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NADIGEST  October 2014, Week 5

NADIGEST October 2014, Week 5


NA Digest, V. 14, # 38


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:43:31 -0400





text/plain (940 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 38

NA Digest  Friday, October 31, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 38

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	The most prolific SIAM author is TAM
	New Book, A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering
	New Book, An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs
	New Book, Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization
	Complex Problems over HPC Architectures, Portugal, Mar 2015
	SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, USA, Mar 2015
	Conference in Honor of Volker Mehrmann, Berlin, May 2015
	SIAM Network Science, USA, May 2015
	Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations, Italy, Jun 2015
	eXtended Discretization MethodS (X-DMS), Italy, Sep 2015
	Computational Finance, UK, Dec 2015
	Open Position, Mathematical Optimization, NAG, Oxford
	Canada Research Chair, Data Science
	Faculty Position, Applied Math and CSE, PUC Chile
	Faculty Position, Optimization, Purdue Univ
	Faculty Positions, Computer Science, Purdue Univ
	Lectureship Position, Univ of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
	Tenure Track Position, Univ of Louisiana at Lafayette
	Postdoc Position, CCMA, Penn State Univ
	Postdoc Position, Integration Methods, Lawrence Livermore NL
	Postdoc Position, Parallel in time methods, Lawrence Livermore NL
	Postdoc Position, Tomographic Imaging, Technical Univ of Denmark
	Postdoc Position, Univ College London
	Postdoc Positions, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Coimbra
	PhD Position, Inverse Problems, Univ College London
	PhD Position, Tomographic Image Reconstruction, Technical Univ
	Doctoral Positions, Munich and Graz

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Joseph Grcar [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: The most prolific SIAM author is TAM

Dear Digest,

ZentralblattMATH ( is the European and original
indexing organization for math papers.  Many US libraries subscribe
only to the American version, but tell your librarian ZentralblattMATH
is a little bit better because it considers applied math to be math so
it finds more publications.  Every search of ZentralblattMATH produces
a list of pubs and a list of authors ranked by numbers of pubs.  I am
using that feature here.

There have been 21 titles for SIAM journals of which 16 are currently
in use.  I am ignoring the one, translated journal.  The 21 titles
beginning with the venerable J. SIAM in 1952 have published 34,234
articles by 45,907 authors.  SIAM may have a different count because
for example it is not clear whether a book review is an article and it
is an art to identify unique people from names.

Who has the most SIAM articles?  I planned to list only the top 10 but
to keep peace in Boulder I thought it wise to list a few more.  They
are: Manteuffel, Thomas A. (73), Matkowsky, Bernard J. (69), Chan,
Tony (68), Kunisch, Karl (63), Golub, Gene H. (62), Saad, Yousef (56),
Keller, Joseph B. (56), Tarjan, Robert E. (55), Kushner, Harold
J. (55), Higham, Nicholas J. (55), McCormick, Stephen F. (52), Ito,
Kazufumi (52), and Babuška, Ivo M. (52).


From: Dan Stefanica [log in to unmask]
Date: October 23, 2014
Subject: New Book, A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering

The book covers numerical linear algebra methods for financial
engineering applications. It contains pseudocodes, numerical examples,
and questions often asked in interviews for quantitative positions.

Selected Topics:
- Covariance and correlation matrix estimation from time series data
- Ordinary least squares for implied volatility computation
- Optimal solvers for tridiagonal symmetric positive matrices
- Linear Transformation Property
- Efficient cubic spline interpolation
- The Arrow—Debreu one period market model
- One period index options arbitrage
- Minimum variance portfolios and maximum return portfolios

For more about this book, including its table of contents and
selected sections, please visit


From: Rob Faulkner [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2014
Subject: New Book, An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs

Now available from Cambridge University Press;

An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs

This comprehensive introduction to stochastic partial differential
equations incorporates the effects of randomness into real-world
models, offering graduate students and researchers powerful tools for
understanding uncertainty quantification for risk analysis.  MATLAB
codes are included, so that readers can perform computations
themselves and solve the test problems discussed.

Contents: Part I. Deterministic Differential Equations: 1. Linear
analysis; 2.  Galerkin approximation and finite elements;
3. Time-dependent differential equations; Part II. Stochastic
Processes and Random Fields: 4. Probability theory; 5. Stochastic
processes; 6.  Stationary Gaussian processes; 7. Random fields; Part
III.  Stochastic Differential Equations: 8. Stochastic ordinary
differential equations (SODEs); 9. Elliptic PDEs with random data;
10. Semilinear stochastic PDEs.

Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, No. 50
Paperback | 9780521728522 | October 2014 | £37.50


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2014
Subject: New Book, Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and
Applications with MATLAB, by Amir Beck

2014 / xii + 282 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611973-64-8 / List
Price $89.00 / SIAM/MOS Member Price $62.30 / Order Code MO19

This book provides the foundations of the theory of nonlinear
optimization as well as some related algorithms and presents a variety
of applications from diverse areas of applied sciences.  The author
combines three pillars of optimization — theoretical and algorithmic
foundation, familiarity with various applications, and the ability to
apply the theory and algorithms on actual problems — and rigorously
and gradually builds the connection between theory, algorithms,
applications, and implementation.

Readers will find more than 170 theoretical, algorithmic, and
numerical exercises that deepen and enhance the reader's understanding
of the topics. The author includes several subjects not typically
found in optimization books—for example, optimality conditions in
sparsity-constrained optimization, hidden convexity, and total least

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, index, and two sample chapters, please visit


From: Pedro Valero-Lara [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2014
Subject: Complex Problems over HPC Architectures, Portugal, Mar 2015

1th Workshop on Complex Problems over High Performance Computing
Architectures (CPHPCA’15)
Focus topic “High Performance Computing Programming”

in conjunction with ARCS 2015, Porto, Portugal, March 24th–27th, 2015

This workshop focuses on the challenges of how to adapt/implement
complex and big problems on platforms composed by a high number of
cores, dealing with communication, programming, heterogeneous
architectures, load balancing, benchmarking, etc. Today, the
difficulty of the problems to be implemented is increasing
considerably, large data and computational requirements, dynamic
behavior, numerical simulations, automatic models, are just a few
examples of this kind of problems. Our target is to bridge the gap
between the theory of complex problems (computational fluid dynamics,
bioinformatics, lineal algebra, big data computing, ...)  and high
performance computing platforms by proposing advances in programming.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: New strategies to
improve performance.  Code adapting to take advantages of lastest
features.  Numerical modeling for complex problems.  Communication,
synchronization, load balancing.  Benchmarking, performance and
numerical accuracy analysis.  Scalability of algorithms and data
structures.  Analysis and proposing of new programming models.
Adaptive self-tuning computing systems.  High level abstraction tools.

Submission: December 15, 2014 to: [log in to unmask]
Notification: January 25, 2014
Camera-ready: February 16, 2015


From: Yanni Zeng [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, USA, Mar 2015

The 39th SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (SIAM-SEAS
2015) will be hosted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, on
March 20-22, 2015, with a social event on March 20, and scientific
programs on March 21-22. We expect that SIAM-SEAS 2015 will continue
to provide an inspiring and productive forum in applied mathematics to
get acquainted with the most recent developments, to stimulate and
exchange new ideas, and to formulate new challenging problems that
will have an impact on diverse fields of applications. The conference
will feature the following plenary speakers: Yuefan Deng, Irena
Lasiecka, Tai-Ping Liu, James Nagy

We invite scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and students
(graduate and undergraduate) in all areas of applied mathematics, from
the United States and from other countries, to participate.  There
will be limited funding for student travel support, and there will be
three prizes for the best student presentations and posters.

There are three formats of participation:  Minisymposia,
contributed talks and a poster session. The important deadlines are
as follows:
1. Submission of minisymposium proposals by minisymposium organizers
is due by January 5th, 2015.
2. Submission of abstracts for minisymposium talks, contributed talks
and posters is due by February 23rd, 2015.

Please refer to the conference website for more details:

Information on SIAM-SEAS can be found from SIAM’s website, where
you can access the conference website as well:


From: Joerg Liesen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2014
Subject: Conference in Honor of Volker Mehrmann, Berlin, May 2015

Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations, 
and Control Theory.

A conference in honor of Volker Mehrmann on the occasion of his 
60th birthday will be held May 6-9, 2015, at the TU Berlin, Germany.

There will be approximately 30 invited talks. We also have a very 
limited number of slots for contributed talks related to Volker's
work and the topic of the conference.

For conference details, including deadlines and the abstract 
submission form, please visit

We hope to see you in Berlin on this special occasion in May 2015,

Peter Benner, Joerg Liesen, Christian Mehl,
Reinhard Nabben, Lena Scholz, Andreas Steinbrecher,
the VM60 Committee


From: Ali Pinar [log in to unmask]
Date: October 27, 2014
Subject: SIAM Network Science, USA, May 2015

The 3rd SIAM Workshop on Network Science 2015 will be held on May
16-17, 2015, at Snowbid UT. Submissions are welcome on all aspects of
rigorous computational and mathematical techniques involved in network
analysis, with a particular interest in contributions in the following

- dynamic processes on networks and especially epidemic spreading
- higher order network analysis including topological and geometric
  methods for networks
- applications to infrastructure and computer security networks

It will be co-located with the SIAM Conference on Applications of
Dynamical Systems 2015.

The deadline for submissions is Jan 10. Please see for more details.


From: Valeria Simoncini [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2014
Subject: Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations, Italy, Jun 2015

During the week of 21-26 June 2015, the C.I.M.E. Foundation will
organize the following Summer School: "Exploiting Hidden Structure in
Matrix Computations.  Algorithms and Applications"


with the following lecturers:
Michele Benzi (Emory University, USA)
Dario Bini (Universita' di Pisa, Italy)
Daniel Kressner (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Hans Munthe-Kaas (University of Bergen, Norway)
Charles Van Loan (Cornell University, USA)

The School will be held at Hotel San Michele in Cetraro, Italy


Registration will be open starting December 1st, 2014 and will close
on April 30, 2015.

Some limited fundings for lodging expenses will be available for
students and postdoctoral fellows.

The Directors of the School
Michele Benzi and Valeria Simoncini


From: Alessio Fumagalli [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2014
Subject: eXtended Discretization MethodS (X-DMS), Italy, Sep 2015

We would like to bring to your attention the conference eXtended
Discretization MethodS (X-DMS).

Extended minisymposia proposals deadline: November 30, 2014.

The conference X-DMS continues and replaces the successful X-FEM
conference cycle and aims at including a wider variety of
methodologies coming from different areas of computational mechanics
and numerical analysis. This new conference cycle intends to gather
all scientists working on these techniques so to foster the exchange
of ideas among different approaches and discuss about open issues and
their possible solution. The conference topics include: Partition of
Unity methods (Meshfree, XFEM/GFEM); Patch Methods; Fictitious Domain
Methods; Strong Discontinuity Approaches (SDA); Local/Global
Non-Intrusive Coupling; Finite Cell Methods; Multiscale
Discretization; Special techniques for static and evolving interfaces;
Crossover approaches, such as integration of PUFEM with isogeometric


From: Choi-Hong Lai [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2014
Subject: Computational Finance, UK, Dec 2015

The ITN-STRIKE is a Framework 7 research project supported by the EU
in the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN program which involves a consortium of
eleven universities and several associated partners from universities
and financial industry across the EU.

These partners wish to share technical and practical experience in
computational finance using a series of conferences entitled the
'International Conference on Computational Finance' acronymn as
ICCF. A scientific committee is formed consisting of the partners of
the ITN-STRIKE project. ICCF2015 is the first of the series to be
hosted by one the ITN-STRIKE partner, University of Greenwich, London,
during December 14th - 18th 2015.

The themes of the conference include: Linear and nonlinear models for
various financial products; Analysis of market models; Modelling
future and commodity tradings; Modelling the energy market; Numerical
methods for computational finance - SDEs and PDEs; Optimal control in
finance and financial products; Model reduction and Lie group methods;
Monte-Carlo simulations; Parallel algorithms, high performance
computing and GPU; Comuptational tools and software development for
computational finance; Qualitative analysis of trading models.

Conference website
Abstract deadline: 31/07/2015.  Acceptance for presentation:

Conference secretariat: [log in to unmask]


From: david cassell [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: Open Position, Mathematical Optimization, NAG, Oxford

The development team at The Numerical Algorithms Group(NAG) is seeking
an appropriate specialist in mathematical optimization (e.g. LP, QP,
NLP and Mixed Integer problems)...

More information is now posted at:


From: Daphne [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2014
Subject: Canada Research Chair, Data Science

The Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC),
Vancouver seeks candidates for a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in
Data Science, with an expected start date of July 1, 2015. The CRC
Tier 1 is at the level of senior tenured associate professor or
professor. Salary will be commensurate with experience and research
record. Details on the Canadian government's CRC program can be found
on the program's website.

Candidates for nomination should submit a CV, a teaching statement, a
research statement, and the names of at least three references.  The
teaching statement should include a record of teaching interests,
experience and effectiveness. Applications may be submitted online.

The application website will remain open for submissions through the
end of the day on January 31, 2015. It may remain open past that date
at the discretion of the recruiting committee. All applications
submitted while the website remains open will be considered.

All positions are subject to review and final approval by the CRC
Secretariat. Canada Research Chairs are open to individuals of any
nationality. Offers will be made in accordance with Canadian
immigration requirements associated with the CRC program. UBC hires on
the basis of merit and is strongly committed to equity and diversity
within its community. We especially welcome applications from members
of visible minority groups, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with
disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender
identities, and others with the skills and knowledge to engage
productively with diverse communities. All qualified candidates are
encouraged to apply.

Contact the Recruiting Committee Chair:
Associate Dean Gail Murphy
Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia

2178-2207 Main Mall

Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

[log in to unmask]

Apply Online: Deadline January 31, 2015


From: Carlos Jerez-Hanckes [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Math and CSE, PUC Chile

The School of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics of the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile invites applications for a
full-time faculty position to join the group of Mathematical and
Computational Engineering.

Preference will be given to applicants in Numerical Analysis,
Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computing. However,
applications are invited in all areas of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Science and Engineering.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in a related discipline. It is important
that the applicant is able to work collaboratively; some international
experience is also desirable and a concrete interest in
interdisciplinary research in collaboration with existing Faculty
members. Candidates do not need to know Spanish at the time of
applying, but should be prepared to learn the language well enough to
begin teaching in it in the short term.  Applicants must demonstrate
potential for excellence and a strong vocation for all aspects of
academic life, be highly motivated to continuously improve their
teaching skills, have a genuine interest in getting involved with our
graduate programs (specially the doctoral program) and be able to
develop and maintain an active research agenda. The successful
candidate will also be expected to create new undergraduate and
graduate courses and teach traditional courses in related areas.

Application details can be found at


From: Alex Pothen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Optimization, Purdue Univ

Faculty positions in Next Generation Manufacturing and Enabling
Methodologies at Purdue University

Purdue University has identified Next Generation Manufacturing as a
major thrust for cross-disciplinary research and education. Our effort
is in consonance with the national initiative to re-invigorate
American manufacturing industry, creating economic development, and
accelerating future innovation. We are currently accepting
applications for tenure-track and tenured positions at the
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor levels in areas related to next
generation manufacturing and enabling methodologies. Specific research
fields of interest in the next generation manufacturing cluster
include, but are not limited to: i) cyber-enabled experimentation; ii)
optimization and design-on-the-fly; iii) multi-scale predictive
modeling; iv) scaling principles for novel materials and processes; v)
personalization of products and services; and vi) social

Submit applications online at,
including curriculum vitae, teaching and research plans, and names of
four references. For information / questions regarding applications
contact Marion Ragland, Faculty Recruitment Coordinator, College of
Engineering, at [log in to unmask] Review of applications will begin
on September 22, 2014, and will continue until position is filled.  A
background check will be required for employment in this position.

Purdue University is an EEO/AA employer fully committed to achieving a
diverse workforce.  All individuals, including minorities, women,
individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ, and veterans are encouraged to


From: Alex Pothen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computer Science, Purdue Univ

Faculty Positions in Computer Science at Purdue University

The Department of Computer Science at Purdue University is entering a
phase of significant growth, as part of a university-wide Purdue Moves
initiative. Applications are solicited for tenure-track and tenured
positions at the Assistant, Associate and Full Professor
levels. Outstanding candidates in all areas of computer science will
be considered.  Review of applications and candidate interviews will
begin early in October 2014, and will continue until the positions are

The Department of Computer Science offers a stimulating and nurturing
academic environment with active research programs in most areas of
computer science. Information about the department and a description
of open positions are available at

Applicants should hold a PhD in Computer Science, or related
discipline, be committed to excellence in teaching, and have
demonstrated excellence in research. Successful candidates will be
expected to conduct research in their fields of expertise, teach
courses in computer science, and participate in other department and
university activities.  Salary and benefits are competitive, and
Purdue is a dual career friendly employer. Applicants are strongly
encouraged to apply online at
Alternatively, hardcopy applications can be sent to:

Faculty Search Chair
Department of Computer Science
305 N. University Street
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

A background check will be required for employment. Purdue University
is an EEO/AA employer fully committed to achieving a diverse
workforce. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals
with disabilities, and protected veterans are encouraged to apply.


From: Des Higham [log in to unmask]
Date: October 25, 2014
Subject: Lectureship Position, Univ of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of 
Strathclyde, UK, is advertising a permanent lectureship (roughly 
equivalent to the USA Assistant Professorship level) in Numerical 
Analysis or Statistics. Details may be found at


From: Ralph Baker Kearfott [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Univ of Louisiana at Lafayette

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Louisiana at
Lafayette invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank
of Assistant Professor. The appointment will commence August 19,
2015. Duties include teaching courses at the undergraduate and
graduate levels, conducting research, and engaging in departmental and
professional service. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in mathematics
and a commitment to excellence in research and teaching. Preference
will be given to applicants in the field of biomathematics or
computational mathematics who have strong research programs and
university teaching experience.

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a public Research
University with high research activity. Information about the
Department of Mathematics is available on the website at We will review applications as they are
received and continue until the position is filled. To ensure
consideration, receipt of complete application material is required on
or before January 9, 2015. Application material, including letter,
curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements should be sent
electronically to:

		Dr. R. Baker Kearfott
		Search Committee
		[log in to unmask]

Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of reference sent
electronically to Professor Kearfott.

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


From: Jinchao Xu [log in to unmask]
Date: October 23, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, CCMA, Penn State Univ

The Center for Computational Mathematics and Applications (CCMA) in
the Department of Mathematics at The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, is seeking one or two scholars for postdoctoral
appointments. Successful candidates will hold a PhD in mathematics or
a related field (such as physics, engineering, computer science).  The
position requires expertise in numerical methods for partial
differential equations.  Fortran, C, or C++ programing is
required. Experience in heterogeneous parallel computing is desirable
but not required. Appointed candidates will work closely with the
faculty at the CCMA on research related to numerical methods for
large-scale practical applications. The postdoctoral scholar will
contribute to a number of research projects including the CCMA’s
projects supported by the NSF, the DOE and industries. The number of
candidates appointed will depend on the availability of funding.
These appointments may include the possibility of teaching.  This is a
non-tenure track 48-week appointment.  Review of applications will
begin immediately and will continue until the position(s) are filled.
Applicants must apply online and complete the Penn State application
at and must submit an application through
( with the following materials in order
for the application to be complete: 1) Cover letter addressed to
Professor Xu, 2) Current vitae including a list of publications, 3)
Current research statement, 4) Three letters of recommendation
addressed to Professor Xu (Please ensure that one of the letters
addresses your teaching background and ability.)  We encourage
applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and
is committed to providing employment opportunities to minorities,
women, veterans, disabled individuals, and other protected groups.


From: Carol Woodward [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Integration Methods, Lawrence Livermore NL

The Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) has an opening for
a postdoctoral researcher to perform research in efficient solution
methods for implicit approaches to dislocation dynamics simulations
and in the area of efficient multirate integrators using multistep
methods. Research will focus in part on the development of an
efficient Newton nonlinear solver for the ParaDiS dislocation dynamics
code at LLNL. Target applications are large-scale and are expected to
run on hundreds of thousands of processing cores. Duties will include
the design and development of effective preconditioners and
performance optimization for large-scale problems. A second related
research emphasis will be to investigate the use of BDF time
integrators for use in multirate integration schemes, with
implementation of the resulting methods in the LLNL SUNDIALS code
suite. The candidate will be expected to pursue independent (but
complementary) research interests and will interact with a broad
spectrum of scientists internally and externally. Travel to work with
collaborators at various sites within the US may be required.

Required Skills include: Recent Ph.D. in applied mathematics,
computational science, or a related field.  Demonstrated expertise in
iterative methods for solution of nonlinear systems, including
Newton-Krylov methods, and implicit time integration methods.
Demonstrated knowledge of multistep and multirate time integration
methods.  Demonstrated expertise in applying numerical methods within
a scientific application.  Demonstrated expertise programming in C.
Demonstrated expertise in scientific computing and parallel
processing.  Demonstrated knowledge of portable software development
issues and concerns.

Interested candidates can apply at the following website:

Place the posting number, 12487, in the search field at the top right
of the page. That will take the candidate to the posting where they
can apply.


From: Carol Woodward [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Parallel in time methods, Lawrence Livermore NL

The Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has an opening for a postdoctoral
researcher to perform research in the development of parallel-in-time
algorithms for power grid simulations.  The research emphasis will be
on investigation of algorithms for differential-algebraic equations
that can handle multi-step methods and variable-step adaptive
algorithms. The candidate will design algorithms and develop software
for these problems, implement them on massively parallel computers,
and evaluate their performance.  The candidate will be expected to
pursue independent (but complementary) research interests and will
interact with a broad spectrum of scientists internally and
externally. Travel to work with collaborators at various sites within
the US may be required.

Required Skills include Recent Ph.D. in applied mathematics,
computational science, or a related field.  Demonstrated expertise in
iterative methods for solution of linear systems, including multigrid
methods, and implicit time integration methods.  Demonstrated
expertise in applying numerical methods within a scientific
application.  Demonstrated expertise programming in C and C++.
Demonstrated expertise in scientific computing and parallel
processing.  Demonstrated knowledge of portable software development
issues and concerns.

Interested candidates can apply at the following website:

Place the posting number, 12486, in the search field at the top right
of the page.  That will take the candidate to the posting where they
can apply.


From: Per Christian Hansen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 27, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Tomographic Imaging, Technical Univ of Denmark

DTU Compute ( invites applications for a
2-year PostDoc position starting Jan. 1 2015, or as soon as possible
thereafter. The position is affiliated with the project High-
Definition Tomography ( financed by
the European Research Council.

The title of the PostDoc project is “Formulation and Application of
Priors in Spectral CT.” We will develop new robust and efficient
computational methods for spectral CT, where the reconstruction model
must include information about the absorption’s energy dependence. The
main challenge is to formulate and incorporate prior information about
the spectral behavior into the reconstruction algorithm, in order to
ensure a reliable reconstruction. This involves careful considerations
of the formulation and parameterization of the forward model and the
spectral information, how to apply compressed sensing techniques
(sparsity), and how to represent large spectral 3D solutions. We will
also develop efficient implementations of the methods and test them on
real data, e.g., from CT scanners at DTU.

Preference will be given to candidates that have documented research
experience in Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics. A
background in Optimization and Inverse Problems is especially
relevant. Applications must be submitted ONLINE in English as one
single PDF via DTU’s home page:

For more information please contact Prof. Per Christian Hansen,
[log in to unmask] or Assistant Prof. Martin S. Andersen, [log in to unmask]


From: Bradley Treeby [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ College London

Research Associate in Software Development for Therapeutic Ultrasound

Applications are invited for a full-time research position in the
Biomedical Ultrasound Group at University College London (UCL). The
aim of the project is to develop a user interface and other front-end
software and algorithms to allow end-users (including clinicians) to
perform model-based treatment planning for therapeutic ultrasound
using remote HPC resources.

The post is available from 1st January 2015, and is funded by the
EPSRC for 3 years in the first instance. The appointment will be on
UCL Grade 7 (Research Associate). The salary range will be £33,353 to
£40,313 per annum. For further details about the post and to apply,
please go to Alternatively, please visit and search for Ref. 1441588.

The closing date for applications is 25 November 2014.


From: Isabel Figueiredo [log in to unmask]
Date: October 26, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Coimbra

The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and
Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal and CMUC (under the
project below) invite applications for 3 Postdoctoral Positions in
Computational Mathematics, beginning January 01, 2015, with the
duration of 6 months each.

The focus of the research is on imaging sciences, bio-mathematics and
scientific computing. It involves variational image processing, image
analysis, partial differential equations, numerical analysis,
optimization, visualization, and inverse problems in imaging, with
applications in medicine and earth observation imagery.

Applicants should have a PhD in Mathematics or Computational Sciences
and Engineering (preferably obtained after December 31, 2011). Each
position obeys to the Portuguese scholarship system and the
corresponding salary is €1495 per month (tax free). No teaching duties
are associated with the position.

Period for applications : from 7th to 20th November, 2014.  For
detailed information:

These positions are funded by the research project “Advances in Image
Processing and Inverse Problems: Applications in Medical and Earth
Observation Imagery, and Biomathematics, PTDC/MAT-NAN/0593/2012“ of
FCT (Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and

Contact for further information:
Isabel M. Narra Figueiredo ( ).


From: Bangti Jin [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Inverse Problems, Univ College London

The University College London has established the Centre for Inverse 
Problems, jointly by the Department of Computer Science, Department 
of Mathematics and Department of Statistics. We look for one fully 
funded, 3-year studentship, to start in September 2015. It is for one 
exceptionally qualified student to complete PhD at the interface 
between inverse problems and computational mathematics.

The four-year funding includes full tuition fees at the home rate, a 
training support fee and standard, tax-free maintenance for UK 
students. To find out more about the centre, please visit

Expressions of interest should be sent to Dr. Bangti Jin, via email 
[log in to unmask], and should include:
- A short statement (250 words) explaining your motivation for 
applying to the position
- A 2-page CV which includes your academic and work experience.

All applications will be reviewed rapidly and promising applicants 
will be invited to an interview. The deadline of application in 
January 31, 2015.


From: Per Christian Hansen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 27, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Tomographic Image Reconstruction, Technical Univ

DTU Compute ( invites applications for a
3-year PhD position starting Jan. 1 2015, or as soon as possible
thereafter, in the section for Scientific Computing. The position is
affiliated with the project High-Definition Tomography
( financed by the European Research

The title of the PhD project is “Priors for Temporal Tomographic Image
Reconstruction.” We will develop large-scale computational
reconstruction methods for tomography where the temporal evolution of
the object must be incorporated in the reconstruction model. To do
this we must formulate and develop reconstruction models that
incorporate prior information about the dynamics of the object. The
emphasis of the project is on the mathematical and computational
aspects, preferably guided by applications in materials science, and
possibly using spectral CT and techniques from compressed sensing
(sparsity). The goal is to arrive at novel algorithms that perform
better than existing methods due to the inclusion of strong priors for
in the reconstruction model.

Candidates must have a master degree in applied mathematics or
equivalent academic qualifications. Preference will be given to
candidates who have a strong background in numerical computations, and
must have experience with computational methods for optimization and
differential equations.  Applications must be submitted ONLINE in
English as one single PDF via DTU’s home page: a38fa6306f2b

For more information please contact Prof. Per Christian Hansen,
[log in to unmask] or Assistant Prof. Martin S. Andersen, [log in to unmask]


From: Dominik Meidner [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2014
Subject: Doctoral Positions, Munich and Graz

The international research training group "Optimization and Numerical
Analysis for Partial Differential Equations with Nonsmooth Structures"
(IGDK 1754), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) associated with the four universities

- Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)
- Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen (Germany)
- Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz (Austria)
- Technische Universitaet Graz (Austria)

invites applications for Doctoral positions in Munich and in Graz.

Applicants should hold a master's degree or equivalent in mathematics
or related areas with a strong background in one of the fields of
numerics, optimization, or analysis. Highly qualified women are
especially invited to apply.

Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, copies of
certifications of academic qualifications held, a copy of a degree
thesis or of a peer-reviewed publication (if available) and two
letters of recommendation.

To ensure full consideration, all information should preferably be
received by December 31, 2014. Applications should be sent by email to
[log in to unmask] to the speakers the IGDK 1754, Prof. Dr. Boris
Vexler and Prof. Dr. Karl Kunisch. For further information about
scientific topics covered and conditions for application, please visit
our website

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