Hi all,
Please find below our latest listserv membership. Several edits were
made after I last sent it out in May and a few more tonight. Please look
it over when you get a chance. I do not receive any notification
(officially) of new members so please pass along the names of new members
as you learn of them or have them email me.
Thank you!
On 7/17/15 10:22 PM, "listserv.utk.edu LISTSERV Server (15.5)"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>[log in to unmask] James Altland
>[log in to unmask] Bill Bauerle
>[log in to unmask] Mandy Bayer
>[log in to unmask] Richard Beeson
>[log in to unmask] Bridget Behe
>[log in to unmask] Guihong Bi
>[log in to unmask] Eugene K. Blythe
>[log in to unmask] Cheryl Boyer
>[log in to unmask] Doug Buhler
>[log in to unmask] Raul Cabrera
>[log in to unmask] Matthew Chappell
>[log in to unmask] Yan Chen
>[log in to unmask] Lauren Crawford
>[log in to unmask] Bert Cregg
>[log in to unmask] Win Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Win C. Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Winston Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Winston Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Tom Fernandez
>[log in to unmask] Paul Fisher
>[log in to unmask] Amy Fulcher
>[log in to unmask] Amy Fulcher
>[log in to unmask] Gary Grabow
>[log in to unmask] Mengmeng Gu
>[log in to unmask] Charlie Hall
>[log in to unmask] Frank Henning
>[log in to unmask] Chuan Hong
>[log in to unmask] Marc van Iersel
>[log in to unmask] Hye-Ji Kim
>[log in to unmask] Jongyun Kim
>[log in to unmask] Ping Kong
>[log in to unmask] John Lea-Cox
>[log in to unmask] Anthony LeBude
>[log in to unmask] John Majsztrik
>[log in to unmask] John Majsztrik
>[log in to unmask] Salvatore Mangiafico
>[log in to unmask] Garry McDonald
>[log in to unmask] Don Merhaut
>[log in to unmask] Michael V Mickelbart
>[log in to unmask] Gary W. Moorman
>[log in to unmask] Julie Newman
>[log in to unmask] Genhua Niu
>[log in to unmask] Loren Oki
>[log in to unmask] Teresa Olczyk
>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>[log in to unmask] Jennifer Parke
>[log in to unmask] Rosa Raudales
>[log in to unmask] Andrew Ristvey
>[log in to unmask] John Ruter
>[log in to unmask] Terri Starman
>[log in to unmask] Dan Struve
>[log in to unmask] Maureen Thiessen
>[log in to unmask] Sarah White
>[log in to unmask] Amy Wright
>[log in to unmask] Tom Yeager
>* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 57
>* Total number of local host users on the list: 0
On 5/1/15 9:25 AM, "Fulcher, Amy" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Dear NC1186 group,
> Please welcome Amanda Bayer to the group! Below is the current listserv
>Thank you!
>Amy Fulcher
>Assistant Professor for Sustainable Ornamental Plant Production and
>Landscape Management
>2431 Joe Johnson Drive
>Rm 252 Ellington Plant Science Bldg.
>Knoxville, TN 37996
>email: [log in to unmask]
>office: 865-974-7152
>fax: 865-974-1947
>skype: a.fulcher.37996
>On 5/1/15 9:13 AM, "listserv.utk.edu LISTSERV Server (15.5)"
><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>[log in to unmask] James Altland
>>[log in to unmask] Bill Bauerle
>>[log in to unmask] Mandy Bayer
>>[log in to unmask] Richard Beeson
>>[log in to unmask] Bridget Behe
>>[log in to unmask] Guihong Bi
>>[log in to unmask] Eugene K. Blythe
>>[log in to unmask] Cheryl Boyer
>>[log in to unmask] Doug Buhler
>>[log in to unmask] Raul Cabrera
>>[log in to unmask] Matthew Chappell
>>[log in to unmask] Yan Chen
>>[log in to unmask] Lauren Crawford
>>[log in to unmask] Bert Cregg
>>[log in to unmask] Win Dunwell
>>[log in to unmask] Win C. Dunwell
>>[log in to unmask] Winston Dunwell
>>[log in to unmask] Winston Dunwell
>>[log in to unmask] Tom Fernandez
>>[log in to unmask] Paul Fisher
>>[log in to unmask] Amy Fulcher
>>[log in to unmask] Gary Grabow
>>[log in to unmask] Mengmeng Gu
>>[log in to unmask] Charlie Hall
>>[log in to unmask] Frank Henning
>>[log in to unmask] Chuan Hong
>>[log in to unmask] Marc van Iersel
>>[log in to unmask] Hye-Ji Kim
>>[log in to unmask] Jongyun Kim
>>[log in to unmask] Ping Kong
>>[log in to unmask] John Lea-Cox
>>[log in to unmask] Anthony LeBude
>>[log in to unmask] John Majsztrik
>>[log in to unmask] Salvatore Mangiafico
>>[log in to unmask] Garry McDonald
>>[log in to unmask] Don Merhaut
>>[log in to unmask] Michael V Mickelbart
>>[log in to unmask] Kati Migliaccio
>>[log in to unmask] Gary W. Moorman
>>[log in to unmask] Julie Newman
>>[log in to unmask] Genhua Niu
>>[log in to unmask] Teresa Olczyk
>>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>>[log in to unmask] Rosa Raudales
>>[log in to unmask] Andrew Ristvey
>>[log in to unmask] John Ruter
>>[log in to unmask] R. Crofton Sloan
>>[log in to unmask] Terri Starman
>>[log in to unmask] Dan Struve
>>[log in to unmask] Maureen Thiessen
>>[log in to unmask] Sarah White
>>[log in to unmask] Amy Wright
>>[log in to unmask] Tom Yeager
>>* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 55
>>* Total number of local host users on the list: 0