Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 34
NA Digest Monday, October 14, 2013 Volume 13 : Issue 34
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]
Today's Topics:
Call for Nominations, 2014 SIAM Prizes, Due October 15
New Book, Linear and Nonlinear Functional Analysis with Applications
New Book, Mimetic Discretization Methods
Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Oct-Nov 2013
MCQMC2014, Belgium, Apr 2014
CS2014: Curves and Surfaces, France, Jun 2014
Householder Symposium, Belgium, Jun 2014
ICFDA 2014 Special Session, Italy, Jun 2014
Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, UK, Aug 2014
Group Leader Position, Statistical Inverse Problems, Biophysics
Faculty Position, Computational Math, Emory Univ
Faculty Position, Computer Science, Clemson Univ
Faculty Position, Numerical Analysis, Laval Univ, Quebec
Faculty Positions, Math. City Univ of HK
Professor Position, Numercal Analysis, Univ of Geneva
Tenure Track Position, Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Researcher Position, Parallel Computing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Postdoc Positions, Lab for Information & Inference Systems, EPFL
Postdoc Positions, School of Computing, Clemson Univ
PhD Position, Large-Scale Discont Finite Elements, ICES, UT
PhD Position, Model Reduction for Bayesian Inversions, ICES, UT
New Journal, Special Matrices, De Gruyter/Versita
Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 57 (2)
Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 20 (4)
Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 20 (5)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: J. M. Littleton [log in to unmask]
Date: October 11, 2013
Subject: Call for Nominations, 2014 SIAM Prizes, Due October 15
2014 SIAM Prizes - Open Calls for Nominations
The following SIAM prizes will be awarded at the SIAM Annual Meeting
in 2014 and currently have open calls for nominations. Please send
nominations to the address given in each call. Nominations are due
OCTOBER 15, 2013. Send inquiries to [log in to unmask]
Call for nominations:
Call for nominations:
Call for nominations:
Call for nominations:
Calls for nominations for these and other SIAM prizes can be
found at
From: Bruce Bailey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2013
Subject: New Book, Linear and Nonlinear Functional Analysis with Applications
Announcing the October 9, 2013, publication by SIAM of:
Linear and Nonlinear Functional Analysis with Applications, by
Philippe G. Ciarlet
2013 / xiv + 832 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611972-58-0 /
List Price $98.00 / SIAM Member Price $68.60 / Order Code OT130
This single-volume textbook covers the fundamentals of linear and
nonlinear functional analysis, illustrating most of the basic theorems
with numerous applications to linear and nonlinear partial
differential equations and to selected topics from numerical analysis
and optimization theory.
This book has pedagogical appeal because it features self-contained
and complete proofs of most of the theorems, some of which are not
always easy to locate in the literature or are difficult to
reconstitute. It also offers 401 problems and 52 figures, plus
historical notes and many original references that provide an idea of
the genesis of the important results, and it covers most of the core
topics from functional analysis. It is intended for advanced
undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers and is ideal for
teaching or self-study.
To order, or for more information about this and all SIAM books,
please visit
From: Jose Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2013
Subject: New Book, Mimetic Discretization Methods
Jose E. Castillo (Author), Guillermo F. Miranda (Author)
To help solve physical and engineering problems, mimetic or compatible
algebraic discretization methods employ discrete constructs to mimic
the continuous identities and theorems found in vector calculus.
Mimetic Discretization Methods focuses on the recent mimetic
discretization method co-developed by the first author. Based on the
Castillo-Grone operators, this simple mimetic discretization method is
invariably valid for spatial dimensions no greater than three. The
book also presents a numerical method for obtaining corresponding
discrete operators that mimic the continuum differential and
flux-integral operators, enabling the same order of accuracy in the
interior as well as the domain boundary. After an overview of various
mimetic approaches and applications, the text discusses the use of
continuum mathematical models as a way to motivate the natural use of
mimetic methods. The authors also offer basic numerical analysis
material, making the book suitable for a course on numerical methods
for solving PDEs. The authors cover mimetic differential operators in
one, two, and three dimensions and provide a thorough introduction to
object-oriented programming and C++. In addition, they describe how
their mimetic methods toolkit (MTK)—available online—can be used for
the computational implementation of mimetic discretization methods.
The text concludes with the application of mimetic methods to
structured nonuniform meshes as well as several case studies.
Compiling the authors’ many concepts and results developed over the
years, this book shows how to obtain a robust numerical solution of
PDEs using the mimetic discretization approach. It also helps readers
compare alternative methods in the literature.
From: Rachael Tappenden [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2013
Subject: Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Oct-Nov 2013
Computational Linear Algebra and Optimization for the Digital
Economy Workshop
Location: ICMS, Edinburgh (UK)
Dates: 31 October - 1 November 2013.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Michael Saunders (Stanford University)
Confirmed speakers:
Stefania Bellavia (University of Florence)
Coralia Cartis (Oxford University)
Iain Duff (CERFACS)
Kimonas Fontoulakis (University of Edinburgh)
Julian Hall (University of Edinburgh)
Des Higham (University of Strathclyde)
Nick Higham (University of Manchester)
Benedetta Morini (University of Florence)
Michael Saunders (Stanford University)
Jennifer Scott (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
David Silvester (University of Manchester)
Rachael Tappenden (University of Edinburgh)
We encourage PhD students and Postdocs to submit contributed posters.
Further details can be found on the website:
From: Dirk Nuyens [log in to unmask]
Date: October 12, 2013
Subject: MCQMC2014, Belgium, Apr 2014
This is a call for abstracts and special sessions for the 11th
International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods
in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2014) which will be held in Leuven,
Belgium, April 6-11, 2014, see
Registration is open and we are accepting abstract submissions.
Please visit to register.
The plenary speakers are
• Timo Aila (Finland, NVIDIA)
• Steffen Dereich (Germany, Universität Münster)
• Peter Glynn (USA, Stanford University)
• Makoto Matsumoto (Japan, Hiroshima University)
• Harald Niederreiter (Austria, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
• Erich Novak (Germany, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
• Christian Robert (France, Paris-Dauphine and UK, Warwick)
• Raul Tempone (Saudi Arabia, KAUST)
Additionally there are two Sunday tutorials
• Art Owen (USA, Stanford University) on sensitivity indices
• Mike Giles (UK, Oxford University) on multilevel Monte Carlo
Please make note of the following important dates:
• 01 Dec 2013: Abstract submission deadline.
• 16 Dec 2013: Notice of abstract acceptance/rejectance.
• 31 Dec 2013: End of early bird registration (€350).
• 15 Mar 2014: End of late registration (€450).
From: Marie-Laurence Mazure [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: CS2014: Curves and Surfaces, France, Jun 2014
8th International Conference "Curves and Surfaces", Paris, France,
June 12 - 18, 2014 (CS2014)
The conference is part of a joint French-Norwegian conference series
on curves and surfaces. In France previous meetings were held in
Chamonix 1990, 1993, 1996, Saint-Malo 1999, 2002, and Avignon 2006,
2010. In Norway the last meeting was in Oslo, 2012.
INVITED SPEAKERS: Francis Bach (INRIA, France); Robert Ghrist
(Pennsylvania Univ., USA); Lars Grasedyck (RWTH Aachen, Germany); Leo
Guibas (Stanford Univ., USA); Kai Hormann (Lugano Univ., Switzerland);
Pencho Petrushev (South Carolina Univ., USA); Gabriel Peyre (Ceremade,
Paris-Dauphine); Konrad Polthier (Berlin Univ., Germany); Rebecca
Willett (Duke Univ., USA); Grady Wright (Boise Sate Univ., USA)
The overall theme of the conference is ”Representation and
Approximation of Curves and Surfaces and Applications” with subtopics
(in alphabetical order): Approximation Theory; Computer-aided
geometric design; Computer graphics and visualisation; Computational
Geometry and Topology; Geometry processing; Image and signal
processing; Interpolation and smoothing; Mesh generation, finite
elements and splines; Scattered data processing and learning theory;
Sparse and high-dimensional approximation; Subdivision, wavelets and
multi-resolution methods.
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION open: November 15, 2013 to January 15, 2014.
ONLINE REGISTRATION open: November 15, 2013 to April 1st, 2014.
From: Ilse Ipsen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: Householder Symposium, Belgium, Jun 2014
The Householder Symposium XIX on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held
in Spa, Belgium, 8-13 June 2014.
Web page:
Application deadline: 31 October 2013
Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2014
Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only. Applications are
welcome from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory,
and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal
processing, and control. Each attendee will be given the opportunity
to present a talk or a poster. Some talks will be plenary lectures,
while others will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel
The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and
established researchers a priority. Participants are expected to
attend the entire meeting. The fifteenth Householder Award for the
best thesis in numerical linear algebra since 1 January 2011 will be
presented. It is expected that partial support will be available for
some students, early career participants, and participants from
countries with limited resources.
The Householder Symposium takes place in cooperation with the Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the SIAM Activity
Group on Linear Algebra.
From: Roberto Garrappa [log in to unmask]
Date: October 14, 2013
Subject: ICFDA 2014 Special Session, Italy, Jun 2014
The International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its
Application (ICFDA 2014) will be held in Catania (Italy) in June
23-25, 2014.
The scope of the conference is to present the state of the art on
fractional systems, both on theoretical and application aspects. The
growing research and development on fractional calculus in the areas
of mathematics, physics and engineering, both from university and
industry, motivates this international event gathering and unifying
the whole community.
A special session dedicated to numerical aspects is organized. The aim
of this session, titled "Innovative methods for differential equations
of fractional order", is to discuss and stimulate innovative ideas in
the numerical treatment of fractional order problems and encourage
their spread into other applicative fields. The topic of the session
includes also the numerical treatment of partial differential
equations with time-fractional and/or space-fractional derivatives.
The deadline for abstract submission is December 1st, 2013. Please,
visit the conference web page for
further information.
If you intend to present a talk in this session, please contact me at
one of the following e-mail addresses [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask], where answers to specific questions can also be
From: Kirsten Wilden [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, UK, Aug 2014
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NW14)
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent
Structures. This conference is being held in cooperation with the
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA).
Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
August 11-14, 2014
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMNW14
January 13, 2014: Minisymposium proposals February 10, 2014:
Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
January 27, 2014: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference
Department ([log in to unmask]).
From: Almuth Burgdorf [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Group Leader Position, Statistical Inverse Problems, Biophysics
Group leader position
Statistical Inverse Problems in Biophysics
at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
(Code Number 27-13)
The Research Group “Statistical Inverse Problems in Biophysics”
(Max-Planck Fellow Prof. Axel Munk) is looking to fill one group
leader position (up to five years, E 14) at the inter-face of
mathematical statistics, inverse problems and biophysics. A possible
starting date for the position is January, 1st 2014.
The goal of the group is to develop statistical and mathematical
methods for several problems in biophysics. This will be done in close
collaboration with various labs at the Max Planck Institute for
Biophysical Chemistry and the Mathematical Statistics group at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Georg August University,
Göttingen. Possible activities range from im-age analysis in
sub-diffraction fluorescence microscopy, the statistical analysis of
NMR spectra, radially under-sampled magnetic resonance tomography to
complexity reduction techniques in modeling protein dynamics. We offer
the possibility of a Habilitation at the faculty of Mathemat-ics and
Computer Science. In addition, the possibility to fill a PhD position
is offered to the successful candidate.
We are looking for talented, self-motivated individuals with a strong
background in statistics or applied mathematics. Good programming
skills and basic knowledge of biophysics is desirable.
The Max Planck Society is trying to increase the percentage of women
on its scientific staff and strongly encourages applications from
qualified women. The Society is also committed to em-ploying more
handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply.
Please send your application including a current CV and the names and
contact information of three references in relation to the code number
until November, 17th 2013 to
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Mrs Almuth Burgdorf
Am Fassberg 11, 37077 Göttingen
Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel.: +49 551 201-1483
For further requests please contact:
Prof. Axel Munk
Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: +49 551 39-172111
From: Jim Nagy [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Computational Math, Emory Univ
The Department of Mathematics & Computer Science at Emory University
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in
Computational Mathematics. Appointments are expected to be at the
Assistant Professor level in the area of numerical optimization;
senior candidates may be considered for truly outstanding cases.
Applicants must demonstrate exceptional research ability, and have a
PhD in Mathematics, Computer Science, or a closely related
field. Applicants should also have strong records, or promise, as
undergraduate and graduate teachers. Ideal candidates will have
interdisciplinary interests that complement and enhance current
research strengths in numerical linear algebra, networks, inverse
problems, numerical partial differential equations, and computational
fluid dynamics.
Applications consisting of a CV, research and teaching statements, and
three letters of recommendation directly from recommenders can be
submitted via, or can be sent via email to
[log in to unmask] Informal inquiries are also invited by
email. Screening starts December 1, 2013. Applications received by
December 31, 2013, will receive a full review. Please note that
appointments are subject to final funding approval. For additional
information about the department, please see:
Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.
James Nagy
Chair of CM Search Committee
[log in to unmask]
From: Ilya Safro [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Computer Science, Clemson Univ
The Division of Computer Science in the School of Computing at Clemson
University invites applicants for tenure-track faculty positions at
the rank of Assistant Professor. Persons with exceptional
qualifications may be considered at a higher rank. We are especially
interested in persons specializing in networking, security, and
systems. However, highly qualified candidates in all areas that meet
our goals of growing collaborative and multi- disciplinary research
will also be considered.
The School of Computing has 31 tenured/tenure-track faculty members,
more than 400 undergraduate majors, and over 200 graduate students
collectively across its three divisions: Computer Science, Visual
Computing, and Human-Centered Computing. The School offers B.A.,
B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, a Ph.D. degree in
Human Centered Computing, an M.F.A. degree in Digital Production Arts,
a B.S. degree in Computer and Information Science, and an
interdisciplinary program in Systems Engineering. For additional
details, please see
Clemson University is located in Clemson, South Carolina, a small
college town on beautiful Lake Hartwell at the foothills of the Blue
Ridge Mountains, conveniently situated within a two-hour drive from
both Atlanta and Charlotte. Clemson is the land grant university of
South Carolina and has an enrollment of approximately
20,000. U.S. News & World Report has ranked Clemson in the Top 21
nationally among public universities for the past four years, and
Clemson ranks fifth among U.S. universities in supercomputing.
Clemson is entering a period of exciting change and anticipates
growing the faculty significantly over the next five years in a number
of strategic growth areas, including environmental sciences,
applications of medicine and health IT, sustainability, and
collaborative research with industrial partners in South Carolina’s
manufacturing industry, including the automotive industry.
Demonstrated interest and background in these areas will also be
considered as part of this search.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related
discipline. Electronic applications, including names of three
references, a teaching statement, and a research statement
explaining relevance to the search focus, should be sent to
[log in to unmask] as a single PDF attachment. We will
begin accepting and reviewing applications immediately. All
application materials received by November 30, 2013 will be given
guaranteed consideration; however, the search will continue until a
suitable candidate is found.
From: José M. Urquiza [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2013
Subject: Faculty Position, Numerical Analysis, Laval Univ, Quebec
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Université Laval
invites applications for a faculty position in applied mathematics, in
the field of Numerical analysis, and more precisely in Numerical
continuum mechanics. The person hired will play a major leadership
role in GIREF (Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche en éléments
finis). Preference will be given to an experienced researcher and
hiring will normally be at the rank of associate professor. However,
exceptional applications from young researchers will also be
considered for hiring at the rank of assistant professor. The
appointment would normally start on June 1, 2014.
About Université Laval. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics
(DMS) is in the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Université
Laval, one of the leading research universities in Canada. The DMS
provides an excellent environment for research and teaching. It offers
courses (taught in French) to students in our specialized programs in
Mathematics and Statistics (Bachelor, Masters and PhD), as well as
courses to students in engineering, education, etc. Université Laval
is located in Quebec City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the
capital of the province of Quebec. With over 40,000 students, the
university is a stimulating working environment, at the heart of a
metropolitan area of 750,000 inhabitants.
Job Description and Aplications. Your are invited to apply through
mathjobs at There you will
find a complete job description. You can also visit
Applications must be received by October 31, 2013.
From: Ms. Peggy Chan [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Faculty Positions, Math. City Univ of HK
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in
the Department of Mathematics [Ref. A/118/09]
City University of Hong Kong is a dynamic, fast-growing university
that is pursuing excellence in research and professional education. As
a publicly-funded institution, the University is committed to
nurturing and developing students' talent and creating applicable
knowledge to support social and economic advancement. Currently, the
University has six Colleges/Schools. Within the next two years, the
University aims to recruit 100 more scholars from all over the world
in various disciplines, including science, engineering, business,
creative media, energy, environment, humanities, law, social sciences,
and other strategic growth areas.
Duties: Conduct research in areas of Applied Mathematics including
Analysis and Applications, Mathematical Modelling (including
biological/physical/financial problems), Scientific Computation and
Numerical Analysis, and Probability and Statistics; teach
undergraduate and postgraduate courses; supervise research students;
and perform any other duties as assigned.
Requirements: A PhD in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics/Statistics with
an excellent research record. Salary and Conditions of Service
Remuneration package will be driven by market competitiveness and
individual performance. Excellent fringe benefits include gratuity,
leave, medical and dental schemes, and relocation assistance (where
applicable). Initial appointment will be made on a fixed-term
Information and Application: Further information on the posts and the
University is available at, or from the Human
Resources Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong [Email : [log in to unmask] : (852) 2788
1154 or (852) 3442 0311].
From: Martin J. Gander [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Professor Position, Numercal Analysis, Univ of Geneva
The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva invites
applications for a position as Full professor, associate professor, or
tenure track assistant professor in Numerical Analysis
RESPONSABILITIES : This is a full time position. Duties include
developing an international research program at the highest level,
teaching at undergraduate and graduate level, and obtaining external
funding. The successful candidate will supervise doctoral and masters’
theses, and will also participate in administrative duties at the
departmental level. The Department of Mathematics offers a stimulating
research environment with a long tradition in numerical analysis, and
unique synergies with other disciplines in mathematics and
computational science.
REQUIREMENTS : PhD or equivalent. Experience in research and
teaching. Strong publication record in international top journals.
STARTING DATE : September 1st, 2014, or as agreed.
Applications including a cv, research and teaching plan and a complete
list of publications should be done exclusively on-line at
Complementary information may be obtained at the following e-mail
address : [log in to unmask]
From: Jose A Cuminato [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2013
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (SME) of the
Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of the University of
São Paulo (ICMC-USP) at São Carlos, is making a public call for a
tenure-track full-time lecture/researcher position, level of Assistant
Professor (Ph. D. level).
Applicants must hold a PhD in the fields of Applied Mathematics,
Mathematics or similar and have a scientific research orientation. The
official webpage for the call, in Portuguese, is
where all the selection steps/exams are described in detail, as well
as other points (current salary,..)
Any question or information about the mechanism of the exams should be
addressed to the head of the department by email ([log in to unmask] ),
specifying JOB OFFER on the message header. We encourage foreigners
wanting more information to write to the email address above.
From: Luiz Mariano Carvalho [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2013
Subject: Researcher Position, Parallel Computing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The project "Parallel Solutions of Linear Systems in Reservoir
Simulation", developed by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
(UFRJ) with Petrobras, is seeking candidates for a researcher
position. This four-year project is focused on the design of efficient
parallel algorithms for solving linear systems arising from Reservoir
The candidate should have a PhD in Computer Sciences, Applied Math,
Engineering, or a related field and be knowledgeable in Computational
Linear Algebra, Num. Methods for PDEs, or an associated
subject. Experience in the implementation of numerical methods on
parallel machines using MPI/OpenMP and C/C++ is required. Experience
in CUDA/OpenCl and scientific libraries (e.g. PETSc,Trilinos) are a
While located in UFRJ, the candidate will also be in close contact
with senior researchers of Petrobras, interact with researchers of
Intel Parallel Labs, and collaborate with leading investigators in the
area of preconditioners. International scientific visits are also
The contract is for an open term (of up to 45 months) and the
after-tax yearly wage is R$ 120,000 (about US$ 54,000).
Interested candidates should contact Prof. Luiz Mariano Carvalho
([log in to unmask]) and Prof. Paulo Goldfeld ([log in to unmask]).
Further details can be found at .
From: Bubacarr Bah [log in to unmask]
Date: October 11, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Lab for Information & Inference Systems, EPFL
The Laboratory for Information and Inference Systems
( at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
(EPFL) has multiple openings for energetic postdoctoral fellows in the
broad fields of Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, and
Statistics as part of Prof. Volkan Cevher's 5-year European Research
Council project.
Our lab provides a fun, collaborative research environment with
state-of-the-art facilities at EPFL, one of the leading technical
universities worldwide. EPFL is located in Lausanne next to Lake
Geneva in a scenic setting.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Analysis and design
of advanced convex and non-convex optimization methods with
applications to inverse problems; Analysis and design of advanced
discrete optimization methods with particular emphasis on sublinear,
submodular, and approximation algorithms; Learning theory and methods
for non-parametric, sparse additive models; Encoder design for
compressive and adaptive measurement schemes, including information
extractors (e.g., polar codes) and expanders; Advanced linear algebra
methods for optimized information extraction from very large
dimensional datasets; Analysis and applications of non-iid
probabilistic models.
Applicants are expected to have finished, or are about to finish their
Ph.D. degrees. They must have an exceptional background at least in
one of the following topics: numerical convex optimization,
combinatorial optimization, statistics, coding theory, and algorithms.
A track record of relevant publications at top applied mathematics,
theoretical computer science, statistics, or engineering journals or
conferences is essential. The working language at EPFL is English.
Starting date: available immediately
For informal enquiries, please contact Bubacarr Bah,
[log in to unmask]
The application letter including a curriculum vitae with a list of
publications, statement of research, contact details for 3 references
should be sent via email to Gosia Baltaian [log in to unmask]
From: Ilya Safro [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, School of Computing, Clemson Univ
The School of Computing at Clemson University is seeking applicants
for multiple Post-Doctoral Research Fellow positions with an emphasis
on applications to medicine and health. In particular we are looking
for applicants with skills and experience in the following focus
areas: Visualization, Machine Learning/Data Mining/Information
Retrieval/Text Analysis, Computational Science and Social Analytics,
Manufacturing, Virtual Reality and Visual Simulation.
These positions are part of Clemson’s strategic hiring initiative in
Computational Science and Visualization. The project duration is one
year and renewal of post-doctoral fellows funding will be based on the
progress made toward the success of the initiative. Renewal of the
funding may be in the form of continuation of the post-doctoral
fellows, hiring of research faculty, or hiring of tenured/tenure-
track faculty.
Please see full ad at
From: Tan Bui-Thanh [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, Large-Scale Discont Finite Elements, ICES, UT
A PhD position is available to work on developing optimization-based
hybrid discontinuous (Petrov-)Galerkin method and its parallel
implementation for climate modeling or subsurface flows. The position
is under supervision of Tan Bui-Thanh of the Department of Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and also of the Institute for
Computational Engineering and Sciences, the University of Texas at
Austin. Please refer to
to learn more about Tan Bui-Thanh's research interest.
The candidate is expected to have background in (preferably
computational) engineering and (computational) applied mathematics.
Previous experience with finite element methods for PDEs and MPI
programming is a plus.
The position can start as early as Spring 2014 (preferable) or Fall
From: Tan Bui-Thanh [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2013
Subject: PhD Position, Model Reduction for Bayesian Inversions, ICES, UT
A PhD position is available to work on new model reduction methods
(aka reduced-order modelling or reduced basis approach) for
Large-Scale Bayesian inversions and Uncertainty Quantification. The
position is under supervision of Tan Bui-Thanh of the Department of
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and also of the
Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, the University
of Texas at Austin. Please refer to
to learn more about Tan Bui-Thanh's research interest.
The candidate is expected to have background in (preferably
computational) engineering and (computational) applied mathematics.
Previous experience with one or more of the following: MPI
programming, large-scale computation, Bayesian inversions, probability
theory, and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation is a plus.
The position can start as early as Spring 2014 (preferable) or Fall
If you are interested, please contact Tan Bui-Thanh at
[log in to unmask]
From: Carlos Fonseca [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2013
Subject: New Journal, Special Matrices, De Gruyter/Versita
A new journal devoted to structured matrices and their applications -
Special Matrices - has been launched by Versita - De Gruyter:
The first three papers are already available:
Nonnegative definite hermitian matrices with increasing principal
minors, by Shmuel Friedland
Factorizable matrices, by Miroslav Fiedler and Frank J. Hall
A note on the determinant of a Toepliz-Hessenberg matrix, by Mircea
All papers will be freely downloadable.
The Editor of Special Matrices is Carlos Fonseca from the
University of Coimbra. Please, visit the website
for further information and submission guidelines.
Carlos Fonseca
From: Chi-Wang Shu [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2013
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 57 (2)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 57, Number 2, November 2013
Generalized Hermite Approximations and Spectral Method for Partial
Differential Equations in Multiple Dimensions, Xin-min Xiang and
Zhong-qing Wang, pp.229-253.
Stabilization of the Spectral Element Method in Convection Dominated
Flows by Recovery of Skew-Symmetry, Johan Malm, Philipp Schlatter,
Paul F. Fischer and Dan S. Henningson, pp.254-277.
A High-Order Moving Mesh Kinetic Scheme Based on WENO Reconstruction
for Compressible Flows on Unstructured Meshes, Xihua Xu, Guoxi Ni and
Song Jiang, pp.278-299.
Numerical Treatment of Elliptic Problems Nonlinearly Coupled Through
the Interface, Francesco Calabro, pp.300-312.
On the Stability of Continuous–Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for
Advection–Diffusion–Reaction Problems, Andrea Cangiani, John Chapman,
Emmanuil Georgoulis and Max Jensen, pp.313-330.
Error Estimates of the Finite Element Method for Interior Transmission
Problems, Xinming Wu and Wenbin Chen, pp.331-348.
Image Restoration via Tight Frame Regularization and Local
Constraints, Fang Li and Tieyong Zeng, pp.349-371.
The Nonconvergence of h-Refinement in Prolate Elements, John P. Boyd,
Gregor Gassner and Burhan A. Sadiq, pp.372-389.
A Spectral Element Framework for Option Pricing Under General
Exponential Levy Processes, Pierre Garreau and David Kopriva,
Image Segmentation Using Euler’s Elastica as the Regularization, Wei
Zhu, Xue-Cheng Tai and Tony Chan, pp.414-438.
From: Maya Neytcheva [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2013
Subject: Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 20 (4)
Contents of Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Vol 20 (4), 2013
Special Issue: OPTPDE 2011
edited by: Alfio Borzi, Cornelis Oosterlee
Fast solvers for simulation, inversion, and control of wave
propagation problems (Editorial), Alfio Borzi and Cornelis
W. Oosterlee (539–540)
Convergence analysis for hyperbolic evolution problems in mixed form,
Daniele Boffi, Annalisa Buffa and Lucia Gastaldi (541–556)
A block Krylov subspace time-exact solution method for linear ordinary
differential equation systems, M.A. Botchev (557–574)
Local Fourier analysis of the complex shifted Laplacian preconditioner
for Helmholtz problems, Siegfried Cools and Wim Vanroose (575–597)
On the Fourier cosine series expansion method for stochastic control
problems, M.J. Ruijter, C.W. Oosterlee and R.F.T. Aalbers (598–625)
Multigrid methods for cell-centered discretizations on triangular
meshes, P. Salinas, C. Rodrigo, F. J. Gaspar and F. J. Lisbona
On the convergence of shifted Laplace preconditioner combined with
multilevel deflation, A. H. Sheikh, D. Lahaye and C. Vuik (645–662)
An improved two-grid preconditioner for the solution of
three-dimensional Helmholtz problems in heterogeneous media, Henri
Calandra, Serge Gratton, Xavier Pinel and Xavier Vasseur (663–688)
An inverse scattering problem for the time-dependent Maxwell
equations: nonlinear optimization and model-order reduction,
R. Mancini and S. Volkwein (689–711)
From: Maya Neytcheva [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2013
Subject: Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 20 (5)
Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Vol 0, issue 5, 2013
Least-squares solutions and least-rank solutions of the matrix
equation AXA* = B and their relations, Yongge Tian (713–722)
A general approach to analyse preconditioners for two-by-two block
matrices, Owe Axelsson and Maya Neytcheva (723–742)
Rapid error reduction for block Gauss–Seidel based on p-hierarchical
basis, S. Le Borne and J.S. Ovall (743–760)
A preconditioned MinRes solver for time-periodic parabolic optimal
control problems, Markus Kollmann and Michael Kolmbauer (761–784)
Combination preconditioning of saddle point systems for positive
definiteness, J. Pestana and A. J. Wathen (pages 785–808)
The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants, David
F. Gleich, Chen Greif and James M. Varah (809–831)
Analysis of a two-level method for anisotropic diffusion equations on
aligned and nonaligned grids, Guozhu Yu, Jinchao Xu and Ludmil
T. Zikatanov (832–851)
A Jacobi–Davidson method for two-real-parameter nonlinear eigenvalue
problems arising from delay-differential equations, Karl Meerbergen,
Christian Schröder and Heinrich Voss(852–868)
On parallel solution of linear elasticity problems. Part III: higher
order finite elements, Ivar Gustafsson and Gunhild Lindskog (869–887)
End of Digest