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NADIGEST  February 2014, Week 3

NADIGEST February 2014, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 14, # 05


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 20 Feb 2014 12:31:34 -0500





text/plain (1632 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 05

NA Digest  Thursday, February 20, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 05

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Call for Nominations, Smale Prize
	Tensorlab v2.0 release
	Celebrating 400 years of Napier's logarithms, UK, Apr 2014
	Computational and Applied Mathematics, USA, Apr 2014
	Radial Basis Function Methods, Italy, Apr 2014
	Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation, Germany, May 2014
	Parallel-in-Time Integration, Germany, May 2014
	Scientific Computing, China, May 2014
	Turbulence Generation and Sustenance, USA, May 2014
	Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, China, Jun-Aug 2014
	Dobbiaco Summer School, Italy, Jun 2014
	ICOSAHOM, USA, Jun 2014
	MINLP Workshop, USA, Jun 2014
	MOPT School, Russia, Jun-Jul 2014
	Stochastic Numerics and Random Dyn Sys, UK, Jun 2014
	SIAM EX14, USA, Jul 2014
	SIAM Workshop on Network Science, USA, Jul 2014
	Applications of Parallel Computation, Portugal, Aug 2014
	BAIL 2014, Czech Republic, Sep 2014
	Dolomites Research Week on Approximation, Italy, Sep 2014
	IMA Mathematical Modelling of Fluid Systems, UK, Sep 2014
	IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, UK, Sep 2014
	Signal Processing and Phase Retrieval, Germany, Sep 2014
	SIAM Financial Mathematics and Engineering, USA, Nov 2014
	Senior Lecturer, Assoc Professor Positions, Applied Math/NA/Optim
	Research Engineer Position, Data Assimilation, Inria
	Postdoc Position, Cardiovascular Fluid Mech Lab, Georgia Tech
	Postdoc Position, Chebfun-related, Oxford
	Postdoc Position, Cloud Computing, Univ Missouri-Columbia
	Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Univ of Münster
	Postdoc Position, Math Dept, Bologna, Italy
	Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester
	Postdoc Positions, Argonne
	Postdoc Positions, ETH Zurich and Univ of Lugano
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Applied Linear Algebra, TU Berlin
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Tensor Methods, KU Leuven
	PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, Heriot-Watt Univ
	PhD Position, Computational Microelectronics, TU Wien
	PhD Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, KTH, Stockholm
	PhD Positions, ICS, Lugano, Switzerland
	PhD Positions, Inverse Problems/Tomography
	Contents, ETNA, 40
	Contents, J of Complexity, 30 (3)
	Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 58 (3)
	Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 65 (2)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Antonella Zanna [log in to unmask]
Date: February 20, 2014
Subject: Call for Nominations, Smale Prize

REMINDER -- Call for nominations, Second Smale Prize. The deadline is
approaching!  DEADLINE: 24:00 (GMT), March 10, 2014

Nominations accompanied by three recommendation letters should be sent
by email to FoCM secretary Antonella Zanna at:
[log in to unmask]

Read more about the prize at: Summary of prize rules (see for full details):


From: Lieven De Lathauwer [log in to unmask]
Date: February 13, 2014
Subject: Tensorlab v2.0 release

It is our pleasure to announce the release of the second version of
Tensorlab, a MATLAB toolbox for tensor computations. Tensorlab v2.0
brings support for sparse and incomplete tensors and allows you to
define your own (coupled) tensor decompositions with structured
factors. Users can choose from a library of predefined tensor
decompositions and factor structures such as nonnegativity,
orthogonality, matrix inverse, Toeplitz, Hankel and Vandermonde
structure. A diverse selection of example applications are
demonstrated in the tech. report at .


The toolbox is free to use for non-commercial research. We hope that
you'll find it useful in your research and we welcome all suggestions
and feedback.

Laurent Sorber, Marc Van Barel, Lieven De Lathauwer


From: Frank Vogel [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2014
Subject: DiffpackSE

Enter the world of interactive online PDE simulation with DiffpackSE.

Solving partial differential equations (PDE) is a complex topic and
requires good coding skills or deep knowledge of appropriate programs.

The goal of the Diffpack Smart Environment (DiffpackSE) is to provide
a powerful easy to handle interface solving different kinds of
PDEs. Just open your bowser (Mozilla Firefox is recommended) and get
all instruments online on one page. No installations are required.

The interface supports all parts of the simulation process from mesh
generation up to graphical 3D results visualization. Choose your
equation, create a 2D or 3D mesh, set user defined parameters and get
the FEM solution in a fully interactive 3D view.

The automatic source code generation enables fast and easy code
development in your own Diffpack environment. This gives you the best
starting point to develop extensive applications for the solution of
more advanced / user defined PDEs employing the powerful Diffpack C++

The results of the web interface can be embedded in any well-known
simulation package and incorporated in your own simulation workflow.

Just open DiffpackSE at and find a
new world of mathematical simulation.


From: Dugald Duncan [log in to unmask]
Date: February 07, 2014
Subject: Celebrating 400 years of Napier's logarithms, UK, Apr 2014

Various organisations in Scotland coordinated by the Royal Society of
Edinburgh are holding a series of workshops and events to celebrate
the discovery/development of logarithms by John Napier in Edinburgh in
1614. The last such celebration was in 1914.

* Napier 400 - Numerical Algorithms and Intelligent Software
Symposium, 2nd April 2014 at ICMS in Edinburgh

The aim of this NAIS one-day scientific symposium is to have
presentations by and discussions with international experts on a broad
range of topics of current interest in numerical analysis and
scientific computing, that might also be interpreted as continuing the
spirit of Napier's work of devising efficient algorithms and
associated computing devices. However, the meeting will mainly focus
on what is happening now and into the future, rather than looking
backwards to Napier's time.

Speakers: Martin Gander (Geneva), Mike Giles (Oxford), Nick Higham
(Manchester), Hilary Weller (Reading), Margaret Wright (Courant

Registration etc.

* Computation in Finance and Insurance, post Napier, 3rd April at the
Royal Society of Edinburgh

Registration and full speaker details at

* Other Napier 400 events are listed at


From: Robert Higdon [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: Computational and Applied Mathematics, USA, Apr 2014

The first Cascade Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar will
be held at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday,
April 5, 2014.  This seminar arose from discussions between OSU and
Portland State University, and it is intended to complement the annual
Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar that is held in this
region in the fall.  All interested parties are invited to

Those interested in attending and/or speaking are asked to indicate
this in a note to [log in to unmask] by March 15.  Formal
online registration will begin on March 17.  Further information can
be found at


From: Peter Schmid [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2014
Subject: Radial Basis Function Methods, Italy, Apr 2014

The 6th workshop for doctoral and post-doctoral students at
Montestigliano (Tuscany/Italy) will take place 13-19. April 2014. This
year's topic will be "Radial Basis Function Methods for Scientific
Computing" and the keynote speaker will be Prof. Grady Wright (Boise
State University, currently Oxford University). This hands-on workshop
will cover highly-scalable RBF techniques and consider applications in
the geophysical sciences and biological fields.

More information about the workshop, the format and the venue can be
found on

Up to 12 graduate students or postdocs will be admitted. Applications,
consisting of a short letter of motivation, CV and a letter of
recommendation from the thesis/postdoc advisor, should be sent to
either Peter Schmid ([log in to unmask]) or Shervin Bagheri
([log in to unmask]).

Deadline for applications is 9. March 2014, after which successful
candidates will be contacted. Admitted students will receive a
fellowship which will cover registration fee and accommodation. Travel
costs have to covered by the candidates.


From: Stefan Vater [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2014
Subject: Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation, Germany, May 2014

1st ASCETE Sudelfeld Summit Workshop on advanced numerical methods for
earthquake and tsunami simulation on modern HPC systems
May, 20th - 23rd, 2014
Berghotel Sudelfeld (Bayrischzell, Germany)

The ASCETE project invites to the 1st ASCETE Sudelfeld Summit. The
workshop focuses on the combined numerical simulation of earthquakes
and tsunamis on large-scale HPC infrastructure. Therefore, main topics
of the meeting are: advanced numerical methods, earthquake physics,
seismic wave and tsunami propagation, efficient code implementation on
modern HPC architectures and geodynamical perspective on subduction
zones. After an overview of the state-of-the-art in each research
field, the keynote lectures are followed by an open discussion and
short talks of the workshop participants. The workshop is dedicated to
all-level researchers interested in the proposed topics and in
particular in the combined simulation of earthquakes and tsunamis. The
deadline for abstract submission is: March, 31, 2014

Keynote speakers:
Steve Day (San Diego State University, San Diego, USA)
Stephane Popinet (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
Michael Dumbser (University of Trento, Trento, Italy)
Olaf Schenk (Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland)
Ylona van Dinther (ETH Zuerich, Zuerich, Switzerland)

Further information and abstract submission details can be found at:


From: Robert Speck [log in to unmask]
Date: February 13, 2014
Subject: Parallel-in-Time Integration, Germany, May 2014

Registration is now open for the

3rd Workshop on Parallel-in-Time Integration: Parallel Multi-level
Methods in Space and Time, Juelich Supercomputing Centre (Germany),
May 26-28, 2014

With million-way concurrency at hand, the efficient use of modern HPC
systems has become one of the key challenges in computational science
and engineering. Besides optimal implementation strategies, novel
mathematical concepts are needed to fully exploit massively parallel
architectures. For the numerical solution of time-dependent partial
differential equations, time-parallel methods have recently shown to
provide a promising way to extend prevailing strong-scaling limits of
numerical codes. This workshop will bring together scientists from the
fields of multigrid methods and parallel- in-time integration in order
to discuss similarities between parallel multilevel algorithms in
space and time, their applications and their combination.

Invited Speakers:
* Martin Gander - Université de Genève, Switzerland
* Matthew Emmett - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
* Scott MacLachlan, Tufts University, USA
* Cornelius Oosterlee, TU Delft, The Netherlands

For registration and more information visit

Deadline: February 28, 2014


From: Wei Cai [log in to unmask]
Date: February 04, 2014
Subject: Scientific Computing, China, May 2014

ICSC2014 (International Conference on Scientific Computing at Extreme
Scales) will be held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
China, during May 7-9, 2014. This conference will highlight the
current research progress in scientific computing in terms of scalable
algorithms and supercomputing applications.

Confirmed speakers include
* Prof. Jack Dongarra, UTK, USA (keynote)
* Dr. Jacqueline H. Chen, SNL,USA
* Prof. Shiyi Chen, PKU, China
* Prof. Omar Ghattas, UT-Austin, USA
* Dr. Kirk Jordan, CSC, USA
* Prof. Petros Koumoutsakos, ETH, Switzerland
* Prof. Yutong Lu, NUDT, China
* Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Tech, Japan
* Prof. Zeyao Mo, IAPCM, China
* Prof. Depei Qian, BHU, China
* Prof. Thomas Schulthess, ETH, Switzerland
* Prof. William Tang, Princeton, USA
* Dr. Rick Stevens, ANL, USA
* Prof. Jinchao Xu, PSU, USA
* Prof. Linbo Zhang, CAS, USA

The conference will be preceded by a two-day tutorial on the
state-of-art parallel computing given by Dr. L.Grinberg of IBM,
Dr. V.Morozov of US DOE Argonne National Lab., and Dr. YH Tang of

The registration deadline is March 30, 2014 and for more
information, please refer to the conference website:


From: CAIXIA CHEN [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2014
Subject: Turbulence Generation and Sustenance, USA, May 2014

TGS 2014. Free Registration until April 1, 2014.

International Short Course Announcement
New Theory on Turbulence Generation and Sustenance in Boundary Layers
University of Texas at Arlington
May 14-16, 2014

Principal Lecturer:
Chaoqun Liu, Professor & Director, Center of Numerical Simulation and
Modeling, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas, USA; [log in to unmask]

Contact Caixia Chen at [log in to unmask] for details


From: Zhen Gao [log in to unmask]
Date: February 17, 2014
Subject: Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, China, Jun-Aug 2014

Announcement for Application of Summer Workshop in Advanced Research
in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing at Ocean University of
China, Qingdao, China

The Second Summer Workshop on Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics
and Scientific Computing 2014 (ARAMSC-2014) will be held from June
15th, 2014 to August 30th, 2014 (tentative) at the School of
Mathematical Sciences of Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China.

In the Workshop, we will apply state-of-arts numerical algorithms for
solving nonlinear system of partial differential equations (PDEs) and
will review research of current topics in applied mathematics,
numerical analysis, parallel computing, computational fluid dynamics,
oceanography, electromagnetics and detonation, to name a few.

We are inviting (8-10) qualified, motivated applicants to apply for
the Workshop.  We are seeking outstanding graduate students and
exceptional undergraduate students who are interested in the
interdisciplinary research in applied mathematics and scientific
computing.  Students are also invited to submit a research proposal if
they have a particular area of research they would like to pursue.
Prior experiences in high level programming, such as FORTRAN, C or
Matlab, in the solution of partial differential equations are

If admitted, dormitory accommodation during the Workshop and a monthly
stipend for local expenses will be provided to the students and a
reasonable roundtrip travel expense will be reimbursed.  If
interested, please submit the CV, transcripts, research proposal if
any, and two letters of recommendation to Prof. Gao Zhen by email
before the April 15th, 2014 application deadline.

Prof. Gao Zhen, Phone : 13165072087, Email : [log in to unmask]
Prof. Don Wai-Sun, Email : [log in to unmask]


From: A. Bellen [log in to unmask]
Date: February 05, 2014
Subject: Dobbiaco Summer School, Italy, Jun 2014

The procedure for the registration at the Dobbiaco Summer School on
Numerical Analysis is now open at

The School (15-20 June 2014 at Dobbiaco-Italy) is titled "Matrix
Theory and Computation with Applications to Network Analysis, Quantum
Chemistry and Dynamical Systems". The lecturers are Michael L. Overton
(Courant Institute, New York ) and Michele Benzi (Emory University,

All information are available at


From: Rodrigo Platte [log in to unmask]
Date: February 14, 2014
Subject: ICOSAHOM, USA, Jun 2014

ICOSAHOM, International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods
June 23-27 2014, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Contributed talks: submission deadline, March 1 2014

The 10th International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods,
will be hosted by the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, on
June 23-June 27, 2014. The purpose of this conference series is to
bring together researchers and practitioners with an interest in the
theoretical, computational and applied aspects of high-order and
spectral methods for the solution of differential equations.

Plenary speakers: Susanne Brenner, Martin Costabel, Sigal Gottlieb,
Thomas Hagstrom, Ricardo Nochetto, Per-Olof Persson, Jennifer Ryan,
Thomas Wihler

For submission guidelines as well as additional conference
information, please visit the conference webpage:

If you have questions, please email us at
[log in to unmask]


From: Nick Sahinidis [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2014
Subject: MINLP Workshop, USA, Jun 2014

MINLP Workshop 2014
June 2-5, 2014
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Mixed-integer nonlinear programming is a powerful modeling paradigm
that has been employed by engineers, economists, and operations
researchers to model a wealth of decision-making applications
involving discrete decisions and nonlinearities.  Continuing a series
of related workshops, the 2014 MINLP workshop is organized by Ignacio
Grossmann and Nick Sahinidis at Carnegie Mellon University.
Participants of MINLP 2014 are expected to discuss challenges and
opportunities in the field of mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, as
well as to review progress made on algorithmic, computational, and
applications aspects.

Confirmed plenary speakers include: Sanjay Mehrotra (Northwestern),
Robert Weismantel (ETH), and Tapio Westerlund (Abo Akademi).

A stream of invited talks will cover the topics of convexification,
decomposition, synergies between mathematical optimization and the
areas of constraint programming, machine learning, and modeling
languages. Computational implementations and a variety of applications
will also be addressed.  In addition to invited talks, we are planning
contributed papers.  Most contributed papers will be presented in a
poster session, although opportunities for oral presentation may
arise.  If you are interested in contributing a paper, please submit a
title and abstract by March 14 to [log in to unmask]  For more
details, see


From: Denis Sidorov [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2014
Subject: MOPT School, Russia, Jun-Jul 2014

MOPT 2014: 16th Baikal International Triannual School-Seminar Methods
of Optimization & Their Applications

MOPT 2014, hosted by the Energy Systems Institute of Russian Academy
of Sciences 30th of June - 6th of July 2014, will be held at the
Baikalov Ostrog Resort located on picturesque Olkhon island, lake

This School-Seminar will include plenary lectures and sections talks.

The list of confirmed sections:
Discrete Optimization
Continuous Optimization
Optimal Control
Equilibrium & Bilevel Programming
Optimization in Inverse Problems

Registration is open now:


From: Gabriel Lord [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2014
Subject: Stochastic Numerics and Random Dyn Sys, UK, Jun 2014

Registration is open for "Stochastic Numerics and Random Dynamical
systems" at Mannheim University, June 25th to 27th 2014

Invited speakers : Ludwig Arnold (Bremen); Tomas Caraballo (Sevilla);
Hans Crauel (Frankfurt); Dan Crisan (London); Des Higham
(Strathclyde); Lars Grüne (Bayreuth); Peter Imkeller (Berlin); Martin
Rasmussen (London); Andreas Prohl (Tübingen); Michael Röckner
(Bielefeld); Klaus Ritter (Kaiserslautern); Björn Schmalfuß (Jena);
Christina Surulescu (Kaiserslautern)

There is also a limited number of contributed talks to allow other
participants to present their work. Deadline to submit : 15.04.2014
The aim is to present recent developments in Stochastic Numerics and
Random Dynamics. Particular focus will be given to the interplay of
both areas and to the identification of new research topics.
Participation is open to all interested in these topics.

In this workshop we will honor Peter Kloeden -- one of the leading
researcher in both the areas of Stochastic Numerics and Random
Dynamics in the last 30 years -- on the ocassion of his 65th birthday.

Further information and links to registration can be found at


From: Mark Fahey [log in to unmask]
Date: February 17, 2014
Subject: SIAM EX14, USA, Jul 2014

SIAM Workshop on Exascale Applied Mathematics Challenges and
Opportunities (
July 6, 2014 , The Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois

The workshop will consist of a full day of contributed and invited
presentations and discussions on topics including, but not limited to:
* Current state of the art: Today's hardware; Parallel numerical
  algorithms and libraries
* Challenges: Emerging architectures that will enable exascale;
  Effectively using millions of computational units; Hybrid
  architectures; Resilience and fault-tolerant algorithms;
* Future directions: Compiler directives, domain libraries, or code
  changes, or ...?; Decomposition/coupling/multiphysics evolution; How
  can algorithm and library developers harness future architectures

Case studies, position papers proposing topics for discussion, and
technical talks describing particular approaches are invited. The
organizers seek participants from a broad spectrum of areas, including
developers of scientific simulation codes and industrial end users.
The presentations are expected to be 30 minutes in length, but we will
entertain exceptions.

Those wishing to participate should submit an abstract or position
paper by February 28, 2014.  Papers should be submitted through	
EasyChair at	


From: David Gleich [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2014
Subject: SIAM Workshop on Network Science, USA, Jul 2014

The SIAM Workshop on Network science will be held in Chicago IL, July
6-7th 2014 (co-located with the SIAM Annual Meeting). The goal of the
workshop is to build a community around mathematical and computational
aspects of network science.

Detailed information about the workshop is available at

In the 2014 workshop, we invite contributions focused on all aspects
of rigorous computational and mathematical techniques involved in
network analysis, with a particular interest in contributions in the
following areas:

* dynamic processes on networks and
  especially networks of power systems
* higher order network analysis including
  topological and geometric methods for networks
* characteristics of network evolution
* specialized methods for networks with particular
  structures (chordal, power-law, clustering, etc.)

We invite you to participate and ask you to share with your colleagues
who may be interested in workshop!

Abstracts are due February 21.


From: R. Ciegis [log in to unmask]
Date: February 18, 2014
Subject: Applications of Parallel Computation, Portugal, Aug 2014

Applications of Parallel Computation in Industry and Engineering

will be held in conjunction with the Euro-Par 2014: 20th International
European Conference on Parallel Processing
Porto, Portugal, August 25-29, 2014

The Workshop APCI&E is going to provide a forum for researchers and
practitioners using parallel computations for solution of complex
industrial and engineering applied problems.  Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to): Application of parallel numerical
methods to engineering and industrial problems, Scientific
computation, Parallel algorithms for solution of systems of PDEs,
Parallel algorithms for optimization, Solution of data and computation
intensive real world problems

Workshop papers due: May 30, 2014
Workshop author notification: July 4, 2014
Workshop early registration: July 25, 2014
Workshop dates: August 25-26, 2014
Workshop camera-ready papers due: October 3, 2014

Papers must offer original contributions regarding the theory and
practice of parallel and distributed computing. All accepted papers
will be included in the conference proceedings, published by Springer
in the ARCoSS/LNCS series.


From: Petr Knobloch [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2014
Subject: BAIL 2014, Czech Republic, Sep 2014

International Conference BAIL 2014
Boundary and Interior Layers - Computational & Asymptotic Methods
Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
15-19 September 2014

The BAIL conference series has been organized since 1980 and this year
its 14th edition will be held. As usually, the conference will be
devoted to all aspects of computational and analytical methods for
boundary and interior layers, and singular perturbation
problems. Special emphasis is laid on the mathematical foundation of
such methods. Topics in any scientific field (fluid mechanics,
semiconductor modelling, control theory, aero- and hydrodynamics,
chemical kinetics, etc.) in which boundary and interior layers occur
are welcome.

Deadline for minisymposium proposals: 15 April 2014
Deadline for abstract submissions:    15 May 2014
Deadline for reduced conference fee:  30 June 2014

See for details.
The electronic registration is already open.


From: Stefano De Marchi [log in to unmask]
Date: February 17, 2014
Subject: Dolomites Research Week on Approximation, Italy, Sep 2014

Dolomites Research Week on Approximation 2014 (DRWA14)
8 to 12 September 2014
Alba di Canazei (TN) - ITALY

For any information see the web page

Looking forward to seeing you again in the Dolomites!


From: Pam Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: February 05, 2014
Subject: IMA Mathematical Modelling of Fluid Systems, UK, Sep 2014

The IMA is pleased to announce the first conference on Mathematical
Modelling of Fluid Systems, taking place at the University of Bath in
September 2014.

As the most versatile medium for transmitting signals and power, fluid
(gas or liquid) have wide usage in industry. Fluid systems are used in
machine tool applications, vehicle control systems, where high power
to weight ratio, accuracy and quick response are required. Fluid
systems for industrial processes often involve networks consisting of
tanks, pipes, orifices, valves, pumps and other flow devices. It is
important to develop a systematic method to mathematically model
different types of fluid systems for safe and optimal operations.

Conference topics include the following and are invited to be
presented in oral and poster sessions: Analysis and computational
methods of fluid systems; Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach
to engineering systems; Fluid power systems; Multiphase flow;
Modelling and design of fluid system components; Control design
methodologies and techniques for fluid systems and applications; Novel
fluid system configurations; New approaches to system modelling and
system design; Pressure surge; Hydraulic systems; Medical applications

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 250 word
abstract. Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 25 April by e- mail
to [log in to unmask] Please state whether your title is intended
for oral or poster presentation.

For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:


From: Pam Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: February 07, 2014
Subject: IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, UK, Sep 2014

The success of modern methods for large-scale optimisation is heavily
dependent on the use of effective tools of numerical linear
algebra. On the other hand, many problems in numerical linear algebra
lead to linear, nonlinear or semidefinite optimisation problems. The
purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from both
communities and to find and communicate points and topics of common
interest.  Conference topics include any subject that could be of
interest to both communities, such as:
- Direct and iterative methods for large sparse linear systems.
- Eigenvalue computation and optimisation.
- Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming.
- Effect of round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative
- Optimisation issues for matrix polynomials
- Fast matrix computations.
- Compressed/sparse sensing
- PDE-constrained optimisation
- Applications and real time optimisation

Invited speakers: Michele Benzi (Emory University); Iain Duff
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS Toulouse); Michael
Friedlander (University of British Columbia); Andreas Grothey
(University of Edinburgh); Joerg Liesen (TU Berlin); Yuri Nesterov
(Université Catholique de Louvain); Nancy Nichols (University of


From: Gerlind Plonka [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: Signal Processing and Phase Retrieval, Germany, Sep 2014

We invite you to participate in the workshop on "Mathematical Signal
Processing and Phase Retrieval" from September 01 - 03, 2014, in the
"Waldschloesschen" near Goettingen, Germany.  The goal of the workshop
is to bring together young researchers from different areas of
mathematical image analysis as e.g. harmonic analysis, inverse
problems, variational analysis, mathematical statistics, PDEs,
optimization and approximation theory.  Information about the scope
and goals of the workshop, as well as travel, housing, and the program
can be found at

The registration form on the workshop homepage needs to be filled out
and returned to the organizers before July 1, 2014.

Due to the venue and the goals of the workshop the number of
participants is limited to 50.  The workshop also serves as the annual
workshop of the GAMM activity group Mathematical Signal and Image
Processing, see


From: Kirsten Wilden [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2014
Subject: SIAM Financial Mathematics and Engineering, USA, Nov 2014

SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering (FM14)
The Palmer House, A Hilton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, USA
November 13-15, 2014

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMFM12

April 16, 2014: Minisymposium proposals
May 14, 2014: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

April 30, 2014: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
([log in to unmask]).


From: Montaz Ali [log in to unmask]
Date: February 20, 2014
Subject: Senior Lecturer, Assoc Professor Positions, Applied Math/NA/Optim


The School of Computational and Applied Mathematics is a dynamic
research and teaching unit in the Mathematical Sciences at the
University of the Witwatersrand. Areas of research focus include
differential equations, numerical analysis optimization and stochastic
control, as well as astronomy and mathematics of finance and
interactions with the Schools of Computer Science, Mathematics and
Statistics and Actuarial Science.

Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at the level of
Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor in the School of Computational
and Applied Mathematics. The successful candidate will be expected to
maintain an active programme of research in computational or
mathematical finance and to play an important role in the supervision
of Honours projects, Masters by Research and PhD students. Applicants
must have a strong independent research record and an interest in
curriculum development in quantitative finance.  Teaching and
administration duties will be minimal at the outset of the

Minimum qualification/requirements/criteria:A relevant PhD in the
mathematical sciences, an established track record of expertise in an
area of computational or mathematical finance and evidence of
successful higher degree supervision are essential.

Applications: Submit a covering letter accompanied by a detailed
curriculum vitae, NRF rating (if available), certified copies of all
educational qualifications and identity document with names and e-mail
addresses of 3 referees.

To apply: External applicants are invited to apply by registering
their profile on the Wits i-Recruitment platform located at and submitting applications. Internal
employees are invited to apply directly on Oracle by following the
path: iWits /Self Service application/”Apply for a job” Closing date:
28 February 2014


From: Dominique Chapelle [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2014
Subject: Research Engineer Position, Data Assimilation, Inria

Inria develops a data assimilation library named Verdandi
(, applicable to most domains of numerical
simulation. The library is freely distributed under the GNU LGPL open
source license. It is used by Inria teams in several research centers,
and by other academic and industrial actors, including in commercial

The engineer's mission will be to develop some applications of the
Verdandi library in the specific context of biophysical modeling of
the heart, within a European project named VP2HF aiming at
demonstrating the clinical relevance of modeling tools. More
specifically, the engineer will be in charge of:
- designing and implementing software prototypes representing typical
  scenarios of Verdandi's usage in patient-specific cardiac modeling,
  by interfacing the library with a finite element software (C++),
  with associated documentation production;
- assisting collaborating teams in VP2HF project to adapt above
  prototypes in their specific environments.

The desired background is an MSc (or equivalent) or PhD, with
proficiency in object- oriented programming and/or scientific
computing (finite elements). This position will open in May 2014, for
a duration of two years.  More details available at:


From: Ajit Yoganathan [log in to unmask]
Date: February 12, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Cardiovascular Fluid Mech Lab, Georgia Tech

The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia
Tech and Emory University (Georgia Tech, Atlanta Campus) is seeking an
outstanding candidate to fill the position of Postdoctoral Fellow in
the Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (CFM Lab).  This
position is available immediately.

The required qualifications are: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering or a
related discipline (including Applied Mathematics, Mechanical
Engineering, Aerospace Engineering), demonstrated experience in
modeling and numerical simulation of fluid flow (applications to the
heart and cardiovascular system are a plus but not required),
programming expertise, excellent collaborative and communication
skills, strong proficiency in English.

Georgia Tech offers a competitive total compensation package.

Further information on the CFM Lab can be found at

Interested applicants should forward by e-mail a cover letter,
curriculum vitae (please attach up to three recent publications), a
short description of career goals and the names, telephone numbers and
e-mail addresses of three professional references to Dr. Ajit
Yoganathan: [log in to unmask] and Ms. Sandra Maffey:
[log in to unmask]


From: Nick Trefethen [log in to unmask]
Date: February 17, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Chebfun-related, Oxford

I am delighted to announce two new 2-3 year postdoctoral research
positions in the Numerical Analysis Group at Oxford in the area of
"Algorithms Related to Chebfun".  The Chebfun team consists of about
ten people doing an exciting mix of mathematics, algorithms, and
software, with plenty of travel and other outreach activities.

We are based in Oxford's amazing new Andrew Wiles Building.  Depending
on the candidate chosen, a variety of specific topics may be
investigated ranging from the theoretical to the very applied --
please check the web pages at and

Application deadline: March 24

Nick Trefethen


From: Surya Prasath [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Cloud Computing, Univ Missouri-Columbia

A postdoctoral position is available in network management and cloud
computing at the Department of Computer Science, University of
Missouri-Columbia, USA.

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in areas of
network management and cloud computing. Promising candidates should
have a PhD and proven ability, or strong potential, for excellence in
research and development.

Applicants should submit CV and a Letter of Motivation to
[log in to unmask]
Deadline for application is April 15th, 2014.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Prasad Calyam
email: [log in to unmask]


From: Martin Burger [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Univ of Münster

The  Institute of Computational and Applied Mathematics at the
University of Münster is seeking to fill the position of a
          Research Associate
     (full-time, Salary Level E 13 TV-L)
as soon as possible. This fixed-term position is available for one
year (with possible extension up to four years). Currently, the
regular full employment time is 39 hours and 50 minutes per week.
All posts can, as a rule, also be filled as part-time positions if
there are no compelling work-related reasons against doing so.

The scope of duties includes analytical and numerical investigations
of inverse problems in biomedical imaging and regularization methods
for dynamic inverse problems.  The following requirements must be met:
PhD in Mathematics, good knowledge of inverse problems, mathematical
imaging and partial differential equations.

The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities.We also welcome applications from candidates with severe
disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will
be preferentially considered.

Please submit your application by e-mail together with the usual
documents by February 26, 2014 (later applications may considered) to
the following address:

Prof. Dr. Martin Burger
Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik
WWU Münster
Einsteinstr. 62, 48149 Münster
[log in to unmask]


From: Valeria Simoncini [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math Dept, Bologna, Italy

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Bologna is offering
3 one-year postdoctoral research fellowships within the research
project: "Mathematics in Science, Social Sciences and
Engineering". Pendind funding availability, the positions may be
renewed for a second year.

Applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree in Mathematics,
or Physics, or Computer Science, or Engineering and related research
fields; or of a master degree in Mathematics, or Physics, or Computer
Science, or Engineering and be officially admitted to the final
defense of the PhD dissertation.

Deadline for submission:
March 17, 2014, 12 noon, European time.

More info at

(with a call version available in English)


From: Francoise Tisseur [log in to unmask]
Date: February 15, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester

School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, UK
Research Associate, Ref: E&PS-04204
Closing date: 16 March 2014.

Applications are invited for a research associate post on the
EPSRC-funded project "Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Theory and
Numerics".  The project involves the development of theory and
numerical methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems.

Applicants should have completed or be in the process of completing a
PhD or equivalent qualification in Mathematics, and have experience of
research in matrix analysis or in numerical linear algebra.

The post is available for up to 23 months from 1 April 2014.
Salary GBP 29,837 - 36,661 per annum according to relevant experience.

Informal enquiries should be directed to Professor Francoise Tisseur
(email [log in to unmask], tel: + 44 (0) 161 275 5823).

Application forms and further particulars are available from


From: Mihai Anitescu [log in to unmask]
Date: February 04, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Argonne

Postdoctoral Appointees
Laboratory for Advanced Numerical Simulations (LANS)

The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne
National Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for
multiple postdoctoral positions in the areas of mathematical analysis,
advanced numerical techniques, and scalable software for multiphysics
models driven by partial differential, algebraic equations and
variational inequalities. Some of these positions are in conjunction
with the project M2ACS: Multifaceted Mathematics for Complex Energy
Systems The specific areas of
interest are (1) uncertainty quantification and data analysis, and (2)
dynamic optimization and predictive control as follows:

(1) Uncertainty quantification and statistical analysis and modeling
of massive data sets obtained through direct observations of real
physical processes will be analyzed by using scalable algorithms.

(2) Scalable dynamic optimization methods for control and optimization
of dynamic systems. This research is characterized by the need to not
only provide good solutions to the resulting optimization problems but
also do it with minimum computational latency.

Each candidate should submit an application via the Argonne website
( under division postdoctoral job
openings for job requisition 321655. The application must include a
curriculum vita; list of publications, abstracts, and significant
presentations; and the names and addresses of three references, other
than Argonne staff, who can attest to the candidate's ability and
potential. The candidate is also encouraged to indicate a preference
or the particular postdoc position topic(s) she/he is interested in.

For further information about division postdoctoral appointments at
Argonne, see the website. Questions can be addressed to Dr. Mihai
Anitescu ([log in to unmask])


From: William Sawyer [log in to unmask]
Date: February 18, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, ETH Zurich and Univ of Lugano

The Institute of Geophysics (ETH Zurich) and the Institute of
Computational Science (USI) are seeking to appoint two postdoctoral
researchers to develop massively parallel multi-level preconditioners
which exploit GPU/MIC hardware. The algorithmic and software
developments will be integrated with the Portable Extensible Toolkit
for Scientific computation (PETSc). The target applications which will
be used to test the scalability and robustness of the newly developed
preconditioners derive from full spherical models of mantle convection
within the Earth, and regional scale geodynamic models of lithospheric

Each appointment is for a fixed term of 36 months. The salary offered
is very competitive and in accordance with EU standards and the cost
of living in Switzerland.

The successful candidate must hold a PhD and have experience in the
following areas; parallel computing (OpenMP, MPI), algorithms and
software for parallel linear algebra and preconditioners for Krylov
methods. A strong background in developing and or working with high
level software libraries is essential. Experience in developing
software for GPU's (or MIC's) is highly desirable, but not essential.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, CV,
publication list, two letters of reference and a copy of their
doctoral certificate to Dave May ([log in to unmask]) before March
1st, 2014. The expected starting date is early May 2014.

Further information about this particular project (GeoPC) can be found
at , or by contacting
either Dave May or Olaf Schenk ([log in to unmask]).


From: Agnieszka Miedlar [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Applied Linear Algebra, TU Berlin

The DFG Research Center MATHEON is offering 3 reseach PhD/Postdoc
positions (full positions, E 13 TVL Berliner Hochschulen) within the
Einstein Center for Mathematics in Berlin (ECMath). The positions are
situated at Technical University of Berlin, Germany and are to be
filled as of 1 June 2014 and are temporary until 31 May 2017. The
positions are for the Projects:

OT3 "Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Parameter Dependent
Eigenvalue Problems in Photonic Crystals". Qualified candidates should
have a very good knowledge of solution methods for nonlinear
eigenvalue problems and adaptive finite element methods, in particular
a posteriori error estimators. Knowledge and/or experience in the
analysis of photonic crystals is advantageous. Experience in
programming, e.g. in Matlab, is required.

SE1 „Reduced order modeling for data assimilation“. Candidates should
have very good knowledge in control theory and nonlinear model
reduction. Furthermore deep knowledge in numerical linear algebra and
familiarity with data assimilation is advantageous.

SE3 "Stability analysis of power networks and power network
models". Candidates should have a very good knowledge of Numerical
Analysis, in particular of Numerical Linear Algebra. Furthermore, deep
knowledge in the theory of differential-algebraic equations is

The deadline for applications is February 20, 2014.
For further information, please see or


From: Lieven De Lathauwer [log in to unmask]
Date: February 13, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Tensor Methods, KU Leuven

We are advertising two PhD or postdoctoral positions in the Group
Science, Engineering and Technology, Kulak, KULeuven, Belgium and the
Stadius Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data
Analytics, KULeuven, Belgium (double affiliation).

Topic: Higher-order tensors or multi-way arrays are becoming
increasingly important in all branches of mathematical engineering.  A
first research topic is the development of tensor-based methods for
signal processing, machine learning, system identification. A second
topic is the development of numerical linear algebra / numerical
optimization based algorithms for the computation of tensor

Profile: We are seeking outstanding candidates who have obtained a
master's or doctoral degree in mathematical engineering, computer
science, electrical engineering, mathematics or physics, with a strong
interest in the mathematical aspects of signal processing and a good
knowledge of linear algebra. Experience with numerical mathematics
and/or signal processing is a plus. Experience with tensor techniques
is not required.

The successful applicant will join a well-equipped and experienced
multidisciplinary research group. The position is initially for one
year and can be extended. The work will be supervised by Lieven De
( The first
topic is co-supervised by Johan Suykens
( The second
topic is co-supervised by Marc Van Barel
( Candidates are
requested to send an application letter and detailed CV to
[log in to unmask]


From: Markus Schmuck [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, Heriot-Watt Univ

The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Edinburgh and the
Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University are looking for a
highly skilled PhD candidate for the prestigious James Watt
scholarship available in the field of Complex Multiphase Systems.

Project title: Efficient and reliable, mathematical and computational
framework for complex multiphase systems in strongly heterogeneous

Important energy technologies such as fuel cells and batteries
crucially depend on the complex interplay of multiple phases on
different scales. The mathematical optimization of complex multiphase
systems, e.g. reducing weight and size, increasing storage capacity
and life time, crucially depends on reliable, effective macroscopic
equations which we shall systematically and rigorously derive and
validate by computational experiments.

The project also benefits from strong collaborative interactions with
Imperial College, London (Mathematics & Chemical Engineering) and
University of Edinburgh (Mathematics & Chemical Engineering), which
includes regular visits to and interactions with researchers at these
institutions. Research results will be published in leading journals
of high impact. The successful candidate will also have the
opportunity to present results during the project at nationally and
internationally leading conferences of the field.

Applicants are invited to send their application documents in one pdf
file electronically to Dr. Markus Schmuck ([log in to unmask]).


From: Karl Rupp [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Microelectronics, TU Wien

The Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Austria, is seeking a
highly motivated PhD student to work on deterministic solution
approaches for the Boltzmann Transport Equation for semiconductors.
To strengthen free open source software in our field, the candidate is
expected to contribute to our free open source simulator ViennaSHE
( and the underlying ecosystem of
libraries such as ViennaCL ( or
ViennaGrid ( As one of the main
application areas of ViennaSHE is the simulation of reliability issues
in semiconductor devices, the candidate will also be involved in these
activities, providing exposure to industrially relevant research.

Depending on the candidate's skills, the focus is on one of the
a) improved physical modelling of material properties such as band
   structures or scattering mechanism, or
b) increased numerical efficiency through better discretization
   methods and/or the development of better preconditioners or
   nonlinear iteration schemes.

The ideal candidate is a team player and feels comfortable working in
an international environment.

Further information:


From: Elias Jarlebring [log in to unmask]
Date: February 17, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, KTH, Stockholm

The numerical analysis group of the department of mathematics at KTH
is offering a PhD-student position in the field of numerical linear
algebra. In many situations, a discretization of a partial
differential equation and a linearization lead to the problem of
computing eigenvalues of a large matrix. In contrast to this, we will
in this project derive and study algorithms for new types of
eigenvalue problems which are nonlinear, thereby providing the
possibility to study new recent types of physical models. The project
involves algorithms, theory, applications and software. The new
algorithms will be analyzed and developed with tools from numerical
linear algebra and complex analysis, in particular Krylov methods and
the theory for analytic functions. The algorithms will be used to
study specific problems in acoustics, in particular models of
waveguides, and also problems in quantum mechanics and quantum

We seek a candidate with strong background in applied mathematics, in
particular with demonstrated good understanding in topics related to
numerical analysis or numerical mathematics. Knowledge in numerical
linear algebra and iterative methods is meriting. The successful
applicant should also be strongly motivated, have the capability to
work independently, be able to work in a team and have good
communication skills. KTH is an equal opportunity employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: March 18, 2014

Further information about the position and the application
procedure can be found online:


From: Daniel Ruprecht [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, ICS, Lugano, Switzerland

Two 3-year positions for PhD students are available in the group “High
Performance Methods for Numerical Simulation in Science, Medicine and
Engineering” of Prof. Krause at the Institute of Computational Science
(ICS) in Lugano, Switzerland.

ICS at the Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano provides
a unique research environment in the fields of mathematical modeling,
high-performance computing and numerical simulation. Strong
competences in modeling, mathematics, simulation and information
science come together in an open and application oriented
atmosphere. In addition to the opportunities at USI and ICS, the
Swiss-wide FoMICS graduate school and the Swiss National
Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) in Lugano both offer excellent
educational possibilities for PhD students. For further information,
please visit

(1) DIST: One position is part of the project “Parallel multilevel
solvers for coupled interface problems”, conducted in collaboration
with the “Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik” at RWTH
Aachen, Germany. The successful applicant will work on a new parallel
coupled multilevel solver for Finite Elements with applications to
multiphase flow simulations.

(2) EXASOLVERS: The other position is part of the project “ExaSolvers
– Extreme scale solvers for coupled problems” within the German
Priority Program “Software for Exascale Computing”. The successful
applicant will work on the development of an efficient time-parallel
method for diffusion problems on heterogeneous domains. The project is
conducted with international collaborators from Germany and the United

Your application should contain a motivational letter (2 pages
maximum), a CV, copies of relevant degrees and two contacts for
references. Please submit applications electronically in PDF format to
[log in to unmask] and include the keyword "DIST" or
“EXASOLVERS” in the subject.

Deadline for both applications is March 15, 2014.


From: Per Christian Hansen [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Inverse Problems/Tomography

DTU Compute ( invites applications for two
3-year PhD positions starting Sept. 1 2014 in the section for
Scientific Computing. The positions are affiliated with the project
High-Definition Tomography (HD-Tomo,
financed by the European Research Council.

Project 1: Prior-Driven Diffusion Regularization for Inverse Problems.
We consider a special type of regularization based on (often nonlinear
and anisotropic) diffusion, in which the diffusivity is designed using
prior information.  Such methods are well-understood in image analysis
in the context of denoising, but for solving general inverse problems
in tomography little is known. The results from image analysis will
serve as the starting point for the project, and we will both seek to
advance the theory in the field and develop algorithms for a
computational approach to the problem.  For more details, see a2bd-0862cb13c2e9

Project Description 2: Segmentation-Driven Tomographic Reconstruction.
We consider tomographic reconstruction aimed at subsequent
segmentation. Based on certain applications such as porous materials
analysis, we will incorporate many kinds of prior information in order
to produce more suitable reconstructions for the segmentation. One
obvious advantage is that with the help of “better” reconstruction
results the segmentation can be simplified and become more robust to
the parameter selection, e.g., a simple thresholding technique may
suffice. Concerning prior information in porous material, we will
design new mathematical models and numerical algorithms to obtain new
kinds of tomographic reconstruction, which can benefit the
segmentation.  For more details, see 88e8-e52cb5a1d07f

Candidates for both positions must have a master degree in applied
mathematics, or equivalent academic qualifications, and must have a
strong background in applied mathematics and numerical computations.

Applications must be submitted ONLINE in English as one single PDF,
and we must have your online application by March 30. Please open the
link in the red bar in the top of the page: "apply online" (“ansøg

For more information please contact Prof. Per Christian Hansen
([log in to unmask]), Assoc. Prof. Kim Knudsen ([log in to unmask]), and Assist.
Prof. Yiqiu Dong ([log in to unmask]).


From: Lothar Reichel [log in to unmask]
Date: February 04, 2014
Subject: Contents, ETNA, 40

Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
(ETNA), vol. 40, part II, 2013.

ETNA is available at and at several mirror
sites. ETNA is in the extended Science Citation Index and the
CompuMath Citation Index

- E. Pindza, K. C. Patidar, and E. Ngounda, Implicit-explicit
  predictor-corrector methods combined with improved spectral methods
  for pricing European style vanilla and exotic options

- J. W. Pearson and A. J. Wathen, Fast iterative solvers for
  convection-diffusion control problems

- M. Benzi and V. Kuhlemann, Chebyshev acceleration of the GeneRank

- S. Herkt, M. Hinze, and R. Pinnau, Convergence analysis of Galerkin
  POD for linear second order evolution equations

- S. Gratton, P. Jira'nek, and X. Vasseur, Energy backward error:
  Interpretation in numerical solution of elliptic partial
  differential equations and behaviour in the conjugate gradient

- J. Zhang and B. Morini, Solving regularized linear least-squares
  problems by the alternating direction method with applications to
  image restoration

- X. Zhang and B. Yu, A note on the relation between the Newton
  homotopy method and the damped Newton method

- D. N. Wakam and J. Erhel, Parallelism and robustness in GMRES with a
  Newton basis and deflated restarting

- D. C. Khanh, H. T. Quyen, and D. D. X. Thanh, On computing
  stabilizability radii of linear time-invariant continuous systems

- T. Mach, M. S. Pranic, and R. Vandebril, Computing approximate
  extended Krylov subspaces without explicit inversion

- H. Hakula, A. Rasila, and M. Vuorinen, Computation of exterior
  moduli of quadrilaterals

- S. Gazzola and P. Novati, Multi-parameter Arnoldi-Tikhonov methods

- J, Bardsley, M. Howard, and J. G. Nagy, Efficient MCMC-based image
  deblurring with Neumann boundary conditions

- R. El-Moallem and H. Sadok, Vector extrapolation applied to
  algebraic Riccati equations arising in transport theory


From: Joseph Traub [log in to unmask]
Date: February 19, 2014
Subject: Contents, J of Complexity, 30 (3)

Journal of Complexity
Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2014


Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation for Integral Functionals of Brownian
Motion, Adam W. Kolkiewicz

On the Carlitz rank of permutations of Fq and pseudorandom sequences,
Domingo Gómez-Pérez, Alina Ostafe, Alev Topuzoğlu

Discrepancy based model selection in statistical inverse problems,
Shuai Lu, Peter Mathé

A semilocal convergence result for Newton’s method under generalized
conditions of Kantorovich, J. A. Ezquerro, D. González and
M. A. Hernández

Tractability of Approximation of ∞-Variate Functions with Bounded
Mixed Partial Derivatives, G. W. Wasilkowski

An explicit construction of point sets with large minimum Dick weight,
Kousuke Suzuki

Construction of sliced (nearly) orthogonal Latin hypercube designs,
Hengzhen Huang, Jian-Feng Yang, Min-Qian Liu

A new semilocal convergence theorem for the Weierstrass method for
finding zeros of a polynomial simultaneously, Petko D. Proinov, Milena
D. Petkova


From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2014
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 58 (3)

Journal of Scientific Computing

Volume 58, Number 3, March 2014

Spectral Collocation Methods for Differential- Algebraic Equations
with Arbitrary Index, Can Huang and Zhimin Zhang, pp.499-516.

A Simple Preconditioner for a Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the
Stokes Problem, Blanca Ayuso de Dios, Franco Brezzi, L.  Donatella
Marini, Jinchao Xu and Ludmil Zikatanov, pp.517-547.

A New Poisson Noise Filter Based on Weights Optimization, Qiyu Jin,
Ion Grama and Quansheng Liu, pp.548-573.

The Lower/Upper Bound Property of Approximate Eigenvalues by
Nonconforming Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Operators, Jun Hu,
Yunqing Huang and Quan Shen, pp.574-591.

Preconditioned Bayesian Regression for Stochastic Chemical Kinetics,
Alen Alexanderian, Francesco Rizzi, Muruhan Rathinam, Olivier P. Le
Maître and Omar M.  Knio, pp.592-626.

Optimal Error Analysis of Galerkin FEMs for Nonlinear Joule Heating
Equations, Huadong Gao, pp.627-647.

An Iterative Scheme for Total Variation-Based Image Denoising, Dokkyun
Yi, pp.648-671.

Numerical Simulation of Cylindrical Solitary Waves in Periodic Media,
Manuel Quezada de Luna and David I. Ketcheson, pp.672-689.

Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) Filters for
Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions: Application to Structured
Tetrahedral Meshes, Hanieh Mirzaee, Jennifer K. Ryan and Robert M.
Kirby, pp.690-704.

Folding-Free Global Conformal Mapping for Genus-0 Surfaces by Harmonic
Energy Minimization, Rongjie Lai, Zaiwen Wen, Wotao Yin, Xianfeng Gu
and Lok Ming Lui, pp.705-725.


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2014
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 65 (2)

Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 65, Issue 2.

On the convergence radius of the modified Newton method for multiple
roots under the center–Hoelder condition, Xiaojian Zhou, Xin Chen,
Yongzhong Song

A modified ODE-based algorithm for unconstrained optimization
problems, Yi-gui Ou, Wei Ma

Nonnegative rank factorization—a heuristic approach via rank
reduction, Bo Dong, Matthew M. Lin, Moody T. Chu

Solving heat conduction problems by the Direct Meshless Local
Petrov-Galerkin (DMLPG) method, Davoud Mirzaei, Robert Schaback

Implementation of Pellet’s theorem, A. Melman

A regularized limited memory BFGS method for nonconvex unconstrained
minimization, Tao-Wen Liu

Polynomial solutions of a nonlinear difference equation, Djilali
Behloul, Sui Sun Cheng

Convergence analysis for a family of improved super-Halley methods
under general convergence condition, Xiuhua Wang, Dongyang Shi,
Jisheng Kou

On the solution of the integro-differential equation with an integral
boundary condition, Khosrow Maleknejad, Iraj Najafi Khalilsaraye,
Mahdieh Alizadeh

End of Digest

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