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GEOMETRY  May 2015



Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics: 2nd Announcement


Sergei Tabachnikov <[log in to unmask]>


Sergei Tabachnikov <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 21 May 2015 10:46:58 -0400





text/plain (64 lines)

FDIS 2015: July 12-17, 2015, Będlewo (Poland).
3-rd Conference on Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics:

The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in mathematics and mathematical physics to exchange knowledge about the most recent developments in the field of finite dimensional integrable classical and quantum systems. Previous FDIS conferences took place in Jena, Germany (2011) and in CIRM (Marseille, France) in 2013.

Topics include:
-Integrability criteria and obstructions to integrability
-Integrable geodesic flows and natural Hamiltonian systems
-Integrable systems on Lie algebras and symmetric spaces
-Symplectic and Poisson geometry and integrability
-Lax representations, separation of variables
-Rigid body dynamics
-Nonholonomic mechanics
-Quantum integrability and quantization procedures
-Applications of finite dimensional integrable systems in mathematical physics, celestial mechanics and general relativity
-Computer algebra methods in the theory of integrable systems.
Invited speakers include:
-Maciej Błaszak (Adam Mickiewicz University,)
-Alexey Bolsinov (Loughborough University)
-Vladimir Dragovic (University of Texas)
-Yuri Fedorov (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
-Allan Fordy (University of Leeds, UK)
-Michael Gekhtman (University of Notre Dame)
-Jonathan Kress (University of New South Wales)
-Boris Kruglikov (University of Tromso, Norway)
-Lev Lerman (Nizhny Novgorod State University)
-Mark Levi (Penn State University)
-Andrey Mironov (Novosibirsk State University)
-Gerard Misiolek (University of Notre Dame)
-Nguyen Tien Zung (University of Toulouse)
-Alvaro Pelayo (Washington University)
-Stefan Rauch (Linköping University)
-Michael Shapiro (Michigan State University)*
-Dmitry Treschev (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
-Galliano Valent (Université Paris VI)
-Maciej Wojtkowski (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn)
-Henryk Żołądek (University of Warsaw)
Conference venue: Mathematical Research and Conference Center, Będlewo Palace complex. Accommodation: All participants will be hosted in the Będlewo Palace complex.
Cost for one person per day is 135 PLN (hotel + meals).

Financial support: No conference fee. We expect to cover the accommodation costs for most of participants. For accommodation financial support please mark the appropriate place in your registration form.
The participants affiliated with American institutions can obtain some NSF travel support; preference will be given to under-represented minorities and persons in the early stage of career (restrictions, such as “Fly America Act” apply). No travel support for other participants is possible.

Please register. If you would like to give a talk or present a poster, please submit your abstract at
Deadlines. May 31, 2015: registration. May 31, 2015: submission of titles and abstracts for contributions

Organisers: Andrzej Maciejewski, Vladimir S. Matveev, Maria Przybylska, Sergei Tabachnikov

Supported by: Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science, National Science Foundation.

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