Hi all,
Several persons have asked me about using Prezi in Bb Collaborate sessions. Below is the current answer from OIT.
Let me know if you have any questions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly, Frederick Joseph
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:13 AM
To: Lancaster, Cindy Teaff (Cindy); Stewart, Mary Lee
Cc: OIT HelpDesk
Subject: Re: Summer SIS Class and Blackboard
Good morning, Cindy,
Blackboard Collaborate supports Prezi in that it allows you to do one or more of the following options:
1. Use Application Share to share your desktop to show locally-saved Prezi presentations.
2. Use Web Tour to show online, web-based Prezi presentations.
3. Use File Transfer to share locally-saved Prezi presentations.
If instructors are asking if they can use the Whiteboard to give Prezi presentations like a Powerpoint presentation (which I think is what they're getting at), the answer is "no, not at this time", although it wouldn't surprise me if that changed with a future upgrade. The Whiteboard is presently very conservative as to what it will display using the Load Content button, but this might change in the future.
Until that time, using any of the above methods will achieve the same goals (with numbers 1 or 2 likely being the closest to what instructors are wanting to do).
Fred Kelly
Web Technology Specialist, Office of Information Technology Support Organization: Online@UT
The University of Tennessee
108E1 Hoskins
1400 West Cumberland
Knoxville, TN 36996.0520
Phone: 865.974.7507
On 4/17/12 9:47 AM, "Lancaster, Cindy Teaff (Cindy)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Hi Fred and Mary Lee,
>Does Bb Collaborate support Prezi? I've had several lecturers ask and
>don't know what to tell them. I thought you might have come across
>this issue and could give some guidance.
>Cindy Lancaster
>Technology Coordinator
>School of Information Sciences
>Knoxville, TN 37996
>[log in to unmask]