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NADIGEST  July 2014, Week 2

NADIGEST July 2014, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 14, # 22


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 9 Jul 2014 09:36:39 -0400





text/plain (792 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 22

NA Digest  Wednesday, July 09, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 22

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Training videos on scientific computing and deal.II
	ICMS 2014, Korea, Aug 2014
	SMART 2014, Italy, Sep-Oct 2014
	Memorial Symposium, Bernd Fischer, Germany, Oct 2014
	Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations, Austria, Oct 2014
	IMA Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2014
	IEEE Computer Arithmetic, France, Jun 2015
	Lectureship Position, Univ of Warwick
	Professorship Position, KU Leuven
	Teaching Fellow Position, Comp Meth, Imperial College London
	Postdoc Position, Computational Geoscience, Stanford
	Postdoc Position, New Frontiers Group, RICAM
	PhD Position, Comp Systems Biology, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
	PhD Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Manchester
	Graduate Internship Position, Sandia National Labs
	Undergrad Internship Position, Sandia National Labs
	Special Issue, Int. J. of Operational Research
	Contents, Computational Meth in Applied Math, 14 (3)
	Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34 (3)
	Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 3 (2)
	Contents, Proceedings of the Inst of Appl Math, 3 (1)
	Contents, Reliable Computing

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Wolfgang Bangerth [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: Training videos on scientific computing and deal.II

At Texas A&M, I teach a graduate course where students from around
campus have to implement finite element programs for whatever they do
in their research, using the finite element library deal.II (see To make my class time scale better, I record
lectures and post them on youtube. In addition to 40 of these lectures
recorded last year, there are now 8 more on parallelization, which
element to chose, which quadrature formula to choose, and other
practical questions, that can all be found at

I had originally intended for these videos to be on deal.II only but
in the end decided to go big: there are lectures on which solver to
take, which preconditioners to use, adaptive mesh refinement, time
dependent problems, parallel computing, using tools such as Visit,
Paraview and Eclipse, version control, debugging, etc -- in essence,
all of the topics one encounters in scientific computing. They receive
~1000 views every month.

I hope that these videos serve as a resource to those learning about
the practical aspects of scientific computing in general. Any feedback
is certainly welcome!


From: Chee Yap [log in to unmask]
Date: July 06, 2014
Subject: ICMS 2014, Korea, Aug 2014

The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS)
August 5 - 9, 2014, Seoul, Korea
(Satellite of ICM 2014, Seoul)

Important Information:

(1) Early registration for ICMS ends on July 15.

(2) If you are attending ICM as well, then ICM will reimburse 30% of
    your ICMS registration fee.  Only full-paying registrations at
    ICMS are eligible.

(3) Proposals for Tutorials/Demos/Posters at ICMS are welcome before
    July 25.  This event on August 7 is open to the public.

Please see the ICMS website for details.


From: Mariantonia Cotronei [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: SMART 2014, Italy, Sep-Oct 2014

S M A R T   2014
First International Conference on Subdivision, Geometric and Algebraic
Methods, Isogeometric Analysis and Refinability in Tuscany
September 28 - October 1, 2014, Pontignano, Siena, Italy

This workshop is the continuation and enrichment of the previous
workshops Subdivision and Refinability  held in Pontignano in 2008,
2009 and 2011. The main goal of SMART 2014 is to promote the
research fields  involved in Subdivision, Geometric and Algebraic
Methods, Isogeometric Analysis and Refinability,
in particular in recognizing new emerging fields.

Topics of interest include: Algebraic and Differential Geometry,
Computer Aided Design, Curve and Surface Design,  Finite Elements,
NURBS and Isogeometric Analysis, Refinability, Approximation
Theory, Subdivision,  Wavelets and Multiresolution Methods.

Invited Speakers:
Rida T. Farouki (University of California, Davis, USA)
Chang Y. Han (Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Republic of Korea)
Thomas J.R. Hughes (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Gerlind Plonka (University of Göttingen, Germany)
Vladimir Protasov (Lom. Moscow St. University, Russia)
Ulrich Reif (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
Ivan Selesnick (Polytechnic Institute of New York University, USA)
Hendrik Speleers (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)

Submission of title and abstract for oral presentations: July 12, 2014
Registration:  July 20, 2014

More information can be found on the conference website:


From: Jan Modersitzki [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2014
Subject: Memorial Symposium, Bernd Fischer, Germany, Oct 2014

In honor of Prof. Dr. Bernd Fischer (1957–2013) Fraunhofer MEVIS and
the Universität zu Lübeck will hold a memorial symposium on 10 October
2014 from 2.00 pm at the main lecture hall of the University.

We want to honor his scientific achievements and commemorate a special

You will receive further information soon by email and find it also at

We are looking forward to welcoming you.
Jan Modersitzki


From: Alexander Ostermann [log in to unmask]
Date: July 06, 2014
Subject: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations, Austria, Oct 2014

Workshop: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations
Innsbruck (Austria), October 14-17, 2014

In October 2014, the 8th Workshop on numerical analysis and scientific
computing will take place at the University of Innsbruck. This year,
the topic will be Numerical Integration of Evolution Equations.

The plenary speakers are:
-Prof. Tobias Jahnke (Germany)
- Prof. Pauline Lafitte-Godillon (France)

The intention of the workshop is to provide a platform for exchanging
new ideas and results in the development of numerical methods for
evolution equations. The workshop covers both, theoretical and
practical aspects, and aims at bringing together numerical analysts
working in the field as well as PhD students who intend to start in
this area.

For more information, see


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: July 09, 2014
Subject: IMA Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2014

16 – 17 December 2014; Woburn House, London

Papers should describe mathematical challenges specific to the
following topics or their application in large-scale use cases:

Optimal and dynamic sampling; Probably approximately correct
methodologies; Uncertainty modelling & generalisation error bounds;
Network analysis & community finding; Graph & web mining methods;
Trend tracking & novelty detection; Stream data management; Dynamic
segmentation & clustering; Transfer learning; Latent models for
hierarchical data; Deep learning; Context awareness; Multimodal data
linkage; Integration of multi-scale models; Mining of unstructured,
spatio-temporal, streaming and multimedia data; Computational
intelligence in large sensor networks; Predictive analytics and
recommender systems; Real-time forecasting; Access on-demand in
distributed databases; Affordable high performance computing; Privacy
protecting data mining; Data integrity & provenance methods;
Visualization methods; Mathematics underpinning large-scale use cases

Invited Speakers
Peter Diggle (Lancaster University)
Des Higham (University of Strathclyde)
Stephane Mallat (École Polytechnique, Paris)
Richard Norgate (Lloyds Banking Group)
Patrick Wolfe (University College London)
Panel to be chaired by Andrew Miller, MP

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 300-500 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by Friday 3 October 2014 by e-mail to
[log in to unmask] Please state whether your title is intended
for oral or poster presentation.


From: Jean-Michel Muller [log in to unmask]
Date: July 08, 2014
Subject: IEEE Computer Arithmetic, France, Jun 2015

22nd IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
Lyon, France, June 22-24, 2015
École normale supérieure de Lyon

Authors are invited to submit papers describing recent advances on all
aspects of computer arithmetic, including, but not restricted to the
following topics: Foundations of number systems and arithmetic;
Arithmetic processor design and implementation; Arithmetic algorithms
and their analysis; Highly-parallel arithmetic units and systems;
Floating-point units and algorithms ; Interval arithmetic; Standards
for number representation and arithmetic; High-level language impact
on arithmetic systems; Elementary and special function implementation;
Low power units, processors and programs in computer arithmetic;
Industrial implementation of arithmetic units; Test, verification, and
formal proof techniques for computer arithmetic implementations; New
approaches to fault/error-tolerance in arithmetic implementations;
Arithmetic for FPGA's and configurable logic; Design automation for
computer arithmetic implementations; Computer arithmetic in
cryptographic applications (finite fields, protection against attacks,
...); Algorithms and implementations for multiple-precision
arithmetic; Computer arithmetic algorithms and implementation for
emerging technologies

Authors should submit the abstract of the paper no later than October
26, 2014. A PDF version of the full paper should be submitted not
later than November 2, 2014.  Submission site :


From: Florian Theil [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: Lectureship Position, Univ of Warwick

The Mathematics Institute of the University of Warwick (UK) is
offering a temporary lectureship (3 years) in Applied Mathematics.

Applications are invited from candidates who show outstanding promise
and are seeking an opportunity to further their career at one of the
UK’s top rated departments in an environment that nurtures and
encourages both research and teaching. You will be expected to
contribute to maintaining and enhancing the department’s high
standards in both of these areas.

Additionally you will have the capability and interest to develop
existing and new, complementary research areas in collaboration with
industry and with other academic colleagues. The post is co-funded by
AVL Powertrain UK and you will be expected to spend some of your time
fostering this relationship; this includes applying for relevant
grants in collaboration with AVL. Industrial experience is not however
a pre-requisite for the post.

Further information on the vacancy are available at


From: Bart De Moor [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2014
Subject: Professorship Position, KU Leuven

The KU Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), STADIUS
Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics
( is inviting applications for
a professorship in "Optimization for Dynamical Systems and Control".

More information can be found in:
(English version) 
(Dutch version)

Please consider forwarding this call to any interested parties
within your institute.


From: Colin Cotter [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2014
Subject: Teaching Fellow Position, Comp Meth, Imperial College London

The Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London invites
applicants for a Teaching Fellow in Computational Methods. The Fellow
will provide Masters-level teaching in computational methods and
software for 7 of our recently awarded EPSRC Centres for Doctoral
Training, as well as the NERC Doctoral Training Programme.

For further details see: Informal enquiries
can be made to: Dr Colin Cotter, [log in to unmask]

The closing date for applications is the 29th of August (midnight


From: Jenny Suckale [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Geoscience, Stanford

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join the SIGMA
(Simulations of Geophysical Multi-phAse flows) group at the Department
of Geophysics, Stanford University. More information about the SIGMA
group can be found at:

The successful candidate will be working on the 'next generation' of
multiphase flow codes for tackling fundamental problems in Earth
Science. Depending on interest and qualifications, potential
applications range from ice-stream modeling in West Antarctica to
developing computational models of volcanic eruptions and tsunami

We welcome applications from candidates with a background or a strong
interest in Earth Science and Computational Fluid
Dynamics. Proficiency in C/C++, Matlab or a suitable substitute is
required. Previous experience in developing numerical models for
coupled systems of partial differential equations is highly desirable.

Salary and benefits for the position are very competitive. The actual
salary will be determined by the University commensurate with
qualifications and experience and includes a research allowance for
travel and miscellaneous expenses. We are actively recruiting for this
position now and wish to fill at least one position soon, but
regardless of your availability date, we encourage you to apply to the
position, as it is possible for multiple positions to become

Appointments will be for one year, renewable for a second and third
year by mutual agreement. The position is for one year, with renewal
for a second year subject to performance and funding
availability. Applications should be sent electronically (application
letter, CV and names of three referees) to Jenny Suckale
[log in to unmask] Please contact me if there are any questions
about the scope of the position and experience requirements.


From: Marie-Therese Wolfram [log in to unmask]
Date: July 09, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, New Frontiers Group, RICAM

The New Frontiers Group on 'Multiscale modeling and simulation of
crowded transport in the life and social sciences' at the Johann Radon
Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM, ) is seeking for a Post-Doc with a strong
background in numerical methods for partial differential
equations. The successful candidate will join the team of Dr.
Marie-Therese Wolfram, which is working on analytic and computational
aspects of crowded transport. The research focus be adjusted to the
candidates' interests and should include collaborative projects within
the working group.  We are looking for talented and independent young
researcher with an exceptional research background in the field of
numerical and/or analytic methods for partial differential
equations. A PhD in applied mathematics is mandatory. A strong record
of relevant publications in international peer-reviewed journals in
applied mathematics is essential. The position is available from
October 1, 2014 and will be offered as a fixed-term contract for an
initial period of one year (with a possible extension up to three
years). The monthly gross salary is based on the salary scale of the
FWF and will be EUR 3483,40 (14 times per year).

Applicants should send the following information:
- motivation letter
- research statement
- curriculum vitae
- PhD certificate and
- publication list
in a single pdf file to [log in to unmask] until August 18,

The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer.


From: Andreas Hellander [log in to unmask]
Date: July 05, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Comp Systems Biology, Uppsala Univ, Sweden

One PhD student position is available, to work in the group of Andreas
Hellander, Division of Scientific Computing, Department of Information
Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.

Description of the subject area: The overall objective of the project
is to develop methods for efficient and flexible simulation of
(spatial) stochastic models of biochemical reactions. The application
area is molecular systems biology and the aim of the research is to
develop methods to understand how e.g. gene regulation is controlled
on a molecular level. The group ( participates
in national and international software projects (,, and in the computational systems
biology project at the Division of Scientific Computing.

Job assignment: To develop computational methods for simulation of
molecular control systems, in particular methods that account for the
multiscale properties of such models. To participate in the
development of computational software based on the developed methods.

For more information and for instructions for how to apply, see

The salary is approximately 24000 SEK/month.

Application deadline: Aug 31, 2014.

For more information, contact Andreas
Hellander,[log in to unmask]


From: Francoise Tisseur [log in to unmask]
Date: July 04, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Manchester

The School of Mathematics at the University of Manchester invites
applications for a 3.5-year PhD studentship in numerical linear
algebra. The project is on quadratic eigenvalue problems in structural
analysis. It is due to commence in September 2014 and is funded
jointly by EPSRC and Arup, a global engineering company with offices
in Manchester and London.

The studentship covers UK/EU tuition fees, research expenses and
provides an annual tax-free stipend at UK Research Council rates
(£13,863pa in 2014/15) plus a supplement of £2,500pa. The studentship
is open to EU nationals subject to a UK residency requirement.

For more information about the project and on how to apply, see

Professor Nick Higham and Professor Francoise Tisseur


From: Alyssa Archibeque [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: Graduate Internship Position, Sandia National Labs

The Computing Research Center at Sandia National Laboratories is
looking for student interns that are motivated and enthusiastic
individuals with excellent communication skills and who have the
desire to gain research experience in a highly collaborative research
environment. Successful applicants will be exposed to a wide range of
computational research at Sandia and will have a strong project-based
research experience working directly with Sandia staff scientists. We
seek multiple students to participate in collaborative research across
a wide range of areas in computer science, applied mathematics, and
computational science and engineering. Possible research areas include
advanced computer architectures, systems software, programming
languages and paradigms, networks, informatics and information
sciences, combinatorial mathematics, discrete event simulation,
scalable linear and nonlinear solvers, continuous and discrete
optimization, uncertainty quantification, statistics, multiscale
methods and mathematics, multiphysics modeling, visualization, and
meshing.  Students are also sought with interests in applying
computational methods to scientific and engineering applications
including shock physics, molecular dynamics, MHD, CFD, electrical
systems, MEMS, and climate science.

(1) Communication skills appropriate for participating in
multi-disciplinary research teams.
(2) Must be pursuing a graduate degree in electrical engineering,
mathematics, computer science, statistics, cognitive science or
related fields with a strong academic record.

Applicants must apply online. To learn more about this position and to
apply, please visit our Careers page at and
reference Job Opening ID Number: 646532. U.S. Citizenship Normally
Required.  Equal Opportunity Employer.  M/F/D/V.


From: Alyssa Archibeque [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: Undergrad Internship Position, Sandia National Labs

Sandia National Laboratories is searching for a Computer Research
Student Undergraduate Intern to join the Computer Research Center
located in Albuquerque, NM.

The Candidate will perform entry-level work within a science and
engineering environment. Assignments may include assisting with
research, application of project design and diagnostics, testing and
documentation, development and analysis of technology options, and
assembly and troubleshooting.

The successful candidate must meet the general Sandia Student Intern
Requirements: Official acceptance into an accredited university’s
undergraduate program, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2/4.0, and the
ability to work up to 40 hours per week during the internship
duration.  To be eligible for this position, applicants must be
legally authorized to work in the United States of America.  Sandia
will not sponsor work authorization for this position.

Communication skills appropriate for participating in
multi-disciplinary research teams are required. The candidate must be
pursuing a degree in electrical engineering, mathematics, computer
science, statistics, cognitive science or related fields with a strong
academic record.

Applicants must apply online. To learn more about this position and to
apply, please visit our Careers page at and
reference Job Opening ID Number: 646533. U.S. Citizenship Normally
Required.  Equal Opportunity Employer.  M/F/D/V.


From: Chefi Triki [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2014
Subject: Special Issue, Int. J. of Operational Research

Int. J. of Operational Research, Special Issue on: "Models and
Algorithms for Applied Optimisation Problems"

Optimisation techniques are extensively used for solving a wide range
of problems related to engineering, science and business. This special
issue aims to be a valuable collection of original contributions
proposing novel mathematical models and solution algorithms to solve
challenging problems. Works devoted to solving real-life optimisation
problems are particularly welcome.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of
selected papers presented at the 3rd International Conference and
Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAO2014), but we also strongly
encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to
submit articles for this call.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Linear
programming; Network models; Integer and mixed formulations;
Stochastic programming; Non-linear programming; Heuristic techniques

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication
elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper
has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions
have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. All papers must
be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting
articles page.

Submission deadline: 31 July, 2014
Notification to authors: 30 November, 2014
Final versions due: 31 January, 2015


From: Piotr Matus [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2014
Subject: Contents, Computational Meth in Applied Math, 14 (3)


Stability and Convergence of Two Three-Field Finite Element
Formulations for Elasticity, Chama, A./Reddy, B. D.; pp. 305-316

A Remark on Newest Vertex Bisection in Any Space Dimension, Gallistl,
Dietmar/Schedensack, Mira/Stevenson, Rob P.; pp. 317-320

The Tailored Finite Point Method, Han, Houde/Huang, Zhongyi;
pp. 321-346

Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems in 1D
with a General Nonlinearity, Harju, Markus/Fotopoulos, Georgios;
pp. 347-360

On Convergence of Difference Schemes for IBVP for Quasilinear
Parabolic Equations with Generalized Solutions, Matus, Piotr;
pp. 361-372

A Posteriori Error Bounds for Approximations of the Oseen Problem and
Applications to the Uzawa Iteration Algorithm, Nokka, Marjaana/Repin,
Sergey; 373-384

Method for the Calculation of all Zeros of an Analytic Function Based
on the Kantorovich Theorem, Semenov, Vasyl; pp.385-392

Numerical Optimization of Eigenvalues of the Dirichlet–Laplace
Operator on Domains in Surfaces, Straubhaar, Régis; pp. 393-410

Electromagnetic Scattering by Isoparametric Elements of Higher Order,
Weggler, Lucy/van Tonder, Johannes J./Jakobus, Ulrich; pp. 411-418


From: Suzanne Eves [log in to unmask]
Date: July 07, 2014
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34 (3)

Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34(3)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

First-order system least squares with inhomogeneous boundary
conditions, Rob P. Stevenson

BDDC preconditioners for continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods
using spectral/hp elements with variable local polynomial degree,
Claudio Canuto, Luca F. Pavarino, and Alexandre B. Pieri

On two numerical methods for the solution of large-scale algebraic
Riccati equations, Valeria Simoncini, Daniel B. Szyld, and Marlliny

Several properties of invariant pairs of nonlinear algebraic
eigenvalue problems, Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue

The computation of Jordan blocks in parameter-dependent matrices,
Richard O. Akinola, Melina A. Freitag, and Alastair Spence

A posteriori error control for a quasi-continuum approximation of a
periodic chain, Christoph Ortner and Hao Wang

A posteriori analysis of a space and time discretization of a
nonlinear model for the flow in partially saturated porous media,
Christine Bernardi, Linda El Alaoui, and Zoubida Mghazli

Convection and total variation flow, François Bouchut, David Doyen,
and Robert Eymard

A generalized plane-wave numerical method for smooth nonconstant
coefficients, Lise-Marie Imbert-Gérard and Bruno Després

An exactly divergence-free finite element method for a generalized
Boussinesq problem, Ricardo Oyarzúa, Tong Qin, and Dominik Schötzau

Time-domain Dirichlet-to-Neumann map and its discretization, Lehel

The impact of a natural time change on the convergence of the
Crank–Nicolson scheme, Christoph Reisinger and Alan Whitley

Convergence towards weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations for
a finite element approximation with numerical subgrid-scale modelling,
Santiago Badia and Juan Vicente Gutiérrez-Santacreu

An adjoint consistency analysis for a class of hybrid mixed methods,
Jochen Schütz and Georg May

Localized adaptive radiation condition for coupling boundary and
finite element methods applied to wave propagation problems,
Abderrahmane Bendali, Yassine Boubendir, and Nicolas Zerbib

Pre-asymptotic error analysis of CIP-FEM and FEM for the Helmholtz
equation with high wave number. Part I: linear version, Haijun Wu


From: Neha Mistry [log in to unmask]
Date: July 07, 2014
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 3 (2)

Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Phase retrieval from power spectra of masked signals, Afonso
S. Bandeira, Yutong Chen, and Dustin G. Mixon

Finite sample posterior concentration in high-dimensional regression,
Nate Strawn, Artin Armagan, Rayan Saab, Lawrence Carin, and David

Non-asymptotic analysis of tangent space perturbation ,	Daniel
N. Kaslovsky and François G. Meyer


From: Fikret Aliev [log in to unmask]
Date: July 08, 2014
Subject: Contents, Proceedings of the Inst of Appl Math, 3 (1)

Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics,  V.3,  N.1, 2014


Y.Y. Mustafayeva, Some special conditions in the investigation of the
mixed problem

V. Gupta, R. Deep, Common fixed point theorem involving two mappings
and weakly contractive condition in g-metric spaces

H. Fazaeli Moghimi, F. Rashedi,	A module whose primary-like spectrum
has the zariski-like topology

M.J. Nikmehr, N. Soleimani and M. Veylaki, Topological indices based
end-vertex degrees of edges on nanotubes

S. Rahman, Geometry of hypersurfaces of a semi symmetric metric
connection in a quasi-sasakian manifold

H. Öztekin, Pseudo-Spherical 2-degenerate curves in minkowski

N.A. Aliev, M.M. Mutallimov, A.K. Khudatova, R.T. Zulfugarova, On a
boundary problem on two united squaries

F.A. Aliev, A.A. Niftiev, R.Y. Shixlinskaya , E.R. Shafizadeh, T.F.
Murtuzaliyev, Economical mathematical model in the virtual business
using fuzzy apparatus

N.I. Velieva, L.F. Agamaliyeva,	High accuracy algorithm to the
solution of the multidimensional synthesis stabilization problem with
external influences

A.P. Guliyev, R.M. Tagiev, Calculation algorithm to the solution of
the boundary problem for the hyperbolic system arising in the gaslift

N.S. Jalilov, N.A. Aliev, N.A. Ismailov, F.A. Aliev, On a particular
solution of the Solar wind


From: Ralph Baker Kearfott [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2014
Subject: Contents, Reliable Computing

Several new volumes, containing much new work have been posted since
our last announcement several years ago.  Volumes of interest include:

- Special Issue on the Use of Bernstein Polynomials in Reliable
  Computing: A Centennial Anniversary
- Regular volume 18, containing 12 papers
- Special volume devoted to material presented at SCAN 2012
  24 papers have been posted to date; additional papers to follow
- Regular volume 20, containing 3 papers so far.

Reliable Computing material is accessible at:

Reliable Computing is an open electronic journal devoted to
mathematical computations with guaranteed accuracy, bounding of
ranges, mathematical proofs based on floating point arithmetic, and
other theory and applications of interval arithmetic and directed
rounding. Reliable Computing is free of charge for both authors and
readers. We rely on our editors' and reviewers' volunteer efforts, and
we give some responsibility to authors for submitting final versions
of manuscripts in a suitable LaTeX format.  Contributions are
single-blind refereed by two referees, assigned by the managing editor
or one of the other editors.

End of Digest

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