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NADIGEST  October 2014, Week 1

NADIGEST October 2014, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 14, # 34


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 2 Oct 2014 14:26:36 -0400





text/plain (828 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 34

NA Digest  Thursday, October 02, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 34

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	New Book, Solving Transcendental Equations
	Big Data for Society, USA, Oct 2014
	Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2014
	Optimization for Machine Learning, Canada, Dec 2014
	BIOMATH 2015, Bulgaria, Jun 2015
	Geometric Modeling and Processing, Switzerland, Jun 2015
	SIAM Geosciences (GS15), USA, Jun-Jul 2015
	Householder Symposium XX, USA, Jun 2017
	Faculty Positions, Numer Linear Alg, Beijing Comput Sci Res Center
	Tenure Track Position, Temple Univ, Philadelphia
	Tenure Track Positions, Univ of Kentucky
	Tenure-Track Position, Southern Methodist Univ
	Tenured Position, Southern Methodist University
	Assistant Professor Position, Comp Math, Univ of Colorado Denver
	Research Scientist Position, Univ of Wyoming
	Postdoc Position, John von Neumann Fellow, Sandia National Labs
	Postdoc Positions, Univ of Kentucky
	IMA ECM Autumn Conference, UK, Nov 2014
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, McMaster
	Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics 13 (3), 2014
	Contents, TWMS J of Pure and Applied Math, 5 (2)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: September 25, 2014
Subject: New Book, Solving Transcendental Equations

Announcing the September 22, 2014, publication by SIAM of:

Solving Transcendental Equations: The Chebyshev Polynomial Proxy and
Other Numerical Rootfinders, Perturbation Series, and Oracles, by John
P. Boyd

xviii + 462 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-51-8 / List
Price $99.00 / SIAM Member Price $69.30 / Order Code OT139

This book serves as the mathematical equivalent of a skydiver's
reserve parachute—not always needed, but indispensible when it is.
The author’s goal is to teach the art of finding the root of a single
algebraic equation or a pair of such equations.

Solving Transcendental Equations is unique in that it is the first
book to describe the Chebyshev-proxy rootfinder, which is the most
reliable way to find all zeros of a smooth function on the interval,
and the very reliable spectrally enhanced Weyl bisection/marching
triangles method for bivariate rootfinding. It also includes three
chapters on analytical methods—explicit solutions, regular pertubation
expansions, and singular perturbation series (including
hyperasymptotics)—unlike other books that give only numerical
algorithms for solving algebraic and transcendental equations.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit


From: Marc Daumas [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2014
Subject: Big Data for Society, USA, Oct 2014

On October 9, the Mission for Science and Technology of the Embassy of
France in Washington, DC, the CNRS Office for North America, and the
CNES delegation in the USA, welcome a half-day workshop on Big Data
for Society. This workshop is organized with IRIT – a CNRS laboratory
located in Toulouse, France, and LBNL – a DOE National Laboratory
located in Berkeley. Bilat-USA 2.0 and Euraxess Links North America
are associated with this event.

Agenda at a glance
- 8:30-8:45 Registration and coffee
- 8:45-9:00 Welcoming address
- 9:00-10:00 Data Analysis in Astronomy
- 10:00-10:45 Round Table: US support for a US partner in a H2020
  project of the EU
- 11:15-12:15 Perspectives on Big Data for Society
- 12:15-13:00 Round Table: Support of EU Member States to H2020
  project with a US partner
- 13:00-14:00 Networking lunch

Speakers and panelists from the OSTP (White House), DOE, NIST, NSF,
LBL, NCURA, IRIT, the EU delegation and Embassies of the Netherlands,
Italy, Germany, the UK, and France have confirmed their participation.

RSVP: For security reasons, all participants must be registered
through this link:


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: September 26, 2014
Subject: Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2014

The Big Data Revolution is one of the main science and technology
challenges of today. While this is multifaceted, mathematics is at the
very core of the challenge – in ranking information from vast networks
in web browsers such as Google, or identifying consumer preferences,
loyalty or even sentiment and making personalised recommendations, the
very scale of big data makes automation necessary and this, in turn,
necessarily relies on mathematical algorithms.  The challenge is to
derive value from signals buried in an avalanche of noise arising from
challenging data volume, flow and validity.  The mathematical
challenges are as varied as they are important. Whether searching for
influential nodes in huge networks, segmenting graphs into meaningful
communities, modelling uncertainties in health trends for individual
patients, linking data bases with different levels of granularity in
space and time, unbiased sampling, or connecting with infrastructure
involving sensors, privacy protection and high performance computing,
answers to these questions are the key to competitiveness and
leadership in this field.  This event will highlight current
challenges in mathematical methodology alongside new mathematical
problems arising from Big Data applications.

Papers should describe mathematical challenges specific to the
following topics or their application in large-scale use cases:
Optimal and dynamic sampling; Probably approximately correct
methodologies; Uncertainty modelling & generalisation error bounds;
Network analysis & community finding; Graph & web mining methods;
Trend tracking & novelty detection; Stream data management; Dynamic
segmentation & clustering; Transfer learning; Latent models for
hierarchical data; Deep learning; Context awareness; Multimodal data
linkage; Integration of multi-scale models; Mining of unstructured,
spatio-temporal, streaming and ; multimedia data; Computational
intelligence in large sensor networks; Predictive analytics and
recommender systems; Real-time forecasting; Access on-demand in
distributed databases; Affordable high performance computing; Privacy
protecting data mining; Data integrity & provenance methods;
Visualization methods; Mathematics underpinning large-scale use cases

Please visit the conference webpage for details on registration:

For further information, please visit the conference webpage:


From: Martin Jaggi [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2014
Subject: Optimization for Machine Learning, Canada, Dec 2014

OPT 2014 - 7th NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning
December 12th, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Deadline for submission of papers: 16th October, 2014

Invited Talks:
- Jean Bernard Lasserre (CNRS, France)
- Yoshua Bengio (University of Montreal, Canada)
- Amir Beck (Technion, Israel)

Optimization lies at the heart of many machine learning algorithms and
enjoys great interest in our community. Indeed, this intimate relation
of optimization with ML is the key motivation for the OPT series of
workshops. We aim to foster discussion, discovery, and dissemination
of the state-of-the-art in optimization relevant to ML.

This year, the workshop's special topic will be the challenges in
non-convex optimization, with contributions spanning both the
challenges (hardness results) and the opportunities (modeling
flexibility) of non-convex optimization. Irrespective of the special
topic, contributions on convex optimization are still encouraged.

We invite participation in the 7th International Workshop on
"Optimization for Machine Learning", to be held as a part of the NIPS
2014 conference. This year we invite both contributed talks and/or
posters, as well as open problems.


From: Roumen Anguelov [log in to unmask]
Date: September 27, 2014
Subject: BIOMATH 2015, Bulgaria, Jun 2015

BIOMATH 2015: International Conference on Mathematical Methods
and Models in Biosciences

14-19 June 2015

University Centre Bachinovo, South-West University, Blagoevgrad,

The conference is devoted to recent research in life sciences based on
applications of mathematics as well as mathematics applied to or
motivated by biological studies. It is a multidisciplinary meeting
forum for researchers who develop and apply mathematical and
computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of
biology, ecology, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering,
environmental science, etc.  Contributed talks in any of these fields
are invited. Abstracts deadline: 30 March 2015. Proceedings in volume
4 (2015) of the journal BIOMATH. Selected papers will be published in
special issues of other science journals.

International Steering Committee: R Anguelov (U. of Pretoria), Y
Dumont (CIRAD,France), J Farkas (U. of Stirling), P Hingley (European
Patent Office), P Hinow (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), H Kojouharov
(U. of Texas at Arlington), J Lubuma (U. of Pretoria), S Markov
(IMI-BAS), N Pesheva (IMech-BAS), MR Roussel (U. of Lethbridge), S
Schnell (U. of Michigan)


From: Andrew Gillette [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2014
Subject: Geometric Modeling and Processing, Switzerland, Jun 2015

9th International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP
2015), Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland
June 1-3, 2015

The call for papers and additional information can be found at:

Conference topics:
 - Mathematical foundations of computer-aided geometric design
 - Computational geometry algorithms and analyses
 - Multi-resolution and heterogeneous modeling
 - Geometric feature modeling and recognition
 - Representation of curves and surfaces
 - Discrete differential geometry
 - Isogeometric analysis
 - Shape optimization
 - Material Modeling
 - 3D printing

Dec 12 2014: Abstract submission deadline
Dec 19 2014: Paper submission deadline

General Co-Chairs: Elaine Cohen, Kai Hormann
Program Co-Chairs: Mario Botsch, Falai Chen, Andrew Gillette


From: Nicole Erle [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2014
Subject: SIAM Geosciences (GS15), USA, Jun-Jul 2015

Conference Name: SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational
Issues in the Geosciences	
Location:   Stanford University
Dates:      June 29-July 2, 2015

The Call for Papers for this conference is now available.  Please
visit for more information.

December 11, 2014:  Minisymposium proposals
January 15, 2015:  Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

December 19, 2014: SIAM Student Travel Award and NSF-funded Early
Career Attendees Award Applications

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMGS15

Contact SIAM Conference Department at [log in to unmask] with any
questions about the conference.


From: Jim Nagy [log in to unmask]
Date: October 01, 2014
Subject: Householder Symposium XX, USA, Jun 2017

The Householder Symposium XX on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held
at The Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, USA, 18-23 June 2017.

This symposium is the twentieth in a series, previously called the
Gatlinburg Symposia, and will be hosted by the Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University (VA Tech), in cooperation with the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the SIAM
Activity Group on Linear Algebra.

The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and
established researchers a priority. Participants are expected to
attend the entire meeting. The sixteenth Householder Award for the
best thesis in numerical linear algebra since 1 January 2014 will be

Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only. Applications will be
solicited from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory,
and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal
processing, and control. Each attendee will be given the opportunity
to present a talk. Some talks will be plenary lectures, while others
will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel sessions.

The application deadline will be some time in Fall 2016.

It is expected that partial support will be available for some
students, early career participants, and participants from countries
with limited resources.


From: Juan Yang [log in to unmask]
Date: September 25, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Numer Linear Alg, Beijing Comput Sci Res Center

Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) a newly
established interdisciplinary institute in China is recruiting
multiple tenure track assistant professor positions in algorithms
( ) to conduct top research in
computational sciences. The center is equipped with an in-house 14k
core computing cluster Tianhe2-JK (with 800+ Tflops computing power)
built by the maker of world's No.1 supercomputer TianHe2. The annual
salary ranges from 240k to 360k RMB depending on qualification and
center research funding, housing, and transportation benefits are also
provided. CSRC will also assist the successful candidate to apply for
China's global talent program for young scientists with awards of
considerable compensation and research funding.  Multiple positions
are available for strongly- motivated researchers to conduct high
quality computational algorithms research with scientists at CSRC in
the following targeted areas:
- Numerical Linear Algebra for parallel high performance computing
- HPC in CFD or CEM or meshless methods with expert experience in
  parallel computing languages and programming;
- image and data analysis;
- quantum Monte Carlo methods;
- density functional theory calculation;
- ab initio Molecular dynamics, Classical Molecular dynamics.

The potential candidates should demonstrate record of top quality
independent research in the development of computational methods and
their applications in one of the targeted areas and have experience in
conducting scientific computing interdisciplinary research. The
candidate is expected to engage in joint research with staff
scientists at CRSC in condensed matter physics, quantum optics and
quantum information, Green energy and functional materials, biology
and material sciences.

Applications should consist of curriculum vitae, including a list of
publications, summary of future research plans, and three letters of
reference. Please identify the position area in your
application. Application materials should be electronically sent to
Ms. Juan Yang by email [log in to unmask] with subject line
“Algorithms Tenure Track". Positions are available immediately and
applications are reviewed until positions are filled.


From: Daniel B. Szyld [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Temple Univ, Philadelphia

Tenure-Track Position: Applied and Computational Mathematics.

The Department of Mathematics, Temple University is inviting
applications for positions at the rank of tenure-track Assistant
Professor. (In exceptional cases, more advanced ranks may be
considered.) Candidates should have outstanding potential.
Postdoctoral experience is expected.

Our targeted research area for this year is Applied and Computational

Temple's College of Science and Technology is in the process of
sustained growth in computational science. Candidates engaged in
interdisciplinary research are particularly encouraged to apply. We
offer highly competitive salaries, teaching loads, and start-up

Applications should include the standard AMS Cover Sheet for Academic
Employment, a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a statement about
current and future research, and a statement on teaching experience. A
complete application will also include at least three letters of
recommendation addressing research and one letter addressing
teaching. All application materials should be submitted via

Inquiries may be directed to [log in to unmask]

Review of applications will begin November 1, 2014.

Temple University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer,
and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. We
especially encourage applications from women, minorities, and other
under-represented groups in the mathematical sciences.


From: Qiang Ye [log in to unmask]
Date: September 28, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Univ of Kentucky

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky invites
applications for two full time faculty positions at the tenure-track
(Assistant Professor) level beginning in Fall 2015. In exceptional
cases, applicants at higher levels may be considered. A successful
candidate is expected to pursue a vigorous research program and to
deliver high quality teaching to both graduate and undergraduate
students. Postdoctoral experience is desirable, but not
required. Preference will be given to those with research interests in
computational or applied mathematics. We are particularly interested
in candidates with an interest in applications of mathematics in the
biological sciences or economics.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in mathematics, applied
mathematics or a related field by the time the appointment begins and
are expected to present evidence of excellence in research and
teaching. Applications should include the standard AMS Cover Sheet for
Academic Employment, a curriculum vitae, a statement about current and
future research, a statement on teaching experience and quantitative
assessments of teaching, at least three (3) letters of reference
addressing the applicant’s research, and one (1) letter of reference
addressing the applicant’s teaching. All application materials must be
submitted online at

Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Applications
submitted by November 15, 2014 will receive full consideration.

The University of Kentucky values diversity, is located in an
increasingly diverse geographical region, and has progressive
work-life policies. The mathematics department actively seeks
qualified individuals to increase our diversity. Members of
under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information about the department, visit: .


From: Daniel R. Reynolds [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2014
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Southern Methodist Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University invites
applications for a tenure-track assistant professor.

Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in mathematics
related to data-enabled science and engineering. Outstanding
candidates working in other areas of computational and applied
mathematics may also be considered. Applicant must have a PhD, provide
evidence of outstanding research, and have a strong commitment to
teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels.  The department
offers an active doctoral program in computational and applied
mathematics. It is anticipated that this position will expand the
department’s participation and expertise in high-performance computing
and interdisciplinary research. The SMU Center for Scientific
Computation draws its members from throughout the university and its
facilities include an HPC cluster with 9000+ cores. SMU's Dedman
College Interdisciplinary Institute fosters collaboration between
researchers at SMU as well as those at other universities and research
centers. Applications consisting of a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
a list of publications, research and teaching statements should be
submitted via the website Candidates should
also arrange for three letters of recommendation, which may be
submitted on the same website or sent by regular mail to Faculty
Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist
University, P.O. Box 750156, Dallas, TX 75275-0156. The Search
Committee can be contacted via email: [log in to unmask], Tel:
(214) 768-2452 and Fax: (214) 768-2355.

To ensure full consideration the application must be received by
December 17, 2014, but the committee will continue to accept
applications until the position is filled. The committee will notify
applicants of its employment decisions after the positions are filled.

SMU, a private university with active graduate and undergraduate
programs in the sciences and engineering, is situated in a quiet
residential section of Dallas. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is
America's fourth largest metropolitan area, and residents enjoy access
to world-class cultural and entertainment activities. SMU will not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. SMU’s
commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. Hiring
is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a background check.


From: Daniel R. Reynolds [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2014
Subject: Tenured Position, Southern Methodist University

The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University invites
applications for tenured associate or full professor, however,
exceptional candidates at the rank of assistant professor will be

Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in the modeling
and analysis of complex systems. The department offers an active
doctoral program in computational and applied mathematics.  It is
anticipated that this position will expand the department’s
participation and expertise in high-performance computing and
interdisciplinary research. The SMU Center for Scientific Computation
draws its members from throughout the university and its facilities
include an HPC cluster with 9000+ cores. SMU's Dedman College
Interdisciplinary Institute fosters collaboration between researchers
at SMU as well as those at other universities and research centers.
Applications consisting of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a list of
publications, research and teaching statements should be submitted via
the website Candidates should also arrange
for three letters of recommendation, which may be submitted on the
same website or sent by regular mail to Faculty Search Committee,
Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University, P.O. Box
750156, Dallas, TX 75275-0156. The Search Committee can be contacted
via email: [log in to unmask], Tel: (214) 768-2452 and Fax: (214)

To ensure full consideration the application must be received by
December 17, 2014, but the committee will continue to accept
applications until the positions are filled. The committee will notify
applicants of its employment decisions after the positions are filled.

SMU, a private university with active graduate and undergraduate
programs in the sciences and engineering, is situated in a quiet
residential section of Dallas. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is
America's fourth largest metropolitan area, and residents enjoy access
to world-class cultural and entertainment activities. SMU will not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. SMU’s
commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. Hiring
is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a background check.


From: Julien Langou [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2014
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Comp Math, Univ of Colorado Denver

The Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the
University of Colorado Denver invites applications for a Tenure-Track
Assistant Professor position in Numerical Methods and Scientific
Computing beginning August 2015.  We seek candidates with excellent
research potential and strong commitment to quality
teaching. Application review begins November 15th, 2014.  For more
information, see the full posting at (job posting
F01791) or contact [log in to unmask] The University of
Colorado Denver is committed to diversity and equality in education
and employment.


From: Mohammad Piri [log in to unmask]
Date: October 01, 2014
Subject: Research Scientist Position, Univ of Wyoming

The University of Wyoming Department of Chemical and Petroleum
Engineering is seeking applicants for several Post-doctoral Research
Scientist Positions to conduct research in the area of multiphase flow
in porous media making use of state-of-the-art numerical methods, high
performance computing, and data visualization.  Applicants must have a
Ph.D. in Computational/Applied Mathematics, Computational/Applied
Physics, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, or related fields and experience
in high performance computing and numerical simulations. Experience in
large parallel computer program design and development is highly
desirable. The successful candidates will be expected to work closely
with graduate students and other research scientists in the research
group and publish in scientific journals.

Applicants must submit a letter of application that details academic
and research experience related to these positions, a resume, and
contact information of at least four references to: Professor M. Piri,
Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming,
Dept. 3295, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071-2000,
USA. Email: [log in to unmask]

The University of Wyoming is an Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  All qualified applicants
will receive consideration from employment without regard to race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran
status or any other characteristic protected by law and University
policy.  Please see

We conduct background investigations for all final candidates being
considered for employment.  Offers of employment are contingent upon
the completion of the background check.


From: Denis Ridzal [log in to unmask]
Date: September 25, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, John von Neumann Fellow, Sandia National Labs

The Computing Research Center and the Computer Sciences and
Information Systems Center at Sandia National Laboratories invite
outstanding candidates to apply for the 2015 John von Neumann
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Computational Science. This
prestigious fellowship is supported by the Applied Mathematics
Research Program in the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced
Scientific Computing Research. The fellowship provides an exceptional
opportunity for innovative research in computational mathematics and
scientific computing on advanced computing architectures with
application to a broad range of science and engineering problems of
national importance.  Applicants must have or soon receive a Ph.D. in
applied/computational mathematics or related computational science and
engineering disciplines.  Applicants must have less than three years
of postdoctoral experience.  This appointment is for one year, with a
possible renewal for a second year, and includes a highly competitive
salary, moving expenses and a generous professional travel allowance.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Complete applications
received by December 1, 2014 will receive full consideration; the
position will remain open until filled.

For more information, including application instructions, please see
our web page at

Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V.


From: Qiang Ye [log in to unmask]
Date: September 28, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Univ of Kentucky

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Scholar position in the
Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky beginning in
Fall 2015. The successful candidate is expected to pursue a vigorous
research program and to deliver high quality teaching. The teaching
expectation is three courses per academic year, normally two courses
during one semester and one course the other semester.  The initial
appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for a
total of three years, subject to satisfactory performance. While
outstanding applicants from all mathematical research areas will be
considered, preference will be given to those with research interests
compatible with existing research areas in the department. It would be
helpful for applicants to indicate a potential faculty mentor.

Applicants should have completed the Ph.D. degree by the time the
appointment begins and are expected to present evidence of excellence
in research and teaching. Applications should include the standard AMS
Cover Sheet for Academic Employment, curriculum vitae, a statement
about current and future research, a statement on teaching experience,
at least three (3) letters of reference addressing research, and one
(1) letter of reference addressing teaching. All application materials
must be submitted online at Applications
submitted by December 1, 2014 will receive full consideration; however
applications will be reviewed as they are received.

The University of Kentucky values diversity, is located in an
increasingly diverse geographical region, and has progressive
work-life policies. The mathematics department actively seeks
qualified individuals to increase the diversity of our faculty.
Members of under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information about the department, visit


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: September 26, 2014
Subject: IMA ECM Autumn Conference, UK, Nov 2014

Saturday 22 November 2014, Queen Mary University London

The IMA Early Career Mathematicians’ Autumn Conference will be held at
Queen Mary University of London on Saturday 22nd November 2014. This
bi-annual event aims to bring together mathematicians working in
academia and industry along with mathematics undergraduates and
postgraduate students in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, whilst
being informative and inspirational with a wide variety of
mathematical topics being discussed. The day comprises of a mixture of
engaging activities and presentations and opportunity to meet the
speakers. In the afternoon session, we will use an unconference method
to put the control of the programme in the hands of the participants,
this was a great success at the 2014 Spring Conference and we are
looking forward to it again this Autumn.  This day provides a great
opportunity for networking, learning from other people’s experiences
and to discover any potential careers for mathematicians.

Fees are reduced for IMA members and IMA students, not only for this
conference, but for all IMA conferences. For further information on
joining the IMA, including “IMA Student” grade, please visit:

And for further information to students, including the “IMA e-
Student” grade:


From: Bartosz Protas [log in to unmask]
Date: October 01, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, McMaster

Openings for graduate students (Master's and/or Ph.D.) and a
post-doctoral fellow are anticipated in Dr. Protas' research group at
McMaster University. The focus of these positions will be fundamental
investigations of extreme behavior, such as potential singularity
formation, in fluid flow models using a combination of mathematical
analysis and large-scale computations (the post-doctoral position may
also involve some teaching). Required background involves (ideally, a
combination of) theoretical fluid mechanics, large-scale scientific
computing (including numerical optimization) and PDE analysis.
Details concerning student positions are available at the web address

whereas information about the post-doctoral opening will be posted at

Interested candidates should contact

  Dr. Bartosz Protas
  Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8S 4K1
  Email: [log in to unmask]

for more information and application procedures.


From: Fikret Aliev [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2014
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics 13 (3), 2014

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal,
Vol.13, No.3, October 2014

CONTENTS Likert-Scale Fuzzy Uncertainty From a Traditional Decision
Making Viewpoint: How Symmetry Helps Explain Human Decision Making
(Including Seemingly Irrational Behavior) (Survey), V. Kreinovich,
J. Lorkowski

A Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Parabolic Equation Based on
Pseudo-Spectral Integration Matrix, E. Babolian, S. Gholami, M. Javidi

A Comparison of Eigenvalue Methods for Principal Component Analysis,
Y. Danisman, M. Fatih Yilmaz, A. Ozkaya, I.T. Comlekciler

Two-Way Real-Time Meteorological Data Analysis and Mapping Information
System, R. Samet, S. Tural, J. Li, N. Samet

Rational Approximations for Solving Differential Equations of
Fractional Order on Semi-Infinite Interval, M. Shahini, H. Adibi

A Note on the Interactions of Nonlinear Waves Governed by Generalised
Boussinesq Equation, H. Demiray

A Splitting Flux Limiter Finite Difference Scheme for the Nonlinear
Black-Scholes Equation, M.N. Koleva, L.G. Vulkov


From: Gamar Mammadova [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2014
Subject: Contents, TWMS J of Pure and Applied Math, 5 (2)

CONTENTS: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5, No.2,
2014, ISSN 2076-2585

1.Special Curves in Three Dimensional Finsler Manifold F3, M. Ergüt,
M. Külahci

2.A Solution to the Pole Problem for the Shallow Water Equations on a
Sphere, G. Starius

3.Numerical Investigation of Constrained Optimization of Transient
Processes in Oil Pipelines, K.R. Ayda-zade, J.A. Asadova

4.Degree Lists of K-Bipartite Hypertournaments, S. Pirzada, G. Zhou

5.Approximation Properties of Some Systems of Root Functions Generated
by Well-Posed Solvable Boundary Value Problems, B.E. Kanguzhin,
D.B. Nurakhmetov

6.Some Subordination and Superordination Results Associated with a New
Operator, M.K. Aouf, A.O. Mostafa, A. Shamandy, E.A. Adwan

7.Numerical Solution of Delay Differential Equations via Haar
Wavelets, S. Asadi, A.H. Borzabadi

8.On Some New Sequence Spaces of Non-Absolute Type, S. Zeren,
Ç.A. Bektaş

9.Normal Subgroups of Finite Index for the Group Representation of the
Cayley Tree, U. A. Rozikov, F.H. Haydarov

10.Application of Multi-Stage HAM-Pad to Solve a Model for the
Evolution of Cocaine Consumption in Spain, F. Guerrero,
H. Vazquez-Leal


End of Digest

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