***apologies for cross-posting***
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to take part in a survey on the training
needs of staff in the field of digital preservation and digital curation
within Europe and internationally which Goettingen State and University
Library, Germany, is carrying out on behalf of “Digital Curator
Vocational Education Europe” (DigCurV).
DigCurV is a project funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da
Vinci programme and brings together organisations from Europe, Canada
and the USA. Ireland is linked to the project through the participation
of Trinity College Dublin.
DigCurV (www.digcur-education.org) aims to address the availability of
vocational training and education in digital preservation and curation
by developing a curriculum and an interna-tional framework for training,
as a response to the growing demand for staff with the skills and
competences needed for the long-term management of digital collections
in cultural insti-tutions. We are currently carrying out research to
survey and analyse both the existing train-ing opportunities and
training needs in the sector to inform the development of the curricu-lum.
We are inviting managers, curators and experts in digital preservation
to take part in this sur-vey of training needs. Your input will really
help inform the curriculum framework and we greatly appreciate your time
in assisting with this research.
The survey is online at
and will take you about 15 minutes to complete.
We would be grateful for your response by 7th August.
Yours sincerely,
Claudia Engelhardt and
Stefan Strathmann
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:
Claudia Engelhardt or Stefan Strathmann
Research and Development Department (RDD)
Goettingen State and University Library
Georg August Universitaet Goettingen
[log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask]
If you have questions about the project, please contact:
Katie McCadden
Research Assistant
Long Room Hub
Trinity College Dublin
Phone: +353 01 896 4470
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
The DigCurV training needs survey is anonymous. Respondents will not be
identified in the results, which will only used for the purpose of the
survey or future research on digital preservation-training related
topics; it will be treated as confidential according to the German
Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz/BDSG).
Susan Schreibman, PhD
The Long Room Hub Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities
School of English
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2, Ireland
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 353 1 896 3694
Mobile: 353 86 049 1966