Hello All:
I spoke too soon. My job as chair is not complete. All members have submitted a station report, however all station reports do not contain the needed information for the annual report. Therefore I am writing to ask you to take a few minutes to assist in submitting a comprehensive station report. I need everyone to submit an accomplishment, impact statement and/or publication(s) relevant to the project.Each should be brief and concise . All instiitutions do not have to have all three. In the future we will modify the station report format to provide this information to streamline workload. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Accomplishment(s): In this section focus on intended outcomes. This information should be built
around the activity's milestones, as they were identified in the original proposal. The report should
also reflect on the items that stakeholders want to know, or want to see. These
accomplishments cover only the current year.
Impact Statement(s): The definition of impact is: "The quantifiable difference a land-grant
program makes in the quality of life for its clients and general citizenry." Supplementing that brief
statement is also the definition of an impact statement: "A brief statement that describes the
social, environmental, and/or economic difference that your research, teaching, or extension
efforts have made on the public. Specifically, it states your accomplishments and the payoff to
society. Impacts cover only the current year of the project.
Publication(s): For SAES-422 reports list the publications for current year only (with the authors,
title, journal series, etc.).