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NADIGEST  July 2015, Week 2

NADIGEST July 2015, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 15, # 27


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 9 Jul 2015 10:53:52 -0400





text/plain (996 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 27

NA Digest  Thursday, July 09, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 27

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Death of Chuck Lawson
	17th IMA Leslie Fox Prize winners
	Call for Nominations: Two Prizes of SIAG/IS - Deadline Sep. 15, 2015
	Matlab routine "eig" does not converge for some matrices 
	Blaze 2.4 Released
	Intel Fortran now free for students on Linux, OS X and Windows
	New Book, Frontiers in Approximation Theory
	New Book, Intelligent Systems II
	Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, Sep 2015
	Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, Germany, Sep 2015
	Dissipative Particle Dynamics, China, Sep 2015
	Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques, Italy, Sep 2015
	WIAS UQ Workshop, Germany, Nov 2015
	System Modelling and Optimization, Turkey, Jul 2017
	Tenure Track Position, Life Sciences, CWI, Amsterdam (NL)
	Tenure-Track Position, The Univ of Hong Kong
	Lecturer Position, Univ Manchester
	Postdoc Position, Extreme Computing Research Center, KAUST
	Postdoc Positions, Collaborative Research Center, Waves to Weather
	PhD/Postdoc Position, RWTH Aachen, Germany
	PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Delft Univ of Technology
	PhD Position, Parallel-in-time Integration, Kiel Univ, Germany
	PhD Position, Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling
	PhD Position, Technical Univ of Denmark
	Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 14 (2)
	Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 15 (3)
	Contents, Constructive Approximation, 42 (1)
	Contents, Int J Math Model Comput, 5 (2)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Fred Krogh [log in to unmask]
Date: July 09, 2015
Subject: Death of Chuck Lawson

Dr. Charles (Chuck) Lawson died on July 2 in Laguna Woods, CA after a
short bout with cancer.  He joined JPL in 1960 shortly before
receiving his PhD from UCLA and retired in 1996.  He was supervisor of
a math group that was responsible for mathematical software
(MATH77/mathc90) that is still in use at JPL.  He was the coauthor of
two books, "Solving Least Squares Problems" and "Computer
Approximations," and many scientific papers.  His work was key in
getting modern computing methods used in the early days of the
Laboratory.  He is survived by his wife, Dottie, children Michael,
Brian, Melanie, Marcella, and numerous grandchildren.  More on Chuck


From: Nick Gould [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: 17th IMA Leslie Fox Prize winners

The 17th IMA Leslie Fox Prize meeting took place at the University of
Strathclyde in Glasgow on Monday the 22nd of June, 2015. From a strong
field of twenty two entries, six were chosen for presentation at the
meeting. The quality of talks was outstanding, and after much
deliberation,the adjudicating committee awarded first prizes to

Iain Smears (U. Oxford) for
Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for Hamilton-Jacobi
-Bellman equations with Cordes coefficients, and

Alex Townsend (MIT) for
A fast analysis-based discrete Hankel transform using asymptotic

and second prizes to

Patrick Farrell (U. Oxford) for
Deflation techniques for finding distinct solutions of nonlinear
partial differential equations,

Olivier Fercoq (Telecom ParisTech) for
Accelerated, parallel and proximal coordinate descent,

John Pearson (U. Kent) for
Fast iterative solvers for reaction-diffusion control models of
chemical and biological processes, and

Clarice Poon (Cambridge U.) for
On the role of total variation in compressed sensing.


From: Naoki Saito [log in to unmask]
Date: July 06, 2015
Subject: Call for Nominations: Two Prizes of SIAG/IS - Deadline Sep. 15, 2015

Please note that the following two SIAM Activity Group on Imaging
Science (SIAG/IS) prizes will be awarded at the 2016 SIAM Imaging
Science Conference (IS 16), to be held May 23-26, 2016, in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA:

* SIAG/IS Best Paper Prize
* SIAG/IS Early Career Prize

The latter is our new prize just established this year.  So, please
nominate the best papers for the former and the outstanding early
career researchers for the latter!  The deadline of nominations for
both prizes is: September 15, 2015.  Please take a look at the above
websites for the details such as the eligibility, how to nominate,


From: Stephen Becker [log in to unmask]
Date: July 07, 2015
Subject: Matlab routine "eig" does not converge for some matrices 

We have found a matrix "A" for which the Matlab call "[V,D]=eig(A)"
returns the error message "EIG did not converge." The failure is
sensitive: using an older version of Matlab, or asking only for
eigenvalues (no eigenvectors), or perturbing the input matrix
slightly, all lead to normal (convergent) behavior.

I have not heard of this type of error before. We have noticed that
the error is produced in Matlab versions that use MKL v11.x and not
with MKL v10.3.

Does anyone know how to explain this behavior, and if MKL switched
algorithms recently?

More details, including a link to the matrix itself, are here: (The
first few posts are about "eigs" because we were incredulous that
"eig" would give such an error, but it really is an issue with "eig"
and not "eigs").


From: Klaus Iglberger [log in to unmask]
Date: July 04, 2015
Subject: Blaze 2.4 Released

We are proud to announce the release of version 2.4 of the Blaze C++
math library! With this release, we say goodbye to the GoogleCode
platform and move to our new home:

Since GoogleCode is shutting down, Blaze 2.4 will be the last release
on GoogleCode. From now on we will focus entirely on our Bitbucket
repositories. Please update your bookmarks accordingly!

In Blaze 2.2 we introduced the concept of adaptors and provided
symmetric matrices. In Blaze 2.3 we continued in this direction and
introduced adaptors for lower and upper triangular matrices. Now,
Blaze 2.4 concludes this line of development with unitriangular,
strictly triangular and diagonal matrices. This now enables a total of
36 different matrix types, which provide the unique possibility to
adapt the type of matrices exactly to the problem at hand and to
achieve maximum performance due to specifically optimized and
parallelized kernels.

Blaze 2.4 is now available for download at


From: Steve Lionel [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: Intel Fortran now free for students on Linux, OS X and Windows

The Intel Fortran compiler is now available under a free,
non-commercial license to qualified students. On Linux and Windows,
students can get Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition, and on OS
X, Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition (the larger suites are
not supported on OS X.)  Windows users will need to first install
Microsoft Visual Studio - the free VS2013 Community Edition will do.

For more information, see


From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2015
Subject: New Book, Frontiers in Approximation Theory


This monograph presents the work of last five years of the author in
Approximation Theory.  The chapters are self-contained and can be read
independently and advanced courses can be taught out of this book. An
extensive list of references is given per chapter.

The topics covered are diverse. The first big part of the book is
dedicated to fractional monotone approximation theory introduced for
the first time by the author, taking the related ordinary theory of
usual differentiation at the fractional differentiation level having
polynomials and splines as approximators. Very little is written so
far about fractional approximation theory which is at its infancy. The
second part of the book deals with the approximation by discrete
singular operators of Favard style, e.g of Picard and
Gauss-Weierstrass types. Then it continues with the approximation by
interpolating operators induced by neural networks, a connection to
computer science, a very detailed and extensive chapter covering all
aspects of the topic. The monograph ends with the approximation theory
and functional analysis on the time scales, a very modern topic,
detailing all the pros and cons of this method.

The book’s results are expected to find applications in many areas of
pure and applied mathematics. As such this monograph is suitable for
researchers, graduate students, and seminars of the above subjects,
also to be in all science libraries.


From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2015
Subject: New Book, Intelligent Systems II


In this monograph the author presents his complete recent work in
approximation by neural networks. Chapters are self-contained and can
be read independently and several advanced courses can be taught out
of this book. An extensive list of references is given per chapter.

The topics covered are from A to Z of this research area. We list some
of these: Rate of convergence of basic neural network operators to the
unit- univariate case.  Rate of convergence of basic multivariate
neural network operators to the unit.  Fractional neural network
approximation.  Multivariate fuzzy-random normalized neural network
approximation operators.  Fuzzy fractional neural network
approximation by fuzzy quasi- interpolation operators.  Higher order
multivariate fuzzy approximation by basic neural network operators.
High degree multivariate fuzzy approximation by quasi-interpolation
neural network operators.  Multivariate fuzzy-random
quasi-interpolation neural network approximation operators.
Univariate error function based neural network approximation.
Multivariate error function based neural network approximations.  High
order multivariate fuzzy approximation by neural network operators
based on the error function.  Multivariate fuzzy-random error function
based neural network approximation.  Approximation by perturbed neural
network operators.  Approximation by multivariate perturbed neural
network operators.  Approximation by fuzzy perturbed neural network
operators.  Multivariate fuzzy perturbed neural network operators
approximation.  Multivariate fuzzy-random perturbed neural network
approximation.  The book's results are expected to find applications
in many areas of applied mathematics, computer science and
engineering. As such this monograph is suitable for researchers,
graduate students, and seminars of the above subjects, also to be in
all science and engineering libraries.


From: Christelle Debeeer [log in to unmask]
Date: July 06, 2015
Subject: Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, Sep 2015

The Lecture Series on the 38th Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
(Adjoint methods and their application in Computational Fluid
Dynamics) will take place at the von Karman Institute from 14 - 17
September 2015.

Adjoint based sensitivity computations can be applied in many fields
of modern CFD such as: error estimation for adapted grid generation
(EE), multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) and uncertainty
quantification (UQ). The latter application in UQ is relatively new
and few developments exist. The purpose of this lecture series is to
bring together the researchers from these different communities, and
to stimulate the common interest and exchange of knowhow in using the
adjoint formulation. Many times these methods are also coupled with
state-of-the-art high order discretization methods such as
Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elements (DG), Finite Volumes (FV),
Streamline Diffusion (SD) or Residual Distribution (RD). Moreover,
there is also a strong potential in a combination of the different
applications such as adaptive grids based on goal oriented error
estimation combined with shape optimization, or uncertainty
quantification combined with optimization, whereby the adjoint problem
can be reused with a different forcing function in the right hand
side.  The theory and algorithms used in the field of adjoints, error
estimation, optimization and uncertainty quantification will be
discussed in full detail. Emphasis is also put on industrial
applications, in particular in the area of steady and unsteady
aerodynamics. Achievements, weaknesses and perspectives for future
research will be critically evaluated.  The course is oriented towards
both junior and experienced engineers and researchers involved with
CFD algorithm and code development. The lecture series assumes no
preknowledge on adjoints nor on UQ, optimization and error estimation,
but it is expected that the participants have a good background in CFD
methods and numerical techniques for solving partial differential
equations.  This implies that the course will be a balanced mix
between introductory and advanced lectures.

Registration and programme available on


From: Rolf Springer [log in to unmask]
Date: July 08, 2015
Subject: Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, Germany, Sep 2015

28th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium
September 28 - 30, 2015

The scientific topics of the FEM symposium are all aspects of
finite elements. This year special emphasis is placed on

    - Adaptivity and Error Estimation
    - Mixed and Least squares FE
    - Multiscale Methods

Invited Speakers are
    - Martin Vohralik (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt)
    - Gerhard Starke (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
    - Daniel Peterseim (Universität Bonn)
    - Assyr Abdulle (EPFL Lausanne)

      - July 31st, 2015: registration via WWW

Registration form and further information can be found under

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Madeline Brewster [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2015
Subject: Dissipative Particle Dynamics, China, Sep 2015

Mesoscopic science, which bridges the gap between microscopic and
macroscopic worlds, has attracted increasing attention as the fast
development of microscale technologies. Dissipative particle dynamics
(DPD) is a coarse-grained method designed for mesoscopic
simulations. It has become one of the most widely used methods for
mesoscopic modeling due to its simplicity together with high
computational efficiency, and flexibility in modeling thermodynamic
and kinetic properties. In recent years, the rapid expanding
applications of DPD to various research fields have been witnessed.

In this workshop, the professors and experts, who have made
significant contributions to the theory, algorithms and applications
of DPD, are invited to give featured talks. Now, the abstract
submission site for the DPD workshop is open! We are inviting you to
present your works in the first DPD workshop in China.

We would like to ensure the workshop is more than just a collection of
talks and will promote the research and development of mesoscopic
modeling and attract interested researchers from various research
fields to attend. Please consider submitting your abstract during the
submission period.

Call for Abstracts: We invite submission of abstracts for contributed
oral presentations for the DPD workshop. Each presentation is
scheduled for 25 minute time slots (20 minutes for presentation plus 5
minutes for questions). Please include the title and abstract in the
registration form if you want to present your work in the workshop.

Location:  Shanghai University - September 21-23, 2015
Conference Details can be found at:


From: Valeria Simoncini [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2015
Subject: Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques, Italy, Sep 2015

The fifth Workshop on "Matrix equations and Tensor Techniques"
will be held on September 21-22, 2015 at the Mathematics Department,
Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna, Italy.

Deadline for abstract submission is fast approaching: August 10, 2015.

Keynote speakers:
Sergey Dolgov, Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg (D)
Bart Vandereycken, Université de Genéve (CH)

Additional details and registration information can be found at

Local Organizer:
Valeria Simoncini (Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna, Italy)


From: Martin Eigel [log in to unmask]
Date: July 06, 2015
Subject: WIAS UQ Workshop, Germany, Nov 2015

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to
the second WIAS UQ Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems for PDEs
with Random Coefficients. It will be held at the Weierstrass Institute
in Berlin, Germany, during November 9-13, 2015.

The workshop focuses on applications, the analysis and numerical
treatment of PDEs with stochastic data. This includes but is not
limited to:
- efficient numerical methods for the direct (forward) problem
- control problems with uncertainties
- sparse and low-rank tensor representations
- inverse problems with random data

Confirmed speakers are: Mario Annunziato, Universita degli Studi di
Salerno; Markus Bachmayr, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris;
Oliver Ernst, TU Chemnitz; Mike Espig, RWTH Aachen University; Hanno
Gottschalk, University of Wuppertal; Lars Grasedyck, RWTH Aachen
University; Max Gunzburger, Florida State University; Helmut
Harbrecht, University of Basel; Matthias Heinkenschloss, Rice
University, Houston; Angela Kunoth, University of Cologne; Olivier Le
Maitre, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay; Shuai Lu, Fudan University, Shanghai;
Hermann G. Matthies, TU Braunschweig; Anthony Nouy, Ecole Centrale
Nantes; Tobias Preusser, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen; Robert Scheichl,
University of Bath; Claudia Schillings, University of Warwick;
Christoph Schwab, ETH Zurich; Pierre Sochala, BRGM, Orleans; Raul
Tempone, KAUST, Thuwal; Stefan Ulbrich, TU Darmstadt


From: Bulent Karasozen [log in to unmask]
Date: July 06, 2015
Subject: System Modelling and Optimization, Turkey, Jul 2017

In a cycle of two years, the International Federation for Information
Processing (IFIP)Technical Committee 7 - System Modeling and
Optimization - arranges highly regarded conferences on several topics
of Applied Optimization such as Optimal Control of Ordinary and
Partial Differential Equations, Modeling and Simulation, Inverse
Problems, Nonlinear, Discrete, and Stochastic Optimization and
Industrial Applications. The 28th IFIP TC7 Conference 2017 will take place at Middle East Technical
University in Ankara (Turkey) July 17-21, 2017.


From: Joke Blom [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Life Sciences, CWI, Amsterdam (NL)

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) invites excellent postdoctoral
researchers to apply for a

Tenure track position in Life Sciences.

The young and lively Life Sciences group at CWI performs fundamental
research on algorithms, theory, models and simulations on topics from
the Life Sciences. The core themes of the group are biomodeling and
biosystems analysis, combinatorial algorithms for computational
biology, computational genomics, medical informatics, neuroinformatics
and scientific computing for systems biology.

As a researcher at CWI Amsterdam you are expected to perform
fundamental and application-oriented research, to supervise Ph.D.
students, to participate in or lead research projects together with
other academic institutes or industry, and to acquire external
funding. You are able to work as an independent researcher who can set
his/her own research agenda, as demonstrated by previous post-doctoral
work experience. You can connect to current research at CWI while at
the same time bringing in substantial new expertise.

Requirements: We are looking for a candidate who is demonstrably an
expert in the field of mathematics/computer science/computational
science for the Life Sciences. The candidate is willing to cooperate
within the Life Sciences group and CWI and to build up
interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers in the Life
Sciences, e.g., with experimental biologists. A preference will be
given to candidates who convincingly show how they strengthen existing
core themes of the group or build bridges between them.

For more information, see


From: Miss Ceci Chiu [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, The Univ of Hong Kong

Applications are invited for tenure-track appointment as Associate
Professor/Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, to
commence from September 1, 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The appointment will initially be made on a three-year term basis,
with the possibility of renewal and with consideration for tenure
before the expiry of the second three-year contract.

The Department of Mathematics provides a solid general undergraduate
education in mathematics, offers supervision in graduate study for
students with a strong interest in and a capacity for mathematics, and
engages in teaching and research aiming at a high international
standing. Information about the Department can be obtained at

Candidates in all areas of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences will be considered, with preference given to those working in
the areas of Scientific Computing, Computational Mathematics,
Financial Mathematics, Operations Research, and Optimization. The
appointee is expected to actively engage in outreach and service.

A globally competitive remuneration package commensurate with
qualifications and experience will be offered.  At current rates,
salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income.  The appointment
will attract a contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a
retirement benefits scheme, totalling up to 15% of basic salary, as
well as annual leave, and medical benefits.  Housing benefits will be
provided as applicable.

Applicants should send a completed application form, together with an
up-to-date C.V. containing information on educational and professional
experience, a complete list of publications, a survey of past research
and teaching experience, a research plan for the next few years, and a
statement on teaching philosophy by e-mail to [log in to unmask] They
should also arrange for submission, to the same e-mail address as
stated above, three reference letters from senior academics. One of
these senior academics should be asked to comment on the applicant’s
ability in teaching, or the applicant should arrange to have an
additional reference letter on his/her teaching sent to the same
e-mail address as stated above. Please indicate clearly which level
they wish to be considered for and the reference number in the subject
of the e-mail. Application forms (341/1111) can be downloaded at Further particulars can be
obtained at  Review of applications will start
from December 1, 2015 and continue until the post is filled.


From: Nick Higham [log in to unmask]
Date: July 07, 2015
Subject: Lecturer Position, Univ Manchester

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematics
University of Manchester, UK
Reference: E&PS-06548

Applications are invited for the above post to start in September 2015
or an agreed date thereafter. Applications are welcomed from
researchers whose interests complement and extend existing activity
within the School.  Researchers with interests addressing data-driven
or interdisciplinary applications (for example in industry, medicine,
biology or geophysics) are particularly encouraged to apply.  Further
details of the research in the School can be found at

Salary will be in the range 34,233 to 47,328 pounds per annum
according to relevant experience and qualifications.

Further particulars can be downloaded from
Deadline for applications: July 31, 2015.


From: David Keyes [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Extreme Computing Research Center, KAUST

The Extreme Computing Research Center at KAUST invites applications
for a post-doctoral research scientist, effective immediately.

The successful candidate will research and implement algorithms and
develop software under the Hierarchical Computations on Manycore
Architectures (HiCMA) project, partially supported by Intel under the
Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC) program, with a primary focus
on two types of scalable hierarchical algorithms – fast multipole
methods (FMM) and H-matrices – on next-generation Xeon processors and
Xeon Phi coprocessors. These algorithms have the potential to replace
“workhorse” kernels of computational science and engineering at
extreme scale due to their low arithmetic and storage complexity, high
arithmetic intensity, exploitable SIMD concurrency, and suitability
for asynchronous programming models.  Experience with emerging
floating-point accelerator architectures and sparse and dense methods
of linear algebra is desired.

KAUST is a graduate-only research institution dedicated to advancing
science and technology through interdisciplinary research, education,
and innovation. Located on a resort-like 45 sq km campus on the Red
Sea in Saudi Arabia, KAUST offers superb research facilities
(including a >5 PF/s Cray XC40) and internationally competitive
salaries, attracting faculty, research scientists, and students from
over 70 countries to address pressing challenges in sustainable
technologies. Candidates must possess a recent doctoral degree in
Computer Science or Applied Mathematics or equivalent and strong
coding experience.  Please send statement of research interests and CV
to [log in to unmask]


From: Audine Laurian [log in to unmask]
Date: July 08, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Collaborative Research Center, Waves to Weather

The following positions are available within the W2W (Waves to
Weather) consortium:
- 15 PhD-positions (12 PhD-positions 0.75 part-time at the salary
grade E 13 TV-L and 3 PhD-positions full-time at the salary grade E 13
- 1 Scientific programmer position (PostDoc-position, full-time at the
salary grade E 13 TV-L)

Responsibilities and requirements depend on the PhD-project and are
outlined on the website  The
positions are fixed-term employment contracts until June 2019.
Contracts are time-limited according to the Academic Fixed-Term
Contract Law (WissZeitVG). The salary scale is TV-L E13.  Employment
in all positions shall begin as soon as possible.

Applications should be submitted online before July 31st 2015 using
the application tool of the W2W consortium (visit the website for more information) and
should include the following components:
- CV
- letter of motivation
- research interests
- a record of studies
- master and bachelor certificates including a transcript of records
- for the PostDoc-position, doctoral experience
- the degeee certificate
- contact information of two referees for letters of recommendation
- an English language certificate

For further information, please visit http://w2w.meteo.physik.uni- or contact Dr. Audine Laurian
([log in to unmask]).


From: Frank Knoben [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, RWTH Aachen, Germany

At the Chair for Numerical Mathematics of the RWTH Aachen University
we are currently offering a full PhD/postdoc position.  In our group
we work on the analysis, implementation and application of numerical
simulation methods for partial differential equations.

A main research topic is on numerical methods for two-phase
incompressible flow problems. More information on the topic can be
found on The candidates should
have a university degree ( Master or equivalent ) in mathematics,
computational engineering or a related field and should have basic
knowledge on numerical methods for PDEs.

Research will be on a topic in the field of numerical methods for
partial differential equations, e.g. discretization methods for
two-phase incompressible flow problems or for PDEs on evolving
surfaces,or special preconditioning techniques.  The candidate has to
carry out part of the teaching tasks at the Chair for Numerical
Mathematics.  The position is limited to 2 years and is to be filled
by October 1, 2015. An extension by two more years is possible. The
standard weekly hours will be 39,83 hours.  The successful candidate
has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree.  The salary is based
on the German public service salary scale (TV-L).  

For further details, please contact
Prof. Dr. A. Reusken
Tel.: +49 (0) 241-8097972
Email: [log in to unmask]


From: Kees Vuik [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Delft Univ of Technology

Currently, there is an open position for a PhD student at the Delft
University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics in the
Numerical Analysis group of Prof. Kees Vuik.

The subject is:

  Multi-Scale Fluid Flow in DYNamically FRACtured Porous Reservoirs

This is a European Industrial Doctorate project of Schlumberger and
the Delft University of Technology. We are looking for a good PhD
student who has not studied in the Netherlands the previous 3 years
(EU regulations). For more details see:

If you are interested in this position, please send your application,
CV etc to Dr. Alexander Lukyanov [log in to unmask]


From: Thomas Slawig [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel-in-time Integration, Kiel Univ, Germany

The Research Group “Algorithmic Optimal Control – Oceanic CO¬¬¬2
Uptake” in the Department of Computer Science at Kiel University
(CAU), Germany, plans to fill a PhD Position in Applied Mathematics
starting from October 1st 2015. The position will be awarded for three
years. The salary corresponds to 90 % of a full position at the level
of TV-L E13 of the German public service salary scale. A part of 0,25
of the position is connected with a teaching load of two hours per
week in every second semester.

We are looking for a PhD student with background in Applied
Mathematics, specifically in the numerical solution of (parabolic)
partial differential equations. Topic is the implementation,
evaluation and improvement of parallel-in-time (also called parareal)
algorithms for long-term climate simulations. For this purpose, a fast
model of lower complexity shall be coupled to a slower one with higher
resolution (micro-macro parallel-in-time algorithm). Aim of the
project is to investigate the applicability of parallel-in-time
methods in a basic model configuration.

Requirements are: Diploma or Master Degree in Mathematics (or related
field with strong background in numerical mathematics); Good oral and
written communication skills in English; Good programming skills in C
or Fortran.

We are looking for a person who wants to contribute to the work of a
group of at the moment seven researchers in an interdisciplinary
environment.  You will have the chance to get a deeper knowledge about
climate modeling and simulation, and to apply your expertise in
Mathematics and Computer Science to real-world problems.

The University of Kiel is an equal opportunity employer, aiming to
increase the proportion of women in science. Applications by women are
particularly welcome. Given equal qualifications, applicants with
severe disabilities will be given priority consideration. Applications
by people with a migration background are particularly welcomed.

Interested candidates should send an application letter including
curriculum vitae and copies of transcripts via e-mail to:
[log in to unmask] Please refrain from submitting application
photos.  The deadline for applications is July 31st 2015.


From: Cornelia Böhnstedt [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling

The Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics &
Computational Disease Modelling is an interdisciplinary PhD program
bridging pharmacy and mathematics.  PharMetrX provides its graduate
students a unique opportunity to experience research in drug
development and optimising drug therapy.

PharMetrX offers:
- a transdisciplinary research environment
- a competitive three-year research fellowship
- a structured research training curriculum of basic and advanced
  academic and industry modules
- a joint supervision of the scientific progress by both program chairs
- an individual research and development plan
- an individual mentorship from one of the industry partners

We are currently inviting applications to start the PharMetrX PhD
program in March 2016.  PharMetrX is open to candidates with a
university degree in natural/life sciences or medicine.  Deadline for
applications: September 15th, 2015.  For details see

PharMetrX is a joint program of the Freie Universität Berlin and the
Universität Potsdam, supported by several global research-driven
pharmaceutical companies.

Charlotte Kloft & Wilhelm Huisinga
Program Chairs


From: John Bagterp Jørgensen [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Technical Univ of Denmark

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the
Technical University of Denmark has a vacant PhD position related to
Model Predictive Control and injection moulding.

The project is a collaboration between the Technical University of
Denmark (Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science &
Department of Mechanical Engineering) and LEGO.

Candidates for this PhD position must have a master degree in
mathematical modelling and computing, computational science and
engineering, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,
chemical engineering or equivalent academic qualifications. The
candidate must document skills within numerical modelling and
scientific computing for dynamical systems, model predictive control,
numerical optimization, statistics and programming. Knowledge of and
experience with injection moulding processes and high precision
manufacturing are an advantage.  In addition good communication skills
in English as well as good interpersonal skills are required.

The application deadline is September 1, 2015 and the position can be
filled from November 1, 2015.

You can read more about the position here


From: Fikret Aliev [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 14 (2)

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.14, No.2, June  2015


Fuzzy Dynamic Programming for the Modeling of Sustainable Regional
Development (Survey), Janusz Kacprzyk

Flow of Fourth Grade Fluid in a Porous Medium, Naz R., Alsaedi A.,
Hayat T.

Stability of Sequential Fractional Differential Equation, Ibarhim R.W.

An Initial Value Technique o Solve Two-Point Non-Linear Singularly
Perturbed Boundary Value Problems, Tiwari S., Kumar M.

Two Inversion-Free Iterative Algorithms for Computing the Maximal
Positive Definite Solution of the Nonlinear Matrix Equation, Huang N.,
Ma C.

The Enhanced Power Series Method to Find Exact or Approximate
Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations, Vazquez-Leal H.

Some Common Fixed Point Theorems on c-Distance in Cone Metric Spaces
Over Banach Algebras, Huang H., Radenovic S., Dosenovic T.

Fitting a Rectangular Function by Gaussians and Application to the
Multivariate Normal Integrals, Fayed H.A., Atiya A.F., Badawi A.H.

Positivity of a One-Dimensional Difference Operator in the Half-Line
and Its Applications, Ashyralyev A. Akturk S.

Reparability Properties of Convolution-Differential Operator Equations
in Weighted Lp Spaces, Shakhmurov V, Musaev H.

80th  Birthday of professor Boris Polyak


From: Carsten Carstensen [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2015
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 15 (3)


Numerical simulation of surface acoustic wave actuated separation of
rigid enantiomers by the fictious domain Lagrange multiplier method,
Burger, Stefan / Franke, Thomas / Fraunholz, Thomas / Hoppe, Ronald
H. W. / Peter, Malte A. / Wixforth, Achim

An optimal adaptive finite element method for an obstacle problem -
free access, Carstensen, Carsten / Hu, Jun

On l1-regularization in light of Nashed's ill-posdness concept,
Flemming, Jens / Hofmann, Bernd / Veselić, Ivan

Shape optimization by pursuing diffeomorphisms - free access,
Hiptmair, Ralf / Paganini, Alberto

Analysis of a stabilized CNLF method with fast slow wave splittings
for flow problems, Jiang, Nan / Tran, Hoang

Some recent progress on numerical methods for controlled
regime-switching models with applications to insurance and risk
management, Jin, Zhuo / Stockbridge, Rebecca / Yin, George

Functional a posteriori error estimates for parabolic time-periodic
boundary value problems - free access, Langer, Ulrich / Repin, Sergey
/ Wolfmayr, Monika

M.A. Krasnosel'skii theorem and iterative methods for solving
ill-posed problems with a self-adjoint operator, Matysik, Oleg /
Zabreiko, Petr

Dual weighted residual error control for frictional contact problems,
Rademacher, Andreas / Schröder, Andreas

For more information, please, visit .


From: Ed Saff [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 42 (1)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 42 Number 1
Table of Contents

Smoothness of Subdivision Surfaces with Boundary, Henning Biermann,
Sara Grundel, Denis Zorin

Orthogonal Polynomials and Point and Weak Amenability of ℓ1 -Algebras
of Polynomial Hypergroups, Stefan Kahler

Discrepancy Theorems for the Zero Distribution of Rational Functions,
Regina Fieger

The Hardy Space H1 in the Rational Dunkl Setting, Jean-Philippe Anker,
Néjib Ben Salem, Jacek Dziubański

New Moduli of Smoothness: Weighted DT Moduli Revisited and Applied,
K. A. Kopotun, D. Leviatan, I. A. Shevchuk

Simple Piecewise Geodesic Interpolation of Simple and Jordan Curves
with Applications, H. Boedihardjo, X. Geng

Erratum to: The Hardy–Rellich Inequality and Uncertainty Principle on
the Sphere, Feng Dai, Yuan Xu

Volume 42 Number 1 of Constructive Approximation is now available on
the SpringerLink web site at


From: Majid Amirfakhrian [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2015
Subject: Contents, Int J Math Model Comput, 5 (2)

International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations (IJM2C)

Tension Quartic Trigonometric Bézier Curves Preserving Interpolation
Curves Shape, A. Lamnii, F. Oumellal, J.  Dabounou

B-spline Method for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, J. Rashidinia,
Sh. Sharifi

Generalization of Titchmarsh's Theorem for the Dunkl Transform in the
Space $L^p(R)$, E. Mohamed, H. Lahlai, R.  Daher

On the Almostly Sure Convergence of the Sequence D_p,q, H. R. Moradi,
E. Deiri

A Modified Method to Determine a Well-Dispersed Subset of
Non-Dominated Vectors of an MOMILP Problem, G.  Tohidi, Sh. Razavyan

Extended Predictor-Corrector Methods for Solving Fuzzy Differential
Equations under Generalized Differentiability, M.  Barkhordarii,
N. Kiani, N. Mikaeilvand

Analysis of Finite Buffer Renewal Input Queue with Balking and
Markovian Service Process, V. L. Pikkala, J. Kanithi

Dispersion of Contaminants in Groundwater with Chemical Reaction,
N. P. Ratchagar, S. Senthamilselvi, P.  Meenapriya

End of Digest

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