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NADIGEST  November 2015, Week 4

NADIGEST November 2015, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 15, # 41


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 26 Nov 2015 10:30:50 -0500





text/plain (1445 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 41

NA Digest  Thursday, November 26, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 41

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Carla Dee Moravitz Martin (1972-2015)
	In memoriam:  Miroslav Fiedler
	New Book, Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
	Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2015
	DOE Computational Climate Science, USA, Jan 2016
	Deadline extension, Adaptive algorithms for Computational PDEs, UK, Jan 2016
	Geilo Winter School: Scientific Visualization, Norway, Jan 2016
	Optimization and Data Assimilation, France, Jan 2016 
	Parallel in Time Methods, France, Jan 2016 
	Copper Mountain Student Paper Competition, USA, Mar 2016
	INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, USA, Mar 2016
	Mathematical MSO in Food Industries, Germany, Mar 2016
	Statistics, Inverse Problems and Convex Analysis, UK, Mar 2016
	SIGOPT 2016, Germany, Apr 2016
	European Finite Element Fair, Germany, May 2016
	Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Turkey, Jul 2016
	COMPSE, Malaysia, Nov 2016
	Department Chair Position, CS, San Diego State
	Tenure-Track Position, Univ of Texas at El Paso
	Tenured/Tenure-Track Position, Comp Seismologist, Colorado School of Mines
	Professorship Position, Numerics for PDEs, TU Dortmund Univ, Germany
	Assistant Professor Position, Hydrologic Systems, USU
	Lecturer Position, Rice Univ
	Tenure-Track, Postdoc, Endowed Chair Positions, Baylor Univ
	Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, LSU
	Postdoc Position, Optimization, SAMSI
	Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Bath
	Postdoc Positions, Beijing Computational Science Research Center
	Postdoc Positions, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
	Postdoc & PhD Positions, Math, TU Kaiserslautern
	Postdoc or PhD Position, Univ of Konstanz
	PhD Position, Parallel Algorithms, KIT
	PhD Positions, Algorithmic Optimization, Trier Univ, Germany
	PhD Positions, Aston Univ, UK
	PhD Positions, Fault Tolerant Numerical Algorithms
	Summer Intern Positions, CCR, Sandia National Laboratories
	Contents, ETNA, 43
	Contents, J Computational Analysis and Applications, 20 (1)
	Contents, Journal of Coupled Systems & Multiscale Dynamics, 3 (2)
	Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 20 (6)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Tammy Kolda [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: Carla Dee Moravitz Martin (1972-2015)

We are saddened to report that the life of Carla Dee Moravitz Martin
was cut tragically short, at the age of 42, on October 27, 2015.

Carla received a BS in Applied Mathematics from Virginia Tech in
1995. She worked for several years as at the Price Waterhouse
consulting firm, solving complex business problems using
mathematics. Carla went back to school and received her PhD in Applied
Mathematics from Cornell University in 2005. She then joined
Department of Mathematics at James Madison University (JMU) and was
promoted to Associate Professor in 2011. In 2012, she joined the
National Security Agency as an Applied Research Mathematician.

Active in the numerical linear algebra community, Carla was well known
for her work on Kronecker products, the singular value decomposition,
and especially tensor decompositions. Her thesis work with Charlie Van
Loan resulted in four papers in SIMAX. As a graduate student, she gave
the opening lecture at the 2004 AIM Workshop on Tensor Decompositions
and co-authored a summary of the workshop for SIAM News (Vol. 37,
No. 9, Nov. 2004). She wrote several papers on tensors, including
“Factorization Strategies for Third-Order Tensors” (LAA, Vol. 435,
No. 3, pp. 641-658, 2011) and “An Order-p Tensor Factorization with
Applications in Imaging” (SISC, Vol. 351, No. 1, pp. A474-A490,
2013). In 2009, she was awarded an NSF collaborative grant with Misha
Kilmer on “Multilinear Algebra Computations with Higher-Order
Tensors.”  Her work on tensors was innovative, outlining a new way to
compute the SVD of a tensor and its applications to problems such as
facial recognition and tensor completion for videos. She was planning
an extended visit to collaborate with Tammy Kolda in Summer 2016.

Despite her excellent research, Carla is likely to be best remembered
as an inspiring teacher, mentor, and expositor. As a teaching
assistant at Cornell, she worked with John Guckenheimer on the design
of a new math biology course for undergraduates.  She was active in
the MAA, and authored a great article entitled “What Can I Do With a
Math Degree?” (MAA Focus, Aug/Sep 2009) that talked about various
projects during her time at Price Waterhouse, such as predicting the
quantity of toys needed for kids’ meals at a fast food chain.  At JMU,
she successfully engaged many undergraduates in research, and the SISC
paper mentioned above was coauthored with two REU students. She
coauthored a book entitled "Keeping It R.E.A.L.: Research Experiences
for All Learners" (MAA, 2011), which is a collection of projects
designed to excite beginning students in computational
mathematics. Starting in 2008, Carla and Beth Arnold co-organized a
series of Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conferences aimed at
recruiting middle and high school girls into STEM careers. She was in
the process of co-organizing a session on “Mathematics Experiences and
Projects in Business, Industry, and Government” for the 2016 MAA
meeting. She was revered by her students, several of whom were
inspired to get PhDs. For instance, Scott Ladenheim and Emily Miller
are former students who just received their PhDs in Applied
Mathematics from Temple and Mathematics Education from Univ. Delaware,

Outside of work, Carla was mother to three children, currently 6, 9,
and 12 years old. She was an avid outdoors enthusiast, a capable
musician, and well-liked by all who knew her.  In our community, she
will be remembered as an incredibly talented researcher, a passionate
teacher and mentor, an inspiration to working mothers, and a treasured

Our hearts go out to Carla’s family. Her family and friends have set
up a GoFundMe campaign for the support of her three children:

Beth Arnold (James Madison University),
Misha Kilmer (Tufts University),
Tammy Kolda (Sandia National Laboratories), and
Charlie Van Loan (Cornell University)


From: Miro Rozloznik [log in to unmask]
Date: November 20, 2015
Subject: In memoriam:  Miroslav Fiedler

With a deep sorrow we inform you that in the morning of 20th November 
2015 Professor Miroslav Fiedler passed away peacefully at his home. 
You may express your sympathy to the family by sending a message to 
[log in to unmask] .

Jiri Rakosnik, Miroslav Rozloznik, Zdenek Strakos


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: New Book, Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: A Systems
Approach, by Todd Kapitula

xii + 300 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-08-9 / List Price
$79.00 / SIAM Member Price 55.30 / Order Code OT145

Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and linear algebra are
foundational postcalculus mathematics courses in the sciences. The
goal of this text is to help students master both subject areas in a
one- semester course. Linear algebra is developed first, with an eye
toward solving linear systems of ODEs. A computer algebra system is
used for intermediate calculations (Gaussian elimination, complicated
integrals, etc.); however, the text is not tailored toward a
particular system.

The book systematically develops the linear algebra needed to solve
systems of ODEs and includes over 15 distinct applications of the
theory, many of which are not typically seen in a textbook at this
level (e.g., lead poisoning, SIR models, digital filters). It
emphasizes mathematical modeling and contains group projects at the
end of each chapter that allow students to more fully explore the
interaction between the modeling of a system, the solution of the
model, and the resulting physical description.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit


From: Chao Yang [log in to unmask]
Date: November 20, 2015
Subject: Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2015

The Bay Area Scientific Computing Day (BASCD) is an annual one-day
meeting focused on fostering interactions and collaborations between
researchers in the fields of scientific computing and computational
science and engineering from the San Francisco Bay Area and nearby
regions.  The event provides junior researchers a venue to present
their work to the local community, and for the Bay Area scientific and
computational science and engineering communities at large to
interchange views on today’s multidisciplinary computational
challenges and state-of-the-art developments.

This year, the event will be held on Friday, December 11, 2015 at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  Participants are encouraged to
present posters at the meeting.

More information including the agenda and program of the meeting can
be found at

The registration deadline for the meeting is Nov 30, 2015.  Please
register before the deadline if you plan to attend so that we have
enough time to arrange for gate access and lunch/refreshments.


From: Esmond G. Ng [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: DOE Computational Climate Science, USA, Jan 2016

Given the short time frame to submit ideas papers, and the proximity
to the holidays, we are pleased to announce that we can extend the
deadline for submission to COB on Dec 1, 2015. This is the last
extension we can give and still allow accepted paper authors to plan
to attend. We thank you for considering this event and hope to see a
wide array of submissions from the community.

A workshop to discuss bold, new computational ideas to address longer-
term science needs for climate modeling is being convened January 26-
28, 2016 in Rockville, MD. As the climate science community explores a
host of critical science questions to be answered over the next 10+
years, with the aim of informing stakeholders about the ongoing
changes in global and local climate, there is a growing recognition of
the expanding requirements for multiscale, global, coupled Earth
system models. We expect them to provide much more detail and
fidelity, with a much better understanding of their uncertainties,
while still executing robustly and efficiently on ever larger and more
complex computing systems.

The DOE Office of Science BER and ASCR programs are sponsoring the
event, titled "Advancing Cross-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate
Science", or AXICCS 2016. It is a grassroots effort to generate fresh
thinking that will mold the optimal science directions and motivate
the latest and as yet to be uncovered ASCR developments that will be
required to handle new requirements. A report outlining the
challenges, strategies to address them, and possible avenues for
execution will be one of the outcomes of the event. A website with
details and logistics will be provided shortly.

A key aspect to achieve the workshop goals is to brainstorm before the
event, and to accomplish this we are soliciting community input in the
form of "ideas" papers. Overall space at the event is limited, but we
plan to accommodate the lead authors of these ideas papers via a
presentation (oral or poster) and acknowledgement in the workshop
report. Some of those selected will be included in the workshop
write-up.  Details about the format for the ideas papers and templates
to download are provided at  Ideas papers
must be submitted through a link to EasyChair no later than 5:00pm
Eastern Time on Nov 24, 2015, and official invitations to present will
be sent to selected lead authors by Dec 9, 2015. Attendees will need
to cover their own travel expenses.


From: Alex Bespalov [log in to unmask]
Date: November 22, 2015
Subject: Deadline extension, Adaptive algorithms for Computational PDEs, UK, Jan 2016

Workshop "Adaptive algorithms for Computational PDEs"
5-6 January 2016, University of Birmingham, UK

Registration deadline extension: 21 December, 2015.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers working on
mathematical foundations, design and implementation of adaptive
algorithms for numerical solution of PDE problems to discuss recent
developments in this field and initiate new collaborations.

A limited funding is available to support travel and accommodation of
UK-based research students, thanks to the grant from the London
Mathematical Society.  The deadline for funding application: 11
December, 2015.

For detailed information about the meeting, registration and funding
application, please visit the web-page:


From: Andre R. Brodtkorb [log in to unmask]
Date: November 20, 2015
Subject: Geilo Winter School: Scientific Visualization, Norway, Jan 2016

It is my pleasure to let you know that the 16th Geilo Winter School
will take place January 17th-22nd, 2016 at Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo. As
you may already know, this year's topic is Scientific Visualization.

Important information:
- Registration deadline: December 17th, 2015.
- Registration page:
- Webpage:
- Facebook:
- Cost: Free to attend, but participants cover own travel and
accommodation at Dr. Holms. See registration page for details.

As you can see from the preliminary program (,
this year's winter school will cover multiple aspects of scientific
visualization, a topic we hope many of you find
interesting. Visualization is an integral part of science, and a
necessity for our understanding of complex processes and data. The
word itself can have a broad interpretation, including creating
trivial plots of values, advanced rendering techniques, and complex
statistical data reasoning. This winter school will target the process
of understanding data through scientific visualization, and focus on
extracting knowledge from data. With hands-on exercises, you will
learn techniques, tools, and best practices for extracting knowledge
from data. The school is still awaiting confirmation from a couple of
interesting speakers, so expect that the program will expand in the
coming time. As in previous years, there will also be a poster session
on Wednesday, where participants are encouraged to present their own


From: Vasseur [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: Optimization and Data Assimilation, France, Jan 2016 

Workshop on "Optimization and data assimilation". CERFACS,
Toulouse, January 13-15th 2016.

In the context of the CIMI Semester on "High performance linear and
nonlinear methods for large scale applications", a workshop on
"Optimization and data assimilation" will be held at CERFACS,
Toulouse, France, from 13th to 15th January 2016. The objective of the
workshop is to gather a limited number of people sharing an interest
on this topic and to foster discussions and collaborations. Confirmed
invited speakers are currently Yurii Nesterov (Louvain University,
Belgium), Pavel Sakov (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia), Luis Nunes
Vicente (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Stephen Wright (University
of Wisconsin, USA) and Oleg Burdakov (Linkoping University, Sweden).

Interested participants are asked to propose a contribution to the
workshop in the form of an abstract before December 10th 2015.
Abstracts should be sent to [log in to unmask] and
notifications of acceptance will be given no later than December 15th
2015. There are no registration fees for the workshop.

For further information please contact Serge Gratton
([log in to unmask]) and Ehouarn Simon
([log in to unmask]).


From: Vasseur [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: Parallel in Time Methods, France, Jan 2016 

Workshop on "Parallel in Time Methods". University Paul Sabatier,
Toulouse, January 11-12th 2016.

In the context of the CIMI Semester on "High performance linear and
nonlinear methods for large scale applications", a workshop on
"Parallel in Time Methods" will be held at University Paul Sabatier,
Toulouse, France, from 11th to 12th January 2016. The objective of the
workshop is to gather a limited number of people sharing an interest
on this topic and to foster discussions and collaborations. Confirmed
invited speakers are currently Matthew Emmett (Computer Modelling
Group Ltd, Calgary, Canada), Martin Gander (University of Geneva,
Switzerland) and Robert Speck (Juelich Supercomputing Centre,

Interested participants are asked to propose a contribution to the
workshop in the form of an abstract before December 10th 2015.
Abstracts should be sent to [log in to unmask] and notifications of
acceptance will be given no later than December 15th 2015. There are
no registration fees for the workshop.

For further information please contact Xavier Vasseur
([log in to unmask]) and Serge Gratton ([log in to unmask]).


From: Sven Leyffer [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: Copper Mountain Student Paper Competition, USA, Mar 2016

The 14th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods invites
submissions to the student paper competition, see

Any current student, or any recent PhD graduate whose degree was
awarded after January 1, 2015, is eligible to submit a paper.
Papers must contain original unpublished research due mainly to the
student. These papers must be received before January 15, 2016. The
student must be the primary author and the paper may be no more
than 10 pages in length.

The paper must be emailed as an attachment in PDF format to
[log in to unmask] and identified in the email as an entry for the
2016 student paper competition. In addition to emailing the paper,
an abstract for the paper must be submitted through our Abstract
Submission form. Sending only an abstract is unacceptable. A panel
of judges will determine the best papers.

The Copper Mountain Conference offers reduced student registration
rates and awards to pay for lodging and conference expenses for
students, subject to NSF funding. Postdocs are not they eligible
for student registration fees or lodging support. Students seeking
support should email the conference coordinator, Annette Anthony,
[log in to unmask], for more information.

The 2016 conference also features a Workshop on Iterative Linear
Algebraic Data Mining Techniques Workshop (Sunday, March 20 -
Tuesday, Mach 22), see


From: Daniel Robinson [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, USA, Mar 2016

The INFORMS Optimization Society Conference is being held this year at
Princeton from March 17 - 19.  For more details, please go to the
course website:

The theme of 'optimization and learning' is designed to highlight not just
the very visible problems introduced by big data and machine learning, but
also the need to learn: about new applications as well as new theoretical
and computational paradigms. For this reason, the 2016 meeting will
feature a series of tutorial sessions designed to introduce people to new
applications and new lines of investigation.

Pre-Registration Deadline: December 18, 2015


From: Anja Milde [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: Mathematical MSO in Food Industries, Germany, Mar 2016

KoMSO Challenge Workshop on “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and
Optimization in Food Industries”
March 17-18, 2016
Trier University

The industrial production and handling of food poses interesting and
challenging mathematical questions of non-standard nature. This
workshop will discuss a wide range of mathematical aspects in food
industry. These range from modeling, simulation and optimization of
growth and microbial activity over food processing with aromatic
facets up to logistics of distribution.  The aim of this workshop is
to bring together people from food industries and from academia in
order to find mathematical challenges of common interests and to
foster synergies and collaborations.

Please register and submit your abstracts for presentation at

Preferred workshop language is English.
Abstract Submission: January 31, 2016
Registration: March 6, 2016

This event is jointly hosted by Trier University and KoMSO, and
sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


From: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb [log in to unmask]
Date: November 18, 2015
Subject: Statistics, Inverse Problems and Convex Analysis, UK, Mar 2016

It is my pleasure to announce and invite you to the SuSTaIn EdgeCutter
one day workshop on "High-dimensional Statistics, Inverse Problems and
Convex Analysis," which will be held on 22nd March 2016 at The Royal
Statistical Society, London.

Confirmed speakers include: Simon Arridge (UCL, London); Volkan Cevher
(EPFL); Mario Figueiredo (Lisbon); Gabriel Peyré (Paris-Dauphine);
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (Cambridge); Martin Wainwright (Berkeley);
and Yi Yu (Bristol - Cambridge)

Jointly organised by Marcelo Pereyra (Bristol) and Carola-Bibiane
Schönlieb (Cambridge).

This workshop will bring together scientists from the statistics,
applied mathematics, signal processing and machine learning
communities around the topic of convex analysis and its application to
challenging inverse problems. The workshop will feature invited talks
by world-leading experts presenting cutting edge research on new
theory, methodology, and computer algorithms. We aim to provide a
valuable opportunity to network and to foster extensive future
interaction between these disciplines.  Posters: Participants are
encouraged to bring posters and should indicate on the registration
form that they will be bringing a poster.

For further details and access to the online registration form please
visit the following web page:

For any other queries please email: [log in to unmask]


From: Mirjam Dür [log in to unmask]
Date: November 20, 2015
Subject: SIGOPT 2016, Germany, Apr 2016

6-8 April 2016, University of Trier, Germany

The conference is organized by the Special Interest Group in
Optimization within the German Mathematical Society (DMV). It covers
theory and practice of all branches of mathematical optimization.
Young researchers from all areas of optimization are especially
encouraged to participate and to present their work. The conference
will provide a good opportunity to exchange ideas and to establish
contacts with colleagues in a friendly atmosphere.

Invited speakers so far:
Volker Kaibel (Magdeburg)
Kathrin Klamroth (Wuppertal)
Günter Leugering (Erlangen)

The conference starts on Wednesday 6 April at 9:00 and ends on Friday
8 April at lunchtime.  Social program: Conference dinner with wine

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 January 2016


From: Dietmar Gallistl [log in to unmask]
Date: November 18, 2015
Subject: European Finite Element Fair, Germany, May 2016

The 14th European Finite Element Fair will take place
on 20.-21. May 2016 in Bonn (Germany) at the University of Bonn.

For further details, see


From: Bulent Karasozen [log in to unmask]
Date: November 25, 2015
Subject: Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Turkey, Jul 2016

International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless
11-13 July 2016
Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey

The aim of the conference is to promote further international co-
operation between Scientist and Engineers from different disciplines
involved in the study and development of the Boundary Element
Techniques. The Boundary Element Method (BEM) also known as the
Boundary Integral Equation Method (BIEM) has in recent years become an
established method of solution in several important areas of
engineering such as fracture mechanics, acoustics and solid dynamics
among others. However, there are still many areas where the method
needs to be developed further. The participants are encouraged to
explore new formulations and ideas for a wide range of applications as
well as report on advances made on the numerical implementation of the
method. The application of the method to practical problems is very
much encouraged. The conference will cover all aspects of the boundary
integral methods.


From: Barbara Fertalova [log in to unmask]
Date: November 20, 2015
Subject: COMPSE, Malaysia, Nov 2016

First EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
NOVEMBER 11–12, 2016

Call for Tutorial proposals
Tutorial proposals deadline: 12 February 2016

Please send proposals and inquiries to Tutorials Chair:
[log in to unmask]

Call for Posters & Demos - COMPSE 2016
Poster/Demo Abstracts Submission Deadline: 15 April 2016.

Please select ‘Posters & Demos’ Track when submitting your abstracts.

Submission deadline for Workshops Proposals: 12 February 2016.

Proposals for workshops should be at most four pages in length. More
details can be found at:


From: Jose E. Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: November 25, 2015
Subject: Department Chair Position, CS, San Diego State

The Department of Computer Science is seeking candidates for the
Department Chair position, beginning Fall 2016. Computer science has a
number of sustained externally funded research programs
( We are seeking candidates with an active and
vibrant research program (demonstrated by publication record and
active federal grants) in a core computer science domain. Candidates
with leadership experience are preferred. Candidates must have a PhD
in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related
field. The successful candidate will have a vision for the continued
growth and development of the department as a research-intensive unit
and recruitment of research intensive faculty.  See


From: Vladik Kreinovich [log in to unmask]
Date: November 18, 2015
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Univ of Texas at El Paso

POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Department of Mathematical Sciences at The
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is seeking an applied
mathematician specialized in computational sciences, preferably with
expertise in mathematical modeling for big data and/or high
performance data analytics, for a tenure-track position at the
Assistant Professor level. Successful candidates are expected to
develop productive research programs and will be required to mentor
and teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Anticipated
appointment date is fall 2016.

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must have a Ph.D., postdoctoral
experience, a strong record of research accomplishments, and the
capacity to secure extramural funding.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Review of applications will begin immediately,
and applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. Candidates must submit: 1) letter of interest, 2) curriculum
vitae, 3) statement of research interests, 4) brief outline of
teaching philosophy, 5) copies of up to three relevant authored or
co-authored publications, and 6) complete contact information for at
least three references.

Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file
with the subject line “UTEP Math Faculty Search” to:
Dr. Ming-Ying Leung Search Committee Chair Email: [log in to unmask]

Hiring decisions are based upon budget approval.

The University of Texas at El Paso is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action employer. The University does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic
information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity in
employment or the provision of services.


From: Paul Constantine [log in to unmask]
Date: November 25, 2015
Subject: Tenured/Tenure-Track Position, Comp Seismologist, Colorado School of Mines

Colorado School of Mines, Department of Geophysics
Assistant/Associate Professor of Geophysics in Computational Seismology

Colorado School of Mines invites applications for a regular academic
faculty position in Geophysics, which is anticipated to be filled at
the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek highly qualified
individuals to teach and do research at the intersection of seismology
and computer science, pursuing computational applications potentially
ranging from micro to global scale. We offer the opportunity for
collaborating closely with existing groups in the Geophysics
Department, and also with researchers in other Mines departments
(e.g. Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, etc.), and
the USGS National Earthquake Information Center.

More information and details on how to apply can be found in the
following flyer:


From: Magdalena Thöne [log in to unmask]
Date: November 17, 2015
Subject: Professorship Position, Numerics for PDEs, TU Dortmund Univ, Germany

The Department of Mathematics at TU Dortmund University is seeking to
fill the position of a Professorship (W3) in Numerics for Partial
Differential Equations starting in April 2017.

We are is seeking an outstanding individual and established scientist
in the field of numerical analysis with publications in high-ranked
international journals. Expertise in continuum mechanics is
desirable. Applicants should complement the research activities of the
Department of Mathematics and contribute to interdisciplinary
collaborative research projects within TU Dortmund
University. Experience in raising third-party funds is expected.  A
commensurate level of participation in teaching activities and
lecturing is required, as is the assumption of certain academic
administrative tasks.

For detailed information, please visit:


From: James Powell [log in to unmask]
Date: November 17, 2015
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Hydrologic Systems, USU

The College of Science at Utah State University invites applications
for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level beginning
Fall 2016. This position is part of a cluster hire in water and
climate across multiple colleges at Utah State University. Increasing
water use and scarcity associated with climate change, population
growth, and resource development will alter the quantity, quality, and
sustainability of water resources.  Our search is focused on Numerical
Modeling of Hydrologic Systems.  We seek an environmental scientist
with expertise in numerical modeling of subsurface flow dynamics at
basin- or landscape-scales.  Preference will be given to candidates
who will develop a research program in one or more of the following
focus areas: groundwater recharge, groundwater-climate interactions,
simulation of pollutant transport, reactive transport, and/or
percolation theory, as these relate to water supply, climate change,
environmental remediation, or contaminant flow. The successful
candidate will teach upper division undergraduate and graduate level
courses, including numerical modeling of environmental systems,
numerical methods, numerical algorithms for differential equations,
and scientific computing. Applicants must have earned a PhD in a
related discipline and postdoctoral experience or the equivalent.
Evaluation of applications will begin December 11, 2015 and will
continue until the position is filled. Submit application via

The College of Science ( currently enrolls
1555 undergraduate student majors and 194 graduate students. Utah
State University ( is a land-grant institution with
15,000 undergraduate students and 1,700 graduate students on the main
campus in Logan, Utah. USU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer committed to assembling a diverse faculty. Women and members
of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.


From: Fran Moshiri [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: Lecturer Position, Rice Univ

Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Rice University

The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
( at Rice University in Houston, Texas, invites
applications for a full-time, non-tenure-track lecturer position
beginning July 1, 2016.  The initial term of appointment is one
academic year, which may be renewed for a second year contingent upon
performance, availability of resources and the needs of the program.
Candidates must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics or a closely related
field and have demonstrated excellence in teaching.

The successful candidate is expected to teach six courses/sections per
academic year.

Applications consisting of a letter of application, current curriculum
vitae containing a list of courses taught, and a description of
teaching experience and philosophy should be submitted via the
website, www.MathJobs.Org.  In addition, candidates should arrange for
at least three letters of recommendations that address teaching
qualifications, which may be submitted on the same website.

To receive full consideration the complete application must be
received by February 1, 2016, but the committee will continue to
accept applications until the position is filled.

Equal Opportunity Employer: Females/Minorities/Veterans/
Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity.


From: Ron Morgan [log in to unmask]
Date: November 19, 2015
Subject: Tenure-Track, Postdoc, Endowed Chair Positions, Baylor Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Baylor University is accepting 
applications for a tenure track position in applied math, a postdoc 
position in any area of math and also for an endowed chair.  For more 
information, see


From: Susanne Brenner [log in to unmask]
Date: November 19, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, LSU

The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) at Louisiana State
University invites applications for a postdoctoral position engaging
in interdisciplinary Computational Mathematics research with Professor
Susanne Brenner.

Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in Mathematics or closely related
discipline; A.B.D. candidates will be considered who will complete
their degree requirements by August 2016; published research in at
least one of the following areas: adaptive methods, discontinuous
Galerkin methods, multigrid methods, domain decomposition methods,
variational inequalities, computational electromagnetics or
computational mechanics.

An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment
background check. Application deadline is January 15, 2016, or until a
candidate is selected. Apply online and view a more detailed ad at: Position #029473

Quick link at ad URL:


From: Ilse Ipsen [log in to unmask]
Date: November 21, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization, SAMSI

Postdoctoral fellowships are available at the Statistical and Applied
Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) for the 2016-17 Research
Program on Optimization.

This program aims to leverage the synergy between Mathematics and
Statistics to produce ground breaking advances in a number of areas,
including optimization for large-scale statistical analysis;
statistical approaches for the numerical solution of large-scale
optimization problems; and applications of optimization to machine
learning, inverse problems, image and signal processing, energy, and
others.  Information about the program is available at

SAMSI Postdoctoral Fellowships begin in August 2016 and typically last
two years. Appointments are made jointly between SAMSI and one of its
partner universities, where teaching is a possibility. Extremely
competitive salaries, travel stipends, and health insurance will be

Application information is available at


From: Rob Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: November 16, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Bath

The Departments of Mathematical Sciences and Mechanical Engineering at
the University of Bath wish to appoint a Research Associate to work on
an exciting EPSRC-industry funded project on multiscale modelling and
uncertainty quantification of aerospace composites.

The high cost of certification in aerospace manufacture and the
inefficiency of general safety factors have led to a new initiative
whereby numerical simulation and stochastic methods can be used to
demonstrate structural integrity, offering scope to challenge
conservative stress/strain limits and reduce design-to-manufacture
time from years to months. This project will engage a
multidisciplinary team of engineers and mathematicians to address this
opportunity and to develop novel mathematical modelling tools. An
embedded university-industry partnership will focus effort on creation
of new capability with underlying fundamental research.

Applicants should possess a first degree in a Science/Engineering
subject and a PhD with significant mathematical content, as well as
extensive experience of programming and implementation of numerical
methods.  Experience in some of the following areas will be a distinct
advantage: software development, continuum mechanics, finite element
methods, partial differential equations. Candidates should be
self-motivated and possess project management and technical
communication skills.

Deadline for submissions: 30th November 2015

If you have any questions please contact Prof Rob Scheichl
([log in to unmask]) or Prof Richard Butler ([log in to unmask]).


From: Martin Stynes [log in to unmask]
Date: November 18, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Beijing Computational Science Research Center

I have currently available 2 postdoc positions at Beijing CSRC, China,
in the numerical analysis of singularly perturbed differential
equations and/or fractional-derivative/nonlocal differential
equations. Some experience in at least one of these areas is desirable
though not strictly necessary. A candidate must have a Ph.D. degree
and be familiar with the standard theory and implementation of finite
difference and finite element methods.  He/she must be able to
communicate comfortably in spoken and written English; a knowledge of
Chinese is not required. We typically offer a position for 2 years,
with the possibility of renewal for a third year. The salary and other
support (for accommodation in Beijing, travel to conferences inside
and outside China, etc.), and the excellent facilities in our
impressive building (opened in 2015) together form an attractive
working environment for a postdoc.

Beijing Computational Science Research Center
( is a new and well-funded research
institute with research interests in many areas of numerical analysis,
applied mathematics and computational physics.

To begin (informally) your postdoc application to Beijing CSRC, email
me (m.stynes [at] a copy of your CV. You are also welcome
to email me with any questions about the postdoc positions.

Martin Stynes,
Chair Professor at Beijing CSRC
My homepage:


From: Sivaram Ambikasaran [log in to unmask]
Date: November 19, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

The International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is inviting applications for
postdoctoral positions ( in
theoretical physics, interdisciplinary and applied mathematics,
computational science, astronomy, theoretical physical chemistry,
theoretical physical biology and related fields. Individuals who have
submitted their doctoral thesis are also encouraged to apply. The
positions are nominally for two years from the time of joining with
possibility of extension for the third year. In addition to regular
positions, ICTS offers prized postdoctoral fellowship positions
(SIMONS: and AIRBUS: for highly deserving

Interested candidates can apply online at: with their CV, list of
publications, a research proposal (not more than two pages) and a
covering letter (PDF).  The applicants also need to arrange at least
three recommendation letters sent directly to the ICTS. The nominal
deadline is December 15, 2015; but applications will be considered
until the positions are filled. The nominal starting date of September
1, 2016 is negotiable. Informal queries may be addressed to the ICTS

Deadline: December 15, 2015
E-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: Bernd Simeon [log in to unmask]
Date: November 18, 2015
Subject: Postdoc & PhD Positions, Math, TU Kaiserslautern

Open Positions - Postdoc & PhD, TU Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Mathematics

Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern offers 2 open positions:
Research Assistant, salary grade E13 TV-L (3 year contract) Department
of Mathematics / Differential-Algebraic System Group (Prof. Simeon)

Working fields: Research on Numerical PDEs and Isogeometric Analysis,
related to the projects MusiKa (sponsored by the German Federal
Ministry of Education & Research) and MOTOR (sponsored by the EU)

Requirements: Successful candidates must have completed a university
degree (Diplom, Master or equivalent) in mathematics or computational
mechanics and have a strong background (excellent grades) in numerical
PDEs as well as very good programming skills.  Knowledge in
isogeometric analysis is a plus.  Applications for a PhD position as
well as for a Postdoc position will be considered.

Please send your application with the appropriate documents (cover
letter, CV, list of publications, and transcript of records)
preferably by email in a single pdf file to Ms Hemmer-Kolb
([log in to unmask]) .


From: Prof. Dr. Stefan Volkwein [log in to unmask]
Date: November 25, 2015
Subject: Postdoc or PhD Position, Univ of Konstanz

In the group of Prof. Stefan Volkwein at the Department of Mathematics
of the University of Konstanz (Germany) there is an open PhD or
postdoctoral position in the area of

Model predictive PDE control for energy efficient building operation

starting spring 2016 (but not later than April 1). The research is
financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is a joint
project with the University of Bayreuth and Kiel University.

Candidates should have a strong background in numerical methods for
partial differential equations, nonlinear optimization and optimal
control.  Good knowledges in model-order reduction or model predictive
control is also preferable.

If you are interested to join the group we are happy to receive your
application (Email: [log in to unmask]).


From: Henning Meyerhenke [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel Algorithms, KIT

The group Theoretical Computer Science / Parallel Computing at the
Department of Informatics of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(Germany) is inviting applications for the position of a

PhD Student / Research Assistant (m/f) (pay grade 13 TV-L)

starting on April 1st, 2016 (the exact date is negotiable). This
full-time position is expected to have funding for three years. An
initial restriction to a shorter contract may be necessary.

In the focus of this position are research projects on theoretically
sound as well as practical algorithms for balancing the computational
load of large-scale parallel graph computations.

Before applying to [log in to unmask], please be sure to read the
detailed announcement at


From: Volker Schulz [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Algorithmic Optimization, Trier Univ, Germany

RTG 2126 (Graduiertenkolleg) Algorithmic Optimization

The Research Training Group (RTG) “Algorithmic Optimization”, funded
by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is accepting
applications for 10 doctoral research positions (TVL 13, 75%) at the
University of Trier for the period of 3 years, starting 1st April
2016. The research topics are devoted to all mathematical aspects of
algorithmic optimization with an emphasis on applications, in
particular in large and big data as well as systems models from
economics. The doctoral research positions do not involve teaching

Applicants must hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a
strongly related field at the time of hiring. They should be able to
communicate in English and should document their interest in the
scientific goals of the research program of the research training
group (Graduiertenkolleg).Excellent programming skills are a plus.

Applications should include:
- letter of motivation (no longer than 2 pages)
- curriculum vitae
- a recent letter of reference (in English or German) to be sent
  directly to the address given below
- contact information of at least one additional reference
- copies of earned degrees (in German or English translation)
- a mathematical writing sample (preferably the master's thesis)

We welcome applications from researchers of all nationalities. Trier
University strives to increase the share of women in research and
strongly encourages women to apply. Trier University is a certified
family-friendly employer. Applicants with disabilities who are equally
qualified will be favoured.

Please include all application material in one pdf or zip-file and
send it via e-mail to:
Email: [log in to unmask]
Subject: RTG ALOP

For full consideration, applications must be received by January 15,
2016, however, late applications will be considered until the
positions are filled.

For more information see:


From: Michael Stich [log in to unmask]
Date: November 21, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Aston Univ, UK

Aston University, School of Engineering and Applied Science offers
three PhD studentships (3 years).

Applications are invited for three year Postgraduate studentships (3
positions), supported by the School of Engineering and Applied
Science, to be undertaken within the Nonlinearity and Complexity
Research Group at Aston University.  The
successful applicants will join an established theoretical group
working on various aspects of complex systems. The positions are
available to start by October 2016 (subject to negotiation)

Topics are: (1) Disorder-induced superconductivity in quasi-1D
strongly correlated systems. (2) Inverse problems in heat and fluid
flow. (3) Time-delay feedback methods and their application in power
electronic systems.

This studentships include a fee bursary to cover the home/EU fees rate
plus a maintenance allowance of £14,057 in 2015/16. Applicants from
outside the EU may apply for this studentship but will need to pay the
difference between the ‘Home/EU’ and the ‘Overseas’ tuition fees,
currently this is £11,448.  As part of the application you will be
required to confirm that you have applied for, or, secured this
additional funding, or Confirmation that this funding support is in
place will be required as part of the application process.

For more information and online application, visit


From: Wilfried Gansterer [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Fault Tolerant Numerical Algorithms

The research group Theory and Applications of Algorithms at the
University of Vienna (UV) and the research group Parallel Computing at
Vienna University of Technology (TU) have three openings for PhD
students (two of them at UV, one at TU) in a joint research project on
resilient and fault tolerant algorithms in numerical linear algebra
(with co-PIs Wilfried Gansterer and Jesper Larsson Traeff).

All positions require a first-rate Master or Dipl.-Ing. degree in
computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field
with a focus on algorithms and data structures, discrete mathematics
and linear algebra, computer systems, parallel computing, and
programming. Moreover, strong analytical skills, solid software
development and programming skills, parallel computing experience
(shared and/or distributed memory, programming models, interfaces,
algorithms), demonstrated written and oral communication skills,
effective interpersonal skills, a background in high performance
computing (HPC), in dense numerical linear algebra, and in
fault-tolerance for parallel and distributed computing systems are
required. The working language is English.

Each position is for three years. Expected starting date is March 1st,
2016. Applications received by January 15th, 2016 will receive full

Please see


From: Michael Parks [log in to unmask]
Date: November 20, 2015
Subject: Summer Intern Positions, CCR, Sandia National Laboratories

The Center for Computing Research (CCR) at Sandia National
Laboratories seeks multiple students to participate in collaborative
research across a wide range of areas in computer science, applied
mathematics, discrete mathematics, mathematical modeling,
computational science and engineering, computational neuroscience and
cognitive science (including cognitive and experimental psychology,
neuroscience, and linguistics). Possible research areas include
advanced computer architectures, systems software, programming
languages and paradigms, networks, informatics and information
sciences, combinatorial mathematics, discrete event simulation,
scalable linear and nonlinear solvers, continuous and discrete
optimization, uncertainty quantification, statistics, multiscale
methods and mathematics, multiphysics modeling, visualization, visual
cognition, meshing, cybersecurity, advanced modeling and simulation,
human decision modeling, machine learning, brain inspired computing
and assessing human performance.  Students are also sought with
interests in applying computational methods to scientific and
engineering applications including shock physics, molecular dynamics,
MHD, CFD, electrical systems, MEMS, and climate science. These student
internships are for motivated and enthusiastic individuals with
excellent communication skills and who have the desire to gain
research experience in a highly collaborative research
environment. Successful applicants will be exposed to a wide range of
computational and/or cognitive research at Sandia and will have a
strong project-based research experience working directly with Sandia
staff scientists.

To access the posting, go to, click on “Careers”
then click on “View All Jobs” and search for the job opening number -
651287 for graduate students and 651289 for undergraduates.
Applications should include a CV and a cover letter describing the
area that they would like to gain research experience.

For more information, please contact Michael Parks
([log in to unmask]).


From: Lothar Reichel [log in to unmask]
Date: November 19, 2015
Subject: Contents, ETNA, 43

Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),
vol. 43, 2014-2015. This is a special volume with papers presented at
the NASCA '13 Conference held at the University of Littoral in Calais,
France, June 24-26, 2013.

ETNA is available at and at several mirror
sites. ETNA is in the extended Science Citation Index and the
CompuMath Citation Index.

pp. 1-20, Cristina Anton, Jian Deng, and Yau Shu Wong, Weak symplectic
schemes for stochastic Hamiltonian equations

pp. 21-44, Mostafa Bachar, Thierry Estebenet, and Allal Guessab, A
moving asymptotes algorithm using new local convex approximation
methods with explicit solutions

pp. 45-59, Said Agoujil, Abdeslem H. Bentbib, Khalide Jbilou, and El
Mostafa Sadek, A minimal residual norm method for large-scale
Sylvester matrix equations

pp. 60-69, Miloud Sadkane, The Davison-Man method revisited

pp. 70-89, Paraskevi Fika, Marilena Mitrouli, and Paraskevi Roupa,
Estimates for the bilinear form x' A^{-1} y with applications to
linear algebra problems

pp. 90-99, Nicolai D. Christov, Mihail M. Konstantinov, and Petko Hr.
Petkov, Improved perturbation bounds for the continuous-time
H_{\infty}-control problem

pp. 100-124, Thomas Mach, Miroslav S. Pranic', and Raf Vandebril,
Computing approximate (block) rational Krylov subspaces wit hout
explicit inversion with extensions to symmetric matrices

pp. 125-141, Erin Carson, Nicholas Knight, and James Demmel, An
efficient deflation technique for the communication-avoiding conjugate
gradient method

pp. 142-162, Peter Benner, Patrick Kurschner, and Jens Saak, Self-
generating and efficient shift parameters in ADI methods for large
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations

pp. 163-187, Jesse L. Barlow, Block Gram-Schmidt downdating

pp. 188-212, Gerard Meurant, On the location of the Ritz values in the
Arnoldi process

pp. 213-222, Alexander Malyshev, Miloud Sadkane, and Ahmed Salam, A
subspace iteration for symplectic matrices

pp. 223-243, Lothar Reichel and Xuebo Yu, Matrix decompositions for
Tikhonov regularization

pp. 244-254, Asuka Ohashi and Tomohiro Sogabe, On computing
maximum/minimum singular values of a generalized tensor sum


From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: November 23, 2015
Subject: Contents, J Computational Analysis and Applications, 20 (1)


On the λ-Daehee Polynomials With q-Parameter, Jin-Woo Park

Stability of Ternary Quadratic Derivation on Ternary Banach Algebras:
revisited, Choonkil Park

Some Properties of Modular S-Metric Spaces and its Fixed Point
Results, Meltem Erden Ege and Cihangir Alaca

The Strong Converse Inequality for de la Vallee Poussin Means on the
Sphere, Chunmei Ding, Ruyue Yang, and Feilong Cao

On the Fixed Point Method for Stability of a Mixed Type, AQ-
Functional Equation, Ick-Soon Chang, and Yang-Hi Lee

Differences of Composition Operators from Lipschitz Space to Weighted
Banach Spaces in Polydisk, Chang-Jin Wang, and Yu-Xia Liang

The Path Component of the Set of Generalized Composition Operators on
the Bloch Type Spaces, Liu Yang

The Generalized Hyers-Ulam Stability of Quadratic Functional Equations
on Restricted Domains, Chang Il Kim, and Chang Hyeob Shin

Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Set and its Lattice Structures, Xiaoqiang Zhou,
and Qingguo Li

Inclusion Properties for Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions
Associated With Bessel Functions, N. E. Cho, G.  Murugusundaramoorthy,
and T. Janani

Barnes-type Narumi of the Second Kind and Poly-Cauchy of the Second
Kind Mixed-Type Polynomials, Dae San Kim, Taekyun Kim, Takao Komatsu,
Jong-Jin Seo, and Seog-Hoon Rim

Superstability and Stability of (r,s,t)-J*-Homomorphisms: Fixed Point
and Direct Methods, Shahrokh Farhadabadi, Choonkil Park, and Dong Yun

Differential Subordinations Obtained by Using a Generalization of
Marx-Strohhäcker Theorem, Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros, Alina Alb
Lupas, and Vlad Ionescu

A Finite Difference Method for Burgers’ Equation in the Unbounded
Domain Using Artificial Boundary Conditions, Quan Zheng, Yufeng Liu,
and Lei Fan

Barnes-Type Peters Polynomials Associated with Poly-Cauchy Polynomials
of the Second Kind, Dae San Kim, Taekyun Kim, Takao Komatsu, Hyuck In
Kwon, and Sang-Hun Lee

On the Solution for a System of two Rational Difference Equations,
Chang-you Wang, Xiao-jing Fang, and Rui Li

On Distributions of Discrete Order Statistics, Y. Bulut, M. Güngör, B.
Yüzbaşı, F. Özbey, and E. Canpolat


From: Prof. Roderick Melnik [log in to unmask]
Date: November 19, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Coupled Systems & Multiscale Dynamics, 3 (2)

Contents, Journal of Coupled Systems & Multiscale Dynamics 3(2)
Link to the journal:

On analysis of coupled/multi-scale biological systems (Special Issue),
by Jan Hasenauer (pp. 95-96)

In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Professor Messoud Efendiev, by
Jianhong Wu and Hermann J. Eberl (pp. 97-100)

Data-Driven Modelling of Biological Multi-Scale Processes (Review
Article), by Jan Hasenauer, Nick Jagiella, Sabrina Hross, and Fabian
J. Theis (pp. 101-121)

A coupled PDE/ODE model of mitochondrial swelling: Large-time behavior
of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem, by Messoud Efendiev, Mitsuharu
Ôtani, and Hermann J. Eberl (pp. 122-134)

A multiscale model for acid-mediated tumor invasion: Therapy
approaches, by Gülnihal Meral, Christian Stinner, and Christina
Surulescu (pp. 135-142)

An individual-based simulation framework for dynamic, heterogeneous
cell populations during extrinsic stimulations, by Dirke Imig, Nadine
Pollak, Timm Strecker, Peter Scheurich, Frank Allgöwer, and Steffen
Waldherr (pp. 143-155)

Reconstruction of multimodal distributions for hybrid moment-based
chemical kinetics, by Alexander Andreychenko, Linar Mikeev, and Verena
Wolf (pp. 156-163)

A case study on the use of scale separation-based analytical
propagators for parameter inference in models of stochastic gene
regulation, by Justin Feigelman, Nikola Popovic, and Carsten Marr


From: Raimondas Ciegis [log in to unmask]
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 20 (6)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:
Volume 20, Number 6, November 2015

Raimondas \v{C}iegis, Gerda Jankevi\v{c}i\={u}t\.{e} and Natalija
Tumanova.  On Efficient Numerical Algorithms for Simulation of High
Power Electrical Cables, 701-714

Hesham Kamal Alfares.  Maximum-Profit Inventory Model with
Stock-Dependent Demand, Time-Dependent Holding Cost, and All-Units
Quantity Discounts, 715-736

Roghayeh Katani and Sedaghat Shahmorad.  A Block by Block Method for
Solving System of Volterra Integral Equations with Continuous and Abel
Kernels, 737-753

Babak Azarnavid, Foroud Parvaneh and Saeid Abbasbandy
Picard-Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method for Solving Generalized
Singular Nonlinear Lane-Emden Type Equations, 754-767

Hong Fen Yuan and Valery V. Karachik Dunkl-Poisson equation and
related equations in superspace, 768-781

Qiubao Wang and Ruilan Tian Bifurcation Analysis in a Delay
Differential Equations, which Confers a Strong Allee Effect in
Escherichia Coli, 782-801

Agn? Sku\v{c}ait\.{e} and Art\={u}ras \v{S}tikonas Spectrum Curves for
Sturm--Liouville Problem with Integral Boundary Condition, 802-818

Mijanur Rahaman, Rais Ahmad, Mohd Dilshad and Iqbal Ahmad Relaxed
?-proximal Operator for Solving a Variational-Like Inclusion Problem,

Habib Ammari, Jin Keun Seo and Liangdong Zhou Viscoelastic Modulus
Reconstruction Using Time Harmonic Vibrations, 836-851

Andrius Grigutis and Darius {\v S}iau{\v c}i{\= u}nas On the Modulus
of the Selberg Zeta-Functions in the Critical Strip, 852-865

End of Digest

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