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NADIGEST  April 2015, Week 4

NADIGEST April 2015, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 15, # 16


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 22 Apr 2015 06:38:51 -0400





text/plain (645 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 16

NA Digest  Wednesday, April 22, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 16

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	MJD Powell
	Wanted: Computational Case Studies
	New blog on Math for Industry
	BBComp: Black-Box Optimization Competition, IEEE-CEC'2015
	Optimization and Big Data, UK, May 2015
	Cell Mechanics, Morphogenetics and Pattern Formation, UK, Sep 2015
	DMV Annual Meeting, Germany, Sep 2015
	Graduate School on Evolution Equations, UK, Sep 2015
	SIAM Applied Linear Algebra, USA, Oct 2015
	Cell Motility, Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation, UK, Dec 2015
	Research Chair Position, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Ghana
	Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Ghent Univ, Belgium
	Postdoc Position, Semiconductor Process Simulation, TU Wien, Austria
	Postdoc Positions, Univ of Coimbra
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Optimization for Medicine, Magdeburg
	PhD Position, Computational Science, TU Wien, Austria
	PhD Position, DTU Compute, Technical Univ of Denmark
	PhD Position, Silicon Carbide Modelling, TU Wien, Austria
	PhD/MS Positions, Direct Sparse Solvers, Texas A&M 
	Special Issue, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 63 (2)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Arieh Iserles [log in to unmask]
Date: April 19, 2015
Subject: MJD Powell

I am very sad to let the NA-net community know that M.J.D. Powell
passed away this morning, 19th April 2015.

Many of the NA community would have known Mike Powell as one of the
giants of the Golden Age of numerical analysis and the pioneer of
optimization. Indeed, he has been honoured for his achievements, not
least by being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Foreign
Member of (American) National Academy of Sciences and of Australian
Academy of Sciences, but also by the inaugural Dantzig Prize of
Mathematical Programming Society, Naylor and Senior Whitehead Prizes
of London Mathematical Society, Gold Medal of Institute for
Mathematics and its Applications... The list goes on and on. For his
many friends, though, he was not just a brilliant mathematician but
also a lovely person of total integrity and honesty, a role model in
mathematics, a dear friend and a teacher to many. He will be sorely


From: Dianne O'Leary [log in to unmask]
Date: April 14, 2015
Subject: Wanted: Computational Case Studies

Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE), a bi-monthly publication
of the IEEE Computer Society and the American Institute of Physics,
runs a column called "Your Homework Assignment," which we edit.

The idea is to present case studies that illustrate important issues
in computation and that provide exercises so that students have
motivation and guidance for solidifying their computational skills.

Some of the case studies were collected in the textbook Scientific
Computing with Case Studies, SIAM, 2009:

Others are NASA Computational Case Studies:

We invite you to use these case studies in your teaching.

And we especially invite you to contribute new case studies for
publication in CiSE:

Please contact us if you are interested.

Dianne O'Leary [log in to unmask]
Nargess Memarsadeghi [log in to unmask]


From: Dietmar Hoemberg [log in to unmask]
Date: April 16, 2015
Subject: New blog on Math for Industry

The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is pleased
to announce the ECMI blog is now online at It
contains up-to-date information about events and opportunities in
industrial and applied mathematics and will also feature the different
ECMI centres.

If you would like to spread information about workshops, conferences,
study groups, jobs, project calls, anything of interest to the
industrial and applied math community, please send the text you would
like to have posted to [log in to unmask] .

Note that you can subscribe to news by email, so that you need not
worry about missing anything. To do so you just have to enter your
email address in the field at the bottom of the page and click FOLLOW.

Please pass this information around your institution and encourage
everyone to subscribe and submit their news.


From: Ilya Loshchilov [log in to unmask]
Date: April 20, 2015
Subject: BBComp: Black-Box Optimization Competition, IEEE-CEC'2015

We propose the first black box optimization competition in the
continuous domain where test problems are truly black boxes to
participants.  The only information known to the optimizer/participant
is the dimension of the problem, bounds on all variables, and a budget
of black box queries.  The competition aims at attacking a growing
impact of over-fitting of optimization algorithms to a narrow set of
existing benchmark problems.

All the material including the source code in C/C++, MATLAB, Python
and Java is available at

Deadline: April 30, 2015

The results of the competition will be announced during the CEC'2015
on May 25-28, 2015, Sendai, Japan.  Participants do not need to attend
the conference or submit papers, they can choose to be anonymous to
the other participants.  A modest cash prize of 500 EUR in total is
allocated to the best 3 algorithms.

Ilya Loshchilov, EPFL, Switzerland
Tobias Glasmachers, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


From: Peter Richtarik [log in to unmask]
Date: April 14, 2015
Subject: Optimization and Big Data, UK, May 2015

Optimization and Big Data (Workshop, Trek & Colloquium)
Edinburgh, Scotland, May 6-8, 2015

A call for contributed presentations is open. There is a Best
Contribution Prize (certificate + 500 EUR), sponsored by Amazon
Berlin. Prize Committee: Arkadi Nemirovski and Rodolphe Jenatton
(Amazon). It is possible to attend without contributing - just

- April 18, 2015: Submission deadline for abstracts; Early Bird
  registration deadline (the Early Bird fee is £30 and is £45
- April 20, 2015: Notification of acceptance (acceptance of abstracts
  will be done on a rolling basis - if you want to get confirmation of
  acceptance sooner to help you plan for the event, submit sooner)
- April 25, 2015: Submission deadline for deluxe posters (pdf format)

Keynote speaker: Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Tech)

Confirmed invited speakers: Coralia Cartis (Oxford), Patrick Louis
Combettes (Paris 6), Jonathan Eckstein (Rutgers), Garud Iyengar
(Columbia), Rodolphe Jenatton (Amazon Berlin), Jakub Konecny
(Edinburgh), Francois Glineur (Louvain), Donald Goldfarb (Columbia),
Robert Gower (Edinburgh), Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Tech), Zheng Qu
(Edinburgh), Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh), Katya Scheinberg (Lehigh),
Mark Schmidt (UBC)

Zheng Qu and Peter Richtark (organizers)


From: Emily Anderson [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2015
Subject: Cell Mechanics, Morphogenetics and Pattern Formation, UK, Sep 2015

Cell Mechanics, Morphogenetics and Pattern Formation: perspectives
from the experimental and theoretical points of view (CGPW02)

Dates: 14th September 2015 to 18th September 2015

Location: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University
of Cambridge, UK.

The mechanical characterisation of individual cells is complex and
dynamic. Nonetheless, great progress has been made in understanding
how the dynamics of subcellular structures leads to cell shape and
motility. Static tissues have also been well characterised. It is at
the level of morphogenesis where the bridging of scales between
individual cell dynamics and tissue dynamics is least understood.
This workshop aims to (1) present a framework for understanding what
is already known about cell-level and tissue-level mechanics, (2)
identify gaps in our understanding of how cells interact mechanically
in tissues in order to actuate morphogenesis, (3) propose new
collaborations to increase our understanding of the cell-tissue
emergent dynamics. We will bring together experts in development,
microscopy, image analysis, biomechanics, and modeling.

Deadline for applications: 12 July 2015

Further details and application:


From: Lubomir Banas [log in to unmask]
Date: April 20, 2015
Subject: DMV Annual Meeting, Germany, Sep 2015

The annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society DMV 2015 will be
held on 21-⁠25 September 2015 in Hamburg. The meeting consists of ten
sections covering different areas of mathematics.

We invite colleagues to submit a contributed talk to the Numerical
Analysis and Scientific Computing section of the meeting.

Further information about the meeting can be found at


From: Heiko Gimperlein [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2015
Subject: Graduate School on Evolution Equations, UK, Sep 2015

We would like to bring to your attention the "2nd Maxwell Institute
Graduate School on Evolution Equations", to be held at the
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh on
16-18 September 2015.

Arnulf Jentzen (ETH Zurich) and Alessandra Lunardi (Parma) will give
short courses (4-6 hours) on the numerical analysis of stochastic
evolution equations (Jentzen) and on semigroup theory and invariant
measures for parabolic problems (Lunardi). Abstract of the
mini-courses can be found below.

Their lectures will be complemented with talks by senior participants
and advanced students. We expect to have some limited funding for
postgraduate students, in particular for students from Scottish

Further information is available at .


From: Jim Nagy [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2015
Subject: SIAM Applied Linear Algebra, USA, Oct 2015

The deadline to submit abstracts for contributed talks and posters for
the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra is April 27.

We especially encourage poster presentations.  The poster session will
be preceded by a “poster blitz”, where each poster presenter can use a
single slide to briefly explain why conference attendees should attend
their poster.  To maximize visibility for all participants, the poster
blitz will take place in the main lecture hall, and will have no
competing sessions.

For details, please see:

SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
October 26-30, 2015

April 27, 2015: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
April 27, 2015: Contributed poster presentation abstracts
April 17, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMLA15

Contact SIAM Conference Department at [log in to unmask] with any
questions about the conference.


From: Emily Anderson [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2015
Subject: Cell Motility, Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation, UK, Dec 2015

New Mathematical and Computational Problems involved in Cell Motility,
Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation (CGPW04)

Dates: 7th December 2015 to 11th December 2015

Location: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University
of Cambridge, UK.

Cell motility, morphogenesis, and pattern formation are essential
features of cell dynamics. The involved biochemical processes and
biomechanical properties range from the intracellular level over cell
surface dynamics, cell-cell and cell-tissue interactions up to the
scale of cell population behaviour influencing organ formation and

The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists working on
these timely and challenging topics of mathematical biology, analysis
and numerics.  It will provide both an international framework and
motivation to further develop the modelling of the mentioned
biological phenomena and to strengthen the synergies between the
involved branches of applied mathematics, but also between mathematics
and life sciences.

Application deadline: 27 September 2015

Further details and application:


From: Angela Kunoth [log in to unmask]
Date: April 18, 2015
Subject: Research Chair Position, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Ghana

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is calling for applications for
a German Research Chair for Mathematics and its Applications at the
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Ghana (AIMS Ghana). In
the coming years, this endowed chair will promote higher education and
research in mathematics in Africa.

This call is aimed at postdoctoral academics from any country who
demonstrably conduct application-related research in the field of
mathematics, have several years' experience in training students and,
ideally, doctoral candidates. Experience in working in and cooperating
with Africa and a willingness to collaborate with other academic
disciplines are also desired.

The closing date for applications is 15 July 2015. The application
must be supported by at least one collaborative partner in Germany.
This research chair is funded with a total of 560,000 Euros for a
four-year period. A concurrent appointment at a collaborating
university in Ghana is planned.

AIMS Ghana is part of the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative which seeks to
establish a coordinated network of 15 supra-regional centres of
excellence in mathematics across Africa by the year 2020. The endowed
research chair, which is being advertised internationally, is designed
to help promote networking between AIMS Ghana and German universities
and to drive networking amongst the various AIMS centres in Africa. As
part of the German Research Chair programme that is financed by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Humboldt Foundation
will fill three further research chairs at AIMS centres in South
Africa, Cameroon and Tanzania in the coming years.


From: Jutho Haegeman [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Ghent Univ, Belgium

We invite applications for one or more Postdoctoral positions in
numerical optimization at Ghent University, Belgium. You will work in
the research group of Frank Verstraete on novel algorithms for tensor
networks and tensor trains with applications in physics.

We are looking for candidates with a PhD in applied mathematics,
computational physics or engineering, or a related discipline with a
strong background in numerical optimization, numerical linear algebra
or numerical integration schemes for nonlinear differential
equations. Prior experience with scientific computing and the
development of numerical software is essential, but no prior knowledge
of (quantum) physics is required.

In collaboration with the members of the group, you will undertake
research on the development and implementation of novel algorithms for
the optimization problems and/or differential equations that arise in
the context of tensor network states.

Fixed-term contracts ranging from 1 to 4 years can be provided
depending on your experience. Please contact [log in to unmask]
or [log in to unmask] for further information and for sending
your application.


From: Josef Weinbub [log in to unmask]
Date: April 22, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Semiconductor Process Simulation, TU Wien, Austria

A postdoc position (2 years, 40 hours/week) at the Institute for
Microelectronics, TU Wien is available. The area of research is
mathematical modelling of cutting-edge problems in semiconductor
process simulation, e.g., plasma etching, Silicon (Carbide) oxidation.

Candidates should have prior experience with mathematical modelling
relevant to semiconductor process simulation. A solid foundation in
Silicon-related process modelling is expected.

Starting Date: Approximately July 2015

More information and application details:


From: Isabel Figueiredo [log in to unmask]
Date: April 14, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Univ of Coimbra

The University of Coimbra offers three postdoctoral research grants to
work on the Project “UID/MAT/00324/2013 - Centro de Matemática da
Universidade de Coimbra (CMUC) ”.

The work will be related to CMUC’s research (example of areas of
interest: imaging sciences, bio-mathematics and scientific computing).

Period for applications : from April 20 until May 1, 2015.

For detailed information:


From: Sebastian Sager [log in to unmask]
Date: April 17, 2015
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Optimization for Medicine, Magdeburg

Within the ERC Consolidator Grant 2014 project "Mathematical
Optimization for Clinical Decision Support and Training" there are
four open positions, starting on July 1, 2015. The research focuses on
innovative approaches to support clinical decisions, e.g., for the
diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia and for the understanding of pneumonia
dynamics in acute myeloid leukemia, and on the use of the mathematical
models for training aspects.

The research is based on algorithmic research in the field
mixed-integer optimal control.

Further information on the project, application procedure, and on the
hosting work group of Sebastian Sager at the Otto-von-Guericke-
University Magdeburg, Germany can be found on

Deadline for applications is May 29, 2015.


From: Josef Weinbub [log in to unmask]
Date: April 22, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Science, TU Wien, Austria

A PhD position (3 years, 40 hours/week) at the Institute for
Microelectronics, TU Wien is available. The area of research is high
performance numerical methods and software approaches for accelerating
state-of-the-art three-dimensional plasma etching and Silicon
oxidation simulations.

Candidates should have a strong background in developing parallel C++
code (e.g. OpenMP); previous exposure to plasma etching and Silicon
oxidation is not required.

Starting Date: Approximately July 2015

More information and application details:


From: Allan Peter Engsig-Karup apek@dtudk
Date: April 16, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, DTU Compute, Technical Univ of Denmark

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD scholarship in the topic
"Stochastic Simulations for Uncertainty Quantification of Wave loads"
at The Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (DTU
Compute) at Technical University of Denmark.

The PhD scholarship is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and is a part
of a larger research project entitled 'DeRisk - De-risking of ULS wave
loads'. The DeRisk project defines collaboration between eight
academic and industrial partners and focuses on the development of an
improved load assessment procedure for extreme wave loads on offshore
wind turbine sub-structures. The aim of the present PhD project is to
deliver new advanced technologies for stochastic simulations in order
to reduce the design risks.

The research conducted will be a joint collaboration between
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (DTU Compute)
and the DTU Wind Energy. The successful candidate will work under the
supervision of Assoc. Prof. Allan P. Engsig-Karup (DTU Compute) @ the
Scientific Computing Section and Assoc. Prof. Henrik Bredmose (DTU
Wind Energy), with a research focus on novel uncertainty
quantification techniques and their application in areas of wave
modelling and wave- structure interactions. Duties will include design
and analysis of uncertainty quantification techniques via stochastic
computations; their implementation in a high-performance computing
environment; their connection to established methods in
reliability-based design and validation against data.

Learn more or apply by following this link:
cf91f844bfe4 .

Note that the deadline for applications is already May 1st, 2015.


From: Josef Weinbub [log in to unmask]
Date: April 22, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Silicon Carbide Modelling, TU Wien, Austria

A PhD position (3 years, 40 hours/week) at the Institute for
Microelectronics, TU Wien is available. The area of research is
mathematical modelling of Silicon Carbide oxidation processes.

Candidates should be knowledgeable in solid-state physics and in
mathematical modelling relevant to micro- and nanoelectronic
simulations, such as Silicon oxidation.

Starting Date: Approximately July 2015

More information and application details:


From: Tim Davis [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2015
Subject: PhD/MS Positions, Direct Sparse Solvers, Texas A&M 

I'm looking for students to work on direct sparse solvers,
particularly for GPU-accelerated algorithms. (I have funding).  I have
a preference for PhD students but funding for MS is also possible.
Code quality is essential; if you contact me about the position,
please send samples of software (preferably in C/C++).


From: Pedro Valero-Lara [log in to unmask]
Date: April 16, 2015
Subject: Special Issue, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience

High Performance Computing Solutions for Complex Problems

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts which present original
and unpublished research in all areas related with complex problems
solving via parallel and distributed processing, i.e., works
focused on emerging solutions to face with big computing challenges
on HPC systems are specially welcome. Relevant topics include, but
are not limited to:

Benchmarking, performance and scalability of algorithms, data
structures, tools, etc; Code adapting to take advantages of latest
computational features; New strategies to improve performance;
Adaptive self-tuning computing systems; New transparent, portable, and
hardware diagnostic programming paradigms; Advances in current or
upcoming HPC tools; Communication, synchronization, load balancing.

Submission: September 19, 2015
Author notification: January 31, 2016
Revised papers: February 15, 2016
Author notification: March 1, 2016
Camera Ready papers due: March 15, 2016
Publication: March 31, 2016

Submission guidelines:


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 63 (2)

Journal of Scientific Computing

Volume 63, Number 2, May 2015

Data-Driven Multi-scale Non-local Wavelet Frame Construction and Image
Recovery, Yuhui Quan, Hui Ji and Zuowei Shen, pp.307-329.

A Sharp Computational Method for the Simulation of the Solidification
of Binary Alloys, Maxime Theillard, Frederic Gibou and Tresa Pollock,

Semi-analytical Time Differencing Methods for Stiff Problems,
Chang-Yeol Jung and Thien Binh Nguyen, pp.355-373.

Efficient Solution Techniques for a Finite Element Thin Plate Spline
Formulation, Linda Stals, pp.374-409.

The Enriched Crouzeix–Raviart Elements are Equivalent to the
Raviart–Thomas Elements, Jun Hu and Rui Ma, pp.410-425.

Two-Level Newton Iterative Method for the 2D/3D	Stationary
Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics, Xiaojing Dong and Yinnian He,

Local Analysis of Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the
Time-Dependent Singularly Perturbed Problem, Yao Cheng, Feng Zhang and
Qiang Zhang, pp.452-477.

Finite Element Methods for the Temperature in Composite Media with
Contact Resistance, Faker Ben Belgacem, Christine Bernardi, Faten
Jelassi and Maimouna Mint Brahim, pp.478-501.

An ALE Formulation for Explicit Runge–Kutta Residual Distribution,
L. Arpaia, M. Ricchiuto and R. Abgrall, pp.502-547.

Finite Difference Hermite WENO Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation
Laws, Hongxia Liu and Jianxian Qiu, pp.548-572.

A Splitting Method for Diffeomorphism Optimization Problem Using
Beltrami Coefficients, Lok Ming Lui and Tsz Ching Ng, pp.573-611.

Entropy Consistent Methods for the Navier–Stokes Equations, Akmal
Nizam Mohammed and Farzad Ismail, pp.612-631.

End of Digest

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