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NADIGEST  November 2013, Week 1

NADIGEST November 2013, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 13, # 37


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 5 Nov 2013 11:37:32 -0500





text/plain (909 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 37

NA Digest Tuesday, November 05, 2013 Volume 13 : Issue 37

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

Earliest Empirical Sharp Phase Transition in Linear Algebra/NA?
Letters of Intent, Gene Golub SIAM Summer School, 2015
James Clerk Maxwell's Poems on Mathematics
New Book, Direct & Inverse Problems in Wave Prop and Appl
New Book, Large Scale Inverse Problems (Earth Sciences)
New Book, Mathematics and Climate
New Book, Mathematics for Computer Science (in French)
New Book, Simulation of Flow in Porous Media
New Books, Walter Gautschi's Selected Works
Big Data Challenges to Modern Statistics, Norway, Jan 2014
NAOiii2014, NA and Optimization, Oman, Jan 2014
Summer School in Numerical Analysis, Italy, Jun 2014
Workshop/Tutorial Call, ICS 2014, Germany, Jun 2014
Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Appl, Switzerland, Jul 2014
R&D Position, Gurobi Optimization
Faculty Position, Applied Statistics, Colorado School of Mines
Faculty Position, Computational Science, Marquette Univ
Tenure Track & Postdoc Positions, Illinois Inst of Technology
Tenure Track Positions, Mathematical Sciences, UT Dallas
Asst Professor Position, Prob & Stats, Univ Texas, Pan American
Postdoc Position, Heterogeneous Materials, CTU, Prague
Postdoc Position, JVN Fellow, Sandia National Labs
Postdoc Position, Marie Curie Fellow
PhD Position, Applied Math, RICAM, Linz
PhD Position, UK Met Office
Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 64(3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Igor Carron [log in to unmask]
Date: November 04, 2013
Subject: Earliest Empirical Sharp Phase Transition in Linear Algebra/NA?

In recent years, several people [1,2] have found and given some
theoretical justification for the appearance of sharp phase transition
in the parameters space of problems related to solving linear algebra
problems. In particular; this is the case of undetermined systems of
linear equations where one of those parameters involve the sparsity of
the underlying solution. [1] was one of the triggering papers for what
is now known as compressive sensing, and has provided hardware/sensor
makers with the ability to better understand what could be measured
and what couldn't. It would be surprising however if the idea of sharp
phase transition did not occur earlier in linear algebra problems (not
just underdetermined systems) and that it did not rear its head before
2004 in some shape or form. My question to this august crowd is simple
and probably sound very ignorant (I am sorry in advance if I am
stepping on some, unknown to me, minefield): are there any empirical
and/or theoretically justified sharp phase transition in the area of
linear algebra or numerical analysis that have appeared in the
literature before 2004 ? I include in the word literature, any
technical reports that may not have had the opportunity to be
published in a journal as it was probably lacking some theoretical

[1] E. J. Candès, J. Romberg and T. Tao. Robust uncertainty
principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete
frequency information. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 52 489-509.
[2] Observed Universality of Phase Transitions in High-Dimensional
Geometry, with Implications for Modern Data Analysis and Signal
Processing, David L. Donoho, Jared Tanner, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A
13 November 2009 vol. 367 no. 1906 4273-4293,


From: Daniel Szyld [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2013
Subject: Letters of Intent, Gene Golub SIAM Summer School, 2015

SIAM is calling for Letters of Intent proposing topics and
organizers for the 2015 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3).
Letters of Intent in all areas of applied and computational
mathematics will be considered.

It is expected that the program will run two weeks and accept
approximately 45 graduate students in 2015. SIAM will contribute
up to $85,000 towards the running of the summer school.

Information about the G2S3 program, including the composition of the
G2S3 committee can be found at

Information about the 2014 G2S3 can be found at and the archives of earlier G2S3s
can be found at The
deadline for Letters of Intent is January 31, 2014. For more
information see


From: Joseph Grcar [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: James Clerk Maxwell's Poems on Mathematics

My thanks to all who replied to my note about the Edinburgh
Mathematical Laboratory. I learned that James Clerk Maxwell is another
famous son of Edinburgh. To his credit, Maxwell was both a
mathematician and a poet.

(On mechanics:

Gin a body meet a body
   Flyin’ through the air,
Gin a body hit a body,
   Will it fly? and where?

(On studying mathematics at Cambridge:

In the grate the flickering embers
Served to show how dull November's
Fogs had stamped my torpid members,
   Like a plucked and skinny goose.
And as I prepared for bed, I
Asked myself with voice unsteady,
If of all the stuff I read, I
   Ever made the slightest use.

This is parody of high quality. Maxwell wrote serious poems as
well. All can be found in
The excepts above are on pages 630 and 612.


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: New Book, Direct & Inverse Problems in Wave Prop and Appl

Direct and Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation and Applications
Edited by I.G. Graham, U. Langer, J.M. Melenk, M. Sini (2013)
Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics 14

This book is the third volume of a three volume series recording the
Radon Special Semester on "Multiscale Simulation & Analysis in Energy
and the Environment" that took place in Linz, Austria,
October-December 2011. This volume surveys recent developments in the
analysis of wave propagation problems. The topics covered include
aspects of the forward problem and problems in inverse problems, as
well as applications in the earth sciences.

Wave propagation problems are ubiquitous in environmental applications
such as seismic analysis, acoustic and electromagnetic scattering. The
design of efficient numerical methods for the forward problem, in
which the scattered field is computed from known geometric
configurations is very challenging due to the multiscale nature of the
problems. Even more challenging are inverse problems where material
parameters and configurations have to be determined from measurements
in conjunction with the forward problem. This book contains review
articles covering several state-of-the-art numerical methods for both
forward and inverse problems.

It records the achievements of Workshop 3 "Wave Propagation and
Scattering, Inverse Problems and Applications in Energy and the
Environment" that brought together key numerical mathematicians with
an interest in analysis and computation of wave propagation problems
with practitioners from engineering and industry.


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: New Book, Large Scale Inverse Problems (Earth Sciences)

Large Scale Inverse Problems - Computational Methods and Applications
in the Earth Sciences (2013)
Edited by M. Cullen, M.A. Freitag, S. Kindermann and R. Scheichl
Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics 13

This book is the second in a three volume series recording the Radon
Special Semester on "Multiscale Simulation & Analysis in Energy and
the Environment" that took place in Linz, Austria, October-December
2011. This volume tries to highlight and address commonalities in the
mathematical and computational procedures typically used in
large-scale inverse problems and in data assimilation within different
forefront applications.

The solution of inverse problems is fundamental to a wide variety of
applications such as weather forecasting, medical tomography, and oil
exploration. Regularisation techniques are needed to ensure solutions
of sufficient quality to be useful, and soundly theoretically
based. This book addresses the common techniques required for all the
applications, and is thus truly interdisciplinary.

It records the achievements of Workshop 2 "Large Scale Inverse
Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences" that brought together
theoretical experts in inverse problems and data assimilation with
practitioners working on practical as well as theoretical aspects of
large scale inverse problems that arise in the earth sciences.


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2013
Subject: New Book, Mathematics and Climate

Mathematics and Climate, by Hans Kaper and Hans Engler
2013 / xx + 297 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611972-60-3 /
List Price $59.00 / SIAM Member Price $41.30 / Order Code OT131

Mathematics and Climate is a timely textbook aimed at students and
researchers in mathematics and statistics who are interested in
current issues of climate science, as well as at climate scientists
who wish to become familiar with qualitative and quantitative methods
of mathematics and statistics.

The authors emphasize conceptual models that capture important aspects
of Earth's climate system and present the mathematical and statistical
techniques that can be applied to their analysis.

Mathematics and Climate is intended for mathematicians, statisticians,
data scientists, and geoscientists in academia, national laboratories,
and public service organizations interested in current issues of
climate and sustainability. It is written at the level of advanced
undergraduate and beginning graduate students and assumes only basic
familiarity with linear algebra, calculus, elementary differential
equations, and statistics.

For more about this book, including links to its table of contents,
preface, and index, please visit


From: Skander Belhaj [log in to unmask]
Date: November 05, 2013
Subject: New Book, Mathematics for Computer Science (in French)

I am pleased to inform you of the publication of my new book , written
jointly with my colleague Anis Ben Aissa entitled "Mathématiques pour
l'Informatique" (Mathematics for computer science) in Vuibert Edition:

This book presents the mathematical concepts and basic tools that the
student in first and second year of License must master : introduction
to mathematical reasoning and modeling of concrete problems. This
course also introduces basic methods and applications of numerical

You can browse a few pages on the following link :

Thank you in advance for kindly circulate this information to
individuals and institutions that may be interested, such as libraries
of your institutions.

The book is intended for French speakers.


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: New Book, Simulation of Flow in Porous Media

Simulation of Flow in Porous Media - Applications in Energy and
Environment (2013)
Edited by P. Bastian, J. Kraus, R. Scheichl and M.F. Wheeler
Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics 12

This book is the first in a three volume series recording the Radon
Special Semester on "Multiscale Simulation & Analysis in Energy and
the Environment" that took place in Linz, Austria, October-December
2011. This volume discusses new developments in computational methods
for the simulation of flows in porous media with applications in waste
storage, CO2 sequestration, hydrocarbon exploration and in the
mathematical modelling of fuel cells.

Subsurface flow problems are inherently multiscale in space due to the
large variability of material properties and in time due to the
coupling of many different physical processes, such as advection,
diffusion, reaction and phase exchange. Mathematical models for these
processes still need considerable development. However, significant
progress is needed to tackle important societal challenges, such as
long-term radioactive waste management and sequestration of CO2
underground. The book focuses on cutting-edge issues such as
multiphase flow and coupled flow problems.

It records the achievements of Workshop 1 "Simulation of Flow in
Porous Media and Applications in Waste Management and CO2
Sequestration" that brought together key numerical mathematicians from
the fields of analysis and computation of multiscale subsurface flow
and practitioners from engineering and industry.


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: November 05, 2013
Subject: New Books, Walter Gautschi's Selected Works

We announce the following publication:

Walter Gautschi: Selected Works with Commentaries, 3 vols.
C. Brezinski, A. Sameh eds.
Birkhaeuser, Basel, 2013
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3


From: André R. Brodtkorb [log in to unmask]
Date: November 01, 2013
Subject: Big Data Challenges to Modern Statistics, Norway, Jan 2014

It is a pleasure to announce that the 14th Geilo Winter School will
take place January 19th-24th, 2014 at Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo,
Norway. This years program has been organized by Arnoldo Frigessi
(University of Oslo) and André R. Brodtkorb (SINTEF).

This years winter school will cover Big Data Challenges to Modern
Statistics, a topic we hope many of you find interesting. Traditional
statistical methodology is challenged by more and more complex and
high-dimensional data and subtle scientific questions. This winter
school will give you a panoramic overview and selective in-depth
details, of some of the most important innovative statistical
theories, methods and computational tools that are being
developed. You will be introduced to: challenging statistical problems
that require intensive computational approaches, structural model
learning, causal inference, graphical models, functional data
analysis, tree structured data, spatial data, point patterns and shape
analysis, and more, both in a frequentist and bayesian
perspective. Applications will span from genomics to computational
anatomy, from ice with air bubbles images to geology, from human
movement recognition to neurobiology, from networks to personalize
therapy. More information is available on the winter school webpages,

- The registration deadline is December 6th, 2013.
- You can present your own research in the poster session.
- Registration:
- Flyer:


From: Mehi Al-Baali [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2013
Subject: NAOiii2014, NA and Optimization, Oman, Jan 2014

The third Conference on "Numerical Analysis and Optimization:
Theory, Methods, Applications and Technology Transfer," will be
held at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, on January 5-9
(Sunday to Thursday), 2014 (website

Invited Speakers: Paul Armand, Oleg Burdakov, John Butcher, Andrew
R. Conn, Yu-Hong Dai, Jacques Desrosiers, Iain Duff, John Ford,
Michael Hintermuller, Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri, Dominique Orban, Amiya
Kumar Pani, Martin Reed, Peter Richtarik, Cornelis Roos, Ekkehard W.
Sachs, Michael Saunders, Emilio Spedicato, Brian Straughan, Tamas
Terlaky, Maria Teresa Vespucci, Hong Wang, Down Andrew Wathen

Registration is required for all those wishing to attend the
conference (available places, particularly for those outside Oman, are
limited). If a participate wishes to contribute a talk for 20 minutes,
an abstract should be submitted either on line via the website or by email to [log in to unmask] (or
[log in to unmask]).

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 28, 2013.
Registration Deadline: December 12, 2013.


From: A. Bellen [log in to unmask]
Date: November 05, 2013
Subject: Summer School in Numerical Analysis, Italy, Jun 2014

The 13th "Dobbiaco Summer School in Numerical Analysis" will take
place from 15 to 20 June 2014 at Dobbiaco/Toblach, Italy.

The topics will be:

Matrix Theory and Computation with Applications to Network
Analysis, Quantum Chemistry and Dynamical Systems.

During the school, two leading specialists in the field will
present a series of 90 minutes long lectures on the topic. The
school is intended for PhD students and young researchers.

The lecturers will be:
Michael L. Overton, Courant Institute, New York (USA)
Michele Benzi, Emory University, Atlanta (USA)

For early bird registration and further information on the summer
school, see

Please note that the number of participants is limited.

Alfredo Bellen (Trieste, Italy)
Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck, Austria)


From: Michael Bader [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2013
Subject: Workshop/Tutorial Call, ICS 2014, Germany, Jun 2014

ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
June 10-13, 2014; Munich, Germany

Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
Tutorial and Workshop Day, June 10 2014

We are inviting workshop and tutorial proposals on topics related to
all aspects of research, development, and application of large-scale,
high-performance experimental and commercial systems. Topics include
computer architecture and hardware, HPC programming models, system
software, and applications, solutions for heterogeneity, reliability,
power efficiency, and "big data" issues, as well as internet, grid and
cloud computing. Please see ICS'14 CFP for a detailed topic list.

Proposal submission deadline: January 24, 2014
Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2014

How to submit: Please email your proposals (PDF, 2-page maximum) to
[log in to unmask]

Complete information regarding proposals can be found at


From: Peter Arbenz [log in to unmask]
Date: November 03, 2013
Subject: Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Appl, Switzerland, Jul 2014

Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'14)
July 2-4, 2014, Lugano, Switzerland

This international workshop aims to be a forum for exchanging ideas,
insights and experiences in different areas of parallel computing in
which matrix algorithms play a key role. The Workshop will bring
together experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines with a
common interest in matrix computation. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following:

* Parallel methods for solving large sparse or dense linear systems of
  equations and eigenvalue problem.
* Parallel environments and tools for enabling matrix applications.
* Large scale applications from any field that have an emphasis on
  parallel matrix computation.
* Novel architectural paradigms (e.g. GPU and Xeon Phi)
* Hybrid approaches to parallel programming.
* Automatic tuning and performance modeling.
* Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Invited speakers: Wolfgang Bangerth (Texas A&M), Eric Darve
(Stanford), Jacek Gondzio (Edinburgh), Wim Vanroose (Antwerpen).

Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in a special issue of
Parallel Computing.

For further information contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Chris Maes [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2013
Subject: R&D Position, Gurobi Optimization

Gurobi Optimization is a leading provider of software libraries for
solving mathematical programming problems. Founded in 2008 by three of
the world's leading experts in computational optimization, Gurobi now
provides software libraries to hundreds of commercial clients in a
variety of industries. As a result of our rapid growth, we're looking
to expand our development team.

Job functions: Develop and enhance algorithms for solving mathematical
programming problems (mixed integer programming and/or linear,
quadratic, and second-order cone programming). Work closely with a
small team of highly skilled software developers. The position will
require significant collaborative work, as well as significant
independent work. Provide internal support, as needed, for our
product support and marketing teams. Present new product features and
capabilities at technical conferences, and interact with product users
at such events.

Qualifications: PhD in Operations Research, Computer Science, or
similar discipline. Three years experience in developing high
performance software with a significant mathematical component. To be
successful in this position, you must be skilled in understanding,
implementing, and extending complex mathematical algorithms. We are
particularly interested in people with hands-on experience developing
mathematical programming software, but will consider candidates with
other relevant experience.

Location: We are a highly distributed company, with employees all over
the world. We are flexible on work location.

To apply for this position, please submit a resume to [log in to unmask]


From: Paul Constantine [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Statistics, Colorado School of Mines

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the Colorado
School of Mines invites applications for an anticipated position in
applied statistics at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor
beginning in fall 2014. Applicants in any area of applied statistics
will be considered, with preference given to those with expertise in
applications of spatial/spatio-temporal statistics.

- At the rank of Assistant Professor, applicants must possess a PhD
degree in statistics, mathematics, or a closely related field and
demonstrated potential for success in teaching, scholarship and
- At the rank of Associate Professor, applicants must possess a PhD
degree in statistics, mathematics, or a closely related field;
demonstrated success in teaching, scholarship and service; and the
demonstrated potential for national and international professional

Applicants must submit a cover letter that includes rank applying for,
curriculum vita, statement of research interests and aspirations, a
statement describing teaching experience or philosophy, and three or
more letters of reference, at least one of which addresses teaching
experience or potential to: Colorado School of Mines, Human Resources
Office, Search 14-014130, 1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO 80401, Fax:
(303) 384-2025.

Electronic applications are encouraged and will be accepted at
[log in to unmask] If using this method of application, please put the
search number as indicated above (in bold) in the subject line to
ensure that your materials are properly forwarded to the search

Review of applications will begin by November 15, 2013.


From: Gary Krenz [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Computational Science, Marquette Univ

Marquette University’s Department of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science invites applications for a full-time tenure track
Assistant Professor in computational science to begin August, 2014.

Preference will be shown to those with a strong research record in
"big data," such as, financial data, genetic data, image data, medical
data, etc. The duties of this position include teaching undergraduate
and graduate courses, conducting research, preparing grant proposals,
disseminating research outcomes through peer- reviewed publications
and presentations at professional meetings, and serving the
department, college and university as needed. Qualified applicants
must have a Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics, or a related field. For
additional information, or to apply for this position, please see

Marquette University, an EOE that values diversity, is a Jesuit,
Catholic University with a wide range of undergraduate and graduate
programs. We seek candidates who will contribute to its mission, a
statement of which can be found at Candidates from
underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.


From: Xiaofan Li [log in to unmask]
Date: November 01, 2013
Subject: Tenure Track & Postdoc Positions, Illinois Inst of Technology

The Department of Applied Mathematics at IIT invites applications for
1) a tenure track assistant professor in the area of stochastics, and
2) a visiting assistant professor in an area related to departmental
research, both beginning in August 2014.

The Department of Applied Mathematics offers BS through PhD degrees,
including a very successful Master of Mathematical Finance in
partnership with the Stuart School of Business, and a recently
launched a Master of Data Science in partnership with the Department
of Computer Science. Our research is funded by various government
agencies and some commercial firms. More details about our department
can be found at

To apply, please submit the following through i) a
cover letter expressing your interest in the position(s) and
highlighting how you can contribute to our departmental mission, ii)
your curriculum vitae, and iii) succinct teaching and research
statements. At least four confidential reference letters (one
addressing teaching effectiveness) should also be submitted through
MathJobs. Questions regarding this position may be addressed to Fred
J. Hickernell, Chair, Department of Applied Mathematics,
[log in to unmask], (312) 567-8983.

Applications will be reviewed starting early December, 2013, and on a
continuing basis until the position is filled. We especially encourage
applications from women and under- represented groups. IIT is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.


From: Matthew Goeckner [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2013
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Mathematical Sciences, UT Dallas

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Texas at
Dallas invites applications for up to five tenured or tenure-track
positions begining Fall 2014. The Department seeks to hire in the
following general areas:

- One position in statistics/biostatistics
- Up to two positions in mathematics with a preference for
  differential/algebraic/symplectic Geometry and allied fields
- Up to two positions in computational/applied mathematics.

Information about the department can be found at:

Applicants should provide the following information: Letter of
application, Curriculum vitae, Research statement, Teaching statement,
Examples of scholarly publications, Course evaluations if available, A
comprehensive record of external funding, and three letters of
recommendation (candidates for tenured positions, please include the
contact information of an additional three references) via the ONLINE
APPLICATION FORM available below.

More information about the positions can be found at the URL above.


From: George Yanev [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2013
Subject: Asst Professor Position, Prob & Stats, Univ Texas, Pan American

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas-Pan American
seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor with preferred areas
Probability and Statistics. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Statistics
or Mathematical Sciences at the time of hire, strong research
credentials, and strong accomplishments or promise in teaching.

For a complete job description, see

UTPA is a Hispanic-serving Institution. Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.


From: Jan Zeman [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Heterogeneous Materials, CTU, Prague

The Czech Technical University in Prague - University Center for
Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) offers a post-doctoral position in
homogenization of heterogeneous materials at CTU in Prague.

Start date: as soon as possible after 13 December 2013, until all
positions are filled Contract duration: until 30 June 2015 (with a
critical evaluation after the first year)

The focus of this topic is on the development of inexpensive
analytical models to quantify e.g. thermal and acoustic properties of
highly porous building materials utilized in energy-efficient
buildings by exploring the available tools of computational
homogenization or continuum micromechanics, according to research
interests of the candidate. These models will serve as a support to
developments of the research group "High performance building
materials and structures" at the UCEEB center.

Specific requirements: Depending on the scientific background of the
candidate, experience in numerical homogenization and in scientific
computing, or in homogenization theories.

Interested candidates are invited to send their applications no later
than 1 December 2013.

Additional details are available at


From: Denis Ridzal [log in to unmask]
Date: October 31, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, JVN Fellow, Sandia National Labs

The Computing Research Center and the Computer Sciences and
Information Systems Center at Sandia National Laboratories invite
outstanding candidates to apply for the 2014 John von Neumann
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Computational Science. This
prestigious fellowship is supported by the Applied Mathematics
Research Program in the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced
Scientific Computing Research. The fellowship provides an exceptional
opportunity for innovative research in computational mathematics and
scientific computing on advanced computing architectures with
application to a broad range of science and engineering problems of
national importance. Applicants must have or soon receive a Ph.D. in
applied/computational mathematics or related computational science and
engineering disciplines. Applicants must have less than three years
of postdoctoral experience. This appointment is for one year, with a
possible renewal for a second year, and includes a highly competitive
salary, moving expenses and a generous professional travel allowance.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Complete applications
received by January 6, 2014 will receive full consideration; the
position will remain open until filled.

For more information, including application instructions, please see
our web page at

Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V.


From: David Chappell [log in to unmask]
Date: November 04, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Marie Curie Fellow

A Marie Curie funded post-doctoral research role is available on the
Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways project Mid-to-high
frequency modelling of vehicle noise and vibration (MHiVec). MHiVec is
a collaborative project between Nottingham Trent University, the
University of Nottingham, the Institute of Sound and Vibration
Research at the University of Southampton, InuTech GmbH, CDH AG, and
Jaguar Land Rover. Candidates will be based at Nottingham Trent
University and expected to collaborate with both the academic and
industrial partners on the project. The salary will be £55,233 per
annum, plus a market rate supplement between £5,254 to £16,885.

The researcher will work on the development of new integral equation
methods for modelling vehicle body vibrations at high frequencies,
including the modelling of uncertain structures. Candidates will be
expected to have a PhD in a relevant discipline (mechanical
engineering, mathematics or physics), along with numerical programming
skills in at least one of MATLAB or C++, a good command of English and
an enthusiasm for working in an international and inter-disciplinary
research environment. Experience in the theory and implementation of
boundary integral methods is highly favourable. The position is on a
fixed-term contract for 20 months and would be ideally suited to a
highly promising early career researcher.

Applications should be made online via
before the deadline of 5pm on 1st December 2013.


From: Marie-Therese Wolfram [log in to unmask]
Date: October 29, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Math, RICAM, Linz

A new PhD position is available at the Johann Radon Institute for
Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM ) within the New Frontiers Group on
“Multi-scale modeling and simulation of crowded transport in the life
and social sciences". The applicant will work with Dr. Marie-Therese
Wolfram in the newly founded research group, which will start in the
beginning of 2014.

The aim of the advertised PhD project is to work on mathematical
modeling approaches for crowded motion in different applications like
pedestrian motion, cell dynamics or animal herding. The project will
focus on various modeling aspects as well as the analysis of the
derived mean field models. The PhD researcher will work in an
intra-disciplinary research team, compromising mathematical modeling,
analysis of partial differential equations and scientific
computing. The PhD position offers excellent opportunities to gain
experience in various aspects of applied mathematics and to work with
leading international experts in the field.

We are looking for a talented and self-motivated individual with a
solid background in mathematical modeling and partial differential
equations. Knowledge in numerical analysis and scientific computing is
desirable. An MSc degree in mathematics is mandatory.

The position is available from February 1, 2014 and will be offered
for a period of 3 years. The monthly gross salary is based on the
salary scale of the FWF and will be EUR 1955,8 (14 times per year).

Applicants should provide the following information: letter of
motivation, curriculum vitae, record of their university course work
and a PDF file of their master thesis. Interested candidates are
invited to send their application in a single PDF file directly to
[log in to unmask] until December 8, 2013.


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, UK Met Office

The Science Graduate School at the University of Bath is looking for
enthusiastic UK graduates wanting to do an exciting PhD in
Mathematics on the "Application of Multi-level Monte Carlo Methods
in Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling". This is an enhanced EPSRC CASE
Studentship in collaboration with the UK Met Office. EU Graduates
who have lived in the UK for 3 years can also apply.

The goal of this project is the application of multilevel Monte
Carlo methods (a novel variance reduction technique for stochastic
differential equations) to problems in atmospheric dispersion
modelling, such as the dispersion of a cloud of volcanic ash, or of
a smoke plume in an industrial fire. With your own implementation of
the method you will study the performance of the method for a range
of representative model problems from the Met Office. The aim is to
demonstrate and improve the effectiveness of the multilevel approach
in the atmospheric modelling context. As far as possible analytical
methods will also be employed to study the performance of the method
theoretically and to guide the design of efficient algorithms.
Depending on the success of the project, the method will eventually
be implemented in the Met Office’s operational model. For more
information see

We are looking for Maths graduates with a background in numerical
algorithms, numerical analysis, differential equations, and
computing, as well as an interest and basic knowledge of probability
theory. Alternatively, we also strongly encourage students with a
background in probability/statistics and a keen interest to expand
their studies to numerical analysis and computing to apply.

For more information please email [log in to unmask]


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: October 30, 2013
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 64(3)

Numerical Algorithms
Contents of Vol. 64, Issue 3

Two families of approximations for the gamma function, Lei Feng,
Weiping Wang

Neutralizing nearby singularities in numerical quadrature, Walter

Efficient Trefftz collocation algorithms for elliptic problems in
circular domains, A. Karageorghis

The reflexive least squares solutions of the matrix equation
$A_1X_1B_1+A_2X_2B_2+\cdots +A_lX_lB_l=C$ with a submatrix constraint,
Zhuohua Peng

A radial basis function method for solving PDE-constrained
optimization problems, John W. Pearson

On semi-convergence of modified HSS iteration methods, Fang Chen,
Qing-Quan Liu

A new triangular spectral element method I: implementation and
analysis on a triangle, Michael Daniel Samson , Huiyuan Li, Li-Lian

Unified majorizing sequences for Traub-type multipoint iterative
procedures, I. K. Argyros, D. Gonzalez

Low-rank approximation of integral operators by using the Green
formula and quadrature, Steffen Boerm, Jessica Gördes

End of Digest

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