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NADIGEST  December 2014, Week 4

NADIGEST December 2014, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 14, # 45


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 24 Dec 2014 10:56:35 -0500





text/plain (611 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 45

NA Digest  Wednesday, December 24, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 45

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Who Invented BICG?
	Guaranteed Automatic Integration Library (GAIL) 2.0 Released
	New Book, Computational Methods in Geophysical Electromagnetics
	Bath-RAL NA Day, UK, Jan 2015
	Graph Algorithm Building Blocks, India, May 2015
	High-Performance Runtime Workshop, India, May 2015
	Deadline ext, Math Comput Issues in the Geosciences, USA, Jun 2015
	Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing, Switzerland, Jun 2015
	CiE: Evolving Computability, Romania, Jul 2015
	Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, Poland, Sep 2015
	NUMDIFF-14, Germany, Sep 2015
	Faculty Positions, CFD, Michigan State Univ
	Tenure Track Position, Big Data Science, Ghent Univ
	Lectureship Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Auckland
	Research Associate Position, Complex Fluid Flows
	Postdoc Positions, Math, Univ of Gothenburg
	Postdoc/PhD Positions, Appl Math, Humboldt-Univ of Berlin
	PhD Positions, Computational Science, San Diego
	Contents, Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, 2

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From: Joseph Grcar [log in to unmask]
Date: December 23, 2014
Subject: Who Invented BICG?

Hello NA Digest,

I think I should know this, but I do not find it anywhere: who
invented the bi-conjugate gradient method (BICG), and what was the
first paper?


From: Fred J. Hickernell [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2014
Subject: Guaranteed Automatic Integration Library (GAIL) 2.0 Released

We are happy to announce version 2.0 of our library of rigorously
justified adaptive algorithms implemented for MATLAB.  New to this
release are

- adaptive quasi-Monte Carlo cubature algorithms,
- local adaption for univariate function approximation,
- an algorithm to compute proportions by IID sampling, and
- a more generalized hybrid absolute/relative error criterion for our
  simple Monte Carlo algorithms.

GAIL 2.0 can be downloaded at  We
welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions for improvement.

The GAIL Team


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2014
Subject: New Book, Computational Methods in Geophysical Electromagnetics

Computational Methods in Geophysical Electromagnetics
Eldad Haber
Mathematics in Industry 01

x + 144 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-79-2 / List Price
$65.00 / SIAM Member Price $45.50 / Order Code MN01

This monograph provides a framework for students and practitioners who
are working on the solution of electromagnetic imaging in
geophysics. Bridging the gap between theory and practical applied
material (for example, inverse and forward problems), it provides a
simple explanation of finite volume discretization, basic concepts in
solving inverse problems through optimization, a summary of applied
electromagnetics methods, and MATLAB code for efficient computation.

The book will appeal to students interested in computational science,
data fitting, and applications to electromagnetics and to
practitioners in the field.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit


From: Euan Spence [log in to unmask]
Date: December 23, 2014
Subject: Bath-RAL NA Day, UK, Jan 2015

The 13th annual Bath-RAL NA Day will be held on Friday 23rd January at
Bath University. The speakers are:

Andy Wathen (Oxford)
Anders Hansen (Cambridge)
Nick Gould (RAL)
Jennifer Scott (RAL)
Simon Wood (Bath)
Euan Spence (Bath)

Coffee is available from 10.30am and the talks start at 10.50am; the
full programme is available at

All are welcome - there is no attendance fee. If you would like to
attend, please e-mail Euan Spence ([log in to unmask]).


From: Aydin Buluc [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2014
Subject: Graph Algorithm Building Blocks, India, May 2015

Graph Algorithm Building Blocks (GABB) 2015
An IPDPS 2015 Workshop, May 25-29, 2015, Hyderabad, India

The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, introduced over 30 years ago,
had a transformative effect on software for linear algebra. With the
BLAS, researchers spend less time mapping algorithms onto specific
features of hardware platforms and more time on interesting new

Would it be practical to define an analogous set of basic building
blocks for graph algorithms?  Can we define a core set of mathematical
primitives from which we can build most (if not all) important graph
algorithms? If we can agree on the mathematical foundations, how would
these interact with the data structures used in graph algorithms and
result in an API the graph algorithms research community could

These questions will be the topic for the second “Graph Algorithms
Building Blocks” workshop.  Our goal is an interactive workshop where
the full range of issues behind “Graph Algorithms Building Blocks”
will be explored.  We want an interactive “workshop” so papers that
report preliminary results and unproven but interesting ideas will be

Due dates: paper/panel submissions due 10 Jan 2015, author
notification 14 Feb 2015, camera-ready due 28 Feb 2015.

Workshop web page:


From: Samuel Thibault [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2014
Subject: High-Performance Runtime Workshop, India, May 2015

1st High-Performance Runtime Workshop (HiPeR) 2015
May 25-29, 2015, Hyderabad, INDIA

- Due date for submission: January 10 2015
- Date for notification: February 14 2015
- Date for camera-ready submission: February 28 2015

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to
share the latest advances in various aspects of runtime systems,
including their relations with application layers on one hand, and
with Operating Systems and hardware on the other. Of particular
interest is the integration of these components into larger, more
complex, software stacks, either ones that are generic in scope, or
ones that are related to a particular computational domain.

Topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited, to
the following: Runtime support for High Performance Applications;
Runtime distributed memory support; Domain Specific Languages for
Task-Based Programming; Modeling and prediction of performance and
energy consumption; Runtime co-optimization for multiple objectives
(such as performance, power, resilience); Dynamic workload management
in heterogeneous runtime systems; Composability of runtime systems;
Interaction between applicative middleware, runtime, and Operating
System; Experience porting, running, or developing applications on
runtime systems; Debugging support for runtime systems; Performance
feedback and performance tools runtime systems; Runtime adaptability
to future architectures; Dealing with I/O challenges in task-based
runtime systems

Files should be submitted by following the instructions available at
the EDAS portal (


From: Sorin Pop [log in to unmask]
Date: December 23, 2014
Subject: Deadline ext, Math Comput Issues in the Geosciences, USA, Jun 2015

Hereby we would like to let you know that the deadline for submitting
minisymposia has been extended to Jan 5, 2015. So if you were planning
to organize one, but have not manage it in due time, you may still do
it in the coming weeks.

Besides, if you have not planned any talk yet we warmly encourage you
and your collaborators to propose a contributed talk or a
poster. Contributed talks will have exactly the same status as
minisymposium ones concerning duration, and we have intentionally
asked the minisymposium organisers to leave some slots open for adding
contributed talks. For contributed presentations/posters the deadline
is Jan 15, 2015.

More details can be found at


From: Olaf Schenk [log in to unmask]
Date: December 21, 2014
Subject: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing, Switzerland, Jun 2015

The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) is delighted to
launch a Call for Participation to its next conference (PASC15) to be
held on June 1 through 3, 2015 at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich, Switzerland.

PASC15 Conference
June 1-3, 2015, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

PASC15 Conference is inviting researchers from diverse scientific
background to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of
expertise in HPC and computational science. PASC15 Conference seeks to
engage participants from the academia, research labs and industry to
address important issues in HPC and computational science resulting
from applications of interest to society and hardware innovations.

Researchers from the academic and from the corporate world are
encouraged to participate and present their research area in the form
of minisymposia, contributed talks and/or poster presentations. PASC15
Conference welcomes submissions in the following scientific fields:
Climate and Weather; Solid Earth; Life Science; Chemistry and
Materials; Physics; Computer Science and Mathematics; Engineering;
Emerging Domains.

Abstracts are to be submitted using the online submission system.
Cross-disciplinary approaches are highly solicited.  Guidelines about
the submission process are available at:

Minisymposia: January 30, 2015
Contributed Talks: March 2, 2015
Posters: March 30, 2015


From: Liviu Marin [log in to unmask]
Date: December 21, 2014
Subject: CiE: Evolving Computability, Romania, Jul 2015

COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2015: Evolving Computability
Bucharest, Romania
June 29 - July 3

Submission Deadline for LNCS: 11 January 2015
Notification of authors: 9 March 2015
Deadline for final revisions: 6 April 2015

This call for papers contains news on FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES, the list
of INVITED SPEAKERS and SPECIAL SESSIONS, as well as details on the

CiE 2015 is the 11-th conference organized by CiE (Computability in
Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer
scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new
developments in computability and their underlying significance for
the real world. Previous meetings have taken place in Amsterdam
(2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), Athens (2008), Heidelberg
(2009), Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011), Cambridge (2012), Milan
(2013) and Budapest (2014)


From: Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems [log in to unmask]
Date: December 21, 2014
Subject: Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, Poland, Sep 2015

8th Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (CANA'15)

Lodz, Poland, September 13-16, 2015

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to CANA - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer
Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2015).  The workshop is
devoted to numerical algorithms with the particular attention to the
latest scientific trends in this area and to problems related to
implementation of libraries of efficient numerical algorithms. The
goal of the workshop is meeting of researchers from various institutes
and exchanging of their experience, and integrations of scientific


From: Helmut Podhaisky [log in to unmask]
Date: December 18, 2014
Subject: NUMDIFF-14, Germany, Sep 2015

The Institute of Mathematics of the Martin-Luther-University
Halle-Wittenberg and the CWI, the Center for Mathematics and Computer
Science in Amsterdam and the Mathematical Institute of the University
of Utrecht are organising the 14th Seminar "NUMDIFF" on Numerical
Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations.

Date: 7 - 11 September 2015
Location: Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)

The conference is devoted to all numerical aspects of differential
equations and differential-algebraic equations.

Plenary speakers: Mike Botchev (Twente), Evelyn Buckwar (Linz), Elena
Celledoni (Trondheim), Stephane Descombes (Nice), Volker Grimm
(Karlsruhe), Markus Grote (Basel), Jan Hesthaven (Lausanne), Zoltán
Horváth (Győr), Melvin Leok (San Diego), Lorenzo Pareschi (Ferrara),
Ignacio Romero (Madrid), Adrian Sandu (Blacksburg), Jörg Wensch

- Nonlinear evolution equations
  organised by Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck) and Eskil Hansen (Lund)
- Local and global error control issues in time stepping methods
  organised by Gennady Kulikov (Lisbon) and Rüdiger Weiner (Halle)
- Geometric integration of partial differential equations
  organised by Begoña Cano (Valladolid)
- Numerical PDEs in financial mathematics,
  organised by Karel in't Hout (Antwerp)

E-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: H. Metin Aktulga [log in to unmask]
Date: December 16, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, CFD, Michigan State Univ

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at Michigan State
University invites applications for two tenure-system faculty
positions in the general area of computational fluid dynamics.
Appointments start in August 2015.

In one position we seek an individual with a strong background in
fluid mechanics and demonstrated expertise in numerical simulations of
multi-scale phenomena or systems characterized by multi-physical
processes including for example: flows in and over complex geometries,
multiphase flows, non-continuum or non-Newtonian flows, and fluid
structure interactions.

The second position is a joint appointment with the Department of
Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE), soon to be
created at Michigan State University. This position will focus on the
science of computing with an emphasis on massively parallel and large
scale simulations of fluid flows in multi-component engineering and
natural systems, including (but not limited to)
aeronautical/hydrodynamical, geological, biological, materials
processing and manufacturing systems.

Candidates at all ranks will be considered. Candidates must hold an
earned doctorate in mechanical engineering or a closely related
field. Interested individuals should submit an application for these
positions through: and refer to position
#0343. Applications will be reviewed on a continuing basis until the
positions are filled. For full consideration, applications should be
received before January 15, 2015.  Nominations or questions are
welcome by contacting the search committee chair through email at
[log in to unmask] .


From: Willy Govaerts [log in to unmask]
Date: December 23, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Big Data Science, Ghent Univ

Ghent University (Belgium) invites applications for tenure track
positions in a number of research fields, among which Big Data
Science. This might be of interest for numerical analysts. More
details can be found at the website

In case of problems, contact [log in to unmask]


From: Robert Chan [log in to unmask]
Date: December 18, 2014
Subject: Lectureship Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Auckland

Applications are invited for a full-time permanent position at the
Lecturer level in Applied Mathematics within the Department of
Mathematics at The University of Auckland.

The successful applicant will be expected to establish their own
research portfolio that attracts external funding and graduate
students as well as collaborate with other researchers within and
outside the University. Their research expertise should complement
existing research strengths in the Applied Mathematics Unit, which
focuses on dynamical systems, inverse problems, mathematical biology,
numerical algorithms, statistical methods and PDEs, with applications
to industry as well as in biology, engineering and physics. They will
also be expected to undertake high-quality teaching in the general
area of Applied Mathematics, and to perform service roles for the
Department of Mathematics.

Applicants should include in their application a Curriculum Vitae
detailing a full list of publications, and also a full list of
teaching duties to date, together with class sizes and the level of
students. In addition we request names and email addresses of three
academic referees who may be contacted in support of your application.

Informal enquiries about the position may be directed to Professor
Hinke Osinga. More general enquiries about the Department and the
University may be made to the Head of Department, Professor Eamonn
O'Brien. The official notice for this position (ID Number 16770), and
details of the application process, is at:

Applications must be submitted online and will be accepted until
Sunday, 18th January, 2015.  We expect to complete the appointment
process within 2 months of the closing date.


From: Serafim Kalliadasis [log in to unmask]
Date: December 24, 2014
Subject: Research Associate Position, Complex Fluid Flows

Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for a Research
Associate position funded by the EPSRC Grant “Fluid Processes in Smart
Microengineered Devices: Hydrodynamics and Thermodynamics in
Microspace,” under the joint supervision of Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis
(Chemical Engineering, Imperial) and Dr.  Marc Pradas (Mathematics &
Statistics, Open University).

The project concerns the theoretical-computational investigation of
hydrodynamics of smart microengineered devices in the presence of
complexities such as vapour-liquid interfaces and critical
phenomena-phase transitions, thus ultimately bridging the gap between
microfluidics and modern theoretical physics. It is in collaboration
with the molecular modelling and simulation group of Prof. Amparo
Galindo (Chemical Engineering, Imperial College) and the experimental
microchemical engineering groups of Prof.  Asterios Gavriilidis and
Prof. Eva Sorensen (Chemical Engineering, University College London).

The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in
Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or other related area and a strong
foundation on general mathematical modelling and mathematical
techniques (analytical and numerical). A good knowledge of interfacial
fluid mechanics and critical phenomena theory is highly desirable.

He/she will join a highly interdisciplinary team working on a wide
variety of exciting projects at the interface between applied
mathematics and engineering science fundamentals.

If you would like to discuss the project, please contact Prof.
Serafim Kalliadasis at [log in to unmask], Telephone:
+44-(0)-20-7594-1373, postal address: Department of Chemical
Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.


From: Stig Larsson [log in to unmask]
Date: December 16, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Math, Univ of Gothenburg

Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematics

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of
Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology invites applications
for several two-year Postdoctoral positions beginning September 1,
2015, or according to agreement.

Outstanding applications in all mathematical research areas will be
considered.  Precedence will however be given to those who have a
research profile compatible with existing research areas at the
division.  You are encouraged to make an initial contact with a
potential mentor at the division before applying and to mention this
person in your application.  One postdoc is expected to work on finite
element methods for multi-scale or multi-physics problems with
A. Målqvist.

Please visit

for more information and for the application procedure.


From: Michael Hintermueller [log in to unmask]
Date: December 18, 2014
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, Appl Math, Humboldt-Univ of Berlin

Up to three postdoctoral or PhD positions in the areas of optimal
control, optimal design or inverse problems with partial differential
equations (PDEs) and with applications in fluid dynamics, sensor
placement or transport on networks are available in the research group
of Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermueller at the Department of Mathematics at
the Humboldt-University of Berlin. One of the positions will be under
the supervision of Dr. Carlos Rautenberg (Junior Research Group Leader
at Humboldt-University of Berlin). The research will concentrate on
functional analytic, optimization and numerical aspects of the
applications considered and it is embedded in the Einstein Center for
Mathematics Berlin, the MATHEON Research Center, or the Collaborative
Research Center 154 on „Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and
Optimization Using The Example of Gas Networks“. Funding for
conference travels and scientific visits is available.

The positions are available immediately, and the starting date is
negotiable. The candidates are requested to submit a CV including a
list of publications and a research statement. Candidates at the
postdoctoral level should arrange for three letters of reference and
candidates for a PhD position for two letters. The selection process
will start immediately, but the applications must be received no later
than January 11, 2015. Applications should be submitted by email to
[log in to unmask] .

For further information see ; ; .


From: Jose E. Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: December 16, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Science, San Diego

The computational Science Research Center have 15 PhD positions for
qualified applicants for our PhD program in Computational Science with
research focus in Bio science, Earth Science, Physical Science and
Engineering. Financial support is provided as Teaching assistant
ships, Research Assistant ships and Fellowships. Please visit for deadlines and application


From: Shan Zhao [log in to unmask]
Date: December 22, 2014
Subject: Contents, Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, 2

Table of Contents, Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, Vol. 2, 2014

Open access, full text PDF available at

Discrete Groups and Internal Symmetries of Icosahedral Viral Capsids,
Kerner, Richard

The Knot Spectrum of Confined Random Equilateral Polygons, Y. Diao,
C. Ernst, A.  Montemayor, E. Rawdon, U. Ziegler.

Modeling and Simulating Asymmetrical Conductance Changes in Gramicidin
Pores, Shixin Xu, Minxin Chen, Sheereen Majd, Xingye Yue, Chun Liu.

Modeling repulsive forces on fibres via knot energies, Simon Blatt,
Philipp Reiter.

Discrete thickness, Sebastian Scholtes.

A Poisson-Boltzmann Equation Test Model for Protein in Spherical
Solute Region and its Applications, Y, Jiang, Jinyong Ying, Dexuan

Properties of Topological Networks of Flexible Polygonal Chains,
J. Arsuaga, Y. Diao, M.  Klingbeil, V. Rodriguez.

Modeling and computation of heterogeneous implicit solvent and its
applications for biomolecules, Duan Chen.

Generating Vectors for the Lattice Structures of Tubular and Conical
Viral Capsids, Farrah, Sadre-Marandi, Jiangguo Liu, Simon Tavener,
Chaoping, Chen.

Efficient fidelity control by stepwise nucleotide selection in
polymerase elongation, Jin Yu.

End of Digest

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