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News for Students - Monday, Oct 10, 2011


"student@tennessee" <[log in to unmask]>




Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:05:26 +0000





text/plain (134 lines)

Student@Tennessee, Monday, Oct 10, 2011 
Newsletter for UT Knoxville Students

Good News

--- A new page has been launched on the undergraduate research website called Faculty Experiences at Students can go online to find stories and some vintage photos of their professors from their undergraduate research days. The Q&A format includes tips and advice for students who are considering the pursuit of their own undergraduate research experience.

Mark Your Calendar

--- Molière’s "Tartuffe" will play in the Clarence Brown Theatre’s Lab Theatre Oct. 6-23.
The story of a “man of the cloth” that worms his way into the gullible heart of a rich family man and tries to take him for all he has, includes professional actors, graduate and undergraduate theatre students. Student tickets are $5 for all shows. Visit or call 974-5161 for more information or to purchase tickets.

--- The 2011 Student Government Association Campus Safety Walk will take place at 7:30 p.m, Tuesday, Oct. 11. Beginning from room 221 in the University Center, invited parties will be placed in teams and will walk 30-45 minutes around campus. The purpose of this walk is to hear administrative and student feedback to improve campus safety. For more information, please contact SGA Volunteer Services Committee Chair Lauren Strickler at [log in to unmask]

--- Nourish International will sponsor a jewelry sale to benefit international poverty relief from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 20-21 on the Pedestrian Walkway. The jewelry is handmade by Ugandan women who are either HIV-positive, from war torn countries, or who are the sole providers for their families. Making jewelry and purses is a productive job where they are safe and can cultivate their skills. The money benefits them and also goes towards the Nourish International summer project to send UT students to South America for community service work. The sale will be held throughout the semester on Thursdays and Fridays in the same time frame. 

--- 11th Annual MSA Fast-A-Thon: "Go hungry for a day so someone else won't have to!" All UT students, faculty and staff are invited to participateby pledging to fast during the daylight hours on Sunday, Oct. 17. Local businesses will donate $2 per pledge to the Love Kitchen. At sunset, all participants are invited to break their fast with delicious, home-cooked meals prepared by local families.  The dinner will be at 7 p.m. in the UC Ballroom. Sign up to fast any weekday until Friday, Oct. 14 on the UC Plaza or pledge online by going to the following link: The group hopes to pledge at least 1,000 people to raise more than $2000 for the Love Kitchen.

--- German Game Night, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, as part of the "do Deutsch" German Week in the Great Room at the International House.

--- The National Society of Black Engineers would like to invite ALL students to their Academic Excellence Workshop Week Oct.10-13.  This is an opportunity for students to talk face-to-face with professors and past students about what it takes to study and pass their classes. From 7 to 8 p.m. daily, professors will come for their respective subjects to answer questions and meet current and future students. Monday, Oct. 10: Engineering Fundamentals in Estabrook room 111; Tuesday, Oct. 11: Chemistry and Biology in Dougherty room 416; Wednesday, Oct. 12: Mathematics in Walters Life Sciences room M309; Thursday, Oct. 13: Engineering Introductory Classes: UC room 226.

--- The Public Relations Student Society of America meeting, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11 in the Communications Building room 321. Cole Mauer, social media specialist at the Tombras Group, will discuss professional ways to use Facebook and rules concerning contests and promotions on the site. Free food and drinks will be provided and all majors are welcome. Email [log in to unmask] with questions.

--- German Coffee House: Venture to the Fairytale Land, from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11 at the I-House Great Room. You will have the opportunity to listen to some amazing German fairytales, make Bavarian creme, and enjoy German pumpkin bread.

--- Psi Chi meeting, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 11 in Austin Peay room 411. The guest speaker will be Ms. Robin Lay MA, LPC recruiter from Richmont Graduate University. She will give a presentation on the graduate school admission process and the MA program in Counseling Psychology. This is a great opportunity to come and ask questions that you may have concerning entrance into graduate school programs.

--- Journalism in Crisis? A film/discussion series, “Seeing is Believing: Handicams, Human Rights and the News,” will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11 in the Hodges Library Auditorium with discussion led by Syrenthia Robinson.

--- The I-House and UT Do Deutsch! invite you to experience German Culture at the German Culture Night. Enjoy foods like Bratkartoffeln, Currywurst, and Kaiserschmarrn from the country where the names of influential thinkers, painters, and musicians pile high, and traditional trends like fairy tales and Oktoberfest are never forgotten. There will be cultural presentations, musical performances, authentic German meal and much more. The event will take place in the Great Room at the I-House; tickets are $5.

--- Come to the I-House on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. to hear our speaker Dr. Hans-Ulrich von Schroeter, deputy director of the German Information Center at the German Embassy in Washington. Also, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Global Hour at the I-House will focus on Germany's Role within the European Union. All are welcome to attend.

--- An information session on the Truman Scholarship will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 in Melrose Hall F301.
The Truman Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship for future leaders in public service that awards up to $30,000 for graduate school. This scholarship is nationally competitive and students must be nominated by the university in order to apply. UTK is allowed to nominate up to four students per year. Juniors in the top fourth of their class with demonstrated service and leadership are eligible to apply for UT’s nomination. Interested students should come to the information session to learn more about the scholarship and its application process. For more information, email [log in to unmask]

--- UT Science Forum, noon Friday, Oct. 14, in Thompson-Boling Arena dining rooms C-D. The speaker is Shane Foister, UT Knoxville assistant professor of chemistry and he will speak on "Catalyzing a Sustainable Future." Free and open to the public. Bring your lunch or purchase it at the arena dining room. E-mail [log in to unmask] or call 974-8156 with questions.

--- Everyone is Gay, an advice website for all people focusing on issues surrounding the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community, will come to UT at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 in the UC Shiloh Room. Founded by Kristen Russo and Dannielle Owens-Reid in April 2010, the website uses humor and honesty to support these issues and keep people engaged and laughing. The University of Tennessee welcomes Everyone is Gay as a stop on their fall tour promoting community, peer outreach, advocacy and civility for all. The event is free and open to the public.

--- Come see Invisible Children's new film Tony. The screening is free and open to students and the public and food will be provided. It will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17 at Remedy Cafe, in downtown Knoxville. 

--- UT'S National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) invites you to give a helping hand in serving the community for their First Annual BOOFest at Green Magnet Match & Science Academy Halloween night, from 5 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 31. BOOFest will be a fun filled event for kids in the community to experience a safe alternative to trick-or-treating. Candy bins for donations will be going up at various locations (Women's Center in the UC, Panhellenic main office, and the Black Cultural Center) on campus from Oct. 10-27. We are asking for unopened bags of candy. Five or more bags can be written off as community service. If you or your organization would like to volunteer or get more information on the event, e-mail [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

--- The Chancellor's Honors Program presents the 5th annual Masquerade Ball from 8 p.m. to midnight on Saturday, Oct. 22 in Circle Park. Join us for a night of dancing and fun to support Second Harvest Food Bank. All UT students and their guests are welcome. We will enjoy entertainment by DJ Jason Lovely of Bliss Entertainment and food from local restaurants. Other activities will include pumpkin carving and mask contests. Get your pre-sale tickets on the Pedestrian Walkway the week of October 17. This year we will accept canned food donations. Only pre-sale ticket holders will be allowed in the tent at 8pm for the buffet, so come out and talk to us on the walkway. Suggested attire is semi-formal to formal. Masks are encouraged and appreciated. The event is co-sponsored by the Honors Community Board.

Get Involved

--- A new group has formed to help the Office of Research communicate the many undergraduate opportunities that exist across campus. The Undergraduate Research Student Advisory Committee meets monthly and is comprised of student representatives from all colleges. Students are encouraged to share their concerns, questions and expectations related to undergraduate research and creative achievement with their college's representative:
Richard Adams, Architecture and Design, [log in to unmask]
Danielle Gerhard, Arts and Sciences – Humanities, [log in to unmask]
Sarah Wood, Arts and Sciences – Natural Sciences, [log in to unmask]
Marissa Landis, Arts and Sciences – Art, [log in to unmask]
Weston Duke, Communications and Information, [log in to unmask]
Jade Buche, Education, Health and Human Sciences, [log in to unmask]
Michael Stanford, Engineering, [log in to unmask]
Elizabeth Shieh, Nursing, [log in to unmask]
Rachel Underwood, Social Work, [log in to unmask]
Melissa Lee, Undergraduate Research Students’ Association, [log in to unmask]
Mark Remec-Pavilin, Undergraduate Research Students’ Association, [log in to unmask]

--- The office of Student Orientation & Leadership Development is looking for a new group of student leaders to serve as Orientation Leaders, Transfer Orientation Assistants, Leadership Guides, and Ignite Team Leaders for 2012. Application forms for the positions are now available on the SOLD website, The deadline for submitting applications and signing up for a first round interview is 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17. To learn more about the positions and to meet student leaders who currently serve in each, please attend one of the interest sessions on Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 3-4 p.m. in the UC room 226 or on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the UC room 220. E-mail [log in to unmask] or call (865) 974-2435 with questions.

--- Student Alumni Associates invites you to attend our open house at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13 at the Tyson Alumni House. SAA is a service organization that serves as a liaison between students and alumni of the University of Tennessee with the motto of "Students Serving Students... Past, Present, and Future”. The purpose of this Open House is to learn more about SAA and meet its members. Your organization is a great representation of the University of Tennessee and what SAA embodies. We hope to see you at the Open House! E-mail [log in to unmask] with questions.

--- Applications for the Dance Marathon Morale committee are available and the deadline has been extended to Friday, Oct. 14. Those on the committee learn and help teach the Dance Marathon dances to the participants. If you are interested in planning and facilitating entertainment throughout the night of Dance Marathon, providing morale and support for fellow dancers, and having fun raising money for East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, sign up today.

Important Deadlines

--- Submissions are currently being accepted for the Spring 2012 edition of Pursuit, with a deadline of Oct. 21. Established in 2009, Pursuit is dedicated to publishing the scholarly work of UTK undergraduates and is supported by the Office of Research and the Chancellor's Honors program. Works from all academic colleges and departments are accepted. The editors and review board are undergraduate students who review submissions and work with select faculty and staff to publish the journal. To be considered, submit your research papers or theses to the Pursuit website at For more information, contact Sarah Russell, editor, at [log in to unmask]

Make Orange Green

--- This week is Campus Sustainability Week. Members of the campus group, Students Promoting Environmental Action in Knoxville (S.P.E.A.K), have organized activities to occur on the Pedestrian Mall from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily. 

Sustainability Week Calendar of Events:
MONDAY: Alternative Transportation Day-- Free bike tune ups; 

TUESDAY: Water Day-- Free reusable SPEAK water bottle giveaway and tap vs. bottled water taste test; 
TUESDAY EVENING: Free Ride Smart! class, sponsored by UTOP; 

WEDNESDAY: Waste/Recycling Day-- Mug Project reusable mug giveaway and Trash Ball! The Mug Project and UT Recycling will give away 600 reusable mugs on Wednesday until 2:00 p.m., or until supplies last. These high-quality, USA-manufactured mugs were donated by Eastman Chemical Company. The mugs can be used at campus Volunteer Dining facilities to redeem 99-cent coffee or soda, or a 15 percent discount on specialty coffee beverages; 

THURSDAY: Clean Energy Day-- SACE & UMD on the pedestrian walkway and Anti-Coal Flash Mob; 
THURSDAY EVENING: Student light bulb exchange in all residence hall lobbies--student residents can exchange old incandescent bulbs for new CFL bulbs at no cost. The student light bulb exchange on Thursday evening is made possible by the Student Environmental Initiatives Fund. CFL bulbs use one fifth the energy of incandescent bulbs, and last six to ten times longer;

FRIDAY: Free Vegetarian Cookout—Veggie burgers and veggie dogs. Come out and grill with us.
Beardsley Farm and Food not Bombs will also be joining us on the walkway;
FRIDAY NIGHT: Bike-in-movie at 7 pm at World's Fair Park Lawn thanks to

Students wishing to join SPEAK or learn more about the group can attend SPEAK’s weekly meetings, which occur at 8 p.m. in the University Center, room 226 each Monday night.

--- For the truth about the latest diet trends, ideas for fast and nutritious recipes, and strategies for leading a healthy lifestyle, check out Healthy Vols is sponsored by the Undergraduate Nutrition Student Association (UNSA) of the University of Tennessee. The blog is intended to assist university students, the Knoxville community, and friends everywhere in living healthful and nutritionally balanced lives.

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