On Thursday, April 18, 2013, you are cordially invited to the 42nd annual Mary Utopia Rothrock Lecture and Dinner. This year we are honored to welcome Dr. Jinx Watson, children's literature academic and retired Professor of Information Sciences at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Dr. Watson also serves on CDF's Freedom Schools Curriculum Committee and is a member of the Advisory Board for the Langston Hughes Library on the Alex Haley Farm.
See www.lib.utk.edu/~etla/rothrocklectures.html
Alex Haley Farm and directions: www.childrensdefense.org/about-us/haley-farm
A Lecture by Dr. Jinx Watson:
Fierce Advocacy Through Public Service: Stories of Mary Utopia Rothrock and Effie Lee Morris
5:00 Tours of the Alex Haley Farm
(add $5.00 to your registration fee)
5:30 Meet and Greet
6:00 Dinner
Menu: Chicken Breast with Alfredo or Vegetarian
Lasagna, Green Beans, Roasted Vegetables, Tossed
Salad, Wheat Rolls, Cheese Cake, Tea
6:45 Lecture
All are welcome. To register for the event, please fill out the information below and mail it with a $25 check ($30 if you would to participate in the Alex Haley Farm
Tour beforehand)* made out to "East Tennessee Library Association" on or by Friday, April 12 to:
Alison Jones
Carson-Newman Library
1634 Russell Ave.
Jefferson City, TN 37760
For more information, please contact Matthew Jordan: [log in to unmask] or 865-457-0931
Choose one: Chicken Breast with Alfredo, Vegetarian Lasagna
Alex Haley Farm Tour: Yes No
*Student cost will be half-price: $12.50 (or $15.00 to join Tour)
All the best,
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