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NADIGEST  March 2014, Week 3

NADIGEST March 2014, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 14, # 06


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 17 Mar 2014 01:26:09 -0400





text/plain (1726 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 06

NA Digest  Monday, March 17, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 06

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	NA Digest Status
	FlexiBLAS v1.0.0 release
	Nonlinear Equation Solver
	Release 1.1 of librsb, Sparse BLAS Software Library 
	Release of Alberta 3.0
	Wilkinson Prize Call For Submissions
	Deadline Ext, QPLIB2014
	Nonlinear Optimization, UK, Mar 2014
	COMSOL Multiphysics, Spain, May 2014
	DelMar Numerics Day, USA, May 2014
	Math for the Digital Factory, Germany, May 2014
	Spatial Statistics & UQ on Supercomputers, UK, May 2014
	AMiTaNS'14, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014
	CIME Summer School, Italy, Jun 2015
	Computational Biomechanics, Czech Republic, Jun 2014
	Discrete Singularities Methods, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014
	European Study Group with Industry, Ireland, Jun-Jul 2014
	Fast Direct Solvers for PDEs, USA, Jun 2014
	Numerical Methods for Interface Problems, France, Jun-Jul 2014 
	PhD Course, Inverse Problems, Denmark, Jun 2014
	Graduate Student Modeling Workshop, USA, Jul 2014
	ICERM Experimental Mathematical Computation, USA, Jul 2014
	Panam 2014, Colombia, Jul 2014
	Adaptive methods for PDEs, Canada, Aug 2014
	IMA Research Collab Workshop for Women, USA, Aug 2014
	Summer School, Comp Physiology, USA, Aug 2014
	UnConventional HPC Workshop, Portugal, Aug 2014
	ICERM Comp Aspects of the Langlands Program, USA, Sep-Dec 2014
	NM2PorousMedia, Croatia, Sep-Oct 2014
	Summer School on Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2014
	Applied Math and Approx Theory, Turkey, May 2015
	Faculty Position, Optimization, TU Braunschweig
	Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath, UK
	Faculty Positions, Chalmers Univ of Technology, Sweden
	Faculty Positions, Mathematics, NTU, Singapore
	Assistant Professor Position, NA and Scientific Computing
	Assistant Professor Positions, Santiago, Chile
	Postdoc Position, Fluid Structure Interactions, RPI
	Postdoc Positions, Inverse Problems Group, RICAM, Austria
	Postdoc Positions, Oxford, deadline March 24
	PhD Fellowship Positions, Life Sci/Math Modelling/Image Analysis
	Call for articles, JAFA/JCAAM
	MBMB Special Issue: Computational Structural Biology
	Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 13 (1)
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 59 (1)
	Contents, Math Modelling and Analysis, 19 (1)
	Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 19 (2)
	Contents, Nonlinearity, 27 (3)
	Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 65 (3)
	Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 17 (1)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Danny Dunlavy [log in to unmask]
Date: March 17, 2014
Subject: NA Digest Status

NA Digest Community,

My apologies for the lagging state of NA Digest issues over the past
couple of months.  Due to many unforeseen issues, I have been unable
to keep up with a regular schedule of issues of the digest.

Starting with the current issue, the NA Digest will return to a weekly
schedule. To help with this, an Associate Editor will be appointed
soon to assist in the work involved in providing the digest to the
community. I understand the timeliness of the material in the NA
Digest to this community and will work to make sure this service to
the community will continue on schedule.

As a reminder, when submitting announcements, please use the web
submission form and follow the instructions given on that form:

I appreciate all of your patience and support.

Best Regards,
Danny Dunlavy
NA Digest Editor


From: Jens Saak [log in to unmask]
Date: March 07, 2014
Subject: FlexiBLAS v1.0.0 release

It is our pleasure to announce the initial release of FlexiBLAS. We
do not provide yet another BLAS implementation in itself, but rather
present an easy to use method for switching between different BLAS
implementations while debugging or benchmarking other codes.

Feel free to check the current version at
and drop us a line if you have any comments or requests about it.

Further information on the realization can be found in LAWN 284:

The library is available under GPLv3. We have tested it in production
environments on several platforms and hope you will find it useful for
your research, as well.

Martin Köhler and Jens Saak


From: W. E. Schiesser [log in to unmask]
Date: March 06, 2014
Subject: Nonlinear Equation Solver

Nonlinear Equation Solver

A nonlinear equation solver is available based on a
differential (ODE) form of the Levenberg-Marquardt
method.  The information available on request includes:

(1)  Documentation for the method, including application
to an example 8 x 8 nonlinear algebraic system.

(2)  Library R routines for application of the method.

Requests can be directed to [log in to unmask]


From: Michele Martone [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2014
Subject: Release 1.1 of librsb, Sparse BLAS Software Library 

Version 1.1 of the "librsb" library for high performance sparse matrix
computations based on the "Recursive Sparse Blocks" (RSB) format is

librsb is mainly for iterative methods implementors; it features cache
efficient, multithreaded sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and it
is especially effective in the symmetric and transposed variants,
which scale nearly as unsymmetric.

Main improvements of librsb-1.1 are:
- runtime autotuning of optimal threads / structure for sparse
   matrix-vector multiply and triangular solve; also available as
   an extension of the Sparse BLAS interface
- Fortran ISO C Binding interface in rsb.F90/rsb.mod is now 100%
   compatible with the C one in rsb.h
- slightly improved performance of matrix by vector / multi-vector
- significantly improved documentation
- collection of time spent in librsb routines now possible
- better debug options (e.g.: max allocatable memory, verbose
   operation of rsb.h or Sparse BLAS routines on rebuild / request )

On a wide sample of matrices, the new autotuning feature has been
observed to improve execution speed up between a few and a few hundred

Source code (LGPLv3 licensed), documentation, benchmarks and
change log on:


From: Claus-Justus Heine [log in to unmask]
Date: March 14, 2014
Subject: Release of Alberta 3.0

It is my pleasure to announce the official release of version 3.0 of
the finite element toolbox Alberta.

Further information and a list of new features compared to the release
series 2 can be found here:

There is now also a mailing list dedicated to Alberta FEM which can be
found here:

Alberta is a stand-alone FEM-Toolbox. Its hierarchical mesh
implementation is also used as one of the possible grid-backends of
dune-grid. Version 3 of Alberta will probably be the last release
because we are switching to Dune-Fem for current and future projects.


From: Mike Dewar [log in to unmask]
Date: March 12, 2014
Subject: Wilkinson Prize Call For Submissions

The Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

In honour of the outstanding contributions of James Hardy Wilkinson to
the field of numerical software, Argonne National Laboratory, the
National Physical Laboratory, and the Numerical Algorithms Group award
the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software (US $3000).

The 2015 prize will be awarded at the International Conference in
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in Beijing, China, August

Entries must be received by July 1, 2014. Additional details on the
Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the official rules can be
found at the URL:

Submissions can be sent by email to [log in to unmask], contact
this address for further information.

Previous prizes have also been awarded at ICIAM:
1991 - Linda Petzold for DASSL
1995 - Chris Bischof and Alan Carle for ADIFOR 2.0
1999 - Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson for FFTW
2003 - Jonathan Shewchuk  for Triangle
2007 - Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann and Guido Kanschat for deal.II
2011 - Andreas Waechter and Carl D. Laird for Ipopt

Mike Dewar, Maurice Cox, Jorge Moré
Board of Trustees


From: Emiliano Traversi [log in to unmask]
Date: March 14, 2014
Subject: Deadline Ext, QPLIB2014

Quadratic programming problems have received an increasing amount of
attention in recent years, both from theoretical and practical points
of view. However, a library specifically conceived for this class of
problems does not exist yet. For this reason we feel the need to
define a standard test set to compare the performance of different
generic quadratic optimization software and to evaluate the
computational performance of newly developed algorithms and solution
techniques.  We are looking for interesting and challenging problems
from all fields of Global Optimization, Operations Research and
Combinatorial Optimization, ideally those which have been built to
model real life problems.

We are interested in benchmarking instances with the following
characteristics: Generic Quadratic objective function; Binary, integer
and continuous variables; Generic Quadratic and/or linear constraints.

Please submit by email to the following address: [log in to unmask]

The submitted instances must be in one of the following formats:
GAMS/AMPL/LP/MPS. The submission of instances should be accompanied by
a few lines of description with the following information:
- authors/institution/company providing the instance
- references (optional)
- optimum value or upper and lower bounds (optional)
- any additional relevant information (optional)

Please find the QPlib2014 web page here:

The submission deadline is: 1st May 2014.


From: Sven Hammarling [log in to unmask]
Date: February 24, 2014
Subject: Nonlinear Optimization, UK, Mar 2014

We are holding a one day workshop on "New Directions in Nonlinear
Optimization" at the University of Manchester, School of Mathematics
on Wednesday 19th March 2014.

This workshop aims to highlight recent advances in nonlinear
optimization and indicate future research directions. It is an
activity of the EPSRC Network Numerical Algorithms and High
Performance Computing (NA-HPC), which is providing financial support.

The speakers are Coralia Cartis, Philip Gill, Michal Kocvara and
Margaret Wright.

Further details and an online registration form can be found at:

Sven Hammarling and Nick Higham.


From: Antonio Molina [log in to unmask]
Date: February 25, 2014
Subject: COMSOL Multiphysics, Spain, May 2014

The premier Iberian event for Multiphysics Modeling & Simulation.
Connect with the Spanish and Portuguese COMSOL Multiphysics users
community and participate in training opportunities and events
explicitly designed for the academic and engineering community.

The Iberian COMSOL Multiphysics Conference 2014 will be held in
Málaga, Spain, on May 29. The official language of the conference is
English. It is co-organized by the University of Málaga, Addlink
Software Científico and COMSOL AB.

You’re invited to present your work at the Iberian COMSOL Multiphysics
Conference 2014 on multiphysics modeling and simulation. Oral and
poster presentations highlight achievements in multiphysics modeling
and simulations using COMSOL. Submission of papers is recommended but
not mandatory. Your published work will be recognized by a huge

In addition to the main conference, we have programmed two optional
training courses that complements it:

Wednesday May 28 - COMSOL Multiphysics Course for Beginners.
Thursday May 29 - Iberian COMSOL Multiphysics Conference 2014.
Friday May 30 - COMSOL Multiphysics Advanced Course.


From: Matthias K. Gobbert [log in to unmask]
Date: March 15, 2014
Subject: DelMar Numerics Day, USA, May 2014

The DelMar Numerics Day is an annual workshop which aims to display
the research diversity of computational mathematics in Maryland,
Delaware and vicinity.

This year it will be held on Saturday May 10, 2014 at the University
of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). The keynote speaker is Ragnar
Winther (U of Oslo). In addition there will be 12 contributed talks,
selected by the organizing committee to represent diverse topics of
research in the geographic area.

There is no registration fee, but registration is required. Please
register by April 20. For more details and registration go to

Matthias Gobbert (U of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Ricardo H. Nochetto (U of Maryland, College Park)
Petr Plechac (U of Delaware)
Francisco-Javier Sayas (U of Delaware)
Tobias von Petersdorff (U of Maryland, College Park)


From: Dietmar Hoemberg [log in to unmask]
Date: February 21, 2014
Subject: Math for the Digital Factory, Germany, May 2014

The workshop is the kick-off meeting of the new ECMI Special Interest
Group (SIG) on Digital Factories. SIGs serve as a platform of
scientific exchange between researchers from academia and industry and
form the central part of ECMI’s research activities in industrial

Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to
- multibody and PDE systems of production processes
- discrete and continuous models of production planning
- multi-scale models of manufacturing chains
- models for energy consumption of machine tools and more complex
  production systems
- optimization strategies of energy and material efficient production

We kindly ask you to register at your earliest convenience, but not later 
than 13 April, 2014.

A web form for registration and abstract submission as well as further
information on the workshop can be found at

It is forseen that a certain number of participants can be financially
supported. Please see the registration form. Final decision on
financial support will be communicated at latest on April 15, 2014.

The workshop takes place at the Weierstrass Institute in Berlin. It is
located at the subway station "Hausvogteiplatz", which is in the heart
of Berlin, close to the historic Gendarmenmarkt.


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: March 05, 2014
Subject: Spatial Statistics & UQ on Supercomputers, UK, May 2014

Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Quantification on Supercomputers (a
NAIS Workshop), University of Bath, May 19-21, 2014

The two main aims for this meeting are (i) to bring together key
researchers from statistics and applied mathematics working in spatial
statistics and in UQ, but approaching similar questions from often
quite different angles, and (ii) to go beyond the discussion and
analysis of methods applied to toy problems, and instead to focus on
real, large scale applications and on the scalability of novel
statistical/UQ tools on modern supercomputers.

The workshop should be of particular interest to statisticians and
numerical analysts, but also other applied mathematicians and
probabilists. There is no registration fee.

Invited Speakers Include:
Peter Challenor (University of Exeter)
Mike Christie (Heriot-Watt University)
Paul Constantine (Colorado School of Mines)
Omar Ghattas (ICES, University of Texas at Austin)
Roger Ghanem (University of Southern California)
Mark Girolami (University of Warwick)
Uli Ruede (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Stephen Sain (NCAR Boulder)
Daniel Tartakovsky (University of California at San Diego)
Clayton Webster (Oak Ridge National Lab)


From: Michail D Todorov [log in to unmask]
Date: March 08, 2014
Subject: AMiTaNS'14, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce

Sixth Conference AMiTaNS'14
Albena, Bulgaria
June 26-July 1, 2014

The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions as well as a symposium on
discrete singularities methods. The accents of the conference will be
on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport Processes, Numerical
Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum Mechanics, Applied Analysis,
Applied Physics, Biomathematics. If you are interested in attending
AMiTaNS'14 please prepare a short abstract within 300 words clearly
stating the goal, tools and and fill out the online Application
form. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2014.

Currently Confirmed Speakers: B.Alexeev (Russia), I.Dimov
(Bulgaria), A.Fedoseyev (USA), V.Gerdjikov (Bulgaria), B.Sendov
(Bulgaria), V.Shaydurov (Russia), I.Tsukerman (USA), A.Freundlich
(USA), P.Vabishchevich (Russia), L.Turchak (Russia), etc.

Conference website:
Coordinator: Professor M. Todorov, email: [log in to unmask]


From: Valeria Simoncini [log in to unmask]
Date: March 02, 2014
Subject: CIME Summer School, Italy, Jun 2015

During the week of 21-26 June 2015, the C.I.M.E. Foundation will
organize the following Summer School at the Hotel S. Michele in
Cetraro (Calabria, Italy,

Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations.
Algorithms and Applications

with the following lecturers:

Michele Benzi (Emory University, USA)
Dario Bini  (Universita' di Pisa, Italy)
Daniel Kressner (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Hans Munthe-Kaas (University of Bergen, Norway)
Charles Van Loan (Cornell University, USA)

More information will be available in the next few months.

The Directors of the school,
Michele Benzi and Valeria Simoncini


From: Pavel Solin [log in to unmask]
Date: February 21, 2014
Subject: Computational Biomechanics, Czech Republic, Jun 2014

We are pleased to announce that part of the fourth European Seminar on
Computing (ESCO 2014) will be a new computational biomechanics
minisymposium chaired by Prof. J.R. Whiteman (Brunel University,
UK). The minisymposium description can be found below. Please consider
contributing if your research interests are in this area.  ESCO 2014
will take place in Pilsen, Czech Republic on June 15 - 20, 2014. Its
proceedings will appear as a special issue of AMC (impact factor
1.349). For more information on the conference visit

Computational biomechanics plays an important role in the study of
biological systems and processes, as they appear in “the challenges of
today”. This mini-symposium is devoted to the computational modelling
of problems of biomechanics such as: cardiovascular systems;
haemodynamics; biodentistry; bone modelling, hip and implant
biomechanics; soft tissue biomechanics; biomaterials such as
thermoplastics. The focus will be on advances in computational methods
for modelling and treating problems of the above type, novel numerical
methods and computational techniques and challenges.


From: Kateryna [log in to unmask]
Date: March 10, 2014
Subject: Discrete Singularities Methods, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014

Albena, Bulgaria, June 26-July 1, 2014

Symposium “Discrete Singularities Methods in Mathematical Physics”
organized by Yuriy V. Gandel, Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Ukraine within AMiTaNS'14 which will be held by the Euro-American
Consortium for Promotion of the Application of Mathematics in
Technical and Natural Sciences.

Topics of the symposium: boundary-value problem for stationary wave
equations and boundary integral equations; mathematical and computer
modelling by discrete singularities method in mathematical physics,
aerohydrodynamics, filtration theory, electrodynamics and electronics.

Authors are invited to submit a short abstract within 300 words
clearly stating the goal and the tools of their research topic by
filling out the online Application Form via the conference website.

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2014.

Official conference website:


From: Eugene Kashdan [log in to unmask]
Date: March 04, 2014
Subject: European Study Group with Industry, Ireland, Jun-Jul 2014

The 102nd European Study Group with Industry will be hosted by
University College Dublin, Ireland, 30th June - 4th July 2014.

ESGI are week-long problem-solving workshops which provide a unique
opportunity for interaction between mathematicians and industry.  They
bring together leading scientists from a wide range of backgrounds to
work intensively on real-world problems. We expect to be able to
accommodate 4-8 industry problems, which will be tackled by 40-80
academics ranging from PhD students to professors.  Originating in
Oxford in 1968, ESGI have since been held several times a year across

The format of the workshop is as follows:

Day 1: Industry representatives present their problems to the
academics and students

Days 1.5 - 4: Academics and students work with industry
representatives to solve their problems

Day 5: Academics present their final results

Company representatives, academics and students interested in
participating or receiving further information are invited to visit
our ESGI102 web page:


From: Alex Barnett [log in to unmask]
Date: March 10, 2014
Subject: Fast Direct Solvers for PDEs, USA, Jun 2014

Online application is now open, with deadline April 15, for the
following: CBMS-NSF conference: Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs
June 23 - 27, 2014, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

This conference is motivated by the recent rapid progress on
developing "direct" (as opposed to "iterative") solvers for elliptic
PDEs, which in a single sweep construct an approximate solution
operator. Conference themes include: (1) structured matrix
computations that exploit analytic structure in discretized
differential and integral equations; (2) new randomized methods for
accelerating certain linear algebraic computations and reducing
communication bottlenecks; and (3) the interplay between direct
solvers and high-order discretization techniques that allow the
solution of PDEs to ten digits of accuracy or more. Applications
include materials modeling, wave scattering, and fluid flow.

The conference will be anchored by 10 summer-school style lectures
delivered by Per-Gunnar Martinsson (Univ. of Colorado), with hands-on
tutorial afternoon coding sessions to explore the algorithms.
Additional lectures will be given by Adrianna Gillman (Dartmouth),
Alex Barnett (Dartmouth), Leslie Greengard (Simons Foundation and
NYU), and Vladimir Rokhlin (Yale).

The conference is funded by the NSF, and financial support (including
lodging, meals, and some travel expenses) is available for up to 30
participants. Graduate students, junior researchers, and members of
under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

The conference is followed by a weekend workshop on analysis-based
fast solvers, June 28 - 29, at the same location.

Application for the conference, and for the weekend workshop, is now
open at:


From: Miguel A. Fernández [log in to unmask]
Date: February 21, 2014
Subject: Numerical Methods for Interface Problems, France, Jun-Jul 2014 

CEA-EDF-Inria summer school on "Numerical methods for interface
problems in fluid and solids with discontinuities", June 23-July 4,
2014, Cadarache, France.

- “Interface Description – Methods for Enforcing Interface
  Constraints”, by J. DOLBOW (Duke University)
- “Moving Interfaces in Solid Mechanics” by N. MOËS (École Centrale de
- “Interface Capturing Methods for Multi-Phase Fluid Mechanics” by
  F. LAGOUTIERE (Univ.  Paris-Sud) & S. KOKH (Maison de la Simulation)

Registration deadline: May 23, 2014

Full information available at


From: Kim Knudsen [log in to unmask]
Date: March 11, 2014
Subject: PhD Course, Inverse Problems, Denmark, Jun 2014

We kindly invite you to Copenhagen in June 2014 for the International
PhD course on Inverse Problems with Applications in Tomography and

This course will give a basic introduction to the mathematical and
computational aspects of inverse problems, supplied with case studies
in the form of applications from tomography, computer vision and

Lecturers :
Ville Kolehmainen, University of Eastern Finland
Erkki Somersalo, Case Western Reserve University
Kenichi Kanatani, Okayama University
Per Christian Hansen, Technical University of Denmark
Martin Lindahl, Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology,
Lund University and the Department of Biosciences, Karolinska

More information about the PhD course can be found on the web site


From: Ilse Ipsen [log in to unmask]
Date: March 07, 2014
Subject: Graduate Student Modeling Workshop, USA, Jul 2014

The 19th Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (IMSM)
Workshop for Graduate Students will take place at North Carolina State
University, 14-22 July 2014.  The workshop is sponsored by the
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Science Institute (SAMSI)
together with the Center for Research in Scientific Computation (CRSC)
and the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University.

The IMSM workshop exposes graduate students in mathematics,
engineering, and statistics to exciting real-world problems from
industry and government. The workshop will provide students with
experience in a research team environment and exposure to possible
career opportunities.  Local expenses and travel expenses will be
covered for students at US institutions.

The application deadline is 15 April 2014.
Information is available at
and questions can be directed to [log in to unmask]

With best regards,
Ilse Ipsen, Pierre Gremaud, and Ralph Smith


From: Christina Mata [log in to unmask]
Date: March 14, 2014
Subject: ICERM Experimental Mathematical Computation, USA, Jul 2014

ICERM Topical Workshop on: Challenges in 21st Century Experimental
Mathematical Computation,

Over the past 25 years, experimental mathematics has developed as an
important additional arrow in the mathematical quiver. Many
mathematical scientists now use powerful symbolic, numeric and graphic
(sometimes abbreviated "SNAG") computing environments in their
research, in a remarkable departure from tradition. While these tools
collectively are quite effective, challenges remain in numerous areas,
including: (a) rapid, high-precision computation of special functions
and their derivatives; (b) user- customizable symbolic computing; (c)
graphical computing; (d) data-intensive computing; and (e) large-scale
computing on parallel and GPU architectures (including algorithm and
software design for such systems).

This workshop will convene mathematical and computer scientists who
create or exploit these tools, together with computational tool
developers and commercial vendors of mathematical software, to
exchange approaches and extend the state of the art in the field.


From: Jose  Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: March 07, 2014
Subject: Panam 2014, Colombia, Jul 2014

VIII Pan American Workshop in Applied and Computational
Mathematics/Computational Science and Engineering
July 21-25, 2014
Barranquilla, Colombia

There is a growing interest in applied and computational mathematics
in the Americas and a parallel growth in the use of mathematical and
computer modeling to help solve both industrial and societal
problems. A key goal of this meeting is to bring together practicing
applied and computational mathematicians with scientists and engineers
to exchange the latest research information and to promote outreach to
create computational and applied mathematics networks in Latin


From: Ronald Haynes [log in to unmask]
Date: March 06, 2014
Subject: Adaptive methods for PDEs, Canada, Aug 2014

"Recent Developments in Adaptive Methods for PDEs” AARMS-CRM Short
Course + Collaborative Workshop, organized by the Atlantic Association
for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) Collaborative
Research Group in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing,
Aug. 17- 22, 2014, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

The aim of this workshop is to provide an introduction to the state of
the art in theory and practical applications of adaptivity in
PDEs. The program will begin with a two-day short course, "Adaptive
Methods for the Numerical Solution of PDEs", given by Dr. Weizhang
Huang (University of Kansas). The middle component of the program will
focus on presentations by researchers whose work may benefit from the
use of adaptive techniques for PDEs arising as mathematical models in
practical applications. The final segment of the program will feature
a workshop format in which breakout teams, consisting of graduate
students and postdoctoral fellows led by experts on theoretical or
computational aspects of adaptive methods for PDEs, will investigate

There are 3 ways to participate:
- attend the short course and workshop!
- present an academic or industrial applied problem which may benefit
  from the use of adaptive PDE techniques
- present recent research results on adaptive methods for PDEs and
  work on the collaborative workshop teams

Registration is required.  Partial travel support is
available. Further details and registration information are available

Email: rhaynes AT for more information.


From: Fadil Santosa [log in to unmask]
Date: March 06, 2014
Subject: IMA Research Collab Workshop for Women, USA, Aug 2014

The IMA Special Workshop, "WhAM! A Research Collaboration Workshop for
Women in Applied Mathematics", is a workshop series in which
mathematical scientists work in a team under the mentorship of senior
researchers who also propose projects.  The next WhAM!  workshop,
August 11-15, 2014, will focus on problems in numerical PDEs.  Six
projects are available.  Graduate students, postdocs, and junior
faculty are encouraged to apply.

Detailed information and application form can be found at 2015/SW8.11-15.14


From: Lena Korsnes [log in to unmask]
Date: February 20, 2014
Subject: Summer School, Comp Physiology, USA, Aug 2014

University of California - San Diego, the University of Oslo, and
Simula Research Laboratory host a Joint 2014 Summer School in
Computational Physiology: Models, Tools, and Techniques for Cardiac
Applications, Oslo, Norway, 16-25 June 2014, La Jolla, CA, USA
4-8 August 2014

This summer school is based upon the graduate course “Mathematical
models in medicine” including targeted research lectures and a
practical project portion. This course teaches the fundamental
principles of mathematical modeling in cardiac electrophysiology and
mechanics. The main focus of the course is on modeling the cell scale
biophysical processes responsible for electrical activation and
contraction of the muscle cells.  However, a modeling framework for
tissue scale electrical signal propagation is also presented. Although
the main focus is on heart physiology, many of the derived models have
a general applicability in biomedical modeling. Since the final part
of the course will be a small research project, the students will also
be introduced to required and useful numerical methods and software
tools for computational modeling based on differential equations.

The applicant pool is open to interested graduate (Master’s and
PhD-level) students; students from third-party institutions as well as
both host Universities are encouraged to apply.  Course enrollment
will be limited to 10 participants in its inaugural year of
2014. Simula will offer stipends designed to fully cover costs
associated with travel and accommodation to/from Oslo and/or San Diego
to all accepted applicants.



From: Dimitar Lukarski [log in to unmask]
Date: March 11, 2014
Subject: UnConventional HPC Workshop, Portugal, Aug 2014

Workshop on UnConventional High Performance Computing (UCHPC)
August, 2014, Portugal (held in conjunction with Euro-Par 2014)

The goal of the workshop is to present latest research in how hardware
and software (yet) unconventional for HPC is or can be used to reach
goals such as best performance per watt. UCHPC also covers according
programming models, compiler techniques, and tools.  Thus, suggested
topics for papers include, but are not limited to the following:
- Innovative use of hardware and software unconventional for HPC
- Heterogeneous and reconfigurable computing for HPC
- HPC applications or visualizations in connection with HPC on GPUs
  (GPGPU), using GPUs embedded on processor dies
- Cluster/Grid solutions using unconventional hardware, e.g.  clusters
  of game consoles, nodes using GPUs, Low Power/Embedded Processors,
  MPSoCs, new many-cores from Intel/ARM designs, etc
- Work on and use of new programming models and paradigms needed to
  support unconventional hardware, and hybrid/hierarchical
  combinations with more conventional systems. Examples are OpenACC,
  OpenCL, Cilk+, and task-based approaches
- Performance modeling, analysis and tools for HPC with unconventional
- Big data and/or deep learning using unconventional HPC

May 30, 2014    :  Submission deadline
July 4, 2014    :  Notification of acceptance
July 31, 2014   :  Camera ready, revised papers due

See the UCHPC'14 website at


From: Christina Mata [log in to unmask]
Date: March 14, 2014
Subject: ICERM Comp Aspects of the Langlands Program, USA, Sep-Dec 2014

ICERM Semester Program on "Computational Aspects of the Langlands Program"
(September 9, 2015 - December 4, 2015)
Providence, RI, USA

In the late 1960s, Robert Langlands discovered a unifying principle in
number theory providing a vast generalization of class field theory to
include nonabelian extensions of number fields. This principle gives
rise to a web of conjectures called the Langlands program which
continues to guide research in number theory to the present day. For
example, an important first instance of the Langlands program is the
modularity theorem for elliptic curves over the rational numbers, an
essential ingredient in the proof of Fermat's last theorem.

Despite its many successes, the Langlands program remains vague in
many of its predictions, due in part to an absence of data to guide a
precise formulation away from a few special cases. In this thematic
program, we will experiment with and articulate refined conjectures
relating arithmetic-geometric objects to automorphic forms, improve
the computational infrastructure underpinning the Langlands program,
and assemble additional supporting data. 

During the semester we will focus on three specific aspects of the
Langlands program.  First, we will look at elliptic curves over number
fields and genus 2 curves over the rationals and will consider their
relationship to modular forms. Second, we will consider computational
aspects of modular forms in higher rank. Specifically, we will examine
K3 surfaces and their connections to modular forms on orthogonal
groups. Our third topic concerns analytic aspects of L-functions,
building upon and complementing the algebraic, arithmetic, and
geometric data.


From: Amaziane [log in to unmask]
Date: March 10, 2014
Subject: NM2PorousMedia, Croatia, Sep-Oct 2014

International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of
Flow and Transport in Porous Media (NM2PorousMedia-2014
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 29 September-3 October 2014.

Deadline to submit an abstract: March 31, 2014.
Deadline for registration: September 1st, 2014.

Topics of the conference:
- Numerical modeling, simulation, numerical analysis of methods of
  flow and transport in porous media.
- Modeling, analysis, and simulation of multiphase multicomponent
  compositional flow in porous media.
- Discretization based on advanced finite element, finite volume, or
  discontinuous Galerkin methods of flow and transport in porous media
- High performance computing for multiphase flows
- Mathematical modeling and analysis of flow and transport in porous
- Multi-scale and/or adaptive algorithms for flow and transport in
  porous media
- Upscaling and/or homogenization
- Advances in pore-scale modeling and upscaling
- Theory and computation of porous media flows
- Coupled models and domain decomposition in geosciences
- Non-equilibrium models for flows in porous media
- Computational methods in geophysical inverse problems
- Mathematics and computation in geosciences
- Flow and transport simulation of oil reservoir engineering,
  groundwater hydrology, geological storage of carbon dioxide , deep
  geological repository for radioactive waste, bioremediation,
  solid-fluid problems, diffusion in materials, electromagnetic field
  applications, complex flow phenomena, and others


From: Daniel Potts [log in to unmask]
Date: February 27, 2014
Subject: Summer School on Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2014

Summer School on Applied Analysis
September 22-26, 2014, Chemnitz, Germany

Description: The summer school is devoted to applied analysis.  The
courses, focusing on different aspects of applied analysis, will take
place Monday-Friday during the entire week. It is meant for training
of undergraduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-doc
researchers.  The registration is free, but we may limit the number of
participants if necessary.

There will be five general lectures given by the following speakers.
The topics and speakers of the lectures will be

Harm Bart (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Spectral regularity and sums of idempotents in Banach algebras

Richard Brualdi (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Classes of combinatorially defined matrices

Aicke Hinrichs (University Rostock)
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods

Henning Kempka (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena)
Function spaces with variable exponents

Harald Wimmer (University Würzburg)
Matrix polynomials and the Enestroem-Kakeya theorem

Further information and online registration is available on the


From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: February 21, 2014
Subject: Applied Math and Approx Theory, Turkey, May 2015

International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory 2015 
(AMAT 2015), Ankara, Turkey, May 28-31, 2015.



From: Dirk Lorenz [log in to unmask]
Date: March 13, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Optimization, TU Braunschweig

The Department of Mathematics within the Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Faculty
invites applications for a University Professor (W2) for Mathematical
Optimization beginning as soon as possible.

We are seeking after a person who particularly engages her-/himself in
the program "Mathematics in Finance and Industry". Applicants should
have internationally recognized expertise in the field of Discrete
Optimization. Experience in cooperation with business and industry is

The successful applicant is expected to contribute to the teaching
activities offered by the Department for Mathematics to other
departments. Cooperation with other sciences at the TU and with other
universities are explicitly welcome.

Applicants must hold a doctoral degree and have excellent research
competency from university or industry (habilitation or equivalent
qualification), and provide proof of their teaching experience and
ability. For further information, please contact the Chairman of the
Appointment Committee, Prof. Dr. Dirk Lorenz, by email
([log in to unmask]) or phone (+49-531-391-7423).

Applications by email including all usual application documents
(including CV, list of publications, record of teaching experience,
and a short outline of the research and teaching concept) within a
single appended PDF-file should be sent to the dean of the
“Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Fakultät” of the “Technische Universität
Braunschweig”, Professor Dr. Thomas Sonar at [log in to unmask]

The deadline for applications is April 30, 2014.


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: March 05, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath, UK

University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences
*Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Applied Mathematics*

Salary: Starting from £37,756 rising to £53,765
Closing Date:  2nd April 2014

Applications are invited for positions in Applied Mathematics  at 
either Lecturer (Assistant Professor), or Senior Lecturer/Reader 
(Associate Professor) level. Applications are welcome in any area 
of Applied Mathematics which complements and strengthens existing 
areas of expertise at Bath, including: Analysis & DEs, Continuum 
Mechanics, Dynamical Systems & Complexity, Industrial Applied 
Maths, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Control Theory, Numerical 
Analysis & Scientific Computing, Networks & Collective Behaviour.

A successful applicant at Senior Lecturer or Reader Level will have 
a strong track record of independent research of international 
standing. At Lecturer level a successful applicant will have shown 
(at least) exceptional potential for achieving such research 
excellence. The appointees will be expected to sustain a leading 
research programme, and to be active in developing and submitting 
competitive  applications for external funding. Candidates should 
also have a strong interest in pursuing excellence in undergraduate 
and postgraduate teaching and in supervising graduate students.

We are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive working 
environment and particularly welcome applications from women. 

To submit an application and for further details please refer to


From: Stig Larsson [log in to unmask]
Date: March 13, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Chalmers Univ of Technology, Sweden

Three positions as Senior Lecturer in Mathematics (all fields) at
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden:


From: Li-Lian Wang [log in to unmask]
Date: February 20, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematics, NTU, Singapore

Faculty positions in Mathematics The School of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University (NTU),
Singapore, invites qualified academics to apply for faculty positions
in the Division of Mathematical Sciences. We are looking for
candidates with Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mathematics, Pure
Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Econometrics, Operations
Research, and related fields. Evidence of excellence in research and
teaching is required. We are specifically looking for expertise in,
but not restricted to Statistics, Computational Mathematics,

Promising scholars and established mathematicians with outstanding
track records in any field of pure and applied mathematics are
strongly encouraged to apply. The salary will commensurate with the
candidate's qualifications and experience.

Application Procedure To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for
Submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment at:
and send your application package and any enquiries to
[log in to unmask] Applications will be accepted until all
positions are filled. All applications and materials submitted will be
held in strict confidence.


From: Mary Wall [log in to unmask]
Date: March 07, 2014
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, NA and Scientific Computing


Assistant Professor, Tenure Track | Canada Research Chair – Tier II
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of
Newfoundland (MUN) invites applications for a Canada Research Chair
(CRC) - Tier II, in the area of Numerical Analysis and Scientific
Computing.  This will be a tenure track appointment at the rank of
Assistant Professor.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or
related field awarded within the past 10 years. Applicants must
also demonstrate excellence or potential for excellence in both
teaching and research.

The closing date for applications will be August 15, 2014.
Candidates should submit a Curriculum Vitae, a description of
research and teaching interests; and the names and addresses
(include e-mail) of at least three referees.  Applications should
be sent to:

   Head of Department
   VPA-MAST- 2014 - 002
   Department of Mathematics & Statistics
   Memorial University of Newfoundland
   St. John's, NL, A1C 5S7 Canada

   E-mail: [log in to unmask]

You MUST use the code VPA-MAST-2014-002 on all correspondence.


From: Norbert Heuer [log in to unmask]
Date: March 12, 2014
Subject: Assistant Professor Positions, Santiago, Chile

Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Departamento de Matematicas

The Department of Mathematics invites applications for two tenure
track positions at the Assistant Professor level beginning in March or
August 2015. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, proven
research potential in pure or applied mathematics, and a strong
commitment to teaching and research.  The regular teaching load for
assistant professors consists of three one-semester courses per year,
reduced to two courses during the first two years. The annual salary
will be approx. US$ 48,000.  A startup grant of US$ 15,000 to be used
during the first three years will be available to support research

Please send a letter indicating your main research interests,
potential collaborators in the department (,
detailed curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to:

Monica Musso, Departamento de Matematicas
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Av. Vicuna Mackenna 4860
Santiago, Chile
Fax: +56-2-2552 5916
Email: [log in to unmask]
Deadline: June 30, 2014

Informal enquiries may be directed to Norbert Heuer, [log in to unmask]


From: Bill Henshaw [log in to unmask]
Date: March 14, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Fluid Structure Interactions, RPI

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the
area of fluid structure interactions or some other related area of
scientific computing. The postdoc will be supervised by
Prof. W.D. Henshaw in the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The project will involve the analysis and
development of algorithms using the Overture software framework

A strong background in applied mathematics, numerical methods for
partial differential equations and scientific computing is
required. Programming experience with C++ and or Fortran, and MPI is
highly desirable.

To apply please send a cover letter, CV, research statement and	the
names of two references to Prof. W.D. Henshaw ([log in to unmask]).


From: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otmar Scherzer [log in to unmask]
Date: February 27, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Inverse Problems Group, RICAM, Austria

At the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
Mathematics (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz,
Austria, the “Inverse Problems Group” is searching two PostDocs with a
strong background in inverse problems and regularization. The research
focus will be adjusted according to the interests of the successful
candidate, but knowledge in regularization theory, scattering and
stochastic differential equations is especially welcome.

A doctorate in mathematics or a closely related field is required.
The working language is English. For more information contact Prof.
O. Scherzer at: [log in to unmask]

RICAM went into operation on January 1, 2003 and has built research
groups in eight areas: Analysis in Partial Differential Equations;
Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems; Inverse Problems;
Mathematical Imaging; Mathematical Methods in Molecular and Systems
Biology; Optimization and Optimal Control; Symbolic Computation;
Transfer Group

Further information is available under:

Applications with personal and scientific data and a compact statement
about scientific interests and achievements should be sent by April
25, 2014, by email, to: [log in to unmask]


From: Nick Trefethen [log in to unmask]
Date: March 15, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Oxford, deadline March 24

A reminder that two 2-3 year postdoctoral research positions are
available in the Numerical Analysis Group at Oxford in the area of
"Algorithms Related to Chebfun", to work with Nick Trefethen and the
rest of the Chebfun team.  Deadline March 24.

See and .


From: Martin Wild [log in to unmask]
Date: March 05, 2014
Subject: PhD Fellowship Positions, Life Sci/Math Modelling/Image Analysis

16 PhD Fellowships in Life Sciences, Mathematical Modelling and
Image Analysis

The International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine
(IMPRS-MBM) and the Cells in Motion Excellence Cluster (CiM) offer 16
PhD Fellowships in Life Sciences and Mathematical Modelling and Image

The CiM Graduate School and IMPRS-MBM - jointly run by the University
of Münster and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine -
offer interdisciplinary approaches to biomedical research with a
strong emphasis on imaging. PhD projects range from the analysis of
basic cellular processes to clinical translation, from the generation
of mathematical models to the development of new imaging-related
techniques and compounds.

Research areas: Molecular Biology; In vivo Imaging; Image Analysis;
High Resolution Optical Imaging; Biophysics; Chemical Biology; Label
Chemistry; Mathematical Modelling and more.

Applications for the 3-year PhD program can be submitted from 28
February - 9 May 2014. Projects start in October 2014. Applications
can only be submitted via our online system.

For online application and further information go to	.

The program offers excellent scientific and transferable skills
training, a competitive tax-free fellowship and support with
administrative matters, accomodation, visas etc. There are no tuition
fees. The program language is English. We invite applications from
highly qualified and motivated students of any nationality from
biological sciences, chemistry, mathematics, computer sciences and


From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: February 21, 2014
Subject: Call for articles, JAFA/JCAAM

Invitation to publish in JCAAM (J. of Concrete and Applicable
Mathematics) and JAFA (J. of Applied Functional Analysis), journals
without page charges.

This special offer is only for the period March 1, 2014 - October 1,
2014. Articles must be of high quality and will be strictly refereed.

All areas of applied and numerical mathematics are welcome.

Articles will be published in 2015.

Please submit TeX/PDF files with cover letter via email to
George Anastassiou, [log in to unmask]


From: Weihua Geng [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2014
Subject: MBMB Special Issue: Computational Structural Biology

The journal Molecular Based Mathematical Biology (MBMB) will publish a
special issue entitled “Computational structural biology: models,
methods and applications”. The purpose of this special issue is to
create a medium for researchers from mathematical and biological
sciences and other related disciplines to report novel mathematical
models, computational algorithms, and biological applications to the
structures study of macromolecules, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to: Geometric and
topological modeling of macromolecules; Biomolecular solvation,
explicit and implicit solvation models; Protein folding,
protein-protein interactions; Brownian dynamics, molecular dynamics,
and Monte Carlo modeling of biomolecular systems; Modeling and
simulation of Ion-channels and membrane; Electrostatics computing and
applications, N-body problems ; Biomolecular simulations and software
developments; Multiscale modeling; Mathematical methods for molecular
imaging and visualization

Author guidelines:

Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their
manuscript via email to [log in to unmask]

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Weihua Geng, [log in to unmask] .

Important Dates: Manuscript Due: June 1, 2014
; First Round of
Reviews: July 15, 2014
; Anticipated Publication Date: December 1,


From: Fikret Aliev [log in to unmask]
Date: February 21, 2014
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 13 (1)

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.13, No.1, February 2014

Modeling, Querying and Mining Social Relational Networks Using Fuzzy
Set Techniques (Survey), Ronald R. Yager, pages:3-17

Norm-Wise, Mixed and Component-Wise Condition Numbers of Matrix
Equation, I.P. Popchev, M.M. Konstantinov, P.H. Petkov, V.A. Angelova,

Robust Stabilization of Parameter Varying Time Delay Systems by
Switched Controllers, Peng Yan, Hitay Özbay, Murat Şansal, pages:31-45

On the Algorithms for Solving Discrete Periodic Riccati Equation,
Fikret A. Aliev, Vladimir B. Larin, pages:46-54

Accelerated Halley Method with Eighth-Order Convergence, M. Chen ,
T.S. Chang, pages:55-61

Triangular Configurations and Lie Algebras of Strictly Upper-
Triangular Matrices, Manuel Ceballos, Juan Núñez, Ángel F. Tenorio,
pages: 62-70

Expanded Lie Group Transformations and Similarity Reductions for the
Celebrity Black-Scholes Equation in Finance, R. Polat and T. Ozis,
pages: 71-77

Avoid the Uncontrollability Problems of the Nonzero Endpoint
Conditions via Homotopy Analysis Method, A. Sami Bataineh, pages:

Solving Two Parabolic Inverse Problems with a Nonlocal Boundary
Condition in the Reproducing Kernel Space, Maryam Mohammadi, Reza
Mokhtari, Hamid Panahipour, pages:91-106

Design of Observer-Based Feedback Control or a Class of Discrete- Time
Nonlinear Systems with Time-Delay, Yali Dong, Yan Zhang, Xuehua Zhang,

On the Simplicity of the Eigenvalues of Non-Self-Adjoint Mathieu- Hill
Operators, O.A. Veliev, pages:122-134


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: February 28, 2014
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 59 (1)

Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 59, Number 1, April 2014

The Relationships Between Chebyshev, Legendre and Jacobi Polynomials:
The Generic Superiority of Chebyshev Polynomials and Three Important
Exceptions, John P. Boyd and Rolfe Petschek, pp.1-27.

Efficient and Generic Algorithm for Rigorous Integration Forward in
Time of dPDEs: Part I, Jacek Cyranka, pp.28-52.

Constraint-Free Adaptive FEMs on Quadrilateral Nonconforming Meshes,
Xuying Zhao, Zhong-Ci Shi and Qiang Du, pp.53-79.

Hydrodynamics in Porous Media: A Finite Volume Lattice Boltzmann
Study, Ahad Zarghami, Chiara Biscarini, Sauro Succi and Stefano
Ubertini, pp.80-103.

Error Analysis of a Compact ADI Scheme for the 2D Fractional
Subdiffusion Equation, Ya-nan Zhang and Zhi-zhong Sun, pp.104-128.

Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for One-Dimensional Second Order
Fully Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations, Xiaobing Feng and
Thomas Lewis, pp.129-157.

Optimal Point-Wise Error Estimate of a Compact Difference Scheme for
the Coupled Gross-Pitaevskii Equations in One Dimension, Tingchun
Wang, pp.158-186.

Comparison Between Reduced Basis and Stochastic Collocation Methods
for Elliptic Problems, Peng Chen, Alfio Quarteroni and Gianluigi
Rozza, pp.187-216.

HDG Methods for Naghdi Arches, Fatih Celiker and Li Fan, pp.217-246.

Source Estimation by Full Wave Form Inversion, Bjorn Sjogreen and
N. Anders Petersson, pp.247-276.


From: R. Ciegis [log in to unmask]
Date: March 12, 2014
Subject: Contents, Math Modelling and Analysis, 19 (1)


The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:
Volume 19, Number 1, February 2014 (p. 1--144)

Xiaohui Hu, Pengzhan Huang and Xinlong Feng, Two-Grid Method for
Burgers' Equation by a New Mixed Finite Element Scheme, 1-17

Angelamaria Cardone, Zdis{\l}aw Jackiewicz, Adrian Sandu and Hong
Zhang, Extrapolated Implicit--Explicit Runge--Kutta Methods, 18-43

Daniele Funaro, Trapping Electromagnetic Solitons in Cylinders, 44-51

Vaida Pocevi\v{c}ien\.{e} and Darius \v{S}iau\v{c}i\={u}nas, A Mixed
Joint Universality Theorem for Zeta-Functions. II, 52-65

Virginija Garbaliauskien\.{e} and Antanas Laurin\v{c}ikas, Limit
Theorems for Twists of $L$-Functions of~Elliptic Curves. IV, 66-74

Ansis Ozolins and Uldis Strautins, Simple Models for Wall Effect in
Fiber Suspension Flows, 75-84

Jie Liao and Chao Ji, Extended Foldy--Lax Approximation on Multiple
Scattering, 85-98

Babak Shiri, Numerical Solution of Higher Index Nonlinear Integral
Algebraic Equations of Hessenberg Type Using Discontinuous Collocation
Methods, 99-117

Ahmet Bekir, Adem C. Cevikel, \"{O}zkan G\"{u}ner and Sait San, Bright
and Dark Soliton Solutions of the $(2+1)$-Dimensional Evolution
Equations, 118-126

Rekha P. Kulkarni and Akshay S. Rane, Asymptotic Expansions for
Approximate Solutions of Hammerstein Integral Equations with Green's
Function Type Kernels, 127-143


From: Romas Baronas [log in to unmask]
Date: February 23, 2014
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 19 (2)

Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 19, Number 2, 2014

A free on-line edition is available at:


Pattern formation in three species food web model in spatiotemporal
domain with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response, p. 155-171,
Randhir Singh Baghel, Joydip Dhar

Identification of fast-changing signals by means of adaptive chaotic
transformations, p. 172-177, Marek Berezowski, Marcin Lawnik

Fixed point theorems for \alpha-contractive mappings of Meir–Keeler
type and applications p. 178-198, Maher Berzig, Mircea-Dan Rus

On the approximation of the set of trajectories of control system
described by a Volterra integral equation, p. 199–208, Anar Huseyin

Compactons and topological solitons of the Drinfel'd–Sokolov system,
p. 209–224, Mustafa Inc, Eda Fendoglu, Houria Triki, Anjan Biswas

On the stability of explicit finite difference schemes for a
pseudoparabolic equation with nonlocal conditions, p. 225–240, Justina
Jachimaviciene, Mifodijus Sapagovas, Arturas Stikonas, Olga Stikoniene

Positive solutions to a class of random operator equations and
applications to stochastic integral equations, p. 241–255, Mohamed
Jleli, Bessem Samet

Robust optimal H∞ control for irregular buildings with AMD via LMI
approach, p. 256–271, Zhijun Li, Sheliang Wang

Grid multi-wing butterfly chaotic attractors generated from a new 3-D
quadratic autonomous system, p. 272–285, Xiaowen Luo, Chunhua Wang,
Zhao Wan

Output feedback control of nonlinear systems with uncertain ISS/iISS
supply rates and noises, p. 286–299, Xin Yu, Guohai Liu


From: Paul Fishman [log in to unmask]
Date: February 25, 2014
Subject: Contents, Nonlinearity, 27 (3)

Volume 27, Issue 3, March 2014

This issue is available at: URL:

Blenders in centre unstable H\'enon-like families: with an application
to heterodimensional bifurcations, Lorenzo J D\' \i az, Shin Kiriki
and Katsutoshi Shinohara

Spectral analysis of hyperbolic systems with singularities, Mark F
Demers and Hong-Kun Zhang

Branches of non-symmetric critical points and symmetry breaking in
nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, Jean Dolbeault and
Maria J Esteban

On well-posedness and small data global existence for an interface
damped free boundary fluid--structure model, Mihaela Ignatova, Igor
Kukavica, Irena Lasiecka and Amjad Tuffaha

Towards a theory for diffusive coupling functions allowing persistent
synchronization, Tiago Pereira, Jaap Eldering, Martin Rasmussen and
Alexei Veneziani

Dynamical Green functions and discrete Schr\"odinger operators with
potentials generated by primitive invertible substitution, Arnaud

Dissipation versus quadratic nonlinearity: from {\itshape a priori}
energy bound to higher order regularizing effect, Animikh Biswas and
Eitan Tadmor

Higher order averaging theory for finding periodic solutions via
Brouwer degree, Jaume Llibre, Douglas D Novaes and Marco A Teixeira

Noose bifurcation and crossing tangency in reversible piecewise linear
systems, V Carmona, S Fern\'andez-Garc\' \i a, F
Fern\'andez-S\'anchez, E Garc\' \i a-Medina and A E Teruel

Nonequilibrium steady states for a class of particle systems, Yao Li
and Lai-Sang Young


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: March 12, 2014
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 65 (3)

Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 65, Issue 3.

Special Issue for John Butcher in celebration of his 80th birthday:
ANODE 2013, Guest Editors: Kevin Burrage, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz, Chus

Preface, Kevin Burrage, Chus Sanz-Serna, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz

Extrapolation-based implicit-explicit general linear methods,
Angelamaria Cardone, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz, Adrian Sandu, Hong Zhang

Smoothing effects on the IMR and ITR, R.P.K. Chan, N. Razali

Natural Volterra Runge-Kutta methods, Dajana Conte, Raffaele
D’Ambrosio, Giuseppe Izzo, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz

Stability of rootfinding for barycentric Lagrange interpolants, Piers
W. Lawrence, Robert M. Corless

Error analysis of explicit TSERKN methods for highly oscillatory
systems, Jiyong Li, Xinyuan Wu

A new look at the chemical master equation, Adrian Sandu

Symplectic effective order methods, John C. Butcher, Gulshad Imran

Structure-preserving Runge-Kutta methods for stochastic Hamiltonian
equations with additive noise, Pamela M. Burrage, Kevin Burrage

The efficiency of Singly-implicit Runge-Kutta methods for stiff
differential equations, D.J.L. Chen

Explicit Runge–Kutta pairs with lower stage-order, J.H. Verner

Order conditions for General Linear Nystrom methods, Raffaele
D’Ambrosio, Giuseppe De Martino, Beatrice Paternoster

Symmetries of explicit Runge-Kutta methods, Sergey Khashin

Multiple invariants conserving Runge-Kutta type methods for
Hamiltonian problems, Luigi Brugnano, Yajuan Sun

Efficient implementation of Gauss collocation and Hamiltonian boundary
value methods, Luigi Brugnano, Gianluca Frasca Caccia, Felice

Trigonometrically fitted two-derivative Runge-Kutta methods for
solving oscillatory differential equations, Yonglei Fang, Xiong You,
Qinghe Ming

Relations between the Hopf algebra and the B-series with new concepts,
T.M.H. Chan

Two-derivative Runge–Kutta methods for PDEs using a novel
discretization approach, Angela Y.J. Tsai, Robert P.K. Chan, Shixiao

A highly accurate explicit symplectic ERKN method for multi-frequency
and multidimensional oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Bin Wang,
Xinyuan Wu


From: SibJNM [log in to unmask]
Date: February 25, 2014
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 17 (1)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 17, No. 1, 2014

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

Aida-zade K.R., Abdullaev V.M., On the numerical solution to loaded
systems of ordinary differential equations with non-separated
multipoint and integral conditions (in Russian), pp.1-16

Aleksandrov V.M., A method of optimal real-time computation of a
linear system with retarded control (in Russian), pp.17-30

Ramandeep Behl, V. Kanwar, Kapil K. Sharma, New modified optimal
families of King's and Traub--Ostrowski's method (in Russian),

Vikhtenko E.M., Maksimova N.N., Namm R.V., A sensitivity functional in
variational inequalities of mechanics and their application to duality
schemes (in Russian), pp.43-52

Kokurin M.Yu., Kozlov A.I., On a posteriori approximation of a set of
solutions to a system of quadratic equations with the use of the
Newton method, (in Russian), pp.53-65

Okuonghae R.I., Ikhile M.N.O., A family of highly stable second
derivative block methods for stiff IVPs in ODEs (in Russian), pp.67-81

Prashanth M., Gupta D.K., Singh S., Semilocal convergence for the
Super-Halley's method (in Russian), pp.83-99

End of Digest

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