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NADIGEST  October 2014, Week 2

NADIGEST October 2014, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 14, # 35


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 8 Oct 2014 10:47:03 -0400





text/plain (559 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 35

NA Digest  Wednesday, October 08, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 35

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	New Book, A.-L. Cholesky
	Structured Matrices and Tensors, Taiwan, Dec 2014
	AITEOR 2015, Indonesia, Mar 2015
	Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, Scotland, Jun 2015
	Preconditioning 2015, The Netherlands, Jun 2015
	Faculty Positions, New Department Being Created at MSU
	Open Position, Mathematical Optimization, NAG, Oxford
	Faculty Positions, Scientific Computing, Univ of Bath, UK
	Tenured Position, Scientific Computation, Texas A&M Univ
	Tenure Track Position, Univ of Miami, School of Business
	Senior Lecturer Position, Prediction Modeling in Dairy Cows
	Turing Fellowship Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Manchester, UK
	PhD Position, Nuclear Process Modelling and Optimisation
	Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34 (4)
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 61 (2)

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From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: October 03, 2014
Subject: New Book, A.-L. Cholesky

Claude Brezinski, Dominique Tournes
Andre-Louis Cholesky
Mathematician, Topographer and Army Officer
Birkhaeuser, Basel, 2014, 311 p., 134 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-319-08135-9

Outside the professional circles of topography and applied
mathematics, the life and work of Andre-Louis Cholesky (1875–1918) are
still relatively unknown to the scientific community. This new book,
the only existing one on the life and the works of Cholesky and
contemporaries, appreciably widens the exposure of his remarkable
personal achievements in topography and mathematics to a much larger
international audience.

Cholesky is also interesting to historians because he is a perfect
representative of the scientist engineers that, since the early 19th
century, had issued from the French scientific high schools.  Because
they had received a high level of mathematical education, they were
able to innovate in their practice of engineering. In the case of
Cholesky, this resulted in original contributions in artillery,
topography, numerical analysis and graphical calculation.

In addition, the book places his education and works within the
history of several European countries through the 17th to 19th

Table on contents: Preface.- Biography of Cholesky.- Cholesky's
family.- On topography.- The method of Cholesky for linear systems.-
Other works of Cholesky.- Leon Eyrolles and his superior school.- An
unpublished book by Cholesky.- Ernest Benoit.- Documents.-


From: Weichung Wang [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: Structured Matrices and Tensors, Taiwan, Dec 2014

Structured Matrices and Tensors: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications
December 8-11, 2014
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Structured matrices and tensors occur in many disciplines in applied
mathematics and engineering. Fast algorithms for structured matrices
and tensors are of particular importance in data analysis, and signal
and image processing. This conference has two major objectives. One,
we want to improve the dialogue and collaboration between matrix and
tensor theoreticians and the computational scientists. Two, we want to
reduce the gap between the researchers working on the fundamentals and
those working on real-life applications, so that emerging applications
will stimulate new theoretical research and the better theoretical
tools will in turn be exported back to the various application fields.

See the following website for more information:


From: P. Vasant [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2014
Subject: AITEOR 2015, Indonesia, Mar 2015

AITEOR 2015, Special Session on Artificial Intelligent Techniques and
its application in Engineering and Operational Research at the 7th
Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
(ACIIDS 2015)
Bali, Indonesia, March 25-25, 2015
Conference website:

Artificial intelligence techniques have attracted many research
scientists, decision makers and practicing researchers in recent
years as powerful computational intelligent techniques, for solving
unlimited number of complex real-world problems particularly
related to research areas of engineering and operational research.
Under the unpredictable and turbulence environment, classical and
traditional approaches are partially able to obtain a complete
solution with certain degree of satisfaction for the application
problems. Therefore, new artificial intelligence methods are
required to handle these issues significantly and holistically. The
artificial intelligence methods are generic, flexible, robust, and
versatile framework for solving complex problems for the global
problems in engineering and operational research and its

Submission of papers: 15 October 2014
Notification of acceptance: 01 December 2014
Camera-ready papers: 15 December 2014
Registration & payment: 31 December 2014
Conference date: 23-25 March 2015


From: Alison Ramage [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2014
Subject: Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, Scotland, Jun 2015

We are pleased to announce that the 26th Biennial Conference on
Numerical Analysis will take place June 23-26, 2015 at the University
of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. The conference is open to all
researchers in the field, and we hope that less-experienced
researchers and PhD students will find the environment particularly

We are currently soliciting proposals for mini-symposia in any branch
of Numerical Analysis or a cognate area. If you are interested in
organising a minisymposium, please contact the conference committee at
[log in to unmask] Our online registration process will open
shortly, after which we will also welcome proposals for individual
contributed talks.

The following distinguished researchers have accepted invitations for
delivering plenary lectures: Susanne Brenner (Louisiana State
University), Albert Cohen (Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Charlie
Elliot (University of Warwick), Martin Gander (Université de Genève),
Mike Giles (University of Oxford), Jan Hesthaven (EPFL), Tamara Kolda
(Sandia National Laboratories), Christian Lubich (Universität
Tübingen), Cleve Moler (Mathworks), Michael Saunders (Stanford
University), Rob Scheichl (University of Bath), Karen Willcox (MIT).

Further information may be found at

Please note that the meeting will be preceded by the 17th IMA Leslie
Fox Prize presentations, which will take place at the University of
Strathclyde on Monday June 22nd, 2015.


From: Wil Schilders [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: Preconditioning 2015, The Netherlands, Jun 2015

This conference is a sequel to eight successful "preconditioning"
biennial meetings which address complex issues related to the solution
of general sparse matrix problems in large-scale applications and in
industrial settings. The goal of the conference is to exchange ideas
on recent developments in preconditioning techniques for sparse linear
systems of equations, and to a lesser extent for eigenvalue
problems. Confirmed invited speakers are: Scott MacLachlan, Edmund
Chow, Jennifer Pestana, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Frederic Nataf,
Ulrich Ruede, Vicki Howle, Stefan Vandewalle.

For further information, we refer to the conference website:


From: Jianliang Qian [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, New Department Being Created at MSU

The Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering
(CMSE), a new department being created at Michigan State University,
invites applications from outstanding candidates for two tenure-stream
open-rank faculty positions in the broad area of mathematical
foundations of data science. While all areas of data science will be
considered, a special consideration will be given to candidates with a
background in applied harmonic analysis, topology of big data and
optimization. These two positions are part of a committed multi-year
effort to build the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science
and Engineering. The positions will be joint appointments with the
Department of Mathematics with tenure home in CMSE. The anticipated
start date is August 16, 2015.

Preference will be given to candidates with at least two years postdoc
experience beyond Ph.D. Online application is required. To complete
the online application, please go to
The application dossier should include a cover letter, a CV,
statements on research and teaching, and at least four letters of
recommendation; one of the recommendation letters must specifically
address the applicant's ability to teach. Applications received by
Dec. 1, 2014 will receive full consideration, but the search will
continue until the positions are filled.

MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer and is
committed to achieving excellence through diversity. The University
actively encourages applications from women, persons of color,
veterans, and persons with disabilities. The University endeavors to
facilitate employment assistance to spouses or partners of candidates
for faculty positions.


From: david cassell [log in to unmask]
Date: October 03, 2014
Subject: Open Position, Mathematical Optimization, NAG, Oxford

The development team at The Numerical Algorithms Group(NAG) is seeking
an appropriate specialist in mathematical optimization (e.g. LP, QP,
NLP and Mixed Integer problems)...

- Experience of developing solvers for relevant problem types
- Strong programming skills in Fortran or C/C++
- Experience in applying optimization techniques to real-world
- A desire to apply skills in code development to a commercial
- An aptitude for helping practitioners to solve difficult problems
- Advanced degree in numerical analysis or similar

More information:

Closing date 1 November 2014


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Scientific Computing, Univ of Bath, UK

University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences
*Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Scientific Computing*

Salary: £38,511 to £54,841;  Closing Date: 12 November 2014

We seek applicants with a strong grounding in both mathematics and
high performance computing, and a keen interest in parallelisation and
novel architectures, who would be able to complement and interact with
one or more of the existing areas of expertise at Bath, including
Differential Equations, Continuum Mechanics, Dynamical Systems &
Complexity, Industrial Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Biology,
Mathematical Control Theory, Numerical Analysis, Networks & Collective
Behaviour, Probability, Statistics.

A successful applicant at SL/Reader Level will have a strong track
record of independent research of international standing. At Lecturer
Level a successful applicant will have shown (at least) exceptional
potential for achieving such research excellence. They will be
expected to sustain a leading research programme, to be active in
developing and submitting competitive applications for external
funding, and to pursue collaborations with non-academic partners and
researchers in other disciplines. Candidates should also have a strong
interest in pursuing excellence in teaching and supervising
undergraduate and postgraduate students.

We are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive working
environment and particularly welcome applications from women.

To submit an application and for further details please refer to


From: Andrea Bonito [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2014
Subject: Tenured Position, Scientific Computation, Texas A&M Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M university invites
applications for a position in Scientific Computation/Computational
Mathematics at the rank of Full or Associate Professor beginning in
Fall 2015.  Preference will be given to candidates with a research
activity in health science or natural and built environments.  The
applicant should have an outstanding research record, including
success in attracting external funding, and demonstrated ability and
interest to teach successfully. Informal inquiries are welcome.

A complete dossier should be received by December 1, 2014.  Applicants
should send the completed "AMS Application Cover Sheet", a vita,
statements on research and on teaching, and arrange to have letters of
recommendation sent to Mathjobs:  Further
information can be obtained from:

Texas A&M University is an equal opportunity employer.  The University
is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse and
pluralistic faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a
multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications from
women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.

The University is responsive to the needs of dual career couples.


From: Tallys Yunes [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Univ of Miami, School of Business

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Management Science (Big Data Analytics)

The Management Science Department at the University of Miami's School
of Business Administration invites applications for a tenure-track
faculty position at the junior or advanced Assistant Professor level
to begin in the Fall of 2015. Exceptional candidates at higher ranks
will be considered subject to additional approval from the
administration.  Salaries are extremely competitive and commensurate
with background and experience.  This is a nine-month appointment but
generous summer research support is anticipated from the School of
Business. Applicants with research interests in all areas of Analytics
will be considered, although primary consideration will be given to
those with expertise in Big Data Analytics and the computational
challenges of dealing with large data sets. Expertise in, or
experience with, one or more of the following is particularly welcome:
MapReduce/Hadoop, Mahout, Cassandra, cloud computing, mobile/wearable
technologies, social media analytics, recommendation systems, data
mining and machine learning, and text mining. The Management Science
Department is a diverse group of faculty with expertise in several
areas within Operations Research and Analytics, including statistics
and machine learning, optimization, simulation, and quality
management. Duties will include research and teaching at the graduate
and undergraduate levels.

Applicants should possess, or be close to completing, a PhD in
computer science, operations research, statistics, or a related
discipline by the start date of employment.  Applications should be
submitted by e-mail to [log in to unmask], and should
include the following: a curriculum vitae, up to three representative
publications, brief research and teaching statements, an official
graduate transcript (for the junior Assistant Professor level),
information about teaching experience and performance evaluations, and
three letters of recommendation. All applications completed by
December 1, 2014 will receive full consideration, but candidates are
urged to submit all required material as soon as
possible. Applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. The University of Miami is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.


From: Ulf Emanuelson [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2014
Subject: Senior Lecturer Position, Prediction Modeling in Dairy Cows

The trend in dairy production is towards fewer but larger herds that
rely on decision- support systems based on automated recordings. There
are already many devices available for automatic recording, while
others are under development. The rapid development in molecular
biology allows for routine genotyping of cows for a large number of
DNA markers. This wealth of information can be used to improve
decision making with respect to feeding, health management, and
breeding, but advanced analytical methods are required to fully
capitalize on their value. The faculty of Veterinary Medicine and
Animal Science at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
(SLU) is making a special effort within this area in the “Beijer
Laboratory for Animal Science,” supported by the Kjell and Märta
Beijer Foundation. We are therefore recruiting a researcher that will
deliver novel tools and methods to breed and manage dairy cows –
please see
tjanster/las-mer/?eng=1&Pid=1593 for further information.


From: Nick Higham [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2014
Subject: Turing Fellowship Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Manchester, UK

University of Manchester, School of Mathematics
Turing Fellowships in Mathematics

Salary: Starting from GBP 34,233 - 58,172 per annum
Closing Date: January 12, 2015

Named after Alan Turing, one of the most gifted and innovative
researchers of the twentieth century (and a former member of staff of
the University of Manchester), these highly prestigious fellowships
are open to truly outstanding mathematicians from across the
world. The fellowships are funded by a generous external donation, and
are of four years duration.

Applicants will be engaging in research at the highest international
standards and show the promise of becoming world leaders in their
fields. Applicants will usually be outstanding early-career
postdoctoral researchers, but recent doctorands of exceptional ability
and potential will also be considered.

Salary is negotiable and may include a significant enhancement to
reflect the calibre of the fellows.

To submit an application and for further details please visit


From: Eric S Fraga [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Nuclear Process Modelling and Optimisation

Applications are invited for a PhD funding opportunity in UCL Chemical
Engineering for a January 2015 start. The studentship will be part of
a multi-disciplinary project with partners at a number of UK

In this project, we will be modelling intensified separations as part
of the reprocessing cycle in nuclear power generation. The aim is to
develop a full system model to identify optimal process

We are looking for students with a mathematical and/or computational
background.  The funding is restricted to UK/EU students alone.

Further details and links for applying are available at


From: Neha Mistry [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34 (4)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Stable phase field approximations of anisotropic solidification, John
W. Barrett, Harald Garcke, and Robert Nürnberg

Moment equations for the mixed formulation of the Hodge Laplacian with
stochastic loading term, Francesca Bonizzoni, Annalisa Buffa, and
Fabio Nobile

A decoupled and unconditionally convergent linear FEM integrator for
the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation with magnetostriction, Ľubomír
Baňas, Marcus Page, Dirk Praetorius, and Jonathan Rochat

Multigrid for an HDG method, B. Cockburn, O. Dubois,
J. Gopalakrishnan, and S. Tan

Well-posedness of hp-version discontinuous Galerkin methods for
fractional diffusion wave equations, Kassem Mustapha and Dominik

A local discontinuous Galerkin approximation for systems with
p-structure, Lars Diening, Dietmar Kröner, Michael Růžička, and
Ioannis Toulopoulos

Conforming and divergence-free Stokes elements in three dimensions,
Johnny Guzmán and Michael Neilan

Corrected trapezoidal rules for a class of singular functions, Oana
Marin, Olof Runborg, and Anna-Karin Tornberg

There is no pointwise consistent quasicontinuum energy, Matthew Dobson

One-shot solution of a time-dependent time-periodic PDE- constrained
optimization problem, Martin Stoll

Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonstationary
convection–diffusion problems, Andrea Cangiani, Emmanuil
H. Georgoulis, and Stephen Metcalfe

L∞(L∞)-boundedness and convergence of DG(p) solutions for nonlinear
conservation laws with boundary conditions, Christian Henke and Lutz

A posteriori error estimates for mixed finite element and finite
volume methods for problems coupled through a boundary with
nonmatching grids, T. Arbogast, D. Estep, B. Sheehan, and S. Tavener

Gaussian quadrature rules with an exponential weight on the real
semiaxis, Giuseppe Mastroianni, Incoronata Notarangelo, and Gradimir
V.  Milovanović

A new approach to the analysis of axisymmetric problems, Minah Oh

Redundancy of smoothness conditions and supersmoothness of bivariate
splines, T. Sorokina


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2014
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 61 (2)

Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 61, Number 2, November 2014

A Scalable Approach for Variational Data Assimilation, Luisa D'Amore,
Rossella Arcucci and Luisa Carracciuolo, pp.239-257.

Parallel Domain Decomposition Methods with Mixed Order Discretization
for Fully Implicit Solution of Tracer Transport Problems on the
Cubed-Sphere, Haijian Yang, Chao Yang and Xiao-Chuan Cai, pp.258-280.

A PNPM-CPR Framework for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Lei Shi,
Z.J. Wang, L.P. Zhang, Wei Liu and Song Fu, pp.281-307.

An Efficient Lattice Boltzmann Model for Steady Convection-Diffusion
Equation, Qianhuan Li, Zhenhua Chai and Baochang Shi, pp.308-326.

Numerical Anisotropy Study of a Class of Compact Schemes, Adrian Sescu
and Ray Hixon, pp.327-342.

Improved Accuracy of High-Order WENO Finite Volume Methods on
Cartesian Grids, Pawel Buchmuller and Christiane Helzel, pp.343-368.

Atmospheric Sound Propagation Over Large-Scale Irregular Terrain,
Martin Almquist, Ilkka Karasalo and Ken Mattsson, pp.369-397.

An Analysis of Solution Point Coordinates for Flux Reconstruction
Schemes on Triangular Elements, F.D. Witherden and P.E. Vincent,

Variational Space-Time Methods for the Wave Equation, Uwe Kocher and
Markus Bause, pp.424-453.

High-Order Flux Correction for Viscous Flows on Arbitrary Unstructured
Grids, B. Pincock and A. Katz, pp.454-476.

End of Digest

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