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NADIGEST  August 2014, Week 4

NADIGEST August 2014, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 14, # 29


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:13:47 -0400





text/plain (633 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 29

NA Digest  Wednesday, August 27, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 29

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	SIFT algorithm alternative
	New Book, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
	Call for Chapters, Modern Optimization Algs and Apps
	Dolomites Research Week on Approximation, Italy, Sep 2014
	MSO-Tools 2014 Schedule Online, Germany, Sep 2014
	OpenFOAM User meeting & training courses, Germany, Sep 2014
	Recent advances in DG methods, UK, Sep 2014
	Math Modeling of Environ and Life Sci Probl, Romania, Oct 2014
	SIAM Data Mining, Canada, Apr-May 2015
	Orth Polynomials, Special Functions and Apps, USA, Jun 2015
	SciCADE 2015, Germany, Sep 2015
	Faculty Positions, Mathematics, City Univ of Hong Kong
	Postdoc Position, Image Reconstruction, ICMC/USP and LNLS/CNPEM
	Postdoc Position, Informatics/Computer Science
	Postdoc Position, Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter
	PhD Position, CFD, City College of New York
	PhD Positions, Uncertainty Quantification, TU Darmstadt

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From: qasim sheikh [log in to unmask]
Date: August 27, 2014
Subject: SIFT algorithm alternative

SIFT algorithm by David Lowe is patented? Is there any research work 
comparing SIFT with multigrid implemetation of Sethian's work on 


From: Martin Peters [log in to unmask]
Date: August 27, 2014
Subject: New Book, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python

A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python - Texts in
Computational Science and Engineeering, Vol. 6 - Fourth edition,
by Hans Petter Langtangen

2014, XXXI, 872 p./Hardcover/978-3-642-54958-8

The book serves as a first introduction to computer programming of
scientific applications, using the high-level Python language.  The
exposition is example and problem-oriented, where the applications are
taken from mathematics, numerical calculus, statistics, physics,
biology and finance. The book teaches "Matlab-style" and procedural
programming as well as object-oriented programming. High school
mathematics is a required background and it is advantageous to study
classical and numerical one-variable calculus in parallel with reading
this book. Besides learning how to program computers, the reader will
also learn how to solve mathematical problems, arising in various
branches of science and engineering, with the aid of numerical methods
and programming. By blending programming, mathematics and scientific
applications, the book lays a solid foundation for practicing
computational science.

Martin Peters – Editor for CSE at Springer (


From: P. Vasant [log in to unmask]
Date: August 22, 2014
Subject: Call for Chapters, Modern Optimization Algs and Apps

CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Modern Optimization Algorithms and
Applications in Engineering and Economics
Proposal Submission Deadline: September 15, 2014

To be published by IGI Global. For complete details regarding chapter
proposals, see:

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before
September 15, 2014, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly
explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed
chapter. Authors will be notified by October 15, 2014 about the status
of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are
expected to be submitted by January 31, 2015. All submitted chapters
will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.  Contributors may
also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

September 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
October 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
January 31, 2015: Full Chapter Submission
March 31, 2015: Review Results Returned
May 15, 2015: Final Acceptance Notification
May 30, 2015: Final Chapter Submission

Inquiries can be forwarded to
Pandian Vasant, E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Email: [log in to unmask]
Vo Ngoc Dieu, Email: [log in to unmask]


From: Stefano De Marchi [log in to unmask]
Date: August 25, 2014
Subject: Dolomites Research Week on Approximation, Italy, Sep 2014

We would like to remind you that the

Dolomites Research Week on Approximation 2014 (DRWA14)

will take place in Alba di Canazei (TN)-ITALY, on the week 8-12
September 2014.

For any information please refer to the web site


From: Andreas Steinbrecher [log in to unmask]
Date: August 27, 2014
Subject: MSO-Tools 2014 Schedule Online, Germany, Sep 2014

Workshop MSO-Tools 2014
"Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation Tools"
29.-30. Sep. 2014, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Preliminary schedule now online.

This workshop will focus on various aspects of modeling, simulation
and optimization (MSO) Tools for dynamical multi-physics systems.  The
aim is to bring together developers and users of MSO tools together
with people working in practice. The workshop will offer the
possibility for detailed discussions and the initiation of
cooperations for scientists in academia and industry working on or
with MSO tools.

The conference will include invited and contributed talks.

For a registration please use registration form

Registration fee: 60 Eur (including conference dinner)

Workshop web page:

For additional information, please contact
  Prof. Dr. Volker Mehrmann
  E-mail: [log in to unmask]
  Dr. Andreas Steinbrecher
  E-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: Thorsten Grahs [log in to unmask]
Date: August 20, 2014
Subject: OpenFOAM User meeting & training courses, Germany, Sep 2014

NOFUN 2014 - 2nd Northern germany OpenFoam User meetiNg
concerning the opens-source CFD toolbox/Finite Volume solver OpenFOAM®
organized by the Institute of Scientific Computing (Technische
Universität Braunschweig) and move-csc.

Date: Wednesday 24th September 2014
Location: Haus der Wissenschaften, Braunschweig, Germany

The intent of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to meet and
discuss/exchange ideas with OpenFOAM users from the north-german
region. The participants define the extent of the north-german region.

The contents of the meeting is based on contributed presentations
and discussions by the participants. If you intent to give a talk
please note this together with the title in the registration form.

The workshop is accompanied by training courses. More information
about the meeting, training courses and registration:


From: Alexey Chernov, Andrea Moiola, Tristan Pryer [log in to unmask]
Date: August 22, 2014
Subject: Recent advances in DG methods, UK, Sep 2014

Recent advances in discontinuous Galerkin methods
will take place on 11-12 September 2014
at the University of Reading, UK.
The workshop is supported by the London Mathematical Society.

Invited speakers:
- Blanca Ayuso de Dios, KAUST
- Gabriel Barrenechea, Strathclyde
- Andrea Cangiani, Leicester
- Andreas Dedner, Warwick
- Herbert Egger, TU Darmstadt
- Emmanuil Georgoulis, Leicester
- Stefano Giani, Durham
- Edward Hall, Leicester
- Paul Houston, Nottingham
- Foteini Karakatsani, Strathclyde
- Irene Kyza, Dundee
- Omar Lakkis, Sussex
- Matthias Maischak, Brunel
- Charalambos Makridakis, Sussex
- Iain Smears, Oxford

For details and registration please see the homepage:
or contact us at [log in to unmask]


From: Constantin Popa [log in to unmask]
Date: August 27, 2014
Subject: Math Modeling of Environ and Life Sci Probl, Romania, Oct 2014

We are pleased to announce the Tenth Workshop on "Mathematical
Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems" at the Ovidius
University of Constanta (Bd. Mamaia 124, 900527 Constanta, Romania) on
October 16-19, 2014.

The main objective of this series is to offer a framework for
presenting recent results obtained in the area of theoretical,
numerical and experimental aspects of environmental and life sciences
problems. Another purpose is to create a link between the researchers
and the possible users of the applications.

The organizers believe that this meeting will provide a forum for the
interaction of specialists involved in the design, development and
application of mathematical models and computer software related to
environmental and life sciences problems.

Papers are invited on the topics of Mathematical Modelling,
Experimental Methods, Computational Methods ans Software Packages or
other in close relation to. Abstracts of no more than 300 words,
written in Latex, with no special format imposed should be submitted
to [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] before August 31,
2014. Abstracts should contain information about the title of the
talk, authors (affiliation, e-mail), and clearly state the purpose,
results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final

Further information on the workshop can be found at


From: Nicole Erle [log in to unmask]
Date: August 21, 2014
Subject: SIAM Data Mining, Canada, Apr-May 2015

2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
April 30 – May 2, 2015

The Call for Papers for this conference is now available.  Please
visit for more information.

Submission Deadlines
October 5, 2014 11:59 PM MDT:   Abstract Submission
October 12, 2014 11:59 PM MDT:  Paper Submission
October 5, 2014 11:59 PM MDT:   Workshop Proposals
October 12, 2014 11:59 PM MDT:  Tutorial Proposals
December 22, 2014:              Author Notification
January 26, 2015:               Camera Ready Papers Due

February 2, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Early Career Travel
Award Applications

April 2, 2015 Disconnect time is 4:00 PM EDT

March 31, 2015

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMSDM15

Contact SIAM Conference Department at [log in to unmask] with any
questions about the conference.


From: Nicole Erle [log in to unmask]
Date: August 21, 2014
Subject: Orth Polynomials, Special Functions and Apps, USA, Jun 2015

13th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special
Functions and Applications (OPSFA-13) Call for Papers Now Available!

Location: National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD
Dates: June 1-5, 2015

The Call for Papers for this conference is now available.  Please
visit for more information.

November 3, 2014: Minisymposium proposals
February 2, 2015: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium

January 20, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications

Twitter hashtag: # OPSFA13

Contact SIAM Conference Department at [log in to unmask] with any
questions about the conference.


From: Sebastian Reich [log in to unmask]
Date: August 27, 2014
Subject: SciCADE 2015, Germany, Sep 2015

This is an announcement of SciCADE 2015, the International Conference
on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, to be held at
the University of Potsdam, Germany, September 14-18, 2015.

Confirmed plenary speakers are:

David Anderson, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA
Maria Paz Calvo, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Omar Ghattas, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Nicola Guglielmi, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Rupert Klein, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Tony Lelievre, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, France
Enrique Zuazua, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain

Further information on important deadlines, the conference venue,
and the scientific committee can be found at


From: Peggy Chan [log in to unmask]
Date: August 25, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematics, City Univ of Hong Kong

Applications and nominations are invited for the above posts: Chair
Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in the
Department of Mathematics [Ref. A/152/09]

City University of Hong Kong is a dynamic, fast-growing university
that is pursuing excellence in research and professional education. As
a publicly-funded institution, the University is committed to
nurturing and developing students' talents and creating applicable
knowledge to support social and economic advancement. The University
has seven Colleges/Schools.  As part of its pursuit of excellence, the
University aims to recruit outstanding scholars from all over the
world in various disciplines, including business, creative media,
energy, engineering, environment, humanities, law, science, social
sciences, veterinary sciences and other strategic growth areas.

Duties: Conduct research in areas of Applied Mathematics including
Analysis and Applications, Mathematical Modelling (including
biological/physical/financial problems), Scientific Computation and
Numerical Analysis, and Probability and Statistics; teach
undergraduate and postgraduate courses; supervise research students;
and perform any other duties as assigned.

Requirements: A PhD in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics/Statistics with
an excellent research record.

Salary and Conditions of Service: Remuneration package will be driven
by market competitiveness and individual performance. Excellent fringe
benefits include gratuity, leave, medical and dental schemes, and
relocation assistance (where applicable). Initial appointment will be
made on a fixed-term contract.

Information and Application: Further information on the posts and the
University is available at, or from the Human
Resources Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong [Email : [log in to unmask] : (852) 2788
1154 or (852) 3442 0311].

To apply, please submit an online application at, and include a current curriculum vitae.
Nominations can be sent directly to the Human Resources
Office. Applications and nominations will receive full consideration
until the positions are filled. Only shortlisted applicants will be
contacted; and those shortlisted for the post of Assistant Professor
will be requested to arrange for at least 3 reference reports sent
directly by the referees to the Department, specifying the position
applied for. The University's privacy policy is available on the

The University also offers a number of visiting positions for current
graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and for early- stage and
established scholars, as described at

City University of Hong Kong is an equal opportunity employer and we
are committed to the principle of diversity.  We encourage
applications from all qualified candidates, especially those who will
enhance the diversity of our staff.  City University of Hong Kong was
ranked 4th among the world’s top 50 universities under the age of 50
in the Quacquarelli Symonds 2014 survey.


From: Elias Salomão Helou [log in to unmask]
Date: August 25, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Image Reconstruction, ICMC/USP and LNLS/CNPEM

Postdoc Position in Image Reconstruction
Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) / University of
São Paulo (USP) Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS) / Brazilian Center for
Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM)

We invite applications for a postdoctoral research position in
mathematical methods for tomographic reconstruction. We are seeking
highly motivated, goal-oriented candidates with a strong background in
computational mathematics and numerical analysis to work in the
implementation and development of fast iterative methods for the
inversion of tomographic data.

The successful candidate is expected to conduct research at the LNLS
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory in the
city of Campinas - state of São Paulo, under supervision of Prof. José
A. Cuminato and co-supervision of Dr. Eduardo Miqueles (LNLS). This is
an implementation project, aiming at obtaining high-quality optimized
software implementing state-of-the-art fast algorithms for iterative
tomographic reconstruction. For further information please see contact
info below.

Applicants should have a PhD awarded, or a Masters degree and PhD
submitted (at the time of taking up the position) in computational
mathematics or a related discipline. Good programming skills in C/C++
are required, as well as a strong background in computational
implementation of numerical algorithms. Knowledge of massively
parallel programming on GPGPUs is highly desirable. An applicant must
submit a letter setting out how he/she meets the selection criteria, a
curriculum vitae including full list of publications, a statement of
research interests and the contact details of two referees as part of
the application. (NOTE: Applicants are responsible for making sure
that the referees’ letters are received by the closing date).

Starting date of the positions is November 1st 2014 or later and the
position is valid until july 2015, renewable for more two
years. Salary is R$6,143.40/month, around US$32,000.00/year as of the
writing of this call.

For full consideration applications containing the applicants CV,
should arrive by September 23th 2014 as a single PDF file, to be
mailed electronically o the address indicated below.

Contact: Dr. Eduardo Miqueles (LNLS)
Email: [log in to unmask]
Address: Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000
Polo II de Alta Tecnologia - Zip Code 13083-970 P.B. 6192 -
Campinas, São Paulo
Fax: +55.19.3512.1004 |


From: CCTVal [log in to unmask]
Date: August 20, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Informatics/Computer Science

The international research center CCTVal of the Universidad Tecnica
Federico Santa Maria in Valparaiso, Chile, is opening a post- doctoral
position in the area of Informatics/Computer Science associated to the
Department of Informatics of this university.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- High Performance Computing,
- Big Data, Distributed Algorithms
- Machine Learning,
- Computational and Artificial Intelligence
- Scientific Computing,
- Medical Image Processing,
- Computational Modeling in Science and Engineering

Duties involve research as part of a project that is a collaborative
effort with top-level international centers such as CERN, Switzerland,
Jefferson Lab, USA, etc. It is expected that the successful candidate
will be able to make relevant contributions to the publication of
papers in top-level refereed journals.

Yearly pay is around USD 32,000, with the possibility of obtaining
additional support based on productivity.  This is adequate for a
comfortable living in Chile. This post-doctoral position is
anticipated to be an appointment with an 12-month time-duration.

For confidential consideration of this call submit by email, a letter
of application, current Curriculum Vitae, reprints of one to three
recent publications, and two references (name, position and email
address of referee) before January 30th, to: [log in to unmask]

The decision on the received applications will be informed by March
31th. If the position were to remain unfilled by that date, the call
shall remain open until a candidate meeting the aforementioned
requirements is found.


From: Serafim Kalliadasis [log in to unmask]
Date: August 26, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter

Imperial College London, Fixed term appointment for up to 36 months

Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for Research
Associate position for up to 36 months funded by the EPSRC Grant
“Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter: Derivation, analysis and
implementation of dynamic density functional theories” under the joint
supervision of Professor Serafim Kalliadasis, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Imperial College, Professor. Grigorios A. Pavliotis,
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College and Dr Benjamin
D. Goddard, School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh.

The project concerns the development and implementation of both
theoretical and computational methodologies for the description of
classical fluids using elements from applied and computational
mathematics, statistical mechanics and stochastic processes. The
ultimate aim is the derivation, analysis and understanding of reduced,
low-dimensional models which allow the systematic predictive analysis
of soft matter in a wide range of physically, biologically and
technologically relevant settings. This will also guide and motivate
numerical experiments to validate the theoretical predictions.

The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in
Mathematics, Engineering, Science, or other related area and a strong
foundation on general mathematical modelling, mathematical techniques
(analytical and numerical), thermodynamics and statistical
mechanics. A good knowledge of density functional theory of classical
fluids is highly desirable.

You will join a highly interdisciplinary team working on a wide
variety of exciting projects at the interface between applied
mathematics and engineering science fundamentals.

If you would like to discuss the project, please contact
Professor. Serafim Kalliadasis at [log in to unmask],
Telephone:  +44-(0)-20-7594-1373, postal address:  Department of
Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London, SW7 2AZ, UK.


From: Hansong Tang [log in to unmask]
Date: August 21, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, CFD, City College of New York

A PhD student is sought in computational fluid dynamics/computational
engineering, starting in January, 2015 at the City College of New York
(CCNY) of the City University of New York (CUNY). Funded by NSF and
other sources, the successful candidate will develop new and enhance
existing numerical models for problems of coastal ocean flows. It is
expected that the candidates are highly motivated and goal oriented,
and have

1. MS degree in oceanography, applied math, civil engineering,
   or other related disciplines
2. Solid knowledge in mathematics and physics

Preference will be given to those who have experience in computer
programming and flow modeling algorithm development. Background in
both math and engineering is especially welcome. People with
citizenship of U.S. and its territory will have priority.

The CUNY is the US’s leading urban public university serving more than
400,000 students at 23 colleges in New York City. CCNY, the flagship
campus of the university, is located in Manhattan and draws students
from around the world. CCNY is ranked among the top US universities
for producing engineers, business executives, and scientists
(including 9 Nobel Prize winners, 1 Fields medallist).

If interested, please apply at

as soon as possible, although search may continue until the position
is filled. You are also welcome to send a CV (including TOFEL and GRE
scores for international applicants, those with no such scores won't
be considered), transcripts, list of publications (if any) for a
pre-review with "PhD student" in the subject title in your email to:
[log in to unmask] (only those with good match will be replied).


From: Sebastian Ullmann [log in to unmask]
Date: August 25, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Uncertainty Quantification, TU Darmstadt

Two PhD scholarships in the area of Uncertainty Quantification are
offered by the Graduate School of Excellence Computational Engineering
at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. The scholarships are based on
the guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and granted for
three years.

Applicants are expected to have an above average Master degree with
background in uncertainty quantification, numerical analysis or
scientific computing. Experience with numerical simulations and very
good programming skills are essential requirements.

The review of applications starts on October 1st, 2014. Visit for more

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