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NADIGEST  December 2013, Week 1

NADIGEST December 2013, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 13, # 41


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 3 Dec 2013 12:55:59 -0500





text/plain (550 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 41

NA Digest  Tuesday, December 03, 2013  Volume 13 : Issue 41

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	PySIT: Python Seismic Imaging Toolbox v0.5
	New Book, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 
	OCIP2014, Germany, Mar 2014
	AMiTaNS'14, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014
	Panam 2014, Colombia, Jul 2014
	Gene Golub SIAM Summer School, Austria, Aug 2014
	Global Optimization, CST2014, Italy, Sep 2014 
	Mathematical and Applied Global Optimization, Spain, Sep 2014
	Faculty Position, Computer Science, Univ of Colorado Boulder
	Tenure-track Faculty Position, Appl Math, UMBC
	Univ Assistant with Doctorate Position, Univ Graz
	PhD Position, High Performance Computing, Univ of Munich
	Internship/PhD Position, Ocean-atmosphere coupling, France
	Contents, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 76
	Contents, J Computational Analysis & Appl, 16 (1)

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From: Russell J. Hewett [log in to unmask]
Date: November 27, 2013
Subject: PySIT: Python Seismic Imaging Toolbox v0.5

Russell J. Hewett and Laurent Demanet of the Imaging and Computing
Group at MIT are pleased to announce the first public release of
PySIT: a Seismic Imaging Toolbox for Python.  PySIT is available at

PySIT is a research and pedagogical package for optimization-based
seismic imaging, in the framework of full waveform inversion (FWI),
built using the standard tools of scientific Python.

PySIT is designed to be a common platform from which the community can
rapidly prototype and reproducibly benchmark new techniques against
well-known methods from the literature. The package also contains a
quick-start guide for newcomers to imaging and wave equations. A suite
of gallery problems is provided, including access to community models
such as the Marmousi and BP velocity models.

PySIT is freely available under a BSD license, and development will
continue under an open model. Community contributions are welcome.
Code documentation and cross-platform installation instructions are
available on the project's web page.

The PySIT team is grateful for support from Total SA, the ERL
consortium at MIT, AFOSR, ONR, and NSF.

Please feel free to contact us on the Google Groups forum for the
project,!forum/pysit, with any


From: Peter Olver [log in to unmask]
Date: December 01, 2013
Subject: New Book, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 

Now in print:

Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

by Peter J. Olver

Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2014

This textbook is designed for a one year course covering the
fundamentals of partial differential equations, geared towards
advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in
mathematics, science, engineering, and elsewhere.  The exposition
carefully balances solution techniques, mathematical rigor, numerical
approximation schemes, and significant applications, all illustrated
by numerous examples.  Extensive exercise sets appear at the end of
almost every subsection.  Detail can be found at


From: Boris Vexler [log in to unmask]
Date: November 30, 2013
Subject: OCIP2014, Germany, Mar 2014

Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems
(OCIP2014), 2014, March 03 - 05

This workshop is organized by Dominik Meidner, Michael Ulbrich,
Barbara Wohlmuth and Boris Vexler with support by the international
research training group IGDK 1754, see

The workshop will take place at the Technical University of Munich
(TUM). The former workshops in this series (OCIP2011-2013) were with
about 70 participants very successful.

The registration for the workshop via the webpage is already open.
The deadline of the abstract submission is January 15, 2014.


From: Michail Todorov [log in to unmask]
Date: November 29, 2013
Subject: AMiTaNS'14, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce

Sixth Conference AMiTaNS'14
Albena, Bulgaria
June 26-July 1, 2014

The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the
conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special
sessions. If you are interested in attending AMiTaNS’14 please prepare
a short abstract within 300 words clearly stating the goal, tools and
and fill out the online Application form. The deadline for submissions
is March 31, 2014.

Currently Confirmed Speakers: B. Alexeev (Russia), I.Dimov (Bulgaria),
A. Fedoseyev (USA), V.Gerdjikov (Bulgaria), B. Sendov (Bulgaria), ),
V. Shaydurov (Russia), I. Tsukerman (USA), etc.

Conference website:
Coordinator: Professor M. Todorov, email: [log in to unmask]


From: Jose  Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: December 03, 2013
Subject: Panam 2014, Colombia, Jul 2014

VIII Pan American Workshop in Applied and Computational
Mathematics/Computational Science and Engineering
July 21-25, 2014
Barranquilla, Colombia

There is a growing interest in applied and computational mathematics
in the Americas and a parallel growth in the use of mathematical and
computer modeling to help solve both industrial and societal
problems. A key goal of this meeting is to bring together practicing
applied and computational mathematicians with scientists and engineers
to exchange the latest research information and to promote outreach to
create computational and applied mathematics networks in Latin


From: Winnifried Wollner [log in to unmask]
Date: December 03, 2013
Subject: Gene Golub SIAM Summer School, Austria, Aug 2014

The fifth Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3)

Simulation, Optimization, and Identification in Solid Mechanics

will take place August 4-15, 2014 in the Johann Radon Institute for
Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), located at the Johannes
Kepler University of Linz, Austria. It is intended for up to 40
qualified graduate students in mathematics and related areas.

Focus of the Summer School will be the topics
- Identification of material parameters
- Material- and topology optimization
- Optimization subject to variational inequalities
- Adaptive discretization

Further information is available on the website

Deadline for the Application: February 1, 2014

Applicants selected to participate pay no registration.  Funding for
local accommodations and meal expenses will be available for all
participants. Limited travel funds are also available.


From: Dmitri E. Kvasov [log in to unmask]
Date: November 28, 2013
Subject: Global Optimization, CST2014, Italy, Sep 2014 

Black-Box Global Optimization: Fast Algorithms and Engineering
Applications (special session at the CST2014: The Twelfth
International Conference on Computational Structures Technology)
2-5 September 2014
Hotel Royal Continental, Naples, Italy

The aim of this session is to create a multidisciplinary discussion
platform focused on new theoretical, computational and applied results
in solving black-box multiextremal optimization problems. In these
problems, frequently encountered in engineering design, the objective
function and constraints (if any) are multidimensional functions with
unknown analytical representations often evaluated by performing
computationally expensive simulations. Researchers from both
theoretical and applied sciences are welcome to present their recent
developments concerning this important class of optimization
problems. To encourage young researchers to attend these conferences a
1000 Euro Young (35 years or younger) Researcher Best Paper Prize will
be awarded to the best paper presented at the conferences.  Further
details can be found at:


Submission of one page abstracts: DECEMBER 5, 2013 (!)
Notification of acceptance: December 20, 2013
Full paper: As advised by the editor
Payment of the regular registration fee: April 15, 2014


From: Eligius Hendrix [log in to unmask]
Date: November 25, 2013
Subject: Mathematical and Applied Global Optimization, Spain, Sep 2014

MALAGA, September 1-4, 2014

Global Optimization studies theory, methods and applications of
optimization techniques aimed at detecting a global optimum for
difficult mathematical programming problems in which many local optima
might exist.

Since 1985, a tradition of GOW workshops exists where senior
researchers and PhD students meet in a one-stream session environment
to discuss approaches, algorithms and challenging applications. A list
of scientists that confirmed contribution can be found in

Location: Málaga, the centre of the Costa del Sol, Spain.

Abstract submission: all participants wishing to present a talk at the
Workshop should send an extended abstract of 4 pages in LaTeX not
later than March 15th

Paper submission: a special issue of JOGO is devoted to a selected
number of papers

Workshop fees: €300 per participant includes lunches, coffee breaks,
book of proceedings of the accepted contributions, conference diner
and excursion.

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Elizabeth R. Jessup [log in to unmask]
Date: November 29, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Computer Science, Univ of Colorado Boulder

The Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of Colorado
Boulder seeks outstanding candidates, for a tenure-track position,
with expertise in both machine learning and optimization. The opening
is targeted at the level of Assistant Professor, although exceptional
senior candidates at higher ranks may be considered.

We seek candidates whose primary research areas lie at the
intersection of machine learning and numerical optimization, and whose
research addresses challenges in theory, algorithms, implementation,
and application of problems in optimization and machine
learning. Candidates should demonstrate excellence in both research
and teaching, have a strong interest in interdisciplinary
collaboration, and aim to lead a highly visible, externally funded
research program.

Applications must be submitted online at

The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action


From: University of Maryland Baltimore County [log in to unmask]
Date: December 02, 2013
Subject: Tenure-track Faculty Position, Appl Math, UMBC


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for a
tenure-track faculty position in Applied Mathematics at the rank of
Assistant Professor, starting in the fall of 2014.  The successful
candidate should have a PhD in mathematics or a related field, have an
active, independent research program, strong potential for
interdisciplinary research and for obtaining external funding, and a
commitment to excellence in teaching. Preference will be given to
candidates in Computational Mathematics. We encourage interactions
with existing groups in the Department, and the forging of strong
connections with research groups within the College of Natural and
Mathematical Sciences, the College of Engineering and Information
Technology, or research centers outside these Colleges.

The Department offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in applied mathematics
and in statistics. For more information, see our website at Current research areas in the Department include
numerical analysis and scientific computing, differential equations,
optimization and optimal control, mathematical modeling, mathematical
biology and stochastic processes. The departmental culture encourages
significant interdisciplinary research collaboration outside the
department, with a strong emphasis to involve undergraduate, as well
as graduate students, in the research activities. UMBC is a public
research university which integrates teaching and research, and has a
strong emphasis on science and engineering at the graduate level. UMBC
is located between Baltimore and Washington, and is close to several
federal research agencies.

A complete application should include a cover letter, C.V., summary of
current research program, teaching statement, and three letters of
reference. All application materials should be submitted to Review of application materials will begin January 13,
2014 and continue until the position is filled.  Applications from
minorities, women and people with disabilities are especially
encouraged. UMBC is an NSF-ADVANCE institution and an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


From: Institute for Mathematics University Graz [log in to unmask]
Date: December 03, 2013
Subject: Univ Assistant with Doctorate Position, Univ Graz

Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is filling an

University Assistant with doctorate
(40 hours a week; fixed-term employment for the period of 6 years
with qualification agreement; Tenure Track; Envisaged Job Starting
Date immediately)

For more information follow the link:


From: Karl Fuerlinger [log in to unmask]
Date: November 27, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, High Performance Computing, Univ of Munich

PhD Position, High Performance Computing, University of Munich

A PhD position in the research project DASH "Data Structures and
Algorithms for Scalability and Hierarchical locality" is available at
the MNM Team at LMU Munich.

The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and
seeks to develop new approaches for programming large-scale parallel
machines in the context of Exascale Computing.

Please consult and for further information, including desired
background of candidates, employment status, and information on how to

Additional information can be obtained from Dr. Karl Fuerlinger, email
[log in to unmask]

Application deadline: 20 December 2013


From: Florian LEMARIE [log in to unmask]
Date: December 02, 2013
Subject: Internship/PhD Position, Ocean-atmosphere coupling, France

The french National Institute for research in computer science and
control is seeking candidates for a master's level internship (6
months, starting end of March / early April 2014) leading to a PhD
position (36 months) based in Grenoble, France. The successful
candidate will join the MOISE (
research team.

In the context of this thesis, we would like to study the numerical
implementation of ocean-atmosphere coupling in IPCC-like climate
models. Current coupling methods are ad-hoc methods which are not
fully satisfactory from a mathematical point of view. We intend to
study multiphysics coupling algorithms in this context, and how the
mathematical formulation of the turbulent air/sea fluxes in the
atmospheric surface layer could fit in this framework. A complete
description of the work proposed for the master's internship is
available at

Contact : [log in to unmask]


From: Martin Berzins [log in to unmask]
Date: December 01, 2013
Subject: Contents, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 76

Applied Numerical Mathematics
Volume 76, Pages 1-166, February 2014

1. On the construction of second derivative diagonally implicit
multistage integration methods for ODEs, Pages 1-18, A. Abdi, M. Bras,
G. Hojjati

2. Split-step theta-method for stochastic delay differential
equations, Pages 19-33, Wanrong Cao, Peng Hao, Zhongqiang Zhang

3. Efficient and stable perfectly matched layer for CEM, Pages 34-47,
Kenneth Duru, Gunilla Kreiss

4. Higher order uniformly convergent continuous/discontinuous Galerkin
methods for singularly perturbed problems of convection-diffusion
type, Pages 48-59, Peng Zhu, Shenglan Xie

5. A local projection stabilization of fictitious domain method for
elliptic boundary value problems, Pages 60-75, S. Amdouni, M. Moakher,
Y. Renard

6. A posteriori error estimates of hp-adaptive IPDG-FEM for elliptic
obstacle problems, Pages 76-92, Lothar Banz, Ernst P. Stephan

7. A trust region method for constructing triangle-mesh approximations
of parametric minimal surfaces, Pages 93-100, Robert J. Renka

8. Asymptotically exact discontinuous Galerkin error estimates for
linear symmetric hyperbolic systems, Pages 101-131, Slimane Adjerid,
Thomas Weinhart

9. Superconvergence using pointwise interpolation in
convection-diffusion problems, Pages 132-144, Sebastian Franz

10. A Riemann problem solution methodology for a class of evolutionary
mixture equations with an arbitrary number of components, Pages
145-165, M.W. Crochet, K.A. Gonthier


From: George Anastassiou [log in to unmask]
Date: November 30, 2013
Subject: Contents, J Computational Analysis & Appl, 16 (1)

VOL. 16, NO. 1, 2014

Switching Design for the Robust Stability of Nonlinear Uncertain
Stochastic Switched Discrete-Time Systems with Interval Time- Varying
Delay, G. Rajchakit, 10

Stabilization of Switched Discrete-Time Systems with Convex Polytopic
Uncertainties, G. Rajchakit, 20

A Preconditioner for Block Two-By-Two Symmetric Indefinite Matrices,
Chun Wen, and Ting-Zhu Huang, 30

Hyers-Ulam Stability of a General Diagonal Symmetric Functional
Equation, Choonkil Park, and Hamid Rezaei, 42

General Decay of Solutions for a Singular Nonlocal Viscoelastic
Problem with Nonlinear Damping and Source, Yun Sun, Gang Li, and
Wenjun Liu, 50

Measuring Fuzziness of Generalized Fuzzy Rough Sets Induced by
Pseudo-Operations, Zhan-hong Shi, and Zeng-tai Gong, 56

Global Analysis for Delay Virus Infection Model with Multitarget
Cells, A.M. Elaiw, and M.A. Alghamdi, 67

The Parameter Reduction of Soft Sets and Its Algorithm, Zhaowen Li,
and Ninghua Gao, 76

Functional Inequalities Associated With Bi-Cauchy Additive Functional
Equations, Gang Lu, Choonkil Park, and Dong Yun Shin, 85

Robust CVaR-based Portfolio Optimization Under a Genal Affine Data
Perturbation Uncertainty Set, Zhifeng Dai, and Fenghua Wen, 93

Random Derivations on Random Normed Algebras, Jung Rye Lee, Choonkil
Park, and Dong Yun Shin, 104

A Note on the q-Extension of Second Kind Euler Numbers and
Polynomials, C. S. Ryoo, 112

Some Properties of Bazilevic Functions Related With Conic Domains,
Khalida Inayat Noor, Mohsan Raza, and Kamran Yousaf, 117

Some Characterizations in Some Möbius Invariant Spaces, A. El-Sayed
Ahmed, A. Kamal, and Aydah Ahmadi, 126

Coefficient Bounds for Certain Subclasses of Close-to-Convex Functions
of Janowski Type, Wasim Ul-Haq, Attiya Nazneen, Muhammad Arif, and
Nasir Rehman, 133

Five-order Extrapolation Algorithms for Laplace Equation with Linear
Boundary Condition, Pan Cheng, Zhi lin, and Peng Xie, 139

Sufficient Conditions for Univalence Obtained by Using First Order
Nonlinear Strong Differential Subordinations, Georgia Irina Oros, 149

A Note on the Symmetric Properties for the Second Kind Twisted q-
Euler Polynomials, C.S. Ryoo, 153

Sufficient Conditions for Functions to be in a Class of p-Valent
Analytic Functions, M. Arif, M. Ayaz, W. Haq, and J. Iqbal, 159

Additive Functional Inequalities in Paranormed Spaces, Seo-Yun Yang,
and Choonkil Park, 165

Some Identities for Bernoulli Polynomials Involving Chebyshev
Polynomials, Dae San Kim, Taekyun Kim, and Sang-Hun Lee, 172

An Economical Aggregation Algorithm for Algebraic Multigrid (AMG),
Liang-Jian Deng, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Liang Zhao, and Si Wang,

End of Digest

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