A couple of things
Because we had so many of you interested in the Cold Mountain backpacking trip we are splitting it up. Chris sinsneerrrssnnossnes will be leading a trip to Roan Mountain and I will lead the trip to Cold Mountain. Go ahead and look up those hikes so you can get an idea of which one you might like to do.
Mountain Bikers the trip on the 27th is now pushed back to thursday Oct. 6 still leaving at 4 pm.
Here's a list of the people I have going. if you're not on it and wish to be send me an email or if you can no longer make it on the changed date.
samantha scott
matthew brunton
kevin brown
seth giles
mohammadreza rezaee
sarah murphee
john bills
jacob pais
sarah mcauliffe
I will still be riding on the 27 but it will be unofficial. That means if you dont have a bike you have to pay for the rental. It will still only be around $5. Let me know if you want to ride with me.
UTCHC Mailing List Archive: http://listserv.utk.edu/archives/utch-l.html
UTCHC Web Site: http://web.utk.edu/~canoehik