Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 31
NA Digest Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Volume 14 : Issue 31
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]
Today's Topics:
Course notes/videos for Numerical Linear Algebra, graduate level
New Book, Nonlinear parameter optimization using R tools
Numerical Simulation in Energy Storage, USA, Sep-Oct 2014
Bilevel Optimal Control, Germany, Oct 2014
Nanoscience and Mathematics, Spain, Oct 2014
FSI Workshop, France, Nov 2014
Conference Honoring L. Halpern, France, Jan 2015
High Performance Scientific Computing, Vietnam, Mar 2015
High Performance Computing, USA, Apr 2015
Approx Meth/Modeling in Env/Natural Resources, France, Jun 2015
Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Bulgaria, Jun 2015
Chair Position, Mathematics, Univ of Alabama
Postdoc Position, Big Data, UQ, ICES, UT Austin
Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Aalto Univ
Postdoc Positions, Modelling in Systems and Synthetic Biology
Contents, Information and Inference, 3 (3)
Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 61 (1)
Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 17 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Robert van de Geijn [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Course notes/videos for Numerical Linear Algebra, graduate level
This semester, I am video taping my lectures and posting my notes for
"Numerical Analysis: Linear Algebra", an introductory graduate level
course on numerical linear algebra.
The course follows topics roughly in the same order as does the book
"Numerical Linear Algebra" by Trefethen and Bau. Some students of my
course have in the past found the alternative explanations and
notation that we use insightful. The material also links to the
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled "Linear Algebra: Foundations
to Frontiers" (LAFF), an introductory undergraduate course in linear
algebra that we presented last Spring (and will offer again this
coming Spring) on the edX platform. Materials for that course can be
found at http://www.ulaff.net.
The materials are a work in progress. Every week, I race with the
clock to write notes and edit the videos. Sometimes I forget to turn
on the microphone, and the videos don't turn out... Whoever uses
these materials does so at his/her own risk.
Feel free to point your students to
http://wiki.cs.utexas.edu/rvdg/CS383Fall2014, which is where the
materials can be found by clicking on the "Calendar" link. Obviously
I am not in a position to answer questions of students via e-mail, but
there are instructions so that students can use a piazza forum to help
each other.
From: John Nash [log in to unmask]
Date: September 02, 2014
Subject: New Book, Nonlinear parameter optimization using R tools
Wiley UK recently published my new book "Nonlinear parameter
optimization using R tools". I'm happy they've kept the price in the
affordable range (circa $80) for a hardback.
The aim is to help mostly non-numerical-analyst users choose and use
methods for estimating nonlinear parameters using tools available in
R. R now has over 6000 official add-in packages and a very wide user
base (figures of the order of 2 million users are quoted). R is
available for most platforms and is open-source. NA News readers may
find the book useful in illustrating and discussing strategies for
providing computational tools to users that are powerful and flexible
but still tolerably easy to use.
NA Digest readers may be also interested that the book was developed
with Yihui Xie's knitR, which is set up to allow R code to be embedded
in LaTeX source of the book and produce the relevant code blocks and
graphics as a completed pdf ready for printing. For non-R users, at
the recent UseR!2014, he and I added a Fortran language engine to
knitR (http://yihui.name/knitr/demo/engines/). These allow similar
functionality for other programming languages.
I'll be happy to provide more information off-list.
From: Dr. R. Bradley Shumbera [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Numerical Simulation in Energy Storage, USA, Sep-Oct 2014
The Institute for Scientific Computation at Texas A&M University, in
collaboration with Texas A&M's Department of Mechanical Engineering
and the College of Engineering at DHBW (Baden- Württemberg Cooperative
State University) Mannheim, Germany, is pleased to host a one-week
international summer school on numerical simulation with emphasis on
energy storage. Fundamental physicochemical transport mechanisms in
rechargeable lithium-ion battery electrodes and relevant mathematical
modeling and analysis will be discussed.
Venue: Texas A&M University, Mechanical Engineering Room 501
Dates: Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2014
If interested, contact:
Dr. Volker P. Schulz, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, DHBW
Mannheim, Germany ([log in to unmask])
Dr. Partha P. Mukherjee, Assistant Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, Texas A&M ([log in to unmask])
Dr. Yalchin Efendiev, Professor of Mathematics and Director of the
Institute for Scientific Computation, Texas A&M
([log in to unmask])
This international summer school is supported by the President and
Vice President of DHBW Mannheim, the Institute for Scientific
Computation at Texas A&M, and Texas A&M's Department of Mechanical
From: Kathrin Hatz [log in to unmask]
Date: September 10, 2014
Subject: Bilevel Optimal Control, Germany, Oct 2014
Workshop on Bilevel Optimal Control - Combining Theoretical and
Numerical Approaches, October 20-22, 2014
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg
University, Germany
Please register for participation by sending an email to
[log in to unmask]
Topics include
- Optimality conditions for bilevel optimal control problems
- Numerical methods for solving bilevel optimal control problems
- Relations to MPECs, bilevel programming and parametric optimization
- Discussion of open questions and challenges
- Challenging applications from science and industry
Confirmed Speakers:
- Matthias Gerdts (München)
- Christian Kanzow (Würzburg)
- Christian Kirches (Heidelberg)
- Todd Munson (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Rüdiger Schultz (Duisburg-Essen)
- Sonja Steffensen (Aachen)
- Oliver Stein (Karlsruhe)
- T. M. Surowiec (Berlin)
- Jane Ye (Victoria)
- Alain Zemkoho (Birmingham)
From: Juan Montijano [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Nanoscience and Mathematics, Spain, Oct 2014
Second Workshop on Nanoscience and Mathematics (NanoMath 2014)
October 1st to 3rd, 2014
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Nanotechnology is a truly interdisciplinary subject, a field of
rapidly growing importance in the last years. Research in this field
is dominated by experiment and computation, whilst the associated
theory required to advance development is lagging behind. Here,
mathematics can play an important role. "Nanomath 2014" is the second
of a series on this topic, intended to bring together mathematicians,
chemists, physicists, engineers to explore the potential for
mathematicians and experimental scientists to gain a better insight
into the workings of the nanoworld. The meeting will be held at the
Instituto de Investigación en Matemáticas y Aplicaciones of the
University of Zaragoza (IUMA). It will be primarily educational, with
an emphasis on recent developments in Applied Mathematical Modelling,
consisting of lectures of a general, expository nature related to
nanotechnology and interspersed with related research presentations.
For further information, including the list of speakers, and details
about poster or communication submissions, please visit the website
From: Miguel A. Fernández [log in to unmask]
Date: September 08, 2014
Subject: FSI Workshop, France, Nov 2014
November 24-25, 2014, Grenoble, France
The workshop will focus on new research trends in fluid-structure
interaction and is intended to provide an up-to-date view of recent
results based on different modeling and computational aspects (ALE,
Fully Eulerian, Lagrangian, fitted/unfitted meshes, coupling schemes,
Invited speakers:
E. Burman (University College London, UK)
S. Canic (University of Houston, USA)
L. Gastaldi (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
A. Iollo (Université de Bordeaux, France)
A. Lozinski (Université de Franche-Comté, France)
B. Maury (Université Paris-Sud XI, France)
T. Richter (Universität Heidelberg, Germany)
C. Vergara (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy)
W. van Rees (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
W. Wall (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Web site: http://sites.google.com/site/grenoblefsi14
Organizers: G.-H. Cottet, M.A. Fernández, J.-F. Gerbeau, E. Maitre
From: Martin J. Gander [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Conference Honoring L. Halpern, France, Jan 2015
We organize a conference in applied mathematics in honor of Laurence
Halpern's birthday at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, January
20-22, 2015.
Invites speakers:
M. Amara (Université de Pau) P. Joly (INRIA)
A. Bendali (CERFACS) J.J.Marigo (École Polytechnique)
Y. Brenier (École Polytechnique) F. Nataf (UPMC)
O. Ciobanu (Paris 13 et Onera) J.C. Nédélec (Polytechnique)
G.H. Cottet (Univ. Joseph-Fourier) J. Rauch (Univ. of Michigan)
P. Degond (Imperial Col. London) M. Schoenauer (INRIA)
B. Engquist (University of Texas) J. Szeftel (UPMC)
J.C. Guillot (École Polytechnique) N. Trefethen (Oxford)
A detailed program and further information is available at
The registration deadline is 19.12.2014, at
A limited number of posters can be proposed until 19.12.2014 at
Organizers: F. Caetano, M.J. Gander, F. Hubert, C. Japhet, S.
Labbé, O. Lafitte, V. Martin, J. Ryan, K. Santugini, J. Szeftel
Contact: [log in to unmask]
From: Phan Thanh An [log in to unmask]
Date: September 03, 2014
Subject: High Performance Scientific Computing, Vietnam, Mar 2015
6th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing
Date: 03/16/2015 - 03/20/2015
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
URL: hpsc.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/HPSCHanoi2015
Description: The conference is jointly organized by Heidelberg
Institute of Theoretical Studies (HITS), Institute of Mathematics,
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary Center
for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg, and Vietnam
Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics.
Topics: mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, methods for
optimization and control, parallel computing (architectures,
algorithms, tools and environments), software development applications
of scientific computing (in physics, mechanics, hydrology, chemistry,
biology, medicine, transport, logistics, site location, communication,
scheduling, industry, business, finance...)
The conference proceedings with selected high-quality contributions
will be published by Springer.
Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: September
29, 2014.
From: Karl Rupp [log in to unmask]
Date: September 04, 2014
Subject: High Performance Computing, USA, Apr 2015
23rd High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'15)
Part of the SCS Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'15)
April 12-15, 2015 | Alexandria, VA, USA
Paper submission due: November 22, 2014
Notification of acceptance: January 9, 2015
Revised manuscript: February 10, 2015
The 2015 Spring Simulation Multiconference will feature the 23rd High
Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2015), devoted to the impact of
high performance computing and communications on computer simulations.
Topics of interest include:
- High performance/large scale application case studies
- GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU)
- Multicore and many-core computing
- Power aware computing
- Cloud, distributed, and grid computing
- Asynchronous numerical methods and programming
- Hybrid system modeling and simulation
- Large scale visualization and data management
- Tools and environments for coupling parallel codes
- Parallel algorithms and architectures
- High performance software tools
- Resilience at the simulation level
- Component technologies for high performance computing
From: Amaziane [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Approx Meth/Modeling in Env/Natural Resources, France, Jun 2015
6th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical
Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN VI-2015)
June 1-5, 2015, Pau, France
Contact: [log in to unmask]
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1st February, 2015
Topics: Approximation and modeling applied to environment sciences and
natural resources; New applications and developments in approximation
methods; Mathematics and computation in geosciences; Modeling of
ecosystems; Oceanographic and coastal engineering; Numerical modeling
of flow and transport in porous media; Mathematical analysis of models
in porous media; Multi-Scale Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous
Media; Statistical modeling in geosciences; Stochastic partial
differential equations
Selected papers from MAMERN VI-2015 will be published, after a
refereeing process, as a Special Issue of the Journal MATHEMATICS AND
From: Svetozar Margenov [log in to unmask]
Date: September 03, 2014
Subject: Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Bulgaria, Jun 2015
The 10th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific
Computations will take place in June 8-12, 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
LSSC'15 is organized by the Department of Scientific Computations,
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences.
A detailed information is available at:
Following the tradition, the topics of interest include: Hierarchical,
adaptive, domain decomposition and local refinement methods; Robust
preconditioning algorithms; Monte Carlo methods and algorithms;
Numerical linear algebra; Control systems; Parallel algorithms and
performance analysis; Large-scale computations of environmental,
biomedical and engineering problems.
Applications for organizing special sessions are welcome till the end
of September.
Conference chairman: Prof. Svetozar Margenov
Conference secretary: Mrs. Silvia Grozdanova
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
From: Michele Farley [log in to unmask]
Date: September 03, 2014
Subject: Chair Position, Mathematics, Univ of Alabama
The University of Alabama seeks an outstanding individual at the rank
of Associate or Full Professor for the position of Chair of the
Department of Mathematics. The successful candidate must be
nationally/internationally recognized, with an active research program
that includes external funding, and with the ability to help shape a
progressive thriving department within a university whose student
enrollment has nearly doubled in the last ten years and whose
trajectory is upwards. The applicant should possess proven leadership
abilities, preferably with administrative experience, and have an
understanding and enthusiasm for both the teaching and research
missions. The area of expertise of the applicant is open, but should
complement those of the existing faculty and future plans for growth
in the Department.
The University of Alabama is the flagship campus of a three-campus
system. The University is located in Tuscaloosa, a city of
approximately 100,000. The UA Department of Mathematics has 28
tenured/tenure track faculty, 11 full time instructors and 40 graduate
students, with research programs in algebra, analysis, fluid dynamics,
image processing, mathematics education, optimization, scientific
computing, statistics, stochastic processes and topology. The
department has an in-house Mathematics Ph. D. program and a joint
Applied Mathematics Ph. D. program with the other two campuses. The UA
Mathematics program places emphasis on quality education at the
undergraduate and graduate levels.
Applicants should apply online at
https://facultyjobs.ua.edu/postings/35868; attach a curriculum vita
along with a letter of application and arrange for three letters of
recommendation to be sent to [log in to unmask] Statements of
administrative and leadership philosophy, research plans, and teaching
philosophy and interests should also be included. Potential
candidates may contact the chairperson of the search committee,
Dr. Martyn Dixon, at [log in to unmask] if additional information is
desired. Beginning October 15, 2014, applications and nominations
will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and will continue to be accepted
until the position is filled. The position is scheduled to start on
August 16, 2015, or as negotiated.
The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative
Action employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees.
Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. For
more information about the Department and the University visit our
website at http://www.math.ua.edu.
From: Tan Bui [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Big Data, UQ, ICES, UT Austin
There is an immediate postdoc position to work on big data problems in
statistical inverse problems and UQ at the Institute for Computational
Engineering and Sciences, UT Austin. The position is funded under two
DOE grants,: Extreme-scale Bayesian inference for uncertainty
quantification of complex simulations, and Active subspace methods for
data- intensive inverse problems.
The position is up to three years depending on the performance. Salary
will be increased every year and the increasing amount depends again
on performance.
Candidates are invited to contact Tan Bui-Thanh at
[log in to unmask] for more details.
From: Antti Hannukainen [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Aalto Univ
The numerical analysis and operator theory group at the Department of
Mathematics and Systems analysis of Aalto University has an open
postdoctoral research position. The postdoctoral researcher is
expected to conduct independent research as well as to participate in
a joint project with the research group of electromechanics at the
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation. The topic of the
project is the energy balance in the finite element analysis of
electrical machines. A successful candidate has a PhD in mathematics
or a related area and a strong background in scientific computing,
finite element simulation, linear algebra and ordinary differential
equations. The position is for one year with a possible extension for
another year, starting preferably in December 2014 and no later than
January 2015.
The deadline for the application is October 1st.
For more details on how to apply, see
From: Tatiana T. Marquez-Lago [log in to unmask]
Date: September 08, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Modelling in Systems and Synthetic Biology
We are looking for two enthusiastic scientists to helps us develop
novel analysis tools and stochastic/multiscaled methods, widely
applicable to gene expression and cell biology.
The ideal candidates will have a strong background in mathematical
modelling (ideally some numerical analysis and probability), a PhD in
a related field, and a strong interest to collaborate with
experimental biologists and theoreticians. Strong programming skills
in Matlab are mandatory, while additional experience in C/C++ and
Python is desirable but not essential. Additionally, experience with
dynamical systems (ODEs, PDEs) is expected, while evidenced experience
in biological/chemical reaction modeling and stochastic simulation
will be considered a plus.
Specific projects will entail constant feedback and cooperation with
our home-based wet lab, and experimental and theoretical groups inside
and outside Japan. Thus, the postdoc is expected to have excellent
personal and communication skills, and to communicate research to
interdisciplinary audiences.
The successful candidate will join the Integrative Systems Biology
Unit of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), and
will work under the supervision of Prof. Tatiana Marquez-Lago. OIST's
language of instruction is English, and a large segment of the faculty
and student population is international. Details of our lab can be
found in (https://groups.oist.jp/isbu), while further details of the
position can be found in
One of the positions is available immediately, and the second has a
negotiable start date within the next 5 months.
From: Neha Mistry [log in to unmask]
Date: September 10, 2014
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 3 (3)
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
1-Bit matrix completion, Mark A. Davenport, Yaniv Plan, Ewout van den
Berg, and Mary Wootters
Living on the edge: phase transitions in convex programs with random
data, Dennis Amelunxen, Martin Lotz, Michael B. McCoy, and Joel
A. Tropp
From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: September 05, 2014
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 61 (1)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 61, Number 1, October 2014
A Robust Adaptive Grid Method for a System of Two Singularly Perturbed
Convection-Diffusion Equations with Weak Coupling, Li-Bin Liu and
Yanping Chen, pp.1-16.
Nonmonotone Barzilai–Borwein Gradient Algorithm for TeX -Regularized
Nonsmooth Minimization in Compressive Sensing, Yunhai Xiao, Soon-Yi Wu
and Liqun Qi, pp.17-41.
Multi-scale Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Solving Elliptic
Problems with Curvilinear Unidirectional Rough Coefficients, Yifan
Zhang, Wei Wang, Johnny Guzman and Chi-Wang Shu, pp.42-60.
Weighted Non-linear Compact Schemes for the Direct Numerical
Simulation of Compressible, Turbulent Flows, Debojyoti Ghosh and James
D. Baeder, pp.61-89.
Acoustic Wave Propagation in Complicated Geometries and Heterogeneous
Media, Kristoffer Virta and Ken Mattsson, pp.90-118.
Partitioned and Implicit–Explicit General Linear Methods for Ordinary
Differential Equations, Hong Zhang, Adrian Sandu and Sebastien Blaise,
Separation of Variables for Function Generated High-Order Tensors,
M. Bebendorf and C. Kuske, pp.145-165.
On the Galerkin/Finite-Element Method for the Serre Equations,
Dimitrios Mitsotakis, Boaz Ilan and Denys Dutykh, pp.166-195.
Lower Bounds for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators: By Nonconforming
Finite Element Methods, Jun Hu, Yunqing Huang and Qun Lin, pp.196-221.
A Coupled Lattice Boltzmann Method to Solve Nernst–Planck Model for
Simulating Electro-osmotic Flows, Xuguang Yang, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua
Chai and Zhaoli Guo, pp.222-238.
From: SibJNM [log in to unmask]
Date: September 03, 2014
Subject: Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 17 (3)
CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 17, No. 3, 2014
For information to contributors and about subscriptions
see http://www.sscc.ru/SibJNM/
Afanasyev I.V., A cellular automata model of three organisms
populations in lake Baikal (in Russian), pp. 217-227
Lutsenko N.A., Tarasov G.V., Gyrnik K.A., An OpenMP version of the
parallel algorithm for calculation of unsteady gas flow through porous
objects with energy sources: Analysis and Application (in Russian),
pp. 229-244
Orlov A.V., Malyshev A.V., The test problem generation for
quadratic-linear pessimistic bilevel optimization (in Russian),
pp. 245-257
Romankov A.S., Romenski E.I., The Runge--Kutta/WENO method for solving
equations for small-amplitude wave propagation in a saturated porous
medium (in Russian), pp. 259-271
Tripathy M., Sinha Rajen Kumar, Convergence of $H^1$-Galerkin mixed
finite element method for parabolic problems with reduced regularity
of initial data (in Russian), pp. 273-288
Shary S.P., On the full rank interval matrices (in Russian),
pp. 289-304
Shlychkov V.A., Krylova A.I., A numerical model of density currents in
estuaries of the Siberian rivers (in Russian), pp. 305-313
End of Digest
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May 2019, Week 3 May 2019, Week 2 May 2019, Week 1 April 2019, Week 4 April 2019, Week 3 April 2019, Week 2 April 2019, Week 1 March 2019, Week 5 March 2019, Week 4 March 2019, Week 3 March 2019, Week 2 March 2019, Week 1 February 2019, Week 4 February 2019, Week 3 February 2019, Week 2 February 2019, Week 1 January 2019, Week 5 January 2019, Week 3 January 2019, Week 2 January 2019, Week 1 December 2018, Week 5 December 2018, Week 4 December 2018, Week 3 December 2018, Week 2 December 2018, Week 1 November 2018, Week 4 November 2018, Week 3 November 2018, Week 2 November 2018, Week 1 October 2018, Week 5 October 2018, Week 3 October 2018, Week 1 September 2018, Week 5 September 2018, Week 4 September 2018, Week 3 September 2018, Week 2 September 2018, Week 1 August 2018, Week 4 August 2018, Week 3 August 2018, Week 2 August 2018, Week 1 July 2018, Week 5 July 2018, Week 4 July 2018, Week 3 July 2018, Week 2 July 2018, Week 1 June 2018, Week 4 June 2018, Week 3 June 2018, Week 2 June 2018, Week 1 May 2018, Week 4 May 2018, Week 3 May 2018, Week 2 May 2018, Week 1 April 2018, Week 5 April 2018, Week 4 April 2018, Week 3 April 2018, Week 2 April 2018, Week 1 March 2018, Week 4 March 2018, Week 3 March 2018, Week 2 March 2018, Week 1 February 2018, Week 4 February 2018, Week 3 February 2018, Week 2 February 2018, Week 1 January 2018, Week 4 January 2018, Week 3 January 2018, Week 2 January 2018, Week 1 December 2017, Week 5 December 2017, Week 4 December 2017, Week 3 December 2017, Week 2 November 2017, Week 4 November 2017, Week 1 October 2017, Week 4 October 2017, Week 3 October 2017, Week 1 September 2017, Week 4 September 2017, Week 3 September 2017, Week 2 September 2017, Week 1 August 2017, Week 4 August 2017, Week 3 July 2017, Week 2 July 2017, Week 1 June 2017, Week 4 June 2017, Week 2 June 2017, Week 1 May 2017, Week 4 May 2017, Week 3 May 2017, Week 2 May 2017, Week 1 April 2017, Week 4 March 2017, Week 4 March 2017, Week 2 March 2017, Week 1 February 2017, Week 4 February 2017, Week 2 February 2017, Week 1 January 2017, Week 3 January 2017, Week 2 December 2016, Week 5 December 2016, Week 3 December 2016, Week 2 December 2016, Week 1 November 2016, Week 3 November 2016, Week 2 November 2016, Week 1 October 2016, Week 4 October 2016, Week 3 October 2016, Week 2 October 2016, Week 1 September 2016, Week 4 September 2016, Week 3 September 2016, Week 2 September 2016, Week 1 August 2016, Week 5 August 2016, Week 4 August 2016, Week 2 August 2016, Week 1 July 2016, Week 4 July 2016, Week 3 July 2016, Week 1 June 2016, Week 4 June 2016, Week 3 June 2016, Week 1 May 2016, Week 5 May 2016, Week 4 May 2016, Week 3 May 2016, Week 2 May 2016, Week 1 April 2016, Week 4 April 2016, Week 3 April 2016, Week 2 April 2016, Week 1 March 2016, Week 5 March 2016, Week 4 March 2016, Week 2 March 2016, Week 1 February 2016, Week 5 February 2016, Week 3 February 2016, Week 1 January 2016, Week 5 January 2016, Week 4 January 2016, Week 3 January 2016, Week 2 January 2016, Week 1 December 2015, Week 5 December 2015, Week 2 November 2015, Week 5 November 2015, Week 4 November 2015, Week 3 November 2015, Week 1 October 2015, Week 4 October 2015, Week 3 October 2015, Week 2 September 2015, Week 5 September 2015, Week 4 September 2015, Week 2 September 2015, Week 1 August 2015, Week 4 August 2015, Week 2 July 2015, Week 5 July 2015, Week 3 July 2015, Week 2 June 2015, Week 5 June 2015, Week 4 June 2015, Week 3 June 2015, Week 2 June 2015, Week 1 May 2015, Week 4 May 2015, Week 3 May 2015, Week 2 May 2015, Week 1 April 2015, Week 4 April 2015, Week 2 April 2015, Week 1 March 2015, Week 5 March 2015, Week 4 March 2015, Week 3 March 2015, Week 2 March 2015, Week 1 February 2015, Week 4 February 2015, Week 3 February 2015, Week 2 February 2015, Week 1 January 2015, Week 4 January 2015, Week 3 January 2015, Week 1 December 2014, Week 5 December 2014, Week 4 December 2014, Week 3 December 2014, Week 2 December 2014, Week 1 November 2014, Week 4 November 2014, Week 3 November 2014, Week 2 October 2014, Week 5 October 2014, Week 4 October 2014, Week 3 October 2014, Week 2 October 2014, Week 1 September 2014, Week 4 September 2014, Week 3 September 2014, Week 2 September 2014, Week 1 August 2014, Week 4 August 2014, Week 3 August 2014, Week 2 August 2014, Week 1 July 2014, Week 5 July 2014, Week 3 July 2014, Week 2 June 2014, Week 5 June 2014, Week 4 June 2014, Week 3 June 2014, Week 2 June 2014, Week 1 May 2014, Week 4 May 2014, Week 3 May 2014, Week 2 May 2014, Week 1 April 2014, Week 4 April 2014, Week 3 April 2014, Week 2 April 2014, Week 1 March 2014, Week 5 March 2014, Week 4 March 2014, Week 3 February 2014, Week 3 February 2014, Week 1 January 2014, Week 3 January 2014, Week 1 December 2013, Week 3 December 2013, Week 2 December 2013, Week 1 November 2013, Week 4 November 2013, Week 3 November 2013, Week 2 November 2013, Week 1 October 2013, Week 4 October 2013, Week 2 October 2013, Week 1 September 2013, Week 4 September 2013, Week 3 September 2013, Week 2 August 2013, Week 4 August 2013, Week 3 July 2013, Week 5