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NADIGEST  August 2015, Week 2

NADIGEST August 2015, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 15, # 30


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:31:54 -0400





text/plain (654 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 30

NA Digest  Tuesday, August 11, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 30

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	In Memoriam: Che-Lin Su
	Finite element library deal.II version 8.3 released
	ViennaCL 1.7.0 released
	New Book, Intelligent Comparisons: Analytic Inequalities
	New Book, Reduced Basis Methods for PDEs
	Celebration for Dianne O'Leary, USA, Oct 2015
	Polytopal Element Methods, USA, Oct 2015
	Trilinos User Group Meeting, USA, Oct 2015
	High Performance Computing, USA, Apr 2016
	SIAM Imaging Science (IS16), USA, May 2016
	IEEE Computer Arithmetic, USA, Jul 2016
	Tenure Track Positions, Mathematical Institute of Utrecht Univ
	Research Engineer Position, INRIA Chile
	University Academic Fellowship Position, Univ of Leeds
	Doctoral Student Positions, EU project MIMESIS
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 64 (2)
	Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 64 (4)

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From: Todd Munson [log in to unmask]
Date: August 02, 2015
Subject: In Memoriam: Che-Lin Su

It is with great sadness that I write this email.  After a brief
battle with an aggressive cancer, Che-Lin Su succumbed on Friday
surrounded by his family.  Che-Lin was a associate professor of
operations management at the University of Chicago Booth School of
Business.  He was a large part of the Institute for Computational
Economics over the last 8 years and was a pioneer in using constrained
optimization for structural estimation. He has influenced many through
his own impressive research and through the classes and lectures he
has given to eager scholars anxious to learn from him.  He was always
cheerful and remained upbeat to the end.  Our community has lost a
promising young scholar, a wonderful colleague, and a great friend.
Che-Lin is survived by his wife Bella, his mother and father, and his
sister and brother.


From: Wolfgang Bangerth [log in to unmask]
Date: August 08, 2015
Subject: Finite element library deal.II version 8.3 released

Version 8.3 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library
awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been
released. It is available for free under an Open Source license from
the deal.II homepage at

Among the major changes of this release are:
- Improved handling of parallel distributed meshes.
- New abstract C++11 interface to linear operators.
- Conversion of tutorials to the new manifold mechanism for boundary
- Better support for complex-valued problems.
- More descriptive exception messages in many places.
- More than 140 other features and bugfixes.

For more information see the preprint at preprint.pdf
and the full list of changes at

The main features of deal.II are:
- Extensive documentation and 52 working example programs
- Support for dimension-independent programming
- Locally refined adaptive meshes and multigrid support
- A zoo of different finite elements
- Built-in support for shared memory and distributed parallel computing,
  scaling from laptops to clusters with 10,000s of processor cores
- Interfaces to Trilinos, PETSc, METIS, UMFPACK and other external
- Output for a wide variety of visualization platforms.


From: Karl Rupp [log in to unmask]
Date: August 03, 2015
Subject: ViennaCL 1.7.0 released

Version 1.7.0 of the free open source linear algebra library
ViennaCL is now available for download at

Three highlights of the new release are:
- Fine-grained parallel incomplete LU factorization preconditioners
  (implementation derived from recent work by Chow and Patel [1])
- Fast sparse matrix-matrix multiplication
  (implementation derived from recent work by Gremse et al. [2])
- Fine-grained parallel algebraic multigrid preconditioners for
  CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP (extending the work of Bell et al. [3]).

Benchmark results including comparisons with other
(vendor-)libraries are available at



From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: August 11, 2015
Subject: New Book, Intelligent Comparisons: Analytic Inequalities


In this monograph the author presents his recent work on inequalities
in real, functional and fractional analysis. Chapters are
self-contained and can be read independently and several advanced
courses can be taught out of this book. An extensive list of
references is given per chapter.

The inequalities covered are diverse. A list of some these follows:
Fractional Polya type integral inequality; Univariate fractional Polya
type integral inequalities; Multivariate generalized fractional Polya
type integral inequalities.  Balanced Canavati type fractional Opial
inequalities; Fractional representation formulae under initial
conditions and fractional Ostrowski type inequalities; Fractional
Ostrowski and Grüss type inequalities involving several functions;
Multivariate weighted fractional representation formulae and Ostrowski
type inequalities; Multivariate Lyapunov inequalities.  Ostrowski
inequalities for semigroups; Ostrowski inequalities for cosine and
sine operator functions; Hilbert-Pachpatte type inequalities for
semigroups, cosine and sine operator functions; Ostrowski and Landau
inequalities for Banach space valued functions; Multidimensional
Ostrowski inequalities for Banach space valued functions; Canavati
fractional Ostrowski type inequalities. Fractional integral
inequalities involving convexity; Vectorial inequalities for integral
operators involving ratios of functions and convexity; Vectorial Hardy
type fractional inequalities. Vectorial fractional integral
inequalities with convexity.

This book's results are expected to find applications in many areas of
pure and applied mathematics, especially in ordinary and partial
differential equations and fractional differential equations. As such
this monograph is suitable for researchers, graduate students, and
seminars of the above subjects, also to be in all science and
engineering libraries.


From: Alfio Quarteroni [log in to unmask]
Date: August 03, 2015
Subject: New Book, Reduced Basis Methods for PDEs

New book: "Reduced Basis Methods for Partial Differential
Equations. An Introduction" by A. Quarteroni, A. Manzoni and F. Negri,
Springer Unitext Series, n.92

This textbook, published in July 2015, provides a basic introduction
to reduced basis (RB) methods for problems involving the repeated
solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) arising from
engineering and applied sciences, such as PDEs depending on several
parameters and PDE-constrained optimization.  The book presents a
general mathematical formulation of RB methods, analyzes their
fundamental theoretical properties, discusses the related algorithmic
and implementation aspects, and highlights their built-in algebraic
and geometric structures.  More specifically, the authors discuss
alternative strategies for constructing accurate RB spaces using
greedy algorithms and proper orthogonal decomposition techniques,
investigate their approximation properties and analyze offline-online
decomposition strategies aimed at the reduction of computational
complexity.  Furthermore, they carry out both a priori and a
posteriori error analysis.  The whole mathematical presentation is
made more stimulating by the use of representative examples of
applicative interest in the context of both linear and nonlinear
PDEs. Moreover, the inclusion of many pseudocodes allows the reader to
easily implement the algorithms illustrated throughout the text.  The
book will be ideal for upper undergraduate students and, more
generally, people interested in scientific computing.


From: Jim Nagy [log in to unmask]
Date: August 04, 2015
Subject: Celebration for Dianne O'Leary, USA, Oct 2015

For nearly four decades, Dianne P. O’Leary has been making substantial
contributions in numerical linear algebra and optimization, with an
emphasis on algorithms suitable for high-performance computing.  In
addition to her research contributions, Dianne has been extremely
active in education and mentoring, including supervising more than 20
PhD students.

Dianne recently retired from her position as Professor in Computer
Science and the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies at the
University of Maryland.  We are happy to announce that we are
organizing some activities to celebrate Dianne's career.

Because Dianne has been particularly active within the SIAM community
(SIAM Fellow, EIC of SIMAX, former member of the SIAM Council, and
author of two SIAM books) we thought it would be appropriate to
organize events in conjunction with the SIAM Applied Linear Algebra
Conference, October 26-30, 2015, in Atlanta, GA.  The activities
include a two-part minisymposium with talks by former students,
postdocs and colleagues of Dianne, and a dinner banquet.

If you would like to join the dinner banquet, which will take place on
Thursday, October 29, please complete the form at

Because of the possibility of venue constraints, it may be necessary
to put an upper bound on the number of people attending the banquet.
So please consider completing the form as soon as possible, and before
August 28, 2015. If you have any questions, send email to:
Jim Nagy, [log in to unmask]

Family and loved ones are welcome. The precise location and cost is
yet to be finalized; details will be provided in early
September. (Note that the dinner banquet to honor Dianne is separate
from the conference banquet, which is on Wednesday, October 28.)

Julianne Chung, Misha Kilmer, Tammy Kolda, Jim Nagy


From: Andrew Gillette [log in to unmask]
Date: July 31, 2015
Subject: Polytopal Element Methods, USA, Oct 2015

Please join us for "Polytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and
Engineering," to be held on the campus of the Georgia Institute of
Technology from October 26-28, 2015.  This workshop will promote
communication among the many mathematical and engineering communities
currently researching polytopal discretization methods for the
numerical approximation of solutions to PDEs.  Plenary speakers
include Franco Brezzi, Konstantin Lipnikov, and Junping Wang.
Participants include experts in virtual element methods, mimetic
methods, weak Galerkin methods, generalized barycentric coordinates,
hybrid higher order methods, and more.

Registration is now open and support for graduate student travel is
available.  For more information, please visit


From: Michael Heroux [log in to unmask]
Date: August 06, 2015
Subject: Trilinos User Group Meeting, USA, Oct 2015

Registration for the 2015 US Trilinos User Group meeting is now open.
It will be hosted by the Center for Computing Research at Sandia
National Labs, Albuquerque, NM, October 26 – 28, 2015.

Non-US citizens should register by August 21st to allow time for
necessary paperwork.

This year we are putting out a call for presentations.  If you would
like to speak at TUG, please submit an abstract by August 28th.

Links for registration and abstract submission can be found on the TUG
2015 homepage:


From: Josef Weinbub [log in to unmask]
Date: August 11, 2015
Subject: High Performance Computing, USA, Apr 2016

24th High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'16)
Part of the SCS Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim'16)
April 3-6, 2016 | Pasadena, CA, USA

Abstract submission:          September 10, 2015 (optional)
Full paper submission:       November  20, 2015
Notification of acceptance: January   11, 2016
Camera-ready paper:         February  11, 2016

The 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference will feature the 24th High
Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2016), devoted to the impact of
high performance computing and communications on computer simulations.

Topics of interest include: High performance computing issues in Big
Data analytics; High performance/large scale application case studies;
GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU); Multicore and many-core
computing; Power aware computing; Cloud, distributed, and grid
computing; Asynchronous numerical methods and programming; Hybrid
system modeling and simulation; Large scale visualization and data
management; Tools and environments for coupling parallel codes;
Parallel algorithms and architectures; High performance software
tools; Resilience at the simulation level; Component technologies for
high performance computing


From: Kirsten Wilden [log in to unmask]
Date: July 29, 2015
Subject: SIAM Imaging Science (IS16), USA, May 2016

SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS16)
Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
May 23-26, 2016

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs:
Stefano Soatto, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Rebecca
Willett, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMIS16

October 26, 2015: Minisymposium proposals November 23, 2015:
Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts

November 13, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications

Please visit for
detailed submission information.

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
([log in to unmask]).


From: Vladik Kreinovich [log in to unmask]
Date: July 30, 2015
Subject: IEEE Computer Arithmetic, USA, Jul 2016

ARITH23: 23th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
July 10-13, 2016, Silicon Valley

Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the primary and
reference conference for presenting scientific work on the latest
research in computer arithmetic. The topics of the conference include
theoretical aspects, number systems, algorithms for operations and
math functions, implementations, validation, and applications of
computer arithmetic.

Authors should submit the abstract of the paper no later than October
21st, 2015. A PDF version of the full paper should be submitted no
later than November 4th, 2015. Papers under review elsewhere are not
acceptable for submission to ARITH 23. By submitting a paper you
implicitly confirm you are solely submitting it to ARITH 23. Authors
will be notified of acceptance in February 2016, and final
camera-ready papers will be due in March 2016.

The final submissions of accepted papers cannot exceed 8 pages (NO
extra pages) using the IEEE Computer Society Conference format (two
columns). However, for review, authors may submit a paper with a
maximum of 20 pages, 12pt font size, single column and double spacing.


From: Rob Bisseling [log in to unmask]
Date: August 04, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Mathematical Institute of Utrecht Univ

The Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University invites applications for
the position of  

Two Assistant Professors of Mathematics 
(Tenure-track Westerdijk Fellowships)

The first vacancy is in the Division of Fundamental Mathematics, where
we are searching for female candidates whose expertise is in algebraic, 
arithmetic or differential geometry; including number theory, automorphic 
forms, geometric analysis, and Lie theory.

The second vacancy is in the Division of Mathematical Modelling, where
we are searching for female candidates whose expertise is in applied
analysis, scientific computing or stochastics, including data science,
imaging, high performance computing, and mathematical biology. 

The appointment is at the level of assistant professor (“universitair 
docent”, lecturer), initially for a period of 5 years. The position will be
subject to a mid-term evaluation after approximately 2,5 years and an
end-term evaluation. When evaluations are positive the position 
becomes permanent after 5 years. In case of sufficient seniority, the
permanent position can be at the level of associate professor 
(“universitair hoofddocent”).  Funds have been reserved so the
candidate can appoint one PhD student. 

The Westerdijk Fellowship was created by the Faculty of Science in
 order to increase its number of female scientists.

Closing date for applications:  30 September 2015

Please visit for a complete job description and for a fact sheet concerning the department.


From: Vincent Acary [log in to unmask]
Date: August 06, 2015
Subject: Research Engineer Position, INRIA Chile

A two-year position as research engineer is available at INRIA chile.
PDF version at

- Position type: open research engineer position
- Location: INRIA Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile
- Keywords: Numerical simulation, robotic systems, open-source software
- Duration: 24 months
- Salary: between 1 300 000 and 1 600 000 Chilean pesos (gross salary)
  (competitive salary for a young engineer in Chile)
- Application deadline: immediately and continue until the position is
  filled. Candidates are encouraged to apply now.
- Expected start date: as soon as possible.

Skills and educational background
- Master or Ph.D thesis in Mechanics or Applied Mathematics with
  strong skills in: Theoretical and classical Mechanics; Numerical
  modeling; Numerical simulation and scientific computing.
- Experience in software development: high confidence with C++
  programming; open-source project experience, including source code
  and project management tools (Git, GitHub, Travis-CI, cmake, ...).

How to apply: A curriculum vitæ and a cover letter must be sent to
Vincent Acary [log in to unmask] If you have questions about the
scientific contents of the position, we encourage you to contact
[log in to unmask] before applying.


From: Samantha Haynes [log in to unmask]
Date: July 31, 2015
Subject: University Academic Fellowship Position, Univ of Leeds

The University of Leeds biggest ever recruitment of academic
researchers includes an exciting new opportunity to join the Institute
of Applied Geoscience (IAG) in the School of Earth and
Environment. The University of Leeds aim to recruit 250 University
Academic Fellows by 2017 who have the potential to make a major
contribution to the University’s academic performance and standing.
This scheme started last year and 76 outstanding individuals were
appointed.  These Academic Fellowships last for 5-years, and are then
designed to convert to permanent positions as Associate
Professor. Whether you are looking to establish your academic career
as a new fellow or already hold an existing funded fellowship and wish
to bring it to the University of Leeds we want to hear from you.

Pore-Scale Modelling for Future Energy Solutions

Modelling gas and fluid flow in porous media is central to the
development of future energy technologies involving subsurface
geological structures including:
- Predicting and optimizing production from unconventional petroleum
- Improving methods for enhanced oil recovery;
- Assessment of radioactive waste disposal and CO2 storage sites;
- Development of novel energy storage systems, for example, subsurface
  storage of hot water or compressed air, and (v) injection of waste
  material produced during oil-field decommissioning.

With a PhD in Petroleum Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics or
related subject, you will have a strong research record in fluid flow
modelling at the pore-scale, the ability to teach at both
Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, as well as a clear and
compelling vision for personal academic development.  Enquiries can be
made to Professor Quentin Fisher, email: [log in to unmask], tel:
+44 (0)774 214 5119.  For more information and to apply:


From: Dietmar Hömberg [log in to unmask]
Date: August 05, 2015
Subject: Doctoral Student Positions, EU project MIMESIS

MIMESIS – Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and
Manufacturing is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) project in the
programme Innovative Training Networks (ITN) and part of Marie
Skłodowska Curie Actions within the Horizon 2020 programme.  Driven by
the five partners EFD Induction in Norway; SSAB, Outokumpu, and the
University of Oulu, in Finland; and Weierstrass Institute for Applied
Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS, Germany), eight doctoral thesis
projects will be jointly carried out, providing a unique
interdisciplinary and inter- sectorial training opportunity.

We are looking for 8 post-graduate researchers (Early Stage
Researchers - ESR), specialized in Applied Mathematics, Materials
Science, or similar.  In EID projects a close cooperation with
industry is mandatory, and hence a stay of 18 months with the
industrial partners is expected and prescribed.  The positions are
offered for 3 years.

Potential candidates have a master degree in applied mathematics or
materials science or related fields as relevant for the chosen
position.  Preferred qualifications for candidates include excellent
grades, research talent (as proven by the master thesis), affinity
with mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering
applications, and personal ambition.

Applications should be sent before 5 October 2015 to
[log in to unmask], with subject ‘MIMESIS’. Applicants should
indicate two individual research projects in order of preference (1st
and 2nd choice). They should include a detailed CV, a motivation
letter, a list of MSc courses and grades, a copy of the master thesis,
and a list of publications, if applicable. For residents outside the
EEA, a TOEFL English language test may be required.

For more information about the vacancies, please check
or contact Prof. Dietmar Hömberg ([log in to unmask]).


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: July 30, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 64 (2)

ournal of Scientific Computing
Volume 64, Number 2, August 2015

An Unconditionally Energy Stable Penalty Immersed Boundary Method for
Simulating the Dynamics of an Inextensible Interface Interacting with
a Solid Particle, Po-Wen Hsieh, Ming-Chih Lai, Suh-Yuh Yang and
Cheng-Shu You, pp.289-316.

Multiscale Support Vector Approach for Solving Ill-Posed Problems, Min
Zhong, Yiu Chung Hon and Shuai Lu, pp.317-340.

A Radial Basis Function Partition of Unity Collocation Method for
Convection-Diffusion Equations Arising in Financial Applications, Ali
Safdari-Vaighani, Alfa Heryudono and Elisabeth Larsson, pp.341-367.

Robust a Posteriori Error Estimates for Conforming Discretizations of
Diffusion Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients on Anisotropic
Meshes, Jikun Zhao, Shaochun Chen, Bei Zhang and Shipeng Mao,

Discontinuous Galerkin with Weakly Over-Penalized Techniques for
Reissner-Mindlin Plates, Paulo Rafael Bosing and Carsten Carstensen,

Quasi-A Priori Truncation Error Estimation in the DGSEM, Gonzalo
Rubio, Francois Fraysse and David A. Kopriva, pp.425-455.

Gradient Recovery for the Crouzeix-Raviart Element, Hailong Guo and
Zhimin Zhang, pp.456-476.

Fifth Order Multi-moment WENO Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation
Laws, Chieh-Sen Huang, Feng Xiao and Todd Arbogast, pp.477-507.

Hybrid Difference Methods for PDEs, Youngmok Jeon, pp.508-521.

Flux Splitting for Stiff Equations: A Notion on Stability, Jochen
Schutz and Sebastian Noell, pp.522-540.

Guaranteed Energy Error Estimators for a Modified Robust
Crouzeix-Raviart Stokes Element, A. Linke and C. Merdon, pp.541-558.

A Weak Galerkin Finite Element Scheme for the Biharmonic Equations by
Using Polynomials of Reduced Order, Ran Zhang and Qilong Zhai,


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: August 02, 2015
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 64 (4)

Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 69, Issue 4

Diagnosis of singular points of structured DAEs using automatic
differentiation, Diana Estevez Schwarz, Rene Lamour

Martensen splines and finite-part integrals, Vittoria Demichelis,
Matteo Sciarra

An inexact Newton method for stationary points of mathematical
programs constrained by parameterized quasi-variational inequalities,
Jia Wu, Liwei Zhang, Yi Zhang

The optimised Schwarz method and the two-Lagrange multiplier method
for heterogeneous problems in general domains with two general
subdomains, Neil Greer, Sebastien Loisel

A feasible filter method for the nearest low-rank correlation matrix
problem, Xiaojing Zhu

The three-term recursion for Chebyshev polynomials is mixed
forward-backward stable, Alicja Smoktunowicz, Agata Smoktunowicz, Ewa

Efficient and stable numerical methods for the two-dimensional
fractional Cattaneo equation, Jincheng Ren, Guang-hua Gao

A Barzilai-Borwein type method for minimizing composite functions,
Yakui Huang, Hongwei Liu

Integrable discretization of nonlinear Schrödinger equation and its
application with Fourier pseudo-spectral method, Y. Zhang, X.B. Hu,
H.W. Tam

A note on the smoothing quadratic regularization method for
non-Lipschitz optimization, Yakui Huang, Hongwei Liu, Weijie Cong

A fast SVD for multilevel block Hankel matrices with minimal memory
storage, Ling Lu, Wei Xu, Sanzheng Qiao

A new subtraction-free formula for lower bounds of the minimal
singular value of an upper bidiagonal matrix, Takumi Yamashita, Kinji
Kimura, Yusaku Yamamoto

Erratum to: Design of a discrete algebraic robust differentiation FIR
filter using an annihilator of the Z-transform; frequency response
analysis and parameter tuning, Fabien Courreges

End of Digest

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