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NADIGEST  October 2013, Week 1

NADIGEST October 2013, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 13, # 33


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 7 Oct 2013 11:11:12 -0400





text/plain (375 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 13, # 33

NA Digest  Monday, October 07, 2013  Volume 13 : Issue 33

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Linear Algebra
	Report of SciCADE Conference, Spain, Sep 2013
	Honoring Svetozar Margenov's 60th Birthday, Bulgaria, May 2014
	MMA2014 Conference, Lithuania, May 2014
	Faculty Positions, CS, Innopolis Univ
	Postdoc Position, Mathematics, UFPE, Brazil
	Postdoc Position, Multiscale Methods & UQ, Univ of Bath
	Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester
	Postdoc Positions, Imaging and Computing, MIT
	Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 33 (4)

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From: Robert van de Geijn [log in to unmask]
Date: October 01, 2013
Subject: Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Linear Algebra

For the last six months, my wife (Dr. Maggie Myers) and I have been
working with a team of students on a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
titled "Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers" to be launched by
edX in January 2014.  The official announcement for this course is
posted at

This particular course may be of interest to the NA Digest community
because it links the fundamental concepts in linear algebra (LA) that
are taught in an introductory-level college course to the latest
programming techniques that we have developed over the last 15 years
as part of the FLAME project.  The idea is as follows: the
abstractions that are important when introducing the mathematics of LA
are reflected in the layering of LA libraries, such as the BLAS and
LAPACK. Therefore, computationally inclined students will likely
benefit from a simultaneous introduction to the mathematics and
programming methods.

The course covers the same topics as would be covered in a typical
linear algebra course, including proof techniques.  But we use iPython
Notebooks to help the students link that knowledge to a simple LA
library they build that mirrors the BLAS and parts of LAPACK. We use
an API that hides indices (similar to our FLAME APIs for C and
M-script but for Python) so that students can focus on learning the
concepts rather than getting bogged down in programming details.
Similar APIs are also used in the development of BLIS, libflame, and
Elemental, which are all part of a new dense linear algebra software

We don't view this course as competition for traditional in-class
courses.  Rather, we believe that students will benefit from also
being exposed through this alternative spotlight on the subject.  Some
instructors may want to see if the materials are useful in a "flipped
classroom" setting.


From: John Butcher [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2013
Subject: Report of SciCADE Conference, Spain, Sep 2013

SciCADE (Scientific Computation and Differential Equations)
conferences have been held every second year since 1993.  They are
international in character and have been held in Auckland, Stanford,
Grado, Fraser Island, Vancouver, Trondheim, Nagoya, Saint-Malo,
Beijing and Toronto.  The excellent standard achieved in previous
SciCADEs has been well and truly maintained in SciCADE 2013, hosted by
the Universidad Valladolid, thanks to the outstanding organization led
by Mari Paz Calvo.  In addition to an outstanding programme focused on
ordinary and partial differential equations, differential algebraic
equations, stochastic differential equations and dynamical systems,
and related topics, a special feature this year was a celebration of
the 60th birthday of Chus Sanz-Serna.

The Dahlquist Prize was awarded to Assyr Abdulle of the Ecole
Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, the Early Talent Award was
presented to Ludwig Gauckler of the Technische Universitaet Berlin and
the Butcher Prize, for the best student talk, was awarded to Yuto
Miyatake of the University of Tokyo.

The 2015 SciCADE conference will be organized by Sebastian Reich at
the Universitaet Potsdam and SciCADE 2017 will be organized by Chris
Budd at the University of Bath.


From: Krassimir Georgiev [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2013
Subject: Honoring Svetozar Margenov's 60th Birthday, Bulgaria, May 2014

International Conference on "Numerical Methods for Scientific
Computations and Advanced Applications"

The conference is devoted to the 60th anniversary of Svetozar
Margenov. The conference is scheduled for May 19-22, 2014, with
arrival: May 18 and departure: noon May 22. The conference will be
held in the town of Bansko, located at the foot of the Pirin mountain.

Specific topics of interest (but not limited to) are the following:
* Multiscale and multiphysics problems;
* Robust preconditioning;
* Monte Carlo methods;
* Optimization and control systems;
* Scalable parallel algorithms;
* Advanced computing for innovations.

Plenary Invited Speakers: P. Arbenz (CH) O. Axelsson (CR), R. Blaheta
(CR), O. Iliev (DE), J. Kraus (AT), R. Lazarov (USA), P. Minev (CA),
M. Neytcheva (SE), P. Vassilevski (USA), V. Veliov (AT), L. Zikatanov

E-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: R. Ciegis [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2013
Subject: MMA2014 Conference, Lithuania, May 2014

19th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis
(MMA2014), May 26--29 2014, Druskininkai, Lithuania

Basic Topics: Analysis of numerical methods for solving problems of
mathematical physics; Application of numerical methods to industrial
and engineering problems; Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems; Analysis and
applications of ODE and PDE problems; Parallel algorithms and parallel
computing; Scientific computation; Financial mathematics and
mathematics in economics.

Authors are requested to send an abstract (1 page) before March 20,
2014 by e-mail: [log in to unmask]

The selected papers of the MMA2014 Conference will be published in
Vol.20 of "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" (The Baltic Journal on
Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential

Registration and abstract submission: March 15, 2014.
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2014.

Email: [log in to unmask]


From: Alisa Fazleeva, MSIT-SE Program Administrator [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2013
Subject: Faculty Positions, CS, Innopolis Univ

Innopolis University (Kazan, Russia) is looking for highly
professional personnel in teaching Computer Science, beginning in the
spring term of 2014 or earlier, for the following positions:

MSc Program:
- Assistant/Associate Professor (Teaching/Tenure Track Position)
- Full Professor/Department Chair
- Non-Tenure Track Teaching Position

BSc Program:
- Faculty members, department of Computer Science

For more details please visit:

Innopolis University is an innovative University specializing in
Information Technologies, the first of its kind. As a partner of
Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Innopolis will deliver undergraduate
and graduate education degree programs.

Email: [log in to unmask]


From: Pablo Braz e Silva [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, UFPE, Brazil

Post doctoral position at the Department of Mathematics – Universidade
Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil

The Graduate program in Mathematics of the Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco at Recife, Brasil, is searching for candidates to a
post-doc position. The position is for one year and carries a tax free
monthly stipend of R$ 4.100,00 Brazilian reais. Moreover, it carries a
grant of up to R$ 12.000,00 per year to finance research. The selected
candidate may have to teach no more than one course per semester
depending on the departmental needs.

The candidates must send to graduate chair, through the address
[log in to unmask], the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Research proposal.
- Names and addresses of at leats two researchers that could provide
  letters of recomendation if required.

The selected candidate should begin the activities from December 1st
2013 and not later than April, 1st, 2014. The screening comitee will
begin to review the applications November, 1st, 2013. Therefore,
applications must be received by october 31st to receive full


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Multiscale Methods & UQ, Univ of Bath

The University of Bath is seeking applicants for a 42-month Research
Officer position on an exciting new project in “Multiscale modelling
of aerospace composites - Increasing Quality, Reducing Empiricism and
Challenging Conservatism.”

Candidates with a PhD in a Science/Engineering subject with
significant mathematical content, a solid background in numerical
methods for partial differential equations and experience of
programming and implementation of numerical methods are encouraged to
apply. Experience in some of the following areas will be a distinct
advantage: structural/composite mechanics, FE analysis, multiscale
discretisation techniques, stochastic uncertainty quantification,
statistics. Candidates should be self-motivated and possess project
management and technical communication skills.

For further details and the online application form see:

The successful applicant will work in a vibrant, multidisciplinary
team of engineers and mathematicians to develop novel mathematical
modelling and uncertainty quantification tools that will challenge
conservative stress/strain limits and reduce the high cost of
certification in aerospace manufacture as well as the high design-
to-manufacture time. An embedded university-industry partnership with
GKN Aerospace, one of the main composites manufacturer for the
aeronautical industry, will guarantee immediate impact of this

Closing date: Thursday, 31 October 2013


From: Francoise Tisseur [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester

School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, UK
Research Associate, Ref: EPS-02473
Closing date: November 1, 2013.

Applications are invited for a research associate post on the
EPSRC-funded project "Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Theory and
Numerics".  The project involves the development of theory and
numerical methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems.

Applicants should have completed or be in the process of completing a
PhD or equivalent qualification in Mathematics, and have experience of
research in matrix analysis or in numerical linear algebra.

The post is available for up to 23 months from 1 January 2014.  Salary
GBP 29,541 - 36,298 per annum according to relevant experience

Informal enquiries should be directed to Professor Francoise Tisseur
(email [log in to unmask], tel: + 44 (0) 161 275 5823).

Application forms and further particulars are available from


From: Laurent Demanet [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Imaging and Computing, MIT

The Imaging and Computing group in the Department of Mathematics at
MIT invites applications for two postdoctoral positions. The areas of
interest to the group include computational wave propagation,
optimization, inverse problems, applied harmonic analysis, sparse and
low-rank recovery, fast algorithms, seismic and radar imaging.

All the details are at


From: Rebecca Leake [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2013
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 33 (4)

Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 33(4)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

A simple scheme for the approximation of the elastic flow of
inextensible curves, Sören Bartels

Nonlocal Allen–Cahn systems: analysis and a primal–dual active set
method, Luise Blank, Harald Garcke, Lavinia Sarbu, and Vanessa Styles

Generalized convolution quadrature with variable time stepping, Maria
Lopez-Fernandez and Stefan Sauter

Wave-number estimates for regularized combined field boundary integral
operators in acoustic scattering problems with Neumann boundary
conditions, Yassine Boubendir and Catalin Turc

Time discretizations of anisotropic Allen–Cahn equations, Carsten
Gräser, Ralf Kornhuber, and Uli Sack

A posteriori L∞(L2)-error bounds for finite element approximations to
the wave equation, Emmanuil H. Georgoulis, Omar Lakkis, and
Charalambos Makridakis

Isoparametric finite element approximation of Ricci curvature,
H. Fritz

Convergence to equilibrium for discretized gradient-like systems with
analytic features, Nour Eddine Alaa and Morgan Pierre

Complex Gaussian quadrature for oscillatory integral transforms,
Andreas Asheim and Daan Huybrechs

Quadratic finite-volume methods for elliptic and parabolic problems on
quadrilateral meshes: optimal-order errors based on Barlow points, Min
Yang, Jiangguo Liu, and Yanping Lin

Backward difference time discretization of parabolic differential
equations on evolving surfaces, Christian Lubich, Dhia Mansour, and
Chandrasekhar Venkataraman

Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of quasilinear
elliptic boundary value problems II: strongly monotone quasi-Newtonian
flows, Scott Congreve, Paul Houston, Endre Süli, and Thomas P. Wihler

On spectral properties of steepest descent methods, Roberta De
Asmundis, Daniela di Serafino, Filippo Riccio, and Gerardo Toraldo

Approximation schemes for functions of positive-definite matrix
values, Nir Sharon and Uri Itai

A mass-preserving splitting scheme for the stochastic Schrödinger
equation with multiplicative noise, Jie Liu

Erratum to “Clenshaw–Curtis–Filon-type methods for highly oscillatory
Bessel transforms and applications” (IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
(2011)31: 1281–1314), Shuhuang Xiang, Yeol Je Cho, Haiyong Wang, and
Hermann Brunner

End of Digest

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