See attached flyer for nomination form:
TCA Members,
This year we are entering into the nomination process for TCA President-Elect-
Elect. The nominee must be a TCA member in good standing from the Eastern
part of the state. Please consider nominating a worthy person to run for this
very important office. Please complete the nomination form below and mail it
to me so that I receive it by July 1, 2011. I will take the nominees’ names to
the Leadership Development Conference this summer. We can accept
nominations from the floor at the LDC business meeting also if you don’t
submit this form on time. Simply have someone from TCA bring it to LDC, or
you may attend the business meeting at LDC and make the nomination
Dr. Kitty Shanks Pruett
Dear TCA Members,
This year we are entering into the nomination process for TCA Secretary. The
secretary will take office in July of 2012. The nominee must be a TCA member
in good standing from any part of the state. Please consider nominating a
worthy person to run for this office. Please complete the nomination form
below and mail it to me so that I receive it by July 1, 2011. I will take the
nominees’ names to the Leadership Development Conference this summer. We
can accept nominations from the floor at the LDC business meeting also if you
don’t submit this form on time. Simply have someone from TCA bring it to
LDC, or you may attend the business meeting and make the nomination
Dr. Kitty Shanks Pruett
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