boerm [log in to unmask]
Date: December 11, 2015
Subject: H2Lib 2.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of H2Lib 2.0.

H2Lib is an open source software package for hierarchical matrices
and H2-matrices. It includes

 - efficient algorithms for H- and H2-matrix arithmetic operations,
 - approximation schemes for BEM matrices (ACA, HCA, GCA, H2-GCA),
 - H2-matrix compression schemes,
 - algorithms for constructing rank-structured preconditioners for
   FEM and BEM problems, and
 - BEM quadrature routines with GPGPU acceleration.

The package can be obtained directly from GitHub, documentation and
announcements are available at .


From: Joerg Liesen [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2015
Subject: New Book, Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra by Jörg Liesen and Volker Mehrmann
Springer Verlag / xi + 324 pages / Softcover /
ISBN 978-3-319-24344-3 / List Price $39.99

This self-contained textbook takes a matrix-oriented approach to
linear algebra and presents a complete theory, including all details
and proofs, culminating in the Jordan canonical form and its
proof. Throughout the development, the applicability of the results is
highlighted. Additionally, the book presents special topics from
applied linear algebra including matrix functions, the singular value
decomposition, the Kronecker product and linear matrix equations.

The matrix-oriented approach to linear algebra leads to a better
intuition and a deeper understanding of the abstract concepts, and
therefore simplifies their use in real world applications. Some of
these applications are presented in detailed examples. In several
'MATLAB-Minutes' students can comprehend the concepts and results
using computational experiments. Necessary basics for the use of
MATLAB are presented in a short introduction. Students can also
actively work with the material and practice their mathematical
skills in more than 300 exercises.


From: Tyrone Rees [log in to unmask]
Date: December 11, 2015
Subject: Bath/RAL Numerical Analysis Day, UK, Jan 2016

The 14th annual Bath-RAL NA Day will be held on Monday 11th January at
the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The speakers are:

Tyrone Rees (RAL)
Melina Freitag (Bath)
Mike Giles (Oxford)
Stefan Güttel (Manchester)
Coralia Cartis (Oxford)
Dan Simpson (Bath)

Coffee will be available from 10.15am and the talks start at 10.50am;
the full programme is available at

All are welcome, and there is no registration fee for
attendance. Please register with Tyrone Rees ([log in to unmask])
so that security passes can be arranged to allow you onto the RAL

We will go out in Didcot for dinner in the evening. Please indicate
whether or not you'd like to join us when registering so we have a
rough idea of numbers.


From: Luca Heltai [log in to unmask]
Date: December 14, 2015
Subject: Advanced Techniques for Scientific Programming, Italy, Mar 2016

4th Workshop on Advanced Techniques for Scientific Programming and
Management of Open source Software Packages & Deal.II Users and
Developers Training

From 7-18 Mar 2016, Trieste, Italy

This Hands-on Workshop focuses on disseminating best practices and
building fundamental skills in creating, extending and collaborating
on modular and reusable software frameworks with a scripting language
interface. The curriculum also covers using modern collaborative
software management tools, testing frameworks, and embedding
structured documentation into software packages.

From 21-24 Mar 2016, Trieste, Italy

The activity includes a four day extension: "Deal.II Users and
Developers Training". Application for the extended part of the
activity is available with the on-line form.

Event website:

Application deadlines: 10 Jan 2016


From: Annette Anthony [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2015
Subject: Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, USA, Mar 2016

The Fourteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
March 20th - March 25, 2016
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA

The Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, held every other
year, is the premiere conference on all aspects of iterative solution
methods and their applications. The meeting is organized in
cooperation with SIAM.

The 2016 meeting features a workshop on
"Iterative Linear Algebraic Data Mining Techniques"
organized by Alex Breuer and Geoff Sanders and will include a tutorial
by Van Emden Henson (the tutorial is scheduled for Sunday, March
20th.)  The workshop focuses on numerical analysis issues associated
with linear algebraic approaches to classifying, ranking, and
clustering data. More information can be found on the conference web
site (see link below).

As in the past, there will be a Copper Mountain Special Section of the
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing devoted to iterative methods. It
will be open to submissions from the whole community.

Important Deadlines:
Student competition papers: January 15, 2016
Author abstracts: January 22, 2016
Early registration: January 29, 2016
Guaranteed lodging:  March 5, 2016
For additional information, see


From: Steffen Boerm [log in to unmask]
Date: December 11, 2015
Subject: Winter School on Hierarchical Matrices, Germany, Mar 2016

We would like to announce the next winter school on hierarchical

Date: 22nd to 26th of February, 2016
Place: Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
Organizers: Wolfgang Hackbusch, Lars Grasedyck, Steffen Boerm

Hierarchical matrices offer an efficient approach to handling
non-local operators resulting, e.g., from the discretization of an
integral equation or the inversion of a partial differential
equation. They rely on a decomposition of a matrix into sub-matrices
of low numerical rank that can be represented in factorized
form. Using this representation, we can perform operations like the
matrix-vector multiplication, matrix multiplication, inversion,
factorization, or the evaluation of matrix functions or the solution
of certain matrix equations in almost linear complexity.

The winter school is split into two parts: lectures present the
fundamental concepts and algorithms, while practical exercises allow
the participants to experience the methods first-hand and discuss
specific questions and applications with experts in the field.

Participation is free of charge. Please address questions and
registration requests to [log in to unmask]


From: Arianne [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2015
Subject: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Positions, Optimization, KAUST

Assistant/Associate/Full Professors, Optimization

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) invites
applications for faculty positions at all ranks (Assistant, Associate,
and Full Professors) starting from Fall 2016 in the area of
optimization. The position can be either in the Applied Mathematics
and Computational Science Program (AMCS) or the Computer Science
Program (CS).  Candidates applying for a position of Assistant
Professor should have an excellent potential for high impact
research. Candidates applying for Associate and Full Professor
positions should have a distinguished track record in research and a
strong commitment to service and teaching at the graduate level.

More information about the division (including other open faculty
positions) is available at

All areas of optimization will be considered, but we are especially
interested in faculty that can collaborate with other researchers in
the division. A research expertise in topics that enable
collaborations with one or more of the three research centers
(Computational Bioscience Research Center, the Visual Computing
Center, and the Extreme Computing Research Center) will also be a

How to Apply: To apply, follow the instructions outlined in the
following link:

Please send your application before January 15th 2016 for full
consideration. After this deadline applications will be evaluated on a
rolling basis until the position is filled.


From: Angela Kunoth [log in to unmask]
Date: December 10, 2015
Subject: Professor Position, Algorithmic Data Analysis, Univ of Cologne

In the context of the establishment of the new focus on "Data
Science", we are looking for a scholar with a high international
reputation in Algorithmic Data Analysis (e.g. randomised algorithms,
machine learning, approximative algorithms, or smoothed analysis) and
with experience in the acquisition and execution of third-party funded
projects. In addition to an active cooperation with existing research
areas in Computer Science and Mathematics, applicants are expected to
display a proven openness for interdisciplinary research and
involvement in cooperative projects.

The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching
and administrative duties of the Computer Science Institute. This
includes in particular an active commitment to the programs in
Mathematics, Business Mathematics, and Business Informatics.

Qualification requirements are in accordance with the North
Rhine-Westphalia University Law and include an excellent track record
in research and teaching. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. The
University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance
with the German disability laws.

Applications should include a letter of motivation with a teaching and
research statement and the usual documents (CV, complete publication
list, information on external funding, academic achievements and
honors) as well as a completed form provided at Applications
should be submitted via e-mail in a single PDF file to

Professor Ansgar Bueschges
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne, Germany
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

The deadline for application is January 22nd, 2016.


From: Angela Kunoth [log in to unmask]
Date: December 10, 2015
Subject: Professor Position, Distributed Computing, Univ of Cologne

The Computer Science Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne invites applications for
a W3-Professorship in Distributed Computing.

In the context of the establishment of the new focus on "Data
Science", we are looking for a scholar with a high international
reputation in Distributed Computing. Candidates with an excellent
scientific record in one or more of the following fields are
encouraged to apply: parallel and distributed algorithms and their
complexity, multi-processor and multi-core architectures and
algorithms, distributed algorithmic game theory and mechanism design,
complex networks, peer-to-peer systems and networks. We expect
experience in the acquisition and execution of third-party funded
projects. In addition to an active cooperation with existing research
areas in Computer Science and Mathematics, applicants are expected to
display a proven openness for interdisciplinary research and
involvement in cooperative projects.

The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching
and administrative duties of the Computer Science Institute. This
includes in particular an active commitment to the programs in
Mathematics, Business Mathematics, and Business Informatics.

Qualification requirements are in accordance with the North
Rhine-Westphalia University Law and include an excellent track record
in research and teaching. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. The
University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance
with the German disability laws.

Applications should include a letter of motivation with a teaching and
research statement and the usual documents (CV, complete publication
list, information on external funding, academic achievements and
honors) as well as a completed form provided at Applications
should be submitted via e-mail in a single PDF file to

Professor Ansgar Bueschges
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne, Germany
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

The deadline for application is January 22nd, 2016.


From: Alexander Bihlo [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Memorial Univ

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of
Newfoundland. The successful candidate will work under the supervision
of Dr. Alexander Bihlo. The research focus will be the development of
novel stochastic domain decomposition methods for the quasistatic
Maxwell's equations. Duties will include the development and
implementation of parallel numerical methods for the solution of the
two- and three-dimensional Maxwell's equations as required for
magnetotelluric methods. The project is in collaboration with both
industrial partners and colleagues in the Department of Mathematics
and Statistics and the Department of Earth Sciences. A desired, but
flexible, start date of March 1, 2016 is expected. The position is
available for up to two years, with annual renewal subject to funding
and performance.  The minimum annual salary will be in accordance with
MUN-LUMUN Collective Agreement on Behalf of Postdoctoral Fellows, and
will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. A PhD and
relevant experience in pure or applied mathematics (or a related
field) and a background in physics is expected, with experience in one
or more of the following preferred: Numerical analysis, scientific
computing, Monte Carlo methods, domain decomposition, stochastic
dynamics. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, detailed
CV, and names and email addresses of three references directly to
Dr. Bihlo ([log in to unmask]).  Review of applications will begin on
January 1, 2016, and continue until the position is filled.

For more information, please see


From: Martin Schreiber [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, HPC/Ocean simulations, Exeter Univ, UK

Ocean simulations play an important role in understanding and
predicting climate changes. The Nucleus for European Modelling of the
Ocean (NEMO) model is one of the leading ocean simulation frameworks.

The main goal of this project is a significant and sustainable
performance boost of the NEMO model for use in operational ocean
forecasting and earth system model applications, hence including also
coupling issues with 3rd party software which are known to be highly
challenging in HPC. As part of this project, the performance of the
NEMO model will be investigated to understand the performance issues
on both serial and parallel parts.  This requires understanding of the
underlying mathematical model, as well as cutting edge HPC
hardware. Possible solutions and new optimization strategies have to
be identified to apply such optimizations to an existing code
infrastructure. In particular, a strategy will be devised that will
achieve excellent performance on the HPCs that will be used over the
next 5-10 years and have minimal impact on the scientific development
of the code. To assure a long-term impact of this project, these
optimizations will be made in close cooperation with the NEMO

With the expectation of a significant reduction in computation time,
this PhD project will result in benefits for the entire community of
the NEMO project and allow a better exploitation of the available
computing resource on the new MetOffice supercomputers.

Entry requirements, further information and application form:

End of Digest

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