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NADIGEST  November 2013, Week 2

NADIGEST November 2013, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 13, # 38


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 14 Nov 2013 05:52:54 -0500





text/plain (682 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 38

NA Digest  Thursday, November 14, 2013  Volume 13 : Issue 38

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Sharp Phase Transition in LInear Algebra/NA
	Three to be honored at SC13
	Mathematical Competitive Game, 2013-2014
	BLIS, BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework
	Blaze 1.4 Released
	Call for HPC-cloud based experiments, Fortissimo EU
	New Book, Arithmetic of Infinity
	Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2013
	Scientific Software Days, USA, Dec 2013
	Numerical Analysis and Computational Statistics, UK, Jan 2014
	CoDA 2014, USA, Mar 2014
	Num Meth for Sci Comp and Adv Applications, Bulgaria, May 2014
	Combinatorial Sci Comp, France, Jul 2014
	Coupled Processes in Bio/Nano Systems, Spain, Jul 2014
	Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, NJIT
	Postdoc Position, Cardiovascular Modeling & Sim, UNC-CH
	Postdoc Position, Math Modelling and Scientific Comp, McMaster
	PhD Positions, Stanford Univ
	Contents, J. of Complexity, 30 (2)

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From: Garry J. Tee [log in to unmask]
Date: November 05, 2013
Subject: Sharp Phase Transition in LInear Algebra/NA

Igor Carron asked (V.13, #37) whether any sharp phase transition in
the area of linear algebra or numerical analysis has appeared in the
literature before 2004.

In solving linear equations by stationary iterative processes the
convergence depends not only on the dominant eigenvalue of the error
operator, but also on its Jordan canonical form [George E.  Forsythe &
Wolfgang R. Wasow, "Finite-Difference Methods for Partial Differential
Equations", Wiley, New York, 1960, p.260;

Garry J. Tee, Eigenvectors of the successive over-relaxation process,
and its combination with Chebyshev semi-iteration, The Computer
Journal, Vol.6 No.3, October 1963, 250-263, with Correction in Vol.7
No.1, April 1964]. In 1962 I was puzzled by unexpectedly slow and
irregular convergence in an engineering computation, and that was
traced to a large Jordan box in the error operator [Geoffrey A. Miles,
Karl A. Stewart & Garry J. Tee, Elementary divisors of the Liebmann
process, The Computer Journal, Vol.6 No.4, January 1964,352-355; with
Errata in Vo.7 No.1 April 1964; and Errata to Errata in Vol.7 No.2,
July 1964].

And the Jordan canonical form of a matrix does not vary continuously
with its elements. As an example, consider the square matrix A(x) of
order n with complex parameter x, with diagonal elements $ a_{ii} = ix
$ for i from 1 to n and $ a_{i,i+1} = 1 $ for i from 1 to n-1, and all
other elements being zero. For all nonzero x the Jordan canonical form
C is the diagonal matrix with each $ c_{ii} = ix $, but for x=0 C has
a sharp phase transition to the strictly upper-triangular matrix A(0).


From: Don Fike [log in to unmask]
Date: November 07, 2013
Subject: Three to be honored at SC13

Three to be honored at SC13

Jack Dongarra will receive the 2013 ACM/IEEE-CS Ken Kennedy Award
in recongnition of substantial contributions to programmability and
productivity in computing and substantial community service or
mentoring contributions.

Marc Snir will receive the 2013 IEEE Seymour Cray Award in
recognition of the innovative contributions to high-performance
computing systems that best exemplify Cray's creative spirit.

Chris Johnson will receive the 2013 IEEE Computer Society Fernbach
Award for outstanding contributions in the application of high
performance computers using innovative approaches, including
creation of widely used and innovative software packages,
applications and tools.


From: Bernard Beauzamy [log in to unmask]
Date: November 11, 2013
Subject: Mathematical Competitive Game, 2013-2014

The Mathematical Competitive Game 2013-2014, organized jointly by the
French Federation of Mathematical Games and Societe de Calcul
Mathematique SA, is now open.

It is endowed with 2,000 Euros of prizes.

The topic for this year is: Checking an Industrial Process.

Please see:
for a complete description of the game.

Answers should be sent no later than April 30th, 2014.

Please inform your students and colleagues.


From: Field G. Van Zee [log in to unmask]
Date: November 13, 2013
Subject: BLIS, BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework

It is my pleasure to announce the first developer's release of the
BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software (BLIS) framework. BLIS helps
developers and users of BLAS libraries in the following ways:

- BLIS facilitates high performance by casting nearly all level-3
  operations in terms of a single "micro-kernel" (per datatype),
  which greatly reduces the effort of porting to new hardware.
- BLIS serves HPC researchers as a flexible framework for rapid
  prototyping and testing of new operations, implementations, and
- BLIS exports an improved (but still optional) BLAS-like API for
  those frustrated by certain limitations in the BLAS interface.

This initial release includes a portable reference implementation, a
few optimized kernels for a few select platforms, and a highly
parameterized test suite which can be used to exercise and verify
existing operations or gather performance data, or both. We have used
BLIS to develop multithreaded implementations; however, we have not
yet integrated those codes into the framework. We plan to include this
work in a future release.

We invite those who have previously developed highly-optimized kernels
for other open source BLAS projects to contribute micro-kernels to
BLIS, and/or test existing micro-kernels.

For more information, including FAQ, API documentation, developer
resources, and current hardware support, please visit the project
website at .


From: Klaus Iglberger [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Blaze 1.4 Released

Version 1.4 of the Blaze library, one of the fastest high-performance
C++ math libraries, has been released. Next to lots of small changes
and improvements, the major feature of this version is the
introduction of subvectors and submatrices. In combination with rows
and columns they provide an amazing flexibility to access vector and
matrix data.

The second major change involves the licensing. With version 1.4 the
license of Blaze has been switched from the GPLv3 license to the new
BSD license. Therefore, from now on, Blaze can be freely used in any
project and merely requires a copyright notice.

Blaze 1.4 is now available for download at


From: Guntram Berti [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Call for HPC-cloud based experiments, Fortissimo EU

The Fortissimo project (EU FP7 contract 609029) is funding a set of
experiments (sub-projects) to drive the creation and demonstrate the
business potential of an HPC-Cloud service ecosystem.  Additional
application experiments are sought to investigate and demonstrate
engineering and manufacturing simulation services in the Fortissimo

The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European
manufacturing, particularly SMEs, to benefit from the efficiency and
competitive advantage inherent in the use of simulation.  This will be
achieved through the provision of simulation services running on an
HPC-based cloud infrastructure.  Fortissimo will make advanced
simulation accessible to industrial users, particularly SMEs, through
the realisation of a "one-stop shop" where hardware, expertise,
applications, visualisation and tools will be easily available and
affordable on a pay-per-use basis.

Fortissimo seeks new application experiments providing business
relevant investigations and demonstrations of engineering and
manufacturing simulation services in the Fortissimo HPC Cloud.
Priority will be given to proposals for experiments which complement
the activities already included within Fortissimo and which address
the needs of engineering and manufacturing SMEs.  Proposed experiments
should include all participants necessary for the experiment, which
may include HPC experts, HPC Centres or ISVs already included within
the Fortissimo consortium.  Experiments will employ the Fortissimo HPC
infrastructure using the HPC Centres already involved in the project.

Call closure: January 2nd 2014 at 17h00, Brussels local time.
Foreseen budget: Total of 5M Euro funding; the funding for individual
experiments is not expected to exceed 250K Euro.

Further information:


From: Dmitri E. Kvasov [log in to unmask]
Date: November 13, 2013
Subject: New Book, Arithmetic of Infinity

Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, Arithmetic of Infinity, 2013.

The book presents a new type of arithmetic that allows one to execute
arithmetical operations with infinities and infinitesimals
numerically. The problem of infinity is considered in a coherent way
different from (but not contradicting to) Cantor. In order to broaden
the audience, the book was written as a popular one. This is the 2nd
revised edition (the first edition has been published in 2003,
available at European Amazon sites).

“Mathematicians have never been comfortable handling infinities, such
as those that crop up in the area of a Sierpinski carpet. But an
entirely new type of mathematics looks set to by-pass the problem”,
MIT Technology Review, 03.19.2012.

“The expressed viewpoint on infinity gives possibilities to solve new
applied problems using arithmetical operations with infinite and
infinitesimal numbers that can be executed in a simple and clear way.”
P.M. Pardalos, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Global Optimization,
2006, 34, 157–158. 

“I am sure that the new approach presented in this book will have a
very deep impact both on Mathematics and Computer Science.” D.
Trigiante, Computational Management Science, 2007, 4(1), 85-86.


From: Bert de Jong [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2013

The registration deadline for the December 11, 2013 Bay Area
Scientific Computing Day (BASCD) is November 30. Please register so we
can have access and lunch (and parking if needed) set up for the

BASCD is an annual one-day meeting focused on fostering interactions
and collaborations between researchers in the fields of scientific
computing and computational science and engineering from the San
Francisco Bay Area.  The event provides junior researchers a venue to
present their work to the local community, and for the Bay Area
scientific and computational science and engineering communities at
large to interchange views on today’s multidisciplinary computational
challenges and state-of-the-art developments.

The speakers at this year’s meeting are Kevin Carlberg (Sandia), Erin
Carson (UC Berkeley), Lixin Ge (SLAC), Jeff Irion (UC Davis), Lex
Kemper (LBNL), Christian Linder (Stanford University), Ding Lu (UC
Davis), Ali Mani (Stanford University), François-Henry Rouet (LBNL),
Cindy Rubio-Gonzalez (UC Berkeley), Khachik Sargsyan (Sandia) and
Samuel Skillman (SLAC).

This year we will have a combined lunch and poster session. If you are
interested in presenting a poster, please indicate this during
registration.The schedule, registration, and the title and abstract of
the speakers are available on the BASCD website:


From: Victor Eijkhout [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Scientific Software Days, USA, Dec 2013

Scientific Software Days 2013
Austin TX , December 16-17, 2013

Most groups that use supercomputing cope with their scientific
software environment in isolation, not always relying on prepackaged
'canned' solutions. Many successful lines of research and development
are achieved, but many times less than optimal paths are taken, simply
because computing is done by people stretched between computational
skills and skills in the relevant science and engineering specialties.
Available tools and methods are not always known to the people who
need them, and time pressure makes it hard to make the best use of the
tools available. Support staff at supercomputing centers is stretched
and is best at responding to specific issues rather than offering
broad support. We seek to build a community to address these
needs. The Scientific Software Days at UT Austin is intended to
nucleate that community. If you are involved in any end use or
development of scientific software, you can benefit from and
contribute to this goal.

Ideal presentations for Scientific Software Days are of two types: 1)
presentations of generic tools that can be used in scientific software
development and deployment 2) presentations of specific work, focusing
on experience in developing scientific software, workflows, and tool
chains. We are especially seeking presentations of the second type.

The target audience will be a broad selection of the scientific and
engineering communities with a particular interest in supercomputing.


From: Konstantinos Zygalakis [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Numerical Analysis and Computational Statistics, UK, Jan 2014

A half day event, Interfaces Between Numerical Analysis and
Computational Statistics, will be held at the University of
Southampton. The meeting will take place in the Mathematics Building
at Highfield campus on Wednesday 15 of January 2014, with the talks
starting in the early afternoon and followed by a reception and
dinner. Speakers will be

- Mark Girolami (University College London)
- Andrew Stuart (University of Warwick)
- Konstantinos Zygalakis (University of Southampton)

If you are interested in attending this event or would like further
information, please send an email to Konstantinos Zygalakis
([log in to unmask]). There is a registration fee of £15 while a
small amount of funding to support travel (by rail) for graduate
students and young researchers is available. Further details can be
obtained at the webpage:

The meeting is supported by an LMS conference grant to celebrate new
appointments and the University of Southampton.


From: Paul Constantine [log in to unmask]
Date: November 08, 2013
Subject: CoDA 2014, USA, Mar 2014

CoDA 2014, Conference on Data Analysis
March 5-7, 2014
Santa Fe, NM

Exploring Data-Focused Research across the Department of Energy

Join us for the second Conference on Data Analysis, bringing together
statisticians and other data science researchers from the Department
of Energy national laboratories and their collaborators from academia
and industry.

The banquet speaker will be Amanda Cox of the New York Times, winner
of the ASA’s 2012 Excellence in Statistical Reporting Award.

The CoDA 2014 invited program features 6 themed sessions exploring
these topics:
- Data-intensive applied science
- National security
- Energy and the environment
- Uncertainty quantification
- Big data and exascale computing
- Signature discovery

The deadline for posters is February 3.


From: Krassimir Georgiev [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Num Meth for Sci Comp and Adv Applications, Bulgaria, May 2014

International Conference on "Numerical Methods for Scientific
Computations and Advanced Applications"

It is devoted to the 60th anniversary of Svetozar Margenov.
The conference is scheduled for May 19-22, 2014.
The conference will be held in the town of Bansko.

Specific topics of interest (but not limited to) are the following:
Multiscale and multiphysics problems; Robust preconditioning; Monte
Carlo methods; Optimization and control systems; Scalable parallel
algorithms; Advanced computing for innovations.

Important deadlines:
Registration                            February 15, 2014
Submission of extended abstracts        March 01, 2014
Notification of acceptance:             April 01, 2014
An online registrataion will be opened soon.

Plenary Invited Speakers: P. Arbenz (CH), O. Axelsson (CR),
R. Blaheta (CR), O. Iliev (DE), J. Kraus (AT), R. Lazarov (USA),
P. Minev (CA), M. Neytcheva (SE), P. Vassilevski (USA),
V. Veliov (AT), L. Zikatanov (USA)


From: Bora [log in to unmask]
Date: November 08, 2013
Subject: Combinatorial Sci Comp, France, Jul 2014

6th SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC14)
July 21-23, 2014, Lyons, France

The 6th SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC14)
will provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction of
combinatorial mathematics and algorithms with scientific computing to
discuss current developments in research. CSC14 follows five earlier
CSC workshops held in 2004 (San Francisco, US), 2005 (Toulouse,
France), 2007 (Costa Mesa, US), 2009 (Seaside, US), and 2011
(Darmstadt, Germany). As in the earlier workshops, CSC14's focus is on
combinatorial mathematics and algorithms in high performance
computing, broadly interpreted. Talks in this broadly defined area as
well as those on traditional combinatorial scientific computing
topics, including but not limited to, parallel computing, sparse
matrix computations, combinatorial problems in optimization, automatic
differentiation, mesh generation, computational biology, and
combinatorial matrix theory are welcome.

Confirmed invited speakers:
Petros Drineas, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;
Tamara G. Kolda, Sandia National Laboratories;
Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv University.

Important Dates:
February 15, 2014: Deadline for abstract submission
March 15, 2014: Notification of acceptance
March 21, 2014: Deadline for applying for travel support
July 21-23, 2014: Workshop


From: Roderick Melnik [log in to unmask]
Date: November 14, 2013
Subject: Coupled Processes in Bio/Nano Systems, Spain, Jul 2014

The 2014 WCCM Workshop/Minisymposium on “Computational Modeling of
Multiphysics/Multiscale Coupled Processes in Biological and
Nanotechnological Systems” will be held in Barcelona, July 20-25,
2014. This event is part of the the 11th World Congress on
Computational Mechanics (WCCM2014). Please submit your one-page
abstract before November 29, 2013. Details are given at

Giovanna Guidoboni (USA)
Roderick Melnik (Canada)
Riccardo Sacco (Italy)


From: Peter G. Petropoulos [log in to unmask]
Date: November 08, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, NJIT

The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at the New Jersey
Institute of Technology seeks candidates to fill a
tenure-track/tenured position at the Assistant/Associate/Full
Professor level in the general area of Applied Mathematics. The
Department is particularly interested in candidates whose research
interests are consistent with the existing research strengths in
scientific computing/numerical analysis, modeling/asymptotic analysis,
PDE’s and dynamical systems, with focused research groups in the
fields of fluid mechanics, mathematical biology and wave propagation.

DMS has experienced tremendous growth in research over the past two
decades, and is now recognized as a leading national program in
applied mathematics.  The department offers BS, MS & PhD degrees, with
PhD program tracks in Applied Mathematics as well as in Applied
Probability & Statistics.  For more information about DMS faculty and
programs, visit

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics or related
fields and postdoctoral experience with strong research and teaching
potential for consideration at the Assistant Professor level, and an
appropriate record of accomplishment in classroom teaching, mentoring
doctoral students and research publication and funding, at the
Associate or Full Professor level.  At the university's discretion,
the education and experience prerequisites may be excepted where the
candidate can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the university, an
equivalent combination of education and experience specifically
preparing the candidate for success in the position.

Please visit, posting number 0601798, to apply.
Submit a cover letter, resume/CV, research and teaching statements,
and a summary of teaching evaluations (particularly for positions at
the Associate/Full Professor level). Review of applications will begin
on November 15, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled.


From: Boyce Griffith [log in to unmask]
Date: November 05, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Cardiovascular Modeling & Sim, UNC-CH

Applications are invited for up to two postdoctoral positions in
cardiovascular modeling and simulation. These positions will be part
of a new cardiovascular modeling research group being established in
2014 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Applied
Mathematics Program and the McAllister Heart Institute at UNC School
of Medicine. This group will also interact with the UNC/NCSU Joint
Department of Biomedical Engineering, the new Department of Applied
Physical Sciences at UNC, and others.

One of these positions is expected to be funded by a recently awarded
NIH grant to develop large-scale computational models of aneurysmal,
dissecting, and dissected aortas. Consequently, applicants are sought
with experience in damage and fracture mechanics, simulating tissue
growth and remodeling, and/or high-performance scientific
computing. Prior experience in a specific area is not required,
however, and any applicant with a relevant background and interests
will receive full consideration.

Please provide via (1) a vita;
(2) a research statement; and (3) at least three letters of
reference. In addition, applicants must also apply online at to be considered for this

The University of North Carolina is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


From: Bartosz Protas [log in to unmask]
Date: November 06, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math Modelling and Scientific Comp, McMaster

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position in the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University. This
fellowship provides an opportunity to engage in research in close
collaboration with Dr. Protas and his group (more information
available at ).  The focus of this
industry-funded position will be research on mathematical and
computational modelling of nonequilibrium electrochemical and
thermodynamic processes occurring in Li-ion batteries. This position
is intended for an applied mathematician interested in exploring a
rapidly developing application area, or for a mathematically-minded
chemist with a solid background in theoretical and computational
chemistry. In either case, knowledge of multiscale modelling
(especially homogenization), electrochemistry, PDEs and scientific
computing will be an asset.  This research project also involves close
collaboration with chemists and material scientists as well as
research scientists with our Industrial Partner. The duration of the
position will be initially one year with extension for the second year
contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of funding.

The fellowship is open to candidates of any nationality and selection
will be based on the candidate's research potential and fit with
Dr. Protas' research group. The fellowship starts on May 1, 2014 or
earlier, and provides an annual stipend salary of $45,000
CAD. Candidates are required to apply for this fellowship by using the
MathJobs website (see our advertisement at We will
begin reviewing applications on January 10, 2014. Applications
received after this date will be accepted until the position is
filled, but to ensure full consideration applicants are advised to
submit all supporting materials by the above deadline.


From: Margot Gerritsen [log in to unmask]
Date: November 05, 2013
Subject: PhD Positions, Stanford Univ

ICME is now open for applications to our PhD program in computational
mathematics. We are looking for excellent and excited students who
like to work at the interface of computing, applied mathematics and
applications. PhD students have guaranteed support.

Deadline for applications is December 3, 2013, for a start in Fall of
2014-2015.  Information for prospective students can be found on our
website at:

For the last 10 years, ICME, which succeeded the SCCM program led by
Gene Golub, has been the central home of computational mathematics on

We develop innovative computational and mathematical approaches for
complex engineering and scientific problems. Our PhD students are
advised in research by over 45 faculty from 20 departments, covering a
wide variety of fields including statistics and data science, control,
optimization, numerical analysis, applied mathematics, high-
performance computing, earth sciences, flow physics, graphics,
bioengineering, genomics, economics and financial mathematics,
molecular dynamics, and many more.  PhD graduates find outstanding
positions in industry, at national laboratories, as well as in

We offer many courses at the MS and PhD level to our graduate
students. The institute has a wide variety of high performance
computers, including MPI, GPU, shared memory and map-reduce
clusters. We also run a very large visualization center.


From: Joseph Traub [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2013
Subject: Contents, J. of Complexity, 30 (2)

ournal of Complexity
Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2014

Dagstuhl 2012

Aicke Hinrichs, Andreas Neuenkirch, Erich Novak



Guest Editors’ Preface


Approximation of analytic functions in Korobov spaces, Josef Dick,
Peter Kritzer, Friedrich Pillichshammer, Henryk Woźniakowski

On weighted Hilbert spaces and integration of functions of infinitely
many variables, Michael Gnewuch, Sebastian Mayer, and Klaus Ritter

Weak and quasi-polynomial tractability of approximation of infinitely
differentiable functions, Jan Vybíral

Approximation rates for the hierarchical tensor format in periodic
Sobolev spaces, Reinhold Schneider, André Uschmajew

Optimal Cubature in Besov Spaces with Dominating Mixed Smoothness on
the Unit Square, Tino Ullrich

Approximation numbers of Sobolev embeddings – sharp constants and
tractability, Thomas Kühn, Winfried Sickel and Tino Ullrich

The Curse of Dimensionality for Numerical Integration of Smooth
Functions II, Aicke Hinrichs, Erich Novak, Mario Ullrich, Henryk

Complexity of numerical integration over spherical caps in a Sobolev
space setting, Kerstin Hesse

A lower bound on complexity of optimization under the r-fold
integrated Wiener measure, James M. Calvin

End of Digest

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