Student@Tennessee, Monday, Dec 6, 2010
Newsletter for UT Knoxville Students
--- Editor's Note: Today's "student@tennessee" will be the last edition until classes resume in January 2011. Enjoy the holiday break and thanks for reading!
--- 'Tis the season for finals: the time of the semester when many students start staying up late and cramming months’ worth of material into a few days. The final exam or paper can certainly be intimidating, and many students find themselves overwhelmed as they hurriedly try to squeeze all that important information into their already exhausted brains. The UT Student Success Center, which provides the support students need to be successful at UT, recommends a few ways to stay focused and prepare for finals.
--- Spring semester 2011 will be a once-in-a-lifetime global immersion experience for 27 sophomores in the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Business Administration Global Leadership Scholars honors program. For three months, they will be studying, traveling and interning in England and Scotland. This is the first time on the Knoxville campus that a college is delivering an entire semester of course content abroad. UT Knoxville students have, in the past, taken semesters abroad, but those programs were offered through other institutions. Spring semester 2011 will be different. During this inaugural semester abroad, the 27 business students will take courses that are a part of the core UT Knoxville business curriculum. During the months of January and February, the students will be in London taking two required business courses from UT faculty members Bobby Mee and Lane Morris. Morris co-directs the Global Leadership Scholars honors program with Pierce. The stude!
nts then will travel to Edinburg, Scotland, on a cultural immersion trip. After spring break, a week when Pierce anticipates the students will immerse themselves in the global community, the 27 students will embark on an engaging seven-week, London-based internship.
Good News
--- The UT Bakery holiday menu now features two new items, a chocolate pumpkin swirl brownie and a pumpkin cheesecake spice bar. Holiday orders will be taken through Friday, Dec. 17, and the last day to pick up bakery orders is by noon on Thursday, Dec. 23. See the full bakery menu at the UT Dining website.
--- For the first time ever, the undergraduate architecture program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is ranked in a list that recognizes the top architecture programs in the country. The architecture program ranked 20th in the 2011 Top 20 Architecture Programs list by DesignIntelligence, a journal produced by the Design Futures Council. The list is featured in the November issue of the journal. Only one other SEC institution, Auburn University, was included in the top 20 list.
--- Michael Handelsman, a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, professor of Spanish, Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and director of the university's Latin American Studies program, has received the Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association's (TFLTA) 2011 Jacqueline Elliott Award for teaching and service in higher education. Handelsman earned a bachelor's degree at Gettysburg (Pa.) College and a doctoral degree at the University of Florida and has been on the UT Knoxville faculty for 34 years. A holder of multiple Fulbright faculty scholarships and an award-winning author of nine books and numerous scholarly articles, he has earned distinctions that include the Alexander and Jefferson prizes from UT Knoxville and the Quito Medal of Honor for his leadership in the study of Ecuadorian literature.
Mark Your Calendar
--- The Theatrical Design graduate program will be performing a free outdoor Aboriginal Creation Myth Story on Dec. 8th. The performance tells the story of how the Native Australians view the creation of the world through the "Dreamtime". The performance is approximately 20 minutes in length and will take place in the Fiji Island. On 12/8/10 at 4:30 pm
--- Do UT students Aeron Glover and Kaliv Parker have what it takes to turn their idea into the nation’s next big business? You can see for yourself. The last two episodes of mtvU's "Movers & Changers" program, including the announcement of which team wins the grand prize, will be available online Dec. 15.
--- Governor-elect and Knoxville mayor Bill Haslam will address graduates at the fall commencement ceremony for the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The ceremony will take place at 9 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 11, at Thompson-Boling Arena. More than 2,900 undergraduate and graduate students, who have completed degree programs during the summer or fall semesters, will be awarded diplomas. Five graduates will receive commissions as second lieutenants in the U. S. Army.
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