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NADIGEST  October 2013, Week 4

NADIGEST October 2013, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 13, # 35


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:59:07 -0400





text/plain (1006 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 35

NA Digest  Tuesday, October 22, 2013  Volume 13 : Issue 35

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Mathematical Poetry
	Call for Nominations, 2014 SIAM Prizes, due November 15
	Aistleitner Wins the 2013 IBC Young Researcher Award
	New Book, Global Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
	Colloquium honoring Thomas Huckle, Germany, Nov 2013
	IMA Cryptography and Coding, UK, Dec 2013
	Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, USA, Apr 2014
	High Performance Computing Symposium, USA, Apr 2014
	PDEs on the Sphere, USA, Apr 2014
	SANUM, South Africa, Apr 2014
	European Finite Element Fair, Austria, May 2014
	IWASEP 10, Croatia, Jun 2014
	Adaptivity in the Numerical Solution of PDEs, Canada, Aug 2014
	SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, USA, Aug 2014
	NM2PorousMedia, Croatia, Oct 2014
	Faculty Position, Computer Science, Univ of Kentucky
	Faculty Position, Maseeh Professor, Portland State Univ
	Faculty Positions, Mathematics, Temple Univ
	Tenure Track Position, Statistics, Univ of Colorado Denver
	Tenure Track Positions, Math Sciences, U Texas at Dallas 
	Research Associate Position, SimLab Highly Scalable Fluids & Solids Eng
	Postdoc Position, Comp Modelling, Univ of Nottingham
	Postdoc Position, Wave Power harvesting, Technion, Israel
	Postdoc Positions, Comp Subsurface Modeling, Duke Univ
	Postdoc Positions, Czech Technical Univ, Prague
	Postdoc Positions, Medical Physics, UTSW Medical Center
	PhD Position, Multi-scale Simulation, KU Leuven, Belgium
	Expanded, Mathematics of Computation
	Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 18 (4)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Tim Davis [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Mathematical Poetry

It's been a while since I've written a mathematical poem, but NA
Digest readers might enjoy my latest one.  It's entitled
sum((0:10).^2)\11 : a Zero-based Least Squares Solution in 11 Fits:
a romantic-mathematical poem, wherein the kth Fit consists of k
vectors, each of length k.  In each Fit, vectors 1:k-1 rhyme with
k, and the final kth vector is terminated in k.


From: J. M. Littleton [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Call for Nominations, 2014 SIAM Prizes, due November 15

2014 SIAM Prizes: Open Calls for Nominations–due November 15

The following SIAM prizes will be awarded at the SIAM Annual
Meeting in 2014 and currently have open calls for nominations.
Please send nominations to the address given in each call.
Nominations are due NOVEMBER 15, 2013.  Send inquiries to
[log in to unmask]

Call for nominations:

Call for nominations:

Call for nominations:

Call for nominations:

Calls for nominations for these and other SIAM prizes can be
found at


From: Joseph Traub [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Aistleitner Wins the 2013 IBC Young Researcher Award

Christoph Aistleitner, Department of Analysis and Computational Number
Theory, Technische Universität, Graz, Austria, is the winner of the
2013 Information-Based Complexity Young Researcher Award.

The award is given for significant contributions to information-based
complexity by a young researcher who has not reached their 35th
birthday by September 30, the year of the award.

The award consists of $1000 and a plaque. The plaque will be presented
on a suitable occasion.


From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 18, 2013
Subject: New Book, Global Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

Announcing the October 14, 2013, publication by SIAM of:

Global Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
by Marco Locatelli and Fabio Schoen.

2013 / viii + 437 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611972-66-5 / List Price
$95.00 / MOS or SIAM Member Price $66.50 / MO15

This volume contains a thorough overview of the rapidly growing field
of global optimization, with chapters on key topics such as
complexity, heuristic methods, derivation of lower bounds for
minimization problems, and branch-and-bound methods and convergence.

The final chapter offers both benchmark test problems and applications
of global optimization, such as finding the conformation of a molecule
or planning an optimal trajectory for interplanetary space travel. An
appendix provides fundamental information on convex and concave

Global Optimization is intended for Ph.D. students, researchers, and
practitioners looking for advanced solution methods to difficult
optimization problems. It can be used as a supplementary text in an
advanced graduate-level seminar.

To order, or for more information about this and all SIAM books,
please visit


From: Jürgen Bräckle [log in to unmask]
Date: October 17, 2013
Subject: Colloquium honoring Thomas Huckle, Germany, Nov 2013

The Colloquium in honor of Thomas Huckle's 60th birthday will be held
in the Mathematics-Informatics building, TU Muenchen, Campus Garching,
Lecture Hall 2 on Friday, November 8th 2013.

If you would like to participate please register before October 23rd
by sending an e-mail to braeckle(at)

3:30 pm Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Dean:  Welcome Note
3:45 pm Florian Jarre, Duesseldorf: Semidefinite Programme,
        Einfuehrung und Ansaetze fuer hochdimensionale Probleme
4:30 pm Matthias Bolten, Wuppertal: Analysis of grid transfer
        operators for multigrid methods
5:00 pm Coffee Break
5:30 pm Oliver Ernst, Chemnitz: UQ for Groundwater Flow -- Uncertainty
        Propagation and Inversion for the WIPP Problem
6:15 pm Konrad Waldherr, Muenchen: Numerical (Multi-)Linear Approaches
        to Quantum Systems
6:45 pm Reception and Dinner

Chair: Tobias Weinzierl

For further informations please refer to our homepage:


From: Pam Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2013
Subject: IMA Cryptography and Coding, UK, Dec 2013

Tuesday 17 - Thursday 19 December 2013
St. Anne's College, Oxford


The mathematical theory and practice of cryptography and coding
underpins the provision of effective security and reliability for data
communication, processing and storage. Theoretical and practical
advances in the fields of cryptography and coding are therefore a key
factor in facilitating the growth of data communications and data
networks of various types. Thus, this fourteenth International
Conference in an established and successful IMA series on the theme of
"Cryptography and Coding" is both timely and relevant. Original
research papers on all technical aspects of cryptography and coding
were solicited for submission. The proceedings will be published in
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, and will be
available at the conference.

Registration is now open. To register, please download, complete and
return an Application Form either via e-mail, fax or by post from the
IMA conference webpage:

For further details on the conference, please visit

Alternatively, contact the IMA Conferences Department:
Contact: Lizzi Lake, Conference Officer, E-mail:
[log in to unmask], Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020


From: Annette Anthony [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2013
Subject: Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, USA, Apr 2014

The Thirteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
April 6 – April 11, 2014
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA

Student Competition Papers          January 10, 2014
Author Abstracts                    January 17, 2014
Early Registration                  March 6, 2014
Guaranteed Lodging                  March 4, 2014

HIGHLIGHTED TOPICS: Stochastic PDEs and Uncertainty Quantification;
Scale-free/Small World Graphs, Page Rank and Markov Chains; Multigrid
and Other Iterative Schemes on GPU & Multicore Architectures; Inverse
Problems and Regularization; Optimization of Complex Systems;
Nonlinear Solution Methods, Nonlinear Least-Squares; Multigrid
All-At-Once and Block Approaches to PDE Systems; Coupled Multi-Physics
Problems; Time-Parallel Algorithms; Krylov Accelerators; Hybrid
Direct-Iterative Linear Solvers; Iterative Methods in Challenging
Applications (e.g., Electromagnetics, Energy, Environmental, Data
Assimilation, MHD, Neutronics, Transport/Reaction, Chemical

Student Paper Competition.  Travel and lodging assistance will be
awarded to students and new PhDs judged to have submitted the best
research papers

Annette Anthony
[log in to unmask]
(480) 332-2026


From: Karl Rupp [log in to unmask]
Date: October 20, 2013
Subject: High Performance Computing Symposium, USA, Apr 2014

22nd High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'14)
Part of the SCS Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'14)
April 13-16, 2014 | Tampa, FL, USA

Paper submission due:       October  25, 2013
Notification of acceptance: December  6, 2013
Revised manuscript:         January   6, 2014

The 2014 Spring Simulation Multiconference will feature the 22nd High
Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2014), devoted to the impact of
high performance computing and communications on computer simulations.

Topics of interest include:
- High performance/large scale application case studies
- GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU)
- Multicore and many-core computing
- Power aware computing
- Cloud, distributed, and grid computing
- Asynchronous numerical methods and programming
- Hybrid system modeling and simulation
- Large scale visualization and data management
- Tools and environments for coupling parallel codes
- Parallel algorithms and architectures
- High performance software tools
- Resilience at the simulation level
- Component technologies for high performance computing


From: Peter Hjort Lauritzen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 21, 2013
Subject: PDEs on the Sphere, USA, Apr 2014

Please mark your calendars! The Workshop on solutions of partial
differential equations in spherical geometry (nickname "PDEs on the
sphere") will take place at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, during the week April 7-11,

The workshop URL is

Organizing committee:
Peter Hjort Lauritzen, Chairman, NCAR
David L. Williamson, NCAR
Paul A. Ullrich, Univ. of California, Davies
Jörn Behrens, Univ. of Hamburg, Germany
Hilary Weller, Univ. of Reading, UK
Ram D. Nair, NCAR
Beth A. Wingate, Univ. of Exeter, UK


From: JAC (Andre') Weideman [log in to unmask]
Date: October 22, 2013
Subject: SANUM, South Africa, Apr 2014

The 38th South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied Mathematics
(SANUM 2014) will be held at the University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, on 14, 15 and 16 April 2014.

More details are available on the conference web page:


From: Ilaria Perugia [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2013
Subject: European Finite Element Fair, Austria, May 2014

The 12th European Finite Element Fair (2014) will take place on May
30-31 2014, at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna,

For information, please visit the web page


From: Ivan Slapnicar [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2013
Subject: IWASEP 10, Croatia, Jun 2014

Intl. Workshop on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems X
(IWASEP X) Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2 - 5, 2014

Abstract Deadline: April 1, 2014.
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2014.

The original themes of this workshop arose in the intersection of two
fields, matrix eigenvalue/singular value computation, and, more
generally, fast and accurate matrix computation. Meanwhile, the scope
has expanded, and the organizers encourage submissions for
presentations or posters that relate to either of these two themes,
including large scale and nonlinear eigenvalue problems.  A prize will
be given for the best poster.

This is the tenth such workshop, whose purpose is to bring together
experts for four days of research presentations and discussions. This
workshop will be held in the Center for Advanced Academic Studies in

For more information:


From: Ronald Haynes [log in to unmask]
Date: October 17, 2013
Subject: Adaptivity in the Numerical Solution of PDEs, Canada, Aug 2014

"Adaptivity in the Numerical Solution of PDEs" Short Course +
Collaborative Workshop, organized by the Atlantic Association for
Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) Collaborative Research
Group in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Aug. 17, 2014 -
Aug. 22, 2014, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada.

The aim of this workshop is to provide an introduction to the state of
the art in theory and practical applications of adaptivity in
PDEs. The program will begin with a two-day short course, "Adaptive
Methods for the Numerical Solution of PDEs", given by Dr.  Weizhang
Huang (University of Kansas). The middle component of the program will
focus on presentations by researchers whose work may benefit from the
use of adaptive techniques for PDEs arising as mathematical models in
practical applications. The final segment of the program will feature
a workshop format in which breakout teams, consisting of graduate
students and postdoctoral fellows led by experts on theoretical or
computational aspects of adaptive methods for PDEs, will investigate
the process of introducing adaptive techniques into the numerical
simulations that arise in the applications identified earlier.  The
segment will also include several talks by researchers working in
adaptivity for PDEs.

The organizers invite participation by researchers in adaptivity for
PDEs, researchers working in applied PDEs whose work may benefit from
the use of adaptive methods for PDEs, and associated graduate students
and post docs. The program will have room for 5 - 8 talks by
researchers in application domains. For researchers in adaptive
methods for PDEs, the primary form of participation will be through
the collaborative workshop teams but there will also be room for a
limited number of talks.

Registration will be required. Some funding for graduate students will
be available.  Further details will be available at


From: Nicole Erle [log in to unmask]
Date: October 17, 2013
Subject: SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, USA, Aug 2014

Call for Papers Now Available!
SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (LS14)
Sheraton Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
August 4-7, 2014

The Call for Papers for this conference is now available.  Please
visit for more information.

January 6, 2014:  Minisymposium proposals
February 3, 2014: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

January 20, 2014: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMLS14

Contact SIAM Conference Department at [log in to unmask] with any
questions about the conference.


From: Amaziane [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2013
Subject: NM2PorousMedia, Croatia, Oct 2014

International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of
Flow and Transport in Porous Media (NM2PorousMedia-2014)
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 29 September-3 October 2014.

Topics of the conference: Numerical modeling, simulation, numerical
analysis of methods of flow and transport in porous media; Modeling,
analysis, and simulation of multiphase multicomponent compositional
flow in porous media; Discretization based on advanced finite element,
finite volume, or discontinuous Galerkin methods of flow and transport
in porous media; High performance computing for multiphase flows;
Mathematical modeling and analysis of flow and transport in porous
media; Multi-scale and/or adaptive algorithms for flow and transport
in porous media; Upscaling and/or homogenization; Advances in
pore-scale modeling and upscaling; Theory and computation of porous
media flows; Coupled models and domain decomposition in geosciences;
Non-equilibrium models for flows in porous media; Computational
methods in geophysical inverse problems; Mathematics and computation
in geosciences; Flow and transport simulation of oil reservoir
engineering, groundwater hydrology, geological storage of carbon
dioxide , deep geological repository for radioactive waste,
bioremediation, solid-fluid problems, diffusion in materials,
electromagnetic field applications, complex flow phenomena, and others

Invited Plenary Speakers: Grégoire Allaire, Peter Bastian, Zhangxing
(John) Chen, Yalchin Efendiev, Alexandre Ern, Arthur Moncorgé, Thomas
F. Russell, Gregory A. Chechkin	

- Deadline to submit an abstract: March 31, 2014.
- Deadline for registration: September 1st, 2014.


From: Jun Zhang [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Computer Science, Univ of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky Computer Science Department expects to hire
an Assistant Professor to begin employment in August of 2014.
Candidates must have earned a PhD in Computer Science or closely
related field at the time employment begins. Applications are now
being accepted. Review of credentials will begin immediately and
continue until the position is filled.

The department seeks to hire energetic researcher/educators who are
interested in the application of advanced computing to challenging and
relevant problems. Our faculty undertake interdisciplinary research,
working with other departments including statistics, biology,
linguistics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, and the
humanities. We therefore favor researchers who can collaborate to
solve problems involving multiple disciplines. All areas of computing
will be considered, but a focus area related to software systems, big
data, multimedia and/or imaging is preferred.  These areas tie to our
department's Laboratory for Advanced Networking, Center for
Visualization and Virtual Environments, and Software Engineering. It
is possible that the right candidate could be eligible for a named
professorship at this level.

To apply, a University of Kentucky Academic Profile must be submitted
at . For
more detailed information about this position, go to .

Questions should be directed to HR/Employment (phone 1-859-257-9555
press 2 or email ([log in to unmask]), or Diane Mier
([log in to unmask]) in the Computer Science Department.


From: Prof. Jeffrey S. Ovall [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Maseeh Professor, Portland State Univ

The Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites
applications for the Maseeh Professorship in Mathematical Sciences to
begin Fall 2014. The intent is to fill this faculty position at the
Associate Professor level with tenure or tenure track. However,
exceptional candidates at all levels will be seriously considered.

Address all materials to the Maseeh Professor Search Committee and
send (in PDF format) to [log in to unmask]

Consideration of Applications will begin December 1, 2013 and will
continue until the position is filled.

For more information about this position, as well as three others the
department seeks to fill, please visit


From: Daniel Szyld [log in to unmask]
Date: October 19, 2013
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematics, Temple Univ

The Department of Mathematics, Temple University is inviting
applications for positions at the rank of tenure-track Assistant
Professor. (In exceptional cases, more advanced ranks may be
considered.) Candidates should have outstanding potential.
Postdoctoral experience is expected.

Two preferred research areas for this search will be:
1. Applied and Computational Mathematics. Temple's College of Science
   and Technology is in the process of sustained growth in
   multidisciplinary modeling and computational science.
2. Algebra; including algebraic geometry, number theory,
   representation theory, and algebraic combinatorics.

Candidates engaged in interdisciplinary research are particularly
encouraged to apply.

Applications should include the standard AMS Cover Sheet for Academic
Employment, a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a statement about
current and future research, and a statement on teaching experience. A
complete application will also include at least three letters of
recommendation addressing research and one letter addressing
teaching. All application materials should be submitted via

Inquiries may be directed to [log in to unmask]

Review of applications will commence immediately. Applications
submitted before December 15 will receive full consideration.


From: Julien Langou [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Statistics, Univ of Colorado Denver

The Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the
University of Colorado Denver invites applications for a tenure-track
assistant professor in statistics, to start August 2014. We seek a
statistician who can strengthen existing research capabilities and
educational offerings in statistics and can capitalize on
opportunities afforded by our downtown Denver location and
collaborative relationships with the Anschutz Medical Campus (AMC),
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL). Candidates with interest and academic and
research records in statistical theory or problems involving
large/massive and complex data ("big data") are preferred. Further
preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated potential for
attracting external research funding and with research interests
compatible with present faculty research areas. In addition, an
interest in interacting with faculty in other research areas in the
department and/or University is desirable. The candidate will be
expected to develop a strong independent research program with
external funding, to teach a variety of courses at both the graduate
and undergraduate levels, and to supervise M.S. and Ph.D.
students. The regular teaching load is 4 undergraduate or graduate
courses per year, which may be reduced for an initial period. A
completed doctoral degree in statistics or a related area, or expected
completion by the start of the appointment, is required. The candidate
should have an excellent record in research in statistics commensurate
with the career stage, and strong commitment to quality teaching at
both undergraduate and graduate levels. Salary is commensurate with
skills and experience. The University of Colorado offers a full
benefits package. Information on University benefits programs,
including eligibility, is located at

Applications are accepted electronically at under job
posting F00774.  Review of applications will begin January 6, 2014 and
will continue until the position is filled.

The Department web page at can supply
further information.  Questions should be directed to Dr. Stephanie
Santorico, chair of the search committee, at
[log in to unmask]


From: Sue Minkoff [log in to unmask]
Date: October 15, 2013
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Math Sciences, U Texas at Dallas 

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Texas at
Dallas invites applications for up to five tenured or tenure-track
positions begining Fall 2014. The Department seeks to hire in the
following general areas:
1) One position in statistics/biostatistics
2) Up to two positions in mathematics with a preference for
   differential/algebraic/symplectic Geometry and allied fields.
3) Up to two positions in computational/applied mathematics

Candidates should have a PhD in mathematics, statistics or a closely
related field and a strong commitment to excellence in research and
teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who have shown the
ability or potential to interface and collaborate with current faculty
members in the Schools of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
Engineering and Computer Science, and Management at UTD. Salary will
be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applicants for the tenured or tenure-track positions will be judged
on their potential ability to meet following standards:
1) The ability to conduct high-quality graduate and undergraduate
   teaching in topics that provide breadth to current areas of
   strength in the department.
2) Outstanding research record or potential, and the potential for
   acquiring independent external funding.

Review of applicants will begin in November and continue until the
positions are filled. Indication of gender and ethnicity for
affirmative action statistical purposes is requested as part of the

Information about the department can be found at:

Applicants should provide the following information: Letter of
application, Curriculum vitae, Research statement, Teaching
statement, Examples of scholarly publications, Course evaluations
if available, A comprehensive record of external funding, and three
letters of recommendation (candidates for tenured positions, please
include the contact information of an additional three references)
via the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM available at


From: Michaela Bleuel [log in to unmask]
Date: October 15, 2013
Subject: Research Associate Position, SimLab Highly Scalable Fluids & Solids Eng

In the "Simulation Laboratory (SimLab) Highly Scalable Fluids & Solids
Engineering", software tools have to be developed which ensure an
efficient use of such computers for highly parallel engineering
applications. The SimLab aims at supporting users of the engineering
sciences who have already developed parallel codes which, however, do
not scale to thousands of cores, yet. Examples are finite-volume,
finite-element, and finite-difference methods which are based on block
structured body fitted meshes and/or unstructured grids. These methods
developed at RWTH Aachen University are used to investigate problems
in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, aeroelasticity, and combustion.

We are looking for employees with knowledge of codes for fluid and/or
structure simulation who are also familiar with the required software
engineering approaches for highly parallel computing. These comprise
e.g. knowledge of hybrid shared-memory/distributed-memory programming
in C++ and Fortran 90, know-how of effective communication paradigms,
and experience with program analysis tools such as Vampir or Scalasca.

We expect applicants to have a degree in engineering sciences,
computer sciences, or applied mathematics. The successful candidate
has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree. The position is for a
fixed term of 2 years with a salary according to TVL/E-13.

Please submit your application before November 15, 2013, to
Michaela Bleuel
JARA-HPC, RWTH Aachen University
Schinkelstrasse 2
D-52062 Aachen
[log in to unmask]


From: Matthew Hubbard [log in to unmask]
Date: October 18, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Comp Modelling, Univ of Nottingham

Applications are invited for the above post to work with Dr Matthew
Hubbard on an EPSRC-funded project entitled “Improving Patient Outcome
by Integrating the Generic with the Personal”. The successful
applicant will also collaborate closely with academic partners on the
project at Cranfield University, Imperial College London, Queen's
University Belfast and the University of Stirling.

Cancer is one of the top two healthcare challenges and, increasingly,
the emphasis in cancer care is on treatment by combinations of
surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, no tools yet exist
for the planning and timing of combination therapies in a manner
analogous to clinical radiotherapy planning.  Computational and
mathematical modelling techniques are becoming well-established for
investigating individual components of cancer care, e.g. drug
delivery, radiation, tumour response, and the overall aim of this
multidisciplinary project is to develop a multiscale, mathematical and
computational, framework for predicting the effect of combination
therapy. The position will be based in the Scientific Computation
Group, which Dr Hubbard will shortly be joining, and the successful
applicant will develop fast, accurate and robust computational
algorithms for the simulation of drug delivery and tumour response to
therapeutic strategies. The underlying mathematical models will be
developed in collaboration with the other project sites, and
underpinned by bespoke experimental assays carried out at Imperial
College London.

This full-time position is available from 1 January 2014 and will be
offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of 36 months.

The full advertisement and details of how to apply can be found at


From: Miky Stiassnie [log in to unmask]
Date: October 21, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Wave Power harvesting, Technion, Israel

Postdoctoral Position in Wave Power harvesting

A new postdoctoral position is available at the department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering of the Technion, Israel Institute of
Technology, in Haifa.

The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work with Prof. Michael
Stiassnie on a project entitled: "Harvesting wave power in deep stormy

The study involves the mutual interaction of wind, waves, and floating
structures; and is a four years research initiative funded by the
Israel Science foundation, started on Oct. 1st 2013.

The suitable candidate must have a PhD degree in Science or
Engineering, which was obtained within the last five years; as well as
an extensive experience in the study of water waves.

The chosen candidate will receive a scholarship of about 2000 euro per
month, payable in Israeli Shekel. The initial appointment is for one
year with possible extensions.

Interested candidates should address their application to Miky
Stiassnie at: [log in to unmask]
And include their CV.


From: Guglielmo Scovazzi [log in to unmask]
Date: October 18, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Comp Subsurface Modeling, Duke Univ

Post-doctoral positions are available at Duke University, in the area
of computational subsurface modeling within the research group of
Prof. Guglielmo Scovazzi, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
( ).  Competitive
salaries, benefits, and travel to conferences are part of the job
offer. The starting date for the appointments is as soon as January
2014. Positions are available for one to two years with possible
extensions based on satisfactory progress of research work.
Candidates with strong background in computational mechanics and/or
simulation of subsurface porous media flows are highly encouraged to
apply. Strong skills in the C++ language, Linux/Unix computing
architectures, parallel (MPI/OpenMPI) programming, and large scale
computing are also sought.

Multiple projects are available, including: 1) High-fidelity
discontinuous Galerkin methods for porous media flows. 2) Advanced
hybridization and variational multiscale strategies for improving
performance of discontinuous Galerkin methods. 3) Transient dynamics
algorithms for simulation of geologic formations.

Targeted applications are: 1) Viscous fingering in
saturated/unsaturated porous flow, in connection to enhanced oil
recovery and carbon sequestration problems. 2) Variable density porous
media flows in saturated aquifers, in connection to saltwater
intrusion problems in coastal hydrology. 3) Geologic analysis of the
formation of salt beds.

If interested, please reply by email to [log in to unmask]
attaching in a single PDF file:
1. A cover letter/letter of interest.
2. A CV, which should also describe, in a few brief paragraphs, past
activities, research interests, and the impact/value of the
candidate’s prior work.
3. A list of relevant publications (pre-prints are also acceptable).
4. The contact information of three professional references.


From: Jan Zeman [log in to unmask]
Date: October 18, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Czech Technical Univ, Prague

The Czech Technical University in Prague - University Center for
Energy Efficient Buildings, offers two postdoctoral positions in
computational modeling of materials and structures.

Specific topics include

1. Advanced design and evaluation procedures of complex material
experiments, Mentors: Zdeněk Bittnar and Anna Kučerová (e-mail:
[log in to unmask])

2. Development of BIM-based advanced simulation tools
Mentor: Bořek Patzák ([log in to unmask])

Additional details are available at

Interested candidates are invited to send their applications directly
to the relevant mentor, using the e-mail address provided above, no
later than 1 December 2013.


From: Xuejun Gu [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Medical Physics, UTSW Medical Center

Multiple postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the
Division of Medical Physics and Engineering, Department of Radiation
Oncology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW), for
individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in medical
physics. The research topics are the development of advanced photon-,
proton-, or heavy charged particle-based cancer radiotherapy
techniques. Specific problems cover all major research topics in
cancer radiotherapy, including image processing, radiation dose
calculation, and treatment plan optimization. A Ph.D. in physics,
engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, or related
disciplines is required. Strong programming skill is
essential. Knowledge in medical physics and high-performance computing
is desired. The candidate should also demonstrate excellent written
and communication skills.

The postdoctoral positions at UTSW are full-time research
positions. Initial appointment will be for one year with renewable
appointments for subsequent years. The successful candidates, if
interested, will also be eligible for basic clinical medical physics
training and a tuition fee waiver for the enrollment into a didactic
certificate program whose curriculum covers the essential medical
physics didactic elements for individuals entering the medical physics
profession through an alternative pathway.

Interested candidates should e-mail a CV to
Lori Zurita, Division Administrator
Division of Medical Physics & Engineering
Department of Radiation Oncology
UT Southwestern Medical Center
5801 Forest Park Rd., NE3.200
Dallas, TX 75390-8542
E-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: Dirk Roose [log in to unmask]
Date: October 15, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, Multi-scale Simulation, KU Leuven, Belgium

The research group Scientific Computing, dept. of Computer Science, KU
Leuven invites applications for a PhD position on "Multi-scale
simulation algorithms and software".

The aim of the PhD research project is to develop new multi-scale
numerical methods and algorithms for solving large scale problems
appearing in modelling deformation of metals. The project will explore
new means of coupling the Finite Element Method with micro-mechanical
models in a computationally efficient way. It will also contribute to
an existing hierarchical multi-scale software framework for the
simulation of metal forming processes.

The PhD researcher will work in a multi-disciplinary research team,
comprising computer scientists, applied mathematicians and material
scientists. The PhD position offers excellent opportunity to gain
expertise in various aspects of scientific computing
(incl. mathematical modelling, high performance computing, scientific
software engineering, coupling physics-based models, etc.) and
computational engineering (incl. advanced applications of commercial
PDE solvers, exploitation of HPC in large scale problems etc.). The
PhD researcher will also acquire complementary knowledge in other
research fields represented in the team.

The candidate must have an MSc degree and a background in at least one
of the following areas: high performance scientific computing;
computational mechanics; computational materials science; scientific
software engineering.

More information can be found on where you can
also find a link to the webform to be used to apply for the position.

Closing date: 15th November 2013, please apply as soon as possible.
First possible starting date: 1st December 2013.


From: Peter B. Sykes [log in to unmask]
Date: October 18, 2013
Subject: Expanded, Mathematics of Computation

The American Mathematical Society journal "Mathematics of Computation"
will now contain 25% more content.  This peer-reviewed journal boasts
articles of the highest quality in the field of computational
mathematics. Thanks to a rise in outstanding submissions, we are
increasing the number of pages from 2,400 to 3,000 per year. This
increase will keep readers up to date on the latest articles in
numerical analysis, computational number theory and algebra, and
related fields.

To learn more about this journal, go to


From: Romas Baronas [log in to unmask]
Date: October 16, 2013
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 18 (4)

Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 18, Number 4, 2013

A free on-line edition is available at:


Pulsating flow of an incompressible micropolar fluid between permeable
beds, pp.  399–411, Punnamchandar Bitla, Telikicherla Kandala
Venkatacharyulu Iyengar

Numerical solution of nonlinear elliptic equation with nonlocal
condition, pp. 412–426, Regimantas Ciupaila, Mifodijus Sapagovas, Olga

Weaker cyclic (φ, ϕ)-contractive mappings with an application to
integro-differential equations, pp. 427–443, Hemant Kumar Nashine,
Zoran Kadelburg

A survey of models for inference of gene regulatory networks,
pp. 444–465, Blagoj Ristevski

Common fixed point theorems on non-complete partial metric spaces,
pp. 466–475, Shaban Sedghi, Nabi Shobkolaei, Ishak Altun

Multi-objective optimization aided to allocation of vertices in
aesthetic drawings of special graphs, pp. 476–492, Audrius Varoneckas,
Antanas Zilinskas, Julius Zilinskas

Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a singular system of
higher-order nonlinear fractional differential equations with integral
boundary conditions, pp. 493–518 Lin Wang, Xingqiu Zhang, Xinyi Lu

A note on the max-sum equivalence of randomly weighted sums of
heavy-tailed random variables, pp. 519–525, Yang Yang, Kaiyong Wang,
Remigijus Leipus, Jonas Siaulys

Spatiotemporal chaos in Arnold coupled logistic map lattice,
pp. 526–541, Ying-Qian Zhang, Xing-Yuan Wang

End of Digest

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