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NADIGEST  October 2013, Week 4

NADIGEST October 2013, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 13, # 36


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 28 Oct 2013 10:57:43 -0400





text/plain (651 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 36

NA Digest  Monday, October 28, 2013  Volume 13 : Issue 36

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Edinburgh Mathematical Laboratory 100th Anniversary
	Call for Nominations, Stephen Smale Prize
	14th European AD Workshop, UK, Dec 2013
	Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2013
	Stanford SVG70 Meeting, USA, Jan 2014
	Engineer Position, HPC Scientist, MSC Software
	Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Purdue
	Professor Position, Statistics, Arizona State Univ
	Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, UNC-Chapel Hill
	Faculty Position, Mathematical Biology, Iowa State Univ
	Postdoc Fellowship, Univ College London
	Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Imperial College London
	Postdoc Position, NA/Scientific Computing, Warwick, UK
	Postdoc Positions, HPC for Life Sciences
	PhD Position, Finite Element Simulation, Univ of Guelph, Canada
	PhD Positions, KU Leuven
	Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 13 (4)
	Contents, Journal of Complexity, 30 (1)

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From: Joseph Grcar [log in to unmask]
Date: October 22, 2013
Subject: Edinburgh Mathematical Laboratory 100th Anniversary

This month is the 100th anniversary of what was likely the earliest
academic program in Computational Science and Engineering, the
Edinburgh Mathematical Laboratory (EML).

EML was established when Edmund Whittaker took the mathematics chair
at Edinburgh in 1913. As the former royal astronomer of Ireland,
Whittaker's appointment illustrates the dominance of astronomy in
mathematics though the turn of the 20th century. Whittaker's interest
in astronomy, and the need for calculation in astronomy, fit well with
a faculty who had recently lost both Peter Guthrie Tait, the
collaborator of William Thomson (the two were known as T and T'), and
also Edward Sang, a calculator of mathematical tables (to 26 places,

The mathematics laboratory was inaugurated in October, 1913 at a
colloquium of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Whittaker
demonstrated a calculation for astronomy in the laboratory's large
classroom, which seated eighty people at special computing desks.  The
next colloquium in 1914 coincided with the tercentenary of the
invention of logarithms by arguably Edinburgh's most famous son, John
Napier. His logarithms are the oldest modern mathematics, and note,
they are computational mathematics. The exhibition catalog describes a
huge collection of computing paraphernalia with some items from the
EML that suggest what else may have been in the computing classroom:
books of tables, calculating machines (Brunsviga, Millionaire, etc.),
computing forms for harmonic analysis, models of curves and surfaces,
and a pantograph.

Edinburgh University made an effort to promote the EML. A curriculum
emphasizing calculations in astronomy was announced in at least one
foreign (German) journal. The laboratory invited researchers,
solicited students, and offered degrees up to the D.Sc. Six EML books
including four texts for courses were published in 1915 to positive
reviews.  There is no further mention of the EML, which may have been
an indirect casualty of the first World War. A course entitled
"mathematical laboratory" was taught at Edinburgh from about 1920
until 1960 when the name was changed to "numerical analysis".


From: Antonella Zanna [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2013
Subject: Call for Nominations, Stephen Smale Prize

The second Stephen Smale Prize will be awarded in the meeting
Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) in Montevideo in
December 2014,

Nominations should be sent to FoCM secretary Antonella Zanna at:

[log in to unmask]
Deadline: 24:00 (GMT), March 10, 2014

Full announcement of prize here: .

The Society for the Foundations of Computational Mathematics was
created in the summer of 1995, following the month-long meeting in
Park City, Utah, which was principally organized by Steve Smale. The
Park City meeting aimed, in Smale's words from the preliminary
announcement, “to strengthen the unity of mathematics and numerical
analysis, and to narrow the gap between pure and applied mathematics."
Smale's vision has been the Society's inspiration for all these
years. The journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics was
created, several colloquia and research semesters were organized and
international conferences are held every three years. After fifteen
years of existence, with an established and recognized position in the
scientific community, the Society has created the "Stephen Smale
Prize" whose objective is to recognize the work of a young
mathematician in the areas at the heart of the society's interests and
to help to promote his or her integration among the leaders of the
scientific community. The first Stephen Smale Prize was awarded at the
Budapest meeting in 2011 to Snorre H. Christiansen.


From: Patrick Farrell [log in to unmask]
Date: October 25, 2013
Subject: 14th European AD Workshop, UK, Dec 2013

The 14th European AD Workshop
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
December 9--10, 2013

This two day workshop is the fourteenth in the series of the EuroAD
Automatic Differentiation workshops, which take place twice a year.
These workshops provide a forum for the presentation of theoretical
developments in and applications of Automatic Differentiation (AD) and
adjoint methods. The workshop is informal and presentations on
subjects such as work in progress, problem areas for AD, or possible
application areas, as well as completed work are welcome. We
particularly encourage PhD students and those new to the field to
attend and present their work.  The workshop is hosted by the
Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford.

Registration: If you are willing to present or participate, please
register on

If you would like to give a 25-minute talk, please send a title and
abstract to [log in to unmask] by November 25th, 2013.


From: Bert de Jong [log in to unmask]
Date: October 25, 2013
Subject: Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, USA, Dec 2013

We are pleased to announce that the Bay Area Scientific Computing Day
(BASCD) will be hosted by LBNL on December 11, 2013.

BASCD is an annual one-day meeting focused on fostering interactions
and collaborations between researchers in the fields of scientific
computing and computational science and engineering from the San
Francisco Bay Area.  The event provides junior researchers a venue to
present their work to the local community, and for the Bay Area
scientific and computational science and engineering communities at
large to interchange views on today’s multidisciplinary computational
challenges and state-of-the-art developments.

The speakers at this year’s meeting are Kevin Carlberg (Sandia), Erin
Carson (UC Berkeley), Lixin Ge (SLAC), Jeff Irion (UC Davis), Lex
Kemper (LBNL), Christian Linder (Stanford University), Ding Lu (UC
Davis), Ali Mani (Stanford University), François-Henry Rouet (LBNL),
Cindy Rubio-Gonzalez (UC Berkeley), Khachik Sargsyan (Sandia) and
Samuel Skillman (SLAC).

This year we will have a combined lunch and poster session. If you are
interested in presenting a poster, please indicate this during
registration.The schedule, registration, and the title and abstract of
the speakers are available on the BASCD website:

Please distribute this announcement to others who may be
interested. Looking forward to seeing you all at the 2013 Bay Area
Scientific Computing Day on December 11, 2013 at LBNL.


From: David Gleich [log in to unmask]
Date: October 27, 2013
Subject: Stanford SVG70 Meeting, USA, Jan 2014

The SVG70 Meeting, Stanford University
January 25, 2014 - All day.

Registration is now open for the SVG70 Meeting, which will celebrate
the birthdays and accomplishments of Michael Saunders, Jim Varah, and
Alan George. The one-day workshop on numerical linear algebra and
optimization will be followed by a banquet dinner.

Space is limited and registration closes on December 15th.

For registration and other details, see

Confirmed invited speakers:

Iain Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
John Gilbert (UC Santa Barbara)
Philip Gill (UC San Diego)
Joseph Grcar
Anne Greenbaum (University of Washington)
Scott MachLachlan (Tufts University)
Dominique Orban (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
Michael Overton (New York University)
Chris Paige (McGill University)


From: Travis Austin [log in to unmask]
Date: October 25, 2013
Subject: Engineer Position, HPC Scientist, MSC Software

MSC Software, based in Newport Beach, CA, has an opening for a 
Development Engineer 3 and/or 4 - HPC Scientist.  The HPC Scientist 
will create innovative parallel methods and implementations providing 
an overall speedup to company-wide products.  We are particularly 
interested in job candidates with experience in solving large complex 
eigenvalue problems.

This role is part of a distributed and highly collaborative team of 
motivated HPC Scientists driven to create the fastest HPC solutions 
possible. The successful candidate will be involved in reviewing 
parallel method proposals from fellow group members for merit and 
estimating time for development. Initial focus will be on the 
development of innovative eigenvalue solvers with additional focus on 
assisting in accelerating existing sparse direct and iterative 
solution methods.   

Please go to and 
refer to Job ID 1652.


From: JIE SHEN [log in to unmask]
Date: October 22, 2013
Subject: Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Purdue

The Department of Mathematics at Purdue University invites
applications for an appointment at the rank of tenured full professor
to fill the newly endowed Andris A.  Zoltners Professorship in
Mathematics. A Ph.D. (or its equivalent) in mathematics or a closely
related field is required. The target area is applied mathematics. We
are expecting applications from candidates with an outstanding record
of research accomplishment, internationally recognized stature,
credentials suitable for immediate nomination as a Distinguished
Professor, and great potential for future work.

Direct all inquiries to [log in to unmask] Review of applications
will begin immediately, and applications will be considered on a
continuing basis until the position is filled.


From: Kyle Rader [log in to unmask]
Date: October 22, 2013
Subject: Professor Position, Statistics, Arizona State Univ

Associate or full Professor (JOB# 10571)
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Arizona State University

The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at
Arizona State University invites applications for a tenured or
tenure-track position as associate or full professor in statistics
or applied statistics beginning in fall 2014. Rank and tenure will
be commensurate with experience.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in the mathematical or
statistical sciences with a research emphasis in statistics and/or
its applications to other disciplines and an outstanding record of
excellence in research and teaching at the graduate and
undergraduate levels.

Applications must be submitted online through

All applications must include the following:
1. Cover letter
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Personal statement addressing the candidate's research program
4. Statement of teaching and service/administrative experience
5. At least four names and e-mail addresses of experts who would be
   willing to serve as referees on the candidate's research, teaching
   and service (the referees will be contacted later for letters for
   those candidates who pass through an initial screening).

The application deadline is December 10, 2013; if not filled, every
two weeks thereafter until the search is closed.

Informal inquiries may be sent to Al Boggess, Director of SoMSS
([log in to unmask]).


From: Boyce Griffith [log in to unmask]
Date: October 25, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, UNC-Chapel Hill

The Department of Mathematics of the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill invites applications for a tenure track position in
applied mathematics at the assistant professor level starting on July
1, 2014. Candidates are sought to enhance the interdisciplinary focus
of the applied mathematics research group. We specifically seek
applicants who will work to establish an externally funded research
program that actively collaborates with researchers in the biological,
computer, environmental, medical, physical, or social sciences. A
Ph.D. or equivalent degree is required, and some postdoctoral
experience, outstanding research promise, and dedication to excellent
teaching are expected.

To be considered for this position, applicants must apply online by
December 1, 2013 both at:

and also at:

Further information is available at, and
specific questions can be referred to Roberto Camassa at
[log in to unmask]

The University of North Carolina is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


From: Michael Smiley [log in to unmask]
Date: October 23, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Mathematical Biology, Iowa State Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Iowa State University invites
applications for a position at the assistant or associate professor
level beginning August 16, 2014.  The Department is seeking a
candidate with research expertise in the application of mathematics to
the biological sciences, and demonstrated excellence in teaching.  For
more detailed information about the position and application
requirements, interested candidates should consult the

Department's web page:


From: Timo Betcke [log in to unmask]
Date: October 22, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship, Univ College London

The Department of Mathematics at University College London invites
applications from outstanding postdoctoral researchers for the
Clifford Fellowship in Mathematics. This is a new 3-year developmental
research fellowship at UCL available from August 2014 for talented
mathematicians. Candidates should, allowing for career and other
breaks, have less than four years postdoctoral research experience in
an academic environment.

The successful candidate is expected to undertake high standard
research in pure or applied mathematics leading to conference
presentations and publications in leading journals, and to contribute
to the research environment of the department through interaction with
staff and students. A limited amount of teaching at undergraduate
level will be expected.

Application closing date is 1 December 2013. Interviews are planned
for January 2014.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Robb McDonald,
Head of Department tel. +44 (0)20-7679-2853, email:
[log in to unmask], Professor Valery Smyshlyaev, Head of
Applied Mathematics tel. +44 (0)20-7679-3854, email:
[log in to unmask], or Professor Leonid Parnovski, Head of Pure
Mathematics tel. +44 (0)20-7679-2847, email: [log in to unmask]

Further details are available at:


From: Colin Cotter [log in to unmask]
Date: October 28, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Imperial College London

A three year postdoc position is available at the Department of
Mathematics, Imperial College London, under the supervision of Dr
Colin Cotter who has recently been appointed there. The position is
funded from a NERC-funded project on understanding how discretisation
error and model error around under-resolved fronts can effect the
prediction of the large scale circulation in numerical weather
prediction models. This project is in collaboration with Prof Mike
Cullen at the UK Met Office.

This project is at the interface between numerical analysis and
geophysical fluid dynamics and we are inviting candidates with
expertise in one or (preferably) both of these areas.

A link to the application form, together with a detailed job
description and person specification, for the position is given below:


From: Andreas Dedner [log in to unmask]
Date: October 27, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA/Scientific Computing, Warwick, UK

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in
Numerical Analyis/Modelling/Scientific Computing to work with Dr.
A. Dedner (University of Warwick, Mathematics), Prof S. Arridge (UCL
Centre for Medical Image Computing) and Dr T. Betcke (UCL Mathematics)
on schemes for coupling finite element and boundary element methods
(FEM+BEM) with applications to medical imaging. The aim is to combine
two existing packages (DUNE and BEM++), building a powerful software
platform for solving a wide range of problems involving
discretizations on surfaces and in bulk domains using HPC
facilities. This is part of a large interdisciplinary group,
researching finite element and boundary element methods, their
application and implementation. The group involves both experts in
FEM/BEM and in Electrical Impedance Tomography, Ultrasound and Optical
Tomography, including industrial collaboration.

Key Requirements:
The Research Associate will contribute to the development of the
methods and their implementation for large-scale problems on high
performance computing facilities. A strong background in mathematics,
scientific computing or related areas is required. In particular,
candidates should have experience with finite and/or boundary element
methods. Software development experience in C++ is essential.

Further Details:


From: Karl Meerbergen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 27, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, HPC for Life Sciences

KU Leuven (Karl Meerbergen) and University of Antwerp (Wim Vanroose)
have three postdoctoral research positions for a joint research
project on high performance computing for Life Sciences. The project
is funded in part by Intel and Johnson&Johnson pharmaceuticals. The
topic of the research is the development of HPC algorithms for the
solution of ODEs/PDEs with stochastic parameters with the aim to
improve the efficiency of parameter estimation problems from the
pharmaceutical industry.

The successful candidate should be interested in high performance
computing, inverse problems, high dimensional numerical integration
and parametric model order reduction and is expected to have expertise
in at least one of these themes. In addition, the interested candidate
should be willing to develop code in C++. The researchers will work in
close collaboration with both teams from Leuven and Antwerp and
scientists from Johnson&Johnson and Intel.  Part of the time will be
spent in the ExaScience lab in Leuven, an interdisciplinary lab on
software, bio-statistics, bio-informatics and hardware simulation. The
initial contract is for one year with a possible extension after
positive evaluation.

Candidates should send their CV with full list of publication to
[log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]


From: Marcus Garvie [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, Finite Element Simulation, Univ of Guelph, Canada

A PhD position is offered in the Department of Mathematics &
Statistics at the University of Guelph, Ontario Canada, see

The application area is mathematical ecology, in particular,
metapopulation dynamics, which will combine theoretical techniques
from Reaction Diffusion Equations (systems of Partial Differential
Equations (PDEs)), the Finite Element Method (a numerical method for
solving PDEs), and Scientific Computing. The project will involve the
modeling, simulation and analysis of fully spatially structured
metapopulation dynamics, with the ultimate goal of contributing to our
understanding of the conservation of species in fragmented habitats.

The PhD researcher will work in a department of applied mathematicians
with outstanding expertise in mathematical biology. The PhD position
offers excellent opportunity to gain expertise in computational
mathematics (e.g. the Finite Element Method), scientific computing
(e.g., MATLAB, commercial PDE solvers), Partial Differential
Equations, and Applied Mathematics in general.

The candidate must have an MSc degree in an appropriate area of
Applied Mathematics, or Computational Mathematics / Numerical
Analysis. The candidate should be a landed immigrant of Canada
(i.e. Permanant Resident) or be fully self funded, have excellent
writing skills, and be willing to learn some rigorous mathematics in
addition to applications. Good programming skills is an advantage.

Interested candidates will need to make a formal application via . Further information
about the application procedure can be obtained from the graduate
secretary Susan McCormick ([log in to unmask]).

The advisor is Prof. M.R. Garvie, see
from whom further details can be obtained concerning the research

Closing date: February 15, 2014. Please apply as soon as possible.
Starting date: Fall 2014 (early September).


From: Wim Michiels [log in to unmask]
Date: October 26, 2013
Subject: PhD Positions, KU Leuven

PhD positions "Computational methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems
and eigenvalue optimization, with applications in control and
structural dynamics"

Nonlinear eigenvalue problems of a high current interest,primarily in
numerical linear algebra and scientific computing (e.g. in the context
of solving partial differential equations). Important developments
have also taken place in engineering, in particular systems and
control, and in physics.

The Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Section of KU Leuven
has recently gained key expertise on iterative methods for solving
eigenvalue problems that are nonlinear in the eigenvalue parameter.
The aim of the PhD research is to advance the state-of-the-art in two
complementary direction. The first one is on eigenvalue
optimization. The optimization problems stem from the analysis of
eigenvalue problems with uncertainty and from the synthesis of
controller or design parameters. Applications are mainly envisaged in
systems and control and in structural dynamics, in the framework of
the Optimization in Engineering Centre OPTEC. The second direction is
on computing and optimizing eigenvalues where the nonlinearity is not
only in the eigenvalue but also in the eigenvector. The eigenvector
nonlinearity can be inherent to the problem, as in quantum physics
problems, but may also arise in computational schemes for solving
matrix distance problems.

More information about the positions and application instructions can
be found at


From: Piotr Matus [log in to unmask]
Date: October 24, 2013
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 13 (4)


The Contribution of Piotr Matus to Computational Mathematics,
Lemeshevsky, Sergey / Sherbaf, Almas / Vabishchevich, Petr; pp.

On 3D DDFV Discretization of Gradient and Divergence Operators:
Discrete Functional Analysis Tools and Applications to Degenerate
Parabolic Problems, Andreianov, Boris / Bendahmane, Mostafa / Hubert,
Florence; pp. 369-410

Rolf Dieter Grigorieff. Applications of Functional Analysis, Emmrich,
Etienne / Hoppe, Ronald H. W. / Kornhuber, Ralf; pp. 411- 414

Sparse Optimal Control of the Schlögl and FitzHugh–Nagumo Systems,
Casas, Eduardo / Ryll, Christopher / Tröltzsch, Fredi; pp. 415-442

Operator Differential-Algebraic Equations Arising in Fluid Dynamics,
Emmrich, Etienne / Mehrmann, Volker; pp. 443-470

A Second Order Approximation for Quasilinear Non-Fickian Diffusion
Models,	Ferreira, José A. / Gudiño, Elias / de Oliveira, Paula;
pp. 471-494

A Short Theory of the Rayleigh–Ritz Method, Yserentant, Harry;
pp. 495-502

For more information, please, visit .

All CMAM ahead of print papers can be viewed at .


From: Joseph Traub [log in to unmask]
Date: October 25, 2013
Subject: Contents, Journal of Complexity, 30 (1)

Journal of Complexity
Volume 30, Issue 1, February 2014



- Christoph Aistleitner Wins the 2013 Information-Based Complexity
  Young Researcher Award
- Nominations for 2014 Information-Based Complexity Young Researcher


Compressed sensing with sparse binary matrices: Instance optimal error
guarantees in near-optimal time, M. Iwen

A Lower Bound for the Discrepancy of a Random Point Set, B. Doerr

The Cost of Deterministic, Adaptive, Automatic Algorithms: Cones, Not
Balls, N. Clancy, Y. Ding, C. Hamilton, F. Hickernell, Y. Zhang

Level permutation method for constructing uniform designs under the
wrap-around L2 discrepancy 1, G. Xu, J. Zhang, Y. Tang

Quasi-Polynomial Tractability of Linear Problems in the Average Case
Setting, X. Guiqiao

Weighted discrepancy and numerical integration in function spaces,
H. Triebel

On lower bounds for integration of multivariate permutation-invariant
functions, M. Weimar

Construction of Uniform Designs Without Replications, B. Jiang, M. Ai

End of Digest

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