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NADIGEST  May 2014, Week 4

NADIGEST May 2014, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 14, # 16


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 26 May 2014 17:45:55 -0400





text/plain (623 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 16

NA Digest  Monday, May 26, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 16

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	FEATool v1.0 Matlab/Octave toolbox released
	PARALUTION, New Release 0.7.0
	Alan Turing Meeting, UK, Jun 2014
	Convex Optimization, UK, Jun 2014
	Numerical Analysis for PDE, UK, Jun 2014
	IMA Numerical Methods for Simulation, UK, Sep 2015
	Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Manchester, UK
	Professor Position, Univ de Concepción, Chile 
	Tenure Track/Professor Position, Computational Mathematics
	Research Chair Position, NA and Scientific Computing
	Postdoc Position, Machine Learning, USP, Brazil
	Postdoc Position, Numerical PDE, Univ of New South Wales
	Postdoc Positions, Various Topics, BCAM
	Student/Postdoc Positions, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, McMaster
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Reservoir Modelling, Tech Univ of Denmark
	PhD Positions, High Performance Computing, TU München
	Contents, J of Complexity, 30 (4)

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From: Johan S. Hysing [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2014
Subject: FEATool v1.0 Matlab/Octave toolbox released

Precise Simulation Ltd. has released FEATool v1.0, a finite element
based physics simulation toolbox for both Matlab and Octave.

FEATool is designed to be very easy learn and use for researchers,
engineers, and students who are looking for a development environment
to quickly and effortlessly set up and make physics based simulations.

The FEATool software suite features a user-friendly graphical user
interface (available with Matlab) and completely open and documented
source code making it easy to use, learn form, and also extend and
modify to include customized functionality.

In addition FEATool includes the following features:
- Comprehensive library of functions and subroutines for grid
  generation, finite element assembly, solvers, postprocessing and
- Predefined physics modes that can be combined to simulate coupled
  and complex multiphysics problems, including fluid flow, heat
  transfer, structural stresses, electrostatics, reaction and
  transport of mass and chemical species, and also classical
- Geometry modelling in one and two dimensions with support for
  conforming, non-conforming and up to second order finite element
  shape functions on line, triangle, and quadrilateral cell shapes.
- Fully documented with tutorials and step by step instructions how to
  set up and use the toolbox.

For more information and to download FEATool visit:


From: Dimitar Lukarski [log in to unmask]
Date: May 19, 2014
Subject: PARALUTION, New Release 0.7.0

PARALUTION is a library for sparse iterative methods which can be
performed on various parallel devices, including multi-core CPU, GPU
(CUDA and OpenCL) and Intel Xeon Phi. The new 0.7.0 version provides
the following new features:

- Windows support - full windows support for all backends (CUDA,
  OpenCL, OpenMP)
- Assembling function - new OpenMP parallel assembling function for
  sparse matrices (includes an update function for time-dependent
- Direct (dense) solvers (for very small problems)
- (Restricted) Additive Schwarz preconditioners
- MATLAB/Octave plug-in

To avoid OpenMP overhead for small sized problems, the library will
compute in serial if the size of the matrix/vector is below a
pre-defined threshold.

Internally, we have modified the OpenCL backend for simplified cross
platform compilation.

For details, visit


From: Stefan Guettel [log in to unmask]
Date: May 21, 2014
Subject: Alan Turing Meeting, UK, Jun 2014

Alan Turing (1912--1954) spent the last six years of his working life
in Manchester. The Manchester NA group is organizing a 1-day
conference in his honor on the 6th of June 2014. This conference will
be broad in scope and is intended to facilitate collaboration between
numerical analysts, computer scientists, and engineers.

Invited speakers:
- Jan S. Hesthaven, EPFL
- Marlis Hochbruck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Andrew Hodges, University of Oxford
- Gilbert Strang, MIT
- Raul F. Tempone, KAUST
- Lloyd N. Trefethen, University of Oxford
- Gerhard Wanner, University of Geneva
- Stephen J. Wright, University of Wisconsin

For more details and registration see here:


From: Julian Hall [log in to unmask]
Date: May 19, 2014
Subject: Convex Optimization, UK, Jun 2014

A one-day Workshop  "Convex Optimization and Beyond"
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh (UK)
Friday 27 June 2014

With the following invited speakers:
Stephen Boyd, Stanford (keynote speaker),
Jacek Gondzio, Edinburgh
Julian Hall, Edinburgh
Raphael Hauser, Oxford
Daniel Kuhn, Lausanne
Danny Ralph, Cambridge

The attendance is free, but please register so that we know you are

We encourage PhD students and postdocs to submit posters. A small
prize for the best poster will be awarded.


From: Bertram Düring [log in to unmask]
Date: May 20, 2014
Subject: Numerical Analysis for PDE, UK, Jun 2014

Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations
18-20 June 2014
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

Invited Speakers:
A Abdulle (Lausanne)
L Banjai (Edinburgh)
S Bartels (Freiburg im Breisgau)
AS Bonnet-Ben Dhia (Paris)
E Burman (London)
SN Chandler-Wilde (Reading)
K Deckelnick (Magdeburg)
W Dahmen (Aachen)
X Feng (Knoxville)
E Georgoulis (Leicester)
P Goatin (Sophia Antipolis)
O Karakashian (Knoxville)
TD Katsaounis (Heraklion)
S Larsson (Göteborg)
T Lelièvre (Paris)
CB Schönlieb (Cambridge)
LR Scott (Chicago)
JA Sethian (Berkeley)

Organisers: B Düring, M Jensen, O Lakkis, C Makridakis, V Styles

More information on this conference is available at:


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2014
Subject: IMA Numerical Methods for Simulation, UK, Sep 2015

Developments in numerical methods underpin simulations in many ways,
for example in any area where high dimensional problems are governed
by differential equations.  Computational fluid dynamics has driven
many developments in this area; however there is a wide range of
application areas where the problems, and indeed solution techniques
may be similar.  Numerical methods are important in diverse areas such
as geophysical modelling, fluid-structure interaction, high-
dimensional dynamical systems, weather prediction, climate modelling,
oil reservoir simulation, and so on.  The conference will bring
together application specialists, applied mathematicians, numerical
analysts and computational scientists who develop and use numerical
simulations. Applications which focus on data assimilation, inverse
problems, uncertainties or control, which contain as a major component
a high-dimensional forward model, will also be represented.

Abstracts are requested for contributed talks in any area consistent
with the conference themes.  Talks will be accepted for either oral or
poster presentation on the basis of a one-page extended abstract in
PDF format, which should be sent via email to [log in to unmask]
by Friday 27 March 2015.

Conference webpage:


From: Nick HIgham [log in to unmask]
Date: May 23, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Manchester, UK

University of Manchester, School of Mathematics
Two Lectureships in Applied Mathematics

Salary: Starting from GBP 33,562 - GBP 46,400 per annum
Closing Date: August 29, 2014

Applications are welcome from researchers whose interests complement
and extend existing activity within the School, particularly in the
areas of dynamical and/or stochastic systems, data-driven
applications, or interdisciplinary applications (for example in
industry, biology or geophysics).

To submit an application and for further details please visit


From: Mauricio Sepúlveda [log in to unmask]
Date: May 19, 2014
Subject: Professor Position, Univ de Concepción, Chile 

Professorship at Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática
Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Full-time professor position is available at Departamento de
Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, from
September 1, 2014.

The Department is looking for a candidate holding a doctoral degree in
mathematics, and who is specialized in one of the following (or
related) areas: Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Analysis,
Optimization, Partial Differential Equations, Probability.

The candidate's research record should include participation in
projects and publications in international journals. Note that the
Department is closely connected to the Center for Research in
Mathematical Engineering of the same University (,
which, among others, shelters the research and postgraduate activities
of the Department.

The candidate should be able to work in teams and to form research
groups. Teaching duties include courses (in Spanish) at both
undergraduate and graduate level.

Applications should include a Curriculum Vitae with a list of
publications, research funds awarded, participation in congresses,
teaching experience and copies of the most relevant publications.
Candidates should have three letters of recommendation sent to the

The Department may also request additional interviews and
psychological assessment, or choose to designate no winner without
stating reasons.

The salary and level of appointment will be commensurate with the
successful candidate's experience.

Applications should be sent before July 14, 2014 to:
Dirección de Personal
Concurso IM-01
Universidad de Concepción
Casilla 160- C, Correo 3


From: Christel Faes [log in to unmask]
Date: May 21, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track/Professor Position, Computational Mathematics

The department of Mathematics and Statistics at Hasselt University,
Belgium, has a vacancy for two positions Tenure Track/Associate
Professor/Professor in computational mathematics.

We are particularly looking for candidates that can expand and
strengthen education and research in the field of computational
mathematics at Hasselt Univerisity.

More information about the job opening can be found at
The vacancy closes June 30, 2014.

For additional information, please contact Christel Faes (email:
[log in to unmask]).


From: Mary Wall [log in to unmask]
Date: May 22, 2014
Subject: Research Chair Position, NA and Scientific Computing

Tier II Canada Research Chair in Numerical Analysis and Scientific

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of
Newfoundland (MUN) invites applications for a Canada Research Chair
(CRC) - Tier II, in the area of Numerical Analysis and Scientific
Computing. This will be a tenure track appointment at the rank of
Assistant Professor.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop a vibrant
independent research program in the core disciplines of numerical
analysis and scientific computing while engaging in interdisciplinary
research which builds upon existing collaborations between the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the Department of Earth
Sciences, and the Faculty of Engineering at MUN. The successful
candidate will also be expected to participate in the undergraduate,
graduate, and postgraduate teaching activities in the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics as well as make academic service

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or
related field awarded within the past 10 years.  Details of the Canada
Research Chairs program can be found at

Application information can be found at  The
closing date for applications will be August 15, 2014.


From: Andre C P L F de Carvalho [log in to unmask]
Date: May 21, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Machine Learning, USP, Brazil

We are recruiting a post-doctoral researcher in the area of machine
learning, specifically, to investigate the use of novelty detection
for industry-related data. The position is located at the Institute of
Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC), University of São Paulo
(USP), São Carlos – SP, in Brazil.

More information of our research activities can be found at:

Required skills and expertise:
- Very good knowledge of written and spoken English (Portuguese is not
- Strong background knowledge in machine learning, data mining and
- Good knowledgee of languages and tools, such as R, C, C++ or Java

Eduaction: a PhD degree in computer science, electrical engineering,
computer engineering, or a similar area with strong publication

Mission: Traditional data mining techniques are designed to deal with
static databases, where the underlying probability distribution that
generates these data are assumed to be stationary. However, in recent
years, a growing amount of streaming data has become available. A data
stream can be a massive unbounded sequence of examples continuously
generated at a high-rate, such as networks, sensor data, mobile data,
and web click streams that may change for some time scale. In these
scenarios, it is not possible to store all the examples that arrive
and learning algorithms have to be able to update their decision
models always that new examples become available. This project intends
to investigate different methods to cope with novelty detection in
data streams. An important requirement when dealing with data streams
is the capability to learn a model that represents the data evolution
over the time, aggregating concept drifts and novelties. This project
aims to investigate different algorithms and strategies of dealing
with novelty detection in data stream problems. In this study we
consider that a novelty is composed by a set of cohesive examples and
can be represented by one or more clusters.

Annual salary: aprox. US$32.400,00 + US$4.860,00 (research grant) +
airplane tickets + US$2.700,00 (installation support)

Starting date: July 15, 2014

If you are interested in this position and believe that you qualify,
please send a cover letter, a résumé with a list of publications, and
the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of at least three
references to Prf. André de Carvalho: [log in to unmask]  Please
mention “Application to Post-Doctoral Position” in the title of your


From: Dr William McLean [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical PDE, Univ of New South Wales

This Research Associate position is funded by a grant on "mathematical
modeling and computation of fractional sub-diffusion problems in
complex domains" held by Bruce Henry, Bill McLean and Kassem Mustapha.
We are seeking a postdoc to work on the computational side of the
project, with a PhD in numerical analysis of PDEs, plus an enthusiasm
for scientific computing.  Familiarity with fractional PDE models
would be an advantage, but not essential.

Full details are available at

All applications must be submitted online via a link on this page.
The closing date is 27 June, 2014.


From: Miguel A. Benítez [log in to unmask]
Date: May 20, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Various Topics, BCAM

BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in
the frontiers of Applied Mathematics, has opened an International Call
for postdocs offering the following positions:

One postdoc position in Mathematical Modelling in Biosciences
Two postdoc positions in Reliable Finite Element Simulations
Three postdoc positions in Mathematical Physics
One postdoc position in CFD Computational Technologies
One postdoc positions in PDEs, Control and Numerics
Two postdoc positions in Stochastic Networks and Operations Research

2 years contract, the gross annual salary of the Fellowship is EUR
26.000 - 30.000. There is a moving allowance for those researchers
that come from a research institution outside the Basque Country up to
EUR 1.000 gross.

Deadline for submission: June 20th 2014, 17:00 CET. Please remember to
select up to two applications in our Call for postdoc positions
IC_2014-Spring Postdoc, otherwise the application will be
automatically rejected.

Additionally, BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics & CIC
EnergiGUNE Energy Cooperative Research Centre have opened an
International Call for Researchers, offering a joint position for
Postdoctoral Fellow in the area of Energy Storage, Deadline for
submission: July 1st 2014, 17:00 CET.


From: Bartosz Protas [log in to unmask]
Date: May 21, 2014
Subject: Student/Postdoc Positions, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, McMaster

Openings for graduate students (Master's and/or Ph.D.) and a
post-doctoral fellow are anticipated in Dr. Protas' research group at
McMaster University. The focus of these positions will be fundamental
investigations of extreme behavior, such as potential singularity
formation, in fluid flow models using a combination of mathematical
analysis and large-scale computations (the post-doctoral position may
also involve some teaching). Required background involves (ideally, a
combination of) theoretical fluid mechanics, large-scale scientific
computing (including numerical optimization) and PDE analysis.
Details concerning student positions are available at the web address

whereas information about the post-doctoral opening will be posted at

Interested candidates should contact

  Dr. Bartosz Protas
  Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8S 4K1
  Email: [log in to unmask]

for more information and application procedures.


From: Stefan Lemvig Glimberg [log in to unmask]
Date: May 26, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Reservoir Modelling, Tech Univ of Denmark

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is offering two PhD and
three Post Doc positions in relation to the project "Optimizing Oil
Production by Novel Technology Integration - OPTION", supported by the
Danish National Foundation for Advanced Technologies. The project will
be carried out in collaboration with DTU, Lloyd´s Register Consulting,
and Welltec A/S.

The objective of the OPTION project is to bring technology to the next
level by providing numerical tools for predicting and performing
optimal control of the oil and gas flow between wells and the
reservoir. To achieve this goal, this project aims at realizing the
integration of the four different models: reservoir modelling,
reservoir simulation, well flow control, and numerical optimization

Candidates must have a background in mathematical modelling, physics,
computational science and engineering, or equivalent academic
qualifications. The positions require highly motivated individuals who
are able to work within a cross-disciplinary team and with proficient
scientific programming experience. Results, when appropriate, are to
be implemented into modules of an existing framework used by the
industry partners for advanced reservoir simulations. The candidates
are expected to join activities within CEnter of Energy Resources
(CERE) at DTU. A good command of the English language is essential.

Further information about the positions is available at:
Post Doc:
Post Doc:


From: Michael Bader [log in to unmask]
Date: May 20, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, High Performance Computing, TU München

The research group "Hardware Aware Algorithmics and Software for HPC"
(Department of Informatics, Technische Universität München, Germany)
has two open PhD positions (to be filled in summer 2014) related to
the following topics:
- parallelization on modern supercomputing hardware, including
  Intel-Xeon-Phi-based platforms
- large-scale adaptive simulation of coupled earthquake-tsunami events
- novel approaches to task-based parallelization on shared and
  distributed memory platforms

Ideal candidates will have a strong background in CSE and HPC as well
as proficiency in hybrid-parallel programming.  Experiences with
Finite Volume or discontinuous Galerkin methods or with
multigrid/multilevel solvers are appreciated.

For formal prerequisites for entering a PhD program at TUM, as well as
on structured PhD studies at TUM, please check the respective website
of the TUM Graduate School, especially:

Applications should be send to Prof. Michael Bader .


From: Joseph Traub [log in to unmask]
Date: May 22, 2014
Subject: Contents, J of Complexity, 30 (4)

Journal of Complexity
Volume 30, Issue 4, August 2014


Frances Kuo wins the 2014 Information-Based Complexity Prize
Nominations for 2015 Prize for Achievement in Information-Based


Tractability results for the weighted star-discrepancy, Christoph

Complexity of parametric initial value problems in Banach spaces,
Thomas Daun, Stefan Heinrich

Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization, Bernd Bank,
Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz, Mohab Safey El Din

Fast CBC construction of randomly shifted lattice rules achieving
O(n−1+δ ) convergence for unbounded integrands over Rs in weighted
spaces with POD weights, James A. Nichols and Frances Y. Kuo

Estimating the ground state energy of the Schrödinger equation for
convex potentials, Anargyros Papageorgiou and Iasonas Petras

s-numbers of compact embeddings of function spaces on quasi-bounded
domains, Shun Zhang, Alicja Dota

Some s-numbers of embeddings in function spaces with polynomial
weights, Shun Zhang, Gensun Fang, Fanglun Huang

Two-step Newton methods, Ioannis K. Argyros, A´ngel Alberto Magreñán

End of Digest

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