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NADIGEST  January 2015, Week 4

NADIGEST January 2015, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 15, # 04


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:23:27 -0500





text/plain (697 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 15, # 04

NA Digest  Tuesday, January 27, 2015  Volume 15 : Issue 04

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	SIAG LA Prize
	deal.II 8.2 released
	PhD course developed: Numerical Functional Analysis
	Adv Computing for Control & Perf Optim, Thailand, Mar 2015
	European Trilinos User Group, France, Mar 2015
	Midwest Numerical Analysis Day, USA, Apr 2015
	ACMES Conference, Canada, May 2015
	ECCOMAS Young Investigators, Germany, Jul 2015
	Effective HPC, Switzerland, Jul 2015
	Euro-Par 2015, Austria, Aug 2015
	Faculty Positions, Pure and Applied Math and Statistics, SUSTC
	Postdoc Position, Computational Scientist, RZG, Germany
	Postdoc Position, Uncertainty Quantification, CU Boulder
	Postdoc Positions, Circuit/FEM, Univ of Manchester
	PhD Position, Computational Mathematics, Belgium
	Contents, ETNA 41-42
	Contents, Int J Math Model Comput (IJM2C), 5 (1)
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 62 (2)

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From: Jim Nagy [log in to unmask]
Date: January 25, 2015
Subject: SIAG LA Prize

SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Prize
The SIAG/LA will present the SIAG/LA Outstanding Paper Prize at the
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA15), to be held October
26-30, 2015, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

The deadline for submission of nominations is February 15, 2015.
For eligibility information, and a description of the award, see:

The Selection Committee is:
  James Nagy (Chair), Emory University
  Mark Embree, Virginia Tech
  Misha Kilmer, Tufts University
  Daniel Kressner, EPFL, Switzerland
  Esmond G. Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Inquiries can be sent to:
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Telephone: +1-215-382-9800 ext. 303


From: Wolfgang Bangerth [log in to unmask]
Date: January 19, 2015
Subject: deal.II 8.2 released

Version 8.2 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library
awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been
released. It is available for free under an Open Source license
from the deal.II homepage at

This version has a significant number of noteworthy new features:
- Comprehensive support for geometries described by arbitrary
  manifolds and meshes that respect this description not only on
  the boundary but also internally
- Support for geometries imported from CAD using the OpenCASCADE
- Three new tutorial programs on complex geometries, CAD geometries,
  and time stepping methods
- Support for users wanting to use C++11 features
- Improvements to multithreading support
- Vectorization of many vector operations using OpenMP SIMD
- At least 140 features and bugfixes

For more information see
(release paper)

Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Guido Kanschat, Matthias Maier,
and many other contributors.


From: Stefan Engblom [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2015
Subject: PhD course developed: Numerical Functional Analysis

As it might interest the readers of NA-digest I decided to post a note
on a course just developed and given to 14 NA graduate students in
Sweden. The course is a first introduction to Functional Analysis with
a particular emphasis on constructs and results that connect in
various ways to Numerical Analysis. For more information, including a
lecture schedule, assignments, and various in-class exercises, refer
to the course web- page,

In particular, a 'Student's book' includes the final essays by the
students. The format of the course was well appreciated and could
hopefully be of inspirational value.


From: Dr. Anja Milde [log in to unmask]
Date: January 20, 2015
Subject: Adv Computing for Control & Perf Optim, Thailand, Mar 2015

EU-SEA Workshop Advanced Computing for Control and Performance
Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
March 9-10, 2015
North-Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand

Participants will obtain first-hand information about the latest
research in dynamic optimization and advanced control in Europe,
including industrial applications. The academic participants from
Europe and SEA will learn about current problems in industry in Europe
and SEA, and potential bottlenecks for the application of advanced
optimization-based methods.

Contribution to the reinforcement of EU-SEA ICT collaboration: The
workshop will create a basis for further collaborations in
cyber-physical systems, industrial automation and advanced computing
as participants from SEA countries and from Europe learn about the
current research and development work, get to know each other and
develop a joint understanding for the needs of industry, especially
under SEA's economical and structural conditions. It is expected to
stimulate research and development collaborations with industrial and
academic partners, including joint project proposals, and other follow
up activities.

To register please use the following link:


From: Michael Heroux [log in to unmask]
Date: January 22, 2015
Subject: European Trilinos User Group, France, Mar 2015

The 4th European Trilinos User Group meeting will be held at Maison de
la Simulation, CEA Saclay near Paris on March 2 – 3, 2015.

Details are available on the Trilinos website:

The program is still under construction. We have slots for user
presentations, so if you are interested in talking about your
Trilinos-related work, please let me know.


From: Weiqun Zhang [log in to unmask]
Date: January 20, 2015
Subject: Midwest Numerical Analysis Day, USA, Apr 2015

Midwest Numerical Analysis Day 2015

MWNADAY 2015 will be held on Apr 25, 2015 at Wright State
University in Dayton, Ohio.

We are accepting proposals for contributed talks. The Midwest
Numerical Analysis Day is a forum to exchange ideas in numerical
analysis, scientific computing and related areas. Participation of
graduate students and emerging researchers is strongly encouraged.

There is no registration fee for the conference. For more information
and registration, please visit:

or, contact the organizers
Dr. Weiqun Zhang, [log in to unmask] and
Dr. Mohamed Sulman, [log in to unmask]


From: Robert Moir [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2015
Subject: ACMES Conference, Canada, May 2015

Conference on Algorithms and Complexity in Mathematics, Epistemology
and Science (ACMES)
Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, May 6-8, 2015

ACMES is a multidisciplinary conference that focuses on a combination
of the science of reliability and uncertainty quantification with
conceptual and foundational issues concerning reliability, stability
and complexity in the application of scientific theories to real
phenomena. The conference integrates longer talks from six leading
computational scientists and philosophers of science with shorter
research contributions from others, including graduate students, in
computational science and epistemology of science.

ACMES will be held in conjunction with Southern Ontario Numerical
Analysis Day (SONAD). Graduate students are particularly encouraged to
contribute and attend.

Confirmed Invited Speakers are:
Computing Science
- Max Gunzburger (Florida State University, USA)
- Ursula Martin (Oxford University, UK)
- Jesús Sanz-Serna (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
Philosophy of Science:
- Anouk Barberousse (Université Lille 1, France)
- Robert Batterman (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Mark Wilson (University of Pittsburgh, USA)


From: Stefanie Elgeti [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2015
Subject: ECCOMAS Young Investigators, Germany, Jul 2015

Please find below a reminder of the approaching (extended) abstract
deadline for the 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference and the
6th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (YIC GACM 2015) at RWTH
Aachen University, Germany, from July 20-23, 2015.

The YIC GACM 2015 focuses on bringing together young researchers to
discuss, learn, collaborate and present their latest research
results. Contributions to any topic of scientific interest within
Computational Science and Engineering are welcome. The main areas are:
Computational Applied Mathematics, Computational Engineering Science,
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Materials Science,
Computational Solids and Structural Mechanics and Scientific

As a conference designed by young researchers for young researchers,
we will offer a variety of highlights such as a Science Slam, a
Journal Club, and numerous social events.  In addition, we will host
the ECCOMAS Ph.D. Olympiad of 2015. We are very happy to announce that
the event will be held in direct sequence with the AC.CES conference
organized by the graduate school AICES of RWTH Aachen University,
opening the opportunity to attend both events. AC.CES brings together
leading experts in theory, method development, and applications
related to problems in computational engineering with renowned
speakers such as Prof. Thomas Hughes or Prof. Bernardo Cockburn.

Important dates
(Extended) Abstract submission deadline: January 30, 2015
Paper submission deadline (optional): May 15, 2015

Additional information can be found under .


From: Olaf Schenk [log in to unmask]
Date: January 27, 2015
Subject: Effective HPC, Switzerland, Jul 2015

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre ( and the
Institute of Computational Science ( at Università
della Svizzera italiana are pleased to announce the opening of the
selection process for participation in the annual Summer School. The
Summer School will be held from July 20 through July 30, 2015, in
Hotel Serpiano (, located in the Italian area
of Switzerland.	

The Summer School will focus on the effective exploitation of High
Performance Computing (HPC) systems, more details on the agenda can be
found on our webpage:

During the two weeks of the school a number of such solutions will be
presented. The MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, OpenACC programming models will be
introduced, together with scientific libraries and efficient I/O and
data visualisation solutions and optimisation techniques. Their
effective combined usage, in order to achieve an ideal exploitation of
large hybrid architectures, will be discussed and experimented with
extensive practical and exercise lab sessions to help clarify and
consolidate the theoretical material presented.

The following topics will be covered: Message passing programming
model and the MPI standard; Shared memory systems and the OpenMP
programming model; Scientific libraries; MPI I/O and other solutions
for efficient data reading&writing; GPU programming with CUDA and
OpenACC; Code optimization; Scientific visualisation

The selection process is now open! Potential participants are advised
to apply by filling in the form ( available on the
webpage by Sunday April 12th, 2015.


From: Paolo Bientinesi [log in to unmask]
Date: January 19, 2015
Subject: Euro-Par 2015, Austria, Aug 2015

21th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Vienna, Austria, 24-28 August 2015

Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of
parallel and distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice,
from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and
infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to
full-fledged applications, from architecture, compiler, language and
interface design and implementation, to tools, support
infrastructures, and application performance aspects. Euro-Par’s
unique organization into topics provides an excellent forum for
focused technical discussion, as well as interaction with a large,
broad and diverse audience.

Important Dates
- Paper abstracts: 30 January 2015
- Full paper submission: 6 February 2015
- Author notification: 5 May 2015
- Camera ready full papers: 5 June 2015


From: Jingzhi Li [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Pure and Applied Math and Statistics, SUSTC

The South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC) 
invites applications and nominations for all ranks of positions in 
Mathematics, with an anticipated start date of August 2015. 

SUSTC, officially established in April 2012, is a public institution 
funded by the municipal of Shenzhen, a special economic zone city in 
southern China. Set on five hundred acres of wooded landscape in the 
picturesque Nanshan (South Mountain) area, the new campus offers an 
idyllic environment suitable for learning and scholarship. 

Candidates with research interests either in pure/applied mathematics 
or in statistics-related areas will be considered. Candidates should 
have demonstrated excellence in research and a strong commitment to 
teaching. A doctoral degree is required at the time of appointment. 
Candidates for senior positions must have an established record of 
research, and a track-record in securing external funding as PI. 

Salary is competitive and will be commensurate with experience and 

To apply, please send curriculum vitae, description of research 
interests and statement on teaching to [log in to unmask] 
Candidates should also arrange for at least three letters of 
recommendation sending directly to the above email account. Complete 
applications received before March 15, 2015 will receive full 


From: Tilman Dannert [log in to unmask]
Date: January 21, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Scientist, RZG, Germany

In the framework of the DFG-funded SPPEXA program, the Computing
Center (RZG) of the Max-Planck Society is looking for a

Computational Scientist or Physicist (PostDoc)

for working on the highly scalable MPI code GENE. The GENE code is one
of the worldwide leading codes for numerical ab-initio simulation of
gyrokinetic plasma turbulence in fusion devices.  Future exascale
supercomputer systems pose many challenges for parallel codes, among
them the effective usage of different parallelization levels
(vectorizing CPUs in many-core nodes in a multinode cluster) and the
problem of achieving resilience to hardware faults are considered most
important. The offered position will work on both problems by making
steps with GENE towards a MPI/OpenMP hybrid and fault-tolerant code.

The applicant should have a PhD in Physics, Mathematics, Computer
Science or a similar subject. A strong background in programming
(ideally with Fortran 90/2003), some experience with large code
projects (some 10000 lines of code) and high performance computing are
necessary. Knowledge of and experience with MPI and/or OpenMP are
highly appreciated.

The position will start as soon as possible and lasts until
31.12.2016. Given a positive evaluation of a successive funding
proposal an extension is possible.  For further questions please
contact Dr. Tilman Dannert. Your application with a letter of
motivation and a CV should also be sent in German or English as one
PDF file to this address. You will find further information about the
Computing Center of the Max-Planck Society at


From: Alireza Doostan [log in to unmask]
Date: January 22, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Uncertainty Quantification, CU Boulder

Applications are invited for an immediately available postdoctoral
position in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at the
University of Colorado, Boulder.

The appointee will conduct fundamental research in the area of
Uncertainty Quantification with a particular emphasis on multi-level,
multi-fidelity, or other model reduction techniques for the solution
of large-scale parametric/stochastic PDEs.  Applicants must have (i) a
Ph.D. in areas related to computational mathematics or engineering and
(ii) background in numerical solution of stochastic PDEs. Also prior
experience in computational fluid dynamics is highly preferred.

The position — funded by DOE and NSF — is for the duration of one year
with the possibility of extension to two years. The appointee will be
working directly with Prof.  Alireza Doostan and will participate in
research activities of the Uncertainty Quantification group at CU
Boulder (

The interested candidates should submit a CV and contact information
of two references to Prof. Doostan ([log in to unmask]).


From: Milan Mihajlovic [log in to unmask]
Date: January 26, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Circuit/FEM, Univ of Manchester


From: Wim Vanroose [log in to unmask]
Date: January 22, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Mathematics, Belgium

Vacancy in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Antwerpen, Belgium: PhD student in computational

The research group Applied Mathematics the department of Mathematics
and Computer Science is a leading group Applied Mathematics and
Numerical Analysis. It is developing novel algorithms for the
simulation and analysis of large scale scientific and industrial
complex systems.

You invent, develop and implement novel numerical algorithms to
solve large scale problems in material sciences. You solve, in
collaboration with domain scientists from the physics department,
challenging problem at the frontier of science using state-of-the-
art HPC infrastructure.

Profile and requirements:
- Master in Mathematics, Physics or Computer Science other (exact)
  sciences, with outstanding study results.
- You have a strong background in computational mathematics or
  computational physics and some proven track record in implementing
  numerical algorithms on HPC hardware.
- You are fluent in interdisciplinary English communication,
  quality-oriented and creative, and eager to emerge in new scientific

A doctoral student research position for one year, with further
extension (up to four years) in case of positive evaluation. The start
date is open for negotiation.  An exciting research opportunity to
complete a PhD in a dynamic, stimulating, multidisciplinary and
multinational work environment.  Interested?

Applicants are invited to send a motivation letter, detailed CV
(incl. courses, grades, previous work, publications) and contact info
of at least two references (including email addresses and phone
numbers) to prof. dr. Wim Vanroose ([log in to unmask]).


From: Daniel B Szyld [log in to unmask]
Date: January 23, 2015
Subject: Contents, ETNA 41-42

ETNA, The Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
( has closed Volumes 41 and 42 (2014). The
latter is a special volume dedicated to Lothar Reichel on the occasion
of his sixtieth birthday.

Volume 41 (2014).

- Estimating the error of Gauss-Turán quadrature formulas using their
extensions.  Aleksandar S. Cvetković and Miodrag M. Spalević, 1-12
- A spatially adaptive iterative method for a class of nonlinear
operator eigenproblems.  Elias Jarlebring and Stefan Güttel, 21-41
- Multigrid preconditioning of the non-regularized augmented Bingham
fluid problem.  Alexis Aposporidis, Panayot S. Vassilevski, and
Alessandro Veneziani, 42-61
-Conditional space-time stability of collocation Runge-Kutta for
parabolic evolution equations.  Roman Andreev and Julia Schweitzer,
- On convergence rates for quasi-solutions of ill-posed problems.
Andreas Neubauer and Ronny Ramlau, 81-92
- The block preconditioned steepest descent iteration for elliptic
operator eigenvalue problems.  Klaus Neymeyr and Ming Zhou, 93-108
- Error estimates for a two-dimensional special finite element method
based on component mode synthesis.  Ulrich Hetmaniuk and Axel Klawonn,
- Zeros and singular points for one-sided coquaternionic polynomials
with an extension to other R4 algebras.  Drahoslava Janovská and
Gerhard Opfer, 133-158
- Max-min and min-max approximation problems for normal matrices
revisited.  Jörg Liesen and Petr Tichý, 159-166
- Nonuniform Sparse Recovery with Subgaussian Matrices.  Ulaç Ayaz and
Holger Rauhut, 167-178
- Polynomial Preconditioning for the GeneRank Problem.  Davod
Khojasteh Salkuyeh, Vahid Edalatpour, and Davod Hezari, 179-189
- Collocation for singular integral equations with fixed singularities
of particular Mellin type.  Peter Junghanns, Robert Kaiser, and
Giuseppe Mastroianni, 190-248
- Parameter estimation of monomial-exponential sums.  Luisa Fermo,
Cornelis van der Mee, and Sebastiano Seatzu, 249-261
- A unified analysis of three finite element methods for the
Monge-Ampère equation.  Michael Neilan, 262-288
- Convergence analysis of the operational Tau method for Abel-type
Volterra integral equations.  P. Mokhtary and F. Ghoreishi, 289-305
- Finite element approximation of viscoelastic flow in a moving
domain.  Jason Howell, Hyesuk Lee, and Shuhan Xu, 306-327
- Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the p-biharmonic equation from a
discrete variational perspective.  Tristan Pryer, 328-349
- Convergence analysis of the FEM coupled with Fourier-mode expansion
for the electromagnetic scattering by biperiodic structures.  Guanghui
Hu and Andreas Rathsfeld, 350-375
- A robust numerical scheme for singularly perturbed delay parabolic
initial-boundary-value problems on equidistributed grids.
S. Gowrisankar and Srinivasan Natesan, 376-395
- A structure-preserving algorithm for semi-stabilizing solutions of
generalized algebraic Riccati equations.  Tiexiang Li and Delin Chu,
- α-fractal rational splines for constrained interpolation.  Puthan
Veedu Viswanathan and Arya Kumar Bedabrata Chand, 420-442
- Efficient high-order rational integration and deferred correction
with equispaced data.  Stefan Güttel and Georges Klein, 443-464
- “Plug-and-Play” Edge-Preserving Regularization.  Donghui Chen, Misha
E. Kilmer, and Per Christian Hansen, 465-477
- A deflated block flexible GMRES-DR method for linear systems with
multiple right-hand sides.  Jing Meng, Pei-Yong Zhu, Hou-Biao Li, and
Xian-Ming Gu, 478-496
- An exponential integrator for non-autonomous parabolic problems.
David Hipp, Marlis Hochbruck, and Alexander Ostermann, 497-511
(Additional resources are available with this paper)

Volume 42 (2014).
Special Volume, Dedicated to Lothar Reichel on the occasion of his
sixtieth birthday

- Preface. p. vi
- Revisiting the inverse field of values problem.  Natália Bebiano,
João da Providência, Ana Nata, and João P. da Providência, 1-12
- Large-scale dual regularized total least squares.  Jörg Lampe and
Heinrich Voss, 13-40
- Approximating optimal point configurations for multivariate
polynomial interpolation.  Marc van Barel, Matthias Humet, and Laurent
Sorber, 41-63
- Variational image denoising while constraining the distribution of
the residual.  Alessandro Lanza, Serena Morigi, Fiorella Sgallari, and
Anthony J. Yezzi, 64-84
- Implicitly restarting the LSQR algorithm.  James Baglama and Daniel
J. Richmond, 85-105
- Inversion of centrosymmetric Toeplitz-plus-Hankel Bezoutians.
Torsten Ehrhardt and Karla Rost, 106-135

- R3GMRES: Including Prior Information in GMRES-Type Methods for
Discrete Inverse Problems.  Yiqiu Dong, Henrik Garde, and Per
Christian Hansen, 136-146
- Rational interpolation methods for symmetric Sylvester equations.
Peter Benner and Tobias Breiten, 147-164
- On the computation of the distance to quadratic matrix polynomials
that are singular at some points on the unit circle.  Alexander
Malyshev and Miloud Sadkane, 165-176
- Data completion and stochastic algorithms for PDE inversion problems
with many measurements.  Farbod Roosta-Khorasani, Kees van den Doel,
and Uri Ascher, 177-196
- Computing singular values of large matrices with an inverse-free
preconditioned Krylov subspace method.  Qiao Liang and Qiang Ye,


From: Majid Amirfakhrian [log in to unmask]
Date: January 19, 2015
Subject: Contents, Int J Math Model Comput (IJM2C), 5 (1)

Non-Polynomial Spline for the Numerical Solution of Problems in
Calculus of Variations, R. Jalilian, J. Rashidinia, K. Farjian, H.

Convergence Theorems for Asymptotically Pseudocontractive Mappings in
the Intermediate Sense for the Modified Noor Iterative Scheme,
G. A. Okeke, J. O. Olaleru

Analysis of Discrete-Time Machine Repair Problem with Two Removable
Servers Under Triadic Policy, V. Goswami, P. V. Laxmi

A Modified Steffensen's Method with Memory for Nonlinear Equations,
F. K. Haghani

A Non-Markovian Batch Arrival Queue with Service Interruption and
Extended Server Vacation, G. Ayyappan, K. Sathiya

A Stable Coupled Newton's Iteration for the Matrix Inverse $p$-th
Root, A. Sadeghi

Differential Transformation Method For Solving Fuzzy Fractional Heat
Equations, B. Ghazanfari, P. Ebrahimi

A Taylor Series Approach for Solving Linear Fractional Decentralized
Bi-Level Multi-Objective Decision-Making Under Fuzziness, M. Saraj,
N. Safaei


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: January 19, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 62 (2)

Journal of Scientific Computing

Volume 62, Number 2, February 2015

Discrete Kernel Preserving Model for 1D Electron–Optical Phonon
Scattering, Ruo Li, Tiao Lu and Wenqi Yao, pp.317-335.

Efficient Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization for Image Restoration and
Segmentation, Miyoun Jung and Myungjoo Kang, pp.336-370.

Asymptotic Preserving Schemes on Distorted Meshes for Friedrichs
Systems with Stiff Relaxation: Application to Angular Models in Linear
Transport, Christophe Buet, Bruno Despres and Emmanuel Franck,

A Posteriori Local Discontinuous Galerkin Error Estimation for
Two-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Problems, Mahboub Baccouch and
Slimane Adjerid, pp.399-430.

Fast Explicit Integration Factor Methods for Semilinear Parabolic
Equations, Lili Ju, Jian Zhang, Liyong Zhu and Qiang Du, pp.431-455.

Non-Overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods For Dual Total Variation
Based Image Denoising, Michael Hintermuller and Andreas Langer,

Dispersion Relation Preserving Combined Compact Difference Schemes for
Flow Problems, C.H. Yu, Yogesh G. Bhumkar and Tony W.H. Sheu,

Parameter Range Reduction in Ordinary Differential Equation Models,
Andrew Skelton and Allan R. Willms, pp.517-531.

Operator Bounds and Time Step Conditions for the DG and Central DG
Methods, Matthew A. Reyna and Fengyan Li, pp.532-554.

Asymptotic-Preserving Exponential Methods for the Quantum Boltzmann
Equation with High-Order Accuracy, Jingwei Hu, Qin Li and Lorenzo
Pareschi, pp.555-574.

A New Framework of GPU-Accelerated Spectral Solvers: Collocation and
Glerkin Methods for Systems of Coupled Elliptic Equations, Feng Chen,

Decoupled Energy Stable Schemes for a Phase-Field Model of Two-Phase
Incompressible Flows with Variable Density, Chun Liu, Jie Shen and
Xiaofeng Yang, pp.601-622.

End of Digest

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