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NADIGEST  March 2015, Week 1

NADIGEST March 2015, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 15, # 09


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 2 Mar 2015 18:26:51 -0500





text/plain (584 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 09

NA Digest  Monday, March 02, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 09

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	PARALUTION, New Release 1.0
	SIMO Math (iPad app for computation) updated
	Mid-Atlantic Regional Mathematics Conference, USA, Mar 2015
	Midwest Mathematics and Climate Conference, USA, Apr 2015
	Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Croatia, Jun 2015
	Uncertainty Quantification, USA, Jun 2015
	28th Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Germany, Sep 2015
	Computational Finance, UK, Dec 2015
	Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
	Postdoc Position, MRI Data Analysis, WTCN, UCL, London, UK
	Postdoc Positions, Scientific Computing, Fields Institute
	PhD Fellowship Position, Valencia (Spain)
	PhD Position, Model and Simulation based Research
	Call for Chapter, Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications
	Special Issue, Intl J Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation
	Contents, BIT 55 (1)

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From: Dimitar Lukarski [log in to unmask]
Date: February 27, 2015
Subject: PARALUTION, New Release 1.0

PARALUTION is a library for sparse iterative methods which can be
performed on various parallel devices, including multi-core CPU, GPU
(CUDA and OpenCL) and Intel Xeon Phi.

The 1.0 version of the PARALUTION Library supports multi-node and
multi-GPU configuration via MPI. All iterative solvers support global
operations (i.e. distributed matrices and vectors) and all
preconditioners can be used in a block-Jacobi fashion locally on each
node/GPU. In addition, the software provides a global (fully
distributed) Pair-Wise AMG solver.

The global AMG solver builds all the levels (and the corresponding
operators) in parallel (i.e. by utilizing all MPI ranks). All AMG
solvers have optimized support for non-linear/time stepping schemes.
Typically, in such configuration the matrix values are changed while
the sparsity pattern of the matrix remains the same. In this case,
after the first call, the our AMG solvers need significantly less time
to re-build. Also, in the new version all multi-grid solvers support
V, W and K-cycles.

With the new release, we also provide multi-node benchmarks available

The library comes with a dual license model, where the user can choose
between three versions.

For details, visit


From: Mark Lau [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2015
Subject: SIMO Math (iPad app for computation) updated

A new version of SIMO (v1.1.1) is now available on the app store:

What's new:

- You can now do Monte Carol simulation on iPad.
- 20 new random number generating and probability related functions,
  which include rand, randn, normpdf, exppdf, possipdf, etc.
- New user forum. Tell us what you think about the app.
- Completely revamped and much improved documentation.
- Improvements and bug fixes.

SIMO is a FREE app for numerical computation. It adopts the same
syntax as Matlab. With SIMO you can:

- perform vector and matrix computation;
- generate 2D and 3D plots;
- zoom, pan, and rotate plots with multi-touch gestures;
- define variables;
- access over 120 built-in functions;
- execute loops (for-loop, while-loop);
- use if-else, and switch statements;
- create scripts and user-defined functions.

Know more about SIMO from:


From: Padmanabhan Seshaiyer [log in to unmask]
Date: March 01, 2015
Subject: Mid-Atlantic Regional Mathematics Conference, USA, Mar 2015

The 2015 Fifth Annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Joint Mathematics
Conference will be held at George Mason University in Fairfax,
Virginia on March 20th and 21st, 2015. The goals of the conference are
to (a) bring together students and experts in industry and academia;
(b) provide undergraduate and graduate students as well as
post-doctoral and new doctoral degree holders an opportunity to
present their research in a similar setting to professional
conferences such as SIAM, MAA and AMS meetings; (c) foster
interdisciplinary collaboration with research groups from both
academia and industry; (d) encourage networking between students and
industry professionals and; (e) increase student awareness of, and
interest in, U.S. Government and private industry careers.

Undergraduates, Graduate Students and Junior scientists including
post-docs who are interested in presenting on recent advances in areas
of mathematics with emphasis on computational aspects of problem
solving are invited to participate. Funding for travel, accommodation
and food is available through a grant recommended by the National
Science Foundation.

To learn more, register and to apply for financial support, go to:


From: Erik Van Vleck [log in to unmask]
Date: February 27, 2015
Subject: Midwest Mathematics and Climate Conference, USA, Apr 2015

The Midwest Mathematics and Climate Conference
at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS.

30 Apr 2015 (all day) to 2 May 2015 (all day)
Web Page:

The conference will bring together a diverse group of atmospheric
scientists and mathematicians. Conference topics of emphasis will
include dynamics, high performance computing, numerical analysis,
cloud systems behavior, data assimilation, dimension reduction,
uncertainty quantification, model hierarchy, and statistical
approaches. The conference will be run in a single session format (no
parallel sessions).

Additional participants are encouraged to register (before April 3,
2015) at

Some funds are available (with priority to young researchers) for
partial travel support.


From: Miljenko Marusic [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2015
Subject: Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Croatia, Jun 2015

Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty for Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia, is organizing 9th Conference on Applied
Mathematics and Scientific Computing, to be held in Šibenik, Croatia,
June 15-19, 2015.  All relevant information, including registration
forms, hotel accommodation, styles etc. can be found on

The aim of the Conference is the exchange of ideas, methods and
problems between various disciplines of applied mathematics.  Non
mathematicians using mathematics as a tool are also encouraged to take
part in the Conference. The first eight conferences had a strong
international flavor. Each one had a special topic, see the related
web sites.

Topics of the Conference: Ordinary and partial differential equations,
integral equations, singular perturbation and multiscale problems
(main topic); Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics; Splines and
wavelets with applications, CAGD, computer graphics, approximation
theory; Numerical Mathematics in general; Optimization; Scientific
Computing; Engineering

Important deadlines:
Accommodation: April 9, 2015
Registration: April 9, 2015
Abstract submission:  May 15, 2015


From: Rebecca Malkovich [log in to unmask]
Date: March 02, 2015
Subject: Uncertainty Quantification, USA, Jun 2015

The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications is hosting the New
Directions Short Course: Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification
from June 15-26, 2015.

Uncertainty quantification (UQ) lies at the confluence of many fields,
including probability, statistics, data analysis, computational
mathematics, and mathematical modeling. It touches upon almost any
field that involves models, whether of natural or engineered systems,
and data.

Organized by Luis Tenorio (Colorado School of Mines) and Youssef
Marzouk (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), the objective of the
course is to help participants from different backgrounds obtain the
basic understanding and tools needed to use UQ in their fields of
interest. In addition, the course will present snapshots of current
research and examples of UQ in different application areas, so that
the participants are aware of the types of methods that are in current

This course will be of interest to people involved in science and
engineering applications and information-based decision making, and it
will also be of interest to people who want to understand the
fundamental mathematical ideas and tools underlying this endeavor.

More information and online application is available at


From: Rolf Springer [log in to unmask]
Date: February 27, 2015
Subject: 28th Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Germany, Sep 2015

28th Chemnitz FEM Symposium
September 28 - 30, 2015

Scientific Topics: Finite Elements, including (but not limited to)
adaptive methods, parallel implementations, high order methods.

This year special emphasis is on:
- Adaptivity and Error Estimation
- Mixed and Least squares FE
- Multiscale Methods

Invited Speakers:
- Martin Vohralik (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt)
- Gerhard Starke (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Daniel Peterseim (Universität Bonn)
- Assyr Abdulle (EPFL Lausanne)

Deadlines, Registration and further Information:

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Choi-Hong Lai [log in to unmask]
Date: March 02, 2015
Subject: Computational Finance, UK, Dec 2015

International Conference on Computational Finance 2015 (ICCF2015),
14th-18th December 2015, University of Greenwich


Abstracts in the form of a single pdf document are invited for 'oral
presentation' and 'graduate paper competition' at the conference.
Please visit the link 'How to contribute' from the above website.

Abstract deadline: 31/07/2015.
Acceptance for presentation: 15/09/2015.
(Registration and abstract submission portal will be opened very soon.)

Industrial sessions and minisymposia: Practitioners from finance
industry and insurance sectors are welcome to organise minisymposia
related to qualitative and quantitative aspects of financial modelling
and problems in their trading work and environment.  Please email
[log in to unmask] and discuss.

The themes of the conference include: Linear and nonlinear models for
various financial products; Analysis of market models; Modelling
future and commodity tradings; Modelling the energy market; Numerical
methods for computational finance - SDEs and PDEs; Optimal control in
finance and financial products; Model reduction and Lie group methods;
Monte-Carlo simulations; Parallel algorithms, high performance
computing and GPU; Comuptational tools and software development for
computational finance; Qualitative analysis of trading models.


From: Josef Dick [log in to unmask]
Date: February 26, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, UNSW Sydney

Applications are sought for a Postdoctoral Fellow position to work on
an ARC Discovery Project of Chief Investigators A. Prof. J.  Dick,
A. Prof. F. Y. Kuo and Prof. I. H. Sloan at the University of New
South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, and Partner Investigators
Prof. M. Giles (Oxford) and Prof. M. Griebel (Bonn).  Although
experience in one of the areas of quasi-Monte Carlo, numerical PDEs,
computational finance, constructive approximation is preferred, all
candidates with strong qualifications in a relevant field of numerical
analysis and related fields of research are encouraged to apply and
will be carefully considered.

The successful applicant will play a leading role within a
collaborative research team.

Travel support is available for the position and no teaching duty is
required.  Applicants should have a PhD degree or be close to
completing one. The position will be at UNSW, initially for a
fixed-term of 2 years, but will likely be extended for a further
period subject to availability of funding.  The position is available
for an immediate start.

In collaboration with the research team members, it is expected that
the Postdoctoral Fellow will publish in leading international

Additional information and application details can be found at


From: Nikolaus Weiskopf [log in to unmask]
Date: March 01, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, MRI Data Analysis, WTCN, UCL, London, UK

Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (WTCN) at UCL, London, UK
Research Associate in Data Analysis and Image Processing

Applications are invited for a Research Associate post in the group
of Prof. Nikolaus Weiskopf at the WTCN at UCL. The appointee will
be part of a team developing and applying methods for in-vivo
histology of human brain microstructure using MRI, which is crucial
for understanding the human brain in both health and disease (ERC
project “Non-Invasive In-Vivo Histology in Health and Disease Using
Magnetic Resonance Imaging“). The appointee will be embedded in a
unique world-leading research environment and have access to the
latest cutting-edge MRI hardware inc.: 3T, 7T and 9.4T for human
MRI; small bore 9.4T for ex-vivo scanning; etc.

Applicants must have, or be close to obtaining, a PhD in physics,
computer science, biomedical engineering, mathematics, or a comparable

Post available from March 2015, funded by the European Research
Council (ERC) until March 2016 in the first instance. Starting salary
ranges from £33,353 - £40,313 pa on UCL Grade 7 inc. London Allowance,

Apply through using reference no 1454184. For
queries regarding the application process, contact Miss E Bertram
([log in to unmask]). Informal enquiries to Dr. Weiskopf
([log in to unmask];

Closing date: 26 March 2015


From: Bartosz Protas [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Scientific Computing, Fields Institute

Applications are invited for postdoctoral fellowship positions with
the Thematic Program "Multiscale Scientific Computing: from Quantum
Physics and Chemistry to Material Science and Fluid Mechanics" which
is being proposed for the Fields Institute during January-April 2016.

The fellowships provide for a period of engagement in research and
participation in the activities of the Institute. They may be offered
in conjunction with partner universities, through which a further
period of support may be possible. Applicants are requested to list on
the application cover sheet any faculty members at universities
affiliated with the Fields Institute, with whom they share research
interests. They are encouraged to apply directly to these other
institutions as well.

There may also be a number of two-year positions available through the
Fields-Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. These fellowships
involve one semester at Fields and three semesters at one of Fields'
Principal Sponsoring Universities (PSU). To apply for the two-year
fellowship, applicants should indicate their interest on the cover
sheet and include the names of faculty members at Fields Principal
Sponsoring Universities who may be appropriate as supervisors. The
Fields PSU's are: Carleton University, McMaster University, the
University of Ottawa, the University of Toronto, the University of
Waterloo, Western University, Queen's University and York University.

Eligibility: Qualified candidates who will have a recent PhD in the
area of the Program or a related area of the mathematical sciences are
encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply is April 1,
2015. Applications will be accepted until all postdoctoral positions
are filled. Fellowship positions are conditional on funding for the

All applications must be submitted via (Fellowship
ID: FIELDS-SCIENTIFICCOMPUTING [#7067]). Interested candidates may
contact Dr. Bartosz Protas (bprotas[at] for further


From: Fernando Casas [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2015
Subject: PhD Fellowship Position, Valencia (Spain)

The "Geometric Integration Research Group" in Valencia/Castellon
(Spain) offers a 3 years Fellowship to work on the research project
“Splitting and composition methods in geometric numerical
integration. Theory and applications in Celestial Mechanics, Hybrid
Monte Carlo and Quantum Optimal Control" under the supervision of
Sergio Blanes and Fernando Casas, with the possibility of doing a PhD
on the subject.

The profiles and requirements for candidates are the following:
a) A degree from a non-Spanish university in Computer Science,
   Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Physics or similar with strong
   background in computational mathematics, computational physics or
   numerical analysis.
b) Having obtained a Degree (or Master) after 1 January 2012.
c) Fluent in English or Spanish; willingness to work on an
   interdisciplinary and exciting subject.
d) Not being in possession of a PhD degree.

The applications are due on March 11, 2015. The stipend is 1200 euros
per month plus medical insurance, and an additional amount of 1600
euros for traveling to Valencia. The selected candidate should start
working on the project by July 1, 2015.

For more information, please visit our website

and/or contact either Sergio Blanes ([log in to unmask])
or Fernando Casas([log in to unmask])


From: BIMoS [log in to unmask]
Date: March 02, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Model and Simulation based Research

Berlin International Graduate School in Model and Simulation based
Research (BIMoS) - Doctoral Program

As a technical university, the Technische Universitaet Berlin has a
particular focus on integrated mathematical modeling, simulation, and
optimization. To support this line of research, the BIMoS graduate
school will offer prospective PhD students an inter- nationally
recognized and vivid research environment in this area.

BIMoS offers PhD fellowships for outstanding students holding a
master’s degree. The research focus of BIMoS is on the development of
methodologies based on mathematical models to solve problems of
diverse application areas. A particular emphasis will be on the
following range of topics:
- (High-Dimensional) Data Analysis * Inverse Problems
- Model Design
- (Discrete) Optimization
- Reduced Modeling from large scale Numerical Simulation

Research will be carried out by ensuring an interdisciplinary
collaboration of experts in both theory and application. The PhD
program will include a mentoring program as well as lecture series,
summer schools, etc.

Application deadline: May 31st, 2015
Beginning of financial support: October 2015
Duration of support: 3 years
Please visit the BIMoS website for
application requirements and information on the program.


From: P. Vasant [log in to unmask]
Date: February 27, 2015
Subject: Call for Chapter, Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications

Submission Deadline: 10th March 2015
Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications in Engineering
and Economics

A book edited by
Pandian Vasant (Petronas University of Technology, Malaysia)
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle
East Technical University, Turkey)
Vo Ngoc Dieu (Department of Power Systems, HCMC University of
Technology, Vietnam)

The link for authors to upload their full chapters is here:

For release in the Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering
(ACIE)Book Series, ISSN: 2326-6139

Inquiries can be forwarded to
Pandian Vasant, E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber , Email: [log in to unmask]
Vo Ngoc Dieu , Email: [log in to unmask]


From: P. Vasant [log in to unmask]
Date: March 01, 2015
Subject: Special Issue, Intl J Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation

International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary

Special Issue on Artificial Intelligent Techniques in
Engineering and Applied Sciences

For further information please contact [log in to unmask]
and [log in to unmask]


From: Axel Ruhe [log in to unmask]
Date: March 02, 2015
Subject: Contents, BIT 55 (1)

Volume 55, Number 1, March 2015
Special Issue: Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics and Acoustics
Guest Editor: Ralf Hiptmair

Preface to BIT 55:1
R. Hiptmair 1

Time dependent electromagnetic scattering by a penetrable obstacle,
J.F.-C. Chan, P. Monk 5

A second-kind Galerkin boundary element method for scattering at
composite objects, X. Claeys, R. Hiptmair, E. Spindler 33

Regularity for Maxwell eigenproblems in photonic crystal fibre
modelling, M. Dauge, R.A. Norton, R. Scheichl 59

Robin-to-Robin transparent boundary conditions for the computation of
guided modes in photonic crystal wave-guides, S. Fliss, D. Klindworth,
K. Schmidt 81

An efficient O(N) algorithm for computing O(N2) acoustic wave
interactions in large N-obstacle three dimensional configurations,
M. Ganesh, S.C. Hawkins 117

A spectrally accurate direct solution technique for frequency-domain
scattering problems with variable media, A. Gillman, A.H. Barnett,
P.-G. Martinsson 141

When is the error in the h-BEM for solving the Helmholtz equation
bounded independently of k?  I.G. Graham, M. Löhndorf, J.M. Melenk,
E.A. Spence 171

Convergence of infinite element methods for scalar waveguide problems,
T. Hohage, L. Nannen 215

Adaptive edge element approximation of H(curl)-elliptic optimal
control problems with control constraints, R.H.W. Hoppe, I. Yousept

Bounding acoustic layer potentials via oscillatory integral
techniques, E.A. Spence 279

End of Digest

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