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NADIGEST  April 2015, Week 1

NADIGEST April 2015, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 15, # 14


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 7 Apr 2015 14:07:14 -0400





text/plain (415 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 14

NA Digest  Tuesday, April 07, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 14

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	F. L. Bauer
	New release of SUNDIALS v2.6.0
	New Book, Mathematics of Planet Earth
	Call for Chapters, Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering, Volume 2
	Model Reduction for Transport-dominated Phenomena, Germany, May 2015
	Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology, Ireland, Jun 2015
	Domain Decomposition Short Course, Canada, Aug 2015
	New Directions in Numerical Computation, Oxford, Aug 2015
	Auto-Tuning for Multicore and GPU (ATMG), Italy, Sep 2015
	Postdoc Position, Dengue Simulation Modeling, Univ of Notre Dame
	Postdoc Position, Optimal Control of PDEs, INRIA
	PhD Position, TU Eindhoven and Mentor Graphics

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From: Walter Gander [log in to unmask]
Date: April 03, 2015
Subject: F. L. Bauer

Prof. F. L.  Bauer, the German computer pioneer, passed away March
26, he was 91 years old. He is survived by his wife Hildegard and 5
Children. F.L. Bauer was the last one still alive on the famous
Gatlinburgh 1964 picture, which is available in Matlab with the
commands: load gatlin; image(X); colormap(map)


From: Carol Woodward [log in to unmask]
Date: April 03, 2015
Subject: New release of SUNDIALS v2.6.0

The SUNDIALS Team announces a new release, version 2.6.0, of the
SUNDIALS suite of ODE, DAE and nonlinear solver software with
sensitivity analysis.

To access the code and further information, please go to:

Summary of major changes in SUNDIALS v.2.6.0:
- Addition of ARKode package of explicit, implicit, and additive
  Runge-Kutta methods for ODES. This package API is close to CVODE so
  switching between the two should be straightforward. Thanks go to
  Daniel Reynolds for the addition of this package.
- Addition of support for two sparse direct solver packages when using
  the serial vector structure, KLU and SuperLU_MT. KLU exploits highly
  sparse systems. SuperLU_MT supports multithreading in the
- Addition of openMP and PThreads vector kernels.
- Addition of fixed point and Picard iterative solvers within KINSOL.
  These are both optionally accelerated with Anderson acceleration.
- Addition of FGMRES support for KINSOL.
- Removal of autotools configuration support. We now exclusively use

More details of changes for each package can be found at:


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: April 02, 2015
Subject: New Book, Mathematics of Planet Earth

Mathematics of Planet Earth: Mathematicians Reflect on How to
Discover, Organize, and Protect Our Planet, by Hans Kaper and
Christiane Rousseau

xii + 202 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-70-9 / List Price
$39.00 / SIAM Member Price $27.30 / Order Code OT140

Our planet faces many challenges. In 2013, an international
partnership of more than 140 scientific societies, research
institutes, and organizations focused its attention on these
challenges. This project was called Mathematics of Planet Earth and
featured English- and French- language blogs, accessible to
nonmathematicians, as part of its outreach activities. This book is
based on more than 100 of the 270 English- language blog posts and
focuses on four major themes: A Planet to Discover; A Planet
Supporting Life; A Planet Organized by Humans; and A Planet at Risk.

Readers will learn about the challenges that confront the Earth today,
and how mathematics and mathematicians contribute to a better
understanding of some of these challenges.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit .


From: Janos D. Pinter [log in to unmask]
Date: March 30, 2015
Subject: Call for Chapters, Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering, Volume 2

We solicit book chapters contributed to the forthcoming volume titled
Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering, Volume 2, to be
published by Springer Science + Business Media, New York. Topical
theoretical developments, computational approaches, applications and
case studies are welcome.

Please send us a note if you wish to contribute. We assume that the
book project will be accepted within a month by Springer [we already
corresponded with our editorial contact]. We will keep all potential
contributors informed.

We suggest September 30, 2015 as the deadline for manuscript
submission, followed by a brief review period [~ 1 month], and we
expect to receive all finalized chapters by November 30. This will
enable us to send the entire volume for publication to Springer in
December 2015.

MS Word files or Latex source files accompanied by corresponding pdf
files will be accepted: we will circulate the appropriate template

Giorgio Fasano and Janos Pinter, Editors
[log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]


From: Christopher Beattie [log in to unmask]
Date: April 03, 2015
Subject: Model Reduction for Transport-dominated Phenomena, Germany, May 2015

Compact computational representations (a.k.a. “Reduced Models”) of
phenomena that involve significant transport, convection, or
propagation delays can create vexing tradeoffs for modelers that often
defy an acceptable balance between fidelity and complexity.
Nonlinearity is often present as a significantly complicating feature
in such models, but even for simple cases, linear convective effects
can make it difficult to arrive at efficient models having adequate

Approaching these issues and as part of a new project sponsored by the
Einstein Foundation and TU-Berlin, an opening workshop entitled “Model
Reduction of Transport-dominated Phenomena” will be held May 19-20,
2015 at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in

Perspectives offered by an international group of experts from a range
of disciplines that include systems modeling, hydrodynamics,
computational control, and model reduction, will offer the opportunity
for an exchange of information, accumulated intuition, and experience
in the development of effective, compact models for
transport/convection/delay-dominated phenomena.

There is no registration fee required for participation, however space
is limited and advance registration will be necessary in order to

Please refer to the workshop website:
for details on speakers, schedule, lodging, and advance registration.


From: Eugene Kashdan [log in to unmask]
Date: March 31, 2015
Subject: Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology, Ireland, Jun 2015

Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology
(June 15 - 18, 2015)
Dublin, Ireland

The registration and the abstract submission has been opened for the
3rd international workshop "Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology".

The goal of the workshop is to bring together applied mathematicians,
statisticians and researchers working in various fields of systems
biology in order to exchange ideas and initiate collaborations
motivated by problems arising in fields such as: cancer modelling,
detection and treatment, epidemiology and infectious diseases,
computer-assisted diagnosis, medical imaging and others.

The workshop is a follow-up to two successful MMSB meetings (Tel Aviv,
2010) and Cape Town (2012). It will include plenary talks, a small
number of parallel sessions, a poster session and open discussions
aimed at connecting clinicians and system biologists in order to
initiate long-term collaborative projects.  The workshop website is The email for enquiries is
[log in to unmask]


From: Ronald Haynes [log in to unmask]
Date: April 06, 2015
Subject: Domain Decomposition Short Course, Canada, Aug 2015

“Domain Decomposition Methods for PDEs" Short Course + Collaborative
Workshop, organized by the AARMS Collaborative Research Group in
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Aug. 3 (evening)- Aug. 8, 2015 - Halifax, NS, Canada

The use of computational methods to treat mathematical models in
science and engineering is widespread. Such models often involve PDEs,
and the efficiency of these algorithms on modern high performance
computing systems relies on the ability to parallelize the
computations. The aim of this workshop is to provide an introduction
to the state of the art in theory and practical applications of domain
decomposition (DD) methods for PDEs.

The program will begin with a two-day short course given by
Prof. Martin Gander (Geneva). Prof. Gander is an internationally
recognized leading expert in Schwarz methods - a class of DD methods
for steady state and time dependent PDEs. The middle component of the
program will focus on presentations by researchers whose work may
benefit from the use of DD methods for PDEs arising as mathematical
models in practical applications. The final segment of the program
will feature a workshop format in which breakout teams will
investigate the process of introducing DD techniques into the
numerical simulations that arise in the applications identified

Confirmed DD experts include David Keyes (Kaust), Victorita Dolean
(Nice) and Felix Kwok (Hong Kong Baptist).

Some funding for students will be available. More information,
registration and accommodation links may be found at


From: Toby Driscoll [log in to unmask]
Date: April 02, 2015
Subject: New Directions in Numerical Computation, Oxford, Aug 2015

New Directions in Numerical Computation,
University of Oxford, 24-28 August 2015:
In celebration of Nick Trefethen's 60th birthday

Nick Trefethen is well-known for his work in approximation theory,
pseudospectra, numerical linear algebra, and numerical complex
analysis. The meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate his
significant research contributions on his 60th birthday. The
conference has a broad theme of new developments in all areas of
numerical computation, with a special theme of algorithms for
numerical computation with functions.

Plenary speakers: Penny Anderson (Mathworks); Marsha Berger (New York
Univ); Jean-Paul Berrut (Fribourg Univ); Folkmar Bornemann (TU
Munich); Jon Chapman (Univ. of Oxford); Brian Davies (King's College
London); Alan Edelman (MIT); Mark Embree (Virginia Tech); Bengt
Fornberg (Univ of Colorado-Boulder); Anne Greenbaum (Univ of
Washington); Leslie Greengard (New York Univ); Des Higham (Univ of
Strathclyde); Nick Higham (Univ of Manchester); Randy LeVeque (Univ of
Washington); Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin); Michael Overton (New York
Univ); Ian Sloan (The Univ of New South Wales); Gil Strang (MIT); Andy
Wathen (Univ of Oxford); Andre Weideman (Stellenbosch Univ)

REGISTRATION for the conference is now open, from the webpage:

30th April: Registration deadline for contributed talks
24th August: Welcoming Reception, 5 PM
27th August: Banquet in Balliol College
28th August: Program ends at 1 PM


From: Tony Drummond [log in to unmask]
Date: April 03, 2015
Subject: Auto-Tuning for Multicore and GPU (ATMG), Italy, Sep 2015

Auto-Tuning for Multicore and GPU (ATMG)
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
September 23-25, 2015

Computer architectures and computer systems have become increasingly
complex. Multicore processors and heterogeneous computing systems
equipped with accelerators pose demanding challenges to programmers
when optimizing the performance of their codes. Auto-tuning
technologies are promising for tackling these challenges. Several
methodologies and auto-tuning approaches have been proposed,
especially for numerical computations. More recently, the
applicability of auto-tuning has been extended to other areas of
computer science and engineering, from embedded systems to extreme
scale computing systems.

Papers are solicited in following areas: Optimized Algorithms for
Numerical Libraries; Automatic Code Generation and Empirical
Compilation; Hybrid Programming for Threads and Processes;
Communication Optimization; Mixed Precision and Accuracy Assurance for
Numerical Computing; Power Consumption Optimization; Fault Tolerance

Paper submission due: April 30, 2015
Author notification: May 31, 2015
Camera ready manuscript: June 30, 2015

- The papers should be prepared according to the IEEE CS format, and
  no longer than 8 pages.
- Submission of a paper implies that at least one of the authors will
  register for the symposium at the full rate and an author will
  present the paper.
- Online submission site:


From: Alex Perkins [log in to unmask]
Date: April 02, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dengue Simulation Modeling, Univ of Notre Dame

A candidate for a postdoctoral research position is sought for the
Perkins Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University
of Notre Dame. Research will focus on the development, validation, and
application of individual-based models of dengue transmission with a
high degree of detail and realism at the relatively fine spatial
scales that characterize dengue transmission. This modeling work will
be performed in conjunction with data sets and field studies from
dengue-endemic areas and will focus on questions of highly applied
significance related to the evaluation and deployment of novel

Desirable qualities of candidates include (1) a Ph.D. in Mathematics
or Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Epidemiology, Biostatistics,
Computer Science, or another relevant field; (2) strong programming
and software development skills, preferably in C++ and R; (3)
experience conducting applied research based on mathematical models
and simulations; (4) and background and/or interest in epidemiology
and infectious disease dynamics.

Salary will be competitive and commensurate with skills and
experience, benefits will be provided, and support is available for
travel to conferences and to visit field sites as appropriate. Funding
is also available to provide computer programming support through
Notre Dame's Center for Research Computing, which has a strong track
record in individual-based modeling of vector-borne disease

For further information, please email Alex Perkins ([log in to unmask])
with a statement of interest, a CV, and the names of and contact
information for three references. Applications will be considered
until the position is filled, but for priority consideration an
initial expression of interest is encouraged by no later than Friday,
April 17.


From: Axel Kroener [log in to unmask]
Date: April 04, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimal Control of PDEs, INRIA

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research fellowship within
the INRIA Campaign 2015 to work on optimal control of partial
differential equations in the COMMANDS team at the INRIA centre Saclay
- Ile-de-France in Palaiseau, France. The fellowship will have a 16
months duration and starts on November, 1st.  Candidates should have a
strong background in partial differential equations, optimal control,
and numerical methods.

Additional information and application details can be found on


From: Wil Schilders [log in to unmask]
Date: April 01, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, TU Eindhoven and Mentor Graphics

Highly educated European scientists are needed in the field of
mathematics for the EDA industry and computational science, so as to
exchange and discuss current insights and ideas, and to lay groundwork
for future collaborations. The challenge lies in the necessity of
combining transferable techniques and skills such as mathematical
analysis, sophisticated numerical methods and stochastic simulation
methods with deep qualitative and quantitative understanding of
mathematical models arising from problems in the electronics and EDA

The main training objective of the Innovative Training Network (ITN)
ASIVA14, which stands for Analog SImulation and Variability Analysis
for 14nm designs, is to prepare, at the highest possible level, young
researchers with a broad scope of scientific knowledge and to teach
transferable skills. The two partners in the project combine decades
of knowledge on EDA problems, and as such are an ideal basis for the
hosting of the young ESRs to be trained.

Candidates have an MSc in Applied Mathematics and Computer
Science. He/she has an interest in analog design & verification. The
candidate is highly motivated, and is rigorous and disciplined when
developing algorithms and software according to high quality

Please see:

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